- Using the sewer billing for providing a comprehensive listing of meetings. This will provide notification to the greatest percentage of residence.
- Using email notifications to provide updates of meetings and other events as they are posted to the city web-site. This will ensure residences are notified of last minute meetings as well potential cancellations.
- Using social web-sites like "Twitter" to provide real time notifications of meetings and other events.
- Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 6731 Blue Ridge Boulevard (Old Hy-Vee Parking Lot)
- Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce, 11900 E 350 Hwy (KC PowerSport Parking Lot)
- River Christian Fellowship, 7506 Raytown Road (Apple Market Parking Lot)
For additional information please visit the following link:
http://www.raytown.mo.us/vertical/Sites/%7B418C71C3-E397-4C87-B464-C498EC8900F9%7D/uploads/%7B2F200506-B8C0-4BAE-A5DD-FFFB339B0998%7D.DOC Facing the Heat . . . By Richard Tush Last Friday night the parks department showed "The Last Mimzy" as part of their summer movie program. Although temperatures were among the highest we have seen this season, there were still more then 50 people participating in the event. Friends of the park ran the concession, which were reported to had three times the sales as that of the prior movie. While members of Raytown Citizens Crime watch provided extra sets of eyes to ensure participants safety. The next move will be Friday, July 31, 2009 when "Vertigo" will be featured. Unsung Hero . . . By Greg Walters You see them everywhere in Raytown. Small plastic signs on very thin aluminum frames stuck on street corners. Most are in the city right of way. The message is usually a "get rich or happy quick scheme" aimed at people who are down on their luck, lonely or desperate to try anything to better their lives. I am writing about those signs that have short messages with a phone number – We Buy Ugly Houses, Better Your Credit Score, Raytown Singles – to name just a few. They are blight on the landscape. They are also illegal as they have been placed on the right of way. One Raytown resident became so frustrated with the signs that she decided to do something about it. She went around town and pulled them up. Then, she delivered them to City Hall – directly to the Office of Code Enforcement. This individual, a long time resident of Raytown, told me she was tired of looking at the trashy signs. "Tired," she said, "and frustrated that no one at City Hall will take the time to enforce the city’s sign code." All told, she collected over 70 signs in two days. Thirty of them she delivered to City Hall. The rest she entrusted to our own Richard Tush. For the curious, Richard told me he has delivered the signs up to city hall as well. It seems he has had a few others provide him with sign. He said when he delivered the signs he spoke with someone in code enforcement who said they would look into watching intersections like the one at 67th and Blue Ridge Cut Off were we understand some of the signs came from. It seems the city is wishing to hold those on 350 highway to the responsibility of the state. Richard indicated he would be in contact with Representative Tom McDonald who is on the transportation committee about having MDOT increase efforts in keeping their part of Raytown clean. I am actually surprised at this response as the last time I checked this is still part of Raytown and our city could as easily remove these signs as the state. I can relate to her frustration. While serving on the Board of Aldermen I would often call in locations of illegal signs to City Hall to have them removed. I remember one instance when signs posted at Raytown Trafficway and 63rd Street were still standing days after they had been reported . What made the situation so frustrating was that we have people on the city’s payroll to do that task. Yet, they continually drove by the violations, day after day, pretending not to see the signs. Their supervisors also seem to be unaware of the lapse in public service. Perhaps they are invisible signs to all but a few of us. The individual who decided to do something proactive about the illegal signs has asked to remain anonymous. I will honor that request. But I really believe that she should be given an award for stepping up and reminding us that there are a lot of good people in Raytown who want this city cleaned up. Overheard at the Barbershop . . . By Greg Walters A regular reader related some of the banter that goes back and forth at one our local barbershops. The subject was the demeanor of the Board of Aldermen meetings and how they are viewed by the public on the local television channel. One local wit compared the Board Meetings to Romper Room – a children’s early morning television show from a generation back. In particular he complained of the "giddy" atmosphere many of the Board members create. Childish antiques like rushing to make a second to motions, the Mayor trying to act more like a game show host than the CEO of a city of 30,000 people, and an atmosphere of a manipulated and choreographed meeting by city staff were chief of among his complaints.I’ve watched meetings since leaving the Board and it is hard not to agree with the gentleman’s observation. In all fairness to members of the Board, not all of them conduct themselves in that manner. My advice to those with Comcast Cable is to tune in to Channel 7 on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. and watch your Board of Aldermen in action. If you are not a Comcast customer then, go on up to city hall and watch in person. After all, they are public sessions, and there is plenty of room for all who wish to attend. Speaking of Invisible Signs . . . By Greg Walters
Bravo to the lady that picked up the illegal signs.
If you want anything done in Raytown I guess you have
to do it yourself. If our city officials were really on the
ball they would start fining the people and companies
that keep putting up these signs. The phone numbers
are right there, one warning and then fines for each and
every sign put up.
By the way, along the railroad tracks from the old wooden
bridge to City Hall has standing water breeding misquotes,
rats, snakes and mice. But, that's owned by the railroad.
The city needs to make them clean up their property too.
The Lord Mayor has stated that he believed in "open government" whatever that may mean. We should thank him for NOT informing the public of meetings. I have noticed for over 3 years that this Fasicst Fief believes in SECRET meetings. They obviously don't want the public involved.
I have suggested the sewer bills be used as notification but that falls upon closed ears. One problem is that only 72 hours notice is required by state law. To me this is 6 business days but the Fief intrepets it as 3 actual days. The bill is monthly so there is no way to publish meetings schedules less than a month in advance.
The Raytown Post cost $26/year. It is worth it to me to get the local news, but appartently many don't care. When I moved to town, it was dumped as litter on driveways and gutters. Obviously few read it because it wasn't picked up for weeks (actually it was litter).
Being disabled, I don't function on short notice. I am on a schedule and have to take several days to prepare my comments. Sue Frank notified me of an unannounced BOA meeting 2 years ago but it conflicted with a doctor's appointment. Doctor's appointments are too difficult to schedule and I had an issue that needed to be seen by the doctor without rescheduling.
I have never twyed a tweet. IMs are a distraction and nuisance. The buttons on a cell phone are too small and the last I heard, these things cost 20 cents! As I said I don't function on short notice so don't twy to tweet me.
Yes, the signs are invisible. They are down low and too small to read from a moving vehicle. After I pass them more than 2 or 3 times, I no longer see them. I can understand why Code Enforcement fails to notice these signs.
Andy Whiteman
I want to thank the Raytown Reporter for bring these code violations to light and trying to get them correct. I have to question if the city considers the Raytown Post the official paper in Raytown why haven’t they (The Raytown Post) been the driving forces to get city hall to cleanup their act. It would seem the Kansas City Star would have a greater circulation the post and their wouldn’t the special section in the Wednesday edition be the right place to get out information about meetings to the citizens. I also think most like me stopped reading the post with all the one sided how great the city was doing stories coming out of the post by Bob Phillips.
Greg and Richard: I want to thank both of you for hanging in there and staying on top of the eye sores that help drive our property values down and give us the reputation of Jackson Counties Eastern Getto. I was pleased to read this week that your efforts have resulted in others taking action to cleanup our city. The mayor should recognize citizens like this lady for the leadership skills she has taken to actually address issues like signs in the right away. I am sure we could reduce some expenses at city hall by using volunteers to identify and address the code violators. While also reducing the turn around time to bring the properties back into compliance with the city’s ordinances.
Mr. Creamer wants us to believe the only ones in violation are those who own rental properties, but the large and ongoing eyesores all seem to be non-rental properties. However, this is the same Joe Creamer that believes it is okay to let citizen tare a vehicle down and rebuild it on their drive regardless of the amount of time it takes to complete the repairs. It was nice for once that the other members on the board voted for city beautification and not further gettoavation. If they could only take those rose coloreds glasses off once again and notice all the code violations right in front of their face.
Greg, I hope you are counting down the days to filing and return independent thinking to the board.
Has anyone but me noticed that Mr. Knabe seems to like to place his re-estate signs on the right away. I guess that since the city gave him a tax break for painting his business that he can now do what he wants when he wants.
I am sure we have actual hard working citizens in our city that should receive a tax break to help them bring their properties up to the city’s standards. I know I would like a tax break get drainage pipe put in so I don’t have to look at the open ditch in my front yard and a curb sure would look good too. However, I can only hope are city will start maintaining our streets or offering a rebate from the city to purchase a four wheel drive vehicle to be able to come and go from are homes. I would provide a list of the streets that I have noticed are quickly failing, but it seems those who read the blog know about them it is just those at city hall that don’t see them.
Maybe the transparency at city hall the mayor keeps braking about is the city employees ability to see right through the real problems facing us!
3:33PM, The Raytown Post is devoted to Raytown news. True the KC Red Star does have a Raytown/Independence/other areas section on Wednesday. It seems to be mainly an advertising section with a few articles but not as in depth as the Raytown Post. Any news that happens in Raytown during the week is buried in the Red Star unless something really bad happens.
The Red Star has been cutting content for sometime and is raising their prices. I normally get a good discount from them. When my subscription expires in September, I will cancel unless the give a really good discount. The Red Star is not worth over $200 per year!
Andy Whiteman
4:50PM, Cheer Up, The city accepted a bid to overlay the streets at the last BOA meeting. Also there was a legal ad in the Post for bids to stripe the streets. Hopefully things will get better.
Yes, I have noticed Knabe's signs. I didn't know he had an exemption. I filed several complaints about one with no action. Finally codes plopped it face down in the Right of Way (ROW). I complained again that it was still in the ROW and they put it farther back into the yard. Really looked junky to me. I call that a half assed job.
Andy Whiteman
scroll to June 1st posting on this
Blog for picture & background info.
I sent an e-mail to city adminis-
trator on June 25th asking him to verify that the city is still planning to plant ground cover in the area this fall.So far I have not recieved a response.
I have also talked to the Missouri Department of Natural resources.Here is the latest from them.city was sent a 1st notice of
violation on May 23rd.Violation was for not having land disturbance
permits for the 87th st.sewer project&the White oak creek sewer
project{Miner Smith park area}.
Also for not properly revegating the 87th st.project area.
The city sent information needed to obtain the permits to the DNR several weeks ago.The permits were sent to the city June 26th.The DNR
also told me that it was uncommon
for cities not to obtain permits for thier sewer projects.This is another example of the poor Business practices of the city of Raytown.
Frank Potter
I stopped by the movie in the park last Friday and caught part of the movie.
I did notice three members of Raytown's Crime Watch Program helping out with security at the park. The deserve to be recognized for their public service.
Good job, Bob Smith, Fred Hartwell, and Richard Tush. Guys like you are what make Raytown a great city to live in!
Good job for your public service to
You are one who really followed up on this issue. I don't think the city has poor business practices. This Fascist Fief has the attitude that they are NOT subject to any law. This is demonstrated by the fact they violate their own codes and have written into some city ordinances that an enforcement officer can enter private property WITHOUT A WARRANT. It was mentioned at the BOA some time ago that the city was sued in Federal Court but the details were never stated.
The attitude at recent BOA meetings was, "You can't come and ask for a variance after the fact." I wonder why the Fascist Fief filed of a Land Disturbance Permit after the fact? It should have been denied and the citation prosecuted. But that would cost the taxpayers.
Obviously there is a set of laws for us surfs of the Fief, but they don't apply to the Fief itself. This is discrimination.
I wonder if an when the planting will happen? I think it is too hot to do it now and it never would survive. Doesn't the State require restoration?
Andy Whiteman
To Mr. Potter,
This town has proven that it has no idea how to do
business or run a town. Our elected officials don't have a clue
how to handle taxpayer money. They only know how to give it away
and waste it. Most on the board have hurt this town more than helped it,
and they are so caught up in themselves that they can't even see
what they have done because they are too busy telling each other
how great they are. I guess that's understandable, nobody else could
keep a straight face trying to tell them that.
When the "New" Raytown Post started up again I welcomed
them. I asked if they would be reporting honestly as to what went
on at City Hall. I was told that they would report the good with the
bad. Dumb decisions as well as the good. We all know that never
happened. I can't understand way the last two owners are so afraid
to tell it like it is. You can't go to jail for telling the truth.
If the bad decisions were pointed out as well as the few good decisions
maybe, our elected officials would think for once, about what they
were doing. As it stands now they answer to no one.
They can make statements like they "have spent a lot of time, blood,
sweat and effort trying to clean this city up and I think it's time that
we stick to our standards." The Raytown Post never once asking
where this effort has been placed. Certainly not at the sites shown
on this blog. It's too bad the Post didn't realize the good it could
have done for this town. Instead they chose to blow smoke and as
a result very few want to buy or read the Raytown Post.
I still and always will believe Raytown needs a local paper. Maybe
someday we will get the paper worthy of the people of Raytown.
Pat you are right about the Post not reporting the bad along with the good the city does. I've always said that the last REAL investigative reporter (owner) of the Raytown Post was Lee Gray. If these young men who have it now want to be successful they should talk to Mr. Gray or even ask him to write a story once in a while to get people interested in their paper again. As long as it continues as it is I have no real interest in ever seeing it again. I believe that more REAL news is coming from this blog than the Post.
FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS!!! Oh how Pat Ertz mislead us on the benefits of sale of fireworks for the city of Raytown. The way he allowed the ordinance to be written the city gets less than $50 for ALL THREE PERMITS and the Fire District gets the $1000 per permit given to them. Next he told us of all the civic organizations that were going to benefit from selling fireworks. Not ONE of them are even selling fireworks, only a couple of churches and of course our beloved RAYTOWN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. I believe that Ertz passed this legislation to benefit only one group and that was the chamber. They have destroyed their other avenues of fundraising by screwing up the two good things they used to have going for them so now they are desperately seeking revenue elsewhere. So as you can see the "good ole boy" network is alive and well as city hall. Thanks Alderman Ertz for NOTHING.
Pat, I wonder if it is a code violation to report anything negative done by the Lords of the Fief. Maybe the Post doesn't want the Lord Mayor to think that the Raytown Post is negative. Only postitive news may be reported. I wonder if those who use the "press table" at the BOA are limited as to what may be reported?
7:23AM, I agree most on the board are clueless as are those who voted for them. I can count on less than 5 fingers those who know what they are doing remembering those who are no longer there.
Andy Whiteman
yes Andy the state does require restoration.That is why I have been
working with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to get the city to restore this area.
The contractor should have restored this area to DNR standards
but because of poor project management by the city it was not.
My guess is the city will have to
pay for restoration or eventually face a $10,000 fine.
Frank Potter
If the city views the Raytown Post as the official city paper then why doesn’t the paper have an on-going community calendar. I know there are several non-profit organizations in our city that could benefit from a community calendar. The Raytown Tribune had one when they were publishing, which is why I will always think of them as our official city paper.
At this point I really don’t believe we have one as other have wrote the Post only likes to write one sides stories. The present our city as always doing the right thing and how wonderful it is to live here. The must be getting stories from the groups that gather at Fox Drugs or one of the coffee shops who are actually recalling our cities early days when all of our downtown business were filed with companies bring in tax revenue to the city. Today for those that don’t have the purple haze glass to ware it is easy to see all of the vacant storefronts. Even the city’s pick of a paper no-longer offices downtown.
Maybe those at the post can reach out to Mr. Gray and get direct on running the paper, but if they are truly to tied to city hall they will never change as they know in their minds they are doing it right and that everyone reads their paper. Just like city hall will never change until people wake up and decide they need to vote in city elections.
As I read the blog the last couple of weeks I am reminded of a letter to the editor that appeared in the Raytown Post and Raytown Tribune a few years ago. It was a public thank you to the owners of Border Roofing for the transformation and upgrades the made to the old Payless Lumber Yard. The person who wrote the letter defiantly understands what beautification and proper property maintenance is. As well as the fact the benefits of keeping property up does for the surrounding homes and business, yet this same person can not seem to take care of their property at 79th and Spring Valley. They also place their real estate signs on the right of way. I saw one near the downtown area that either needs trashed or repainted.
I now question if Gary Knabe is not the worst single code offender in Raytown. A prime example of the type of individuals that have been elected to the board of alderman, now ward one has elected some young pup that can not keep his property up. I drove by the other night and I will swear they have sheets up and not curtains. Come on Mr. Pardue I can not believe you will not shop Raytown’s fine retailer (Wal-Mart) and by at least some blinds. While you are there (Wal-Mart) buy a paint scraper, a paint brush and some paint and make the outside of your home more presentable. At least then you can act like you respect those who elected you. Maybe you can even find the time to talk with Knabe about how to get the city to pay for the whole make over.
I agree with those who say the Post's owner/editor should consult Lee Gray. Lee once wrote that he was moving to Key West. I wonder is he has or is still around? We really need an investigative reporter.
I think we will hear the same complaint about most papers. They have slanted views. There are many complaints about the Red Star's editorials. I buy it for the news, comics, grocery ads, and coupons but don't read the editorials.
12:43 What is wrong with sheets instead of curtains? Is there an ordinance that disallows sheets? To me they let too much light through. When I move into a house, I usually split up my empty boxes to block light from coming in. I couldn't believe it, but when I moved into my house, I discovered that the last owner took the curtain rods from 2 bedrooms. I had curtains that I was going to hang on them, but up went the boxes! How long has Pad-Due lived there? Is he renting? If he is a tenant, that explains why he wants rental control. It could also explains the lack of maintenance.
Andy Whiteman
Andy, According to public records Mr. Pardue has his home since 2004. One would therefore think he would want to keep it up, which in turn would keep up the property value. It should also be noted the unlike the city’s position on street maintenance when one fixes small problems they will not become big ones. Failing to keep you home painted may result in additional repairs like replacing boards that have been allowed to rot, which also increase the project by having to apply primmer.
His lack of maintaining his property brings in to question his reasoning and that of his friend and fellow alderman to think about applying addition regulations on those who rent their property. It is apparent that those on the board of alderman need to first review and maintain their own property before increase regulations on those who try to subsidies their income.
Unhappy Landload
Unhappy Landlord, I totally agree with you about maintenance. I don't want to take Mr. Par-Due's side at all. There is such a thing as a scotoma: I see my house every day for 9 years and don't notice gradual change. In other words, if maintenance is needed, I may not see it. On the other hand, I can look at the neighbor's house and since I don't pay attention to it often; I may notice the roof is moldy, or the roof is bad and politely call it to the neighbor's attention on the assumption that she hasn't noticed.
Has anyone called it to Mr. Par-Due's attention or complained to Codes? Are we allowed to complain about an Alderman's violations? I think they should be held to the same standard.
Possibly if this had been brought out before the election, Greg Walters would still be Ward 1 Alderman.
Accepting what you said as fact without my checking it out, I question how anyone with a property in this condition can write a property maintenance code or even vote on one? Why do rental properties need to be regulated? It seems to me that landlords are in business and most but not all will maintain their property. I know of 2 exceptions. Maybe Mr. Par-Due's property should be used as the maximum required standard since he wants to write the ordinance. Why is Mr. Par Due concerned about rentals? I think the editors should publish some pictures and send them as usual to both aldermen and the mayor.
This is NOT New York City which has rent controls.
Andy Whiteman
You guys haven't figured it out yet, have you? The city uses the Raytown Post for public announcements because they really do not want anyone at those meetings. Your editorial outlining simple, inexpensive ways to inform the public being totally ignored is typical of David Bower and his crew.
Folks like Pardue, Creamer and Bower are really only interested in collecting their monthly paychecks from city hall.
If they were serious about cleaning up neighborhoods they wouldn't ignore the over the road trucks that grace 350 Highway, fouling the air, and peace of nearby neighborhoods with their presence, would they?
Don't worry Mr. Knabe. They won't make you clean up your mess at 79th and Raytown Road.
That would take effort.
This Board's idea of effort is rushing to see who gets credit for making a second at pubic meetings!
A number of years back when then Alderman, Mr.Knabe was after a local body shop because of the cars they were working on were parked outside on the property and some of them had licenses expired.
He even went by to take pictures of the cars in question.
So the body shop owner went by Mr.Knabe's house and took pictures
of a car he had in his driveway that's plates were expired by several years. When this was pointed out in a board meeting by the shop owner Knabe during the break tried to pick a fight with the shop owner.
The point? City Hall wants us to do the right thing, it's a kind of do what I say not what we do, thing. Once elected in this town you belong to a club.
But, as Mr.Walters found out, if you don't go along with this club you can get nothing done.
Mr. Par-due will not have to answer to anyone. Even if his house was falling apart
he is now an untouchable.
Raytown appears to be run like a Home Owners Association governed by a social club. I won't live in a HOA. If I had known that 9 years a go, I never would have bought in this Fascist Fief. Will Rattown ever be governed like a real city?
BTW: Anyone want to buy a house? I am still waiting for the new house to be remodeled and I need to pack so I don't know when I will be out. I am not listing the house until I have moved but will take offers if anyone is interested.
Andy Whiteman
Why is someone critical of Pat Ertz about the fireworks ordinance? Fireworks on the fourth are just as American as homemade apple pie. Yes, they might cause some damage when in the hands of the wrong person. However, can they real cause as much damage as the lack of property maintenance has done to our city by former alderman like Knabe or the newest example of proper maintenance Pardue.
My only concern as you pointed out was what little the city will make. What happened to the two dollar permits that was in the ordinance? Why are we not collecting sales tax?
Is this the fault of our alderman or the miss informed attorney from Gladstone!
I understand Joe Creamer doesn’t smoke so why is he not pushing for the smoke ban being that smoking has been linked back to so many health issues and leave us landlords alone. I am not say there are some bad landlords who have not take care of their property and someone has gotten injured or died. However, I bet it is a much smaller number then harm from second hand smoking has ever cause.
Wake up Joe and address real issues facing our city.
Unhappy Landlord
Has anyone been in the TAR BAR recently. I am talking about that living ashtray down on Raytown Trafficway where once a nice family restaurant was. Then some put in a fish store and about a year later became Raytown’s world famous living ashtray just walk up to the inside door, but don’t get to close or you will smell like smoke for days.
I heard this guy that owns this place is the main reason we still have smoking in Raytown. Has he not been to other cities and seen how many non-smokers are going to their bars. Why because the smoking has to be done outside and let’s face it people are used to doing it. Maybe he doesn’t know what ventilation system is or that you have to change filters and clean the system. I think this owner needs to grow up if he wants smoking to remain in our city then get the tar off the walls and clean up the fog of smoke with some good ventilation system that is keep maintained.
By the way, I smoke and when I think something smells as bad as this place there is a problem. In fairness I have seen the articles in the post about the other bars also wanting to keep smoking in Raytown. You know I actual go to the one down at Blue Ridge Plaza now and then. However, if I want to meet up with my friends I am force to drive to places like Lee Summit as my friends don’t smoke. I don’t mind, but being all of us live in Raytown it is sad to see tax dollars go to other cities. Heck, I don’t mind going outside to smoke I have to do it at work and other places I go. so why not at places in Raytown!
I live on a side street by Mount Olivet Cemetery. I thought they were letting the grass grow to help the environment - less mowing pollution. I like the look of it; makes my daughter think of what it might have looked like here 100 years ago. The problem with standing water at 79th & Spring Valley Road is all dried up for now. Mosquitoes are still around though. Has anyone read "The Wal-Mart Effect" by Charles Fishman? It is very enlightening. I have not been in the Wal-Mart for over 15 years and will not visit the new one either. What a waste in so many ways! Try and visit our locally owned stores and shops.
It's a shame that our government officials, federal or city don't go
after alcohol and fast foods with as much zeal as they do smokers.
People are being killed on the streets from drunk drivers and our
children are going have health problems prematurely because of all
the fast food junk that they eat everyday.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not for any government telling us what
we can and can't do with legal products. Each and every one of us
has the power to walk in to and out of any bar or restaurant if we don't
like the smell or the smoke. I don't need some busybody elected official
telling me how to live or how a business owner should run their business.
Especially when the elected official probably never goes in the places
in the first place. But, even if they do go in and don't like the smoke, they have
the same God given right to turn their butts around and walk out the
This town needs to concentrate on fixing the streets, bringing in new
business and how to stop wasting taxpayer money. They need to make
Raytown more attractive to prospective businesses and most of all lose
the state wide reputation of not getting along with anyone.
That comes with being fair and honest with everybody. Codes should
apply to all not just a few.
Well I heard the smokers are going to win the smoking debate in Raytown at least at the bars. Speaking of bars in Raytown it seems like we have more of them then true set down family restaurants. We should be proud of the family values in our city. Just think it was only a few months ago on of the bars was complaining about the place for the teenagers at the corner of 63 and Blue Ridge Blvd. Sad is this bar is owned by some police officers. I guess they don’t care about providing things for teens instead lets get more drunks on the road. Don’t forget it was a police officer who was leaving a bar on 350 highway abut 10 years ago who put his unmarked patrol car in the ditch then ran back in the bar ordered a couple of more drinks before exclaiming what had happened. Why so he could say as he did he was so upset about it he had to have a drink, which ment they could tell how much he had before putting the car in the ditch. Way to set an example and put the public at risk.
Does anyone recall the last time our police department went into any of the local bars and checked ids?
Seems like it might be a good idea especially when I hear many of the bar owners what the smoking law to allow 18 year olds to come and go as they please. Funny I thought you had to be 21 to buy drinks in this state.
Oh and I was told it was the owner of Eclipse who was leading the pack.
Pat, Dictator O'Bomba has gone after smokers. I recall recently that the tobacco tax just took a big hike. The choice is still there if people have money to spend.
I saw in the Red Star that Raytown Fireworks permits are available at the 3 fireworks stands. I wonder why permits are not available at City Hall and the Fire Stations? Is the idea to force people to buy fireworks locally?
I like the idea of buy local. This Fascist Fief just hired an alien as Public Works Director. Raytown should also hire local!
Andy Whiteman
9:08 PM, I don't remember the incident since I wasn't here, but I sat on a jury with a very similar circumstances (a civilian, not a Police Officer) in Douglas County, CO.
9:18PM, Unless the law has changed, one must be 21 to even be in a bar. When I dispatched a sheriff's department, the deputies did pretty frequent bar checks. The Raytown Police should do bar checks. I don't know if they do or not since I don't go to bars. The fines would be good revenue. I think the main issue would be if a bar is selling to underage individuals, their license can be suspended and then revoked.
Andy Whiteman
Special people special treatment - Knabe
On the Agenda of next Tuesday's BOA meeting:
All I can say is about time!
Andy Whiteman
If you believe as I do that fireworks should be left o the professionals to ignite, then join me in delivering all of the trash that will be left on our street and in our yards after tomorrow to Alderman Ertz. I believe that he lives on 79th Terr. Also his phone number is 356-8233 or he can be reached at Public Water District #2. I want to make sure he is at home when I deliver this bag of litter. if not for his sponsorship of this new fireworks ordinance this trash would not be present in our town. Can't wait for this guy to run for re-election.
8:57 PM, Remember it took a majority vote, not one person, to pass the ordinance! Without the ordinance the same problem would exist except probably worse. At least this year bottle rockets are verboten. These go some distance.
Andy Whiteman
Check this out:
Where is this country headed? The Senate is trying to pass the "Real ID Act" which is a worldwide biometric ID card. It violates our Constitutional rights and needs to be stopped. Here is the link:
Andy you must be nigh-eve to believe that you won't see any bottle rockets. A partial ban on fireworks is TOTALY unenforceable. The ordinance should have been left alone and just stepped up enforcement would have solved our problem. I believe that fireworks are only supposed to be shot on the 4th and I could hear them last night (3rd) up until midnight. Where was our police department?
I wish everyone a happy and SAFE 4th of July!
My father called it Ball and Chain Day because they were married July 4,1947.
Andy Whiteman
Greg: I know you have not been an Alderman since the end of April, but have they changed the ordinance on parking on the grass. I ask as I was headed up 67th to buy some fireworks and support the church. I noticed the new Alderman has his car parked in the grass next to his house, but his drive way is empty.
If the ordinance has change why has this not been communicated to the public that we can not park in the grass. If it has not changed then what is up with this “Above Par” example that is being set.
8:43 AM, The total fireworks ban was totally unenforceable. Did you call the Police? They don't respond unless called because they don't know anything is happening. If they are in the car with the windows rolled up, they may not hear the fireworks. (Or they may not want to hear the fireworks.)
A loud one scared the daylights out of Red Dogg Friday afternoon.
I lived in Aurora, CO with a fireworks ban. I saw a bottle rocket from the street set fire to a pile of grass clippings in the alley. The next year, the had the Fire Department patrolling for illegal fireworks. Too bad that our FD is a seperate entity from the city. They could be doing the patrolling and enforcement. The PD already has enough to deal with.
Personally I have no objection to fireworks as long as they are safe and sane. My mother said that fireworks was burning money. Maybe that is why I don't go out and buy some. I spoke with a friend today who said that one of the stands took in over $50,000 in sales. Can you imagine the sales tax the city rakes in if the fireworks are bought in Raytown!
Andy Whiteman
Here it is 10pm july 4, 2009 and I have been listening to M Eighties, bottle rocks and something even bigger than M eighties going off sense 7am this morning. I have yet to see any police car any where near this neighborhood. The M Eighties and the larger ones are being thrown into the sewer lines because it makes a bigger sound. I wonder what it is doing to our sewer systems if it vibrates our home from 2 blocks away.
I think the police dept. should have taken a page out of the Overland Park, KS book and had special units out to take care of these illegal fireworks. The BOA gave them the right to confiscate. We as neighbors should not have to be the ones to call in a complaint if they were doing their jobs. It's not like they could not hear or see them if they were out driving the neighborhoods.
It's my understanding that all this is suppose to stop at 11PM. Ya right.
If my house catchs on fire I will be sueing the city, the Police Dept., members of the BOA who voted for this and the people who shot them off.
It's not that I am unpatriotic I like fireworks as well as any kid but I don't see the sense of making ordinances if they are not enforced. It's a wastes of time and taxpayers money. There were reasons why fireworks were stopped the first time. The city is going backwords in more ways than one.
permits are avalible at fire stations..i picked mine up there this morning...do some research before you post makes you look like a bitter old man
Parking in the grass in residential neighborhoods is still agains the law in Raytown.
Enforcement, like many other things in this town, appears to be selective.
I got my fireworks out of town so that I could get the best selection available, including the good stuff that Raytown outlaws! Another reason for getting away from the city!
Andy, you are so out of touch with reality. The city gets NO SALES TAX ON FIREWORKS, because these are not for profit so they are not required to collect sales tax.
9:31AM, I know non-profits don't pay income tax but an completely unaware that their sales are tax exempt. I know if they buy something they don't pay sales tax. If this is true, why do the non-profits have to pay for a permit. Aren't they exempt? Fireworks sales should be limited to businesses so sales tax may be collected. The Fascist Fief is missing the boat here.
10:36 PM, If someone broke into your house would you call the Police or say it is their job to know your house is being broken into? Likewise if I see someone breaking into a neighbor's house, I shouldn't report it be cause the police aren't doing their job or they would know what is happening.
Obviously if the someone is setting off fireworks in their back yard, the police have no way of knowing it. BTW some sewer mains are in the back yards. I am willing to bet the city will be clueless as to why there is sewer damage when they back up and/or collapse.
The ordinance should ban any fireworks that makes noise. Obviously those are the nuisance fireworks. They were still going off at 11:30PM on the 4th. Red Dogg didn't want to go out to do her business. I had to stand her so she could go.
7:12 AM, Some of the codes seem really stupid and dumb but they are good for making revenue if enforced.
I just looked at the City's website today and the fine for parking on the grass at a park is $75 and dirty tires are $50. Who cares if tires are dirty?
Just think how much revenue the city could make from ordinance enforcement! It would not be necessary to raise sales taxes if the city collected from ordinances.
I wonder how much the fine is for nuisance, swamp breeding mosquitoes?
Andy Whiteman
Did anyone see a police officer on the 4th of July? I sure didn't. There were numerous illegal fireworks being discharged and no one was doing anything about it. Chief Lynch and his department should be ashamed of themselves for neglecting their duties and allowing this type of behavior to go on. They're soon going to be as bad as the codes department.
talked to couple fireman today, no fires,no blown off fingers but we did have couple shootings last nite the town has bigger problems than fireworks,codes and skeeters...wake up people
As I was driving through Raytown the other day I was wondering
what has happened to this wonderful little town we all love so much.
Never before has there been so many empty buildings. Never has
there been so many houses for sale. I know of at least two more
businesses that will be closing before the end of the month, maybe three.
There has to be reasons why this is happening. Maybe it's because
in the recent past City Hall tried to run so many businesses out of town.
That gave Raytown a bad reputation, state wide.
Or maybe it's because this city makes it so hard to open new small
businesses. It could be because there is no consistency in the way
codes are enforced. Maybe it's because City Hall has given away too
much to big box stores. Let's face it you can't fix the streets, sidewalks
and the infrastructure if you have given away twenty five percent of your
income. Yet, our elected officials seem to think they are doing a great job.
I Wonder how many of them tried to get in touch with Chrysler to try and save
the Crawford's dealerships? Granted it probably wouldn't have changed
anything but look how long Crawford's have been in Raytown.
I wonder how many of our elected officials have even walked into any business
in town and asked how are you doing? The same could be said about the
Chamber too. In fact I wonder what our elected officials and the Chamber
are doing for the people and small businesses of Raytown?
Why don't they get out and talk to us? I'm afraid the answer is too obvious.
The chamber is too busy trying to raise the money to fund their salaries to do their REAL job that they are supposed to be doing, HELPING OUR EXISTING BUSINESS AND BRINGING IN NEW ONES TO COMPLIMENT THE BUSINESSES THAT ARE HERE. I can't believe that they had to stoop to selling fireworks. What a disgrace these chamber people are. I purposely made a trip down to their tent to see which businesspeople were actually selling fireworks so I can avoid doing business with them in the future. Also I noted that they didn't seem to have as much business as the other two tents.
Does anyone know why a public utility would have to advertise? They are monopolies, it's not like you can walk across the street and get it from someone else.
4:20PM, I agree. I have seen many public utilities advertise. Sometimes there is a good purpose such as "call before you dig" or "stay away from electric lines." Now it seems to be rebates on heating/cooling upgrades. I saw an ad from WD#2 in the Post stating water quality. That is something they could have mailed in the bills. Who cares about the water quality in WD#2 except their customers?
July 5, 2009 9:31 AM, You are correct about non-profits not collecting sales tax. I checked 2 sources. One referred me to the state. The other told me there is no sales tax just like Girl Scout cookies. Since that is the case, a fireworks dispensing license should be available to any reliable person or business. Just think of the sales tax that could be collected if fireworks were sold at Hy-Vee, Apple Market, Walgreens, or CVS!
I was also told that the loud fireworks are illegal and not sold in Raytown. Just think how much revenue could come from fines if we had enforcement! If I was the judge I would fine the maximum $500!
Why doesn't codes enforcement get out and patrol for illegal fireworks? The fines would more than pay their overtime.
Andy Whiteman
FYI - city sales taxes were collected at all three fireworks tents. WINCO fireworks operates the tents and the non-profits provide the labor for a percentage of the gross.WINCO is the business selling the fireworks so sales tax must be collected.
I'm not sure who is "naive" and who isn't but, while a "not for profit" organization
may not have to pay sales taxes on products they purchase, if they sell that
product, and collect sales tax, they have to forward it to the proper authorities.
Non profit rarely means they don't collect taxes. The end user almost always has to pay sales tax.
Was the intent of the fireworks ordinance violated? Sounds like a private corporation made all the money instead of the quote "civic organizations" that were supposed to benefit. But to be fair I really don't consider any of the three that sold as "true civic organizations. Yes, I suppose they do qualify as "not for profit" but I question, what will the true benefit of their fireworks sales be to the "community"? I suspect that it will benefit the three organizations more than the community as a whole. And that's all right,but I doubt if that was the real intent of this ordinance. Sounds like it needs some amendments if it is to go forward into the future. Again it looks like the city attorney didn't put a whole lot of thought into this ordinance. But this is typical Raytown, they very seldom get something right the first time.
Why is Public Water District #2 advertising in Our Lady of Lourdes bulletin? They raise my water rate to give money to the church. Is this ethical? Should the Missouri Ethics Commission be made aware of this, since the water district is owned by the taxpayers.
I just called and asked the Fire Department some questions, and it is obvious that few here have done so. Let me clear some items up.
1)Yes the Fire Department did charge 1000.00 for their permit, why because the state fire marshal mandates that the local fire marshal is the only authority that can approve the the sale of fire works, they called it the (AJH).
2)10 permits were available to any Raytown organization that qualified, and only those three applied.
3)Shooting permits were available at both fire stations, as well as all three tents free of charge.
4)Sales Tax was collected and will go to the city.
5)The Fire Department did not have a single call related to fireworks, which last year when they were illegal then had two calls. Any relation? Probably not just the way things go I would guess.
Finally, if you were to poll the 30,000 or so residents to see which they would rather have our police do A)patrol our streets for family's shooting off loud fireworks, or B)Patrol our streets looking for drunk drivers, dangerous persons, and other violent crimes how do you think it would go...?
If there were a poll on fireworks it would be as it has always been that a majority of our residents(who are seniors) DON'T want them as evidence they were banned for approximately 25 years (at the citizens request) and no one really wanted them back until Pat Ertz decided to cave in to the "Special Interest" and bring them back. Police officers should ENFORCE ALL the laws, not just the ones they think are appropriate at the time. Mr. Ertz will probably find out how much trouble this issue will cause him should he decide to run for re-election. We seniors are the ones who vote!!!
I was just at the BOA meeting. Our Fascist Fief is creating a secret government. Minutes will now be summary minutes stating only that something was discussed but not who said what. This is a good way to cover up or distort what was said. This was done in an underhanded way as a discussion item without a 2nd reading.
The Lord Mayor stated that notice of meetings was given as required by state law. The problem, as I see it, is that state law does not require adequate notice. Notice requires posting only at City Hall, but who will go to City Hall to look for a notice.
I noticed that the Smoking Ordinance is being covered up as the Clean Air Ordinance. There is a meeting tomorrow at 8pm at the EMS building. Better check for yourselves because I have a lousy memory as to details.
It sounds as if they may create a new department head for Economic Development. Looks like another tie wearing chair warmer to sell us another bill of goods.
12:07PM, I am definitely in favor of your option "B". The primary job of the Police is to protect us from crime, drunk drivers, and other bad guys. Fireworks enforcement should really be done by Codes Enforcement and/or the Fire Department.
I think it is really discriminatory to limit Fireworks vending permits to non-profits when it is really a contracted private vendor. What a farce. People think they are supporting their favorite non-profit not a private company. Permits should be issued to any qualified person who will comply with the ordinance. It would be more convenient to buy fireworks at Hy-Vee, Apple Market, Walgreens, CVS, or whatever.
Andy Whiteman
Not community based organizations? The Chamber of Commerce and Our Lady of Lourdes have been around since the city was incorported. In the case of Lourdes, BEFORE the city was incorporated.
In the Chamber's defense, they do hold local events for the community and no one can doubt their role in local politics.
Lourdes runs a school for the children of Raytown residents, not to mention the many local organizations it supports like REAP, Catholic Charities, sponsorhip of Boy and Girl Scouts programs, not to mention the many sports programs the church provides for our area youth.
Shooting permits????? Why would anyone be dumb enough to purchase/get a shooting permit? Sounds like another Big Brother thing. Also another way for them to get more money from us all!
There is always somebody that will bend or break the law.
Speeders, people that run red lights and many more as well
as people that will break the laws about fireworks.
Of course we would all want our police dept. Looking for
"drunk drivers, dangerous persons and other violent crimes"
but the laws are the laws. If the police can't enforce the laws that
pertain to the use of fireworks then Raytown shouldn't have OK'd
them. I'm not blaming the police, this is all on the shoulders of City Hall.
If City Hall and our elected officials were dumb enough to think that
Raytowners would only use sparklers, fountains and smoke bombs
then I think we all know where our problems start and end.
Just once I would like our so called representatives to think about what
the consequences of their actions would and will do to the people
of Raytown. Before they give away any more taxpayer dollars, pass any
new laws or rules, they need to get their heads out and think!
A friend of mine told me yesterday that his real estate tax went up
a thousand dollars because of the school tax and T.I.F's given.
Of course he is thinking of moving.
Pat, How can the BOA think when the voters don't think. I am not speaking of the entire board. There are some on the board capable of excellant thought and reasoning powers. But there are some who appear accountable to no one.
One impostant question regarding any ordinance is "is it reasonable and enforceable?" Unless the answer is Yes to both,it is stupid to enact it. What have an ordinance that is not enforceable. It really makes the board look foolish.
My Real Estate tax went up $300 last year thanks to the Dysfunctional School District. That is not the reason I am moving. I am moving because this climate is unfit for human or animal habitation. Thanks to the heat spells we have been having, I feel like I am living in Hell. That is why I call this the State of Misery.
Andy Whiteman
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