A copy of the original article (posted on June 1, 2009) has been sent to Mayor David Bower and Aldermen Lightfoot and Mock.
DAY 1 - Time to Get Serious About Cleaning up Raytown
Cutline --- Vehicle parked in retirement home development between Hunter and Kentucky Streets, just north of 59th Street.
This is even more interesting because that strip of highway is the crown jewel of the David Bower administration. Somehow, the image of the tractor trailer parking lot does not fit well into that picture.
Why so many trucks choose to park in Raytown is easily understood. Surrounding cities like Kansas City, Lee’s Summit and Independence do not allow large over the road trailers parking privileges just anywhere. With the exception of residentially zoned areas, Raytown does not enforce any laws against the practice.
There is, however, more to the problem than just where the trucks are parked because of aesthetic reasons. There is also the problem of residentially zoned neighborhoods butting up to commercially zoned areas. An area in Ward 1 is along Gregory Boulevard. The residential neighborhood abuts a commercial strip containing Block Buster Video, Taco Bell and CVS Pharmacy.
This weekend no less than five tractors were parked at that location. Two of them had trailers attached (see photo). Not much of problem, unless, they are running their refrigeration units, or, during the winter, being warmed up in the very early hours of the morning.
Let’s face it. Who needs an alarm clock if the truck owner is warming up his diesel at four o’clock in the morning?
The people who make their home in the adjoining neighborhoods have as much right to a good nights sleep, free of diesel fumes, as much as someone living on Lake Shore Drive or 87th Street.
What amazes us is that the solution is simple. Find a place in Raytown (and they do exist) for all trucks to park without being so obtrusive. One writer to this blog has suggested the old Walmart / HyVee location at 67th and Blue Ridge. Not a bad location. It is blocked off on three sides from surrounding residential housing by a large footprint complex of buildings. To the west is commercial property. And, it has easy access to major thoroughfares serving Raytown. Or, restricting large truck parking to industrially zoned areas is also an option.
Members of the Raytown BOA get all excited about big signs and rental property. And they should. But the solution to this problem with large trucks is so simple it makes one wonder why it has not been addressed.
The ball is in their court. Let’s see what they do with it.
A copy of this complaint has been forwarded to those Aldermen representing the areas where the truck pictures were taken. They are: (in Ward 1) Alderman Joe Creamer and Alderman Shane Pardue. In Ward 3, Alderman Charlotte Melson and Alderman Christine White.
This just in!
Say good by to the pretty new grass at the old church site.
They have started parking trailers on it. By the time the tents
come down, after this weeks rain and all the people walking
on it, my guess the grass will be ruined. Don't get me wrong,
I'm glad to see the Summerfest and BBQ come to town. I think
Raytown needs this but, who will pay for the re-renovation of
the site?
It seems to me that the BOA has lack of focus. There was an Alderperson at a recent meeting screaming about "QUALITY CITIES." (Actually it was the first time that I could hear her clearly. Maybe when provoked, she will speak up!)
These photos distinctly show LACK OF QUALITY. As I said at the last BOA meeting, this city is blighted.
It may have an impact if several citizens appear at the BOA and take their full 5 minutes to express their disgust. Or they could form a group and one person speak for 10 minutes. Part of the problem is that the sheepole allow the Lords of the Fief to due nothing through indifference. If more people would voice their concerns, it may draw attention.
Are we living in New York City? I doubt that there is truck parking on the streets there.
This blight in this Fascist Fief needs to be addressed or would be be stepping on someone's toes or the friend of someone?
One guestion that comes to mind: Do the trucks parking at Taco Bell, etc. have the permission of the property owner? Quite possibly they are trespassing.
Andy Whiteman
Pat is right.
The electrical wiring up there is downright scary looking. I am not sure if it is up to code. But I do know the city would never sign off on that type of work on private property.
Be careful where you step up there this weekend. With all this rain there will definitely be some settling of the earth where the old Baptist church used to be.
Are the trailers a "Quality City?" I haven't been that way and won't until Thursday. Why does one one of our Alderpeople pick on REAP and speak of "Quality Cities," but lets the rest of Raytown look like a lighted slum?
I doubt that the electrical wiring is up to code. I would class it as an extension cord supported by poles. Also there is and exposed meter box with no meter. Hopefully no one will be electrocuted.
Andy Whiteman
It is not illegal to park a truck in one of these parking lots. The owners who are a company out of town don't really care. The trucks need a place to park. They deserve time with their families just as much as anyone else. This is part of the problem with certain people in this town. They have no tolerance for people that have to work for a living.
Has anyone looked at the pole with the meter can on it? Are the wires on the pole hooked up to the transformer or power wires? If they are not then it shouldnt matter, however, it should have a cover over where the meter used to be just as a precautionary measure. Call KCP&L if you do not feel safe and ask them to look at it if the city wont do anything about it.
It is probably legal for truck drivers to park on the commercially zoned area parking lots. But the one parked on the street in the residential zone is definitely illegal.
The people who live in the neighborhoods around those trucks behind Taco Bell don't think too highly of the belching diesels or the noise they create when running.
Maybe we should allow them to park at the city hall parking lot. Apparently its not enough of a problem for the Board to handle.
I checked on who represents this area.
What do Mr. Shane Pardue and Mr. Joe Creamer have to say about it?
8:33 PM, I agree with you as long as the engine is turned off. Truckers need a place to park their rig. I used to live in a village of 125 houses. A man down the street and around the corner parked his tractor in front of his home. No one had a problem with it. If one of my neighbors drove a truck for a living, I would have no problem with his/her parking there as long as it is quiet. My objection would be to the engine left running. From what I hear of those parking at Taco Bell is it is a noise and pollution issue.
Before I was forced to move to Raytown, I thought I might be forced to Conyers, GA. I checked their ordinances back in 1999 and at that time RVs, travel trailers, and boats weren't allowed. I am surprised that the Quality City people haven't taken these items up. The RVs, travels trailers, and boats don't bother me but there are some small minded people. Frankly, I think they are jealous that they don't have one!
Andy Whiteman
Agreed. The truckers need a place to park. If city hall is sincere about cleaning up Raytown's image then they should find a convenient place for them to park.
A lot of good people make their living driving trucks. But seeing them tucked away at abandoned gas stations, behind grocery stores and half-developed streets is not any kind of a plan.
We can do better.
While I know the big trucks pose a neighborhood problem,
with both noise and exhaust fumes.
the reason some are parked in Raytown is because
Raytown is a working community. Although our elected officials
would rather Raytown be Lee's Summit or Lakewood. It cannot
nor will it ever be. If our elected officials really cared for the taxpaying
public, truck drivers included, and since they passed rules against
the truck drivers parking close to their homes, it would only make sense and
good public relations, that the city would come up with some kind of parking arrangement for these Raytown citizens. However this
might cause them to work or think.
So, my suggestion is go to the top of Raytown government.
The people that tell the elected officials what to do and how to think. The City Administrator
and the city's lawyer.
Maybe they can move the cook off to the paved surfaces on Blue Ridge Boulevard and the Raytown Plaza.
Sure would be a lot less muddy.
Pat, The plain truth is that most city officials don't give a damn what we think. They do through the motions of "public comment" and responding to emails (sometimes). But is in one ear and out the other bypassing the brain.
Andy Whiteman
If the rain continues.
Here is a thought. Maybe they can rope off the area where the barbeque is supposed to be held and have mud wrestling.
Could draw quite a crowd!
I really believe a good solution to the trucking problem is to have them park in the old HyVee lot. the city could fence it in. It has good lighting and the noise won't bother anyone. Oh but I forgot this prime property to be developed so says city hall. Personally I don't believe anything they tell me. Especially the mayor or the high paid employees.
I am glad to see Raytown BBQ coming to town, but i am worry about the grass. I have seen city workers watering grass. It's a shame to see the grass and cash go to waste. I am waiting to see what happen after the BBQ.
5:10 PM, A good idea, but being private property, the city can't fence it off.
I suggest a business could fence it or another location off and charge admission. We see these on the interstates called "Truck Stops". The difference here is that many are locals who need a place to park their rigs. The PD and I had an encounter with one trucker, with engine running all night, claiming he was waiting for a business to open. Turned out to be a lie when I checked with the business and they wondered why he was there.
Actually Raytown needs a secure place to park trucks for residents. I doubt there is zoning for that. I suspect it would have to go before the BOA as a conditional use or Planned Unit Development. I think it would be difficult to find someone to do this because the land has more value for business or industrial use.
Andy Whiteman
It is not illegal for the trucks to park behind tacobell an blockbuster. SO let them do it. Some of those truckdrivers live here in Raytown. They try and park as close as possible to their families, but i guess for you whining saps this does not matter. Maybe you should insulate your residences better to keep out sound. You don't like people telling you how your lives should be run, why would you do it to others.
The Hawk
Hold on to those checkbooks and remenber how to say NO. The brainstorming meeting at the fire palace the other night was very informing. After reading the article in the Post online there was mention about wanting to move city hall to downtown. You know what that means MONE MONEY FROM US THE TAXPAYERS. My answer is HELL NO you have already given the city away to Wal Mart and Hy Vee so I say stay where you are at. And as for thinking codes is in fine shape get your head out of you know where and just look around. I know it is much easier to just pat youself on the back and THINK you have done a great job fact is you have done a lousy job.. I sure would like to see these new alderman get some of their projects and ideas implemented we might be a whole lot better off then listening to these ole crows, say how wonderful they are.
Pat I agaree the old church site will be a mess. Vickie Turnbow may have to take those leather gloves out of her hip pocket and actually use them to restore this site. All she used those gloves for at the City clean up day was for looks, all look no action or work.
The out Hyvee location would be great as a truck lot, accept one thing. It does not have direct access to east bound 350 Hwy. Also the only way to get to eastbound 350 hwy would be to go through the 67 St. and Blue Ridge light. How many of you have seen a big tractor trailer try and make that intersection. Even for a skill trucker it is difficult. The Towne Centre lot at least provides easy access to both east and west bound 350. I then refer to my previous statment, insulate your residences better. If the sound is making it in your house then imagine how much of your heating and cooling is leaving. So not only would you not hear the noise you would be saving money on your utilities. Financial Help and Common Sence from:
The Hawk
I have been told by a reliable source that the Chamber has
an insurance policy on the old church property so the grass
will be put back as it was when they started. Also all the electrical
is and has been inspected by KCPL and will be inspected again
before the Summerfest opens to the public. Ground fault electrical
and many safety measures have been taken. There is also an inspection
scheduled for the carnival too.
On a personal note I'm looking forward to having some great BBQ tomorrow.
So lets give them a break and have some good food and fun this weekend.
So typical of City Hall. They ignore the real problems like large disel trucks fouling the air and tranquility of a neighborhood.
What's really important to them is to build another monument (read blog two back) to themselves.
All the sloganeering from the last election was just that. They should campaign on a theme of "more of the same", because nothing has gotten better.
By the way, I see signs everyday in Raytown on busy corners, telephone poles, etc., selling everything from lawnmowing service, pay day loans, increasing credit scores and so forth every day. Many for weeks on end before the wind blows them down.
Is my eye sight so much better than our code enforcement officers that they cannot see the signs?
Anyone of them at city hall who thinks they are doing a good job, from the newby aldermen to the crusty old veterans, aren't doing a damned thing for this town.
See they're putting new sidewalks in front of city hall. Not really a high traffic area for pedestrians, is it. But it sure does make them feel better about themselves.
Now, everytime they to one of their therapy sessions (the call them city council meetings) they can be reminded of how wonderful they are by putting in new sidewalks!
Let's park the trucks in your neighborhood. Then you can put more isulation into your home.
By the way, how do you keep the diesel stench out of your house if you open the window for fresh air?
As for the Barbeque. If it were to rain two feet, the people putting it on would call it the most successful event ever. I can already read the headlines in the Post.
Here is another thought, get a copy of the insurance policy you have "heard about". Post it. Then I will believe it.
Otherwise it is just something someone heard.
9:28 AM, Sounds like our Alderpeople have a good idea. The idea is to distract us and them from the real issues. Therefore, there will be no staff time for a smoking ordinance or curbside recycling. Always distract people from the real issues.
The old City Hall is downtown--at least walking distance to downtown. The building is in good condition (maybe maintainance is needed). You cannot built it to the same standards at today's prices.
I wasn't there to hear what was said, but there are many vacant bussinesses and offices in and near downtown. These could be occupied by the Fascist Fief. I consider any idea like this to be a waste of money. The only viable option I could understand is if the Fascist Fief doesn't have enough space and NEEDS to rent an office.
The Fascist Fief is seeking porkulous money from Dictator O'Bomba. I really think the Porkulous funding would cease is Dictator O'Bomba knew of the overall wastefull spending by the the Fascist Fief and the Dysfunctional School District.
The Salary Czar needs to take a look at Raytown salaries--totally out of line!
Andy Whiteman
Anon 10:40
What a close minded person you are. I live near the area in question. I know a few people who accually live in that area. I never hear them complain just you. You want fresh air move out of the city. You will never get fresh air. Inside a large metropolitan like this fresh air is a joke. i don't open my windows. If want fresh air I visit my farm out in the middle of no where. Don't cry to me about those trucks are not in my neighborhood. I don't let working people bother me. Just the people who don't and blog complaints about everyone else. Also my home is insulated very well i might add. It keeps the loud steroes from cars out. I am sure i would not be able to hear the suddle roar of a truck.
People with attitudes like yours should live in there own private community where you can fight it out with your neighbors daily and pissed together. That will allow the rest of us to have a better life.
Personal note. Hopefully the Summerfest BBQ will be great. Hopefully no rain and as allways great food. I would encourage everyone, accept mr. Cynical, Anon 10:40, to attend.
The Hawk
CODES, CODES, CODES!!!! Wouldn't you think that like in any business that you would prioritize your workload and put the REALLY important items to be done first. Instead of cleaning up our neighborhoods of the weeds, trashy houses, and the thousands of other code violations that are all over town, this codes guy was out HARASSING "little ole ladies" about their garage sale signs. Come on city hall let's get your act together. Mayor Bower needs to start ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY for these "DUDS" we call city employees and decide what is really important. This town's code enforcement is a JOKE. LEAVE THE LITTLE OLE LADIES ALONE.
Mayor Bower is to busy to know what is really going on in the city. He is busy getting his comedy routine together for the next council meeting. I feel sorry for the new alderman they are trying to make a differance and are stymed by the old crows at everything they are trying to do.
Pat I hate to tell you this, but you won't get far with the city attorney or the administrator. They all walk around with blinders on.
Hey guys. Here is one for your Day 1, Day 2 column.
I drive on 59th Street pretty frequently. About half a block from city hall, at 59th and Raytown Trafficway on the south side of the street, there is a huge rock in the middle of the sidewalk.
I noticed it about a week ago. And then again tonight.
I know that at least two of our Aldermen, Pardue and Creamer have got to drive by this rock every time they go to and from city hall.
No doubt, when the city attorney drives in from Gladstone on a daily basis she drives past it coming in from the north city limits on Raytown Trafficway. This does not mention the city employees in public works and codes that most certainly drive by it on nearly a daily basis. Remember, it is only half a block from city hall!!!
How long do you think it will stay there before it is moved.
In the ghetto, the rock would just stay there until another one is put beside it and then trash and debris begins to gather around it.
In a well run city the hazard (it does block the sidewalk) would be picked up an cleaned up.
Let's see how long it stays there. Sometimes the actions/inactions of some people speaks so much louder than words.
You are so wrong, Hawk.
Our neighborhood deserves as much peace and quiet as your does.
Working people do not bother me either. But when their trucks are running at night and the stench of diesel fuel keeps me from opening my window to let in a cool evening breeze, well let's just say it kind of makes me a little resentful.
Local governments are supposed to write laws to ensure the quality of life for everyone. Not just those who go by the name hawk.
I know your kind very well, Hawk. You sound and write so much like a bully. You care only about yourself.
I don't begrudge your trips to the country. Why would you resent me and my neighbors from wanting a little peace and quiet in our neighborhood?
Yes, leave our senior citizens alone. I know of one who is claiming harassment from the codes people. I have heard it from her and assume it to be true.
As for the signs around town, what is the procedure? Do they have to locate the owner and give 10 day notice? If that is the procedure, it is obvious why signs can't be enforced.
Hawk, For my information, how do you soundproof a house? I can hear barking dogs, etc. and I am thinking it is coming through the roof, sewer vents, or exhaust fans.
I have a Realtor friend who is in the group Cognitive Dissidents and he said the only way to soundproof a house is to build it to the standards of a recording studio.
Andy Whiteman
9:11PM, That is why I said our Administrators should be required to live in Raytown. The problem here is no one will take responsibility for doing something. Have you notified codes or public works?
How long will it stay? My answer: Until someone trips over it and sues the city and/or property owner.
BTW maybe it will be pictured in part 3. I did go check out the BP station before and after repairs since I happened to be in the area and reported it. Since I am not paid by the city. I think others can do reporting. I know the editors are reporting, but I think complaints carry more weight from a citizen. I received responses to my complaints.
Andy Whiteman
8:15PM, I think Jay Leno is better at comedy than Mayor Bower. Bower would never make it on TV.
I think VanBuskirk, Lightfoot, and Mock are really bringing up relevant and important questions to all issues.
Andy Whiteman
Has anyone ever gone before the City Council and asked them
what have you people done for the tax paying people of Raytown?
I just read in the Post about how the aldermen were praising each other
on how well they have been doing. Such as "the economic development
projects like the new Hy-Vee grocery store, the current construction of
a new Wal-Mart Supercenter, (which Raytown will not see any tax dollars
from for twenty three years) and the demolition of the old First Baptist
Church." We all know with the old locations of the above mentioned
stores Raytown had an income from taxes collected. Now little or no
tax income will be collected. Is that the definition of economic development?
Then it needs to stop! Plus how much was the total bill on the old church?
I feel sorry for the new elected officials that truly seem to care.
VanBuskirk, Lightfoot and Mock. They will be beating their heads against
the good old buddy wall for their four year terms. Hopefully in two years
the people can elect more good, caring people to help them out.
There seems to be a definite link between service level from those departments who department heads actually reside within Raytown and those that live in other cities. Just look at the high level of service we are provided by our police department and by emergency medical services. Jim Lynch and Matt Cushman should be very proud of leading the way in the service level we should expect from all department heads. Again, it seems clear the answer to cleaning up the failure to provide the services we the taxpayers expect is by requiring all department heads to reside within our city or turn in their registration.
“The Time is Now” we do not need to keep “Reaching for Tomorrow” to achieve having our city to be one of the top communities within Greater Kansas City!
I wonder why my last post was censored and not posted? I did make reference to two individuals (one by name and one by title), but it is the truth and not intended as a personal attack. Greg was on the BOA as witness and he knows it to be true.
Everyone who was at the meetings either in person or on TV knows it to be true unless the TV replay is censored.
Andy Whiteman
I understand that the Chamber of Commerce will be selling fireworks. Another example of the good ole boys system at work. Isn't the chief sponsor of fireworks alderman Pat Ertz? Also he's a member of the chamber. Talk about "feathering your own nest". I'm sure the people will remember this when he runs for re-election. I say vote him out, too cozy for comfort at city hall.
I was speaking with one of the state representatives who informed me that our city didn’t make any attempts to obtain state funding for projects. It was stated he has never met any of the lobbyists that the city has hired, which last I recall we are spending $30,000 a year on. I know to some that is not a lot of money, but it would hire an extra code enforcement officer or pay for an additional police car.
I guess this is just an additional example of who our mayor really doesn’t care if he brings tax dollars back into our city. To many years building stadiums has clouded his vision for our future. Oh well, we only have two more years to put up with the mistake of electing him mayor.
By the way the only person at city hall to reach out to this state representative was Pat Ertz who is working on obtaining state funding for projects water district #2 is working on. This is the type of leadership we need at city hall. Thank you, Pat, for setting an example that Bower needs to live by.
A stadium would have been better on 350 HWY than a Walmart. We even have the epertise to build it. A stadium would have brought in related businesses such as restaurants, motels, etc. Much more productive than a Walmart.
Maybe Pat Ertz should run for mayor in 2 years. Hopefully I won't be here but I still can vote if I can't sell my property.
The Mayor should be a full time job. No person can work full time and have enough time left over to do the Mayor's job properly.
BTW has anyone noticed the planter project? Pat has 2 beautiful planters of flowers at his business along with a sign that it is a project. I don't get around much, but those are the only planters that I noticed downtown.
Andy Whiteman
Andy, There has always has been censorship that is why I don't post much anymore.
To Anon 730, How is the chamber selling firework the good ol boy system?
Our Lady of Lourdes and The River Church are selling them as well. Any non-profit group can sell fireworks.
When is everybody going to see that nothing is going to be done about the codes violations in this city. It doesn't matter whether it's the trucks, property maintenance, animal control or anything else our city hall has gone to pot. Either we live with it or move, city hall doesn't care one way or another.
I'm moving, as soon as my house sells. This has become the trashiest town around. MAYOR BOWER DOSEN'T CARE. What a mistake I made voting for this inexperienced joker.
Any non-profit organization can sell fireworks but a permit is required. I believe there is a limit of 10 permits each year.
7:17PM, if nothing will be done about codes, why are certain people harassed about codes. I know one senior citizen who claims harassment.
Take a look at the corner of 67th St and Raytown Rd. There are numerous postings of the same sign on one corner! Looks stupid to me. I think one is enough or even NONE would be better. Maybe one of the editors would like to run out and take a photo. This city looks blighted to me. Why all the talk about Quality Cities? It is just talk and no action.
Andy Whiteman
8:26PM, Good luck selling your house. I will but my house on the market after I move. I know that sounds strange, but I don't know how long it will take to remodel my new house and/or how long it will take me to pack. My house will sell better vacant after a clean up, some painting, and maybe minor repairs.
4 years ago I was told the average house in Raytown was on the market 6 months. I don't think they will sell that quickly now.
Andy Whiteman
Andy, I know homes that have been on the market for 2 years and have not sold. Price is the motivating factor. I was told that if I wanted to hold out I might get $120,000 but if I was motivated to move it price it closer to $100,000. So you see we have some choices to make.
I see that Mr. Knabe's property at 79th and Spring Valley is still holding water. More mosquitoes for me and my neighbors. Why doesn't the city make him fix this RIGHT, instead of him just ignoring his responsibility. Couldn't be that because he is a friend and supporter of Mayor Bowers that he is given special treatment? Again another black eye for the codes department.
11:19 AM, you are correct about price. I just bought a house that was on the market over 2 years. (It was rented one of those years.) I felt it was overpriced. The listing agent argued that it wasn't (which is her job.) Finally the price came down a little and I made a lower offer. The Realtor said that the seller was in no hurry to sell but after the offer was accepted she said that the seller wanted to close before the 1st so they didn't have to pay another month. So I guess when someone really wants to sell, the price will come down. I will price my house to sell. The last time I did that, my Realtor said my price was too low.
What I really wonder is when buyers drive around Raytown and see our blighted condition in some areas, will they buy here? I bought in 2000. If Raytown was in the condition it is today, I never would have bought here.
11:24 AM, It could be that when and if codes goes out they don't observe mosquitoes since mosquitoes are out mainly dusk and dawn. I don't know about Raytown but most cities prohibit standing water.
It seems to me that your complaint should be to the Health Department. Not only is it a nuisance, but it is really a HEALTH issue. You could also call CH 4 Problem solvers.
I have mosquitoes too and am not sure where they are coming from. Possibly Wildwood Lake which is some distance. I make sure to replace the dog's water at least once daily. I have a 40 watt bug zapper outside and a 25 watt bug zapper in the garage. There are many mosquito traps and repellers on the market but you shouldn't have to buy them because of an irresponsible neighbor. I am just pointing out possible remedies because while 99% of the mosquitoes are probably from your neighbor, you may still have some mosquitoes when the issue is resolved. I suggest checking Westlake or Smith's.
BTW: I complained to Public Works about standing water from poor storm drainage. They came out and took care of it promptly.
Andy Whiteman
No use calling city hall call your alderman see what he can get done if he can't call Fox 4. The mayor doesn't like that. Then you may have a chance to tell the whole KC metro area how Raytown is really run.
I would challenge the codes department to go by Mr. Knabe's lot at 79th and Spring Valley and tell me that the problem is solved. The POND must be more than 6 inches deep. We must start holding Mayor Bower accountable for his negligent city employees.
I was so hopeful that Beth Linn was going to be a good employee at city hall. Again I guessed wrong. She lives in Kansas comes here puts in eight hours and goes home and could give a damn about our city after she levaes. The old crows at city hall just can't get it why a city department head needs to live where they work. Next election we need to get rid of about five of them.and the mayor also.
5:35PM, How will it be done? It is necessary for people to VOTE to get rid of anyone. If you look at how many voted in the last city election, it is obvious that there won't be enough voters to accomplish anything.
It sounds like the assumption is that all will run in the next election. I was shocked when Flemming and Schlapia didn't run! I assumed they would.
I read in last week's Raytown Post that the Chamber anticipated 15,000 to 20,000 people to show up at the Raytown Barbeque.
Does anyone know how many actually attended?
Here are the simple facts of Raytown's City Hall,
Number one, they don't care what we think.
Number "two".....is what they think of the people.
Number three, they think they are all smarter than any of the rest of us.
Number four, they spend your money faster than they can collect it.
Number five, there is not one person on the board that knows how to run a town.
Number six, they can't say no to giving away taxpayer money.
Number seven, and most important, they don't know what their job is.
Number eight, rules were written for everyone but for them to follow.
That is why we have outsiders as dept. Heads.
Number nine, they make a mess of everything they do then don't have the
honesty to admit it or integrity correct it.
Number ten, they have probably hurt this town beyond repair.
As for the illegal signs, they are like weeds, you pick a few and the
next day there are twice as many as before. Drive in front of the Center 63
shopping center. "Want a free phone?" well there is about five new signs
to tell you.
In the neighborhood section of the KC Star last week they said the crowd for summerfest was 15,000
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