Raytown BOA Meeting May 17, 2011
Sorry I was unable to post the May 3rd meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen. I was down with the flu and simply did not have the strength to put the report together.
Here is this week's report on the what transpired at the May 27, 2011 meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen.
Keep those cards and letters coming folks! - Paul Livius
Mayor Protem Jim Aziere called the meeting to order. After the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Aziere presented a proclamation to the Raytown Public Works department in recognizing of Public Works week. He also recognized the Emergency Medical Service week.
Here is this week's report on the what transpired at the May 27, 2011 meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen.
Keep those cards and letters coming folks! - Paul Livius
Mayor Protem Jim Aziere called the meeting to order. After the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Aziere presented a proclamation to the Raytown Public Works department in recognizing of Public Works week. He also recognized the Emergency Medical Service week.
During the public comments, Ms. Evelyn Anderson asked why resident were not notified of the potentially dangerous situation during the police standoff last week. She said she didn’t know about the problem until she turned on the news and saw her apartment complex. She tried to leave for work, but was directed to return to her apartment until the situation was under control.
Mr. Andy Whiteman commented that Raytown has good Public Works and Police Departments. However, he reported to the Board of Alderman four years ago that the 6200 block of Willow was unsafe. He said it is still unsafe and wanted to know when the problem would be solved.
Ms. Marilyn Gray reported that while at REAP, she noticed a white truck pull in the parking lot. Several times during the week, she noticed the same truck following her around Raytown. She spotted a police officer sitting in his car at Walgreen’s and tried to report the problem. He asked her if she came from Grandview, or perhaps 47th and Troost. She told the officer that she was a Raytown resident and didn’t feel safe due to the stalker. Mr. Aziere told Ms. Gray that public safety was important to the Board of Aldermen, but that the open comment portion of the meeting was for citizens to bring city business before the Board. If she feels unsafe, she should talk with the police, not the Board of Aldermen.
Mahesh Sharma, the City Administrator, reported to the Board that there will be a blood drive on Friday, May 20. Also, the goal setting session will start on May 31 and continue on June 14. He will provide detail to the Board at a later date.
A resolution was brought before the Board that would reappoint John Ness to the Policemen’s Retirement Fund. Christine White stated that she was uncomfortable appointing anyone to the Retirement Fund until after the goal setting session. Joe Creamer said that John Ness was an outstanding citizen and had done a lot for the City of Raytown. He thought the Board should reappoint Mr. Ness to the Retirement Fund Board. Shane Pardue said that the Board should reappoint Mr. Ness so the Retirement Fund Board would not be short one person. He reminded the Board that reorganization might not happen. Mr. Aziere said that even though Mr. Ness’ term had expired, he would stay on the Retirement Fund Board unless removed by a vote of the Board of Alderman.
The Board voted to transfer $4,895 from the Miscellaneous items to Lab Fees. There was no cost to the taxpayers. Chief Lynch said he hoped these funds would carry the Department through the end of the budget year.
Andy Noll, Public Works Director, reported that Miller Paving had defaulted on their contract with the city for the concrete repairs. He asked that the city enter into a contract with Solid Construction Solutions in order to finish the projects.
The first reading of the Bill authorizing the City to enter into an agreement that would provide bicycle and pedestrian trail along 350 Highway from Blue Ridge Blvd to Maple. Andy Noll said that the total cost of the project would be $643,000. A grant from the Federal Government would pay for 75% of the construction. The city would have to fund approximately $151,000, plus the $60,000 engineering cost.
Charlotte Melson said that we need bike paths, but this one will end at Maple. She asked what happens to the bike rider when they get to Maple. Mr. Noll said the bike rider have to ride on 350 Highway. Bill Van Buskirk* pointed out that the bike path is only 7/10 of a mile. Since 350 Highway is already heavily congested, the bike path will create a hazard on the highway. He said the bike path would be a deterrent to traffic.
The taxpayers of Raytown would have to spend $200,000 on this project. He thought that money should be used for street improvements, street lights, or sidewalks in residential areas. He said that the 83rd street bridge needed attention, as did 79th Street and 59th Street. He urged the Board to forget about the grant because there were better uses for the City’s money.
Mr. Aziere asked Mr. Noll if the bike path would make 350 Highway unsafe. Mr. Noll said the MoDot will have the final say on any design, and would not approve an unsafe design. Mr. Aziere asked if there had been a study to find out the true number of pedestrian traffic on 350 Highway. Mr. Noll said there had not been any study.
* This is a clarification from Alderman Van Buskirk; his suggestion that it could create traffic hazards was due to the elimination of the shoulder on the roadway and not necessarily the addition of the path. This would create huge traffic problems when vehicles break down or are involved in accidents. It would make it very dangerous for police officers, EMS personnel, and firemen working vehicular accidents or emergency medical situations on the roadway. It would also make it extremely difficult for emergency vehicles to respond to a situation on that roadway (no place for cars to pull over), or emergency vehicles needing to use that roadway to get to another location, especially during rush hour traffic. This highway carries a tremendous amount of traffic, which appears to be increasing all of the time. He is not opposed to improvements on the highway or to adding a sidewalk along side the highway, it is just that this particular plan is not what is best for our city at this time.
Deja Vu by Greg Walters
Someone once said that if you wait long enough you will see history repeat itself. Sometimes the wait is shorter than you would you expect.
This morning while reading the KC Star I came across an article entitled "Extra Eyes on Code Violations". . . . to read the story use this link Extra Eyes on Code Violations. . . . tells how the City of Kansas City, Missouri is seeking volunteers to help find and document code violations within their city.
David Park, Director of Neighborhood Services said "It's a great partnership between the neighborhoods and the city."
Deja vu!
It was just four years ago that a small number of Raytown citizens went to Mayor David Bower and volunteered to help identify code violations in Raytown. They were concerned owith decreased value of neighborhood properties and increased crime that comes when city maintenance codes are not properly enforced.
Bower rebuffed their offer with an exclamation that he was not going to use "Gestapo tactics" to enforce codes.
Seems those good Raytowners that approached the Mayor were just ahead of their time.
I urge you to read the story. If it works in Kansas City, it can work in Raytown.
This morning while reading the KC Star I came across an article entitled "Extra Eyes on Code Violations". . . . to read the story use this link Extra Eyes on Code Violations. . . . tells how the City of Kansas City, Missouri is seeking volunteers to help find and document code violations within their city.
David Park, Director of Neighborhood Services said "It's a great partnership between the neighborhoods and the city."
Deja vu!
It was just four years ago that a small number of Raytown citizens went to Mayor David Bower and volunteered to help identify code violations in Raytown. They were concerned owith decreased value of neighborhood properties and increased crime that comes when city maintenance codes are not properly enforced.
Bower rebuffed their offer with an exclamation that he was not going to use "Gestapo tactics" to enforce codes.
Seems those good Raytowners that approached the Mayor were just ahead of their time.
I urge you to read the story. If it works in Kansas City, it can work in Raytown.
Bits and Pieces by Greg Walters
A Bicycle/Pedestrian pathway along of 350 Highway is in the planning stages. The pathway would run from the western city limits to Maple Street (across from HyVee) and would be on the south side of the east bound lane of 350 Highway.
The pathway would be 10 feet wide and is funded, in the most part, through a federal grant.
The first reading of the bill funding the bicycle/pedestrian pathways is scheduled for the May 17th meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen.
Last year sidewalks were built along Blue Ridge Cutoff along the city’s western boundary. That money for the sidewalks was part of the Federal Stimulus Package.
As summer draws near many Raytown homeowners show off their gardening ability. We plan to take some time to visit neighborhoods and take some pictures of that talent to showcase on the Raytown Report. If you have any pictures you would like to see published, feel free to email them to us at gregtwalters@sbcglobal.net
You don’t have to sign your name, and our space is literally unlimited. Why not share with your fellow Raytowners what you have to show off!
The Fourth of July is less than six weeks away. This year should be an exceptional Fourth of July in Raytown. According to Matt Mace, Raytown’s Fire Marshall, no less than nine Raytown non-profit organizations have applied for permits to sell fireworks.
Fireworks sales are allowed in Raytown from June 29th through the Fourth of July. The shooting of fireworks in celebration of our nation’s birthday is limited to July 4th.
Finally, we received the picture at left in the mail last week along with a request asking us to see if anything can be done about it. It is of a stack of tires at an abandoned house located at 6240 Hunter. The tires are a health hazard as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. We have forwarded a copy of the picture and the complain to the Property Codes Enforcement office at Raytown City Hall.
By now, you may have enough growth in your vegetable and flower garden to furnish a meal for rabbits, deer and other critters. Some flowers seem to attract deer and of course rabbits are known for their taste in lettuce and one can never forget the pesky squirrels. Most dedicated gardeners will have stories to tell and many different cures or preventive measures.
Sometimes you will find that some product will work for a while, then as the critters become accustomed to the product, another product will need to be applied. Most repellents will use one of three methods. You will find that a ’hot pepper’ solution will be one method and you can make your own using off the shelf peppers and a water mix. Another solution will use a mix that includes eggs. As a deterrent, coyote urine or urine of other wild animals may be mixed so that you may spray your crop.
When animal pests interfered with the reforestation of our mountain areas, a product was developed and it goes by the name of Plantskydd. You may find that this is one of the best items to use and since it has a dried blood as part of its mix, it also acts as a foliar fertilizer. In addition, it is approved as a ’organic’ product and we can use it without any fear.
Although this product works for deer, sometimes we feel the need to resort to fencing for deer. There are a number of deer fences including electric fence. Deer can jump high, but they have a problem with jumping high and long. The simplest fence will have a slant and this will deter the deer from jumping.
Looking forward to next week, it is time to start thinking of the small creatures that eat our plants, the bugs.
Don’t Sweat It! By Jenn Walters
There’s little I love more than a good run or high-energy kickboxing class where you leave completely covered and dripping with sweat. There’s something about being drenched that signals—to me—that I’ve had a really good workout, really given it my all. But I’m not normal. I know that for most people, especially those who don’t like exercise, sweating has a big ick factor to it.
Sweat can get in your eyes, it can make you smelly, and it can really mess up your hair. And let’s face it: Some people hate sweating so much that they don’t like to work out. But don’t throw out your workout with the sweat puddles. Even though heart-pumping and sweat-inducing high-intensity exercise is often touted for its health and weight-loss benefits, low-intensity workouts have their perks, too.
In fact, a three-month study from the University of Queensland in Australia found that subjects who did Tai Chi (a graceful mix of gentle exercise, stretching and meditation) regularly for 90 days—without any high-intensity activity—had decreases in blood pressure, blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Not to mention that they also reported lower levels of depression, slept better, had more energy, and dealt with stress more easily.
In fact, a three-month study from the University of Queensland in Australia found that subjects who did Tai Chi (a graceful mix of gentle exercise, stretching and meditation) regularly for 90 days—without any high-intensity activity—had decreases in blood pressure, blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Not to mention that they also reported lower levels of depression, slept better, had more energy, and dealt with stress more easily.
Read on for 8 workouts you’ll love if you hate to sweat!
To read more of Jenn's thoughts on life style choices use this link Fit Bottomed Girls
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To post a comment on this blog click on the word comments below:
I have debated for several days if I should post this or not. I decided to post how I feel and let the chips fall where they may. I attend the Mayors Prayer Breakfast with a friend last week, and I was very disapppointed about a comment the Mayor made about two of the cities Alderman Lightfoot and Mock. Mayor you are not the late great Johnny Carson or even close to that, so please don't embarrass yourself or the city by making comments like you did in the future. It might be a good idea if you had a talk with your daughter, since you said she writes your speeches. Peole will never have respect for the office of Mayor or city hall if you continue to act like this. Maybe you should try writing your own speeches if you are capable of doing it.
I have a blind friend who lives in the 7700 block of Appleton Ave. He has contacted his Alderman, who is VanBuskik and requested a sign letting people know that a blind person lives on the street. Alderman Van Buskirk called me to tell me had talked to public works director Andy Knoll about getting up a sign. That was months ago and Mr. Knoll still has not put up a sign. Alderman Van Buskirk has talked to Mr. Knoll several times about getting up the sign and still no results. I am a tax payer is it to much to ask for a sign, or would the city rather get sued after my friend gets hit by a car when he is trying to cross the street to walk to a friends house. These department heads get paided damn good money and they can't seem find time to do their job. I guess bike lanes are more inportant!!!!
Bicycle path on 350 HWY? It was rulled out at a previous BOA meeting as wasted money because there were few or no bike riders there. I think bike lanes are a good idea, but why the change? Is it because Dictator O'Bummer provides the Federal Funds in exchange for votes?
The tires could have been handled, at no charge to the property owner, on cleann up day! Now there is more expense to the City and to the homeowner to handle this matter.
Greg, I would send you a photo but it will take me several months to use up the roll and get it developed. I submitted a roll of developed film to the city of waste dumping of ground tree limbs in progress last summer. The waste matter is still there and Beth Lynn is unable to do anything because it is Post Office property. Not only is it unsightly, but it is a fire and health hazard.
A location of gardening ability os the 350HWY Raytown Rd. intersection, The grass/weeds at the car wash are mowed, but the weeds at the corner lot to be a used car lot are unmaintained. I wasn't looking for a violation...just noticed it while waiting on the light. If I notice it, how many passers by will notice it and what image does it give others about the City of Raytown?
Andy Whiteman
I don't know who to thank but THANK YOU for gettting those tires removed. They are gone!
7:03PM, There are public spirited people living in Raytown. I really appreciate their effort!
8:38AM The sign requested should be a standard sign so I don't understand the problem unless there is a minimum order. I would think Public Works could make a sign. Also there is a sign shop on 350 HWY by the Pizza place. I don't understand the delay either. I have expressed the same feeling that someone had to be killed or injured before the City will maintain the streets. The hazardous portion of Willow I reported many years ago has NEVER been addressed. Maybe we have to get O'Bummer money to get anything done.
Andy Whiteman
The Raytown Amateur Radio Club will be holding their ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) Field Day behind Raytown City Hall, on the weekend of June 25-26. We will be setting up on Friday June 24, and will begin operating at 12:00 Noon on Saturday, and will operate for 24 hours. This is a nation wide event for amateur radio and is a emergency disaster drill of sorts.
The Raytown ARC is a top rated operation. In 2010 out of 747 entries in Class 2A, they placed 5th nation wide. In 2009, they placed 3rd, and in 2007 they where first place.
Please consider placing a comment in your blog about this service that the Raytown ARC does for the community. Part of the reason the club exists is to provide support the city and community of Raytown, MO.
Kelly McClanahan, KD0HMI
Thursday, May 19th, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Las Chili’s, 6210 Raytown Trfwy., Raytown
Come early at 6:00 PM to dine and make new friends!
Our speakers are
Keith Querry and Paul LeVota
who will be cover redistrictring at the county and state level respectively
Contact President Richard Tush at 816-356-0003
Next meeting is June 16th
Representative From Congressman Cleavers Office
RDA Annual Picnic Saturday June 4th
First our Mayor makes unkind remarks about our handicapped citizens. Now it seems, he's making rude comments to other Mayors about our elected officials. It would seem that our mayor has a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease.
The Public Works Department makes its own signs. So it is not a matter of cost. More likely than not, it is because the wrong Alderman asked for the sign.
Van Buskirk is paying the price for disagreeing publicly with city officials.
Itis a sad situation. A handicapped person is paying the price.
It is just like the bad old Sue Frank days. Nothing has changed at 59th and Raytown Road. Just the gender of the person sitting in the Mayor's chair.
I thought the Mayors prayer breakfast was a time to pray for our country, city, and the leaders. It seems to me we need to pray a little harder for our Mayor.
To Anonymous 8:38,
Since you signed Anonymous I have to contact you
this way.
Signs don't cost that much and if you want to look
into having a couple of signs made, I would be happy
to help you out with them. You can call me at my shop
In fact I know a couple of sign makers like Mr.Sign
and there are one or two in Lee's Summit too.
6:28AM, I assumed that Public Works had the ability to make its own signs. If it is too complex a job, one could be ordered.
As I said many times this is the Socialist Fascist Fief of Raytown.
If it is too much of a task to make a permanent sign, the portable sign board that advertises the C of C barbecue could be diverted to a necessary traffic function which I am sure was the intent of buying the portable billboard.
Andy Whiteman
I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that it WASN'T the city who picked up the tires but more than likely it was one of our alderman. They do more than the city does and the pay is a hell of a lot less and so is the thanks.
I drive through Raytown everday going home to Lee's Summit I used to stop on my way home and shop your grocery stories before I picked up my children from the sitter. Now you are talking bike lanes, I can guarantee there will be major traffic tie ups and people will no longer stop and shop because they will need to get home to their families. You guys are loosing out and your so stupid you just doon't get it. One way you could cut down on emission is if Joe Cream would shut up.
After watching the BOA meeting it is quite clear the only one with common sense is Alderman Van Buskirk. I look forward to seeing the staff riding their bikes to work, and the BOA in their tight biking shorts our using these trails every weekday and week end. Also out walking meeting their neighbors, walking to coffee shops your guys are as crazy as a loons
I would like to see a bike friendly city where someone could ride a bike safely from Point A to Point B. I agree with Alderman van Buskirk about the safety issues and that the money could be used for a purpose that of something that is really needed such as streets lights or street repairs.
Personally I feel spending such a large sum on a bike path to cover such a short distance resulting in safety hazards is wasteful spending.
I am changing my vote of this blog.
Andy Whiteman
Bike trails should be an added plus to any city. If the trail goes along 350 highway i hope they have the common sense to make it an attractive trail with trees and some imaginative constuction.
Somehow the thought of a strip of concrete, 10 ft. wide, making a straight line down 350 highway does not seem too attractive.
I can see it now....Someone riding thier bike down 350 Highway on the bike trail. Some guy in a car thinks he's funny and honks his horn. The bike rider falls off his bike. How long do you think it will take the bike rider to file a lawsuit against the city for creating a dangerous situation?
Shane Par due since when do you need a walking trail to visit with your neighbors? Is the trail running by your house? You need to get an understanding where the trail will be running and I don't think it will be in a residential area.
So, I got my assessment today and my tax bill is 30% less than it was in 2010.
And I live in a fairly nice part of Raytown in a neat, well-maintained house surrounded by other neat, well-maintained houses (and a foreclosure).
In residential areas of Raytown the walking trail is either a sidewalk or the street. Walking/running/bike trails are normally at parks. I would like to see the streets striped with bike lanes but only where it is safe to do so.
One citizen mentioned at the BOA a ditch that needed cleaning. I have a problem with the ditches being there at all. They are a safety and health hazard! The first time I walked Hank after moving to Raytown, I fell into the ditch not knowing it was there. The ditches remind me of Mexico where ditches are quite common.
Andy Whiteman
My reassessment went UP 17%.
Not so neat.
The previous writer probably went tothe Joe Cramer school of mathematics!
I didn't waste time with percentages. My assessment went from $104,134 to $119,400. It seems like an increase to me. The tax bill is up over $300. That is not a decrease unless you understand government speak.
The bill is estimated (I assume based on last years levy.) It is NOT a bill. It is an ESTIMATE!!!
Questions need to be asked: In Colorado the assessor sent the comps that my assessment was based on. The Jackson County assessment is an arbitrary figure with no explanation of how the calculation was arrived at. When I called, they refused to provide the comps! I told the call taker that my house is not worth $104K but I am willing to sell it to them for that amount.
Anyone want to buy a house "as is where is"?
Andy Whiteman
It probably was Joe Cream-er.
I just added a story to this week's publication.
There was not enough room to fit it on this page so you will need to go to this week's stories to read all about Extra Eyes on Code Violations.
Trust me on this one.... you do not want what KCMO does with property inspections here in Raytown. I am formerly from Raytown, and lived in KCMO for a decade, then I came back to Raytown. The main reason? the codes enforcement gestapos that run rampant in that city, as well as a few neighbors that had nothing better to do with their time and would actually walk the streets, stopping at each house, writing down their perceived violations, then contacting the city to report the alleged violations. We were repeatedly harassed in this way. We actually kept up our property, looked great, painted, grass mowed once, maybe twice a week. They are always worried that you might have a car that is not licensed or something to that effect. the law's original intent was to keep things from becoming a nuisance. For instance, cars that were wrecked, dismantled, or vandalized sitting in driveways for months, now that is a nuisance. but a car that is decent, with a car cover on it, presents no problem. The same goes for a trailer. If you live in KCMO, do not park on the grass, they will cite you for it. You must park on an impervious surface like concrete or asphalt. No gravel, unless it is grandfathered in. Plus, our house had no garage, or room to build one either. We left KCMO, came back to Raytown, had no problems with the city here for 7 years, until a neighbor selling their house several doors away turned me in for parking my trailer on the grass. It was bothering no one, there were no ruts in the yard, just thick, green grass that I kept mowed each week. Long story short, I ended up having to pull a permit, pour a concrete pad to park the trailer on to satisfy the city. Meanwhile, the neighbor that turned me in, sold the house, and no longer lives here, and is no longer a friend of mine either. Moral of the story: move out to the country, where you dont have to worry about the nosy, busy bodies that dont have anything better to do than to create more grief and problems for others that are keeping their properties up looking nice like your own. Happiness is having the closest neighbor over a mile and a half away from you or more on all sides.
Since the County has raised the assessed values of our homes, will the City reduce the mill levy so we pay the same amount of tax dollars that we did last year? Anyone want to take a sucker bet that the answer is no?
I lived in K.C. too and have since learned that Raytown has basically the same codes.
The big difference is that Raytown does not enforce there's very well.
With rare exception, the attitude from our city council is one of see no evil, hear no evil, speak not evil.
They have found that ignoring difficult questions they can remain fat dumb and happy.
I opened my tax assessment and found out mine went up $571.00.
You can bet I will call and appeal this!
That is interesting. I just looked in the file and the values on my property in 2007 are slightly more than the new ones that just were announced in the letter that I got from the county today. Remember back in 09 or 10 the county actually made a 'correction' and lowered the values because the housing market went to pot. Then the city and the school board increased the tax rates because they were losing money after that happened. Now the county re assessed the values and increased them again, but the taxes are still less than they were in 2007. I have it in print, so all you mathematicians try to prove me wrong on this one! The taxes still equal less than what I paid in 2007, 2008, 2009,and 2010.
20:28AM, I am more concerned about what the Dysfunctional School District will do with our taxes. Isn't it about time to put a dome on the astroturfed football stadium?
Andy Whiteman
If Jim Aziere is going to be the Mayor Pro Term, someone needs to get him a copy of Roberts Rules of Order. All he did was stumble all over himself. You'd think that after all the years on the Raytown Board of Alderman, he'd know what the meeting order was by now. Has he slept through the meetings?
Some of you folks are telling some tall ones. The City and School Board have not yet set their levy rates.So how can you tell that your taxes are lower?
You can't!
Nice try. But your story of lower taxes on your property simply do not hold water.
Hey I got an idea. Let's all pretend that our property values go up and our taxes go down at the same time!
Newbie here but will try to cover all the posted topics.
1. Property tax re assessment came in and my entire block was higher=total crap and I will appeal with everyone in my neighborhood. Here is the kicker
Curtis Koons who is the Jackson county director of assessment did not raise his property value-I know,I looked up his house through the property account summary. 2007 MV 123,546.00
2008 MV 123,546.00
2009 MV 88,986.00
2010 MV 88,986.00
2011 yyeeeeuuppp you guessed it
MV 88,986 = go figure and smells like fish.
Anyone wishing to join us are more than welcome. Almost left out the most important thing--ALL of my neighborhood will be at the city meeting in regard to the levy rate.
The bike trail is someones crazy dream as we borrow more money again and again- I am with the poster's who say spend it on the streets-Hell we are paying Walmarts property taxes and I guess many a customer will be looking forward to riding their bikes to shop there.
The printed paper from the county does not tell tall tales.... I am going by what was paid in previous years, actual tax payments. And information right off of the previous tax re assessments. And also using the estimate printed on the back of the latest correspondence from the county.
Some may end up paying more, and some may end up paying less. We shall see. It still appears to me that I will be paying less according to the estimate.
I suppose that you still want to fight and argue about it?
I suspect that many didn't notice that the county assesment stated the tax bill was ESTIMEATED. I suspect it was based ASSUMING the current mill levy.
8:12PM, As I recall, Joe Creamer made the same bungling attempt at his first meeting as Mayor Protem. His second appearance was much better. Lets give Jim Aziere another chance.
Andy Whiteman
I had a dream last night.
I was driving along 350 Highway. To my right were people on bicycles, people on foot, rushing going back and forth a new bike trail to visit their friends, go shopping and just get some fresh air along the bumper to bumper traffic on 350!
Why there was Joe Creamer adn Shane Pardue walking hand in hand.
Charlotte Melson and Christine White were making a u-turn at the eastern end of the bike trail as she made her way west on the 7/10ths of a mile of paved surface. Some said it was their fourth circuit of the trail!
I dreamnt about how lucky we were to have this trail.
Then I woke up.
8:32 AM, I think it would be more productive to take your issues up with the County Assessor. That is what I did. The phone number is in bold numbers on page one of the assessment. I strongly suggest everyone call that number and protest loudly and clearly!!! The BOA isn't going to lower taxes because the assessment is up. Neither is the Dysfunctional School which takes 75% of my property taxes.
Andy Whiteman
My county assessment went up almost 22%, that’s huge. We all know that property values in Raytown have not went up, if anything they have went down. The county is making a concerted effort to rip us off! Why? Because they can, they have the power and they are using it.
Thanks for ypur comments on the KC Star Article about codes violations. I was one of those I'm glad to see that other cities are trying to get controll of there codes, I just wish it was Raytown.
I agree with Mr. Van Buskirk there are many other things this city needs other than a bike trail along 350 Hiway. We are asking for problems. There is so much traffic all of the time but at going to and coming from work time it's a real hazard for any one who would be walking or riding a bike.
May 21, 2011 11:31 AM, It is a government coverup. I called the assessors office. They refuse to provide comps or any explanation about how your assessment was reached other than YOU should research the comps yourself.
I spoke with a supervisor who wouldn't state what the comps were but did say that the comps were on bank sales and obviously too low. From that conversation, I assumed the assessor is disregarding comps and raising to a higher amount if they THINK the comps are too low.
As I said this is a coverup and they won't provide information. It appears to me the assessor is arbitrarily inflating property value. If anyone wants to pay the assessed market value, they can have my house.
Andy Whiteman
To the poster who said he lived in Kansas City and their neighbors turned them in for code violations well get this, this is what Mayor Bower encourages us to do. So don't blame your Raytown neighbor for doing what the Mayor tells us to do
I suppose that you still want to fight and argue about it?
Oh wise one-fortunately I know how to read a property account summary and you can bet your sweet bippy we will be crashing the party-I have had enough of paying for everyones else's grand illusion's.
The easiest thing for any of these public employees to do is spend someone else's money. Also Andy has made the point about dysfunctional school system-- I completely agree with him-fricken enough already.
The market value on my tax assessment went up 5%, and based on the estimated tax, my bill will go up $60. I have debated whether to dispute it. I have done this in other counties in the past (to the tune of $25k) and it wasn't difficult. But, for the same reason I debated this (and eventually chose to pay the extra tax) when I bought my house in 2008 for 1/2 it's market value, I suspect I'll pay the extra in support of the community. I pay school taxes in two districts and have no kids, because I think public schools makes our society better. We all hate it, but paying your taxes is the most patriotic thing you can do. Of course, on the other side of the coin I think our representatives need to start doing a better job managing the resources we are trusting them with.
Also, I too have lived in KCMO. One big problem with KCMO's system is that it is VERY easy for people to use the system to harass their neighbors. Unless you are retired in good health (or wealthy enough to pay for complete property maintenance), from time to time every homeowner is likely to have a violation. Personal property in your yard, violation. All personal property must be in your house, garage, or storage shed. All vehicles must have current tags (and resulting insurance) and be parked on an all weather surface. Even repairs in progress to avoid a violation can be a violation in themselves.
BTW, I too am a fan of the new BOA minutes. I'm glad someone stepped up to provide the service that the city won't. I have recently been wondering if changes to open records laws shouldn't be updated to reflect current technology. EVERY city should be posting minutes like these on their website.
You are lucky your property assessment went up by only 5%. Not worth protesting, but mine went up closer to 20% and the estimate taxes by $300 per year!
What really irks me is they won't disclose what comps they used to reach their assessment. The number appears to be arbitrary. I feel everyone is entitled to an explanation. I came from Arapahoe County, CO and my assessment listed 4 or 5 comps. They may have been 5 to 10 miles away because my house was unique but they had to find homes somewhat like it and make adjustments.
The BOA has summary minutes if you want to look at their web site. Detailed minutes were stopped a few years ago. Bill van Buskirk and I both objected to summary minutes. Per the city attorney at that time, summary minutes met the legal requirement set by the state. I feel they are totally useless because they don't include who said what. I can imaging some time in the future there will be a question as to why an ordinance was written and without complete minutes, no one will ever know.
Andy Whiteman
but paying your taxes is the most patriotic thing you can do.
Great, another patriotic action category, people need to get their collective heads out of the sand and read the constitution. The 16th amendment was never ratified yet with over 18 thousand pages of IRS tax codes who would know.
As long as people volunteer to give their money away to the politicians, wether local, city, state or federal we will continue to be debt slaves.
When a politician speaks this is what actually comes out of their collective mouths.
Wake up and get a clue.
Raytown does have bike lane. I am pretty sure it's on 87th Street right? And you know what? I NEVER see anyone using it, except to park their cars there.
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