Tells a Story . . . The owner of the bed and breakfast gave us directions to the coast. He said to walk down the beach about a mile and you will find "hole in the wall".
I asked how we would know we were there. He told me, "don't worry, you will know it when you see it."
The picture was taken at low tide at about 11:00 a.m. in the morning on the west coast of the Olympian Peninsula, just west of Forks, Washington. The place where the popular Twilight vampire movies are filmed.
TO YOUR HEALTH by Jenn Walters
Renovated Retail Outlets in Raytown's Future? by Greg Walters
Fit Bottomed Babies Makes Debut
Just Say No! by Jenn Walters
Last Week's Poll Results

by Greg Walters
Renovated Retail Outlets in Raytown's Future?
Some interesting developments that will affect local retail shopping landscape are quietly taking place in or near Raytown. Foremost is a renovation of the Brywood Shopping Center at 63rd Street and Blue Ridge. A kick-off and groundbreaking of the project is scheduled for
Tuesday, July 20th at 10:00 a.m.
More information is expected to be released as the kick-off date nears.
Another equally interesting development is the old Walmart Store located at 67th and Blue Ridge. The store was recently re-painted and there has been extensive remodeling going on inside the building. The managers of the property are keeping very tight-lipped about what is going on with the property. There has been no word from City Hall as to any new business locating at the location.
One thing is for certain. There is a good amount of money being spent on the property to clean it up. That would indicate that someone has plans in the near future for commercial use.
Fit Bottomed Babies Makes Debut
Regular readers know that Jenn Walters publishes a site on the wonderful worldwide web named Fit Bottomed Girls. The site, which is regularly linked to the Raytown Report, has reached a milestone of note. So we will share it here.
What many people do not know is that Jenn has a partner in her web business, Fit Bottomed Girls. Jenn's partner is Erin Whitehead. The pair of young entrepeneurs, though separated by half a continent, have launched another website called Fit Bottomed Babies.
The idea for a website devoted to healthy tips for mothers and their babies is the brainchild of Erin, who is expecting her first baby in September. I checked out the site last night and am very impressed. It is full of bits of prenatal wisdom and interesting viewpoints from a mother to be.
This is the inaugural week for Fit Bottomed Babies. To visit the site and see what it is all about go to
Jenn's columns will continue to appear in the Raytown Report on a weekly basis.

Just Say No!
Normally, I’m someone who is down for new experiences, meeting new people and doing new things. Heck, that was part of the reason that this site was started in the first place—to have a reason to try wacky things. But, as the stresses of working a full-time job, growing FBG, and spending time with my friends, family and pup have grown, I’ve had to re-evaluate how I spend my time in order to stay sane. I love my life, but there’s little time for reflection, quiet and solitude unless I’m running and then my mind flashes between telling myself that “I can do it” and singing aloud to whatever Britney Spears song that’s on my Shuffle. That’s why one very simple and to-the-point word has become my favorite go-to response: NO. It works in a variety of situations:
Would you like to take on [insert new project at work? No.
Want to go to [insert local bar] for one happy hour drink (which always turns into more drinks plus appetizers)? NO.
How about buying a candy bar for [insert kid's school]? NO.
At first, I felt a little selfish for saying no because, I’ll admit, I’ve always been a bit of a people pleaser. I was a straight-A student growing up, so I’m programmed to meet and exceed expectations. After years in the real world though, I’ve realized that being perfect is not only impossible, it’s exhausting. By saying no, I’ve taken life from what I “have to do” to “what I want to do.” Sure, I still have to go to work and pay the bills, but I don’t have to clean my bathroom every week, and if I miss a workout at the gym because I’d rather watch American Idol, that’s okay. Life is too short to cry over missed workouts.
By saying no, I’ve regained some of that quiet time for myself. Last week, I left work early to attend an hour-long meditation class, and I passed on a routine social event to put my PJs on early and read in bed. And you know what? No one made me feel bad or had a problem with it. I didn’t make an excuse, I didn’t apologize, and I didn’t lie. I just said “no.”
Now, does this mean I’m now a hermit, who only spends time alone and routinely skips workouts? HECK NO. When I want to go out, I go out. When I want to have people over, I do. And nine times out of ten, I’m going to go to the gym or pop in a workout DVD because I know it’s good for me. It’s all about choice. And knowing that I’ve got the power.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked and stressed, take a look around you at what you’re doing but don’thave to be doing. Then, take a deep breath and say “no” to it. Isn’t it amazing what those two little letters can do?
Should the sale and shooting of fireworks be allowed in Raytown?
YES . . . 67%
NO . . . . 33%
When do you think construction on the 63rd Street bridge will be completed?
END OF JULY . . . . . . . 30%
END OF AUGUST . . . . 25%
CHRISTMAS . . . . . . . . .29%
I am glad to read about renovated retail outlets. Pretty horrible to let that old Walmart set vacant. I wonder why businesses want to be so secretive about new locations? Maybe something to do with competition. Who knows? It seems to be the first step would be to check zoning and to see if a business license may be obtained. City Hall has to know but maybe they promised secrecy. I have heard talk about development at BOA meetings in the past using made up names for reference without using real names of businesses.
Someone wrote on this blog long ago that Home Depot was planing a Raytown location. That space is certainly big enough, but who knows? I hope Home Depot doesn't shut down out local Hardware stores. They forced out a nearby hardware/lumber store In Albuquerque and a large Hardware/lumber store in Carlsbad, CA. The Carlsbad store lasted several years before closing down. Anyway I am glad to see the space occupied even thought I won't be here.
Is anything moving into the old Hy-Vee?
Andy Whiteman
I will be please to see the developement on 63rd. I own a property on 61st and Blue Ridge Blvd which is scheduled to begin construction this fall and it will be great to see what the new owners will do with it.
Well I guess those of you who are condeming the people at city hall, can eat your words. Now that there will be some new retailers coming in.
Now if all of you would just weed out the intercity riff raff that is plaguing our neighborhoods, this town may be a nice place again.
The police can only do so much. We as residents need to "clean the crap" so to speak. Of course we also need a Codes Department that will do something. There was a residence where the grass was too tall, the dogs are near death, and junk cars parked everywhere. I called the Codes Department they said they would get to it. 3 weeks later nothing. Some heads need to roll in the Codes Enforcment Agency. They are as worthless as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest.
New Concerned Citizen
I just voted 'worse' on the poll and it wasn't counted!
Hey, Jenn...I remember when my "significant other"[for lack of a better term, I'm too old for a boyfriend]and I first moved into our new home almost 4 years ago on November 21. We, or rather he, has always for the past 12 years had his/my kids over..without fail..well, that year we were in boxes yet, exhausted beyond belief, and just no way in [YOU KNOW WHERE] was a Thanksgiving Dinner going to come about. You would have thought we had cut off their appendages!!! WE, or rather he, made up for it over Christmas, but I remember how much better we felt saying that lovely 2 letter, 1 syllable's such a small word, but one of the hardest in the English Language to utter, especially to your children. They survived [OH THE DRAMA!!], as did we, and our families are growing as we speak..and Thanksgiving Dinner came about the next year, and the next, and will again this one. WE are truly blessed, and our children are learning the word NO..and are doing just fine. Thanks for the post, it was a good one.
To all those who have tried to vote on the survey but not seen their votes counted -- I am working on it.
I have had nothing but trouble with blogger since upgrading the software.
So, it is back to the drawing board. I hope to have things working properly by Tuesday morning.
To my readers and frustrated poll participants. I have tried all I know to make the poll work. For reasons that are not clear -- the machine does not cooperate.
I have contacted Google about the problem.
For the time being I will leave the poll up on the off-chance that it begins to function properly.
I just entered a vote.
There is a building at 59th and Raytown Rd. which should be seen by every city official going to work. This building is sure UGLY with a big for sale painted on it. I wonder if being ugly is a code violation? If not, maybe the painted sign is.
Andy Whiteman
Hey, new concerned citizen,
If you think city hall had anything to do with
any new small business coming to town you are sadly
mistaken. But, if you are thanking them for lower property
values so someone might try to open a new small business
then I see your point. One thing I can assure you is, our elected
officials had nothing to do with bringing any business to town
although they will gladly take credit for it.
They are not what you would call go getters when it comes
bringing in new ideas or small businesses.
I know this is negative thinking but, I've been here for
over thirty years and I know how city hall works....
or doesn't.
Regarding the non-functioning poll.
I have found out that the problem with the non-counting of votes on Blogger is a system wide problem.
For that reason I am removing the poll portion of the page until the problem is resolved.
Wake up Raytown!!!
Unless a business is placed near Blue Ridge Cut Off at the Brywood Shopping center we are not going to get any tax dollars. Depending on the business we might get more of the KC crime wave we have seen the past two years of miss leadership at the police department.
It is time we see business in Raytown and without tax breaks that we the taxpayers get to pay for.
Does anyone know what kind of bar the new Cherry Bomb is? It's in the Raytown Plaza. It sure sounds like a Gay bar by the name. Does it server food or is it just a drinking place? Is this the kind of sales tax we need here? If Greg, is right half of all sales tax will be going to pay pff the TIF's for Walmart, HyVee and Shamrock Cabinets and who knows how many other TIF's.
New Concerned Citizen - you made some interesting statements. Please tell us how we can go about "cleaning the crap" and getting rid of the riff-raff.
Our town will look nicer if the codes department enforces the ordinances on the book and our property values might go up, but how will that get rid of drugs and gangs? Sometimes they come into Raytown, invade our homes, sell their drugs to our children, and then leave.
Would you have us arm ourselves and patrol our streets? Are you willing to organize this activity? Please give us a plan to protect ourselves.
I understand that Mayor Bower held another one of his "secret meetings on crime" Monday night at the Church at 83rd and James Reed Road. My question is why is he not inviting all of us that are having problems with crime in our neighborhoods? Does he think that it is only happening on one street in town? WRONG!!! I believe this is Bower's way of covering up the problem. If he has these meetings away from city hall then they are not "on camera" and there is no" record" of what happened and if any solutions were arrived at. If Mayor Bower doesn't "get tough" soon he's not going to have a town to be mayor of. The crime is here Mayor Bower and Chief Lynch, now what are you going to do about it?
6:40PM, Mayor Bower did announce that meeting at the last BOA meeting under "Communication from the Mayor."
I will agree with you that proper public notice was probably not made but how does one make proper notice when Raytown doesn't have a Legal Newspaper?
Since the meeting was too early for me, I wasn't there and don't know if it was on camera or not.
Andy Whiteman
Hey, at least he is having a meeting. Let's see if anything of any substance comes from it. Like more effective patroling by police. Prosecution with some teeth of those breaking the law.
Strong steps need to be taken. Let's see what kind of stuff the mayor is made of.
I have been reading with interest the comments about the meeting or meetings taking place in the south part of town to confront bad behavior by juveniles and young adults in that area.
Apparently, the Mayor has been holding some meetings with neighborhoods to address the problem.
I have made this offer before, and I am making it again. If the Mayor and his stafff will send a timely news release as to when his meetings will be held I will publish it for him.
The Raytown Report is averaging 600 hits per week. It will help increase his number of participants at the meeting.
As he and others reportedly do not admit to being amongst the readers of this page, please pass the message on to him.
I will pass this message on.
The Editor of the Star today endorsed passing the extension of the sales tax for Raytown Parks and Recreation Board. So many of the folks that write on this blog are more knowledgeable than me.
Could you tell me the reasons I should or should not vote for this extension? Thanks
We can put TEETH into a law BUT if the police don't do anything the teeth won't matter.
Robbie, As the Star said the money is for maintenance of flower beds at City Hall and on the streets. Why is this dumped on parks? These are NOT parks and the public is being led to believe the money is really for the parks. I think we are being fed another lie. If the NO votes prevail, the sales tax will go DOWN!
9:55PM A good sized dog has teeth and can handle the situation.
Andy Whiteman
It's too bad that our little town has to put up
with thugs, punks and drug dealers.
But, that's what you get when your city doesn't
enforce laws and codes. As most cities, our town
feels they have to walk on eggshells when it comes
to a certain group of people. It's easier to turn a back
to problems than it is to face the news channels for
being accused of profiling. You see this is going on
all over this country. Illegal aliens, punks and thugs
say they are being discriminated against and they
want us to quit so, as they wish, they get away with
everything they do. We can't make the bad guys
own up for what they do. So the good law abiding
people have to lock their doors and stay inside so the
bad guys can conduct themselves the way they do.
I don't blame the police. I blame the government for
bowing down to these groups.
As has been said many times, the bad guys have
more rights than the good people.
In reality every town and city should treat these people
like the enemy in a war of good verses bad. Isn't that
what it really is? Raytown shouldn't put up with any vandals
or street gangs. Arrest them and their parents if they are
juveniles. At the very least make their parents come to the
Police station to pick them up. After a few times the parents
might start watching their kids a little closer.
The people of Raytown deserve and should insist on being
safe in their own neighborhoods and homes.
July 15 7:37am
Isn't the police dept. part of the city goverment? Didn't we just passed a safety sales tax last year? So if they are not a part of the city goverment why are they spending our money and doing nothing?
But there is someone else to blame as well, that is Chief Lynch lets this person tell him what to do. I just heard that the mayor was at a meeting of local citizens this week. When he was asked why is the police dept. doing anything he said that he did not want those people harrassed maybe not in those words but the meaning is the same. I was told this by a person that was attended that meeting.
If this is how he thinks then we are out of luck getting anything done and we need to get rid of him. If Lynch doesn't stand up to him then it time to get rid of him too.
They both come up for election next year I believe. WE must vote NO NO NO on both of them.
On another suggest. Robbie asked why the mayor doesn't let us know when and where these are being help? He doesn't want the rest of the city to know what's going on if they have somehow missed it. It is my understanding that not only the mayor and the Cheif is at these meetings but I've heard that at least 5-7 of our alderman have shown up to at least one of those meeting. With that many of the city council at the meeting and it not being published 72 hours in advance it does consist of a secret meeting. According to the sunshine law those meeting should have been to be published where it is convienent for people to find them.
I think Greg's offer was a good one but I don't see it ever happening because the mayor doesn't like Greg. He does not make any bones about it either.
The thing that should happen is the State's Attorney General should be notified about these secret meetings. I would do it but I was not at one of those meetings because I as well was not invited or even notified.
Greg, I like the pic.
The following comes from an Alamogordo, NM Topix blog, I feel it also applies to Raytown. FYI: "Alamo" is how the locals abbreviate the city name.
"Novice: We Alamo residence are allergic to soul searching. For decades we have let our elected officials lead us down the path to where we are today, and enjoyed every minute of it. We never had to do a thing. We just sat back and made excuses for our own lack of action. That group of people who run the show here just want their way more than the rest of us do, so we will forever live in their world. We will continue to make innovative excuses for how things are, which helps to reinforce the agenda of the powers that be. WE deserve everything we get, but Alamo deserves so much more."
My comment: GET OUT AND VOTE AUG 3 and every election. We the People are responsible for how our city is run. If you don't like it, take action.
From the BOA Web Packet:
Resolution No. R-2278-10
Analysis: The Board of Aldermen previously met in closed session, authorized and duly
noticed under the Sunshine Law, to discuss the performance and the position of Mahesh
Sharma, City Administrator, and to consider the extension of the contract of Mahesh Sharma as
City Administrator. Pursuant to the executive session findings to extend the Employment
Agreement and extension of Paragraph 13 regarding the waiver of the residency requirement
under Section 2-152 of the Raytown City Code. An Amendment to Employment Agreement has
been drafted, submitted for approval, and authorized for execution between the City and
Mahesh Sharma to extend his appointment as City Administrator.
I feel Mahesh has done an exceptional job but still should be required to LIVE IN RAYTOWN with the rest of us surfs so he knows what the quality of live is like here!
All of this needs to be public record available to all without having to look for it:
13) Moving and Relocation Expenses.
a) City waives any residency requirement for Employee for an
additional period of three (3) years from January 18, 2011;
provided Employee may not change his place of residence
to any location outside the City of Raytown, Missouri without
written approval of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. In the
event Employee moves from his current residence located in
Raymore, Missouri, then this Section 13)a) shall be null and
void and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen may require
residency within the City of Raytown as provided in Sections
13)b) and 13)c) during the period of the three (3) year
b) After three (3) years from the date of the extension of this
Agreement (or sooner if Employee moves outside the
territorial boundary of his current residence located in
Raymore, Missouri), the City may provide Employee with
notice in writing that it desires to require Employee to
establish residence within the corporate boundaries of the
City within twelve (12) months of the date of such notice and
thereafter require Employee to maintain residence within the
corporate boundaries of the City.
c) If residency is subsequently required or during the term of
this three (3) year extension, the City shall reimburse the
Employee for actual reasonable expenses of moving
Employee and Employee’s family and personal property
from Raymore, Missouri to Raytown, Missouri, including, but
not limited to the cost of packing, moving, storage costs,
unpacking, and insurance costs. Employee shall provide the
City with three (3) quotes for moving expenses. The City will
reimburse based on the lowest quote submitted by the
Employee. In the event City Code Section 2-152 with
respect to the residency of City Administrator is amended or
deleted, this Section 13 shall be of no further force or effect.
In all other respects the Employment Agreement of October 21, 2008, as ratified
I received an error message so am reposting
13) Moving and Relocation Expenses.
a) City waives any residency requirement for Employee for an
additional period of three (3) years from January 18, 2011;
provided Employee may not change his place of residence
to any location outside the City of Raytown, Missouri without
written approval of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. In the
event Employee moves from his current residence located in
Raymore, Missouri, then this Section 13)a) shall be null and
void and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen may require
residency within the City of Raytown as provided in Sections
13)b) and 13)c) during the period of the three (3) year
b) After three (3) years from the date of the extension of this
Agreement (or sooner if Employee moves outside the
territorial boundary of his current residence located in
Raymore, Missouri), the City may provide Employee with
notice in writing that it desires to require Employee to
establish residence within the corporate boundaries of the
City within twelve (12) months of the date of such notice and
thereafter require Employee to maintain residence within the
corporate boundaries of the City.
c) If residency is subsequently required or during the term of
this three (3) year extension, the City shall reimburse the
Employee for actual reasonable expenses of moving
Employee and Employee’s family and personal property
from Raymore, Missouri to Raytown, Missouri, including, but
not limited to the cost of packing, moving, storage costs,
unpacking, and insurance costs. Employee shall provide the
City with three (3) quotes for moving expenses. The City will
reimburse based on the lowest quote submitted by the
Employee. In the event City Code Section 2-152 with
respect to the residency of City Administrator is amended or
deleted, this Section 13 shall be of no further force or effect.
In all other respects the Employment Agreement of October 21, 2008, as ratified
I feel Mahesh has done a very professional job but he should be required to LIVE IN RAYTOWN with the rest of us surfs so he will experience the same quality of life as the rest of us.
This is being snuck through by using a subject only rather than full text. I object to bamboozling the public in this manner.
To Anonymous 3:56,
The government I was referring to was the
Federal Government. Raytown's government is a lost cause
until we vote almost every one of our elected officials out.
Raytown's present government has sold us all down
the river and as we can see from how things are going
it's not going to get any better until we get them out!
I mean even the outsider management team too. They
don't care any more than the elected officials.
I don't believe the policemen and women are afraid
to do their jobs. I believe the upper management
is afraid to let them. Ever since the news paper said
Raytown was "profiling" a certain group of people, that
group has thought they could get away with murder.
They don't even stop them for speeding.
We need to find elected officials that will help us take back
our town from the bad guys.
A sad situation in Raytown. The city council has voted to sell out the people of Raytown by giving the city administrator another three years to relocate his home in the town that pays him over six figures a year in salary and benefits.
Raytown is the ONLY city in the metropolitan area where ALL of it senior staff do not live in the community they serve.
This hurts our city's image. It is demeaning and what is worse it shows the misguided loyalties of the people who are supposed to be representing us on the city council.
Not to mention the continuing disappointment in David Bower as their political leader.
Andy you are right. They all deserve to go.
Next April cannot get here soon enough.
7:06PM, We need to cooperation of EVERYONE to get out an vote which is not the norm for Raytown!
It is a shame that a small amount of the people elects or leaders.
BTW: I wouldn't vote ALL of them out. Some are doing a really good job (or at least trying but blocked by others).
Andy Whiteman
Those that are being blocked would be wise to let the people know where they stand. Otherwise they will be grouped in with the rest of the bad apples and go down as well.
Not sure how I should feel about Mahesh, when he was first hired by the city it was for the public works director. This position did not require him to live in the city limits of Raytown. When Miller quit he was promoted to City Administrator. One the other hand he signed a contract stating that he would move to Raytown within three years. He should not of taken the position if had no intension to move here. I also understand that this is not the easist time to move.
Don't be too confused about the situjation with City Adminsitrator Mahesh Sharma. He made a deal to move to Raytown within three years. It was his suggestion. The City Council agreed to it.
Three years comes and goes and he reneges on the deal.
It is that simple.
Lesson learned. Don't make any deals with Mahesh Sharma. He will back out of them just like he did with the city.
The really sad thing is that the city council and particularly the mayor gave their stamp of approval on Mahesh breaking his promise.
Which means their word is not good either.
But that is not really a surprise to anyone is it?
I have no issue with where the person live. We have bigger issue at hand to deal with. We have seen in the past when person who lived in town was no good for our city.
10:22 AM, Why isn't this a good time to move? Property values are down. Also interest rates are at the lowest they have been in years. It seems like an ideal time to me. I have already bought a home and will put my Raytown home on the market after I move. Actually it is posted on my website now:
Andy Whiteman
I think some high level people and department heads live in town. It aint all that bad.
This post pertains to Cherry Bomb, the new bar in Raytown. It's just a bar; they don't serve any food. Right before you walk in the doors, you can smell mold. It's even worse when you walk inside. There is water leaking from the ceiling in the back near the men's restroom and has been for the last few weeks. I believe that this bar has extreme mold problems. I have talked to about 15-20 people who have been there and they all agree about the smell of mold and that they would never go back there.
Hey Now let's all get of the Cherry Bomb bashing wagon here. I happen to know that this bar was opened in July by a family that has lived in Raytown all thier lives, and they are good people. They have generated tax revenue for the city for years, at some other establishemnts they previously were involved with. Hey, the building is old, is takes money to fix things and pay the rent. They have only been in business for a few months so, let's give them a break and a chance to get stuff fixed! If we bash on every new business that tries to come into Raytown, everyone will be going to Lee's Summit to pay taxes.
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