Sunday, October 30, 2011

About Town . . . by Greg Walters

Raytown Road resurfacing is complete. As many have noted on this website’s blog, the job looks good but does leave much to be desired around the manhole and water valve covers. So, what’s the city going to do about it? The following report came from City Administrator Mahesh Sharma.  
“The asphalt overlay on Raytown Road was completed this week. The overlay was to be a ½” thick which would have resulted in a reasonable ride over manholes and water valves however the actual thickness varied significantly and some manholes and water valves are now significantly below the finished roadway surface to cause a rough ride. Public works will now evaluate the manholes and water valves and determine if adjustment rings are available to smooth the ride at the worst locations. It is imperative that the manhole lids and water valve rings are at or below the finished roadway surface or during winter weather the snow plows will damage the manhole lids or water valve rings.”

I hope that translates to “we will fix the problem.”

·   Personnel changes at Raytown City Hall have been fast and furious this past year. The City’s Community Development Director, Beth Lynn, resigned from her position this past summer. City Finance Director Jeremy Wilmoth recently announced that he was moving on later this month. Mr. Wilmoth’s number two man in the City’s Finance Department also resigned his position last month.

Makes one wonder who is next as the door continues to revolve at Raytown City Hall.

In the wake of these resignations there is an opportunity for the City Council to change its course and require Raytown residency of is senior department heads. It would allow city employees to plant roots within the community and add to the city’s tax base. The positives definitely outweigh any negatives if the Council decides to move in that direction.

·         High school football headed towards post season. One of our local teams, Archbishop O’Hara High School, is on track to repeat last year’s run at a state championship. Last Thursday the O’Hara Celtics won first place in their Class 3 Division with a victory over Central. (see related story below for more details)

·        Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday, November 8th. The only issue on the ballot is another eighth cent sales tax increase for the Kansas City Zoo. The ballot language reads:

Shall a retail sales tax of one-eighth of one percent (1/8%) be levied and collected for the benefit of the Kansas City Zoological District, which shall be created and consist of the county of Jackson and the counties of Cass, Clay, and/or Platte, if approved by such other county’s voters, for the support of zoological activities within the district?

If it passes the sales tax rate in Raytown will skyrocket to 9.25% at some of the major retail outlets in Raytown.

The Raytown Report has recommended a NO vote on the sales tax increase.

·         That’s all we have for now. Watch for The Paul Livius report later this week with news of what will take place at the November 1st City Council meeting.

O’HARA WINS DISTRICT WITH 55-6 VICTORY by Brother Richard Geimer

With Ronnie Sailer an Gabe Spencer each scoring two touchdowns, the Archbishop O’Hara High School football Celtics won the Class 3 District 13 on October 27 defeating the Central Blue Eagles by a score of 55-6.  It was the most points scored by the Celtics  this season, the previous high being 47 against the Saint Pius Warriors.

O’Hara’s other four touchdowns were scored by Jake Fortin, Tanner Hull, Brandon Dennis, and D.J. Griffin, while Julian Gidley connected on seven extra points for eight attempts. Continue Reading

With two first quarter touchdowns and two in the fourth quarter, the Archbishop O'Hara High School football team won their first post season game against Lincoln Prep 28-0 on November 2. The Celtics scored on the first drive of the game on a rainy and windy evening. Continue Reading

What’s Your Favorite Part of Halloween? By Jenn Walters
I love, love, love Halloween! It’s not really the candy that gets me (I try to stay away from getting too much of a sugar-high, although I do have some of my faves—all good things in moderation!), rather it’s the silliness of the entire premise of the holiday. I mean, really. One day where you get to dress up as something... Continue reading

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Andy Whiteman said...

As I said, the pavement was a poor job. The contractor should be required to make repairs or not be paid. Would you pay for a poor job?

Pat Casady said...

It's business as usual at Caty Hall.
People using this town as a stepping stone
to move on to greener pastures.
The only problem is they make a mess out of
this town before they move on. Why not most
don't live here. Why shoud they care.
I hope City Hall can take a hint finally and
do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

If I was a young professionsl and family man with school aged children I would not except a job here if I had to live here. The schools test scores are horrible. If you would ask any school board member they would say things are great. We are third from the bottom, I wouldn't say things are great. The school board is just like the mayor thinking things are great. You guys need to take oiff the rose colored glasses.

Andy Whiteman said...

Saying that all is great is known as lying. The voters are foolish enough to believe these lies.

It may be a stepping stone. but the last 2 department heads had inproved the city. Beth Linn brought in the vacant property ordinance. Jeremy Wilmoth did an excellent job with the city's accounting as well as preparing and presenting the budget in a manner us serfs could understand.

Hopefully this will post. I am being blocked outm can't remember my password or read the unreadable word that must be entered to prove that I am human.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

From what i've seen regarding the street repairs is the manhole covers have not been raised and that feels like a huge pothole that you've fit with your car. I hope that the city plans on fixing them.

As for not living here, if we had a mayor and a police dept. that is willing to do their jobs and listen to the citizens who have tried over and over again what is expected of them it would be a great town again. I am so disappointed with our elected officials excepted for 2 and the police Chief. When are we going to see people in office that truly care what their constituents have to say or want or feel. We sure on't have them now.

Anonymous said...

I am so angry about the poor work done on Raytown Road. This was not just an oversight. Some of those city made potholes are 3 to 4 inches deep! Whoever is responsible should be reprimanded.

Mahesh Sharma trying to talk around the problem dos not solve the problem. Of course the manhole covers cannot be above street level.

The point is they should not have put in city made potholes.

I'll bet you our city council and mayor do not even mention the poor work on Raytown Road at the city council meeting. It should be there number one topic. You can bet I'll be watching the meeting tonight to see if any of them are man enough to at least admit the job was botched.

Pat Casady said...

For years Raytown traffic way was the
same way as Raytown road is now. The manhole covers
were about an inch to two inches below the road surface.
They caused quite a bump.
That road was finally ground down and new asphalt was
installed and it took out the big bumps.
Raytown road was ground down too but, it evidently
wasn't enough. All they need to do is feather the rough
edges and the problem is solved.
The taxpayers paid good hard earned money for the overlay.
The reason they passed a street overlay tax in the first
place was to do away with bumpy streets. Now they have paid
to put in a bumpy street.
Wouldn't you think our so called inspectors that hinder
every other business would have caught this substandard overlay?
Where's the codes people when we need them.
Somebody needs to start earning the money that the taxpayers
hand out every year!
Bottom line here, is do your job and do it right or get the
Hell out!

Andy Whiteman said...

6:10 PM, I invite you to come to the meeting tonight and address the BOA.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

The overlay on Raytown Rd. was supposed to be 3/4 inch thick, but appears to be 2-3 inches around the manholes. I believe the road was prepared correctly, but the pavement was applied incorrectly.

Andy Whiteman said...

I am wondering if the contractor did a substandard job or if the city ordered a substandard job to cut corners the same way they ordered the chip-seal last year?

If the former, that contractor shouldn't be paid. In either case the city knows about this hazard and is liable for accidents, injuries, and property damage.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the election editorial and notice. I have posted it onto a letter and mailing it out.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

On 11/9 at 1PM CT there will be a 3 minute national test of the emergency broadcast system during which time the O'Bummer Dictatorship will seize control of the media for 3 minutes. I have a concern that during this time we could be invaded or there could a terrorist act. I also wonder if the Dictatorship will seize control or if it is a test to determine if they can take over the broadcast system?

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I have heard some stupid statements made by Alderman Aziere in the past but, the one he made Tue. night at the BOA meeting took the cake. We the public want to know what is going on with the city, including what is on the consent agenda. Saying the longer the meeting lasts the fewer people will watch. WRONG we watch it to the end. By putting items on the consent makes us suspicous. You understand we don't TRUST you. The city hasn't had a state audit in over 25 years and still refuses, this doesn't instill trust. As for Alderman Par Due saying all this had been discussed at finance meetings, I would like to know did you attend all of them, or any of them? Personally I think all you want is the money. I admire Alderman Van Buskirk standing up for us the citizens just wish more of the board had a back bone.

Anonymous said...

I have heard some stupid statements made by Alderman Aziere in the past but, the one he made Tue. night at the BOA meeting took the cake. We the public want to know what is going on with the city, including what is on the consent agenda. Saying the longer the meeting lasts the fewer people will watch. WRONG we watch it to the end. By putting items on the consent makes us suspicous. You understand we don't TRUST you. The city hasn't had a state audit in over 25 years and still refuses, this doesn't instill trust. As for Alderman Par Due saying all this had been discussed at finance meetings, I would like to know did you attend all of them, or any of them? Personally I think all you want is the money. I admire Alderman Van Buskirk standing up for us the citizens just wish more of the board had a back bone.

Anonymous said...

KCMO is having a Mayor's Christmas tree lighting.

Raytown is having a Holiday lighting ceremony. What is wrong with Raytown? City workers receive a paid day off for that unnamed holiday. If the holiday can't be named, the day off should be charged as a vacation day. Why can't Raytown acknowledge Christmas?

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

8:23PM, I agree with you. I have always complained about the secrecy of the Consent Agenda. Allegedly the consent agenda is items of "routine nature." What does routine mean? I don't consider $48,000 for an annual audit to be routine especially when the CPA speaks once a year droning on and on about nothing to be of routine nature. Since the city is paying for the audit does anyone expect a fair, unbiased audit? I don't.

All spending items on the consent agenda were OVER $15000. Who in their right mind considers that much money to be routine? The reason the board is voting on it is because board action is required but it is hidden away as routine and not worth wasting time over.

If our elected officials don't want to waste their time, then we need NEW elected officials. That should be a simple solution if Raytown Citizens will get out and vote.

BTW next Tuesday there is an election to hike the sales tax to finance the Zoo. That is something that should be accomplished by admissions or donations. Raytown sales tax is close to 10%. We don't need to add anything to it! NOT ONE RED CENT!

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Aziere's always been one to "pile on" when someone else starts the fight. A typical political bully, he sits back, puts his finger in the air, tries to determine which way the is blowing and then spouts inane nonsense like last Tuesday night.

What were there fifteen items on the agenda and thirteen were on the consent agenda? Unbelievable!

For those that do not know. The consent agenda is where the city council puts a bunch of items up for a vote at one time.

Van Buskirk asked that five of the consent items be pulled from the consent agenda.

Pardue and White through a fit. Aziere, who was chairing the meeting, (who knows where bower was)said that people get bored with the meetings if all of the agenda items are read.

No, Jim. They get bored with you blow gas out of both ends at the same time.

Why on earth you were elected mayor protem is a mystery. Tehre are much better people on the council who would not use the position to bully another alderman.

Anonymous said...



All proceeds will go to help payoff the used Van they bought after their old truck was stolen. The truck did not have full coverage because of it's age. They still owe about $3000.00 on the Van. Come and have some chili, a Chicken Pot Pie or a hot dog, desert and drink, meet people, make your bid and have some fun. The tickets are $8.00 and can be purchase at the door or call me at 353-4431 or 462-3975.

See you there.

Sandy Hartwell

Anonymous said...

Anon Nov 3 8:45 PM

The question should be where was the Mayor (Bower) and Mayor Pro Tem (Cramer) Tuesday night?

Now you can ask your question as to how was and when was Jim Aziere elected the current Mayor Pro Tem.

The one thing that is clear is nothing is clear (transparent) at Raytown city hall.

Anonymous said...

FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will conduct the first nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) Test on Wednesday, November 9, at 1:00 p. m. Central. Participating analog and digital radio, television, cable, satellite, and wireline providers will broadcast a single, live-code alert, called the Emergency Action Notification, which will be relayed to the public and stations in their coverage area. The purpose of the test is to assess the reliability and effectiveness of the EAS as a public alert mechanism.

For more information about the EAS test, see:

Anonymous said...

11AM, It was announced that the Mayor was out of town on business. His job does require him to be out of town on occasion.

I believe I saw Joe come in late. He has a full time job and can't just leave work because of a meeting.

As with any bureaucracy there has to be chain of command in the event one or more top officials are unavailable. I don't know how the chain of command runs in Raytown.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

3:49PM, I wonder is this really a test of is it Dictator O'Bummber (Big Brother) trying to see how easy it is to take over ALL broadcasts and seize control of the country?

Another concern is with this announced test and live broadcast off the air for 3 minutes, it would be a perfect time for a terrorist attack! Remember 11/9 is 9/11 backwards!

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Andy -

It is doubtful on all counts, it is simply not logical. All broadcast stations have to have a monthly EAS test, this one is simply a coordinated test, to see if it all works in case it is needed. I have no love for Obama either, but I think you are reading too much into it. Not long ago there was a statewide coordinated test -- was that Jay Nixon trying to take over the state of Missouri? No. The same could be said here, it is a simple test, nothing more, nothing less. As for the date, mere coincidence -- it happens to be the second Wednesday (the first Wednesday often being used to test tornado sirens). The NOAA weather radio, tests their alert system every Wednesday as well (in the evening). So in short, it is on 11/9 because it is a -- Wednesday. As for a terrorist attack, given the propaganda -- much like it was during the Cold War -- could happen at anytime anyway.

Anonymous said...


Joe Creamer is an elected official who needs to show up on time for meetings or step down as an Alderman.

I understand him and the others have regular jobs, but he should have checked on the amount of time he would need to be at city meetings and events before running for office.

Speaking of events has anyone ever seen him attend anything in the City besides an board meeting.

Why doesn't he get out and aboout like Mock, White, Van Buskirt, Melson and Ertz?

We need to thank these five for thinking enough about our city to get out and meet with the people of the city.