Every Picture
Tells a Story . .
The picture at left was taken at the Olympic Rain Forest on a beach on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington.
Weather was typical. Rain and mist, mixed with plenty of fog. Temperatures in the low sixties.
The two logs are typcial of what is strewn on the beach in the Olympic Peninsula. The area is heavily wooded. Pacific storms pull down trees which are then ground up in the surf. The result is washed back to shore as pictured.
Following is a report of last week's City Council meeting at Raytown City Hall. We hope to make this a regular feature of the Raytown Report. The next meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, 2011.
Tells a Story . .
The picture at left was taken at the Olympic Rain Forest on a beach on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington.
Weather was typical. Rain and mist, mixed with plenty of fog. Temperatures in the low sixties.
The two logs are typcial of what is strewn on the beach in the Olympic Peninsula. The area is heavily wooded. Pacific storms pull down trees which are then ground up in the surf. The result is washed back to shore as pictured.
Following is a report of last week's City Council meeting at Raytown City Hall. We hope to make this a regular feature of the Raytown Report. The next meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, 2011.
Raytown City Council Meeting Report
TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2011 by Paul Livius
- Chief Jim Lynch swore in Michael Reagan as a Raytown Police Officer. Chief Lynch stated that Officer Reagan is a graduate of Avalia University. He also stated that he plans to hire a female officer from the Kansas City Police Academy.
- Tom Gibbens stated that the Raytown Summer Fest will be June 10 and 11 this year. He said that the layout will be the same as in previous years, with approximately 60 BBQ teams and 70 vendors.
- Witty Whitman stated that the City of Raytown needs more street lights and called on Alderman Aziere not to forget to put them in the budget.
- Mayor Bower said the Raytown Clean-Up day will be April 30 at the Super Splash. He said that many civic and church groups have volunteered to help residents that day.
- City Administrator Mahesh Sharma stated that at the next meeting, which will be April 19, the city will have to address that fact that the employees’ health insurance premiums have increased by double digits.
- The annual Raytown Easter Egg hunt will be April 23 at the “green space”. There will be an old car show and Easter Egg Hunt at the green space. The Easter Bunny will be available for photos with the children at the FOP building, and story time will be at the library.
- Patty Stock was appointed to the Council on Aging.
David Cochran and Michael Keanon, the city’s auditors, along with Finance Director, Jeremy Willmoth discussed the City’s budget.
David Cochran and Michael Keanon, the city’s auditors, along with Finance Director, Jeremy Willmoth discussed the City’s budget.
Revenues for 2010 were $20,365,552 with Expenses of $24,313,388 for a net deficit of $3,947,836. Sales Tax revenues in 2010 were $6,734,401, less TIF payments of $1,466,567, for total tax revenue of $5,267,835.
The following are the General Fund Revenues:
Property Taxes $1,148,780
Cigarette Tax $2,272,846
Franchise Fees $4,396,179
Licenses and Permits $ 290,309
Intergovernmental $1,212,291
Services $ 954,968
Fines $ 763,488
Sewer Fund $ 249,776
Miscellaneous $ 54,676
Total $11,343,313
NOTE – this is $941,234 less than what was collected in 2009.
The following are the General Fund Expenses:
General Government $2,174,472
Community Development $ 702,947
Public Safety $7,239,469
Public Works $1,748,821
Capital Outlay $ 52,069
Total $11,917,778
NOTE – this is $149,252 less than what was spent in 2009.
350 Highway Debt Payments were discussed. By the end of the year, there will be a $72,913 deficit in the TIF fund account that the city will have to make up.
The City anticipates paying $509,952 to the Pension Plan for civilian Police Department employees. The City also anticipates paying $614,745 to the Active Police Department employees’ pension plan.
The Board approved a resolution approving the purchase of Speak Write, not to exceed $15,000.00. This service will be utilized by employees of the Police Department that regularly dictate their reports for transcription.
The Board approved the City’s participation in the Missouri Department of Transportation Highway safety Crash Reduction Project. This project would train Police Officers in reducing hazardous driving by the motorists on the City’s streets and highways.
The Board approved the final payment of $129,603 to Damon Pursell Construction Company for the 2010 Storm Drainage Project.
The Board approved transferring $21,199 of unappropriated surplus funds to Bartlett and West for engineering services related to the White Oak West sanitary sewer improvements.
The Board approved a use permit to Richard Ellerman to establish an automobile sales business at 11900 E. Highway 350. Mr. Ellerman will be required to remove the existing shoulder along the property abutting eastbound and westbound Highway 350 and replace it with curbing. Construction plans for these improvements must be submitted and approved by the City of Raytown and the Missouri Department of Transportation prior to construction.
The Board discussed the proposed grant agreement between the City of Raytown and the Missouri Department of Economic Development for the purpose of implementing programs focused on rehabbing or demolishing/rebuilding vacant and foreclosed homes in the target areas. These funds would be used to purchase homes within the target area for rehabilitation and/or demolition/rebuild. Once rehabilitated or rebuilt, the homes would be sold for homeownership. The grant funding would include down payment assistance, home ownership classes, possibly lower financing rates and other tools to make home ownership affordable and possible to a larger audience. Unlike previous NSP programs, these funds may be used on any home within the target area, not just foreclosed properties.
The grant application requires the city to select a target area where grant funds can make a contribution to the stabilization of a neighborhood. As part of the application process, the staff worked with the staff from Mid America Regional Council (MARC) to analyze the data provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to determine the target area that would likely score the best based on the grant application criteria and would see the best benefit from the program. The target area will include the area from 59th Street to 53rd Street from Blue Ridge Cutoff to Woodson.
Alderman Van Buskirk stated that this was a prime example of gross waste and misuse of tax dollars. He does not believe the city should be in the Real Estate business. He said that most people would not invest their own money in this project, and the city shouldn’t invest in this, either.
The Board discussed an agreement between the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission and the City for the rehabilitation of the approach and sidewalks on Blue Ridge Blvd. over 350 Highway.

A review of the City of Raytown's annual audit report paints a grim financial picture in three areas: (to view the report go to Raytown Audit Report, scroll down to the report)
1. The City of Raytown is obligated to pay the property tax for Walmart at the end of 2011. The property value of the new Walmart Store was over-estimated for tax purposes. Due to agreements regarding payments of certain fees and taxes, the City is responsible for the shortfall of money needed to meet the tax payment. The report specifically states that the money must “be paid from other city funds”. Unfortunately, Walmart’s tax problem is not an anomaly. Unless the valuation of the Walmart property increases -- which is highly unlikely -- the city will continue to make this payment each year for Walmart for the next 20+ years. So, how much will it cost the city? Answer: $72,913.00 -- over the course of twenty years that comes to $1,458,260!
2. A policy change in Jefferson City by the State of Missouri to disallow Medicare payments for certain ambulance fees has had a negative impact on the City of Raytown’s collection of ambulance bills. The report places the loss of revenue to the City of Raytown at $300,000.
3. Increasing costs of three different pension plans funded by the City drew an extraordinary amount of comment from the Board of Aldermen. One was the civilian pension plan which is funded by employee contributions and payments from the city. The police pension is a separate plan that is funded entirely by the city and does not require a payment from police officers. A third pension plan, also funded entirely by the city, is specifically for department heads.
It all boils down to not enough money coming in to the city’s coffers to meet the obligations as spelled out in the city’s budget.
All three of the aforementioned areas, Walmart taxes, ambulance fees and pension costs are on-going problems. They will be repeated year after year unless the Board and Mayor take action to stop the cycle of recurring debt.
In the past, the City has taken a path of least resistance in handling such budget problems. Typically, street overlay programs would be cut and street light programs eliminated.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul in the form of reduced services (street maintenance/street lights) is not a solution and should not be considered by the Board of Aldermen or Mayor.
Raising taxes should also be taken off the table.
Raytown is a Fourth Class city. Most of its tax limit rates are statutorily set by lawmakers in Jefferson City. The city has maxed out most of its ability for new taxation.
Raytown has already reached the tipping point of taxation. The city/school district property tax is one of the highest in the metropolitan area. The sales tax at all new stores in Raytown is also in the stratosphere at 9.10%.
Board members are expected to take up these issues at the city’s next Finance Committee meeting. The date and time of the meeting has not been set. The meeting is open to the public. Interested residents should call City Clerk Teresa Henry at 737-6000 for meeting date and time.
A free Community Shred-It event is set for Saturday, May 7th, from 9:00am – 12:00pm at theMc Gilley and Sheil Chapel located at 11924 E 47th Street. All paper items will be accepted. Staples, paper clips, and cardboard boxes will also be shredded, please make sure the items to be shredded are free of food, plastic bags, wood and glass.

Your Perfect Yoga DVD by Jenn Walters
Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown
When I first heard that Jillian Michaels was coming out with a yoga DVD I was a little confused. After all, isn’t yoga Bob’s thing? But all of her other workouts are so darn good that my curiosity was definitely was piqued. Plus, we got A LOT of Twitter requests to review it. So we did! And what did we think, you ask? We likey. We likey a lot.
This DVD has Level 1 and Level 2 workouts on it. The first one is about 34 minutes long, and the second one is just shy of 30 minutes. With no frills or sanskrit (perfect for ya’ll who get freaked by chanting or om-ing in yoga), Jillian delivers one heck of a tough workout. And while Level 2 is harder than Level 1 (they do crow pose, people!), Level 1 is no picnic (she warms you up with planks, if that’s any indication). And while you’re not holding poses for a long time, you are going through challenging sequences quickly with little time for rest.
And at the end of the day, that’s what I like about Jillian. She gets you in, she kicks your ass, and gets you on with your day. There is one strange part where Jillian keeps repeating “Who’s your daddy?” but no DVD is entirely perfect or free of awkward moments, I guess.
Jenn Walters and Erin Whitehead jointly publish Fit Bottomed Girls. To read more of their thoughts on lifestyle choices and fitness go to http://www.fitbottomedgirls.com/
ASK PETE . . . a column dedicated to gardening
I had an interesting occurrence at our house this spring. Our tulips look wonderful. Last year, hardly a sprig. Now this is not unusual. The sprig that is. Tulips are known to gradually weaken until they are gone or at least forgotten. So why do our tulips look so good this year?
I had planted tomato plants when the tulips ‘died back’. Then last fall when making an effort to improve the soil, I had spread mulch about 2 foot deep on this location. Normally I would have spread this mulch to other areas that needed it, but then we had snow after snow and I never got around to moving some mulch to different beds.
Lo and behold, the tulips came all the way through the two feet of mulch and not only look healthy and strong, but seem to have multiplied.
I thought this would be a good time to bring up some points concerning flowers that sprout from bulbs. All of our spring bulbs such as crocus, tulips, etc, need to be allowed to flower, than grow until they start to die back. Most usually this will happen before the lawn needs to be mowed. The flower uses energy stored in the bulb to start its growth in the spring. To renew this energy, the leaves must have the sun to restore the energy and start everything again the following spring.
I am getting ready to plant my gladioluses. In our area, many times glads will not make it through the winter especially if it is an extremely cold season. I have had success by mulching my glads in the fall with 4 or 5 inches of leaves. And you can see that mulch can have a beneficial benefit from our experience with the tulips.
I will plant my glads now and they will not come through the soil until after danger of frost is over. If you stagger your planting of glad bulbs about every 2 weeks, you can have a long season of beautiful flowers. One year I planted all the way up to the 4th of July and had glads into the late fall.
That was the year I had a lot of mulch and I think the soil may have stayed cooler to make the late sowing of the glads possible.
Don’t wait for your soil to be worked, or dry weather, or any other excuse. You can plant a garden right now.
Salads greens are one of the easiest vegetables to grow. They don’t require much soil or even fertile soil. They grow fast and many will grow again and again after cutting. Many thrive in cool and even cold weather making them a crop for both spring and fall when all others have died due to frost or freezes. Others will grow all summer long giving you a crop time and time again.
You will need a plastic container that almost all lumber yards and ‘Mart’ stores sell and many times these storage containers are on sale. A plastic container about 6 in deep and a couple of feet long will suffice. Next you will need to drill a few drainage holes in the bottom. Into this container you will need to put some potting soil and it will help to add a small amount of fertilizer. There are liquid forms of organic fertilizer available at many of the same stores listed above. Set the container on its lid if you are placing your salad garden on a deck or patio to prevent stains from the holes you have already drilled.
You now have a planting garden that will be almost weed free. All you have to do is plant some seed on top of the soil, spread a small amount of the potting soil on top of the seed and gently water.
Lettuce and spinach can be planted early and late. Many times you will get multiple cuttings. Chard, a very healthy vegetable of the beet family, will re-grow all summer long and even into late fall or early winter. Kale and Romaine are a couple of other suggestions. When you plant your early and late crops, put some radishes in between the rows and it will be ready to pull before the rest of your crop. You can plant as early as the soil can be worked, in this case, even mid Feb will not be to early. The seed will lay there until the soil is warm enough to cause germination.
Many of these crops will furnish baby greens in a month. A container of the size mentioned above will provide one person with many salads. For larger families, just add a few more containers.
When you are choosing your vegetables, be sure and add some color. Many varieties now come in purple or reds and chard has a rainbow of colors.
There are more than 200 micro-nutrients in vegetables and each color has different health benefits.
Questions? Ask Pete at pete@lazygardens.com
To post a comment click on the word comments below:
My answer to the question is not NO, but an option you didn't list HELL NO!
I don't like the way Walmart conducts its business. They don't spend venture capital but let the poor taxpayers finance their expansion. Besides that they have a big class action discrimination lawsuit! The citizens of Raytown shouldn't by paying for Walmart to open here. They could have stayed in their old building with the largest sales tax collection of any business in this city and we would have been better off. Now the city is paying instead of collecting taxes. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
Andy Whiteman
If you have not seen the lead editorial in the Kansas City Star . . . go buy one, steal one, whatever, or go to http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/
and read about the danger of a city over-extending itself in the so-called "tax incentive" market.
You could replace the name Bass Pro with Walmart and it would fit right here in Raytown.
The editorial should be required reading for all members of the Raytown Board of Aldermen.
Mayor Funkhauser’s defeat comes as no surprise. Had he stayed in, Charley Wheeler would probably have outpolled the lamented figure clerk turned mayor.
Funk’s entire tenure of office was properly defined by one single incident:
In the Summer of 2010 a rock concert held next door to Kansas City’s most honored war memorial turned into a mud-slide of depravity and bad behavior.
Right next to the World War I Memorial a couple thousand fools turned the grounds into a giant mud-slide.
The damage was in the high thousands and it is still apparent when you visit the site. What a way to honor those who died for their country?
Funkhauser’s take was simple: His comment was this. “Oh well, I guess the grass will grow back.”
The result is really no surprise considering most people have a Socialistic bent in their thinking.
What does cause wonderment to the Salamander is the unbelievably high percentage of “retain the tax” YES vote - - Almost 80%. That figure is worth repeating: “Almost 80%” voted to retain the E-Tax.
I still do not believe this figure. 80% of any vote going one way is what we have come to expect from Iron Curtain states and South American dictatorships. But in America.
Just does not make sense. 80%.
But, what’s done is done. Now, the pro-tax nuts are already talking about changing the State Constitution in order to allow every town and hamlet to vote themselves an earning’s tax.
80% voted to retain a confiscatory, discriminatory tax. Cesar Chavez had his work cut out when the next election in Venezuela comes.
As for the Anti-tax people. They couldn’t have run a more unprofessional campaign if the “Hessers” had paid them to do so.
Who knows? Perhaps they did.
$365,000.00 down the drain and to lose by an 8-1 margin. The moneybags who financed this exercise in ineptitude should demand some of his money back.
Until next week, remember the words of hotelier Leona Helmsley: “Taxes. The rich do not pay taxes. Taxes are something the poor pay.”
Keep your eye in the sky. Who knows. You might see “Air” Claire McKaskill slipping by. Hope she remembered to close the door when she got on the plane.
She surely had no problem remembering to pay her taxes.
Citizens tomorrow night the board will be voting on the rehabing houses (Hud) issue. Please plan to attend and let the BOA know that this is a BAD idea for the city. Remember they work for us. Let our voices be heard loud and clear, or they will lead us down a road where it will be to late to turn back.
Raise taxes and we're still broke! Thanks Walmart, thanks department heads who live out of town and could care less about Raytown. Has anyone ran a background check to determine if these clowns can even manage thier own personal budgets? The way they squander tax payers dollars should lead one to believe that department heads have little understanding of fiscal responsibility. Raise taxes and still broke??? What's wrong with these people who are suppose to run the City and not just pad their resume for their next job?
A payment of $72,913 to pay Walmart's tax bill? I did the math. The cost over twenty years comes to nearly 1.5 million dollars.
No wonder our streets are not repaired and we have no money for street lights. It is allgoing to the corportate giants we are paying to bring to our town.
By the way. I like the gardening reports. Gives a nice touch to the blog.
Is it possible to seek criminal or civil judgement against those Raytown staff responsible for the walmart swindle? Paying what the city has and will continue to pay for this billion dollar corporation is just plain deceitful. If I was a Raytown business owner, I would tell city hall to kiss it where the walmart sun don't shine. As a citizen of Raytown, I simply refuse to shop Walmart. Where is the accountibility at City hall???
I am not sure that the blame should go specifically staff. After all, they are employees. The final decision rests with the BOA.
Consider this: While working at the polls in the last election I listened while my opponent (Joe Creamer) told a voter that Walmart had brought in over 3 million in tax revenue to the city!
I challenged his statement and suggested we leave the poll and go visit with the head of the city's Finance Department to determine the truth (he refused to go with me to check it out).
I remember when another Alderman (Jim Aziere) expressed surprise at a city council meeting when I made the statement that Walmart was not making any money for the city.
He was told at that meeting by city staff that the money went to pay debt retirement for Walmart.
Think about it. Two of the eight members of the BOA actually believed that Walmart was making money for the city!
They both voted "yes" to creating the TIF District. They both had the information spelled out to them very plainly that the new Walmart would actually lower city revenues and (as it turned out) end up costing the city money.
Should you blame city staff for their ignorance. No. Because in fairness to the city staff in both administrations (Frank's snd Bower's -- yes, it was Bower's administration that nailed the deal shut), city staff was very clear that Walmart would not make the city money.
To borrow a phrase from a long ago movie -- they believed that "if you build it, they will come".
In the Frank Administration the economy was booming. The housing crisis had not yet materialized, gasoline prices were fairly stable.
Not so when Bower made his move to close the deal. The economy was in crisis and chance of success was small.
Don't blame the city staff. Put the blame where it belongs -- with the elected Mayor and Aldermen. They had the final say.
Read the city's annual audit report. It paints a very grim picture. Despite tax increases, revenue is down. The BOA must now make a choice of how to make fewer dollars go further.
Personally, I hope the quit the practice of cutting basic city services like street overlay, street lighting, curb and sidewalk replacement (don't be fooled by the new sidewalks on Blue Ridge -- that is federal stimulus money, not city tax dollars paying the bill).
It is the BOA and Mayor who will decide if the level of service is improved.
The poll in this week's Raytown Report is clearly showing that most Raytowner's want the level of service on the city's infrastructure increased.
Time for the BOA and Mayor to hear what is being told them. The big question is -- will they do just that -- or continue to snip away at the level of service for Raytowners.
I question why 2 Alderman candidates were "working at the polls"? There is a 50 foot limit! If that is the case, the election for Ward 1 is invalid and there needs to be a new election!
Andy Whiteman
Yes, Greg the financial liability
created by the"WALMART DEAL" is
frustrating.It could eventually
break Raytowns financial back.
It was a bad decision even in
good economic times.In twenty
years taxpayers will be left with
another outdated worn out Walmart
that generated no revenue for the
I hope the current Alderman
realize because of the "WALMART
DEAL" Raytown can't afford any more TIF'S,Abatements or loans.
I don't believe the average
Raytown citizen understands the
negative financial impact the "Walmart Deal" has created for
the city.
You people are dreamers. What makes you think the mayor and board of alermen will do what is in the best interest of the people? They didn't before the election! They won't now. Your fooling yourself if you think different.
You had a chance to make a change. But - you voted them back in office. Now live with it.
Who is the Salamander? He sounds like he's vomiting Rush Limbaugh. Do you have to publish him? This is Raytown's blog. Why not let him spew his garbage on a KCMO blog?
I 100% agree with Alderman Van Buskirk. It seems to me like he is the only one that has any common sense. One other thought what a horse and pony show last night at the BOA after swearing each member in they gave a speech, as if anyone believes this crap they are saying anyway.
What makes Whitty thinks she is so special that Wildwood needs street lights any worse than any other place in the city. Get in line and put in your request, the answer I get is "NO MONEY." If she gets lights and the rest of the city doesn't there will be war at city hall.
Thanks for the commentary Greg.
While the Mayor and Board of Alderman may make the final decision, aren’t those decisions generally made on the recommendation of City staff?
Whoever the City Staff Member was who deceitfully informed the (then and now Mayor and Board) to vote in favor of a Wal-Mart deal which financially crippled Raytown should indeed be investigated.
You will never, never hear a Department Heads recommend to the Mayor and BOA that one way to reduce cost and maintain city services is to cut Department Head salaries, cut Department Head special pension plan and cut out of town travel that are merely City paid vacations in disguise. No; instead we will continue to lose more City services as a result of Department Head high salaries and special perks. The out-of-town Department Heads are just as accountable as the (then and now) Mayor and BOA for the poor financial shape the city is in.
Regardless of the amount of taxes they raise though lies and guile, those self serving hypocrites are only concern for their best interest, and not the City’s. Perfect example: A City Administrator and Department Heads who will in no way live in Raytown, the town they are suppose to represent.
Look at their track record. They simply do not care about Raytown and sadly, the result will always be the same. A financially poor City, with revolving door people pretending to know what is best for us, while lining their pockets and padding their resumes.
It seems to me that a good number of our elected officials are more concerned with being perceived as the Minister in Charge of Feeling Good.
When it comes to making difficult decisions, they sit quietly like good little girls and boys and do what they are directed to do and say by what appears to be their masters. The city staff.
Woe unto anyone who questions the omnipotent staffer. For upon them will come a cascasde of attacks from their seatmates in defense of their masters.
Typically the retribution comes in the way of personal attacks.
For instance if Bill Van buskirk points out that flaws in section 8 housing Joe Creamer will attack him for personally by saying how embarrassed he is by Van Buskirk.
Notice how the subject of whether or not Section 8 housing is viable does not even make it into Creamers statement?
it is a 25 foot limit Andy, check the rules. I know because I have passed out literature at the polls before and it is 25 feet from the entrance/door to the polling place. We even carry tape measures with us for those of you who like to argue with us.
This salamander is more like a little weasel, a Limbaugh wanna be.
You have to understand that Alderman Creamer most of the time doesn't know what is going on and how the decisions made will affect the city. Just vote yes and stroke the staff for the wonderful job they do.
It's too bad that the way the current administration
is running this town didn't come out before the election.
The taxpayer money lost to Wal-Mart.
By the way Anonymous 5:21, the total cost to the taxpayers
for that W-M deal so far is over $1,800,000.00 with
over twenty years left. The total could be well over
$20,000,000.00 before it's over.
That's a lot of street overlays and city upkeep.
Not to mention the money that would have been going into
the cities coffers if W-M was paying their fair share.
If you have ever been at a board meeting you can see that
the department heads run this town. Most of the aldermen
don't have a clue how to work for the people of Raytown.
They do as they are told. When some of them speak up
it is clear there is a terrible waste of chair space being
used. However, it is also apparent that when an alderman
with something that is of help or positive for the people
and town, you can count on them being shot down by those
that don't care.
It all boils down to this, we got what we deserved with the
poor election turnout and the lies delivered by most of the
incumbents. I guess it's easier to believe BS than it is the
I signed an online petition regarding Proposition B (the puppy mill bill) and received snail mail response from Tom McDonald, State Per 49th District, who said in part:
"On Wednesday, April 13th the House of Representatives, by a vote of 85 to 71, chose to ignore the will of the people by voting YES to repeal Prop. B, a few short months after being passed into law.
I, along with 17 other representatives from the Jackson County area, chose to honor the decision of Missouri citizens by voting NO on this issue."
What gives any elected body the authority to ignore the vote of the people? These "elected officials" should be removed from office!
Andy Whiteman
8:31 AM, Since this is the show me state you have to bring your own tape measure! In other states I have lived it is a 50' limit. 25' seems pretty short. It is such a short distance that your conversation can be heard by those voting unless you are outside!
Andy Whiteman
To: Anonymous April 21, 2011 8:58 AM; (and April 20, 2011 2:19 PM) You sound like one of those typical liberals who are scared to death of the truth. You always attack the messengers of truth with your child like attitude. Speaking of weasels you people top the list! If you disagree with someone else’s statement, why don't you just tell us YOUR opinion and beliefs?
I second 9:46PM's motion.
It is all a figment of your imaginations. Really, conservatives are afraid of revealing the truth because it will reveal their faults and inept qualities. Put lies out there in hopes that you can scare the people into believing the lies to forward your own crooked political agendas. You people probably worship Fox News too.
More liberal name calling. No surprise there. Western Europe is in the pits because of socialists designs on the economies over there. Why not look at their failure to find a better way here in America?
Oh no! That would require more thought than liberal name calling.
You left wingers are living in a dream world. Wake up to reality!
Poll from the Alamogordo Daily News that started today:
State of our nation
How do you feel about the direction in which our nation is heading?
Total Votes = 57
We're headed in the wrong direction
54 Votes, or 94.73 %
Things are going in the right direction
3 Votes, or 5.263 %
Anonymous April 22, 2011 8:41 AM;
So you are also afraid of Fox News, that doesn't surprise me a bit. It proves what was said before; you are scared of the truth.
You liberals are blind and deaf to reality. What's really scary is that you sometimes vote, as misinformed and mislead as you are.
You liberals remind me of zombies, pawns, and sheep. Actually, sheep and pawns might not be appropriate because they (sheep and pawns) are not much of a danger to others, but YOU and those who are like minded are a danger to others, even the very survival of our nation.
After visiting with a friend and and chewing the fat for several hours and cussing and discussing the city business, we figured out why all of a sudden the city is applying for and getting all of these government grants. It looks good on resumes. So while they are building up their resumes they are letting out city go to hell in a hand basket.
Of course, Conservatives don't have the mentality to have a logical decent conversation without resorting to name calling. Most were probably school yard bullies back in the day that stole other kids lunch money and created disruptions in the classroom. They are obviously afraid of the truth. That is why they are led like sheeple by Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, Fox News, and all the other idiots out there that are spewing their hate over the airwaves in an attempt to brainwash society. Believe what you want, but as far as I am concerned, conservatives are the real communists that we have to watch out for, and keep away from our children.
I question how resumes are being built? If the city goes to Hell and someone checks resumes (which employers will do) the resume will be totally negative. Ain't fooling nobody with a fancy title if it is verified! If an employer is looking for someone to get Federal grands, then the resume is built, but only then.
Andy Whiteman
That's what we like. Real reasons to hate conservatives. Let's see, thelast post said hate them because we do not like their leaders.
My goodness, DO NOT say anything about issues like abortion, health care programs that will bankrupt our country, and of course, every liberals favorite, class warfare.
Why? Because if liberals speak to issues peoplel find out their agenda real fast and turn away from them.
The smart ones know that is the truth. That's why they stick to name calling.
Happy Easter to my friends on this blog.
Andy Whiteman
A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans.
Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny.
The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different... again.
Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not an Obama fan."
The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?" Johnny said, "Because I'm a Republican."
The teacher asked him why he's a Republican. Little Johnny answered, "Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican."
Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, "If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?"
With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, "That would make me an Obama fan."
Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.
why on earth would Raytown even consider the housing plan for 59th to 53rd street? That's the reason we are in this horrid housing market recession!!!! Some people simply should not, cannot be home owners. I am so sick of supporting people who didn't EARN it, who can sit back, make lousy choices with their lives (not all but there is way too many that have) and yet get rewarded for their bad choices!!! While I am out here working my tail off, EARNING what I have and doing with out just to get by, so someone else can just take my money and get a house that in a few years they will decide they can't afford it and walk away from???? Ugh. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!
Andy, resume padding is all Chief Turnbow did. The old Beeler Democrats got a "yes" man back in office with Turnbow in return he didn't have to run the office, he let others do it for him (Beeler cronies) while he went to the FBI academy etc and when the citizens finally caught on, Turnbow was asked to go. So he had a nice little resume to go on with. btw, when Beeler hired him, it's my understanding he was asked to leave the Independence police dept.... just sayin'. And all of the Chief's except for Leslie have been the Beeler type, as they all worked for him. So why do we expect better when Raytown keeps ELECTING the same type of person in the job? Which by the way, election the City Marshal is just embarrassing. This city should do away with making the police dept political and HIRE someone with a CONTRACT!!!!
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