The picture at right was taken at Mount Ranier in early September. The temperature about 28 degrees. The snow was moderate at first. As we gained elevation along the trail the snowfall increased in intensity. After about two hours, the snow was reaching the of our boots.
By time we returned to our trail head the depth was about four inches.
As with most late summer snow showers in the mountaints, the snowfall was brief and quickly melted as the temperature began to rise.
The Low Tax Myth by Greg Walters
Ever hear someone say how Raytown is a “low tax city”. This is one of those urban legends which, maybe 25 years ago, was a true statement. Today it is as misleading as the calm before a spring thunderstorm.
Use this link
Tax Rate Chart to gain an understanding of how high property taxes have risen in Raytown.
The combined tax levy rate for Raytown is a whopping $7.39 per hundred dollars valuation. This places Raytown near the top of the Kansas City area communities when it comes to property taxes.
Most of the force behind the high tax rate is driven by the Raytown School District. The Raytown School District is the highest taxed school district in the metropolitan area.
As one local political wit told us, “those million dollar artificial turf football fields have to be paid by for by someone!”
The reference is to a controversial decision by the Raytown School Board to build new football complexes with artificial turf and all the trappings that go with it.
What appears to be a low property tax rate for the City of Raytown does not take into account that the City does not operate the Raytown Fire District. Nor does it have control over the city’s park levy, which is governed by an independent Board of Directors.
When the City and Fire District levy is combined the ensuing tax rate is a significant tax load on local homeowners.
Couple that with the 13% property tax increase the Raytown City Council voted in 2009 and you end up with one of the highest property tax levies in the Kansas City area.
No, Raytown is not a “low tax town”.
Some of our local politicians, particularly those who have a seat on the City Council, tell you that the City of Raytown has a low property tax rate.
Go ahead and humor them. Let them think they are clever.
Then remember them at election time.
Your Tax Dollars at Work?
Demolition of the old Mitch Crawford’s car dealership at 350 Highway and Raytown Road has begun. The site is being raised for the construction of an Aldi’s Grocery Store.
In a controversial decision, the Raytown Board of Aldermen agreed to “lend” $850,000 of city tax revenue to develop the site for the Aldi’s Store.
For more information about Aldi’s use this link
The Next Chapter by Jenn Walters
Now that I’ve completed marathon training (and
ran the darn thing!), I have more free time on my hands. My Saturdays aren’t dedicated to running, and I can have a glass of wine on a Tuesday night without having to pray to the running gods that it doesn’t jack with my Wednesday morning run.
Going forward, I know that I want to run faster, and I know that I want to try some new activities and trends that are hot right now. But I also want to maintain my smokin’ post-marathon bod. Remember a few months ago when
I told the scale to suck it? Well, I’m glad I did. After writing that empowering post, I stopped weighing myself, and by the end of training started to notice some major changes in my body.
I’ve worked out regularly since the age of 16, so I really didn’t think my body would change that much. But it did—especially in my legs, which went from strong to shapely powerhouses. My calves, which used to be massive (I’ve always been proud of their muscle girth), started to shrink and have more form, eventually causing my once-tight knee-high boots to sag down, even when I was wearing tights. (Excuse to buy new boots? I think so!) The side quad-thigh line became a permanent division on my legs, and my inner thighs started to get a line, too. Even though I work out for health, I freakin’ love those lines. And I earned them.
My cardiovascular system was off the chain, too. Walking up big hills felt like a picnic, and running for anything less than an hour seemed like a breeze. A breeze! Even my upper body became more defined and toned, especially my shoulders, which became pointier and more like a real runner.
After I got back from my truly magical trip and was fully recovered (read: could walk like a normal person) a few days later, I busted out the scale again. It was like revisiting a slightly abusive friend. I missed it, but I was afraid of what it was going to say. I shouldn’t have been as obviously concerned with it, but
old habits die hard, I guess. And for some very un-Fit-Bottomed-Girl reason, I wanted that scale to show a number that reflected the changes that I could see in my body. (Don’t hang me on the fitness cross here, please!) When I stepped on the scale, it read my pre-marathon weight. A full 5 pounds less than my “suck it, scale” post, meaning that I was right back to “normal” for me, just with some serious muscle improvement. Victory—and those people were right about those carbs holding water!
I never intended to lose weight during the marathon, and I guess I never really expected the training to change me much physically, but it did! And, for the first time, I had an A+ health check-up. My doctor was elated that my usually high or borderline cholesterol (runs in the family, argh) was still high, but this time it was because my good cholesterol (the HDL) was off-the-charts high. Must be all of those peanut butter and banana sandwiches!
I enjoyed not weighing myself for the past few months so much that I’ve decided to only weigh myself once a week, just to keep on track. And because I have such negative connotations with the darn scale from my past, I decided to pitch it. (Plus, it was one of those wonky digital scales that’ll weigh you at two different weights if you move it to a different part of the bathroom—a bad situation for a former yo-yo dieter.)
Instead, with the generous help of
EatSmart Products, I started a new friendship with the
EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale. It has no frills, besides a 3.5-inch LCD and step-on technology, and it’s all I could ask for in a scale. In fact, I like it so much, I named it Healthy Harold. Saying that you’re going to get on “Healthy Harold” is way better (and more hilarious) than saying “the scale.”
I feel like every step of my fitness journey teaches me something new. And marathon training only reinforced the
reasons why Erin and I started FBG to begin with: That fitness and getting and staying fit is tied so closely to life. That fitness not only makes you feel good but it also builds confidence and helps you reach your goals, no matter what they are. I’ve gone from non-runner to runner, from obsessed emotional eater to intuitive eater. And my beliefs—that staying healthy and moving your body with activities that you love makes you a better and happier person—are only stronger now.
I can’t express how glad I am that so many of you readers are true Fit Bottomed Girls who embrace the idea that choosing a healthy lifestyle allows you to enjoy so much more of what life has to offer. I’m so humbled that you’ve been along for the ride thus far. Can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds!
Jenn Walters and Erin Whitehead jointly publish Fit Bottomed Girls. To read more of their thoughts on lifestyle choices and fitness go to Fit Bottomed Girls
To catch up on O'Hara Sports use this link O'Hara High School
To catch up on Raytown South Sports use this link Raytown South High School
To catch up on Raytown High Sports use this link Raytown High School
To catch up on the Raytown Police Blog go to Raytown Police Blog
To view Raytown Crime Statistics go to Raids on Line
Last Week’s Poll Results:
What's Your Favorite Part of the Holidays?
The Food. So many nom noms . . . . . 0%
The People. Spending time with your loved ones is priceless! . . . . . 46%
The hoopla. I love the traditions, the lights, the music, the sweaters! . . . . . 8%
The loot. Giving and receiving of course. . . . . . 0%
All of the above. . . . . . 46%
It seems that homes for sale are on the market a long time in Raytown.
Now it is obvious why homes in Raytown are slow to sell if they sell at all. Thanks to the Dysfunctional School District that collects 75% of my property tax. Only the rich can afford to live in Raytown, and I question why a rich person would want to live here? Raytown is too expensive for me considering taxes, high cost utilities and franchise taxes on the utilities.
I called the Chamber before I moved here. They lied and told me the taxes were the lowest in the metro.
Andy Whiteman
In my opinion the economy will get worse.
If you will remember a few years ago when
gasoline prices went up, people couldn't afford
to buy gas and pay their mortgage and feed their families.
That to me is why our economy started downhill.
It would appear that is what the powers that be have in
mind for us again. Just when the economy is starting to
recover gasoline prices are on their way up again.
It's like W.C.Fields said "Never give a sucker an even break!"
Oil companies, the Federal Government and even small towns
like Raytown, they tax us, they spend our tax dollars or worse
give away our tax dollars and expect us to take it.
So far......they are absolutely right!
It's a shame that Aldi's a company worth over 58 BILLION
that's BILLION with a "B" needs a "loan" from the taxpayers
of Raytown Missouri. Just like Wal-Mart Raytowners are
forced to pay for another multi billion corporation.
You would think our city leaders would have learned from the
outrage of the WM deal but, not on you life. They decided
they hadn't given away enough yet. Along came Aldi's developer,
asking for a handout for this poor company so they could build
store here in giveaway city!
It appears that Aldi's uses Walmart's business plan. In free market enterprise, each business should use its own venture capitol. I am against these free handouts that will never be paid back. Sounds like Dictator O'Bummers planning...give everything away and raise taxes to pay for it.
Lets say I want to open a business in Raytown. How much can I get from the city?
I have more respect for businesses coming in and not expecting $$$$. Center 63 where the old Savon was is asking for a 10 year TIF and not a loan. The 2nd puplic hearing is Tuesday 1/4 at 7PM at City Hall. I support this kind of growth. Dr. Markley is opposing it. I urge others to get out and speak on behalf of this improvement to Raytown.
Pat, I can partly agree with you. True gas prices take a big chunk of earned income leaving less money for food and shelter. I think greed was equally responsible for the economic collapse. I am revering to Enron, AIG, Countrywide, and others.
Andy Whiteman
Good for you Mr. Markley. Maybe you can show the boys and girls on the city council that is okay to say "no" to everyone who wants a handout.
Andy, you are right about them not paying off the debt. It has already happened in Downtown Raytown. Knabe closed up his office building but still does not pay property taxes on it. The city makes the lame excuse that he did the improvements therefore he has fulfilled his part of the bargain.
What double-talk is this! The reason for the improvements was to attract businesses to downtown Raytown. Not create empty buildings.
This Mayor and City Council are so naive that all they have learned to do is make lame excuses for their failures.
Come April 5 I will vote against any incumbent runnning for re-election. It is the only way to bring some sanity back to city hall.
The city uses illogical logic. Knabe's building has returned to its blighted state. He fullfilled his contract, but the blight is back, hence the TIF should end. Is someone going to buy the property and want another TIF? Ridiculous! Good scam. Get a TIF. Close leaving the taxpayers holding the bag, sell, and someone gets another TIF to clean up your mess. Schnucks already pulled that. There should be a law. The TIF should end when and if the business closes.
7:34AM, How many others will join you at the poles? The problem is very few people get off their arses to go out and vote in city elections. Either they don't care or are unaware of the issues.
Andy Whiteman
We(the citizens) are the poor saps who pay for the BAD mistakes that city hall makes. Let's pray that they send Save A Lot on their way. Personally I don't think I would shop that shopping center anymore. It is run down and apperantly not safe. But, is there anywhere in Raytown that is? This town is beginning to look like the inner city. I remenber when people wanted to move here, now all they want to do is move out. What can we do to bring back the old Raytown? First, start with the schools make them top notch again. I don't mean put down artifical turf but bring the test scores up where they need to be, so the kids are getting a top notch education. If there are some kids that all they want to do is cause trouble send the alternative schoool. Then the chief needs to get the policemen out on the streets and visable. I feel the police out on the streets are doing as good a job as they can without leadership at the top level. We need to get the cops out from behind the desks and on the street. We are top heavy at the department. Then there is the never ending codes department. We need a leader there a REAL leader who is not afarid to steps on toes. Go in back yards if there is a problem and stop this crazy talk of "We can't do that." Last but not least we need a mayor who has some backbone. This mayor certainly is big but no backbone. If he did things would be alot differant in the city. Thank you for letting me speak my mind and have a nice day. And by the way you know I am right.
Yes. we all know your right even if we are afraid to say so to their faces. Thank God for Greg allowing us a place to complain because it's almost more than I can stand anymore when I drive through our town. We have declined more in the last 2 years than in the last 10 before that especially in our neighborhoods.
I wish I knew if anyone else is running for mayor than the 2 we already know about. Has anybody heard of another person filing?
Heard tonight at the meeting the Council voted (8 to 2) to bring more HUD low income housing into Raytown.
Joe Creamer and Christine White were leading the charge.
Way to go Joe and Chris. Keep it up. You and your buddies are driving Raytown down a path that is hard to recover from.
By the way the two who voted against going down that slippery slope were Lightfoot and Van Buskirk.
Been watching more of the show on Channel 7 tonight. Sav A Lot is the topic now. One speaker, who said he was a stock analyst of some sort, said the Sav A Lot has been downgraded by Moodys to "Speculative" rating.
How do you spell "junk bonds".
Only a damned fool would invest money in that type of outfit.
The vote has not been held yet. But we will soon see how "sharp" the members of our City Council are.
It makes me sick to my stomach to listen to the school board get up and cry the money blues. If they had any brains at all they would have never spent millions on the artifical turf. So whipe your eyes and get those test scores up where they need to be. Then and only then will I have faith in our school. By the way you might tell the students to pull up their pants. Apperance of our students will also improve the image of our school district. Maybe we can get out of this getto image with your help. So earn your money Mr. Markley and crack the whip!!!!
Dear Mr Mayor, What great leadership you have provided to our city. I understand we now are paying over 9% in sales tax to shop at Wal-Mart. This higher tax being a direct result of the breaks you gave to them and we all know at the end of the day someone has to pay. I ask you now and hope other will as you go out campaigning why we should be force to pickup this cost for one if not the largest business in the world. Crime is at an all time high and we have not heard even a boo out of you. Citizen are having to start support groups to address this problem, but you campaigned hard for the "Public Safety Tax". You and the fellow supporters from city hall promissed additional officers, which would provide additional patrols. Here we are almost 2 years after passing that tax and we have not increased the police presence on the street. Yet, the criminals sure have increased theirs and where other then your own ward and just a few blocks from you home. This sir is not a sign of a great leader; this is a sign from the community that those in it can do as they please because you could care less what happens to this place so many of us call home. Your leadership has caused our property values to decline as a result of having a codes department that does nothing, but collect their pay checks. You openly act rude towards not only other elected officials in Raytown, but towards those citizens that bring issues that continue to degrade our city to your attention. Sir this is the United States and we have had brave men and women who have given their lives to defend our fredom. You grew up in the age of fearing an attack from the USSR and taught to hate their way of governing. However, the way you act is just what we as kid were taught to fear form those in the USSR. I hope that you can do the right thing admit you have provided misguided agenda for our once fine city and will make a public anouncement at the Christmas Lighting event this Friday that you will not be seeking re-election. However, just like the leaders in the USSR or those in North Korea that we are dealing with now you cannot change the mindset of those that are set on destroying all that is good and decent.
Does anyone know what the City Council ended up doing last night about the Sav A Lot tax give-away?
I watched until about 10 o'clock. But after listening to Christine White's simpering monolouge about what a fine deal it was for Raytown I had to go to bed.
Isn't it strange how our town, like our
country is going down the tubes and it's
all because of the elected officials that run
them. It would appear that they are so arrogant
that they can't even see just how stupid they are.
What possible good can come from section 8 housing?
What good can come from giving away tax income?
What good are our elected officials?
Apparently, we only have a few aldermen that can
walk and chew gum at the same time. The rest
have to be called by the mayor, woke up and told to start
breathing or they would die.
I too remember when Raytown was a destination. Now,
people can't get out soon enough. The rats have taken
over the ship and it's going down fast!
Remember, Christine White was the one leading the
rest to give away your street overlay money to Wal-Mart.
Joe Cream-er, has no clue what to do or how to
represent the people of Raytown. Same with several other
so called representatives.
Until someone will step up and run against these so called
leaders, and people get out and vote these losers out,
Raytown is never going to get any better.
We the people have to get out and campaign for any and all
who run against these people. Remember they have self interest
groups like the chamber backing them. The only reason the chamber
would back them is they are giving away the town to big corporations
that pay big money to join their little club.
I heard we have all this high tech at the high schoools now. Cameras to observe the students. This is all well and good but, if there is a problem are the adminstrators going to bury their heads are,are they really going to take care of the problems. We really have getto schools when you have to start putting cameras in. Schools should be run as they were back in the good ole days. A trip to the big office was that you were either going to get supsended or you got the board of education. And there was no talk about law suits either. And you damn well knew when you got home you were in for more punishment. Look at us now we didn't turn out bad.
I see our Mayor Dr. Jeckyl and Hyde was at it again last night. Being the bully he is so well know for. To bad this man never grew up.
9:21AM, As stated by Beth Linn, a percentage of the homes would be priced lower (but the word HUD was not used). The remainder of the homes would be sold at market prices.
Center 63 redevelopment was passed. I lost count but I believe by 9-1. We have a local paper with no circulation. Perhaps those interested will be lucky enough to find a copy when it comes out.
This is one time I agree with Christine White. Unlike the Aldi and the Walmart ripoff, the city is not putting any money into the project. The developer his using his own money. The project is not just for Save-A-Lot. It is for the Whole Center! Save-a-Lot will be the anchor tennant, not the only tennant.
The developer offered $6000 per year to the Dysfunctional School District to last 10 years or when the TIF is retired which ever comes first. The Dysfunctionals wanted more money. There is also a claw back that ends the TIF if the developement and/or job requirements of adding or retaining 15 full time employees does not happen as promised.
I wish Center 63 the best,
Andy Whiteman
Talk about stupid mistakes, how about the new elementary school that was built. I would be willing to bet it is not at full capacity and was never needed. If we still have a man by the name of John Fox employed by the school district he is suppose to be checking to see if all students enrolled in the district are really in the district. We need to tightened up the guidelines on this issue. If living with a parent who is divorced then make them show the papers to prove they are to be living with that parent full time and not this crap of living with my Auntie. The members of the board claim to be so smart prove it!!!!
Anon 9:17
If you don't want to pay 9% sales tax at Wal-Mart, then don't shop there. Problem solved.
Just saw on line that we had a fight at Ray South. Police had to use a stun gun to break it up. What do you want to bet all students back in school. If not regular classes then in school suspension which is a joke or alternative school. I say expell them and put an end to this behavior and keep all the other students safe. How did all your high teck equipment work this time???
How does that solve a problem? Walmart generates over 15% of the sales tax in Raytown. More than half of that goes to pay off the cost of building the Walmart complex.
Apparently you do not understand how a TIF works.
The money the shoppers pay taxes DO
NOT got to city expenses.
It goes to pay for the parking lot at Walmart. The lights at Walmart. The traffic signals at Walmart. Yes, even the building!
That's why your street does not get overlayed (as was promised when we passed the transportation sales tax) of for more police, as was promised when we passed the public safety tax.
You have been lied to by those you have elected to run your city.
By the way, the sales tax is 9.10%
7:49 PM, Not that simple. The high tax also applies to Westlake.
BTW: It was on the news that there was a fight at Raytown South. I have never seen or heard a HS fight on the news. A fight isn't news unless it is a homicide or results in serious injury.
Andy Whiteman
I will never, ever step foot in our Wal-Mart!
The reason...I think they hurt local business
and hurt Raytown's economy. In fact I know they
Remember our great leaders signed a contract
that gave W-M everything including their souls.
If W-M doesn't make enough in sales tax to pay
toward the bond, the people of Raytown have to
make up the difference. To date the people have
had to pay over $1,800,000.00. That's a lot of
street overlays, police, city services and repairs.
Stupid decisions, worthless, representatives and
a city government that doesn't have a clue how
much they have ruined this town with tax give aways
and letting our neighborhoods turn unsafe.
We have had more crime in the last six years than
in the history of this town. Thanks, City Hall.
Please vote these losers out!
Greg, Can you recall which current aldermen voted for the Wallmart deal? The people should know.
The vote was 9 to 1.
The current Aldermen up for re-election who voted for it were:
Jim Aziere
Joe Creamer
Pat Ertz
Charlotte Melson (has not filed)
I voted against the Walmart TIF/Tax Abatement package
Westlake has told me that Walmart has helped their business because Walmart does not offer what Westlake has. People can't find what they want at Walmart and go to Westlake.
Walmart helped one business and just gave a small donation to Raytown EMS. Still I feel that Walmart should have paid the cost of opening, not the taxpayers.
Expell students for fighting? That puts them on the streets to continue their evil deeds. We don't want them on the streets. The Dysfunctional School District should do their job of babysitting since parents no longer assume responsibility for their children. These ruffians should be kept after school in a class.
Andy Whiteman
If it is something negative about Raytown, it will make the local news, and it does quite often. Andy may be missing it, because it happens frequently that Raytown makes the local news.
I for one, have not, and will not ever set foot in the new Wal-Mart in Raytown. They destroy local economies, run mom and pop stores out of business, promote made in china goods, shut down manufacturing jobs here in the US, create unemployment, as well as to keep their employees from having benefits by classifying them as part time, and they try to get away with breaking labor laws any chance that they get, for instance, comp time instead of paying overtime, and things like that. I will take my money elsewhere.
I did watch the board meeting, and atleast VanBuskirk and Lightfoot stood up for our neiborhoods by being the only two to vote no on more HUD housing!
As far as the Sav a lot goes, I hate to see the city have to give up some tax dollars but we will get sales tax now that isnt there and its not the ripeoff deal Walmart got.
I must have been absent that night. How on earth did it pass with a vote of 4 unless 5 were absent that meeting. How many are required for a quorum? I would think 6? The mayor shouldn't be counted because he has no vote unless there is a tie.
Andy Whiteman
Those members of the Board who voted for the Walmart deal are the ones who are up for election this year.
The final vote was nine to one.
OK Greg, I understand you are listing only those up for reelection, not all. Some aren't there anymore anyway.
6:24PM, No sales tax increase for Center 63. Their Real Property tax is decreased until it catches up with the amount invested. That means all of the taxing entities collect less taxes on that property. In my opinion if the blight was not corrected, the property value would continue to decline and the tax collection will go down and down! The positive part is there is no money loaned by the taxpayers and no sales tax increase.
2:57, I noticed only negative news about Raytown on the media. They are after ratings and unless it is negative no ratings. People don't like positive news unless it is really big, but they want to hear every murder, stabbing, robbery, etc. complete with gory details.
Andy Whiteman
Andy, what are you smoking? You hate the Walmart deal but Save-A-Lot is fine because it's a TIF? Walmart is a TIF, the only difference I am seeing is that I don't see any indication that Raytown is guaranteeing the bond payments on the the Center 63 improvements. But I haven't really investigated the plan either.
If we needed another grocery store it would be different. But with Save-A-Lot, Raytown will have provided special financing for 4 businesses selling groceries in less than 5 years.
Just what improvements are they doing. If their definition of "blight" is "economonic blight" it is just more bureaucratic double-talk to justify their end.
When those property taxes are lowered by the city, school district, etc., guess who makes up the difference.
That's right. By state law the overall revenue stream for the area cannot be lowered by the tax abatement. That means that those who do not have a tax abatement. In this case, homeowners, small businesses, etc., willl see their property taxes go even higher to pay for the reduction at 63rd Street.
There is no free lunch. We are paying for it.
Keep in mind that the Sav A Lot stores are owned by a firm that has had its bond rating lowered to "speculative". That is stock broker speech for "junk bonds".
Buying into this would be like buying Gary Knabe's swamp land on 79th Street and saying what a great deal it is.
Speaking of Knabe, his tax abatemetn is still in place even though he has shutttered his business.
I guess that some more of the stellar thinking of the Bower Plan for Raytown!
Lee, I don't smoke anything. I don't understand why this is being called the Save-A-Lot deal. The developer is asking for the TIF for the whole center because there is no anchor tennant since Thriftway left, causing many vacancies. the owner of Las Chili's stated he has lost money due to declining customer base. The center is blighted and the developer has and is investing money to bring it back.
In fact Save-A-Lot did not appear at the hearing. They are a proposed tennant. Should Save-A-Lot fail, not renew their lease, or back out, the responsibility falls to the developer to find a tennant(s). It seems to me Save-A-Lot is not involved at all except as a prespective tennant.
The neighborhood has many senior citizens and needs a food store within walking distance. I don't consider Save-A-Lot to be a true grocery store. They are a limited item discount store. They don't have a full stock and are no competition to Apple Market or Hy-Vee. I shop only once or twice a month and only for sale items. Save-A-Lot gets my business only if they advertise something I want. Now I am making a trip to 87th and Blue Ridge. If they open before I move, I will have a shorter trip and pay Raytown sales tax. Should Apple Market and Hy-Vee have a monopoly? The people of Raytown should have a choice. After all with high taxes and high utility bills, Raytown is a city for the rich, but infortunately I don't know any rich people in Raytown. We serfs need a cheap place to shop that is not Walmart.
Andy Whiteman
So, I picked up the Raytown Times at Hy-Vee. It was so encouraging to read all the happy news of Raytown, grocery heists at Applemart, man kills himself as police try to arrest him, womans's car hijacked by gun point, bank robber takes deposit from woman making a deposit, 1/2 page of the police beat. Wow, all this in our small town. Hummmmmm
Don't know about that. I heard that Bob Phillips said things are really looking up!
I'll drink to that, Bob.
Grocery stores within walking distance? Most Raytown streets don't even have sidewalks.
And whether or not you have anointed Save-A-Lot a 'true' grocery store, they seem to think otherwise.
"Save-A-Lot is one of the nation's leading extreme value, carefully selected assortment grocery chains, operating nearly 1,200 value-oriented stores in all types of neighborhoods — urban, rural and suburban."
Your other non-true grocery store, Aldi, also feels otherwise.
"ALDI is a discount grocery chain that operates over 1,000 stores in 31 states."
I don't shop at either, but Alps is similar and I do shop there. And EVERY purchase I make there reduces what I spend at Price Chopper and HyVee.
You complain about high tax bills and then support giving away tax money to 'necessary businesses'. If there was enough business to support a grocery store at that location, would Thriftway have closed? More to the point, locally owned Thriftway couldn't survive in the Raytown market, and now locally owned Apple Market is under siege from tax supported national chains.
TIF districts like this encourage property managers to neglect maintenance and modernization until they are classified as economically blighted and those costs can be passed on to local residents.
Anytime you find the Raytown times in Hy-Vee it is a stroke of luck! I found a copy too and picked up one for my neighbor. Considering the crime in the metro, what happens in Raytown doesn't surprise me.
Bob Phillips lives on a farm, not in Raytown. I wonder how he reached his opinion? Based on businesses that are supposed to open, things are looking up if they really open and are successful.
Andy Whiteman
You are right Andy. Bob Phillips does not even live near Raytown. He is probably not aware of the KC Auction business at 350 Highway and Westridge shutting down.
I am greatly surprised that he does not know that Berbiglia is closing its Raytown location.
Bob Phillips hasn't changed, he still trying to put a positive spin on our miserable city government. The only thing that is different is that now he's doing it from his farm about 100 miles from here. I don't find his reporting very credible, do you?
Never did.
Still find it hard to believe he does not know that Berbiglia is closing. After all, it is located in the geographic center of Raytown. Just west of HyVee and directly across from where the new Aldi's is being built.
I am sure the old watering hole's closing will be a sad day for him.
I equate a positive spin with lying. Anyone who places a positive spin on something negative is a liar. I receive yearly Christmas letters from friends that are 100% positive. I know it is a lie because the whole year NEVER is that good. Since I don't lie, my letters speak of living in the State of Misery and preparing to move. Nothing is accomplished my promoting falsehoods. Promoting falsehoods does not make it true.
Andy Whiteman
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