Sunday, January 31, 2010

In This Week's Raytown Report

A Taxing Situation The Story Behind the Story It’s February 1st – Time to Take Down those Outdoor Christmas Decorations The Last Word High School Sports / Youth News - Raytown Girls Softball Signup Information Last Week’s Poll Results
. . . . . BREAKING NEWS . . . . .
Raytown City Attorney Nancy Thompson has tendered her resignation with the City of Raytown effective Friday, March 12th, 2010. According to sources at Raytown City Hall, Mrs. Thompson has been hired by the City of Riverside, Missouri. Mrs. Thompson will be the first full time attorney hired by the City of Riverside. Her first duty will be to initiate the formation of a law department for Riverside.
Community Billboard Announcement
The Raytown Girls Softball League will hold signups for their 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Raytown Middle School located at 4900 Pittman Road. Individuals and teams (T-Ball through Adult) are welcome. Please use this link for more information A Taxing Situation Jackson County property tax records show that two candidates for the Raytown School Board of Education are not current in their payment of property taxes. The two candidates are incumbent School Board member Bobbie Saulsberry, and political newcomer Nancy Eyerly. Both have filed for two open seats on the Raytown School Board. A third candidate, incumbent Rick Thode, is current on the payment of his taxes. The delinquencies on property tax payments bring into question whether or not Saulsberry or Eyerely are eligible to remain on the April 6th ballot. Missouri Statutes specifically state Any person who files as a candidate for election to a public office shall be disqualified from participation in the election for which the candidate has filed if such person is delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, real property taxes on the place of residence, as stated on the declaration of candidacy, or if the person is a past or present corporate officer of any fee office that owes any taxes to the state. To view a copy of the pertinent section of Missouri State Statutes use this link. Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 115 Election Authorities and Conduct of Elections The Jackson County Election Board is aware of the situation and is said to be investigating what action to take in light of the tax delinquencies. The Story Behind the Story Last Tuesday morning the Raytown Report received an anonymous email with copies of the Jackson County Property Tax records showing the delinquencies reported above. The Raytown School District was contacted. A secretary to the superintendant’s office stated that verification of tax records was the responsibility of the (Jackson County) Election Board. So, we contacted Bob Nichols and Tammy Brown, Co-Directors of the Jackson County Election Board. Nichols and Brown explained that it is the responsibility of the governing body (for which the candidates are filed) to determine if candidates are eligible to be placed on the ballot. Nichols continued that the Raytown School District has been notified of their responsibility in this matter. One year ago a similar situation developed at Raytown City Hall. In that election Ward Dickman, a candidate for Ward 4 Alderman, was removed from the ballot for not paying his property taxes before filing for office. We checked with the other governing entity in Raytown that is holding an election this coming April, Public Water Supply District No. 2. The Director of the Water District, Pat Ertz, told us that they had checked on the four candidates running for two open seats on the Water District’s Board of Directors and found all of the candidates to be current in their taxes. It’s February 1st . . . Time to Take Down those Outdoor Christmas Decorations Call it a pet peeve, but isn’t it time to take down the Christmas decorations that are still up around town? Yes, the weather has been cold, but the ten inches of snow we had at Christmas is long gone and it has been warm enough to pack away decorations for another year. A friendly reminder to former Mayor Sue Frank, Christmas decorations include banners hung on the outside of her insurance office wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from the Downtown Main Street Association. The Last Word About three weeks ago I received a blog from one of our regular posters, Pat Casady, in which he wrote that ”reliable sources” had said former Raytown City Administrator Curt Wenson had been removed from his post as City Administrator of Liberty, Missouri. The post went up in the early morning hours and we were unable to verify the story immediately. Pat’s information is usually dead on and he has a reputation for being as honest as the day is long. None the less, I thought it would be best to check out the story. A quick call to Liberty City Hall and I found Curt Wenson. He assured me that rumors of his demise were premature and that he was still at the helm of the good ship Liberty. So, I got back to Pat to find out who the “reliable source” was. That old trickster, former Raytown Mayor, Willard Ross, must have been feeling his oats that morning. Pat told me that Willard had let the information “slip out” while some of Raytown’s old-timers were having breakfast that morning. Willard, we owe you one. Watch your back. High School Sports and Youth News

Raytown Girls Softball Signup Information

RAYTOWN GIRLS SOFTBALL SIGNUPS FEBRUARY 13 & 20 The Raytown Girls Softball League will hold signups for their 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Raytown Middle School located at 4900 Pittman Road. Individuals and teams (T-Ball through Adult) are welcome.
Please use this link for more information Cards Hope Lessons in Adversity Lead to Strong Season Finish Raytown South coach Brad Oestreich calls this part of the year the "second season," the part of the schedule where the team has enough games under its belt to see what they are made of, with a month left to get better before the district tournament. The first part of the season is usually when teams deal with pre-season rust, adapt to new plays and experience how well they face adversity. For the rest of this story and other stories about Raytown South sports use this link: O’Hara Seniors Mark Progress for Senior Projects Seniors at Archbishop O’Hara High School have the curriculum option of completing a Senior Project in place of eighth semester final exams. On Posting Day (January 25) Seniors presented status reports and posters outlining progress on the projects, which commenced in September. Students have many options for their Senior Project, which is designed to help the student explore learning in many areas of interest to them. Among this year’s projects are Payden Hays’ building of a 1954 Willy Jeep from parts and Annie Kline’s exploration the career of Art Therapy. Nick Cobb and Leah Fenani are learning and then teaching salsa dancing and Nicole Krawczyk is producing a Broadway tunes variety show with a cast of O’Hara students. Accomplished guitarist Brandon Wesche is teaching guitar while Anthony High is using his drawing talent to create a gallery of portraits depicting Lasallian saints. Among the other topics students are exploring are graphic arts, journalism, fundraising, restoring automobiles and creating a video of the Class of 2010. In May, students will give formal presentations of their projects and will be rated as Superior, Excellent or Good. The completed projects will be displayed at Baccalaureate. Student posters are currently on display in the front hall of the school. Last Week’s Poll Results Do you support renewal of the Park Department’s Sales Tax? Yes . . . . 34% No . . . . 61% Not sure at this time . . . . 1%


Andy Whiteman said...

Obviously if someone doesn't pay their taxes they will vote for an outrageous tax increase because they don't pay taxes anyway. Non-payment of one's taxes sure demonstrates absolutely NO leadership or management skills. How can the public trust people like that to manage their tax money?

Last week I was notified that my laptop had an unbound proxy and was sending thousands of spam. I fought with it myself for a few days and decided to take in to a technician. I normally go to OP which is a 2 hour trip with high prices. Fortunately Raytown Computer Repair recently opened in the strip mall at 67th and Raytown Rd where Pizza Hut delivery is. I took my laptop to Rob for repair. He had the laptop back to me the next day had removed 15 Trojans and the speed was back to that of a new laptop. I highly recommend Rob at 816-984-2478. He gives fast, personal service and his prices are reasonable.

Andy Whiteman

Pat Casady said...

It's not that hard to understand that when you are going to
run for any kind of office, your own house should be in order.
With today's information it's hard to hide your bad deeds.
It's too bad there isn't a site to go to, to see if a candidate
is honest, trustworthy and sharp enough to do the job they are
elected to do. Sometimes waiting four years to correct an electoral
mistake can, as we have seen, cost taxpayers dearly.
I was watching PBS's Ruckus the other day and someone mentioned
that Kansas City's mayor never met a TIF he didn't like. I thought
how true, and the same works for Raytown's elected officials.
The only difference is KC can afford stupid mistakes a little easier than small town Raytown can.

Anonymous said...

Question???? If all these people are behind in their property taxes, how can they get their car license renewed????????????????

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they had two year tags.

Andy Whiteman said...

8:36 AM, I believe Greg said they are behind on their property taxes. He didn't mention personal property taxes. In order to get license plates, a paid personal property tax receipt must be presented for that vehicle. Maybe some one should check the sticker on their license plates. It may be that there are vehicles on the streets illegally. It may be a good idea for someone to walk the parking lot at the next school board meeting looking for expired plates. I used to dispatch a Sheriff's Department and if an officer stopped a vehicle on the road with an expired plate, the vehicle was immediately towed.

I agree with Pat. There should be an investigation of candidates, their associates, and friends with the results made public. I am now receiving articles about der Fuerher and his associates that were not disclosed before the election.

Andy Whiteman

Robbie Tubbs said...

Andy - thanks for the information about your computer repair man. It’s hard to know who to trust when it comes to computer repairs. Some are very good, and others cause more problems than when I started.

Greg - thanks for the information last week about the Taco Supper at Our Lady of Lourdes. The tacos were very good and the people were friendly.

If candidates are filing for election to public office, whether it’s City government or the School Board, and if it is the “responsibility of the governing body (for which the candidates are filed) to determine if candidates are eligible to be placed on the ballot”, who dropped the ball on this one? What are the consequences of their action (or inaction)? I think someone has some explaining to do.

Anonymous said...

These two people need to be big enought to step and ask that their names be removed from the ballot. This just goes to show that the school administrsation is VERY incompetent at the very least.

Anonymous said...

Dennis – January 31, 2010 6:31
I believe the posting this week about elected officials and / or candidates not paying their own taxes paints a clear picture of why it is acceptable to post elected officials addresses on this or any other site.
Let the honest people of this world remind you these who decide to seek public office must understand the also accept opening their lives up to public review. With technology advancements we have these days it makes easier then ever for individuals to research our elected officials and / or candidates. We also should expect that these individuals will lead by example being trustworthy and honest. .
Sad to say, but as we have seen this week it is apparent some tied to or wishing to be tied to the school board believe they are exempt form paying their taxes. I guess being on the school board places individuals in a special class. It also makes it clear that the corresponding bodies that should be doing the due diligent to ensure the candidates are eligible to seek office are sleeping on the job. The school districts lack of detail and review in this matter only further validates the point that a state audit is way over due.
In addition, you need to be reminded that the US Patriot Act requires individuals to provide proof of who they are under the customer identification program, which includes institutions to obtain their name, identification number, date of birth and physical address. With that being the case I find it an out rage when candidates, believe providing a post office box is acceptable. If we the people are not allowed to attempt to hide our true physical address, address where we reside, then why should those that govern us.

What is it that these individual wish to hide from the public eye that might decide elections with results other then what they are wishing. So go on with your believes of what should be private, and make sure you don’t complain at the lack of transparency we are seeing from city hall and those elected claim the want to provide.

Andy Whiteman said...

Anon 4:19PM, Why don't you stand behind what you said and sign your name?

Candidates must put their home address on their filing for the ballot. I have seen the Mayor's as well as others published in the Raytown Post when it was in business.

The trouble in America is the no one will assume responsibility. The board of elections passes it off to the Dysfunctional District and the Dysfunctional School District passes it off to the election board. Obviously this is a Dysfunctional attempt to to continue being Dysfunctional and wasteful of tax dollars. The named individuals should be REMOVED from the ballot. It seems to me this could be reported to the Attorney General as illegal election activity.

Robbie, not only are Rob's prices at Raytown Computer Repair reasonable, but he is willing to give you free tips so you can do some of it yourself. I prefer his personal expertise rather than dealing with a big box store.

Andy Whiteman

Andy Whiteman

School District Embarrassment said...

It was nice to read this week’s blog and learn that at least one of the media’s is concerned about the ethics and morals of the elected officials in our area.

I hope Bobbie’s fellow school board members call for her resignation. She is an embarrassment to the district, dedicated staff and tax payer who have graciously over the years supported the tax inchoatives presented to us.

This however is one individual that can no longer support the district with any justification they can have for requesting additional funding from us. It was bad enough when the board led by none other then Bobbie decided to increase the mil level on us during these hard economic times to now learn this self centered individual doesn’t even pay her own taxes.

It is a shame that state doesn’t investigate her and the district for her actions. Clearly someone who cannot pay her own tax doesn’t have the every day common sense to make decision that impact how our tax dollars are spent. Perhaps a law suit is in order to have the money form the increase past last November be returned to each tax payer for the board not ensuring their members lead by example. As well, the fact the administrative staff including our tax and spend superintendent for not properly validating the legitimacy to her and her clone from Independence filing for office.

If this was a corporation and there have been enough in the last several months that have face a cleaning of top officers by shareholders who are tired of the abuse and excessive bonuses. It is time we the taxpayers do the same to the board. Perhaps the answer is flooding the state attorney general office with complaints demanding an investigation as they demanded more tax dollars form us.

Let us go forth from this day forward and flood the superintendent office with calls regarding the spending of the district and requesting a deep dive and review of all district associates to make sure they are doing the right thing with taxes owed.

With contract being ready to be handed out and cuts in the air it would be a good time to do some of the cleaning based on those who defraud the tax payers, but not paying their own share of taxes.

dennis said...

funny you believe all that dribble you laid out there and funny you didnt even sign your post....dennis

Anonymous said...

you think nancy pelosis address is listed...

Anonymous said...

I understand why elected officials
and hired department heads would rather we didn't
have their addresses and in some cases live out of town.
Most of them don't have a clue how to do their jobs.
Only a few know that they are supposed to represent
the people of Raytown and not big business.
Only a few know that the money they are spending
belongs to the taxpayers, for the taxpayers.
The biggest tax spender is the school district. What kind
of educational benefit do the millions spent on artificial
turf do for all students? Other than the monumental intersections
how are your streets doing?

Anonymous said...

For some time, I have wanted to take the time and respond to the individual who calls himself, Dennis. After the stuff you have been trying to sale for the last several days I can no longer remain silent.

I have decided being you have always only signed your posting ‘Dennis” that this is not your name but actually what your intent is “Darn Exception Now Needlessly Infecting Stupidness”. Who else but someone that finds themselves a Darn Exception to the education of others would post the misguided information that you have been doing for to long.

While at it why does anyone living in Missouri’s 5th district care where the speaker of the house lives. Please note the speaker of the house is elected by their peers in the Congress. The people within the speaker’s district are the ones that need to know where she lives to ensure she is tied back to her district.

Based on asking about our speaker, I and others are left to believe you don’t have a clue as to what district you even live in, which would further indicate you don’t take part in the election process are nation has. I base this also on the fact that you take issue with posting elected official address or find it funny the information is already posted on several governmental websites already. I am sure you will disagree with me on that, but that is fine it will further prove how uneducated you truly are. I therefore suggest you do some homework and research before opening you mouth again and proving the lack of inelegance you possess.

I understand our junior colleges offer some political science classes and would suggest you signup for the next one. However, based on what you have already presented you might want to do some planning and be prepared to take other classes to file in the blanks that our school district failed to do then again we all know the only thing our district pushes is sports.

Robbie Tubbs said...

I fully understand why elected officials don’t want their home addresses made public. My mother was on the Kansas City School Board from 1968 to 1976 and President of the Board for the last two years. Back then, the home addresses of elected officials were common knowledge. Some of the parents of students who didn’t like the School Board’s decisions actually came to our house and physically threatened Mother. The police were called and the parents were arrested.

If we disagree with the decision of the School Board or the Board of Aldermen, we should go to the meetings and make our opinions known. We should fight back with our votes, not our fists. These elected officials have a right to be safe in their own homes, just like you and I.

Unfortunately, there are a lot more kooks out there now than there were thirty years ago, and they are a lot more violent.

Andy Whiteman said...

There is a broad statement going on that elected officials don't want us to have their home addresses. Is it true? Their address becomes public when the register for the ballot. Almost anyone can find it by doing a search of county tax records. I have previously checked the phone book and found these addresses.

There may be a good reason for not making these addresses public. Some people us a PO Box because they do not want important mail sent to their home. Mail delivered to the home is mixed with junk mail and magazines which may be trashed. Some people don't want others coming to their door bothering them and their families. A person's home is not open to the public. That is what offices are for. We don't know each persons circumstances. There may be security reasons for not making an address public.

What good does it do the public to know an elected officials address except to annoy and harrass?

On a similiar note, there should be a requirement that ALL posters here sign their real name. Why aren't the names of the posters open to the public? The anonymous posters want elected officials addresses to be public information. Seems strange to me.

There was an article about Midwest Coach in the financial section of the Red Star today.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...


Let us not put the actions of a few individual to mean that everyone else is going to act an uncivil manor. I don’t disagree showing up at an elected official’s house or anyone’s house with the intent to start a fight is the right thing to do. However, there is quite a difference between peaceful protesting and wanting to find out who the king of the play ground is.

In Raytown we have many elected officials who don’t want to take or return phone calls. If you have ever attended a board meeting you would know that you may state your opinion to include asking questions of these members during public comments. However, it is not an interactive session and more often as not the good old boys has already reached their decision days before the meeting. With this in mind when do we the public have a true opportunity to get honest and manful answers to our questions.

Simply, we don’t!

In the specific case or cases regarding you mother you left out some pieces. Example did the parents came as a group mad at something the board did like raises taxes without putting it before the voters or closes schools without reviewing other options or including the public. Again, I don’t believe getting into a fight is the answer, but if your mother was part of the problem by not including the public on things then she is part to blame and as adult accept the she lead to the outburst by her actions.

If the specific case or cases was parent of student who were expelled then it goes to prove we have those in society that will never conform to civil rule and sad, but only way to deal with them too often through the intervention of the judicial system.

Either way you have to accept there have been major issues with the Kansas City School District for years. If I recall it was in the years you referenced that a federal judge had to step in because of issue with the school board. If I am right about that then if it was my parent on the board at the time I would never let anyone know.

Andy Whiteman said...

True public comment is not interactive (except for one time I remember). But you have all or most of the elected officials there as well as staff. They can be approached before or after the meeting. I have done that many times and they as well have approached me. It is a time we may interface with our officials/staff.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

This non-payment of taxes makes me so angry. One of the candidates, Bobbie Saulsbery, showed her true colors when she voted to raise our property taxes. Then she doesn't pay ANY of her taxes.

If she had any dignity she would resign her post on the school board.

I thought these kind of things only happened in the KC School District!

Anonymous said...

I disagree, Andy.

I have watched many council meetings where the mayor and city council acted as if they did not hear what the public speaker said.

The public input portion of the meeting is a joke. Many on the council use the no give and take rule as a way to hide from their responsibilities.

The mayor picks and chooses those items he wishes to address. If it is a cause he is champion of he will speak up. If it someone elses issue out comes the old bully boy.

Anonymous said...

After reading the KC Stars Neighhood News this morning, I came up with a good idea. To save on space at City Hall, just open up an office for the Raytown Police at either the new Walmart or the new Hy Vee. Within a 2 week period there was a total of 17stealing or burglaries between the two stores. If would also save on gas for their cars.

Anonymous said...

I watched the board meeting on tv last night. I wish I could have come through the tv screen and grabbed Simple and I do mean Simple Joe by the neck and shook some sence into him. He would do go to sit and listen instead of always wanting to talk. First of all the new ordiance they are putting in place(reguarding vacant properties) was nothing like you had first talked about so quit patting yourself on the back this ordiance had NOTHING to do with you. Second, trash pick up should be left to the home owner as to who they want for their service. You talk about crub side recycling and that every hauler needs to offer it. Did you ever stop and think that a differant truck is used to pick up the crub side recycling so instead of having six trash trucks on the street you now have twelve. Come on Simple Joe quit trying to act like you know everything you don't know a ---- thing!!!! If the streets are being ruined by the trucks then MY tax money is being mismanaged by you and others at city hall. We should have ample money to keep the streets in good shape. My advice to you, keep your mouth shut and listen you might learn a thing or two.

Andy Whiteman said...

6:19AM, You are entirely correct that most of what is said by speakers is ignored, but some of it is listened to. I spoke on vacant building registration the meeting before last and 2 alderpeople referred to my comments. I have complained about the "Consent Agenda" as a cover up to prevent open public discussion and Alderman VanBuskirk has, at times, requested a full reading for each item.

There was one time in the past when the Mayor didn't like something that was said and a heated debate occured.

There have been times that I have had responses from staff either during or after the meeting. Obviously if it is not on the agenda, a comment will not be addressed at that meeting, but maybe it has been heard.

As I said, there is the time before or after the meeting when one can interface with officials and or staff on a one to one basis. That is a good time to ask questions, register complaints, or have a discussion.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

This non-payment of taxes makes me so angry, too. After dropping my student off at South High this morning, I followed an older Silver Pontiac out of the parking lot with a tag that expired in March of 2005. These people should be penalized and penalized heavily. To be less than a year past due is bad, but how does this happen? I think if the city would put heavy pressure on these grossly past due citizens, some of them would somehow find the money to pay up. I am really shocked at the citizens who do not pay their fair share for the services they count on.
SHS grad

Andy Whiteman said...

11:18 AM, I have the non-emergency number of the Raytown Police programmed into my phones (3# on the cell and 9# at home.) I suggest reporting an expired plate driving on the street. It is illegal to drive a vehicle with expired tags on the street. When I dispatched a sheriff's dept., an officer would have such a vehicle towed because as I said it is illegal to operate it on he street. Also it is against Raytown code to park a vehicle with expired tags in the driveway.

I strongly feel that Bobbie Saulsbery should not be allowed to vote on any school tax issue because she does not pay taxes. Her name defiantly should be removed from the ballot! We don't need a person like this on the Dysfunctional board. How long does it take for the county to have a tax sale on property for unpaid taxes?

Anonymous said...

SHS Grad,

It is entirely possible that that person with the so called expired plates, given the benefit of the doubt, had their year sticker stolen, especially if they do not scrape off the prior years sticker before putting on the new one.

Also, it is up to the state Department of Revenue to catch the people when they re license their vehicles by checking for 2 years of personal property tax payments, insurance coverage, and a proper inspection certificate. The city has nothing to do with that process.

However, the city could have something to do with it if the police pulled them over and they run their plates and check their insurance coverage by issuing citations for them.

Just a little RWE (real world education)from past experience.

Anonymous said...

Who is kidding who?

The police will and do stop cars with expired tags all the time. They are trained to do so. It is one hell of a revenue producer for the city.

Anonymous said...

Can't say I'm sorry to see Nancy Thompson go. I believe that she was part of the problem instead of the solution when it came to getting codes enforced. WE DON'T NEED A FULL TIME CITY ATTORNEY. Wake up Bower and cronies.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip that the expired plates might have had their sticker stolen. I completely forgot about that possibility. SHS grad

Andy Whiteman said...

I have suggested that the Police set up an office at Walmart. KCMOPD had an office at Walmart on Hillcrest. It was located in the same place as the security cameras. It was mainly a walkin contact for the public, but there was a presence.

6:49 AM, It is possible that the sticker was stolen. I had mine stolen once and the previous sticker was not left intact. 2005 was 5 years ago and there should have been fron 2 to 5 stickers under the current sticker. If stolen, a stacker can be replaced at the DMV contract office. My opinion is that an expired sticker is likely to indicate NO insurance since proof of insurance is also required. Insurance can be really expensive depending on age and driving record.

I woke up about 3:30AM thinking about the latest staff resignation and with my insomnia couldn't get back to sleep:

Usually when a high paid staff member resigns I assume it was for poor performance and they were asked to leave, OR there is some wrongdoing that wasn't made public or even discovered.

This Fief seems to have a big turnover in staff. In this case, I am wondering if it may be a case of rats abandoning a sinking ship? What person on staff would be aware of wrongfull actions or ordinances or action that could come back to haunt the Fascist Fief?

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I don't buy the story on the stickers.

Reason One: Missouri changed license plate styles two years ago. They should have been replaced by now.

Reason Two: Sticker thieves do not just pull off the top layer. They remove the entire stack at one time. Taking time top remove the sticker at the scene increases their chance to getting caught.

Unless of course they are real stupid. But, generally speaking I save that term for apologists for thieves actions.

Robbie Tubbs said...

Anonymous 7:35 PM

You may be right that my mother was perceived to be part of the problem. You see, that was back when the schools were still segregated. Mother and several other members of the School Board were working to start desegregation. The Federal Judge you referred to became involved when a lawsuit was filed in Federal court by Arthur Benson.

My mother worked hard to insure all children in the Kansas City School District were offered a good education. I am very proud of the work she and the other members of the Board did during those tumultuous times. The parents I referred to earlier were very much again desegregation.

The place for discussions and disagreements are at the meetings, or at the elected officials’ offices. Regardless of what we think about our elected officials, no one should be threatened in their own home.

Pat Casady said...

All you have to do, if you don't have a life of your own,
is go to City Hall on Wednesday, I believe, and watch
the court proceedings.
Offenders for the most part have expired license plates,
no insurance, no drivers license and don't know how to
dress for court.
Welcome to Raytown!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 7:35pm -
Who do you think you are being so disrespectful to his mother? It sounds like you don't even know what you're talking about. He's man enough to sign his name. Why aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:08am, I do not buy what you have said about reason one that the state has changed the license plates... tell us why the new plates are any different than the old ones.... they still require stickers for the expiration year. I know for a fact that I just got rid of a old plate in January, and I still have an old plate that will have to be replaced in May, so are you trying to tell us that I have illegal plates? I think not! they happen to expire in 2010! It is possible that you do not know what you are talking about! The last set of plates that we had ran for 10 years on my vehicle, so if someone still had a 2005 sticker on beneath the others, then it is possible that the others got lifted or stolen. Going back to the above post the plates were March of 2005, and if that was the case, they are still used until March of this year, 2010. DUH!

and to your reason two, you are full of it! they will get what they can get, if time allows!

I was a victim of the crime, and it happened to me. They actually took tape and put it on top of the year sticker, and pulled it off intact, and left the ones underneath intact. I also had to go to the police department to file a report as to the stolen stickers, and had to get them replaced by the Dept of Revenue. And I am not apologizing for thieves actions, I am just telling it like it is, moron! Get your facts straight before you go shooting from the hip!

Anonymous said...

I was just noticing that the Raytown School District has many new Thomas buses in the fleet. Also I have followed brand new maintenance vans that the school district just bought, they don't even have license numbers on the plates. It just says Raytown School District.

If the school district is 4-7 million dollars in the red, isn't it amazing they can buy new fleet vehicles? If my budget was in the red, I sure couldn't go out and buy me a new vehicle,

There is "no way in hell" that I would EVER VOTE FOR A SCHOOL TAX EVER AGAIN!! I vote every time there is an election. The kids have everything they need and you still can't make them learn if they don't want to. WASTE, WASTE, WASTE!!!!!

Andy Whiteman said...

I totally agree with Robbie's last paragraph.

As for stolen license stickers, a really on the ball officer will also run the VIN and sticker as well as the plate to make sure all match.

The way I try to discourage sticker stealing is:

I put a drop of Super Glue on the sticky part on the new sticker before applying it to the plate. (All stickers in the stack have been super glued.) Next I take the pointed part of a box cutter and cut both horizontally and vertically om the sticher. The intention is to make it as difficult as possible to steal but of someone does steal it, their efforts will be worthless. The DMV now puts the sticker in the center of the new plates so someone can't cut the corner off.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I also am not sorry that the city attorney is leaving. She seems to have trouble getting things done that she is asked to do. But I do not believe that she is the cause of our codes problems. You must and I mean must lay that problem directly into the lap of Mayor Bower and Beth Linn, Community Development Dept. head. If you don't make your employees do their jobs that's is exactly where the buck stops.

As for the new ordinance regarding vacant houses. It sounds good but If they don't enforce what we have on the books now why would we think that one is going to be enforced? Good luck on that one.

There are so many people in this city that do not know what is actually going on at city hall. There is no reliable news paper and the K.C. Star does not give a ---- about Raytown. We need to find a way to get out to the rest of the city just what goes now at city hall. Maybe then we could actually get rid of that incompetent group that is running city hall. To bad Greg can't find a way to get this website to more people. Work on that Greg. I do believe that if more people knew they would be ashamed they voted for that pretty boy for mayor as I am I'm sorry to say. It won't happen again you can count on that.

Andy Whiteman said...

What irks me is a see numerous empty school busses going down Willow. Maybe they are going from the bus barn to whatever school they need to pick up kids. To me it is worse than more than one trash truck going down the street. Some BOA members say trash trucks are ruining the streets. What about school buses?

What bothers me even more is even more school busses going down Willow for events at RHS. Taxpayers are paying for this (with the exception of one school board member). If the kids want to go to these events, they should pay the cost of the bus and not the taxpayers. Back to the 3 R's. Events are totally unrelated to getting a HS dipolma.

I feel that the school bus program could be cut back. What happened to walking? I either walked or rode my bicycle 3/4 mile to Junior High and over a mile to HS. The exercise sure didn't hurt me and I got to know the neighborhood.

I heard on the news of one lady in Hickman Mills who had to pay something like $148 or $184 so her child could ride the bus. Raytown should charge for riding school busses unless there is a great distance involved.

Andy Whiteman

Lee said...

Comparing trash trucks to school buses isn't a very good comparison when considering stress on roads. Trash trucks are considerably heavier than school buses. A retired trash hauler once told me that every trash truck with a single rear axle was over weight, empty, just from the weight of the box. A loaded trash truck can be carrying a lot of weight. Chances are, trucks like Deffenbaugh uses are specced with a 12,000 front axle and 38,000 tandems. There's not a bus on the road rated at 50,000 lbs. Weight per axle, trash trucks are like semis driving up and down our streets daily. Another consideration is that school buses are held to a much higher maintenance standard than any fleet truck. In a former life I drove fleet trucks daily that would have been black flagged at any commercial vehicle checkpoint. Those kinds of fleets are still out there, you've seen them.

As far as the school district having new buses in their fleet this year. I know than many would consider safe buses a pretty high priority. Maintenance costs rise on older equipment, safety can be affected, and just like cars newer models have improved safety features and fuel economy. There are plenty of other places to save money that won't put students at risk.

Andy Whiteman said...

Lee makes a good point about school bus safety that I can't disagree with, but as I said school bus use should be cut back unless really required by distance. What happened to the use of one's two feet, bicycles, etc? Some districts are charging for riding the school bus. Raytown should do the same unless it is a real distance issue.

Those riding the bus to various activities should pay for the cost, not the taxpayers. These are recreational and/or elective uses so let the riders pay. Back to the 3 R's. All the district should provide is the classes leading to a High School dipolma. There should be a fee on anything else so the taxpayers aren't paying. School taxes take up 69% of our property taxes and are driving people into the poor house. I think the school taxes have an effect on the non-marketability of Raytown homes hence declining properety values when prospective buyers check what their tax bill will be.

Andy Whiteman

PS. We are in for heavy snows and really cold weather so please drive safely and keep an eye on your neighbors who may need assistance.

Andy Whiteman said...

As I predicted, prices at Walmart went up. Gortons products are more expensive than Hy-Vee and about the same as Hen House. Marie Calendars frozen meals are cheap. Iams dog food is about the same as Hen House. There is a savings on some items but it depends what you want. People expect lower prices from Walmart but this isn't always true.

Isn't it great that the taxpayers footed the bill for Walmart to come here and have a higher TIF sales tax, and now we are greeted with higher prices than Raytown merchants?

After that I went to Arby's and got a FREE beef and cheddar. They publish an URL to take a survey on the receipts. Complete the survey and get a free Arby's! They also offer 5 regular Arby's for $5 on Saturdays and Sundays.

Andy Whiteman

Lee said...

Andy, the school levy isn't what is hurting Raytown home sales. For what it's worth, Raytown C-II levy is 6.1992. My other home is in Platte City, and Platte County R-IIIs levy is 4.193. But dollar wise I pay a lot more to PC R-III. Overall in Raytown I'm taxed 9.0754 on real property and in Platte City it is 7.1489. But due to property values I pay nearly twice the $$$ to Platte County.

As much as anything, Raytown is not the place to be in the metro right now. People are looking at JoCo, Blue Springs, Clay and Platte counties. Basically anywhere on the fringe of the metro. I won't repeat what my coworkers in JoCo said when they asked why I bought my house in Raytown, but it wasn't complimentary. And they would have felt the same for most of Jackson County. It's about image. As far as home values, look at all the foreclosures in Jackson County. That is why you can't sell your house for a decent price. I paid half of what Jackson County listed as market value for my house. And now, they say that market value is $10,000 less than it was a year ago.

Raytown still thinks of itself as a suburb. Maybe instead they should look for a developer to build multi-storey residential downtown. Then turn the rest of the area into small shops (ala Zona Rosa), and bring public transportation into the area. Develop it as the urban area that it has become.