Monday, August 16, 2010

Every Picture Tells a Story . . . Well above the tree line. Rocky Mountain National Park. The white stuff on the ground is what is left of last winter's snow.
Tom Cole, Raytown's Economic Development Administrator, has
confirmed that two new retail outlets are planned for construction on 350 Highway. Aldi's Grocery Store chain intends to open a new retail outlet at what was formerly Mitch Crawford's Chrysler location at 350 Highway and Gregory Bouelvard.
The International House of Pancakes will be building at the old Crawford Dodge dealership located at 350 Highway and Raytown Road.
Both locations will also house other retail outlet at the announced locations.
The developer for the Aldi location is asking for a 1% CID (Community Improvement District) tax along with the application. If granted, the 1% CID tax would be charged on all retail purchases at the Aldi Store location. The 1% tax increase for the development is on the Raytown Board of Aldermen's agenda for their August 17th meeting.
The International House of Pancakes is already located in a special tax districtand will charge the same tax assessed at Walmart and Westlake Hardware.
The sales tax rate at both locations will be just shy of 9%.
The Slippery Slope . . . by Greg Walters

The Raytown Board of Aldermen may be headed down a slippery slope that could have negative impacts on property values if they follow recent recommendations of the city's Planning and Zoning Commission.

Just east of Blue Ridge Elementary is 2.1 acres of undeveloped land. About ten years ago, the Raytown Board of Aldermen approved a plan that called for single family (low density) housing on the land. It was a good, logical move. The property to the north is zoned single family, as is the property to the south and west.

To the east is the entrance to Downtown Raytown. Blue Ridge Boulevard and 63rd Street meet at this intersection.

At its last meeting the Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission

voted to change zoning of the property to multi-family. Multi-family (high density) allows for construction of apartments.

The plans call for the building of 24 town homes on the property.

The problem is that what is one man’s town home is another man’s apartment complex. Town home is not a legal term and can literally mean whatever the speaker wants it to

mean. It is also leaves the final plan or project open to change. At the meeting the developer told Planning and Zoning Commission that the units will be connected.

Sounds more and more like an apartment complex than a town home, doesn’t it?

In other words, once the flood gate is opened, all of the water is allowed through. Plans could be changed as long as city building code requirements are met. A good example

of this is the stalled Crescent Creek development. The original plan called for some innovative housing concepts throughout the development. But then the housing market collapsed. The original developers of the property sold off their interests and new plans were brought forward by the new owners.

All of which is perfectly legal. But it does point out that the good wishes and plans of any developer can and do change.

The Raytown Board of Aldermen should send the recommendation for “high density housing” back to the Planning and Zoning Commission with instructions to create a more clear definition of what is to be built.

Last Week's Poll Results

The 63rd Street Bridge is . . . .

Completely finished - 13%

Open, but not completed - 72%

Don't Know - 13%


Andy Whiteman said...

I expressed my objection to the townhomes twice, but our board doesn't listen. The developer said that we would sell, not rent the units but that doesn't stop a buyer from renting.

Also it was questioned if these could become low income housing. Obviously not at the prices they will sell for, but what if the don't sell and someone buys them cheap? I have news for the board, ANY home or apartment could become low income housing at any time especially if it becomes run down or doesn't sell at full price.

I consider them to be apartments and would NEVER buy one. Too many noise issues and traffic on 63rd St.

These townhomes are a good way to to help bring down the quality of Raytown.

Andy Whiteman

Pat Casady said...

This should come as no surprise to anybody that has
been in Raytown for last fifteen years.
Raytown's governing body, our elected officials, job is
and was to make life better for it's citizens. Using hard earned
collected tax dollars for better streets, neighborhood safety and so on.
As we have seen, apartments in this town don't bring neighborhood
safety. Just look at the 87th street area a quarter mile west of
Raytown Rd. Apartments can bring in the worst kind of people.
People that don't care about their neighborhoods.
Apartments only bring down property values when you put them in a single home area.
Our bunch of elected officials should be ashamed of themselves if they let this
happen. Do I think the new apartments will go in......of course I do.
Our leadership has shown us no reason to think otherwise.
Slippery slope? I don't think so. I think it is a full on iced over ski jump
to lower property values and another nail in the coffin of this town.
Remember lower property values in this town mean higher taxes.
School levies raised and so on.

Anonymous said...

OMG - So should we pass a law that says no one can rent their property?

BTW - I have stayed at some very nice Town House. Some homes of friends, some vacation homes of riends and some out right rentals.

It would be nice to direct the focus on the true issues in Raytown and not blowing personal smoke about about Town Houses.

I laugh as I drive arround Raytown and still see all the code violations that are not being addressed. Many and I do mean many are business, so would that mean get all the business out of Raytown so we can pay high taxes as the last time I check a rental property was a business.

We then have the crime issue. I do fear for those on the Southside of the city and wonder when we are going to get a professional police chief that does something about the crime in the city.

Again I laugh taht we changed the cufew law, but nothing has changed. You can write all the laws you want, but if you have someone like Lynch that will not enforce them you now still have the issues you did have, but look even more like fools for not address the true underling issue, which is a police chief (city marshall) like Lynch who is only good at Lynching our tax dollars with broken promise of more officers on the street with his Public Saftey Tax.

Ha, Ha, all you seniors that get out and vote got taken to the cleaners on that one.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that we are finally getting some new businesses in Raytown. It looks like the Crawford's were having a fire sale on their properties. I wonder if there is a story behind the story.

The high sales tax rate bothers me.

Cleanup Downtown said...

It is nice the 63rd St bridge is open. It will be great once the project is complete. However, it would be even better if the business in the downtown area would get out and clean up their property. Many need to learn how to use a scraper and paint brush. While others need to learn about landscaping and weed control. Come on I have heard first hand from many of you complain about how long it took to get the bridge reopen, but I don't recall a one of you using that same time to put some pride into your property.

So I pray before the bridge project is fully complete and we cut the ribbon that you will do the right thing and cleanup after yourself.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:44,
You hit on the reason the apartment-town houses are a
bad idea for Raytown. CODES ENFORCEMENT!
With our neighborhoods running down fast and NO codes
enforcement, what kind of people do you think will move
into these new spaces? Or any place. No good family wants to move into a neighborhood where codes are a joke.
The first thing decent people look at is the neighborhood and how clean and kept up it is. If it looks bad, good folks won't buy or even rent there.
Then the builders start lowering their prices and guess what?
There goes another neighborhood!
Anonymous 10:03,
The rest of the story is an Aldi grocery store might be going in at
Gregory and 50hwy. That is if they can get a tax break like
WAl-Mart got. Which they will. This means higher taxes for you and me.
I think this will be the tenth grocery store in a ten square mile town.
Good planning isn't it!

Anonymous said...


Not to pick on you but how many years has it been that you have been going around and telling the world you are moving from this place.

Being it has been so long you now sounds as bad as the city and their clams to address issues in the city (example: gangs on 87th street).

Why don't you either just move or not bring it up until you are moved.

Big Brother @ City Hall said...


You always like to put you two cents in for what the city is doing wrong. However, I do recall earlier this year that you too needed to do some painting around the back over head door.

It seems that still has not been addressed. So why don't you take some time away from trying to manage a city by you postings on this blog and start to first set the example.

Maybe then city hall and the rest off us would believe you actually do want something good for Raytown and not just something to complain about, which believe it our not is how you are viewed at city hall.

Anonymous said...

That's not true. Some businesses did take pride and clean up their property. Let's see. Gary Knabe got a tax abatement on his property tax, -- then he cleaned up his property.

So did Bennetti's. Didn't Clark Appliance get one too. Or is that tractor trailer still parked in the back of their building being used as a storage shed?

Try that one on your property and see how long the city allows it.

Just goes to show. To sets of standards.

The real crime is that the folks at city hall do not see the injustice, blatant favoritism and unworkable stupidity of bribing people to set up shop in your community can cause.

Andy Whiteman said...

8:07 AM, I know I have memory loss but don't recall mentioning moving lately. I don't think you understand how difficult it is to move. It may be simple for a normal person, but I am disabled and things take longer.

First, it took over 6 years to locate a suitable house. I bought the house in December '08 and have been waiting for it to be remodeled. That latest delay was waiting for Red Dogg's yard to be ready for her. Things are almost ready except for carpeting the kitchen and dining area. Now I have many months of packing to do with little time to do it. I must give 2 weeks notice to the mover so after I am packed and give notice to the mover, I will be gone.

There will be another vacant house in Raytown. Would you like to buy it after I move out?

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Yes, that truck is still behind Clark's as is the one behind Laural Lanes.

I am sure the one at Laural Lanes is just what is needed to help sale that property.

Does anyone know if the EPA has rules on old rusty trucks. I am sure we could win worst city if they do.

Robbie Tubbs said...

An article in today’s paper showed the ACT scores. For Raytown schools, Raytown High School dropped .04 points from last year (from 20.2 to 19.8). Raytown South also dropped .04 points (from 19.8 to 19.4). The only schools with a lower ACT average are Ruskin and Hickman Mills High Schools (the tests were taken in the spring). Why are the test scores going down? What is the Board of Education doing to correct the problem?

Andy Whiteman said...

12:36PM, I fail to understand how a truck may be used for storage when a truck driver is not allowed to park a truck at his home? There is some discrimination here if it is OK to park a truck behind a business. Has anyone called codes and reported it? If so and there is inaction, I suggest calling your Alderman. Some of them will push the issue until it is resolved.

Robbie, I think another $2M spent on Astroturf should resolve the ACT test score issue. The real problem is the "students" have no desire or goal to improve themselves. For many the only interest is in partying. Of course not all are like that, but there needs to be some motivation. I suggest a minimum GPA of 2.0 be required to participate in team sports. I have been against funding sports, but I would favor it is it improved students' GPAs.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, for all of you arm chair quarterbacks, if you have a business, and have a truck, or trailer, or both, you can park it at your business. Good grief, find something else to micro manage like the new pile of dirt on Knabe's property at Spring Valley Road and 79th Street. Or, perhaps the fake haybale turned cow is in violation at the cemetary across from the church on 79th street. How about doing something about the spilled topsoil on Raytown Road in front of Popeye's Chicken. I am sure they threw that dirt out there to create a problem. Let's cite them and run them out of town, and make them an example also!

Some of you need to get a life!

Anonymous said...

Such small insignificant problems. Why, you would think the professionals at city hall would solve them in a heart beat!

We really deserve better than what we are getting for our hard earned tax dollars.

Go ahead, it is now your turn to make excuses and apologize for the inept handling of our city's problems.

Anonymous said...

Silly me you are right those trailers at Clarks and Laural Lanes are not code vilations as those piles of rust are works of art.

Please it is one thing to have a trailer at a business if it is related to the business and there for loading and unloading. When it becomes a pile of rust with tires that are roiting away we then have an issue. Besides I bet they don't have active liecense for them as I am sure they would never pass any inspection.

I am sure our fine codes enforcement department will get this cleaned right up just like the mud hole on 79th and Spring Valley.

What great services our tax dollar buy us in Raytown.

So is Bower running with the theme: "Do Nothing and Waste Everyting" as they is sure what I have seen!!!

Pat Casady said...

To Big Brother,
I scraped and painted two months ago, thanks for not noticing!
Next complaint?
Obviously, if you actually are at city hall, you must work for the codes department or you would have seen this.

Food For Thought said...

On Aug 3rd the people of MO voted to not be part of a national health care program. (Prop C).

Past elections so the greatest number of voters are those who are retired or nearing retirment.

I guess they really didn't think about their vote as Medicare is a national health care program.

Well, I pray the Federal Government says thank you to MO and stops all Medicare payments in conjuction with the dates for the national health care program. I believe that gives you senior until 2014 to rethink this or find your own way to cover you health care cost.

Sad as one of the things the national health care would have done for MO is make it where those who don't have health insureance today wouldn't cause the rest of us to pay higher rates. Maybe without higher rates your good old friend Medicare could do more for you. I guess those in MO will never know.

Thank you again for acting before thinking!

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought for Mayor Dave's campaign. He can hang his yard signs on the $10,000 (each) gateway obelisks he has been building around town.

500 years from now some archeologist will dig up this town and find those things and wonder what on earth was going on.

Anonymous said...

Drive down Raytown Road and take a look at the Christmas garland advertising the new city fleemart. Looks like the inner city businesses have offically arrived. Maybe Beth Linn needs to take a drive I am sure she will find a treasure at this busniess.

Andy Whiteman said...

How can anyone in Raytown reasonably expect City Hall to address violations of permanently placed trucks used for storage as wells as Swamp Knabe when none of the department heads including our City Administrator are required to live in the city that pays them close 6 figures? The truth is, they don't give a damn what Raytown looks like or the quality of life because they don't have to live here. These high paid tie wearing chairwarmers should be required to experience the same standard of living as as serfs on the fief.

The gateways demostate idiotic board actions. At the last Board meeting, they approved over $500,000 as final payment to a gateway contractor. The people of Missouri paid over $300,000 towards this monstrasity as highway funding. The money wasted by both entities was total lunacy.

Andy Whiteman

Robbie Tubbs said...

Oct. 20 execution set in 1989 abduction, rape and killing of Raytown teen

By MARK MORRIS The Kansas City Star

The Missouri Supreme Court issued an execution warrant today for Roderick Nunley, who was convicted with another man in the 1989 rape and murder of a Kansas City teenager.

Nunley is to die on Oct. 20, 2010, according to paperwork released by the court Thursday morning.
Nunley was convicted with Michael Taylor in May 1994 for the murder of 15-year-old Ann Harrison, who they abducted as she waited for a bus.

Anonymous said...

Nunley and the other dirt bag get what they deserve. They both should be executed the same time!

I tired of my tax dollars keeping them alive!

Andy Whiteman said...

8:27PM, It was stated on TV that an execution costs much more than life in prison because your tax dollars pay for the appeals which cost much more than life in prison. I would rather let them live the rest of their existence suffering in prison!

Andy Whiteman

Lee said...

High density housing isn't necessarily a bad, just the way we do it around here is. Seriously, design housing that is going to add more traffic around an elementary school. Must be the same people who chose to build a school on every major artery in Raytown.

High density, not these townhouses, would be good if they were located within walking distance of shops and public transportation. Near downtown would be good, but the city has abandoned downtown. So near all those new stores on 350.

Energy prices aren't going to get any cheaper, and a forward thinking community would take that into account for future planning.

BTW, since we seem to have so many codes specialists around here; does Raytown have any codes that require utility cables to be hung or buried, as opposed to laying on the ground? For over 3 months Comcast has had a cable laying across my property. I don't do business with them, but I personally asked them to hang it or remove it a month ago. It's a big hassle to mow around.

Oh, Andy, the Pacific Northwest has much milder temperatures than New Mexico (or Missouri). When I was in Seattle in '90 they were complaining about the 85 degree heatwave. Most of the left coast is pretty mild. Then again, those pot smoking lefties would probably drive you nuts. :-)

Greg Walters said...

Lee makes a very good point. High density housing does have its place. But that place is not near a school.

High density housing (call it what you want -- it is almost always apartment complexes, or their next of kin, four plexes)-- is meant to be used as a buffer zone between low density (single family) housing and commercially zoned areas.

None of these requirements are met at the location east of Blue Ridge Elementary.

Everyone wants to see economic growth in Raytown. But care should be taken to make certain what is built fits in to what is already standing.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the senior living place accross the street from Blue Ridge Elem also be high density housing?

I guess you are right we never should have let them move in either. I mean shoving that many people into on building like that and so close to the school.

I wounder how many complaints that school gets to keep in quite on the play ground so they don't wake those seniors up.

Counting the days until April said...

When David Bower was running for mayor he said if elected his administration would run the city like a well ran business.

It is clear after over three years David doesn't know how to do that or he would have already cleaned up the dead wood at city hall.

He would have address the nagative imagie others have about Raytown by cleaning up all the code violations. Instead of trying to place blame on those who have been outspoken and asked why the city doesn't enforce its codes as beng the negative force in our city.

He would make sure everyone pays their fair share in taxes and therefore stop giving out all these tax breaks that cost all of us more money and take away form the school district and our kids and grand kids future.

Instead of braging about bring one new business to Raytown he would be finding out why 10 left.

Instead of hiring department heads that are not required to live in our city. He would make sure until they moved in they recieved 25% less salary and after 6 month of not moving into the city be let go for violating their contract with the city.

However, there are many that know about David's missmanagement of his household funds (public record) and tried to warn others that someone who cannot manage their own home will cost each of us our homes.

Now look at the shape our city is in, the repeat request and / or force higher taxes and public safety is a thing of the past.

What a proud times we have all had to share by David's misguided and mismanaged ways.

Show Me The Money said...

When is Pat Ertz going to release the reports on how much sales tax has been generated each year being he got the city to bring back fireworks?

At the same time could we get a report on the number of calls the police had to address becasue people were shooting them before and after the premitted dates and time frames. It would also be great to find out how many of those calls resulted in fines or was that the first sign to those trouble makers in Raytown that you can do what you want because the police will only yell at you, but actually do nothing in the end as that would be too much work and we cannot have that.

Anonymous said...

The "place across the street" used to be the YWCA. It was already zoned for that use.

It is an assisted living facility. If you go there day or night you will find the front door locked. It is locked because some of the folks that reside there have a tendency to wander off and in their confusion cannot find their way home.

Do you really compare the assisted living facility to an apartmetn complex?

Keep on trying. There is no honest way to justify putting in high density zoning in that area.

Unless, of course, you are either the Mayor or one of his minions.

Be patient, you will have plenty of time to make excuses for him in the not too distant future.

Anonymous said...

Our mayor has shown what happens when their is no oversight.

I for one can no longer get him to return my calls, but I guess it wouldn't matter as he never does address the number of code violations I bring to his attention.

Clearly Bower doesn't care what kind of trash we have to deal with in the city as long as he keeps getting his check.

Andy Whiteman said...

8:57 AM, My Realtor showed me the house at 63rd & Hunter when I was forced to move here. I liked the house but had 3 issues: First 63rd St. Second Across the street from the school. The Realtor pointed out it was only an elementary. I grew up 1/2 block from one and they are very noisy. Bickford House was under construction. I considered it to be high density due mainly to visitor traffic but the school overshadowed Bickford House as more noisy; so issues 1 and 2 ruled out the house.

If the residents of Bickford House have noise issues with the school, they knew it was there first and shouldn't have moved in which is why I didn't buy that house.

I have driven down 63rd more times than I can count and noticed the property where the townhouses are going with tall grass in violation of ordinance. I thought that it was school property and was wondering why the schools didn't mow it. I was thinking of insects, reptiles and rodents that could hurt a child.

Lee, I learned about the Pacific northwest climate in HS geography. My worry would be humidity. I know that area gets a lot of rain. It may be cooler than NM, but I don't consider NM to be hot because it is a dry heat except during the monsoons. I am more comfortable with 90 degrees in NM that 70 degrees here. The potheads wouldn't bother me as long as they are quiet. I have noticed that people on drugs tend to play obnoxious, loud music. I don't know how you assume potheads are there because I have lived in many places and have observed drug users in ALL places; so maybe it is a fair assumption. I would rather deal with potheads that crack or crystal meth users.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I did some checking last night and if Mayor Bower wants more appartments in Raytown why not put them on the East side of Raytown Road at 87th Street.

Then again I am sure Mayor Bower would want appartments accross the street from him and so close for the trash in the apartments to the West to move that close.

Maybe some of the good old folks from KCMO can start to develope some appartment complexes in that general area so Bower can get a first hand taste of his own medicine.

Andy Whiteman said...

Since you are Anymous, there is no verification of what you say but if Mayor Bower wants apartments in Raytown, obviously he has failed to notice that in many cases they attract undesirable people, low income people, bring too many people into a small area, and increase the crime rate.

Doesn't Raytown have too much crime? Do we need more crime and obnoxious people with boom boxes?

The only benefit of apartments is increased propery tax while the homeowners value goes down. The city may extort a building permit fee, a business license tax, and or other revenue from apartments.

When looking for my house, one requirement was "NOT near any multifamily residence." Anyone who wants to have apartments in Raytown should be required to live by them. I say build the apartments next to any official advocating apartments and if any city official advocating apartments lives outside the city, they should be required to rent an apartment or live next to the apartments.

Apartments will make the quality of life in Raytown much worse than it is.

Andy Whiteman

Lee said...

How elitist of you Andy. Apartments bring in the poor, unwashed masses. Why don't we just put up great big fences around them and call them something else....

I bought my first house about 10 years ago. That required criminal life of an apartment dweller was just too exhausting.

Over the last couple years I have seen more lost value on my homes from homeowners than renters. People that were using their home equity like an ATM, then when they faced foreclosure they trashed, damaged, or removed everything that wasn't tied down. Ever seen a house stripped of bathroom fixtures? Furnace, AC, water heater? I saw one remove a 2 year old privacy fence and sell it on craiglist. Renters simply come and go. Some may be a little inexperienced with lawn care, but they tend to mind their own business and don't develop opinions of what their neighbors *ought* to do in the name of preserving property values.

Jackson County is #1 in foreclosures in Kansas City and my house has lost 17% of it's value in 2 years. That wasn't caused by apartments.

BTW, there are plenty of high priced apartments in Johnson County.

The only true negative you can apply to all apartment complexes is traffic. We'll talk about about hybrid vehicles for city vehicles and metro links, but we won't consider changing the city so that not every needs to own a car. And no, it's not just the poor that don't own cars. A decade ago if mall owners had been smart, they would have lobbied to have 10 story apartment building developed around them. Bannister could have changed out one of those aging anchor stores with a grocery store and been thriving with a high-rise with the same footprint as Hypermart.

Fred said...


You are missing the big picture. What is needed is some thought out restrictions. If townhomes are to be built, define them. The lack of definition in what is happening by Blue Ridge Elementary is an easily corrected mistake.

But the lack of definition, in an industry that is not known for high ethical standards would the same as someone planning to build a hotel. By using such a broad term it could mean a Hilton, it could mean a Motel 6.

Certainly someone who recognizes how lax enforcement in the banking and mortgage industry led us down this path must recognize the same need in the housing industry.

Andy Whiteman said...

Lee, I am not an elitist. As Fred said there is no definition. There needs to be a city code to set forth soundproofing because these days construction is very poor allowing noise to pass from unit to unit especially if obnoxious people have loud music or high bass. I absolutely refuse to stay in new motels while traveling because a conversation can be heard through the wall! I wonder why they even built the walls? They are totally useless.

Another problem is bringing too many people into a small area will lead to violence and crime. If I don't want noise, drug dealing, and crime, I guess that makes me an elitist.

Andy Whiteman

Big Brother At City Hall said...

Pat, being you are so outspoken on this blog would you do the same with those darn business you share a back parking lot with. I mean will they ever paint their buildings and you know there is nothing we at city hall can do as one of those buildings belongs to former Mayor Franks.

Andy Whiteman said...

Why are people picking on Pat for the back of a building. People generally see the front, not the back.

Now I wonder if 2:04PM is really a city employee stating that codes may not be enforced against certain individuals?

Andy Whiteman

Lee said...

Andy, what makes you elitist is that you *assume* that apartments are going to bring noise, drug dealing, and crime. A position that has no basis in fact. Somehow owning a home makes you a better person, morally?

A survey by the Real Estate website showed that 27% of the Americans surveyed had no intention of ever buying a house. Does that make those 27% morally bankrupt?

BTW, any new housing in a market tends to be the premium property. A new complex would appeal to the upper income renters, not the lower ones. Although income is no indicator for criminal activity either.

Andy Whiteman said...

Apartments are too small and close together. Construction of new units is very poor with no sound proofing. Have you ever WALKED by apartments? I have walked by the apartments south of RHS and there was too much loud music coming from them. That noise breeds violence. I spoke with a home owner in that area and he said that there also was noise coming from the condos off 63rd St. Obviously the wrong type of people are living there.

Someone attempted to rob me near the Phillips 66 and fled into the apartment complex on Raytown Rd. That seems to say something about the occupants or their guests.

It took me 6 years to buy a house. I would not consider new developments due to miniature lots and miniature houses too close to each other. I could consider only older established areas.

If people want to rent and not buy, that is there business, but there is no tax deduction on rent while interest may be deducted.

BTW, upper income renters could be criminals. There is a lot of money in crime.

Apartments just attract the wrong type of people with too many people crowed into a small area, many of whom create noise. With all of those people you have to expect violence.

I contacted Mayor Bower and he denied advocating apartments. The anonymous person who started this thread didn't know what he was talking about. Why to people start lies?

Andy Whiteman

max said...

I an not convinced that all the problems in Raytown lay with the elected officials. The major players at City Hall dont live in Raytown, they take their check home on Friday and dont see Raytown till Monday, spending their money elsewhere. Having Department heads that are not required to live in Raytown is a joke and even when they are required to live here there is always an excuse, My kids are in school, the housing market sucks, etc. You want a job, move here! No excuses, no 2 year deals...either move to Raytown of have no job, simple.

Andy Whiteman said...

Max, I totally agree and have so stated both on this blog and to the BOA numerous times.

That puts the problem back on the elected officials for allowing Department Heads to live outside of Raytown. The BOA is responsible for this decision!

Andy Whiteman