Every Picture
Tells a Story . . .
Last year's flower garden bravely peeks through a foot of snow with the promise of warmer weather.
Our Lady of Lourdes will hold its Annual Taco Dinner this coming Saturday. The Taco Dinner is one of Raytown's longest continuous running charitable events. Proceeds from the Taco Dinner will go towards funding actvities within the grade school. Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School is a fully accredited grade school with classes offered for children in Pre-school through Grade 8.
Saturday, February 5, 2011 /4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. /Our Lady of Lourdes Gymnasium /Kentucky and Gregory Boulevard
Adults - $5.50 (includes tacos, beverage and dessert)
Children - $4.00 (includes tacos, beverage and dessert)
Beau Groceman
Former Raytown Public Works Director, Beau Groceman, passed away this weekend after a year long battle with cancer.
Beau served the City of Raytown for five years as its Public Works Director. During his tenure in Raytown he re-structured the Public Works Department and streamlined its operation. I worked with Beau on many projects. Beau was instrumental in keeping Raytown's Recycling Center open when the program was threatened by budget cuts at Raytown City Hall.
He was a unique public servant who believed in solutions over excuses. As an elected official you felt good about taking a problem to Beau because you knew that if there was a way to fix the problem, Beau would find it.
He is survived by his wife of 20 years, Katy and daughter Phoebe.
Condolences can be sent to: 1816 N.E. Burgandy Circle, Lee's Summit, MO 64086.
Withdrawal Symptoms by Greg Walters
The race for Mayor made a dramatic change this past week when Ward 4 Alderman Bill Van Buskirk withdrew from the race for personal reasons. Van Buskirk’s withdrawal leaves a mayoral contest between the incumbent, David Bower and challenger, Anwar Khan.
City Clerk Teresa Henry sent me the following when I requested the section of the City’s Code regarding withdrawals by candidates.
Sec. 7-29. - Withdrawal of candidacy.
"Any person may cause his name to be withdrawn as a candidate for nomination to elective office by his request, in writing, signed by him and acknowledged before the city clerk or an officer qualified to take acknowledgements of Deeds, and present it to the city clerk on or before the filing deadline as provided herein."
The filing deadline for candidates for Raytown city office was January 18th. Van Buskirk withdrew on the 25th of January. It would appear that he was one week late.
So I called Van Buskirk to find out exactly how he was able to withdraw one week after the deadline had passed.
City Clerk Teresa Henry told Van Buskirk that withdrawals were accepted up until the time the City Clerk certified the ballot with the Election Board. Since the City Clerk certified the ballot on January 25th, Van Buskirk was within the time limit.
That explanation is about as clear as mud.
I think the language in the ordinance should be cleaned up to say exactly when the deadline takes place. For instance, I personally know of one year when the City Clerk certified the ballot the day after the filing deadline.
The way the law is being interpreted now leaves too much room for abuse by allowing one person to arbitrarily set the deadline for withdrawal of candidacy.
A Wake Up Call by Richard Tush
This past Monday, January 24th, I attended the Raytown School Board meeting and publicly thanked the School Board members who spoke up against the Center 63 Project. I asked that this not be a one time event and to also start speaking up against tax give aways in Kansas City, MO that impact the district. My message was well accepted by those in attendance, who as school teachers are directly impacted by these tax give-aways. As I have had time to reflect upon those brief comments I realize so much more should have been said like:
I want to thank those School Board members who attended the Raytown Board of Aldermen meeting on January 4 for stepping up and speaking out against the ongoing and ever increasing tax give-aways the Board of Aldermen has been dishing out. Call these tax breaks whatever you want, but when they take money from our schools, parks and other entities that rely on tax dollars they hurt our community and destroy the faith in our elected officials to put the community as a whole first.
I hope this was not a one time attempt to wake up the Raytown Board of Aldermen, but this board’s announcement that enough is enough and the line has been drawn in the sand that regardless if it is Raytown or Kansas City this School Board will no longer sit quietly and allow tax dollars to be diverted from our schools.
As I have said, I want to thank this School Board for stepping up, but I must question the timing and why this same board did not speak up against the Brywood Shopping Center Project in Kansas City that diverted more taxes from the Raytown School District than the Center 63 Project in Raytown. Further, it is important for us, the members of the general public, to have a clear understanding of exactly how the nearly 26 million dollars given to the Raytown School District by the City of Raytown as part of the Wal-Mart Project has been spent by this School Board.
Yes it is important the budgeting process of this School District or any taxing entity is not negatively impacted by other taxing entities like the City of Raytown. However, each of these other entities including this School Board must maintain due diligence in their effort to spend their funding in a reasonable and responsible manner. It is clear there are many within the community that still question the spending on the artificial turf for the football fields. I find it hard to believe that I am alone in wanting this School Board to focus on the basics that will drive test scores and create a future work force for our state that others will strive to compete with, instead of sports trophies to collect dust in display cabinets.
Therefore it is clear that while this School Board needs to continue to take an active roll in addressing tax breaks it must be done with every entity that impacts this district, including Kansas City. This School Board must also prove their action on January 4 was not a one time objection, and by cleaning up their own over-spending habits and by driving up test scores that will impact every student and not those few that benefit from use of our over expensive football fields.
I thank you for your time and hope that I have touched your hearts to focus on not only speaking up, but setting the example others should live by.
3 Cookbooks We Love by Jenn Walters
We all know that eating at home is one of the best ways to make sure that what you’re eating is healthy and low-calorie (’cause those restaurants are sneaky!). That’s why we’re reviewing not one but three cookbooks and food-related books today! All three will give you a bunch of delicious ways to make eating in and cooking a delicious endeavor in healthy living and FBG-ness!
Flat Belly Diet! Cookbook
This book had me at the cute little yellow cupcakes. From the editors of Prevention magazine, this cookbook puts the popular Flat Belly Diet! eating plan into tasty recipe form. It’s well stated that Erin and I aren’t a fan of diets that are based on deprivation or willpower (life is too short!), but this diet—and these recipes—are anything but that. Filled with good fats, protein and fiber, these recipes are delicious and keep you full. And they don’t taste like health-food.
I tried the Sassy Water (which I loved, but my husband wasn’t a huge fan of), Banana Pancakes with Walnut Honey (made a double batch and had them for dinner two nights in a row; Oh the brinner joy!), Peanut Butter No-Bake Bears (the name says it all) and Spanish Shrimp with Garlic Sauce and sauteed cucumbers. (Ever had cooked cucumbers? They’re weirdly delicious and more cucumber-y then when raw.) All fantastic. Plus the book is sprinkled with pretty color photos, practical cooking and shopping tips, and a refresher course on the diet. Need I say more?
101 Optimal Life Foods
When it comes to eating right, I always figure that if Mother Nature made it, and we didn’t spray it with too many chemicals or dilute it with additives, it’s probably good for you. Over time, this theory has proved to be a pretty good way of eating. (Remember when coconut and eggs were vilified? Now they’re health foods!) Author David Grotto, expert nutritionist and former spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, backs up my way of eating with this book and goes as far as to even recommend eating certain foods to improve your physical, mental, emotional and sexual well-being.
While the book is fascinating (it tells you exactly what foods will help you be happier, sleep more soundly, fight stress and more), it’s a bit like reading an encyclopedia. And after just a few pages, you get the point loud and clear that to be healthy, you have to eat what the good earth naturally grows. However, the book also includes some really tasty recipes that incorporate these healthy foods into your diet in a delicious way. I tried the Winter White Bean Chili in the Slow Cooker and Curried Chicken-Banana-Yam Soup. OMG. So yummy.
Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Cookbook
Tosca Reno has been on my radar for awhile now. She has an amazing back story of her own personal weight-loss, and she’s totally down to earth. Plus, she’s the mind behind the hugely popular “Eat Clean” mentality. Her recent cookbook promises delicious recipes that will burn fat and re-shape your body. I decided to put it to the test.
I tried the Banana Date Breakfast Bread and was blown away. So freaking tasty. So easy to make. And the book was filled with pretty pictures. Call me superficial, but I like that in a book so that I can compare what I cooked to “how it’s supposed to look.” Additionally, the book introduces you to some less common and healthier ingredients and flavors such as Sucanat and galangal. I love me some learnin’ in a book.
Be sure to check back in on Fridays for a new feature we’re doing here on FBG—recipes! Ya’ll wanted them, and we’re offering them. We’ll kick off this new post with that breakfast bread recipe I was just talking about from Tosca Reno’s book. And we’ll feature recipes from the other two books in weeks to come! Yumminess for you!
Jenn Walters and Erin Whitehead jointly publish Fit Bottomed Girls. To read more of their thoughts on lifestyle choices and fitness go to Fit Bottomed Girls
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To catch up on Raytown South Sports use this link Raytown South High School
To catch up on Raytown High Sports use this link Raytown High School
To catch up on the Raytown Police Blog go to Raytown Police Blog
To view Raytown Crime Statistics go to Raids on Line
Last Week’s Poll Results
Should newly hired Department Heads in the City of Raytown be required to live within city limits?
86% . . . YES
13% . . . NO
1% . . . . DON’T KNOW
To post a comment click on the word comments below:
Obviously if one may withdraw from the ballot up until the time the city clerk certifies the ballot, then one could file for election until such time as the city clerk certifies the ballot. Hence, having a deadline is useless.
Of course if a person is unable to withdraw from the election, they could refuse to serve if elected or accept the office and then resign. Either would open a can of worms.
Greg, I dispute your question. It was not a "Save-A-Lot" abatement. Save-A-Lot was NOT involved and did not appear at the hearing. The landlord of the Center 63 obtained Save-A-Lot as a prospective tenant and the lease was contingent on approval of the abatement. People erroneously refer to the Save-A-Lot abatement but it was actually a Center 63 abatement.
Everyone if you must go out, please drive carefully during the upcoming storm which is forecast to be bad by CH4.
Andy Whiteman
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
The pay increases Jackson County Legislators received January 1 are a prime example of government run amuck.
Less than five years ago Jackson County Legislative salaries were doubled. Now, they get a 7% pay increase. And, insult of insults, they are defending their action!
The annual salary of a Jackson County Legislator is over $28,000.00 a year. This does not include some fancy perks: Highly paid assistants, free passes to football and baseball games, free access to Jackson County golf courses, auto and travel allowances, etc. . . . the list is quite long.
What do the Legislators do to earn their salary? Damn little if you ask me. Being a County Legislator is a piddling, not even-part-time job.
As the Kansas City Star reported, most of their meetings last less than one hour – once a week. That comes to an hourly rate of something like $455 per hour.
Not at all bad for a County that is claiming to they are broke.
Last August, these same Legislators PROMISED no pay increases for themselves because of the “money crunch” at the Courthouse.
What a joke. What a lie!
Technically, you are correct. But it is also correct to say that without the Sav-A-Lot participation the city would not have considered the deal in the first place.
It would be the same as calling the Walmart Tax Abatments and related TIF Give-Away as a "350 Live" abatement.
Though we use different terminology I think we can agree we are talking about the same subject.
8:00PM, I agree the salaries stated for the county leglislature of a poor county is ridiculous. I thought the free passes to baseball and football came from the teams as incentive for providing the stadium funding. The outrageous pay for tie wearing chair warmers should cease immediately!
Yes, we agree we are talking about the same subject. For the life of me, I can't understand where "350 Live" came from. It sounds like a theater or entertainment area, not Walmart.
Andy Whiteman
To Mr. Richard Tush,
I want to thank you for your, "Wakeup Call" article.
It is true that most of the people of Raytown are tired
of our city leaders giving away our tax dollars and giving
big corporations huge tax breaks, very few people stand up and
say it.
I also want to thank you for pointing out the same
towards the school board. At first when I read about the school board
complaining to the city about tax breaks, I thought this is the pot
calling the kettle black. Both it seemed were in a spending
and waste contest to see who could break the people of Raytown first.
I still think this but, I wanted to thank you for saying it.
I seems that our leaders, both School Board and City Hall haven't
felt the economic crunch like the rest of us. When times are good
and the money is flowing, people are working and bringing home income it is easier to understand all the bad spending. But, in these times
the spending and giving away are just asinine.
Again, thank you for standing up for the people and pointing out the obvious to the people that clearly can't see.
Dear Alderman,
Why have several of you told me the city is not broke?
Broke might be a harsh word, but page 103 of the current budget could not have stated the problem any better.
"The City's current level of bonded indebtedness (As of October 31, 2010) is indicated by four key
financial indicators: net bonded debt of $54,442,217, a ratio of debt to assessed value of 17.95%, net bonded
debt per capita of $1,830, and a ratio of Debt Service to total expenditures of 10.29%. All of these indicators
of the City's debt position are very concerning and the City must pay down some of this debt before it tries
to issue more debt in the future."
A number of people have contacted me and told me that I am listed as a supporter of Anwar Khan's Mayoral bid on his campaign website.
For the record -- I have not endorsed anyone's candidacy for any political office in Raytown.
Except, of course for my own campaign. Which I am pleased to endorse.
Get your snow shovels ready. It looks like were gonna' have the mother of all snow storms on Tuesday!
Sounds like election fraud to me, possibly on the part of an unknown person. Is there any way for a person to demand that his/her name be removed? I am surprised that there is no validation method, such as an email that must be confirmed, making it so anyone may post another's name.
I may not agree with Richard Tush
on this particular issue, but I wonder why he was not elected to the BOA. He would have made an excellent board member!
Andy Whiteman
Just posted on KMBZ 980AM:
Raytown Consolidated #2
Jackson County
Closed Tuesday
Submitted at: 7:51 PM CST on Monday, Jan 31
Raytown Meals on Wheels
Jackson County
Tuesday: Tuesday No Meal Delivery
Submitted at: 7:51 PM CST on Monday, Jan 31
Closing schools is OK with me, but it is not right to make people go hungry because of weather.
Since there seems to be irregularities, I am checking Anwar's endorsements twice a day. Most were deleted. There is a new format and ALL of his endorsements are from out of town as of this time. Hopefully only residents are voting in Raytown.
Andy Whiteman
Most of the volunteers delivering meals on wheels food are not much younger than those they are delivering to. Which is better, having old people eating cheese and crackers, or having old people drive in a blizzard?
Teresa called and said that City Hall is closing at noon and will reopen at noon tomorrow.
The BOA meeting is postponed to next Tuesday.
Andy Whiteman
If Bower is doing a great job as Moyor why does are city have a large amount of debit.
I don't know about you but it appears he has no clue about over spending.
Yes, the Board might have voted for this silly spending trends, but he could have spoke up against the spending.
Could have, Should have...But with Bower is just plain never did.
If you like higher taxes just remmember Bower on April 5th.
You sure can tell there's a election coming up. My street has been plowed already. They're not usually this efficient.
Does it strike anyone else as odd that Raytown City Hall was closed down yesterday at noon and will not re-open until noon today?
I can understand sending home the rank and file city hall employees but it would seem in a natural emergency situation that the city should take a lead role in taking care of business.
I remember another winter storm a few years back (actually it was an ice storm)city hall stayed open on a 24 hour basis. An emergency shelter was set up for people who lost power or were somehow stranded.
It seems like some of the folks at city hall have forgotten that they have a job to do other than collect taxes.
By the way. My street was plowed too. I am just glad they did it.
I understand at least one of Bower’s profession al department heads has been off every time the schools have been out. It seems this individual lives out a ways and beyond just the school closing it makes it hard to get in.
I just hope that this time off is counting against their sick and vacation time.
It seems the mayor should be reminded in a corporate setting this associate being a department head would be the first to have a meeting with about setting the example for other associates to take.
It does appear yet another reason department heads should be required to live in the community they serve. If we the citizens are able to get around then our department heads need to get their tails to city hall.
By the way, if the associate has agreed to take time off without pay, which I am guessing doesn’t happen in Raytown. We really need pay for performance, which would have this one never seeing a raise as raises are not given under pay for performance to associates who cannot show up at work.
I have one question for Bower, which is when are you going to live up to you campaign promise of running city hall like a successful and profitable business?
I bought into your lies once, but you track record of being a do nothing speaks for itself.
Raytown doesn’t need someone that practices not telling the truth!
I too will remember on April 5th
7:45AM, Did you go out yesterday? From the reports on KMBZ, CH9, and CH4; very few people were out. You may have noticed that we had a blizzard and many businesses as well as government offices closed early. The safety of city employees as well as the public are of prime importance.
If City Hall had remained open, do you think any of the public would have gone to transact business?
BTW: My Red Star didn't come today. They said that due to the weather, thye couldn't guarantee delivery. Can anyone explain why the Red Star can't guarantee delivery, but City Hall is expected to remain open?
Andy Whiteman
It sure would be nice to know why anyone would have an issue with the school board speaking up against the Save-A-Lot Tax Abatement.
I am one of the yes voters and I agree that our city needs to see the bigger picture and how tax breaks like these actually hurt our community.
It is nice to know we have concern citizens like Mr. Richard Tush who will speak up and remind the school board that they too need to do their part.
I wish he would have ran for Mayor as we sure need someone who takes a stand for the people and based on what he wrote sure appears to want to put us first.
Yes, there should be a presence of some sort at City Hall during a blizzard. what if we had major power outages because of the storm?
Kansas city opened up shelters for people. In the past Raytown has used city hall for people who lost their abitlity to heat their homes during a major weather event like yesterday.
The responsibility of city hall should be to help people. Not just collect taxes.
Andy - please explain why it is ok for old people who volunteer to deliver meals on wheels to get out in a blizzard to deliver food to shut ins, but paid city workers are not expected to be at work. There's a flaw in your logic. Sure glad you don't work there!
Personally, I think Rick Thode would make a great mayor for Raytown. He is a retired CPA so he has both the time and institutional knowledge to run this city as a business. He also has shown he will stand up to his peers (like he did with the levy increase on the school board last year) and for the interests of the tax payers and the schools (as he did at the BOA meeting the other night). I think he would be a great write-in candidate. Anybody know if he would be interested?
From KMBZ:
Raytown Consolidated #2
Jackson County
Closed Thursday
Submitted at: 3:26 PM CST on Wednesday, Feb 2
GOOD GRIEF!!! The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Just goes to show that you can never please everyone. Someone always has to complain. If the power goes out at your house, stay inside. If things get bad enough, the powers to be will set up a shelter somewhere. If you were watching the TV news or listening to the radio you would know that lots of other cities closed up shop too. Public works was open. Streets are being plowed. What else do you want, or do you just want to complain some more? BTW, I do not work for the city, but gee, give them a break. They have been working their tails off with the 10-14 inches of snow that we got, and doing a dang fine job. Some of you need to get a life!
I remember that ice storm too. It got very cold and there were a lot of people without power. I was impressed the way that city staff handled the emergency. They set up a command center. Opened up city hall as a shelter for those who had lost power at their homes.
It made you feel proud to be part of city that cared.
the reaction by city hall with this storm reminds me of Alfred E. Newman. What, me worry?
By the way, I have not read one word of complaint on this blog about the snow removal by city crews.
What are you playing at?
8:19 AM, Don't you realize how far the tie wearing chair warmers must come to work in a blizzard?
1:28PM, City Hall was still working but not the public part. 911 dispatch was there to handle emergencies (if any). Public works was plowing. What is the problem?
2:08PM, I was totally unaware that old people were delivering meals on wheels. When my mother received meals on wheels, the people were 1/2 her age. That is where my logic is. It seems to me that the city workers who were dismissed early could have volunteered. The roads weren't bad that early, but since the meals were canceled the previous night, I assume there was no food prepared to deliver.
7:46PM, I totally agree. I think people are looking for something to complain about. Red Dogg and I stayed home except to pick up our mail. Otherwise I had no need (or desire) to go out. People were totally unaware of how many people over a vast area ere affected. What about all of these 100 million people over 1/3 (my estimate) of the country and the big issue is Raytown City Hall closed early!
Andy Whiteman
When the school starts spending their money wisely, then they can rag on the city but, not until then
7:03 I agree, but we have to start some place.
Besides these give aways hurt more then just the schools.
But to see that one must look outside the box and be a self thinker.
In Raytown we don't c currently have anyone like this on the Board of Alderman, which is a major factor in our city's decline.
The idea that slaping someone on the back and telling them they are doing a good job doesn't make Raytown better. I get sick hearing the board do this all the time and hear it is only followed by the department heads returning these same compliments to the elected officials.
It is good to complement don't get me wrong, but show positive results!
Not properly taking care of our streets because of tax give aways like Wal-Mart hurts all of us.
People don't want to drive to Raytown and have their cars damaged by our streets. When are our elected officials going to stop turning Raytown into a Ghetto.
It is time to respect the citizens and stop welcoming the corporations every request with a big "YES".
I don’t understand why everyone wants to complain about Raytown on this blog.
I moved my family here a couple of years ago after I learned about all of the great things this city has to offer.
I now can park my semi right at the house. Finding a place to park any of my four cars and two trailers is not a problem thanks to having a nice big front yard.
Yes, the good life is right here in front of your nose and your just cannot smell it
Speaking of smell I think I best consider going ahead and doing something with that deer hanging in my tree. I might have left it out there a little too long. I just get so excited about Raytown that I spend too much time hanging out at one of the local bars and I must say I hope Raytown keeps on allowing public smoking. Heck, I sure have made some new friends that drive in from Kansas City and Grandview just to be able to have a smoke with a cold one. You silly folks that say you cannot get ahold of your elected officials just are not looking in the right place. I have talked to several of them while at one of these watering wholes. Good folks, you know the kind down to earth and like to keep things simple. They really understand the tough times people like me are facing and keep promising to bring more business to Raytown. I sure would like a new bar as I know everyone at the ones we already have.
My neighbors must be some of these complainers on this blog. Always yell that my sofa and love seat that are in my front yard belong in the trash. Heck, I guess they just don’t know high dollar lawn furniture when they see it.
My two boys are getting the best education you all can afford. They are both going to play professional football when they get their high school diplomas, which why I was so please about the turf on those fields. You don’t need book smarts when you can play football. Not sure I want them playing for the Chiefs, but it would sure be nice to have them still be able call Raytown home.
Sis, which is my daughter, she is going to make some man proud. She can work on any of the cars better than my two boys. She has been rebuilding a 69 Chevy truck for the past year and the wife and I are starting to grow attached to the parts in the yard as they are kind of like having our own yard gnomes.
Gotta run, out of beer.
Why do we need to change things?
We have a good Mayor who has been doing his part to help keep our city the small town we grew up in and now I understand others want change.
We heard enough about change a couple of years ago and Raytown sure does not need any of it.
We don’t need anymore street lights and I don’t think we need half of the ones we have. Did not have them when I was growing up and we did not have the problems we do today.
If people would stay home after dark with their families like we did you would not have all this crime. I do not understand why if people have kids they do not spend time with them.
I was at the grocery store before this winter storm and ran into a family friend. All he could do was complain about the streets. I recall when we had gravel and I never heard half the complaining I do today. Our streets are in great condition and I am please our Mayor is saving money by not spending it on something that does not need fixed.
I am pleased he was able to provide a park in the downtown shopping area. It is nice the kids living in the apartments around their have a place to get out it play. Parks are a good place to make friends and we all need to make more of them.
I wish someone would stop this stuff I hear about people needing to take care of their property. I am sorry if you do not like the stuff in my yard, but when you get to be my age you might have a lot of extra stuff too. I know it is not shiny and new, but the stuff is still good and I am sure someone could use it.
I hope you all have a nice day and let us not change a thing.
I know we did not pay these high taxes before everyone started talking about change. Just when our Mayor got our property taxes reduced those young Alderman voted to raise our rates
1:52 Things change it is just a fact of life.
We all change from child to adult.
I will say the one thing we do agree on is that nice park downtown.
I just wonder when they will have the dedication of it.
Will it remain known as "Green Space Park" or Will it get named after the Mayor.
I know we could call it "Bower's Bare Acers Park" for giving all of us a nice place to play.
Not sure if Rick Thode would do that good as Mayor. His track record on the school board is not the impressive. There seems to be a lot of posturing by him on issues like the property tax increase and the Sav-A-Lot tax giveaway but he seems to end up on the short end of the stick everytime.
That deer hanging from the tree is actually in the freezer which is a proper place to store meat.
Kids who become football pros can pay back to the community.
Great comedy! LOL
It might be of interest that Rick Thode gave Bower at least $500.00 in his last election.
So now he is speaking up against Bower's tax give aways maybe the had a falling out.
Also might want to share Rick Thode is on the city's tax oversight committee and from talking to other members it seems the oversight committee always agrees with whatever recomendations the department heads bring to them.
Yes, not a very impressive track record for Mr. Thode.
NOTE: I also understand he never publicly addressed the issue of other school board members who wouldn't pay their own taxes.
We need elected leaders who will speakup even agaist members of their own elected body. Elected leaders who question recomendation from department heads and refuse to allow items to move forward.
We as citizen need to question the Bower Thode relationship.
8:18 That is a great idea!!!
We should have a celebration with SummerFest this year and change the name from "Green Space Park" to "Bower's Bare Acers Park"
Maybe we could build a walking trail from it to the old rail road tracks and put in a community garden along the rails.
This would help provide fresh food for Raytown citizens in need.
Yes, "Bower's Bare Acers Park" will be the new corner stone of our community.
8:29 PM, Rick Thode is a CPA and conservative with money. I agree with him and backed him for school board.
Being a conservative, he is basically a loner on the board like Greg was when he was on the BOA. The BOA has added conservatives so Greg will make a good conservative addition to the BOA.
Andy Whiteman
Do you have any proof that Thode gave Bower $500?
I agree with my old buddy,
Raytown has it all!
Where else can you blow a tire on bad streets and sprain an ankle on the sidewalk when you go for help?
Where else can you go to watch our elected people make complete fools of themselves giving away our tax money?
Some people are lucky though. They got to have some tar and brown gravel put down in front
of their houses. They didn't fix the holes before they did it but, what the heck this is Raytown who would care besides the taxpayers.
So this June grab your pet pig, your best girl and head on down to the big BBQ and have a little,
very little, fun and buy some of the best junk from Japan you can find anywhere.
The $500 from Thode was received 2/28.
It may also be fun to know that the following current Alderman wrote some nice checks too.
Joe Creamer
Steve Mook
One of the best is Gary Knabe, which explains alot doesn't it!
Yes the information is real my source told me it was public information and was sure several in the public might not like for the general public to know how they helped put this guy in office.
10:09 PM, Agreed on "We need elected leaders who will speakup even agaist members of their own elected body. Elected leaders who question recomendation from department heads and refuse to allow items to move forward." But obviously ONE elected official has no chance in refusing to allow items to move forward. In the case of the BOA, it requires 6 likeminded alderpeople while 3 may make a dent.
7:41 AM, Who elected these "fools"? I think the blame falls back to the voters especially those who didn't get off their asses to vote!
No self respecting pet pig would go to a barbecue out of fear of becoming dinner.
Andy Whiteman
I agree that Thode is likely the most qualified to run the city.
He may have given Bower money previously, but that clearly did not stop him from speaking out against the city at the BOA meeting a few weeks ago. Mock and Creamer give Bower money and then refuse to step up against the mayor.
Andy, you are right. Thode is a conservative fighting a losing fight against the rubber stamps that make up the School Board. You can't expect one person to have great success on a board when the others are against him/her. We have very few people willing to stick their neck out for what is right in this town. Perhaps a better solution than Thode for Mayor is Thode on the BOA. A board of VanBuskirk, Walters, and Thode would surely form a formiddable group to oppose the simple minds on the board now (e.g. Shane Par-due)
Two questions -
Any body know how much money Anwar has raised so far?
Also, wasn't it Rick Thode that used to write on here a lot? Why did he stop?
POOR SNOW REMOVAL??? As I have been traveling the streets of Raytown, Kansas City, and Lee's Summit the past few days I believe that Kansas City is doing the best job. I can't believe that Raytown is not making another pass on all it's residential streets. People are still getting stuck when they have to meet another car. Just today I saw THREE public works employees riding around in one truck with a snow plow not even on the pavement. What is Bower doing about this?? Vote this loser out in April.
Read Joe Cramer's attack on Greg Walter's in the Raytown Times.
Not only did Cramer come at Walters with fists flying, he went on the defensive trying to justify tax abatement to the big corporations such as Wal-Mart (largest in the world), Aldi (a German controlled outlet which made 1.5 billion in profit last year) and others.
We may subsidize the wealthy but the result is that when the dust settles Cosentino's Apple Market will more than likely close.
If Cramer is right and tax abatements and TIFS are so good for merchants and so fair to everyone in business why are they available only to the large corporations, or as in a local case, a political favorite who received a TIF for his two-man real estate operation. It is now out of business.
Cramer is talking like a fool. He has the gall of a carnival pitch-man.
Read the line where, as "a gesture of goodwill," he brought a motion to spend a whole $10,000.00 fixing broken street lights. It, he admits, went no where.
"Gesture of good will," who does Joe Cramer think he is? He might have been honest, for a change, and said that he "threw the taxpayer a bone" all to keep the non-thinkers happy.
Electing Joe Cramer for another term would be a disaster. Walters is not perfect but he is at least honest.
If Thode is the man why did he not speakup to Funkhouser when KCMO really hit the school district hard.
Cindy Circo who support the 1% earning for you and I to pay to KCMO if we work there.
I understand didn't take a stand for citizens of her district agaist that hard hit to the Raytown School District.
That is right Mr Thode and Mrs. Circo parts of the Raytown School District are in KCMO.
Thumbs down to both of you for not looking out for our kids!
I am less concerned with the amount of money a candidate like Anwar has raised and more concerned with the lack of leadership our current mayor has provided.
One word describes Bowers legacy
He has sets the stage for increase crime and decreased property values
He has lead the charge for the greatest debt our city has ever seen yet we have people who still believe he wants good things for Raytown.
Sorry, but his track record speaks for itself.
7:46AM, How do I get one of those checks?
12:58 PM, Agreed on your suggested BOA make up.
2:08PM, I can't get the Raytown Times. I gave Randy 10 prepaid envelopes to mail the paper to me. I received 3 and he still has 7 envelopes. Greg can demand equal space for his response. I am sure he knows it.
1:05PM, I know nothing about Anwar except he has several people from out of town and out of state endorsing him. The photos of his group at City Hall is enough to send fear into anyone.
Mr Thode wasn't on this blog. His son was but he had other interests to pursue. Rick told me he wasn't a blogger.
I thank the city crews for their many long hours of work clearing the streets during this blizzard. I am very pleased with the job that they have done. We need to remember this was a blizzard and not an ordinary snow.
I spoke with Randy Battagler yesterday. He told me that each candidate will receive one column. My press release, which announced the kick-off of my campaign ran two weeks ago. Mr. Creamer's ran this week.
Battagler told me that we have each used our time and space on the Raytown Times.
I stand by my comments and facts in my press release. They are accurate and have been confirmed by Raytown City Hall. As you are well aware, I was at the Friday night meeting when the City Council voted to increase our property taxes by 13%.
To see a copy of that press release go to www.greglistens.blogspot.com
Rick Thode would be another David Bower. The city doesn't need that
Why don't you do like everyone else does that gets a copy of the little Raytown newspaper... pick one up at the grocery store, or bank, or hardware store each week? How hard is that to do? I suppose that you will have a complaint about that also. They are usually on a rack just inside of the door. Most people generally have to go to the grocery store at least once a week, how hard is that?
In my opinion a newspaper editor is unfairly favoring one candidate over another. If it was a paid publication, I would cancel my subscription. But it is a free paper that is not available to all. The owner won't send it to me with the prepaid envelopes I gave him. Apparently he is selective as to who his readers are. If I had the time I would file an ADA complaint.
Andy Whiteman
I would like to know how much money does the Raytown school district get from the residences that are in the Raytown school district but live in other cities? Is it enough to pay for the schools, teachers and bus services for them? Why not let KC buy the new school off of Noland RD and then they can start taking care of those kid and the ones in Independence or any where that there kids that live in another city but now go to Raytown?
What is the benefit to Raytown Schools to have them in the Raytown District? It seems we are paying for something at those other cities should be doing for themselves.
What is your logic behind that 12:57pm?? The district's boundaries were set a long time ago when it was consolidated, or formed by several different schools and the areas that they served, hence why it is called 'Consolidated School District #2, Raytown, Missouri'. That is why some parts of the district are in KC, Independence, and Raytown. The residents and businesses that are within those boundaries pay taxes to support the operation of the district. I do not understand why you would want to carve up the school district? Makes no sense to me.
10:03 AM, You are forgetting I am disabled. Nothing is as simple as you normal people think. I rarely go anywhere. Shopping for me is every 3 or 4 weeks. When I do go shopping, the shopping is on my mind, not a paper; so I am unable to get a paper. If I do remember the paper, they are usually all gone. One time I made a special trip and it was a wasted trip since all papers were gone.
Why can't he deliver the paper like any other paper? Federal Law requires a reasonable accommodation. Since I provided postage paid envelopes, it doesn't cost him anything. I feel that is a reasonable accommodation. He still has 7 of my envelopes with 61 cents postage on each. I am out the cost of the envelopes and postage. As I said, if I had time I would file a Federal violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Greg, Since I can't get the publication, I don't know what was said about you. I feel giving each candidate one column is fair under ordinary circumstances; but when one candidate criticizes or bad mouths another (whether true or untrue) the publication in fairness should give the other candidate equal space for a retort. If the circumstances had been reversed. how would it be handled?
Andy Whiteman
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