Monday, September 15, 2008

Bits and Pieces . . .

Here is some thought provoking news. The Public Works Department at City Hall recently reported that Raytown’s Recycling Center is increasing the amount of recyclables collected each month. So much so, that there have been occasions where the center has filled all its containers before the twice monthly collection period ends. Batliner Paper, the city’s subcontractor for the site, has promised to bring in larger containers to fill the demand This should be read as a growing awareness and belief in recycling by the local citizenry. It also shows that the public seems to prefer the safe, well maintained confines of the Public Works Garage as a permanent site for the center. Speaking of Recycling . . . Curbside recycling is still being discussed at City Hall. Two weeks ago I sat down with City Administrator Mahesh Sharma to discuss the possibility of bringing the two-year waiting period discussion back before the Board for consideration. He asked that the issue be placed on a hold just a while longer so that we do not end up with too much on our plate at one time at City Hall. From his point of view, and that of the City Attorney, Nancy Thompson, if we start the two-year planning period we should do so seriously with every intent to follow through with a viable program. Though we differ on the timing of when to start – I do agree the commitment should be based on solid support. But the simple fact is that without a broad base of support from both City Staff and the Board of Aldermen, recycling will not go anywhere in Raytown. Hopefully there will be some good news to report after the holidays. Walmart Costs Start to Add Up . . . The last two months of next year’s budget will see the beginning of withholding of 16.67% of the city’s two sales taxes. The two-month cost in real dollars is anticipated to be $83,635.00 in fiscal 2008/2009. The most telling figure here is the 16.67%. It means that future budget years will see approximately 16.67% of the sales tax revenue go to pay for paying off 23 years of debt for the parking lot, bus terminals and infrastructure costs incurred on behalf of Walmart. That is a lot of money that should be going to repair our streets, buy new streetlights and pay for the daily costs of running a city (police, ambulance, etc.) Chamber Pulls Plug on Round-Up Days Parade According to an article in the Kansas City Star the Raytown Chamber of Commerce has decided to cancel the Annual Round-up Days Parade. Vicki Turnbow, President of the Chamber, told the Star that the threshold of 50 entrants had not reached -- therefore, the event was cancelled. The article did not say how many applications for the parade had been received. It is a sad end to a chapter of one of Eastern Jackson County's longest running communnity celebrations. The downhill spiral began two years ago when the Chamber cancelled the community's annual Raytown Roundup Days. The parade had served as the official kick-off of each year's event.


Anonymous said...

Chamber to pass on Raytown parade
Citing a shortage of entrants, the Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce today announced that a community tradition, the Raytown Community Parade, won’t be held this fall.

According to a news release, the chamber’s board of directors had set a minimum of 50 parade entrants to justify the cost to emergency-response agencies, the city and the chamber.

Chamber President Vicki Turnbow indicated that the minimum number was not reached for the Oct. 4 event.

“We are saddened that this is the result for this year,” she said in the news release, “but our board members are hoping that this decision will help spark a new discussion in the community regarding the types of community events that we want to have.”

I bet they are really sooooo sad! They wanted to do away with the parade for a long time. Thanks for destroying things in Raytown you morons!

Pat Casady said...

Since Raytown will lose so much income because of the
Wal-Mart giveaway, maybe it's time to cut the dead wood
from city government. Raytown could save at least $2250.00
a month by cutting the Board of Aldermen down to one per
ward. I guarantee it would not change the way this town is run.
Most of our aldermen only vote the way they are told to vote by the
City Attorney and City Administrator anyway so we are paying a lot of money for nothing anyway.
Make the City Administrator, Community Development
Director and Public Works Director a one person position.
This would save a small fortune too.

I have a few questions I hope some of you fellow posters can
answer for me.
1. Did the first Wal-Mart, Hy-Vee deal at 6700 Blue Ridge get a twenty year T.I.F.? If so that explains the move, they are close to having to pay taxes.
2. What will be going in the buildings at 6700 Blue Ridge?
3. Will the new Wal-Mart building be abandoned in twenty three years
when the tax breaks expir like 6700?

One last thing. Please don't turn this blog into a Democrat, Republican argument posting site. Try to focus on the problems we have in Raytown.
No matter who gets elected to the White House they aren't going to give a damn about Raytown.

Anonymous said...

The Raytown Chamber is a sad excuse for an organization that is supposed to help promote the community. What did they expect for their parade to nowhere through a downtown that is in ruins. I've seen bombed out cities that are more presentable than our downtown. They probably should be thankful that the parade was canceled. It would have just given our neighboring cities another excuse to poke fun at Raytown and it's deplorable conditions.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mayor what happened to bringing chamber, school and city together? Doesn't look like it happened or will happen in your administration.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how long ti will be before Vicki Turnbow will leaves?

Anonymous said...

Mayor Bower has abandoned Raytown to work with the very unpopular mayor of Kansas City. What is this guy thinking? Too bad we don't have a recall in Raytown.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Turnbow is much too talented to be working with this bunch of losers that we call the Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce. Hope she gets a better offer before they ruin her reputation.

Andy Whiteman said...

Pat makes a good point about the Democrat/Replublican postings on this blog. Not only does whoever gets elected not give a damn about Raytown, he/she doesn't even know that Raytown exists!

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

The parade should be a sity sponsored event. If you do some research you will find that real chambers spend more time promoting business for the health of the community. They help you locate grants, teach you classes on getting a business started and host job fairs. The parade should have happened during the cook off right down 350. Dont tell me it can not be shut down, because the town I lived in before,shut down a major us highway each year during the 4th. The state police helped with the highway and the parade was always a success. The city sponsored it.

Anonymous said...

What a sad state of affairs. It is so depressing to watch this town die this slow and painful death. As I have watched the devastation to TX and LA and seen whole communities wiped out, my heart aches for those who overnight have lose everything, yet they vow to re-build their communities and their lives. But watching this is not as depressing as to watch our town die this slow death and no one seems to do anything to stop it, the powers that be just seem to take more steps in prolonging its suffering.

The powers that be just continue to put band-aids on wounds that require major surgery.

Every event hosted by the leaders of the community is a failure. The last Raytown Roundup Days was all about Right to Life, Stem Cells, saving souls and Bibles. You could not walk 5 steps without someone trying to save your soul etc. I just wanted a Funnel Cake, but when I left that event I was embarrass to call myself a resident of Raytown or a CHRISTIAN.

The Summer Fest has been a bomb both years it has existed.

The cancelation of the Parade, as sad as it is, probably was the best thing, so that our community does not have to have another blackeye.

Then you have the Walmart deal, the HyVee deal, the old Baptist Church deal, the Raytown Plaza deal, the Light Rail deal, the list goes on and on.

But we cannot just blame the Powers to be of our community, because it is also us, the citizens of Raytown. We continue to vote in more taxes, with the hope that they will be used as promised, but never are. Very few go to the Board Meetings, very few call or email their leaders directly. Most us of us do not support our local businesses, some of us attack the new business that try to open in our community, we attack some of the good things in our community like the fire department and their new fire houses. We accept bad customer service from City Hall, we seem to accept that our leaders treat us with NO Respect and as second class citizens.

The leaders of this community have NO Respect for their citizens and the Citizens have NO Respect for their leaders.

There is a great divide in the middle of Raytown and instead of it getting narrower it is getting wider and wider.

I agree with Pat, whoever wins President of the United States, is not going to come to Raytown and fix our problems. Personally, I feel in local governments there is no room for the Democratic or Republican issue, the issues is about our community, not whether you are an elephant or a donkey, the christian right or the liberal left.

The saying you cannot see the forest for the trees seems to fit here. All of us, the leaders of our community and us the Citizens of our community, need to stop looking at the trees and raised above them and see the forest, because this forest has become a raging wildfire that is about to destroy itself.

Greg, I have respect for you for trying to kept the citizens updated on the issues of our community, and I agree that recycling is very important, but you are trying to save one tree in the forest, while most of the time pouring more gasoline on the rest of the raging wildfire. You, like it or not, are considered the outcast or blacksheep to most of the community leaders and will probably not be the Savior of Raytown.

Who will be the Savior of Raytown is anyone's guess, but I feel that it is NOT any one of the leaders we currently have and I don't think it will be someone from outside our community. What I do know is that it will take someone who has a pair or two or three of bass balls, who can withstand being ripped apart by everyone in this community, the leaders and the citizens, someone who does not have rose colored glasses, someone who will make the hard decisions and choices required to make the changes on all levels to save us from ourselves

Unfortunately, at this point in the game, I am not even sure our little community of Raytown can be saved, maybe it is just time to stop fighting this raging wildfire and let it burn and like the folks in TX and LA or Greensburg, KS just rebuild it.

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER local business is moving out of Raytown. Robbie's Plus Size Consignment Shop on Raytown Rd will be leaving. Apparently there was roof and water damage and the landlord refused to cooperate. They are moving to Independence.
How many businesses have we lost in the last year?
Doc's Ice Cream
Midwest Barbecue
5K Cafe
Jersey Boys/Bread Crumb
Mr. B's Surplus
Funky Monkey Gifts

New businesses:
Verizon Wireless
Los Campos
Quik Trip
Irish Pub
Petral Coffee House (opening)

Anonymous said...

As a lifelong resident of Raytown it is a very sad thing to see the way things are turning out in this town. First of all who would put Raytown Roundup Days in June when summer is just beginning with vacations. And then to move it to the Bar-b-que was another bad decision. It needs to go back to the center of Raytown (is the city not trying to revive the center of Raytown)and then the parade could return where it belongs. WITH RAYTOWN ROUNDUP DAYS The bad ideas the chamber keeps having only make this town crumble a little more. There are a lot of citizens in Raytown who are unhappy about the changes that were made with the parade and round up days. But then I guess thats why there is no longer a parade.

Anonymous said...

As a kid I remember the round up day parade. And I think it was just that a Parade. I searched and can’t find any reference to booths and such. Move forward 40 years. The Crossroads Chamber does not want to do the only civic minding thing they were known for. The BBQ is not something the Chamber came up with or even wanted! Till it looked like they could make money with it. The truth is that the Parade should be saved. If the Chamber had not screwed the city and the business so many times there may not have been such hard feelings. How many lost days of being open have the business of Raytown had to put up with. Again as a kid the Parade was just a Saturday morning thing. No one was closed down for 4 days. No one’s parking lot was damaged from setting up tents with promises of asphalt repair that never came. I read this blog and see a lot of finger pointing of whose fault everything is. And I have set on the city board and found out what games were or were not played.
I’m not sure that anything can be done to save Raytown. I have heard the promise made and not kept in the pasted. I have gotten sucked in and then wondered how it happened. And yes I walked away and only come back to drive though and wonder how some place can never change always be the same. Dam Sue for this Willard for that. My god the things that Jack did. Did you see what Greg said? What did Bob say last night? Take charge for what you have now folks stop crying about what was done. The bottom line is without TIF Wal-Mart would be leaving Raytown and how much money would that cost every year Greg!

Anonymous said...

Another business that is gone is Car X on 350 highway. I really think we might be better off if the Chamber went out of business!!!!

Anonymous said...

I second that

Anonymous said...

If I am not mistaken most fairs are held in the downtown areas. Businesses can also take this to their advantage to gain new business. I don't recall in my years hear that Raytown Round up days ever had tents on public property except the Babtist church. Shame on you Raytown if you promised to fix streets and did'nt. To move all Raytown Round up days to a new place and then dissolve the parade is unspeakable almost. Are you not thinking of the pride children and adults get for participating. Band members, acrobatics, and so on plus the joy that alot of people will miss. If you want to revitalize Downtown Raytown then bring it back. How many towns in the US have less than 50 applicants. Where is your spirit Chamber of Commerce. I truly have become disspirited with these lousy decisions on a revival of Downtown Raytown and yet you block and end everything.

Anonymous said...

wow we lost funky monkey biz? As for Car X, I quit using them when the owners got rid of one of the managers...didn't seem to run very well after that.

I am curious, what do Raytowners' expect? Raytown has no vision, mission or reason to exist other than a lot of the older generation settled here right after WWII. Thanks to this generation, they begot the selfish generation, which begot the even more selfish generation....lets face it some tough decisions will need to be made on what to offer & what not to offer for City Services...this goes for State, County & National services as well...this is the only way I can see us getting out of the financial mess we have lured ourselves into..enough of the short term mentality, lets focus on long term that i see it

Anonymous said...

It would probably be safe to say that far more people enjoyed Round Up Days with the parade over the years than the few that didnt care for it at all. Alot of the people would say that it is the same thing every year, but it really was not. Each year was different. I marched in it as a youngster, my sister marched in it too. My cousins were involved as well, and friends were involved, my kids have marched in it also. I did not go to every one of them, but several over the years. I am really disheartened by what the chamber and the city calls progress.

I have lived here all of my life, my parents grew up here, my kids have grown up here. You have heard of white picket fences and the american dream, yes, that used to be this city to me, and like several have stated it is dying a slow death. It is about time to move out and move on, I am sick of everything that is happening with this city anymore, especially the so called christian movement, the elected officials, codes administration, and the riff raff moving in, trailer trash, or whatever you want to call it. Take your dang wal mart and stick it. Who really cares anymore. I spend more time away from this city shopping because there is not a large variety of stores here anyway. Same with dining out, more in other cities than here. I still patronize a few businesses here, but sometimes you cannot find what you need there either. I have tried. I have had enough.

Anonymous said...

All those little businesses generate sales tax and that's what this city survives on. So laugh all you want when one of them closes, it just means you will pay more city taxes somewhere else or you're going to get less city services. Have you looked at your sewer bill lately?

Pat Casady said...

Those of us that care deeply for Raytown are falling off in numbers
almost daily. It's easy to lose focus on wanting Raytown to get better when City Hall doesn't seem to care.
Apathy in this case began at the top, in City Hall. How long does City Hall have to talk about tearing down the old church, repairing the 63rd.St. bridge,
redeveloping the downtown area, repairing the streets and sidewalks and on and on.
Asking the taxpayers to give more and more every election and
then watching our elected officials give it all away.
Then when someone wants to open a business or rebuild a blighted shopping center they are run out of town because of unreasonable codes.
Codes being enforced on one business then ignored on others.
Raytown only has one or two, at most, aldermen that can think for themselves.
The rest will follow the pack and do what they are told, good or bad, no questions asked.
To anonymous 11:52am.
You are right in the fact the people have to take some of the blame for what is
going on but, apathy is a serious disease especially for a small town. It catches on quickly and I think this is why less than twenty percent of Raytown's voters
get out to vote. They figure what the heck, nothing is going to change so what's the use. Until this way of thinking changes, we will have the same
irrational minded, board until Raytown is no more.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right Pat, city hall is ALL TALK AND NO ACTION. People get tired of hearing all this crap and then see no action. We've been tearing down this church for at least 5 years and it's still standing. What a disgrace !! People soon lose patience and move on to greener pastures. So, yes the number of people that REALLY CARE about Raytown is dwindling daily. I applaud you for your determination, but a lot of us are either already gone or soon will be.

Andy Whiteman said...

"We continue to vote in more taxes, with the hope that they will be used as promised, but never are," was said in a previous post.

We know we are peing lied to EVERY time! Where is the street overlay? This is the 2nd missed year. The streets are so bad now that an overlay will not help many areas because the streets have FAILED!

I question where the NonQuality School District tax increasse will go? It is my suspicion. that very little, if any, will help the children. It will probably go to high administrator salaries.

The only reason the tax increases pass is because the average voter is a gullible idiot.

We have an important election on Nov. 4th. I hope everyone puts some intelligent thought into their vote no matter who they vote for.

Andy Whiteman

Pat Casady said...

By the way, I was told the parade was postponed because of lack of
entries. Last year there were 84 entries. This year only thirty.
This is not the fault of the chamber or it's leaders. Let's face facts.
Businesses are moving out at an alarming rate, the downtown is
nothing to be proud of, the 63rd st. bridge could sprain an ankle
or break a leg. The streets are in no shape to have a float
bounce around on either.
If the chamber would have gone ahead with it, the cost would have been too high with the police and so on and a thirty entry parade would only
last about five minutes. That would be more embarrassing for Raytown than no parade at all.
We have to face facts, sadly there is no, full of life, downtown to parade
through. You all know I have not been a fan of the chamber but, they did
try to present to the people and keep a long tradition of the Round Up
Parade going. They could have spent your taxpayer dollars and gone
ahead with it but they didn't. For that I defend their decision to cancel
the parade.

Anonymous said...

So if I were a developer I would make a partnership with the royals and chiefs. They would support our development in interest in our town supporting the team Develop Raytown road first. This is a main road for those going to the ballgame. I would put a sport shop, at least two nice restaurants (Outback Steak, Cheesecake Factory) , A QT and some very unique small businesses. Business fronts would have a unique design for that road. People will drive pass this places and want to stop.

Second I would develop 350 highway. On 350, I would add a hotel like the Hampton Inn (where Walmart is), other restaurants (Chiptole, Atlanta Bread) . Look for grants to help the small businesses to have a face lift on their place. Design a very interesting design that would draw people to this part of town.

Downtown is really dead. I do not think I would develop that.

Or Annex Raytown into KC.

What would you do?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the Chamber was so worried about the cost of city support from police, ems, public works. THEY NEVER PAID FOR IT ANYWAY. They just always expected the city to bear the cost which ran into thousands of dollars for the event, which became nothing more than a fundraiser for the Chamber. What a bunch of losers these guys are.

Anonymous said...

Annexation sounds like the more viable option. But who is going to want us?

Pat Casady said...

This doesn't make sense.
We complain about the city spending or wasting taxpayer
dollars but, when the chamber cancels the parade because
it would waste taxpayer dollars you still complain?
Now I see why some people put down us writers on this blog.
We should be thanking the chamber for not spending the money.
Someone on this blog wrote " how long will it be before Vicki
Turnbow leaves?" you should be thanking her and her fellow members
for not going through with the costly parade.
The fact is if some of the elected officials would think the same way
Raytown wouldn't be in such a financial mess.
Again the chamber has never been my favorite organization but
we should give credit where credit is due.

Anonymous said...

I would really like to know where the money went that we voted in for schools last year. According to one teacher I talked with they(the school) is broke. Another sourch said they were cutting out some of the extra thing the kids did like debate tournaments. Seem like the school administrators filled their pockets at the kids expense. Maybe my information is all wrong so if I am let me hear from someone on the schol board and prove me wrong. I am waiting to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Sure sounds like we need a school audit. Anyone agree with me?

Anonymous said...

Pat, I think the point the blogger was trying to make about the chamber is that they should have been reimbursing the city, financially, all those years for the overtime for city employees to put on their fundraising event, Roundup Days. Yes, let's call it like it was, it may have been a fun event for our citizens, but bottom line the chamber was the one who profited the most from Roundup Days.

Pat Casady said...

Anonymous, 8:52
I understand, and you are right. But that was with past
leadership for the chamber that would have if still here,
went ahead with the small parade even though it would cost
the taxpayers money. The new leaders, it would seem were
trying to save the taxpayers money.
I have been told that the old Round Up Days cost the taxpayers
around three thousand dollars for services rendered by city employees.
I don't have the figures for the parade but still it cost taxpayer dollars.

What my point is, this year, these chamber leaders, decided to save
the taxpayers from footing a bill that would have done no good for
anybody or organization and for that they should be thanked.
Not put down. This is just my feelings, we all know what that will
get you.
I do however agree that if an organization wants and needs a city
service for say, Round Up Days, they should have to pay for it.
Especially if they are doing it to make a profit.
And they should not be able to shut down or close any businesses,
other than for a parade, during that time period.

Andy Whiteman said...

Anon 6:43 PM has a good idea about developing Raytown Rd & 350 Hwy.

Downtown has died as has downtowns in many cities and towns. Bussinesses want to be where there is traffic flow. There is NO traffic flow downtown (except maybe for local traffic). Anyone wanting to shop downtown has to make a special trip or go out of the way on another trip.

I would like to see downtown flourish but I don't think it will be a reality since there is no through traffic. I don't know about other people but I don't make a trip to a single store due to the high cost of gas and I value my time. I schedule my trips when I have more than one place to go such as Westlake, Arby's, and HyVee. It is very rare if I go to HyVee only. I assume other people do this too.

There is really no reason for most people to pass through downtown (which by the way closes with the chickens) so people are looking to shop on Raytown Rd and 350 Hwy. Besides that 350 Hwy has what seems like most of the traffic through Raytown so why not focus on developing it? People may stop if they see a merchant that they like.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:10 AM - I am not on the "schol" board (nor employed by the school district) but I will respond anyway. The district hasn't even collected any of the tax increase that was approved by the voters in April. It shows up on tax bills for the first time this November. They did give the raises to the teachers that were promised as the use of the tax increase. Where are your facts on how the administrators filled their pockets?

I have a daughter in debate and they have not cut back on the tournament schedule one bit. That includes the out of town trips that they do twice per year. You may need to check again with your "sourch" on that one. I will say that there is an increasing expectation of parents to help raise funds for activities in all areas, including athletics and debate as tax revenue has become less available for those activities.

I do not always agree with the actions of the district but I at least have facts when I do. Don't just throw out a bunch of statements and accusations and tell someone to prove you wrong.

Andy Whiteman said...

Anon 10:27 PM, I am glad that you can state the truthful facts. I have always felt that much of any blog is opinion unless I see a signature or a source and you know the facts since your daughter is in the debate team.

I am glad to hear that the teachers really got their much deserved raise.

I feel that ALL outside activities should be cut unless they are related to eductaion. Sports should not be at taxpayers expense. Admissions should cover it but I do remember a couple of years ago 2 RHS football players were going around fund raising which is as it should be.

Dedate is a part of education and therefore should not be cut. Debate is a skill one really needs. I hope your daughter does well on the team.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry if I offended you about the school but my info came from a teacher. If your child needs to raise money for one of his or her clubs or activites don't come knocking at my door trying to sell me some goods, it's the parents job to buy that stuff from their own child.

Anonymous said...

You are right I pay with my taxes to support the school.

Andy Whiteman said...

Anon 10:11, you pay your taxes to support the school, but do you want you taxes to pay for outside activities not really related to the school? I sure don't. If they want a football, soccer, basketball team, or whatever, taxpayers shouldn't pay. These aren't related to education except for a few who will go into professional sports. I have read that some school districts are charging for outside activities.

Just think if our school taxes covered the 3Rs only and not other activities, out taxes would be much lower. The teams sports are an unnecessary taxpayer burden.

The last time 2 RHS foorball players came with a fund raiser, the they were offering a discount card that I could use! I bought it and gave both a GatorAide since it was summer. They were surprised and gratefull to be offered the GatorAide.

I normally don't use cash at all so they were lucky I had some cash. Normally I don't.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

As a school district employee, the waste goes on and on and on! When will the citizens of Raytown wake up and NOT vote anymore school taxes increases in??

The high school coaches will tell you that if you don't have a SUPERB football, basketball, track team and so on, you don't have a school. The focus is on a athletic program, period! Spare no expense getting there with tax dollars. Also, all those WAY over paid administrators at 6608 Raytown rd. should be thrown out of there cush jobs! You should see some of the "shacks" they live in; Wild Wood Lakes, Timber Valley just to name a few, thanks to our tax dollars.

I could write a book on the money waste that goes on behind the closed doors, but if the dumb Raytown citizens keep buying the crap that the school district puts out, no one will be able to afford to live in Raytown!

Andy Whiteman said...

Anon 8:02PM, I voted NO in the last school election. 67% of my property taxes go to schools and we are not talking about chunk change. If you go to
look up tour taxes, then there is a link to click "Where are my taxes going?" It displays a dollar bill divided up among all entities that get your $$$$. What the schools get is sickening but I already did the math and knew. It wouldn't surprise me with the increase if it went to 75%! The advertising was slightly false stating how much more an $80,000 house would pay per year. It sounds like not much, but if you look at the total it is outrageous.

I think the problem is most people don't pay their taxes directly, hence never receive a tax bill. They pay their mortgage company and have no clue where the taxes go. All they know is that the house payment goes up yearly.

I wish you could sign your name with some examples of waste, but I know why you are anonymous.

There is also waste in the city government that has been discussed here.

My policy is if it will raise my taxes, VOTE NO! I will make an exception if I feel the money is truely needed such as the Fire District. Both the City and the Non-Quality School District have ripped us off. The school district is educated enough to know tax payers aren't smart enough to do the math and look at the total they are paying.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I just looked up the Raytown Post online and there were no articles. The Post didnt close down to did it?

Anonymous said...

I see that the sealed bids are due on the old Park Lane Medical Complex on Oct. 16th. Has anyone been able to confirm that this is under consideration for a regional medium security prison? Boy, wouldn't this be a big asset for Raytown.

Andy Whiteman said...

As for the Raytown Post, you might give them a call or email. I looked at the sports link and saw a comment about the Chiefs season ending game so possibly the website is down or for some reason a cached site is being reached.
I noticed a subscriber login. They may require a subscription. I don't know. Free online papers are disappearing because there in no money in it since it doesn't sell papers. I get a free email of selected articles from the Albuquerque Journal but if I want to read the whole paper, a subscription is required.

No, I don't think a medium security prision would help Raytown except maybe to keep people away and to make homes unsaleable. When will the next escape be?

Too bad the city has no say in the matter. I think I know one Alderman who would protest a prison.

Andy Whiteman

Andy Whiteman said...

I just saw this in the Albuquerque Journal and think they should enact it in Raytown.

If people want to have children, they should be required to supervise them!

Associated Press
City: Kids Can Land Parents in Trouble
HOBBS, NM — The Hobbs City Commission has passed an ordinance that requires parents to keep better control of their children or face fines or even jail.
City attorney Mike Stone said the ordinance will give law enforcement more tools when dealing with juvenile delinquents.
"It is difficult to prosecute children under our current state laws," Stone said. "Sometimes, it seems like law enforcement's hands are tied."
The new ordinance requires parents to:
• Keep illegal drugs and illegal firearms out of the home and forbid minors from possessing them.
• Forbid minors from keeping stolen property.
• Prevent their children from drawing graffiti or being truant.
• Prevent their children from being served or provided alcohol from anyone other than the child's parent and from buying or trying to buy alcohol or tobacco products.
• Provide reasonable supervision of the child.

Anonymous said...

J'ai appris des choses interessantes grace a vous, et vous m'avez aide a resoudre un probleme, merci.

- Daniel