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Every Picture Tells a Story
You don't have to go far to find idyllic scenery in the Kansas City area. The two pictures above are of the Little Blue Trace bicycle trail. The 15 mile trail follows the course of the Little Blue Trace river in Eastern Jackson County.
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Paul Livius |
ALDI'S REVIEW by Paul Livius
I had occasion to stop at the new Aldi’s store in Raytown. I’ve talked with people who were excited about Aldi’s coming to Raytown. They were tired of driving to the Independence store. They kept telling me how wonderful Aldi’s was and how they don’t shop anywhere else. I was looking forward to going.
The first thing I noticed when I walked into the store was a puddle of dirty water about 100 feet inside the front door. As I looked around, I saw dirty floors throughout the store. I’m not talking about shoe scuffs; I’m talking about bits of paper, clumps of dirt, and some sort of grit on the floor. A broom at mid-day would have solved this problem.
The prices are definitely lower than other grocery stores, but there isn’t a brand name in the place. Everything they sell is generic, off-brand items. If you compare the prices of the items at Aldi’s to the off-brand items at the other grocery stores, you might save 1% at Aldi’s. But, if you’re looking for Pepsi or Purina Dog Chow, you’ll be out of luck. If you don’t care about brands, you’re in the right place.
I checked out the produce section. They sell the usual – tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, etc. Most items are prepackaged. If you want potatoes, you buy the bag, not one or two. I found a few items sold separately, cantaloupe, lettuce, and plums. If you live alone, or have a small family, you may not be able to eat a whole package. I also found a package of very green bananas. It’ll take a week for them to ripen.
Other grocery stores in the area are brighter, have better lighting, and are much cleaner. Aldi’s has low price off-brand items. Some will like Aldi’s and some will not.
The big question is: The City of Raytown loaned Aldi’s $650,000. The store hasn’t started drawing a lot of customers. Can they make it in Raytown, or will they pull up stakes and leave the city holding the bag again?*
* Editor's Note: In the 1970's there was an Aldi's located in Raytown. It was in a strip mall that included a Spartan Atlantic Store. Neither store lasted very long at the location. The Raytown School District purchased the property and converted it to a vocational/technical school. The location is now home to Walmart on 350 Highway.
The Paul Livius Report by Paul LiviusWork Session October 4, 2011
Mahesh Sharma, City Administrator, and Jeremy Willmoth, Finance Director, presented an overview of the 2011-2012 Budget. Mr. Willmoth said that when asked how big a town Raytown is, he tells them Raytown has 214.81 full time employees, a population of about 30,000 people and a budget of $30 million.
- Raytown has been able to balance the budget in the past three years because of the settlement from Telecom
- They explained how the budget was developed and budgeting strategy.
- They explained Raytown’s demographics
· Population decreased from 30,388 to 29,526
· Per Capita income increased from $21,634 to 24,817
· Average age decreased from 39.8 years to 36.1 years
· High School graduation rate decreased from 87.3% of the students to 86.8%
· School enrollment increased from 8,367 students to 8,837
· Unemployment rate sky-rocketed from 1.6% to 9.1%
· Raytown is 67.8% white, 25.1% African-American, 5.1% Hispanic and 2% other
- This year’s budget allows for a 2% pay increase for the full time employees
For more information on Raytown’s budget go to the following website: Power Point Presentation of Raytown's Budget
This is the PowerPoint presentation given to the Aldermen.
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting – October 4, 2011
The Invocation was given by Stephen King, of the Ivanhoe United Church in Christ.
- Mayor Bower proclaimed October to be Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- Mayor Bower proclaimed the week of October 9 through October 15 to be Fire Prevention Week
- Chief Lynch presented a check in the amount of $9,000 to REAP from the Golf Tournament.
During public comments, Michael Downing said while he and his wife were out of town, there was a fire at his home in April, 2009. He said the pet-sitter discovered the fire and called 911. The fire department went into the burning house and saved his cats. According to city ordinance, the cats were taken to the city animal shelter, Raytown Animal Hospital. The Downing’s immediately flew back to Raytown, and the next day he went to get his cats. He said they were still covered with soot and grime. When he asked the veterinarian why the cats weren’t checked, cleaned up, or treated, he was told the cats received the care that was in the contract with the city. Mr. Downing asked that this loophole in the law be closed. He pointed out that if a person was in a fire and transported to a hospital, that person would be checked out and given appropriate treatment. Animals should be no different and he urged the city to require the Animal Hospital to treat animals taken there from accidents or fires.
Martha Cockral, with Three Trails Kiwanis and Cave Spring Nature Park invited everyone to attend the second annual Pumpkins on Parade. It is free and will be held on Saturday, October 22 from 4:30 to 9:00 pm. The trail will be lit with lanterns and there will games for the children, as well as food vendors.
Pam Clark, with the Main Street Association, reminded the Board of Aldermen to put $1,260 in the budget for the snowflake lights that will be put on the 63rd Street Bridge during the Holiday season.
Kendra Albert told the Board that Raytown has a euthanasia rate of 50% for animals taken to the animal shelter. She said the shelter could use other alternatives to euthanasia, such as pet adoptions, using Pet Finders, seeking local pet adoptions, or contacting rescue groups. The euthanasia rate is too high.
Andy Whiteman said October is Fire Prevention month. He said there are many people living in rental houses and apartments. He asked if the landlord is required to put in smoke detectors. He said he thought this should be the property owners’ responsibility, not the tenants’. He went on to say that the Raytown Times reported that 148 animals were euthanized in Raytown. He thinks this violates the animals’ civil rights. There is an adoption center across the street from Raytown Animal Hospital. He asked why the animals aren’t being adopted out, instead of murdered. Raytown should be a “no-kill” city. He said that last month residents from the Wildwood Home Owners Association came to the meeting to address the Board. He objected to the rude and disorderly manner in which they left. There was a resident addressing the Board when the residents from Wildwood walked out, and he couldn’t hear what the man was saying because they were so loud. He objected to the work sessions being held at 6:00. It is too early for residents to get to City Hall. He has heard allegations that the meetings are held early so the Department heads who don’t live in Raytown won’t have to wait two hours for the Board of Aldermen meetings. This could be resolved if the Department heads lived in Raytown.
Rachel Sloan told the Board she has some ideas to reduce the euthanasia rate in Raytown. Currently, she said, residents are allowed to have four pets per household. She said if the ordinance was changed to allow a resident to have four permanent pets and foster four pets on a temporary basis that would reduce the kill-rate. The city could require the resident to obtain permissions from neighbors, put a time limit on fostering, require fostered pets to be spayed or neutered, and be current on their shots. If she can think of these ideas, why can’t the Board?
Mayor Bower said the Ribbon Cutting was held at the new Raytown IHOP on October 5. Sutherland Lumber is making progress on the building. On October 15, the annual Run for Excellence will be held. This supports the Raytown schools. He also reported that many of the Aldermen went to Branson, MO for MPR to learn about the city’s insurance.
- Alderman Mock reported the Raytown Council on Aging and Shepherds Center will be hosting an AARP community conversation on Social Security and Medicare. There is no charge for this event. It will be help October 14 at the Raytown City Hall from 10:30 am to Noon. He asked anyone interested to RSVP by October 6 by calling 816-356-9000.
- Mahesh Sharma asked the Board to make a motion to amend the budget in order to allocate $1,260 to purchase snow flake lights for the Main Street Association. All Aldermen, except White, voted yes.
- The Mayor opened the floor to allow the Aldermen to ask questions about the 2011-2012 budget. Alderman Ertz commented that the city needs to do a better job of informing the homeowners of the assistance available if their sanitary sewers back up.
- A resolution came before the Board concerning certain property owned by the City Parks Department and was considered surplus. This property needs to be disposed of by auction on Purple Wave. Kevin Boji reported the Park Board replaced a 2001 Dodge Dakota with 80,000 miles and a 1996 Ford Ranger with 70,400 miles. Alderman Ertz asked if there was a minimum bid on Purple Wave. Mr. Boji said there was not. Alderman VanBuskirk asked why these vehicles are being sold when they have such low mileage. Mr. Boji said the Dakota carried a 1,500 pound water tank. The brakes and power steering need replaced. They consider these vehicles to be at the end of their service life. Alderman Mock asked if employees could have an opportunity to purchase the vehicles before putting them on Purple Wave. Mr. Boji said anyone can bid on vehicles through Purple Wave. The motion passed.
- A resolution authorizing the City Administrator to enter into an agreement with the Raytown Animal Hospital for veterinary services associated with animal control came before the Board. John Benson said bids were sent to several veterinary clinics, and the only reply was from Raytown Animal Hospital. Alderman VanBuskirk asked how much was spent last year. Mr. Benson said $30,000. Alderman Creamer asked what the city can do to reduce the euthanasia rate. Mr. Benson said they try to get the animals back to the owners. They have to look at the cost to the city if they owner refuses to claim the animal. He said the number of animals abandoned to the city has increased. In some cases, it was because the owner simply didn’t have the money to pay the fine. Also, some animals can’t be adopted out because they are vicious or they bite. That would be a liability issue for the city. Alderman Creamer said an organization called “Chain of Hope” will take the animals instead of allowing them to be euthanized. Alderman Aziere said there is a difference between an animal shelter and a veterinary clinic. The shelter works from donations, and the veterinary clinic charges fees to the owners. Dr. Rose, owner of the Raytown Animal Hospital said the rate of animals returned to owners far exceeds the number of animals euthanized. Alderman Hamilton asked if the prices quoted on the bid from the Raytown Animal Hospital is comparable to what is charged other cities. Mr. Benson said he didn’t know what other cities paid for animal control, but this was the only bid returned. Alderman White said the city should not dictate what care is given to the animals taken to the shelter. That should be up to the veterinarian to determine. The resolution passed.
- The resolution amending the Sanitary Sewer budget as related to the Sanitary Sewer capital improvement project budget was passed.
- The Aldermen heard the first reading for an ordinance granting an amendment approving conditional use permit to operate an auto sales business at 11900 E. 350 Highway. John Benson said the Board had three options: approve the amendment for a specific period of time; rescind the requirement for the construction of curbs, shoulders and landscaping and make no improvements to the highway; or require the improvements be made before issuing a business license. Alderman Lightfoot asked if the islands and landscaping had been done. Mr. Benson said the islands were completed, but the landscaping was not done. Alderman Ertz asked if the Board required a surety bond, would that cover the cost of the curb construction three years from now. Mr. Noll said the city could require the owner to provide a surety and performance bond. He recommended the city take that action before allowing the business to open. Mayor Bower reminded the Board this is the first reading, not the second. The next meeting is October 18. If it takes ten days to get both bonds, and the owner starts the landscaping at that time, he will be putting in the landscaping around November 1. He said the next request from the owner will be can I wait until spring to start landscaping? He said the requirements for this project by the city have not changed, but nothing has happened. Alderman Mock said he went by the property and they have not started the dirt work. They can’t do the landscaping until the ground is leveled out. He is not in favor of a three year extension. He thought one year was more appropriate. Alderman Hamilton asked if the extension is given, and the owner sells the property, would the same requirements be made of the new owner. Mr. Benson said the requirements belong to the property, not the owner. He was unsure if the bonds would transfer from one owner to another. Alderman Lightfoot recommended an extension of one year instead of three. He asked how many cars the lot would hold. He was told the lot will hold 96 cars. Alderman White suggested an extension of 18 months. Alderman Lightfoot moved the extension be changed from three years to 18 months and require the owner to provide both surety and performance bonds. He also asked the board to suspend the rules and vote that night. Mayor Bower opened the floor to public comments. Andy Whiteman said the conversations were going back and forth. The Mayor said that no conditions have been met. Why should anyone put money into a project without an agreement from the city? He said he drove by the property. The whole area is run down. There is no curbing there. Why should this owner put in curbs when no one else has curbs? The Mayor said other businesses are required to put in curbs if ownership changes. Alderman Ertz stated that 18 months is enough time, especially since this is the second extension requested by this owner for this properly.
- The Board heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing a Memo of Understanding between Jackson County, MO Storm Commission and the City of Raytown.
The meeting was adjourned.
Bits and Pieces by Greg Walters
An unusually hectic agenda filled the Board of Aldermen’s plate at last Tuesday’s meeting. An analysis of the meeting and the facts it exposed follow:
TO THE DOGS: Local political gadfly and self anointed political kingmaker Michael Downing is angry. Two years ago his house caught on fire. His two pet cats were rescued by the Raytown Fire Department. The fire department turned the cats over to Raytown Animal Hospital. The animal hospital, which holds the contract pertaining to stray animals with the city, kept his pets warm, dry and fed until Downing returned. Downing is upset because he feels the animals were not cleaned up properly for his return. He has waited two years for the contract to be renewed to make his complaint public!
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Wickett |
I checked with my puppy dog, Wickett (pictured at left), for her feedback.
“Wickett told me that even though she suspects that Downing’s two cats are distantly related to her mortal enemy, El Gato (aka; Smokey, one of the neighborhood cats), she is pleased that the fire department saved Mr. Downing’s pets.
Wickett is glad that the Raytown Animal Hospital took care of the cats for the 24 hours it took Mr. Downing to return from his trip to recover them.
The three year window is the part that caught my attention. Why? Because it is the same length of time the Mayor and Board of Aldermen have given City Administrator Mahesh Sharma to locate his home in Raytown. In fact, they have given him the extension twice for a total of six years!
The Mayor and Board have chosen to ignore that requirement for Mr. Mahesh. Why not extend the same deal to a potential business owner? Why the double standard?
Controversy Shrouds “Memo of Understanding”
A “memo of understanding” between the City of Raytown and the Raytown Park Board of Directors has stirred up a hornet’s nest of reaction. The fallout is significant. Long time President of the Raytown Park Board, Bob Smith, has resigned his positions. Other Park Board members are reluctant to speak on the issue.
When asked for a copy of the “memo of understanding” being proposed by the city Park Board Director, Kevin Boji, effectively dodged the issue by turning the request over to City Hall.
It is important to note that the “memo of understanding” is a communication between the City of Raytown and the Raytown Park Board. It is a public document. So far, requests for a copy of the document have been met with stonewalling and discussions that left this writer wondering why the apprehension by individuals contacted regarding the memo.
So far, the following has been made clear from discussions with representatives of city hall and the Park Board.
- The discussions that led to the memo of understanding began last July.
- The driving force behind the discussions is not at all clear. When directly asked who was behind the memo, this writer was told to ask the Mayor. Another individual opined that it may very well be city staff. Aldermen contacted regarding the memo pleaded ignorance to its content.
- It is clear that the memo would affect the autonomous role of the Park Board. To what extent, will not be known until the memo is released.
What is most disconcerting about the issue is the “behind closed doors” manner in which City Hall is conducting the city’s business. Not unlike the recent Wildwood Lakes debacle it is becoming clear that there have been many discussions, out of view with the public, on a matter that should be held in public session.
The Raytown Board of Aldermen, whether they are participants to the discussions or not, have a responsibility for the city to clean up its act.
Stop the secret meetings. Open up the discussions to public debate.
Guest Editorial from Fit Bottomed Girls
FBG’s second-annual Guest Bloggers’ Week may have come and gone, but this guest post and reader success story was good enough that we just had to share. Tina Reale, who blogs at Faith Fitness Fun, candidly shares her struggle with binge eating. A stay-at-home mother of two, she shares her life in order to show a balanced, healthy... Continue reading
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Now I understand why they have the 6M secret meeting. I would have pointed out a FALSE statement:
"Raytown has been able to balance the budget in the past three years because of the settlement from Telecom."
It is alleged that the settlement is from telecom. Does any one really believe that telecom would roll over and fork out $MILLIONS? I never believed it. At least AT&T didn't pay it out of their pocket. It appears on my bill monthly. The so called telecom settlement is an out and out LIE. It actually a rate payer settlement. I personally view it as franchise tax in arrears being added to my AT&T bills. Obviously we are supposed to believe that the city obtained this "gift" from telecom. Lets call it what it really is: A FRANCHISE TAX IN ARREARS NOW BEING COLLECTED FROM US THE TAX PAYERS! Is anyone dumb enough to believe that telecom paid this much???
I am amazed that the cat care issue was brought up 2 years after the fire! I would have addressed it immediately. If it was me I would be calling to check on Red Dogg and give permission for care if necessary. I point out that if the cats had been people transported to the ER, permission for care is (other than emergency life saving care) required either from the person or an authorized person such a family member entitle to authorize care.
Greg, please tell Wickett that Dr. Rose and all of his staff provide high quality medical care with personal attention. He and his staff are very caring. Red Dogg likes everyone there as do I. Raytown Animal Hospital also has grooming and boarding services available if Wickett would ever like a bath and trim.
Andy Whiteman
What kind of aperson waits two years to try to undermine a private aninmal hospital from bidding on city work? Shame on you Mr. Downing. Your kind of politics is what turns people off. Dr. Rose has been a good businessman for Raytown. He opened his own animal shelter to find pets a home. What have you done?
There was a discussion at the BOA meeting about an incident with a Labrador. I don't recall this incident in the past. Is this something else that is brought up 2 years after the fact?
People don't seem to know there is a statue of limitations.
I do remember an incident where a cat was run over on Blue Ridge Blvd late at night. I called animal control and the cat was transported to Raytown Animal Hospital. I followed up in a for timely manner (days not years).
Andy Whiteman
Don't know about the Labrador.
Shaggy dog tales are many in Raytown. I remember years ago that a pit bull attacked an owner and his horse at The Stables on 63rd Street. More recently a woman in a wheel chair and her puppy were attacked in east Raytown.
The woman survived, the puppy did not.
In Gregory Heights there were reported incidents in one neighborhood where people were afraid to leave their homes because of lax enforcement of animal control codes.
In one case the animal control officer was a "friend" of an owner of some large dogs -- rather than turn them in to dog pound, he was returning the dogs to the owner!
Other incidents included joggers trapped on top of cars, mailmen who refused to deliver mail to certain houses because of dogs, even one case where a dog owner tried to "hide" his animal from city inspectors after the Municipal Court had ruled the animal be removed from the city.
As a bicycle rider I know there were some areas that I avoided because dogs would give chase when I peddled down the street.
Seven years ago the Municipal Judge and the City Prosecutor asked me to tighten up the city's laws on animal control because of the proliferation of animal control problems like those described above.
The end result is the Dangerous Animal Ordinance the city currently has on the books. It seems to be working.
The committee I chaired focused on punishing the owner rather than the dog.
It has been a successful piece of legislation. In fact, the Board of Aldermen has left it intact without any changes for all these years -- a true measure of good legislation.
From what I've heard about the park department and its problems with city hall it is all about the money.
City hall wants to control and maintain the money accounts for the park department.
After seeing how city hall handles the city's finances I am not sure it is a good idea.
I have been saying for over twelve years that
Raytown does not want new small businesses to come
in. For as many years this town has made it almost
imposable for new small businesses to afford to
try Raytown.
Just try and start up a business in this town.
You will not be given any written code to go by.
You will not be helped by City Hall and as you are
working on your building trying to stay within
your budget this city will start making you do
things that you would never count on having to do.
Say you are working on your building and are just about
at the end of your start up funds. In walks the city
and tells you, you will need to install curbs on the
street before they will give you a license to open.
Then comes the piling on of more codes. All requiring
you to hire an architect to design all these new requirements.
If a prospective new business owner wants to come to Raytown
he or she should first go to City Hall and ask what will be
required before they can open or get their operating license.
GET IT IN WRITING!!!!! This will keep the codes czar out
of their hair.
Would you explain how we could have a budget issue at city hall?
I mean Wal-Mart is bring in all that tax dollars and we have all those professionals at city hall we should be the gem of MO.
Michael Downings two year wait to try to undermine a local veterinarian's bid on the housing of stray animals in Raytown seems to have backfired on him.
From what I read in the minutes published here it appears the veterinarian did everything that was required.
I bet this Downing character spent long cold nights plotting his revenge.
His actions are disgusting.
Sometimes the bike rider is at fault. When we first moved to town, a bike rider would ride close to Hank Dogg and me! Hank would lunge at the bike rider. Fortunately for the biker, he was out of biting range by the time Hank lunged. Finally I told that idiot not to ride so close unless he wanted to be bitten.
The DDO started out as discriminatory but finally turned into a good piece of leglislation.
Andy Whiteman
Dear writer of 'Controversy Shrouds “Memo of Understanding”"
I recommend that if you believe the city is operating “behind closed doors” as you have written that you contact the State Attorney General's Office?
I am sure they will be able to address the issue or inform you that the city is operating within the letter of the law.
If you have issues with the state attorney's office you might talk with the candidates about this issue as the will be an election in 2012 to elect our next attorney general.
Jeremy Wilmoth, the City of Raytown’s Finance Director, has tendered his resignation with the City of Raytown effective November 11th. He has been accepted for the position of Cowley County Administrator. Cowley County is located just south of Wichita near the Oklahoma border.
Will Jeremy Wilmoth have to relocate?
I know this seems like a silly question, but one would expect special treatment for professional individuals like we have in Raytown.
Please drive around the city we don't have a codes czar for if we did we wouldn't have all of the code violations that are allowed.
Maybe for Pat's benefit and those folks that clam never to read your blog you could post the property maintenance codes, which are under section 13 of our municipal codes.
It might help many realize that codes are not enforced in Raytown and is why our city looks like the ghetto parts of Kansas City.
We can all hope that by posting the codes the citizen will start to cleanup the city as the professionals at city hall just are not getting the job done.
Sorry to hear that Jeremy is leaving. He did an excellent job as fiance administrator. I hope his replacement knows what he/she is doing and can put it into plain English. Maybe I should apply, I could telecommute from NM.
Re Aldi:
I have never been into the Raytown store but have been at the 75th & Wornall store many times.
I have never considered Aldi to be a grocery store. I go there for certain items only. I agree about produce packaging. There may be a bad banana or whatever in the package so you have no selection. The prepackaging means the checkout person doesn't have to weigh produce and works more quickly. I am not picky about brands. Brands mean you pay extra for the name. Many generics are made by the same company making the brand, but under a different label. I go to Aldi for the low price of generics. I buy a lot of generic Gator Aide stuff at 69 cents vs. $1.29 to give to my letter carrier, trash collectors, UPS, Fedex, etc.
Aldi has a fairly strict work policy and I never see any one at 75th and Wornall loafing. The cashiers must scan a certain number of items per hour so if no one is in line they log off the register and are doing other work.
I think Aldi is great for those who want generics without a fully stocked grocery store convenience.
I have always doubted that the sales tax would make the bond payments because Aldi is NOT high volume. Don't worry there will be another windfall from Raytown taxpayers.
Andy Whiteman
The old Aldi store was next door to the Westlake's, (to the north) not down below where the voc-tech was. If I recall correctly I was told that used to be a Kroger. It (the Aldi) was there in the early to mid 1980's. People who shop at Aldi's already know that they will not find name brand, for the most part (on occasion they will have specials, like Pringle's or like Whitecastle burgers in the box). For the most part their quality on canned goods is just as good as the name brand. Aldi is a "discount" store, you do not pay for the "niceties". They have a small staff, perhaps only two or three people working, cashiers often stock shelves when not checking people out.
A reminder to all readers: I have recently received posts that take personal shots at individuals, both public and private.
There are few rules on this blog, but the ones we have will be enforced.
No profanity. Not even the hint of profanity will be allowed.
Personal attacks, name calling, etc. will not be allowed. You can make your point without hitting below the belt.
A recent post suggested that I contact the Missouri Attorney General's office regarding a story we ran earlier this week.
It is a fair question.
To clarify the article I am re-printing the paragraph in which the term behind closed doors is used in its entirety here.
"What is most disconcerting about the issue is the behind closed doors manner in which City Hall is conducting the city’s business. Not unlike the recent Wildwood Lakes debacle it is becoming clear that there have been many discussions, out of view with the public, on a matter that should be held in public session."
The paragraph does not say the city has had closed door meetings. But it is very clear that business discussions that should be conducted in public sessions are being handled very discreetly and out of view of the general public.
It is not an appropriate way to conduct the public's business.
To The Codes Czar,
Do we have a problem with codes being enforced
in residential areas...yes, but you don't have to have a
license to move into a home.
However, when it comes to opening or I should say trying
to open a business especially a small business we have
a bigger problem.
For instance, the gentleman that opened the car wash
by Super Splash was told to raise the electrical components
because the property was in a flood area. Then after he did so
he was told the lower the electrical components because
a handicapped person could not reach them. Then came the lights
the trees and so on. None of which was in writing or in a codes
manual anywhere.
When I was trying to buy property on Raytown RD. around 55th
I had the codes people meet me to tell me what I had to go through.
Everything I wanted to do, they wanted me to hire an architect.
Even though any changes I wanted to make didn't change the structure
or the safety of the building.
The doughnut shop that was in the Raytown Plaza was told she
would have to hire an architect to draw up where she wanted sinks.
The building was already stubbed out for them. Cost her two thousand
dollars! I could go on and on about asinine hoops people are put through
none of which are in any section anywhere.
So Mr. or Mrs. Codes Czar, you can see some codes are made up as
the codes people see fit. That's why we don't have many new small
businesses coming to town.
I agree with Greg's 7:07AM opinion. I question how can the city powers be forced to conduct ALL business and dicsussions at a public meeting? The 6PM meeting is too early and therefore not a public meeting.
Andy Whiteman
Last year I had the sewer line from my house to the street replaced. When the construction company was finished installing the new pipe, they notified the codes department and requested an inspector come by and sign off on the work. It took four days for the codes department to show up. The inspector stood next to the hole and said, "Yep, it's done." Since I expected the inspector to make sure the work was done right, I told him to get his happly little self in the hole (I know it's silly of me, but I thought the inspector knew what he was doing.) and actually inspect it. Boy, was he mad! He actually had to work. BUT - he signed off and the construction company was able to finish the project. Talk about a bunch of worthless people......
11:50AM, You are lucky the inspector didn't find a violation. I had my house in rural Colorado rewired. The electrician was friendly and knew what he was doing but his appearance was what he would call a Hippie. When the inspector arrived, his only inspection was of the electrician's appearance. He didn't inspect the work at all, but stated to the electrician, "You have to remove all of the plates and leave the receptacles and switches hanging loose so that I may inspect each one." The inspector said he would return several days later. He returned, inspected only ONE receptacle and signed off on the inspection! The contractor was unhappy because it cost him hundreds of $$$ to pay the electrician to do this rather than have him on another job.
I had a new roof put on another house in Colorado. The city inspector woke me up climbing on the roof to inspect. He signed off on the inspection, but the roof leaked on the first rain.
I don't feel that an "inspection" necessarily means the work is of good quality.
Another true story: A friend in Littleton, Colorado observed 2 tie wearing chair warmers standing a long time looking down a hole in the street. She walked up, took one look and said, "Yep! Its leaking! You 2 aren't need here. Get back to work."
Andy Whiteman
I might have been hitting below the "belt", but I really do feel like some people here feel like they are "too good" to shop at stores like Aldi, Save-a-lot, or Walmart. Perhaps I am reading too much into it. Yes, they all got money from the city, but are off with or with out them. When Walmart was up on Blue Ridge, I rarely shopped there -- I went to Hypermart (later Hillcrest Walmart), and then when they moved to up at 40 Highway (passing the old Raytown, Walmart along the way). I also rarely shopped at Hyvee as well. Now I shop at both. I have not been into the Aldi, as of yet, but perhaps will in the near future. BTW -- Aldi grantees their canned goods, they are just as good as the name brand (and often packaged by some of the name brands, as many of the generic stuff is). If you do not like it -- take it back for a full refund.
I haven't visited this site in a whiel. Interesting articles about Downing. I see that not much has changed with him. Last week his target was a local veterinarian.
He waited two years to try to get even! Maybe Downing should change his last name to Vendetta.
I wonder who his next target will be?
I haven't got anything against people shopping at Walmart, Aldi's or any store for that matter. People have different tastes and that is fine with me.
My heartburn over the matter is the ridiculously stupid deals the city council put together for Walmart and Aldi's.
Both were way over the top and are hurting our little town. We have the highest sales tax rates in Jackson County. Our school tax leads the metro as well.
Why are we literally giving it away to corporate giants to set up shop in our town?
Raytown: of the rich, by the rich, for the rich! In other words you need to be rich to afford to live in Raytown. This is thanks to our Dysfunctional School District, high franchise taxes and high sales taxes.
Socialism at its best with taxpayer financing for Walmart, Aldi, Save-A-Lot, and Hy-Vee. I supported the TIF for Save-A-Lot's landlord, and Hy-Vee. Can't remember about Aldi. I think it transpired at one of the secret (suspend the rules) meetings which I didn't attend. Nevertheless, if a business wants to open, they should be the aforementioned rich or get a SBA or bank loan.
Andy Whiteman
The following is published in the City Administrator's Report, "The Board of Aldermen Work Session, which is scheduled for October 18th at 6:00 p.m., will be held at the newly renovated Public Works Department located at 6417 Railroad Street."
I ask why the secret meeting is held at a remote location. Is the intent to keep the public away?
Andy Whiteman
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