Filing is closed for the April 5th Raytown Elections. For an up-to-date list of candidates filed use this link For a complete breakdown of the races and who has filed use this link Raytown Public Office Filing Information
Walters Files for Ward 1 Alderman by Garth Bare Greg Walters has filed for Alderman of Ward 1 in the City of Raytown’s upcoming election scheduled for April 5, 2010.
Walters told the Raytown Report that actions by the Raytown City Council in the last couple of years have raised cause for alarm.
In particular, he cited the following:
- A 13% increase in the property tax rate for the City of Raytown.
- The city’s failure to deliver on promises of increased police protection and road improvements in return for support of sales tax increases.
- A change in policy that has curtailed the installation of new street lights.
Mr. Walters stated he is especially concerned with the proliferation of “tax incentives” for corporate businesses. “The unfettered use of so-called “tax incentives” for developers is hurting our community,” said Walters.
“The collateral damage to our economic infrastructure is witnessed in the failure of small businesses which cannot compete with the large stores that are given an unfair advantage in the marketplace,” he continued.
“Even worse, the cost of those unpaid taxes has been shifted to the homeowners. You see this in increased property taxes; you see it when you pay an extra “sales tax” when you shop at a store that has been granted a 'tax break'.”
“I hope to bring a new direction and better cooperation on the Board of Aldermen in providing for the needs of the people of Raytown,” said Walters.
Mr. Walters closed by saying that he will put the needs of the local homeowner ahead of all others in Raytown. He called on the other candidates running for the Board to make the same pledge.
Walters is Vice President of Service Printing and Graphics. He is a lifetime resident of Raytown. He and his wife, Marelise, have raised two children and are active in both church and community activities.
Candidates File as Deadline Nears by Greg Walters
Candidates for public office in the City of Raytown are filling up the slots for the various elections to be held on April 5th.
Most of the activity has been in city elections with all but two of the seats drawing competition as the Tuesday, January 18th deadline nears. On Friday, two new filings were reported by Raytown City Hall.
According to City Clerk, Teresa Henry, Ward 3 gained another candidate when incumbent Charlotte Melson filed for re-election. In Ward 4, Michelle Williams has filed for Alderman.Races for seats on the Raytown School Board, Fire District and Water District have not drawn much attention. In most cases, incumbents have been the only candidates to file.
For a complete breakdown of the races and who has filed use this link
Raytown Public Office Filing Information
The Salamander Returns!
My, my, my. Is there no end to the senseless rationale the KC Star will descend in efforts to defend renewal of the city’s earnings tax.
To set the record straight, the KC E-Tax is nothing other than a THIRD INCOME TAX. The only difference between it and State and Federal income taxes is that 60% of those who have KC E-Tax withheld from their paycheck have no input, not a word even, to influence where the money will be spent.
This is true regardless of where you live. If you earn the money in Kansas City, you are going to pay a third income tax on it.
This applies whether you live in Raytown, Lone Jack, Jackass Bend or Peculiar or even on the Kansas side. You will be paying this tax.
Back to the Star’s tub-thumping. The January 3rd issue’s editorial was a classic. The few of you who read that paper – I guess someone must still subscribe – should revisit the editorial, it contained what has to be the worst case of logic rationalization in the history of journalism.
Continuing the editorial which predicted the horrible things which could occur if the tax fails, the “Chicken Little” editorial staff wrote the following:
“The Star has argued previously that the City Council long ago should have reduced the bloated Fire Department and swollen ranks of the police civilian force. However, a $200 million annual cut in city funds could force overly drastic reductions in public safety personnel.”
Then we are told, in the same breath, that these wastrels and money squanderers in the city fire and police department (not my words, The Star’s) have got to be financed; that we must renew a tax which funds the “pouring of gasoline” on the fires of waste which consumes a majority among the E-Tax raises.
Not one word of the editorial calls for an end to this waste . Not one! Instead we are told it is our duty to add to the fiscal mess by renewing the tax
The logic is idiocy run amuck.
Want to read about how Kansas City refunds earning tax money withheld from employees’ paychecks; Then is returned to the officers of the large corporations?
You’ll have to wait for another report.
Greetings of the Season to all Bloggers. Ben Franklin would have been proud of what the internet is accomplishing by way of keeping our freedom.
Corner Cravings by Erin Whitehead
1 Comment
It can be so hard to find healthy eats when you’re
out on the town. If you’re like me, you have that staple
fast-food salad you grab in a pinch or you emulate Jared and eat a 6-inch sub. But now,
Corner Bakery Cafe has introduced its “100 Under 600″ program, which showcases more than 100 different soup, salad and sandwich combos under 600 calories. Awesome! So awesome that I wish I had a Corner Bakery Cafe on my corner…not all the way over in Pennsylvania. But with locations in 11 states and the nation’s capital, maybe you’re lucky enough to have one in your neighborhood. Healthy dining, everyone!
Behind the Scenes with Strong Girl Pink by Jenn Walters
Pink is a tough chick with some awesome shoulders. I love how she’s one of the few pop stars who can go from crazy rocker chick to vulnerable singer to punky strong girl you don’t want to mess with. She was recently on the cover of Women’s Health and did an awesome and honest Q&A with the magazine. In the interview, she discusses dieting, how much she works out (hint: it’s a lot!), happiness and more. And get this: She doesn’t have a trainer. She just puts in the hard work herself! Love it!
See the whole behind-the-scenes video here!
Jenn Walters and Erin Whitehead jointly publish Fit Bottomed Girls. To read more of their thoughts on lifestyle choices and fitness go to Fit Bottomed Girls
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Raids on Line
Last Week’s Poll Results . . .
Do you plan to vote in the April 5th Raytown City Election?
97% . . . YES
3% . . . . NO
0% . . . . NOT SURE
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So, what happened to the Ripple Glass Recycling Container behind Berbiglia's? The website no longer lists any site to recycle in Raytown.
Since Berbiglia closed, I assumed that the contract to the glass recycling container would terminate. I suggest that those interest contact Ripple Glass and ask them to get another site here. I would think a merchant or strip mall would like to have it to be somewhat of an anchor to attract customers.
The E tax is really taxation without representation, hence a rip off. If I was looking for work and had a choice, I would pick a job not in KCMO.
Greg, could you please do a profile on all the candidates? There are several unknowns and the ones who are known should be reintroduced so all may be compared. A good time would be the week before the election. Too early and those with memory loss (like me) will forget all the details.
Andy Whiteman
How about this, Salamander: - Drive on Kansas City streets? You have to buy a sticker. Don't buy a sticker? Get fined. - Need the police, or fire, or ambulance in KC and don't live there? Wait until you get the bill. Sound good? And don't tell me you'll never go into Kansas City if that's the case. Who are you kidding? Everybody will suffer. How's it going to look if a fireman asks you for proof of residency before he puts out your car fire? If the streets and stormwater control and snow removal get worse and not better? A lot of cities in Kansas City's range have two percent tax rates. And don't even play the "I never go into Kansas City and what happens to it doesn't affect me" violin solo. You've got a bag over your head if you think that's the case. It does, and it will. People still pay attention to The Star's position because they don't have kneejerk reactions. They think things over. And like usual - like it or not - The Star has the best interests of the region in mind, not the lousy 1% of the income you're greedily salivating about getting back.
I will be happy to publish comments from any candidate running for public office in Raytown.
They can either post them on this page or send them for consideration (as did Robbie Tubbs) for publication on the news portion of the Raytown Report.
Comments can be sent to
Wow!!! Looks like someone took a course in "Scare Tactics 101"!
The repeal of the earnings tax is supposed to be accomplished over a ten year period.
More than enough time to come up with a fair and honest way to replace the earnings tax
I think the writer who is trying to frighten people with his negative post knows that.
How about a little honesty please!
I too worked in Kansas City for many years and didn't mind paying the earning tax for the good paying job that I had in their city. I resent more paying the 9 percent sales tax that Raytown has imposed upon me. That's why I do very little shopping in Raytown anymore. Keep it up city fathers and you won't have any business here in a few years.
I live in Raytown, but I drive, shop, and sometimes work in Kansas City, Independence, Lee's Summit, Raytown, and various other cities. Should I give each one of them 1% of my paycheck for the privilege of driving on their streets and shopping in their stores?
What other city, with no representation, steals a portion of the wages of people who happen to be employed within their city? Yes, if I don't get to vote on it, it is stealing. At least with a sales tax I have the option of not making a purchase.
If my car catches fire in Lee's Summit, I will trust the Lee's Summit FD to extinguish it, even though they don't get a cut of my paycheck.
I moved out of Kansas City four years ago and
I always paid the earnings tax even though my
business is in Raytown, I had to pay a third
income tax for the privilege of living in that
city. I hated it then and even though I moved
out of the city, and my taxes were paid up to
date. And even though I have told them, written them
letters and called them, they still dun us for the
years we haven't even lived there since. This proves
cities and towns are just blood suckers when it comes
to cutting their spending money. They don't like it
when the people wake up and say enough!
Salamander, we in Raytown don't have any say as to
where our tax dollars go either. Even when the people
of Raytown vote for a tax increase it doesn't mean
it will go where it is promised it will go.
The people of Raytown have been bamboozled several
times, the street overlay tax and the "safety tax"
have not gone where the people were promised they
would go.
Anon 7:13
Don't let the screen door hit your butt as you leave.
Raytown has 2 sets of fees for ambulance service for residents and non-residents. It was brought up at the BOA meeting that other cities do this too. I don't understand Byers' thinking that non residents of KC should be charged for services. After all, they pay sales tax. I consider different charges discriminatory and should be illegal. Could you imagine going into a grocery store that had prices for residents and non-residents? That is similar to different prices for Orientals, Chicanos, Blacks, Caucasians, and Mid Eastern decent. If a business set up different prices, it would most likely end up in Federal Court PDQ.
Did we get to vote on state or federal income taxes??? No, but most of us still pay them.
You can take deductions on a state and federal income taxes.
You directly elect those who make the laws that created the state and fedeal income taxes.
Neither is true about the earnings tax.
It sounds to me that anonymous 2:37, 8:12
and Byers, if that is he or she's real name,
likes to pay taxes. Well if you live in Raytown
you picked the right place.
To anonymous 7:13, I don't know who you were
referancing to but if it was me, I was out of here
faster than that door could move. I left two years ago
but I still enjoy coming into Raytown to work.
I didn't like paying taxes and watching the town
fall apart around me and the neighborhoods going downhill.
Along with watching the leaders of this town do nothing about
the shape of this town or the safety of and for the people.
How's that murder rate make you feel?
You can deduct KC earnings tax paid on a sch A. Guess you have been missing that deduction.
Not according to my accountant.
Makes little difference. Unfair is unfair. The tax is forced on people who have no say in it whatsoever.
It is costing K.C. dearly. It is why many large and small companies will not locate on the Missouri side.
You know it is true.
Here is the acid test.
Let's say you are opening a business. you canopen one in KCMO and pay 1% more on all your employees salaries OR you can open one in any other city in the metro and SAVE the 1% on salaries.
Let's see - pay more, pay less?
Which would you choose?
5:21PM, When I lived and worked in KCMO, my CPA deducted the 1% E-tax as taxes paid. Maybe your accountant should double check that.
The 1% earnings tax is deducted from the employee's checks. The employer doesn't pay it. The employee pays it!
Andy Whiteman
Get Real Andy!
The employer does not pay the earnings tax. Very true. He competes in the marketplace for the employee's services.
When you hire someone it does not go down too well to tell them, oh by the way, 1% of what you earn will be taken from you from the city of kansas city.
That's why soooooo many business people will not open a business in Kansas City.
Glad to see that Greg Walters has filed. We need him on the City Council.
No, an employer is required to withhold the 1% Earnings Tax from their employee's pay, thus it is a deduction on the employee's paycheck. The employer submits this to the taxing entity, similar to what transpires with Federal Withholding, State Withholding, FICA, etc...
The employer only suffered grief once by paying their employees. He/she is just a middleman handling their employees tax monies at that point.
I am sure that someone out there will want to argue this point and want to fight about it, as they usually do anyway, because they want all the glory.
And no one is required to issue a disclaimer that they pay these taxes. Most people are smart enough to know that, and can figure that out, especially when they fill out their w4's, and other supporting documentation.
Wow, some people out here will complain about anything. I have seen some of the most tight people eat up more than 1% of their income ($500 of $50,000)on a Chiefs game on any given Sunday without complaining even if they lose the game, even paying 6-7 dollars on a beer, yet they will fuss about that same 1% going to KC in taxes, and then complain when the roads are screwed up.
Just goes to show that you can't please them all of the time.
If a business is located in KCMO, they pay 1% Earnings tax on the revenue. The employees of that company pay 1% Earnings tax on their wages, regardless of where they live.
If a business is not located in KCMO, but have employees who live in KCMO, those employees pay 1% Earnings tax on their wages.
8:01AM, I don't have the money to waste on Chiefs or Royals games and my disabilty prevents me from attending. I view these as luxuries and it is a personal decision if a person wants to spend money that way. The earnings tax is not a decision a person may make not to pay it, but they may make a decision not to work in KCMO.
6:09 AM, I am real. I didn't have a choice. It was either work in KCMO or have no job. If I had a choice I wouldn't have worked in KCMO but it was the ONLY job available at that time. Job openings for a person with my type of disability are very limited.
Greg, I am glad that someone of intregrity who looks out for ALL the citizens of Raytown is running for Ward 1. I hope the people get out and vote Apr. 5 rather than sitting on their asses.
Andy Whiteman
Raytown Consolidated #2
Jackson County
Closed Thursday
Submitted at: 6:02 PM CST on Wednesday, Jan 19
Based on the lack of thinking things through and the let us use band aid to fix a problem instead of addressing the root cause the elected officials and department heads of KCMO believe and expect those of us who work in their city to continue to help flip the bill for their lack of management skills.
They and many city employees are moving to scare tactics that without this continued misused fund the city will not be able to provide police and fire protect as is expected.
This is a tactic used by children on school play grounds and not by educated adults who by now should be able to rationalize if the city would adopt a pay for performance plan, stop hiring family members (Including volunteers Mr. Funkhouser like your wife) and fixing problems in the infrastructure at the root cause that the city will start to actually have a surplus of money, which will allow for addition infrastructure repairs.
As someone who worked for about 15 years in KCMO and drove the things you call streets, I can ensure you I spent more than a reasonable amount of money on additional repairs to my car because of the additional wear and tear your streets created. There were also those ongoing issues with the build I worked in being without water because for the policy of only fixing leaks and breaks and not updating the system itself.
Miss management goes deeper with the costly building of the downtown area, which also brings up the issue that those who do attend events and patronize business in the Power and Light District must ensure they park within that district or put their personal safety at risk for the lack of police presence just streets beyond this area. Yet, we are to believe we will have great police protection if this tax continues.
I might recommend before you expect others who live outside your city to pay for this or any tax that you clean up your house first. This include the earning tax or any other silly one you think up like expecting other cities to cover the cost of union station.
I do not want to beat the KCET to death but there are two kinds of tax. Earnings tax and business profit/loss. A business located in KC will pay 1% on its profit, not revenue. It is time for you to get a new accountant. Find an enrolled agent or CPA, and make sure are still getting continuing education. Stay away from places with workers that dress up and try to wave suckers in.
We need to focus on the upcoming election
in Raytown and let Kansas City take care of
Kansas City. We need a bunch of new people at
city hall! That is what we should be focusing on.
We need new people that will use Raytown taxpayer
dollars for Raytown's people, neighborhoods,
city services and safety.
Remember, Wal-Mart, Hy-Vee, Aldi's, Ihop and more
all given or will be given tax breaks or loans of
your tax dollars.
Has it helped our streets. Has it made our neighborhoods
any safer? The only thing all of this has done is
make Raytown, that once was a jewel of a town, turn
into a battle ground for misfits and thugs. Punks
that make us not even want to go to our own parks.
And, we pay higher taxes for it. this is wrong! Our
paid taxes are an investment in our town and should be
used as such. VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:39 The issue with the earning tax is it could have an impact on several of the points you have made
1.) If they actual make cuts in police services we could see increase crime in our adjust neighborhoods. This could cost us to need to hire more offices and it could cause an increase in mutual aid calls for KCMO for these same areas. Don’t get me wrong I truly believe this is a scare tactic, but there is the potential it could happen as other major cities have had to make these cuts. As for the mutual aid we could take the position that they put themselves in this place so not our issue, but if we needed assistance we wouldn’t get it.
2.) Currently KCMO gets trash service, which is included in the cost of their taxes. If they loss the earnings tax they are talking about charging $15.00 a month. This seems a reasonable fee, but think of the number of people who won’t spend the money. The trash will not just be dumped in KCMO, but other areas and do we need that in Raytown.
I hope I have made it clear how KCMO and the earnings tax could impact us in Raytown. I however agree with the “Change Management Not New Taxes” in the fact that I have the funds if they would start spending wisely and thinking before acting. Just reminded on the news of the 2 lawsuits their mayors wife got the city in with settlement cost of over $625,000 plus and cost.
As for Raytown it would be great to see a new administration and a few changes on the Board of Alderman. Referring back to the “Change Management Not New Taxes”, we too need to focus on our infrastructure. In addition, we must stop the spending on employees who do not do their job and / or always try to obtain overtime. We need management that will address code violations on all and stop the misconception that only rental properties have code violations. The management needs to make sure they as well as any employees or vendor who lives and / or operates their business within Raytown sets the example of how a property should be properly maintained. This will end the old boy policy of do as I say and not as I do. Included in this group needs to be anyone who makes a political contribution to these individuals and any former elected official.
Raytown is still a great city with great ordinances it is just past time for them to be enforced!!!
Every city that I have lived in that charged for trash collection charged EVERYONE. It wasn't optional to have trash pickup. Since Raytown doesn't have trash pick up as a city service, it is optional for every homeowner or business to contract their own. I doubt trash pickup would be optional in KCMO.
I also heard on the news that if the E-tax ends, KCMO would add $90 per $100K to the property taxes. They will have to find other ways to recover the revenue.
My opinion is KCMO citizens will vote to keep the E tax because it keeps their taxes down.
Andy Whiteman
Kansas City is not a "low tax" town.
The real problem is an inability of their elected officials to make hard decisions.
Sound familiar?
Both KCMO and Raytown falsely claim affordable living. The Chamber lied to me about the lowest taxes in the metro area. I just receive my gas bill today and the franchise tax was over 11%! Outrageous!!!
Andy Whiteman
I wonder if more people would vote if they didn't have to go to the polls? Many are too lazy to get off their asses.
The first election we voted in in California we went to the polls where there was a long line. A poll worker abruptly told us we were supposed to vote by mail.
Ballots were mailed to us before every election. We did our voting at home and mailed the ballots to the Election Commission.
I wonder why they don't do that here. Voting would me much easier and more people would vote.
Please click on the campaign links on the left of the home page.
Andy Whiteman
I don't trust Google. Greg's last article along with the posts have disappeared!
Greg, I am beginning to think you need signs that take work to remove. I posted a sign made with a metal frame like a realtor's sign after checking with codes that it was legal. Someone stole it. I had another made. (They are expensive.) This time I had them add a bar at the bottom. I hired a local handyman to install it with rebar twisted around the bottom bar and mounted it in a hole with the rebar at the bottom. There was no way to remove the sign so I had to hire the handyman to remove the sign.
Andy Whiteman
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