Fox 4 News Story / Raytown EMS
A news story on Kansas City Fox 4 News has caused a flurry of activity on the blog portion of the Raytown Report. The story has to do with the alleged treatment of stroke victim in transport to an area hospital.
Since many readers will see the comments we thought it best they also see what the comments were about. The following link will take you to the news story: Raytown EMS News Story
Two of the comments from the News Story from the Fox 4 News site are published here as well.
Raytownresident at 12:22 AM June 16, 2011
Exactly! Lady would be dead if they were not timely and professional. I know MANY if not all of the crews at EMS and the Fire Dept. I cant think of a soul there that would treat someone the way she claims to have been treated. Woman needs to get a grip. I thank god that I live in the city of Raytown. I know they will get here in any emergency situation asap and I have had to call them several times for things over the years. They do a lot for our community and I know Matt Cushman would never stand for anything but excellent care and consideration for every patient they come across no matter age, race, religion, whatever! Hats off to those people who work long shifts away from their families to save people (and property) like that woman and many times extra shifts to make sure our city is ALWAYS covered!!!
bs2362 at 8:17 PM June 15, 2011
As a former emergency services provider I have to call foul, as there seem to be a few problems with this story. First, the woman claims the paramedics made her walk to the ambulance, then goes on to explain how they lifted her by her torso and carried her to the cot. She complained that they did so roughly. There is no way to pick up and carry a sick person gracefully. Second, she claims the paramedic cursed at her, but goes on to say the paramedic said "s***" when she vomited into her oxygen mask. Given that the imminent risk of aspiration is potentially a life threatening situation, uttering such an expletive, while not real professional, is probably not out of expectations. Lastly she claims they took their time, but then goes on to say the doctors told her the only reason she survived was her quick treatment and arrival at the hospital.
Your news story stated the response time was 3 minutes, which is incredibly good by metro area standards.
It seems to me that the story here is a woman who should be thanking the emergency crews for saving her life rather than finding fault with their actions in a medical emergency.
Ann Harrison Softball Tournament by Angela Cook
The Ann Harrison Tournament is June 17-19. The tournament is for C Level softball teams, ages 10U through High School. There is no gate fee associated with the tournament and ALL proceeds benefit the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Last year, we had one of the best crowds ever! We had a phenominal year of donations. We have donated over $100K over the years to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Ann was a member of the Raytown Girls Softball league prior to her abduction and murder from her bus stop. Her story remains in the news today. The Missouri Supreme Court ruled against her killers earlier this month. Michael Taylor and Roderick Nunley's 1991 death sentence has been upheld, 20 years later.
The Harrison family spend the entire weekend working this event. This is a great way to raise money for a great charity. Even buying a hot dog, beverage or other snack will support the cause.
Games are played at Little Blue Trace (LBT), the Raytown Girls Softball Complex in Raytown, MO. Located next to the Little Blue River just off westbound Missouri 350 Highway (Blue Parkway) east of Noland Road, LBT features four lighted softball fields. Fields are numbered 1-4, starting with the first field as you enter the complex.
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A child and puppy celebrate at the end of the Sausage Sprint. |
It has been said that with the help of Mother Nature any outdoor event will be a success.
Saturday’s Raytown Raytown Summerfest and BBQ Cookoff was definitely proof of that truism.
A late night thunderstorm brought in a cold front, lower humidity/temperatures and a sky so clear you could see for miles.
As the following pictures show, it was a picture perfect day for a festival and Raytown had one that was a joy to attend.
Sausage Sprint? How about a Terrier Chase!
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Mother and children headed to the merchant's tents.. |
The Sausage Sprint is an event in which pairs of Dachshund owners race their dogs from one end of short course to the other end (where the co-owner of the dog waits). Only Dachshunds are allowed to participate, hence the name, “Sausage Sprint”.
Problem is, Dachshunds are not sprinters. They are watchers. Many of the dogs mill around one end of the course until finally, one of them decides to go visit his master at the other end of the course.
Don’t get me wrong. Though it is a slow race, it is definitely one that is fun to watch. Judging by the smiles on the faces of those watching, it’s an event that should continue.
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Dr. Lonnie Feagan takes an order for BBQ in the big tent. |
However, as a Terrier owner I believe that it is time to open the competition to other breeds. Of course you would never race Terriers against Dachsunds, but another category could be added. My dog, Wickett, is a Poodle/Scottish Terrier mix (my wife calls her a Scoodle).
Wickett is 13lbs. of pure energy. I am sure there are others like her. Isn’t it time we opened up the event to some dogs that run with a vengeance?
I don’t know if the Chamber will conduct a race for Terriers.
In case they do, I intend to have Wickett continue her rigorous training program of chasing squirrels and continuing her never ending battle of wits with her mortal enemy, El Gato.
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Greg Walters |
Bring Back the Parade by Greg Walters
Years ago the Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce conducted an annual parade during a fall festival named Raytown Round-Up Days. The highly successful event was held in September of each year. The showcase of the event was an annual parade that featured local high school bands, civic organizations and businesses.
The entire event, especially the parade, spoke a message of Pride in Raytown.
Eventually the Chamber shifted the emphasis of its main annual event to the Raytown BBQ Cookoff. It too has proven to be a success. Though not to the scale of the Round Up Days.
The Round Up Days was a four day event. The shining jewel of the event was the parade. Raytowners would line 63rd Street and Blue Ridge Boulevard six to seven deep. Afterward they would make their way over to the event venues, the carnival, talent show arena and of course, the merchant booths.
The last time Raytown Round Up Days was held there was no parade. The Mayor at the time, Sue Frank, proclaimed that the re-construction of Downtown would be under way and the route would not be available.
Whatever the reason, the parade became a memory.
Bringing back the Annual Parade would be a gradual process. The first couple of years would be small events. But as time goes on it would grow. As it grew, the numbers attending the Summerfest would grow with it.
With proper management, the event could grow to a reflection of Pride in Raytown that our town needs to prosper.
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Jenn Walters |
Diet Pills: Helpful or Dangerous?
Earlier this week, I railed pretty hard on our crush Bob Harper for coming out with a line of weight-loss supplements. But in typical FBG fashion, this site isn’t just about what we think; it’s a community for discussion and learning from each other. While I suspect that the majority of you agree with me that diet pills—and to some... Continue readingTo post a comment on this blog click on the word comments below:
I agree, what did ever happen to Raytown Round-Up Days? Bring it back, along with the parade, after all it is past of Raytown history. Now, granted, I rarely went, but it was a part of Raytown tradition. So why cannot we have both -- or -- move the BBQ Days closer to it. For one thing, in September it is often a little bit cooler. As for the dogs -- I have two little Shelties that love to run, just open it up to all dogs (with in reason) and/or have two events, one for the Dachshunds, and then a open class. (Then again the Dachshund racing comes from an old beer commercial if I remember correctly).
"Route closed for downtown redevelopment." What redevelopment??? I have seen none except for razing the olde Baptist Church which was a vast improvement! Raytown Park Plaza is still a dismal failure.
One of our senior citizens complained at the BOA about the lack of parades. I agree, a parade is a good idea, but who will pay for it? There is the cost of traffic and crowd control as well as cleanup.
Andy Whiteman
You are right. The alleged plans were probably more an excuse not to hold the parade.
Can't undo the past. So the best is to move forward. A small parade, and it probably would be small to get things started during the BBQ Summerfest is a doable thing.
The question is, do people want to do -- see this week's poll question.
Obviously a parade would need a sponsor such as the chamber or the downtown association.
Greg and Andy,
It seems you both have forgotten that both Summerfest and Raytown Roundup Days where setup not to bring people to Raytown, but instead to provide funding for the salaries of the Chamber employees.
Yes, a side effect is people coming to Raytown, but again from first hand review of attendance it is apparent the attendance has been on a decline.
I myself agree we do need to bring back the parade as a means to draw people in, but it alone is not enough. If you recall a few years back the parade was canceled from lack of participation from entries. Part of the draw in the past was it was in fall and tied to band competition at the high school. This brought in people from other communities who came for the parade, enjoyed Roundup Days, while attending the competition. Being the event is in the summer there is no other local event to feed off of. Also people are out of town enjoying their vacation.
So back to the point these events were to create funding for salaries it is clear that we will not see a parade in the new future as it would cut into the funding for the salaries.
Now that we understand why we don’t and will not see a parade again could someone justify why the chamber pays the salary to two employees who have a track record of not bringing business one to Raytown.
It is nice to know in is short time with the city Tom Cole has done more to bring in business than anyone the city has seen in sometime. If Tom has justified what he can do for Raytown shouldn’t the chamber let these two employees go and invest in the community. They could move event dates around and have the funding for the parade, which would allow Raytown business owners to promote their business to individuals outside of Raytown. I know if I was a business owner I would go the cost of joining the chamber as they don’t do anything to help the little guy, file vacate buildings and promote Raytown within Greater Kansas City.
I hope the new Chamber Board President has what it take to change the direction of the chamber and bring about a group that works for all businesses and the betterment of Raytown economics as a whole. Until than it appears the chamber will remain a pit that supplies money to a select group to help them feel good about themselves.
Not sure that it would not work during Summerfest. I remember hearing on the radio that the St. patricks day parade in k.c. started from a very small group of guys who were celebrating St. Patrick's day at a bar and decided to move to another bar downt the street.
It was a small step, but look where it is today. From the poll a tthe top of this page is looks like there is some merit to the idea of bringing back some sort of parade if for no other reason than simple civic pride.
Give it a chance. It may be the start of something good!
I, my high school daughter and her friend, and a couple I know all mentioned on Saturday how we miss the parade. :(
I know lots of people who said on Saturday they miss the parade.
Thanks to the excellent work of Tom Cole and Beth Linn, the chamber may not be necessary. I wonder why the City or the Main Street organization doesn't promote the events?
The Chamber is also a place prospective residents call. I wasn't aware the chamber was supposed to attract new businesses. I called the Chamber before buying my house. There may have been different people there back then, but I was lied to and told that Raytown has the lowest taxes in the metro.
Andy Whiteman
I used to take my boy to the parade when it was downtown. The Caylor's opened their store and after the parade, we were entertained by their gospel music. Why can't there be a parade in the morning and the high school band competition in the afternoon?
Could it be because the downtown area is mostly empty and would be an embarassement to City Hall? They've given away the farm down on 350 highway. They can build a bike path to nowhere. Must be there isn't any money left for downtown. How many developers have come to Raytown, taken our money, then declared downtown a lost cause?
We had a chance a couple of months ago to make some major changes. We chose to keep the same faces. Now we get to live with that decision.
Andy, how long have you lived in Raytown? You weren't lied to when you moved here. Back then, we had one of the lowest tax rates in the metro area. Thanks to Mayors Frank and Bowers, the tax rate has gone sky high. They gave away tax dollars to Hy-Ve, Walmart, Applebee's, IHOP, and Save a Lot.
From your past posts, I'm guessing you voted for David Bowers and Jim Azier. Quityourbitching. You are getting exactly what you deserve.
Of interest"
Save-A-Lot is owned by SVU:
Supervalu Herkert's pay is cut 72 percent
Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal - by Ed Stych, Staff Writer
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 9:18am CDT
Related:Retailing & Restaurants
Tracking the pay of Minnesota’s business leaders
Craig Herkert
Supervalu Inc. (NYSE: SVU)
Headquarters: Eden Prairie
Business: Operates supermarkets
2010: $2.97 million, down 72.5 percent
2009: $10.79 million
Base salary
2010: $850,000
2009: $654,000
Incentive pay
2010: None
2009: $398,000
Stock awards
2010: None
2009: $6.78 million
Option awards
2010: $2 million
2009: $2 million
Other compensation
2010: $109,000
2009: $956,000
Herkert's large cut in pay came in a tough year for Supervalu, which lost $1.5 billion in the last fiscal year, which ended this past February.
Tracking the pay of Minnesota’s business leaders
Craig Herkert
Supervalu Inc. (NYSE: SVU)
Headquarters: Eden Prairie
Business: Operates supermarkets
Total pay
2010: $2.97 million, down 72.5 percent
2009: $10.79 million
Base salary
2010: $850,000
2009: $654,000
Incentive pay
2010: None
2009: $398,000
Stock awards
2010: None
2009: $6.78 million
Option awards
2010: $2 million
2009: $2 million
Other compensation
2010: $109,000
2009: $956,000
Herkert's large cut in pay came in a tough year for Supervalu, which lost $1.5 billion in the last fiscal year, which ended this past February.
Read more: Supervalu Herkert's pay is cut 72 percent | Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal
And where is all the money to pay for this parade going to come from? There are a lot of cops to pay overtime to, not to mention some public works folks to set up and remove the barricades. The city budget is tight enough now without adding this substantial cost to it.
There will always be those who can think of reasons to not do something.
Maybe the police can donate their time (LOL). Or, perhaps the parade could be scaled back for Raytown groups only.
Not as much to manage that way.
It is doable.
10:38 AM, You are wrong. Taxes were outrageous when I moved here. Most people don't see there tax bill so they have no knowledge of where their tax $$$ goes. Last year 75% of my tax $$$$ went to the Dysfunctional School District up from 67% the year before.
You don't know who I voted for and I ain't saying.
Andy Whiteman
City wide events are great. But it does take volunteers and donations. The Chamber puts on Summerfest, the Main Street Group has been doing the Easter Egg Hunt and the Holiday Lighting Ceremony and your right we are missing a fall event like the parade. The city needs to have an event planner person that works on city wide events.
The chamber has quite a few members. Go to their office and ask for one of their directories. Don't know hwat the answer is to get the business community behind such events but i really do not think we need another full time bureaucrat at city hall to hold a parade.
It all comes back to city hall doing its job. Clean up the city. Enforce your codes properly. Make community service part of the dialogue. The business and residential stake holders will join in if given that lead.
By the way. 350 highway up by Taco Bell is beginning to look like a commercial truck dump. Don't you city guys see that? Or are the blinders pulled too tightly around your head?
If Raytown was a city people were proud of, parades and festivals would be initiated and operated by private groups. The government need not be involved.
As I walked through the unlevel grass area set up for commercial booths last weekend, I thought "This is sad". What other community festival have you seen that was so weak?
I did see the Mayor riding in a golf cart while I was trying not to step in a hole.
If this city needs a event planner it should not be the head of the codes dept. That is one of the reasons Beth Linn could not do her job. The mayor had her doing to many other things such as being a event planner. There is enough to do to be a Dept. Head of Codes if you are doing your job and we all know that job is not being done at all right now.
I went down to the River Key a couple of weeks ago to pickup some resturant supplies and guess who I saw walking the streets, our Mayor. Maybe if he spent more time walking the streets here in Raytown he might be able to see just how bad things are but I doubt that because he doesn't want to see it.
7:46AM, Maybe the city guys don't go that way. I drive only on the other side of the road and at 45MPH not much is observed since my attention is focused on traffic.
Why don't you report the violations?
Andy Whiteman
I saw that Raytown EMS made the early evening news. What to go guys. I guess we should expect a big lawsuit to go with the deficit your department has created. Why isn't Raytown EMS and Raytown
Fire completed a merged yet? Talk about a huge waste of tax payers dollars.
I was shocked when I saw the Raytown EMS story. Being a former EMT, I find it difficult to believe EMTs would conduct themselves in the manner claimed. Their alleged conduct and protocol is blatantly wrong. The news story showed pages of written statements. An investigation is needed including an examination of the case chart from Raytown EMS, the hospital (including doctor's and nurse's knowledge of the incident), interviewing the witnesses, time logs, and radio tapes.
I was unaware of any plan to combine Fire and EMS. From what I hear, it hasn't worked well in KCMO and doubt such a combination would benefit Raytown. RFD currently works together with EMS.
Andy Whiteman
it is way to go guys.
bring out the you really think thats what happened? do you think the news made more of it than it really was?...I would just keep your mouth shut until you have some info otherwise you are another troll on this weak ass blog.
i know greg you wont print...dennis
it is way to go guys.
do you really think thats what happened? do you think the news made more of it than it really was?...I would just keep your mouth shut until you have some info
The following two posts are from Fox 4 News. To view the news story the posts refer to go to the front page of this week's Raytown Report for a link to Fox 4 News.
Raytownresident at 12:22 AM June 16, 2011
Exactly! Lady would be dead if they were not timely and professional. I know MANY if not all of the crews at EMS and the Fire Dept. I cant think of a soul there that would treat someone the way she claims to have been treated. Woman needs to get a grip. I thank god that I live in the city of Raytown. I know they will get here in any emergency situation asap and I have had to call them several times for things over the years. They do a lot for our community and I know Matt Cushman would never stand for anything but excellent care and consideration for every patient they come across no matter age, race, religion, whatever! Hats off to those people who work long shifts away from their families to save people (and property) like that woman and many times extra shifts to make sure our city is ALWAYS covered!!!
bs2362 at 8:17 PM June 15, 2011
As a former emergency services provider I have to call foul, as there seem to be a few problems with this story. First, the woman claims the paramedics made her walk to the ambulance, then goes on to explain how they lifted her by her torso and carried her to the cot. She complained that they did so roughly. There is no way to pick up and carry a sick person gracefully. Second, she claims the paramedic cursed at her, but goes on to say the paramedic said "s***" when she vomited into her oxygen mask. Given that the imminent risk of aspiration is potentially a life threatening situation, uttering such an expletive, while not real professional, is probably not out of expectations. Lastly she claims they took their time, but then goes on to say the doctors told her the only reason she survived was her quick treatment and arrival at the hospital.
Your news story stated the response time was 3 minutes, which is incredibly good by metro area standards.
It seems to me that the story here is a woman who should be thanking the emergency crews for saving her life rather than finding fault with their actions in a medical emergency.
The trucks at Taco Bell are a mess. You can call your Alderman in Ward 1 for help on that issue. Alderman Creamer and ParDue will be more than willing to listen to you if you can get them to answer their phone or return your call if you leave a message. These two don't hae a clue what an aldermans job is. Par Due thinks it is wearing that sill hat to events , and Creamer just likes to run his mouth. Good luck getting help from these to num nuts
It sounds like that woman thinks she has hit the Great American jackpot. She receied a city service. Now she can claim misconduct. 2-1 she sues and settles for big bucks. Just another scammer.
11AM, My thoughts exactly. There should be an investigation to clear our EMS people of the allegations.
I called the county assessor again questioning comps. I spoke with a very helpful person who explained that if the sale is by a bank, they consider it undervalued and increase the assessment. I stated that I didn't feel this was the right thing to do because many of these have been vacant a long time and are in dire need of repair. I felt those "as is" homes aren't worth the increased assessed valuation. Consequently someone will come out and reassess my house. I suggest calling the assessor and stating your case. I believe Friday the 17th is the last day.
Meanwhile, I an willing to sell for assessed value of $111,300.
Link to listing:
Andy Whiteman
From what I hear there was an investigation. All policies were followed and there is no evidence that the crews acted improperly. I can tell you that I have seen these folks work, and I know Mr. Cushman would never stand for anything that was less than professional
I want to thank the Raytown Report for bringing this story forward. Your even-handed coverage of the issue by letting the story tell itself and giving space to both sides of the issue is a credit to your publication.
Don't people understand that a way to cut cost and improve services is to combine EMS and Fire. That is the problem with this town. Everyone talks about working together, but we have two water companies, a seperate EMS and Fire Department, etc. This creates confusion, cost overruns, and eventually it is the citizens and taxpayers who pay for this non cooperative spirit of business as ususal.
I would like to see Raytown have another parade.
I also think the Chamber should pay for it.
Has anyone ever asked the board, who pays for
the police the preporation of the grounds
and the clean-up after the Summerfest?
I believe the people of Raytown, you pay
for the chambers money making party.
to 7:38
it was looked at and the combination would cost more to put forward than it would save. all aspects including retraining of dispatchers,fleet costs overtime and salary,benefits,cross training of the EMS workers to meet flsa standards, in firefighting,cost of gear.
All these were explored at all levels and by both the City and the Fire district. THERE IS NO SAVINGS AND MORE COST.
Im sure you dont believe me or have other info but i have spoken with the Fire dist Union representive and that is what they told me. Yes the Union covers EMS and Fire department.
The only ones who would lose with the merge of Raytown EMS and Fire Department are the ones who fight to maintain status quo and their jobs. Apparently, that includes you, Anonymous 6:08PM. So hang in there and argue against any change that could combine services, reduce overhead and benefit the citizens of Raytown.
Since you are obviously an EMS supporter (employee?) and have had discussions into the matter, perhaps you can enlighten the rest of us in how two separate life saving agencies, serving 10 square miles, are unable to save money and enhance quality of services by combining Fire and EMS resources to be more cost effective and provide improved services?
I'm sorry, but you are blinded by your own self interest and not looking objectively at the big picture.
The money has always been there. The city mismanages it. The parade was there until Sue and her cronies aka chamber of commerce did away with it. It just did not fit with the decor of the new Raytown with the Nike Swoosh symbol. Who the heck is William Ray and why should anyone care, right? Forget that this used to be the country, hence "Round up Days". Plus, they used the old 63rd st bridge being taken out as a lame excuse for ceasing the Round up parade tradition. There were other routes available for the parade on a temporary basis.
Several months ago, my mother fell and needed assistance getting back up. We called the fire department (properly it is the Raytown Fire Protection Distinct, which is different from a fire department). They came out, also along with EMS for a lift assist. They where nothing but polite and helpful, even though EMS was not needed, they where still willing to check her out. Several things could have happened here. One, sometimes people simply have a bad day, and two people's perspective is not always the way it seems. So in this case -- grated it is conjecture -- that when people are upset, scared, and not feeling well, we sometimes are hyper-sensitive to the comments and actions of other around us. In all likelihood, the comments and actions where taken the wrong way, or at least not in the way it was intended.
I had to call the ambulance for a friend of mine who was very ill. The ems personnel that came were EXTREMElY helpful, understanding and treated my friend with diginty. I personally don't believe a word of what this person is saying . I think she has dollar signs in her eyes.
Well 8:34
No i am not employed by Raytown EMS.
I do know that the same problems with merging services are some of the same problem that Kansas City is dealing with.
So i got a deal for you. If you are up for it?.
Outline the cost savings for us. If it is as simple as you say it is please explain to me the savings.
flsa standards as it pertains to emergeny service workers and the 56 hour work week.
Cross training the Current EMS workers to basic standards in firefighting.
Cross training the dispatchers to handle pre arrival instructions.
the additional cost to the fire department budget for health care, benifits,
You talk long and hard. Please put up something to back your words.
I can make one phone call to the fire district and i bet i can have hard numbers that back up my statements within a day.
And before you ask no i do not work there but i have several good friends that do.
So lets hear it? Where are savings? Same amount of people on payroll,same vehicles on street,collection rate about 60%,increased pay for EMS workers to cross-train,overtime to cover spots until all cross-training is completed,buy in to fire district pension,buy out by city for there pension...dazzle me with your wisdom, because i got a good idea about that five cent head.
My memory of the ending of the parade was that a downtown developer wouldn't allow it because it would be in the way of his development. BTW: I haven't seen any development take place!
I am glad they ended the Weekend of Hell AKA Round Up Days. That thing was a nuisance with too much noise, trash cans not used causing excessive litter (Raytown looked like a slum), and streets blocked off with heavy traffic diverted to residential streets.
Andy Whiteman
I think you are blinded by your lack off knowledge regarding the subject.
I do love the response and the challenge to come up with facts to back your statements.
And the classic "Bull Durham" quote at the end is priceless.
I guess you could say the same thing about disbanding the police department and rely on Jackson County Sheriffs and Hiway Patrol.
Finely language provides significantly more than the ability to communicate.
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