PHOTO CREDIT: “Road Trip” by Greg Walters

PHOTO CREDIT: "Road Trip" by Greg Walters . . . A Blue Ridge Parkway experience is a slow-paced and relaxing drive revealing stunning long-range vistas and close-up views of the rugged mountains and pastoral landscapes of the Appalachian Highlands. The most popular segment of the Parkway is 384 miles along spine of the Highlands from Charlottesville, Virginia, to Asheville, North Carolina. The Parkway was designed to create jobs and improve infrastructure after the Great Depression. The scenic road’s construction began in 1935 and ended in 1987.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


MYSTERIOUS PICTURES: The title pretty much says it all. Some of them are thought provoking.


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Tom Cole has it so Right BY GREG WALTERS
Economic Development Director Tom Cole had a message for the Raytown Chamber of Commerce. Basically, he said that if you want developers and businessmen to take Raytown seriously as a place to set down roots for their business, clean up your act.

Mr. Cole was more diplomatic in his talk to the Chamber. He told them that paint is an inexpensive way to improve Raytown’s image.

He is so right.

I was so impressed with Mr. Cole’s statement that I grabbed my user friendly Canon Power Shot A720 and took some pictures of exactly what he was talking about.

Two of the pictures were keepers.

One was of a business in Downtown Raytown. You can see it on the left. The picture is of building that has been Downtown for as long as I can remember – trust me, that is a long span of time. Even though the building is old, the owner has made the effort to clean it up. The end result is a warm, friendly looking business that speaks of professionalism and pride.

The second shot is of a line of dead trees on Raytown’s busiest trafficway – 350 Highway. The trees are just south of the shipping and receiving docks at Walmart. 

Yes, that is correct. Apparently, Raytown’s largest corporate citizen is unaware that there are dead trees on its property.

I wonder what travelers on 350 Highway headed
toward Lee’s Summit and points beyond think when they see the dead evergreen trees along 350? 

Do you think they are impressed?

Does this image fit anyone’s idea of “hometown pride”?

Mr. Cole deserves credit for standing up and speaking out.

Now we need to see other department heads and the Mayor and especially the Board of Aldermen to step up and lead by example in solving this image problem.

Make that call to Walmart and persuade them replace the dead trees on their property. Contact those businesses in Downtown Raytown that need to be spruced up and urge them to step forward and help lead by example.

Perhaps the Mayor can use his personal influence with the powers that be in Bentonville, Arkansas. After all, he did have time to visit with them when plans for a grocery store in Downtown Raytown unraveled. 

Getting a few dead trees replaced should be a piece of cake!

Tighten down on property code enforcement (both residential and commercial). It is the most proactive action the city can and must take.

This past weekend some ugly signs, in message as well as in appearance, were posted on major street corners in Downtown Raytown and on 350 Highway. The city can make a statement of its intent on Monday morning by removing those signs immediately.

Since the signs have a phone number of the owner of those signs, how about exploring ways to prosecute those owners for littering in Raytown. Set a court date. When they fail to appear in Court, ask the Municipal Judge to create a bench warrant for failure to appear. The next time they show up in Raytown with their litter and illegal signs arrest them for failure to appear.

It would not put the city in the good graces of those who like to buy run down properties at distressed values, but it would certainly end the blight of illegal signage posted in Raytown.

We would really like to hear about what you think the City should do to fix up Raytown’s image. Please share your thoughts on the blog portion of the Raytown Report.

AT 10909 EAST 81st TERRACE
Last week we ran a lengthy article by former Raytown Alderman Sandy Hartwell about an abandoned house in her neighborhood.

We checked with Sandy to see if anything new had developed with the property. In her report, Sandy said the city had posted the property as condemned. What “condemned” means is not really clear. But it does sound as if there is at least an admission that there is a serious problem.

Sandy has promised to keep us updated on any action or inaction by City Hall on this matter. Stay tuned.

RAYTOWN, Mo. —The Raytown and Independence Police Departments are issuing a warning to residents about suspects posing as water company employees in order to gain access to homes and steal from them. These warnings come just one day after a similar case in Overland Park.

Overland Park police issued a warning about a man posing as a water department employee who stole items from people's homes.            

Raytown Police say two separate instances of theft involving a man impersonating a water company employee were reported Thursday afternoon. READ MORE

The Super Duper 
Sweet Potato BY KRISTEN
My favorite Hobbit, Samwise Gamgee, might’ve been talking about regular potatoes, but he could’ve easily been referring to sweet potatoes when he said, “PO-TAY-TOES! Mash em, boil em, stick ‘em in a stew.” Read More

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Anonymous said...

The picture of the painted building shows pride indeed and is welcoming. When a business owner does not take pride in the exterior of his building it makes me doubt the pride he/ she will take in their product and service. There is much to be said of curb appeal! It does not take much to spruce up some exteriors the se can be said about customer service and pride in that service. When business owners make excuses for not sprucing up the appearance of their business it makes me wonder if they will be the same with their service and products. This picture should be an incentive for all downtown business owners to get on the stick and with the pleasant weather now is a good time to do so

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who lives in the Waldo area. When Google announced they were coming to Kansas City they targeted the homes in Waldo. They sent mailers and worked hard to sell the neighborhoods.

I hope they do the same in Raytown.

It bothers me that no one at city hall seems to know anything about what Google is offering.

For instance, how many homes are required for a neighborhood to be elgible for the service?

How many neighborhood groups have been formed?

Guess we can wait a couple of more weeks to see if they were serious about coming to Raytown or if we are just a way station for points east of here.

Meanwhile, city hall could find out some more definitive answers. Afterall they do have a public information officer!

Peter said...

To 8:50 contact Google you will get your answers there if that is what you seek. A public information officer should not "market" any business ; in laymen terms , recruit number of sells etc. They can and should be able to inform the citizens of upcoming events, business entering the city. Can you just imagine how many business owners menus , prices, hours of operations, number of sells they need to have to stay active in the city, the Public Information officer would be liable for and then the threat of being sued because they did not "market" one enterprise more than another.

Anonymous said...

Why not ask Google? It's not really the city's job. They've done their job.

When Google Fiber is ready and comes knocking for Raytown's business, you are SO going to know it. You're not going to be able to swing a dead cat without hearing about Google Fiber - their fiberhoods, their plans, cost, timeline.

(I'm impatient, too - c'mon Google!)

As for the roadside signs, they're great fun. I have thrown out SO many of them. I stop, grab them, toss them in the trunk. The city does a good job, but frankly, so do I.

Just doing my part to Keep Raytown Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think Tom Cole has done a FANTASTIC job but he gets no pats on the back or phone calls telling how much we appreciate him and the job he is doing. I have said for years that until home and business owners take pride in what they own, our city will continue to decline. I don't care how many signs you pull. I suggest that when a sign is pulled and it has a phone number that the business is called and we get an address and send them a letter saying that if they put up another sign they will be sighted and then by damn follow through. We need to start playing hard ball with these people and all of the code violators. I can guarnatee it WILL make a visible differance. I understand there is a code on the books that if a house needs painting you can cite that homeowner for that violation--my comment to that is write them a ticket, it may just get their attention!!! I say it is time to get off your back side roll up your sleeves and get to work, earn the money I (we) the taxpayers pay you.

Anonymous said...

Actually the city does have some responsibility on Google.The city granted the franchise. They should at least know the basic implemmentation dates and guidelines set for the public they serve.

Call you alderman, the mayor, anyone at city hall, and you will not find an answer to the simplest questions about Google.

Anonymous said...

Tom Cole telling the Chamber that a little paint is
an inexpensive way to improve Raytown’s image,
is kind of funny. You see our Chamber paints the
streets every year to mark the booth space they sell.
No it doesn’t make a good image but I doubt they
really care as long as they make money from it.
Most other towns use chalk or tape but not our

Anonymous said...

Do you really consider pulling up roadsigns a lot of fun?!?

If the city put some teeth into their actions and enforced the laws as they are written you would have to find another way to have "fun".

We pay a lot in taxes for our city to be run properly. It is unfortunate, but the story last week by Sandy Hartwell is not an isolated incident.

Raytown routinely turns a blind eye to violators. The picture of the dead trees along 350 Highway speaks volumes about neglect.

Other stores, like HyVee, sutherlands and Aldee keep their property up. Walmart can too. Maybe teh Mayor should give his buddies a call.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Sutherlands keeps their property looking nice and Walmart doesn't. Is it because Sutherlands corporate headquarters is in Kansas City and Walmart's is in Arkansas? It's hometown pride.

Peter said...

To 7:24 am yes the city does have a responsibility to inform the citizens if they offer a franchise with Google. Look up bill
Number 6312-13 sec. V the agreement posted by the BOA back may 2013 or the open house at google that was also advertised for July 2013 that spoke a out the pay service w 1 terabyte and tv boxes serving as wifi relay. Check out not just blogs but actual city, Raytown us sights, PDF also and finally you can go to https://fiber.googlecom/ for pricing etc ... Also refer to comment made 9:20pm

Anonymous said...

To 7:37am dead trees do indeed speak volumes of neglect; with the drought we previously had and the fact that a soaker hose was not placed around the trees daily if not weekly made the rooting system die up. Would of been better not to plant them there in the first place. My neighbor has lost a big tree and just this week one of my trees is taking a turn for the worst however a tree specialist informed me due to the cool snap last week some are going into their dead baron look of winter alittle early; sure hope that is the case

Anonymous said...

9:16; Hometown Pride more than likely has nothing to do with it since all of the same franchise would be as such. I am surprised about the downtown area; just look at the buildings on Raytown Road near 63rd. These are just south of city hall and people see them when doing business with the city. The author of the article with the nice picture of the old painting building could of saved himself gas and time and snapped pictures of neglected buildings right in the downtown area even tho I did e joy the picture of the disgraceful dead trees on 350 . No where is that hometown pride in the downtown area; some do and some dont

Peter said...

Dear 7:36am While your comparison to other cities use of tape or chalk for their respective events to Raytowns use of a paint was informative I fail to see the logic in a temporary paint for a weekend event to the paint on a permanent structure.

Anonymous said...

7:36am you are kinda funny too! Painting a building definatly spruces it up; and is an inexpensive fix. Way too funny comparing the paint lines on street to a building; made my morning chuckle!

Anonymous said...

Agree with 9:49 pm and 9:20 pm and to the person about a friend in Waldo, I have 3 friends and a relative in Waldo on different blocks of course and they found out more about Google from their Waldo homes association on Facebook since they didn't get a knock on the door or advertisement in the mail

Anonymous said...

I think people who put out garage sale signs should be given 24 hours after the end of the sale to get their signs down or be given a citation and make the fine stiff-- they will get the message that if YOU put the sign up then YOU need to take it down in twnety four.

Anonymous said...

When thinking about buildings that need painted or weeds address, I think of the slums and we have too many business that operate on the why clean up our properties way of doing business.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to shop those places.

A prime example in Raytown is on 350 highway and the auto repair shop to the East of Arby's.

It looks like a dump and I would fear they would put as much effort in fixing my car as they do in taking are of the building.

So keeping ones business looking good impacts their own bottom line, but some are just to darn blind to see the truth.

Anonymous said...

5:10 pm that is so frustrating; I know when I put mine up there are old ones still up from weeks before. We always take ours down as soon as one of us packs up the other one takes down signs

Anonymous said...

Like taxes vote yes on 1

Tired of picking up the cost for everyone tell our elected officials enough is enough and vote NO on 1.

Anonymous said...

It was supposed to be a sarcastic remark!
The chamber cares nothing about how Raytown
Looks. The paint is NOT temporary paint! It lasts
For years. All you have to do is look and see all
the different lines. Some are faded from years ago
but, most are clear. I guess you would call it legal
graffiti but ugly just the same. While you are looking,
take a look at the green area. They tore it up pretty
good too.

Pat Casady said...

I have nothing against our chamber but, I have
Been complaining about the painted lines on
Our streets for at least ten years. I’m sure that
If Fox’s, MMMM and I painted parking spaces on
the street in front of our businesses we would be
in trouble with the city. I have suggested the use
of chalk before and was ignored.
I think the painted lines are tacky and bring down
Our mid-city area, and for what? A couple of days
That only the chamber profits from.

Anonymous said...

I have always wondered why permanent markings are being used for a temporary event? Obliviously the work of complete idiots or morons.

Andy Whiteman

Susan Dolan said...

When I noticed a dead tree in the newly built and planted median at Raytown Road & Gregory this past summer, I complained about it and voila! a new tree was planted there a short time later. There are people within City Hall who are 'on the job'.

Susan Dolan said...

As the next chance to vote on tax increases looms before us some may want to take a look back to our recent past. Friday Aug. 28, 2009 the Raytown Report headline read by Greg Walters read: "Board of Aldermen Increase Property Tax by $140,000" It is never ending. While millions remain unemployed and countless others have lost their homes, those of us who still have a home and a job have little left of our belts to tighten. Still, City Hall continues to act like "hogs at the trough". Say no to tax increases! We ALL need to live within our means.
08/23/09 story here:

Peter said...

To 8:21 pm I look to the east of Arby's and I find a building nestled between fun house strip called Auto Cooling the front is dark gray siding and the sides are a clean relatively new dark gray paint on brick sides a couple bay doors and cars parked on side; maybe I have the wrong place

Peter said...

To 7:35 am I walk the green space every weekday morning at 6am and hadn't noticed anything; but I am in meditation mode. Tonite I drove back to there to check your complaint; what I found was grass seed , straw, and grass

Anonymous said...


Did you drive all the way around back, which is visible from Arby's and have they really taken care of all the trash to include the toilet that had been there for some time?

Anonymous said...

In the past, I have walked behind the above mentioned automotive business going from Walgreens to Arbys and back. The whole area looked like a junk yard. I hope they have cleaned it up by now.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

At Raytown City Hall the word transparency is just a word. Particularly in they eyes of the Mayor and the City Administrator.

Anonymous said...

Why does Alderwoman Janet Emerson keep making annoucements about the upcoming Farmers Market at the BOA meeting? Isn't she smart enough yet to figure out this is not city sponsored, and should not be brought up at BOA meetings. She needs to get informed.

Peter said...

To 9:14 did not drive around back but was addressing your comment that the building looked like a dump ; now that you have added to your original comment ; which was unfounded ; I will drive around the back tonite

Anonymous said...

4:28 PM, Raytown property owners really need to protest the school taxes. The last time I received a tax bill, the schools consumed over 67% of the bill. With tax bills close to and exceeding $2000, this amount is outrageous! That is one of the reasons I moved: The cost of living in Raytown in unaffordable.

Andy Whiteman

Ssmmy said...

Drove down to Arby's and that cool place needs to cleanup weeds on the side by Arby's!

Peter said...

Great news! Went in Arby's parking lot then the drive thru but couldn't see around back so drove from backside to side street by Walgreens , no toilet or junk ; I will hunt for the weed the other person commented on as I could only see pavement and cars. Sorry zi did not see around backside of building from Arby's but I was driving a car and not a 4x4 truck that possibly sits up high making it easier to twist the neck around and see over and around things. Will check for the weed there and hopefully we can get some interesting photos as well .... " On The Edge Of My Chair in Anticipation"

Anonymous said...

It's fun like a scavenger hunt for old busy bodies ; first find the dumpy building, 2nd find the trash and toilet, 3rd find the weed. By Golly I bet we can get several more to join the fun; it will get them out of the house and give them a social life they can share on line.... Now we got some fun going and we are all doing something together

Anonymous said...

7:01 you make me laugh! That's so (sadly) true.

Anonymous said...

7:01 If you and others like the dump look that too many businesses are displaying maybe you and those businesses need to move to the inner city.

As for me anyone who is going to point out the mess that our city departments should be having cleaned up needs to be given citizen of the year award and the salary of those at city hall that keep driving past the problems that keep bringing our city down.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone from City Hall has contacted Walmart about the dead trees. Maybe the guy who thinks the dump behind a car dealership on 350 Highway is okay will go out and decorate the trees for us.

Iwould not be surprised if he used Christmas lights still hanging on his house from last December!

Anonymous said...

Alderman Janet Emerson gave a report on a Farmer's Market for Raytown at the last City Council meeting.

You go girl! At least one of the ten is showing some leadership and getting something done!

Pat Casady said...

I guess we have reached the bottom of the
barrel to complain about haven’t we?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:01pm - You sound like you work for the Raytown Codes Department and are frustrated because the taxpayers expect you to do your job.

Peter said...

Good morning friends ! Where to begin: to 7:42 I would agree all of us in excitement over the Farmers Market send Kuddos to Janet for enthusiasm in a report to the board about the Farmers Market. Positive people joining in a positive effort, nothing but good to say about that. To 7:18 I missed the one about the guy liking a dump behind a car dealership on 350 but you certainly showed him by bulling him about decorating the dead trees and making fun of and accusing him of still having lights up from a past season. To 9:51 no where did I say that I liked a dump look and telling me to move to the inner city was harsh and very unlikely as I have been in Raytown near 60 yrs and will be buried here as well. I do not drive pass the problems that bring down this city ( literally or figuratively) to 7:59 am I do not work for the city. I teach at the school district here in Raytown psychology a study of human behavior and a positive behavior course. You can learn much about yourself when you study your words and actions for instance ; accusing / accepting , narrow/ open minded, argumentative/ complacent. To 8:10 glad I could make you laugh, life can be made fun and the hard work becomes play and it is always good when people work together! And finally to Pat... Yes it would seem we have but at least we can now see that. Have a great day in every way

Susan Dolan said...

There is certainly nothing constructive going on here now. Finger pointing, snide comments, you name all that is dark and it's in here. This is backwoods, small-town, inbred rhetoric and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Has it ever occurred to any of you belly achers that our local business owners are surely having a damned hard time of it just staying in business? Maybe you could get off your tired asses and ask if you could help them clean up their lot or paint their building's exterior? Maybe they're suffering from ill-health, on the verge of losing their home or have an ailing family member. Would you offer to help or ask after them ?????
I went back to this very blog's postings in 2009 where the talk exactly paralleled what I read here today; vile hatred and vindictiveness. Little issues from little minds.
To all those who've been criticizing others' property, PLEASE post your addresses so that we can come by your home and enjoy the perfection that surely must exist upon your properties. Pat Casady said it all- this is the bottom of the barrel.

Anonymous said...

Janet Emerson good job! You never waste your breath when you talk about something that uplifts your being no mater whom you share it with. Glad you are so gun ho about this! We share your enthusiasm 100 per cent ..... Now go shout it from the mountains

Anonymous said...

Part of the problem at Arby's is the personnel. My husband went there one evening and while we were waiting for the drive-up speaker to come on we saw man drive in and dump his trash in their trash container and drive away. When we got to the window to pick up our order we told the person at the window what we saw knowing the owner is paying for the trash pickup. This person said "why do I care I don't pay the bills". We looked at our bill and said "no wonder our bill the this order is so high." That is the kind of person who needs to be fired.

Had Enough said...

What is with these silly people in Raytown who don't believe their now adult kids need to get a job so they can pay for things.

Instead they send them to places like REAP for food and the emergency room for health care.

Cost each of us more and more.

The complain that they need to get more in food stamps and how the mean government will not increase their food stamps.

Well I am one who is more than tired of this lazy America way of life and if you don't want to get out and get a job you can starve and if you get caught stealing we need to bring back public hangings.

Anonymous said...

Susan, please go take a good look in the mirror. Your tirade is full of negative accusations, finger-pointing, and the same old tired excuses for inaction in Raytown.

I know many of the delapidated building owners in this town. They are not in ill health. They simply do not want to spend the money to fix up their property.

The city has improved lately in enforcement of codes. Thanks mainly to what we contributors to this blog have exposed.

By and large most of the people who write on these pages care for Raytown. They are speaking out.

Sure there are some negative nay-sayers like the ones who attacked Alderman Emerson for her work in creating a Farmer's Market.

I really believe the well intentioned outnumber the ones who just want to cause trouble.

I'm happy to read what you have to say. I like to think you find what others have to say interesting as well.

Anonymous said...

Susan Dolan-Let us know which run down dirty business you will be at tomorrow and I'll come help you clean up and paint the place. If your not willing to do that then shut the h*11 up. It's time to put up or shut up lady.

Anonymous said...

7:21 PM, Employees everywhere don't care. I suggest you ask for the manager or call the district office in Lees Summit. This is a hard to control issue unless the perp can be identified and a witness will testify. I used to have a business and discovered someone was dumping all of their trash into my dumpster. I called the Sheriff. A deputy responded and said that the couldn't charge them with littering since they put it into a receptical. I responded that it was theft of service and since there was a mail in the trash, I suggested the deputy contact the offender and tell him to pay for his own trash pick up. Then a large trick came and filled my dumpster with mattresses. Since there was a company name on thee truck, I called the company and demanded that they return to remove their mattresses or I would call the sheriff. I didn't mind a reasonable amount of trash from travelers since I owned a gas station, but the first case filled 1/2 the dumpster.

Susan, I agree, but Greg got much of it toned town. This blog used to be a lot of fowl mouthed hatred. I ignored the garbage and didn't respond if directed at me by an anonymous writer. I might respond to a signed post. I have noticed that many blogs including Face Book are that way. I unfriended someone on FB because of that.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I never would call these people. I called an auctioneer who told me homes in Raytown didn't receive the amount of the loan at auction. They didn't want it and referred me to a Realtor who specialized in short sales.

Andy Whiteman

Elisa Breitenbach said...

Anonymous put up or shut up??? You don't even have guts enough to use your name on the blogs. I wanted to blog about the new Raytown paper instead I think I will just call it a day.

Anonymous said...

Peter. You did not miss the one about a guy liking a dump at a car dealership on 350 ; for their never was a post about that on this thread some people are so hate filled that they assume something to complain about. You notice when the building that was called run down was found to be sided and painted the only comment was drive around back there is a toilet, and when the toilet was no longer there it was find the weeds. Although the weeds exist and were hiden by parked cars initially the other things we not there . This person didn't care about the building. Needing paint or the toilet there or they would of said good its gone, no they kept " searching" for more to complain about ... Yes I got your spin on the scavenger hunt, don't think they did. When you said to the person " they showed him " doubt they knew what they showed him. Some people are like feral cats; you can bring them inside with domesticated pets and although the other pets are t bothering them they will hiss and snarl because that's all the know and are uncomfortable with anything other than chaos.

Anonymous said...

They say the best defense is an offense and that is what some are doing here. It certainly takes absoluy zero intelligence to do that and so much less to label people and name call ; some are so much on the outs with there own life that it is how they behave with everyone. The people make the city and if this was all we had we would be doomed. Luckily this is but a hand full of people with this mentality and lack there of social skills; no doubt I too will be their entertainment as well

Anonymous said...

6:56PM, I am glad they cleaned that place up. It was really bad when I was there.

7:06PM the best offense for name callers is to ignore them. That ends debate PDQ! They are bullies who just want to annoy people.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Well said, Andy.

Anonymous said...

Hating people who complain about problems impacting moving Raytown or any city forward like code issues is why we have inner cities across this country that look like something from a third world country.

It is time we all work to cleanup the mess Raytown has become.

Peter said...

To 8:23 ; hate is a strong word and one nobody on earth should have in their vocabulary. I did not see anywhere that someone said that; I do greatly agree once again that all should work together for Raytown( oh and of course leave the animosity and name calling out of it). Dear Andy I so agree with you . But then maybe they don't realize they are bullies and hurting themselfs more than they are hurting others . We are taught by nature to care for all and live in harmony and it starts with each and every one of us

Anonymous said...

Mr Peter

I don't believe anyone actual used the word "HATE", but there are several who sure showed there hate this week towards other posters.

The world will be a better place when we all work toward the better of the whole and not self gain.

I read a posting about things needing fixed on the property of a local business. It was nice that you and Sammy took the time to check on the current status of the property.

Being an open minded person, I could see all three of you being correct. I am not saying some are not trying to stir the pot, but the fact is when they drove by the property in question there could have been the problems they talked about. The point is none of us know who is and is not reading this blog so maybe the property owners are one of the readers. Again trying to keep an open mind.

Another regular blogger was upset with post against businesses, but she herself likes to complain about a lot of things, but is upset with others for doing the same thing and gives them a hard time for speaking up.

I have not heard anyone questioning her objectives and why all the talk about a one world order or whatever it is she claims MARC to be.

If MARC is so bad why through join bidding have they saved several cities include Raytown money on needed items?

Again, I am trying to be open minded and with that I do support those who are upset with the condition our city has become and the lack of actively addressing property issues we all face.

Anonymous said...

Susan, just so you understand We were so busy yesterday that KCFD had to provide ambulances on three separate calls yesterday in Raytown.

What would have happened if they said "no" we have to keep our EMS units in our city?
One was a two year old respitory distress and another was a adult non breather.
In case you are keeping track.

Susan Dolan said...

That's great you got the help you needed. Your 1st sentence,2nd paragraph does not address my question which was why does RFPD keep pressing to take over REMS? As previously noted, this has been attempted several times over the past 30 years without success (according to Mr. Bledsoe). At this point, I've concluded that the answer to my question may only lie deep in microfiched archives of news articles.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the facts and not the silly dreams that too many keep bringing up about the fire department and / or EMS

Anonymous said...

Stand back from the situation for a bit and look at it through a different lens. It seems as if many are upset about unkempt property in town. Some have spoken with contempt of the owners of that property. The city has a codes department to handle such matters and if they do their job, it should never come down to 'getting personal'. It is undeniably true that Raytown Codes is not doing their job to the satisfaction of several individuals on this blog. It is another given that complaints here about the lack of codes enforcement has not had an enduring positive effect. What is it that folks hope to accomplish by continuing to complain within this venue?
It's been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.
If the same amount of energy were expended in hashing over a way to induce Codes to do their job as has been spent on complaining you may have put this all behind you some time ago.
Complaints unaccompanied by potential solutions are a waste of everyone's time.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm confused. I thought all the fired departments in the area provided mutual aid to each other. When my neighbor's house caught on fire, the KCFD came, along with the RFD. I found out later it was because the fire was reported in the middle of the night and there might be sleeping people trapped inside.
Same with the ambulances. who ever is closest responds. Has that changed?

Anonymous said...

To 6:14 when I read Docs comment it states Raytown was so busy that KC had to provide 3 ambulances. It does not say they were closest; but that they Had To Provide why? Because Raytown was so busy