-- Breaking News --
Homicide 7300 block of Ash
Raytown Police responded to the 7300 block of Ash at about 8:30 this morning on a reported shooting. Initial reports indicated that several gun shots were heard and a woman was lying in the driveway of a residence. Responding officers discovered a female deceased in the driveway of a home. Witnesses in the area had seen a black male running away from the scene.
Officers surrounded the home where the woman was found and made entry to ensure there were no other victims or suspects at the location.
The victim has not been identified at this time. An autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow with the Jackson County Medical Examiner. A suspect has not yet been identified.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the TIPS hotline at 474-TIPS.
Slurry Seal Planned for Raytown Streets
It is no secret that Raytown streets, particularly in some of its neighborhoods, are deteriorating. The extremes of the harsh winter of 2009 / 2010 will not help improve conditions.
The City of Raytown’s Public Works Director, Andy Noll, believes that a change of policy in street maintenance may be an the answer to lengthen the life of residential streets in the city.
According to Mr. Noll, slurry seal (an asphalt product mixed with sand and water), is the most versatile and cost effective way to preserve and protect streets. The application of slurry seal will significantly extend the life of existing pavements by sealing out moisture. Which will prortect the undersurface from the effects of aging and the environment.
Noll went on to explain that UV rays from sunlight degrade asphalt. An indication of the damage from exposure is when the asphalt goes from black to grey, and eventually to white. In effect, the one-eighth inch of slurry seal acts as a screen on our streets.
Slurry seal also masks repair work that often leaves different coloration of asphalt in its wake. In those instances where asphalt needs replace, the slurry seal leaves an appearance of a seamless road surface. The end result is a roadway with a continuous rich color of new asphalt.
Another upside to slurry seal is cost savings.
Noll predicts that by using slurry seal the city will be able to double or even triple the miles of streets that are treated annually.
Slurry seal can be applied in temperatures of 50 degrees and higher. Raytowners can expect to see the product early this summer. Homeowners will be notified by mail and by door hangers prior to application of the slurry seal to streets. The product requires a drying time of four to six hours before it should be driven on.
Noll emphasized that the slurry seal is preventative maintenance designed to extend the life of asphalt. So the slurry seal will be used on streets that may appear to be in good condition. The city will also continue to use asphalt and crack seal on those roadways that are in need of more radical repair.
Where Are They Now . . . Lee Gray
I received a most interesting email the other day. The former owner/publisher/editor of the Raytown Post, Lee Gray, is writing a story about the loss of weekly newspapers to local communities. The impact on them and the evolution of what is taking their place on the internet.
The story will be printed in a national publication.
Raytown is a picture perfect example of Lee’s thesis. At one time, the city was served by two weekly papers and two daily editions of the Kansas City Star (remember the morning Kansas City Times?).
The first to go was the Kansas City Times. This was followed by the closing of the Raytown Dispatch Tribune and finally the Raytown Post. An attempt to revive the Post ended abruptly last year.
One point Lee brought up is that the loss of a local weekly newspapers has left local governments without a vehicle to showcase their agenda.
This lack of communication between those who govern and their constituencies is not good. It breeds distrust on behalf of the public. It makes the governing body appear to be aloof, uncaring, and in extreme cases, contemptuous of those it is meant to serve.
Lee views the responsibility of the working press as that of a watchdog of government as the most important role it offers the public.
I could not agree more, and can vividly recall when well timed editorials from the former Raytown Post editor would spell the acceptance or defeat of a proposal at City Hall. Not so much because it came from the Post, but because the public became aware of what was going on.
Mr. Gray has offered to share a link of the story to the Raytown Report once it has been published.
Internet Publications Replacing Print Publications
For many years the City of Raytown has formed an unspoken partnership with local news publications. In its latter days the Raytown Post was especially known for its partisanship and came to be recognized as little more than a tool of City Hall.
It may be that the powers that be at City Hall are beginning to recognize that change is coming. The story about slurry seal and a report on quarterly tax revenues from City Hall (to be published next week) are good examples. Without the information provided by both Public Works Director Andy Noll and City Finance Director Jeremy Wilmoth, neither story could have been written.
Such is not the case with all matters concerning the city.
Two weeks ago we put in a request with both the City Clerk and City Administrator for a copy of the Mayor’s annual report on the State of the City. It is, after all, a public document of a speech the Mayor delivered to the Raytown Chamber of Commerce.
Neither call was returned.
Hopefully, the lines of communication that were opened by Mr. Noll and Mr. Wilmoth this week are a sign of a more open city hall where the word “transparency” is more than just hyperbole.
High School Sports
Cooper helps Raytown South rout North Kansas City
Of course Raytown South’s Joe Cooper could now smile about his missed dunk. During a timeout late in the fourth quarter of the Cardinals’ 63-45 win over North Kansas City, Cooper heard his teammates joke about how he looked hanging off the rim.
Cooper heard about his miss from the rowdy home crowd, too.
Even if Cooper, who is 6 feet 11, didn’t flush his only opportunity at a dunk, he sure was efficient with everything else he did on the court Friday night — which allowed everybody to enjoy his lone mistake in a blowout.
For the rest of this story and other Raytown South Sports News use this link Raytown South High School
District Thirteen Tournament Play Hosted by O'Hara
by Brother Richard Geimer
The site of the 2009-2010 Class 4 District 13 Tournament between February 22nd and February 27 is Archbishop O'Hara High School. Both the boys and girls from O'Hara were seeded #1. Both teams won the West Central Championships. The boys' squad only lost 4 games and the girls team lost just 5 times in their respective seasons.
BOYS BRACKET: After Center and Hickman Mills play at 4:00 on February 22, the winner faces the Celtics in a 5:30 game on the 23rd. Meanwhile Ruskin and Pembroke Hill play at 7:30 on the 23rd. The District Championship game is scheduled for February 27 at 2:00 PM.
GIRLS BRACKET: Two games are on tap for February 22, a 6:00 contest between Center and Pembroke Hill and an 8:00 game with Ruskin and Notre Dame de Sion. On February 24, the winner of the first of these meet O'Hara at 5:30 and the winner of the second pairing play Hickman Mills at 7:30. The District Championship game is to be played on February 26 at 7:00 PM.
For other stories about O’Hara sports use this link: O'Hara High School Sports
Community Billboard Announcements
Our Lady of Lourdes School will hold its 8th Annual Benefit Auction on Saturday, March 6, 2010. The silent auction begins at 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and the live auction will begin at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets to the event cost $20 per person and can be purchased at the School office or at the door. The venue includes a Cajun Dinner, beverages and bid number.
Soup and Craft Days at Rice-Tremonti Home historic site Saturday, March 6 -- 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday, March 7 -- 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 66th & Blue Ridge, Raytown, MO(Look for the log cabin in the yard)
Last Week’s Poll Results:
Should Raytown hire part-time employees to operate the City's Recycling Center?
YES. . . . 90%
NO. . . . . 10%
"Super Kudos" to the snowplow workers that are treating our streets this weekend. You notice I didn't say "department heads", you wouldn't see them giving up their weekends.
After driving around the side streets of Raytown, I was wondering what mayor "Do Nothing Bower" was going to do about the streets that are falling apart. Some streets are so broke up that they are like driving on gravel. I am glad to see that the slurry will be put down on some streets but alot of them are too far gone. Welcome to Mayberry with dirt streets!
Lack of preventive maintainence and neglect along with the freeze/thaw cycles and snow plow blades have contributed to the current state of the pavement problems in this city. I remember when they used to use slurry seal years ago to seal the pavement thus prolonging or extending the life of the base asphalt that is under the sealant. They seem to have abandoned that practice and changed to grinding and repaving of only a certain select few streets each year if the funds are available, and patch all the rest... glad to see that maybe someone will wake up and start resealing our streets. Thank you!!!!
I was hearing clunking and grating noise while watching TV about 1AM and couldn't figure out what it was. They next day I was in my office when a snow plow went by making that same noise. I really appreciate the excellent job our city crews do giving up their weekends and nights off. Raytown's snow removal is much better than KCMO or any other city I have lived in.
I am glad to hear that there are 2 department heads who will interface with the "press". (The Raytown Report is the closest thing we have to a newspaper.) I don't understand what "transparency in government" means. Obviously it means to withhold information from the public or other wise keep it transparent. The Socialist Fascist Fief is succeeding at transparency when they use consent agendas to cover up what should otherwise be public.
I know of several papers that stopped publication due to fewer subscribers. The Red Star cut content when they got their new press. Many articles have references to online articles. Along with reduced content the Red Star's price has gone up. I don't feel is is worth what they want for the delivery of what is mainly advertisements. There was a flier in the paper today offering 6 months at $4.99 per month for new customers.
Some papers charge to read online. I think the Raytown Post was hurt because they had a free online edition. I am old fashioned and prefer a paper newspaper that I can hold in my hands. I don't want a newspaper online because a printed paper is more permanent and easier to find articles. I check an online paper only for out of town news if it is free or in the case of the Raytown Report I would check online only if I knew something happened and I wanted to read about it NOW. Computers aren't 100% reliable and can slow down or quit working.
Raytown needs a local paper if only to report on our Socialist Fascist government. I wonder if the BOA would grant a TIF to a local paper?
I hope we don't lose the Red Star. Even though it is expensive and lacks content, it still serves an important function.
Greg, when you request a public document under the Freedom of Information Act, do you request it in writing? You mentioned phone call not being returned. I was told the request must be in writing. Whether that is correct or not, I make it by email so there is a record of the request. The document is usually furnished via email.
Andy Whiteman
Newspaper publishers are like buggy whip manufacturers, they failed to adjust their business models with the technology of the times. I have never subscribed to a newspaper. And I no longer buy print magazines. I doubt younger generations will either. I still want local news though, and would probably have subscribed to a local online paper if there was one available.
Another thing newspapers have done is subscribed to AP and thought they were offering a service. Google News eats their lunch everyday as an aggregater. They should be reporting what is new, ie NEWS, not regurgitating AP.
Anyone could start up a local online newspaper with a limited amount of technical ability. And the costs involved are almost entirely personnel.
For a mere $5 a month you can purchase hosting suitable for launching a small hometown newspaper. Software, such as Prosepoint, is available for free. From the brief look I took at the software, it looked like about a day's work and then some ongoing tweaking, and then you'd have news and classifieds.
But then, you need the committed people to put in the time to sit in public meetings and then report on what is happening in Raytown. And of course, an Editor.
I'm sure the slurry seal will help our streets but, finding a
street that isn't in need of radical repair in Raytown is a
major job in it's self. I'm sure our city will try it out on the
W-M parking lot first.
It is a shame that Raytown doesn't have a local
news paper any longer. But, lets face it since Lee
Gray sold the Raytown Post it had never been a
good paper. It was used to impress the city leaders
not keep them in line. The past owners believed
City Hall could do no wrong and put down anyone
who wrote or said different. After all, they controlled
what was printed and they always had the last say.
I believe that was the downfall of the Raytown Post.
The two or three owners after Lee Gray had their lips
placed firmly on city hall. We never got the true story
from them on the stupid decisions that were being made
at City Hall that cost every Raytown taxpayer millions of
their tax dollars.
You may not have seen Mr. Noll out but you can rest assured that he was on top of this storm and very much in touch with the public works department. Thanks to all for a job well done.
If I were asking for something controversial or of a semsitive nature I could use the Freedom of Information request.
But I was only asking for the Mayor's State of the City address. I was curious to read his point of view and I felt a lot of other people would have been as well.
Should anyone have to go hat in hand to beg for such an documeht?
"Transparency" as used by our President and copied quite frequently by Mayor Bower when first elected means that all is open for everyone to see (in this context).
It sounds warm and fuzzy, but the reality is that is only a word that sounded good in a campaign.
The actions of some speak much louder than words.
I just wanted to say "thank you" to this publication for posting the Rice Tremonti Days on the site.
"Transparency" is a fancy word that buys votes. It is a term I classify as an out and out lie.
Slurry seal sounds like a good idea in general. That was until I recall Mahesh said that said that many streets are so bad they are classed as FAILED. Obviously slurry is useless on failed streets. I have seen slurry used in other cities and it worked quite well except for the time if couldn't be driven on.
Greg, I make requests for documents (even if not FOIA) via email for 2 reasons:
1) there is a record of the request
2) messages left on voice mail can be overlooked or forgotten.
Andy Whiteman
I would like to extend an invitation from one of the State Representative representing Raytown to my fellow citizens:
Missouri State Representative Roman LeBlanc is having a “Roman’s Roundtable”
…a discussion on what’s happening in the Missouri House of Representatives.
Saturday, February 27th from 10 am – 11 am at Niece’s restaurant, 8686 E 63rd St, KCMO.
Please RSVP by email: roman.leblanc@house.mo.gov or call (573) 751-2124.
As many of you are probably aware, there has been a homicide in the neighborhood I live in. At this point we do not know anything related to this.
An initial thought is this may be linked to the rash of daytime break-ins that have been occurring lately. Most are noticed upon returning from work, with at least one attempted robbery adverted a week ago by some observent young children getting on the school bus. An assumption is the robberies are happening between 8:30 a.m. to early afternoon, typically working hours for most people.
Right now I can only express the shock and grief of a violent crime in my neighborhood, during morning hours, and the thought of this woman's young children who are now without her and the hardship of life they will now be facing because of this.
Let us all be VIGILANT for vehicles and people who we do not recognize as being part of our neighborhood and call the police if we see anything out of the ordinary.
It is plain to see without the citizens adding extra eyes, the police can only be in so many places and stop so many crimes. Lets be a help and not a hinderance!
I suggest that everyone have the non-emergency number for Police dispatch programmed into quick dial your phone(s). I use 9# on my landline and 3 on my cell.
Cell owners should realize that 911 may not work in other areas. That happened to me due to an area code change. 911 is not a real phone number. The switching equipment translates it to a regular 7 digit phone number.
Andy Whiteman
The senseless murder in your neighborhood, similar to the one that happened in my neighborhood a couple of months back, are a painful reminder of how important it is for us to watch out for each other.
The simple fact is there are people amongst us who put little value on life.
The problem is not only in Raytown. The Waldo rapist has terrorized that part of town this winter.
More often than not, there is a news story about someone being attacked every night on the news.
Last weekend there was a strange truck in my neighbors driveway with people moving items into it. I did not hesitate to call to make certain everything was okay.
Raytown is only ten square miles in area.
Per person and per mile we have more police than any other community in the area.
This allows for quick response times by our police department literally anywhere in Raytown.
Even if it is only suspicious activity like a car slowly cruising the streets, call the police.
Your telephone call may make the difference.
February 24, 2010 6:51 AM
I am wondering if Walmart is ever going to collect enough sales tax to pay off the TIF bonds or will the tax payers be stuck with it? I stopped there tonight to pick up something for Red Dogg and that big building seemed to be mostly deserted of customers. I remember the Walmart by the old Hy-Vee and the one on Hillcrest always seemed to be packed with people and long lines. I saw not more than 3 people in each line tonight and must check outs were closed. I mentioned that to an associate and received the same excuse I heard on Hillcrest, "They don't come to work." Maybe they don't come to work because they weren't hired.
Andy Whiteman
Does anyone know who is now calling the shots at city hall considering we don’t have a city attorney to instruct everyone on what they should be doing?
Maybe the city can actual get stuff done being we are not under our city attorney’s watch!
If now we could only get codes to address the ghetto appearance that is growing a rate that is driving more and more of the faithful away. If not could the elected officials at city hall do away with the codes department and put the savings into repairing more of our streets. Heck drive down any street and you can see codes is not doing anything so why have the department.
Alderman Cramer has responded to others in writing that the issue with the trash haulers is they should be required to carry more liability insurance and this is why they meet earlier this year.
As normal he fails to indicate if they did or didn’t increase the liability amount.
Why does Joe only want to give half the story? Maybe because as normal the city didn’t do anything to provide greater protection to the citizens as it would impact free enterprise.
Please stop the games and let’s start doing something pro-active for the citizens.
Raytown still has a City Attorney I believe until the middle of March. My assumption is the city will find a replacement or get someone at an hourly rate. If they don't, this city is in dire straits. In my opinion, there are too many civil rights and other violations caused by the city. I have been informed by one of those lil old ladies the city is pushing around that she served notice of Missouri State Supreme Court appeal to this city.
Andy Whiteman
9:03AM, There is a Resolution R-2242-10 on the BOA agenda authorizing and approving a letter of engagement of an unknown person or company for attorney services.
I knew leaders of this city are not dumb enough to be without an attorney. They have to CYA with all the misdoings going on around here.
Andy Whiteman
I don't think the city clerk should get to cozy in her seat. Just remenber the city will be gone so will protect her and her job now?
I agree that the codes department should be abolished. We could save a ton of money, starting with Ms. Linn, by getting rid of all these people. I don't think that our city could look any worse than it does now. TIRED OF NO CODES ENFORCEMENT.
I don't think that many will miss Mrs. Thompson once she is gone. Her foot dragging is part of the reason nothing is going on in Raytown.
What I cannot understand is that the BOA does not grab this opportunity to reverse the trend of hiring people who are not Raytown residents to highly paid positions like the city attorney.
Talk to your alderman and you will hear that they agree that department heads should live in the city.
There actions speak otherwise.
Don't any of them have what it takes to speak up?
Maybe, just maybe, the people have figured out that
Chinese goods aren't as important as American jobs W-M has taken away from this country. Maybe,
the "American" people will quit buying foreign products
after they realize the quality isn't as good a claimed.
China used lead in the paint on the toys we give our
children, they make tainted animal food that killed many of
our pets, along with baby formula that made our babies
Now Toyota has made cars that kill. They lied and also
cut corners that made their cars dangerous and deadly.
Mitsubishi and Nissan (Datsun)
made the Zero's that killed thousands of Americans.
Maybe the American people will stop turning their backs
on American manufactures, what little is left, and demand
American products again.
Ain't gonna happen!
We're too stupid.
I agree we need to buy American, but we should be careful with an all out by American theme.
If we look at this logically, we have to question what products we can buy that are 100% American made.
You mention automobiles, which is one of the best examples. How many of the vehicles today that one might believe is American made is really 100%. Sad but too many parts are made in other places, so the companies can save millions in expense. Odd as the price of the product doesn’t seem to reflect any savings to impress me.
Now to the real thing we as American’s need to put a stop to are the out sourcing of jobs and / or production of parts to other countries. At the same time we most end the millions in corporate welfare that flood our nation for Washington DC to even our city hall. How much has Wal-Mart received in tax breaks from all government agencies across our nation?
Yes, America you might save a few cents on each item you purchases, but at what cost to your community…loss of mom and pop business… loss of tax dollars for schools and loss of other projects as money is be used to cover the TIFs
I have heard so many justifications for these TIFs or whatever other name they are being called, but anyway you cut it they are bad for us and our schools. Please someone name we one school district not having issues and yes the economy and past bad decisions by the school boards comes into pay. However, no one has ever mentioned the amount of loss revenue because the city, county and state have given away the farm to these corporations or other bottom feeders.
Look at Raytown…Wal-Mart and Hy-Vee then we has the others like Raytown Plaza, Woodson Village and my personal favorite former alderman and real estate owner Knabe for painting his build.
As for the state I hear we are well over 900 corporate give a ways, but yet I again was not able to be given a dollar amount that the state has loss. Maybe the better question is a list showing who these businesses are and amount we loss then a list showing the state legislators donations from these same businesses and the amounts.
Boy, would that paint a picture of who our elected officials really work for and why our state is in a mess!
It is time we address the Bill “Cheech” Van Buskirk and Joe “Chong” Creamer impact on our city.
Why does dining in Raytown mean we are left “Up in Smoke”? There is no reason Raytown is “Still Smoking”! If these two want to run around with “Yellowbeard” thanks to there cancer sticks then let them keep it at their homes and not out in public.
I also am tiered of feeling like I am “Born in East L.A.” because they will not address the codes issues in our city. Yet, Joe “Chong” Creamer wants to bring additional requirements on landlords, but cannot address the problems we are facing today.
These two can have all the “Nice Dreams” they want, but until they address the problems we all can see our city will continue to decline.
I understand that “Things Are Tough All Over”, but it is time to stop acting like “The Corsican Brothers” and get some things done at city all that improve our image.
I question why Nissan is in trouble for dangerous cars, but when the Chicoms produce dangerous and poisonous goods, food, and medicine, there is no action?
Has anyone thought of starting a class action suit against the City of Raytown for allowing property values to go down?
Andy Whiteman
Does anyone know what “Simple” Joe Creamer has done for our city since he has taken office?
Time and time again he has taken the position against saving the citizens money with his latest example of bad management being going to a single trash hauler.
He has support tax increases under the name of saving city services, yet since being elected the number of days one can go to the recycling center has been reduced in half. City departments have greater staffing then before he took office, but departments like codes enforce less and less violations.
While other cities in the metro have worked hard to cleanup the smoking in public places, which drives people to patronize business in other cities, he has opening opposed any type of restrictions within our city. Even when 60 present of the respondents to the city’s last survey clearly want a smoking ban.
Be reminded this was the same survey he supported spending your tax dollars on so that those city hall could better represent and address our concerns.
He has been a key factor in identifying other individuals to run for Alderman even when they have failed to pay their property taxes and / or fees to the city. It seems vetting individuals first is not an option within the schemes planed for our city.
Our city cannot afford anymore of this simpleminded thinking or the Joe Clones that residents of Ward 1 are dealing with. It is no wonder that Joe could care less that codes are not enforce on home owners when his good friend and clone alderman, Shane “Shame” Pardue, cannot keep his own property maintained and often is spotted parking on the grass.
I hope someone who is energetic and willing to question actives at city hall will come forward to address these types of decisions that are plaguing our city surely we have someone within Ward 1 that has common sense and the wiliness to do what the citizens want.
Why has the construction company working on the 63rd street bridge left the concrete floor from the old bridge just stacked over to the side of the project?
I guess the city doesn’t care if someone gets hurt. I agree that no one should be up there playing around, but kids are kids.
With that being that case I don’t even recall seeing a fence around the project to keep kids and other curious individuals from getting hurt.
What is to be expected as they say at the coffee shop… “It is only Raytown”.
What has happen to our city…?
Those darn signs are popping up all over the place again. If they are not self standing on the right a ways they are posted of the utility poles.
I am really beginning to wonder if we have not been acquired by Kansas City and through the great transparency we have experienced under the Bower administration we just have not been informed. I mean what other city in our greater metropolitan area looks like such a ghetto other then Kansas City. Now those same images that one sees in Kansas City are so visible within our own city…trash cans left at the curb, furniture left at the curb for months, homes with peeling paint, parking lots being used as truck stops, vehicles with expired tags and / or unoperable left wherever and signs at all the intersections.
Sure is easy to look the other way and let the problem grow making it only harder to ever get cleaned up.
I know I would want others to know I was employed by the city.
I guess I am at least lucky I don’t have to post my name on this blog.
Not only are the signs popping up again but the one on 63rd & Willow is mounted on a brace! I agree Raytown looks like a ghetto. I once pointed out to city management that Raytown looked like New York City when a dumpster was on Blue Ridge Bl. It was promptly removed. The problem with most of these violations is that no one knows about them. With department heads not living in Raytown, how can they be expected to see these violations? Maybe they don't want to move to a ghetto.
7:26 AM, Americans no longer have a choice where what they buy is made. It is impossible in find made in America items. The last time I needed a coffee maker, all choices where made by the Chicoms slave labor. AT&T telephone jacks are now made in China. There is no choice. The only choice we have is to buy junk or do without.
That is what they hope that you will all do! Give up and buy the cheap garbage product that they produce! Everyone is guilty of doing that. However, there are still products made here in the USA and they can be found with determination and vigilance. The only way that this country is going to get back on its feet is if we take it back ourselves, and start by putting people back to work in this country, and take the time to check the labels on the products. Vote with your dollars folks! I do. At least I am doing my part to help keep jobs here in the USA! How about you?????
9:36AM, Please tell how you find made in America items? I went to Westlake instead of Walmart for a coffee maker and all they had at the time was made in China. The sales lady said, "That is all you can get anymore."
Specifically where can one find new telephone equipment and other electronics made in the USA? Also a SDTV (NOT HDTV) made in the USA. I don't have time to go from store to store and generally shop the net.
WE THE PEOPLE will take back this country and this city.
Andy Whiteman
You can find computers that are assembled in the USA at www.unionbuiltpc.com , and if you set your mind to it, and do some searching via search engines you can find a lot of items that are made or assembled here including clothing, household goods, food, automobiles, boats, and some electronics. The last tvs that were made here were either zenith or sharp, and they closed the plants here because, here it is, too many consumers bought cheaper imported tvs and they still want even cheaper ones, yet the corporations will still sell them at the same price, and they will get cheaper labor to assemble them, yet the corporate CEO's will still reap millions.... Until people here wake up and realize that if they would pay a little more money, perhaps they would get a better product, and keep jobs here, and not drive down our standard of living by accepting lower wages... it is all interconnected. Anyway, you can find businesses on the web. My list is way too long to post here. Take the time and do the research like I did.
11:05AM, Thanks for the Union Built PC link. I bookmarked it.
What keywords to you use for searching? When I find a product, online there is no indication of where it is made. Stores seem to only stock merchandise made by Chicom slave labor.
I wear Flexslax sold by Sears. I rotate and repair my clothes so rarely buy new. The last time I ordered, they were made by slave labor with plastic zippers and material so thin that I felt like I was wearing nothing in cold weather.
Andy Whiteman
try www.allamericanclothing.com for jeans, casual pants, shirts, tshirts, etc made in usa. Also try www.unionlabel.org for other made in usa goods and websites.
10:18PM, Thanks for the links. I bookmarked them so I can find them again.
Andy Whiteman
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