From KMBC News
The Raytown School District said it has cancelled all classes planned for next Monday because of a widespread outbreak of the flu.
A district representative told KMBC 9 News that school officials will spend Monday cleaning and disinfecting all of the schools and busses.
There was no immediate information about how many students have been out sick.
Former Basehor administrator Loughry suing city for more than $500,000 by Matt Erickson of the Tonganoxie Mirror
Former city administrator Mark Loughry plans to sue the city of Basehor for actions surrounding his firing in September. He’s seeking more than $500,000 in damages.
Loughry informed the city of his intent to sue last week in a claim notice, which was turned over to the Sentinel via Freedom of Information request Monday. In the notice, Loughry's attorney accused the city of public defamation, breach of contract and due-process violations, alleging “egregious conduct” by city officials.
To read the rest of this article use this link: Mark Loughry Lawsuit
City attorney’s letter claimed Loughry lied about previous salary by Matt Erickson of the Basehor Sentinel
. . . A 2010 letter from Basehor's city attorney accused former city administrator Mark Loughry of misrepresenting the salary he was paid by his previous employer, the city of Hays, during his negotiations with Basehor in summer 2009. Reavey's letter said Loughry had reported to Hill that his salary in Hays had been $86,000 and had written on a Basehor job application that it was $85,000, but a League of Kansas Municipalities survey had reported his salary as $76,000. According to a background check document included by Reavey as evidence, the city of Hays reported Loughry's base pay at that time as $77,800. Loughry was assistant city administrator in Hays at the time.
To view the entire article use this link: Attorney Letter
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Greg Walters |
These past two weeks has seen a phenomenal amount of traffic from viewers of the Raytown Report. Most of what we believe has driven the increase in hits and comments on our blog has concerned the Raytown Fire Department. One comment in particular has prompted these few paragraphs.
The writer began with something like this, “Greg, I know you don’t like firemen.”
Where that came from I do not know (it was, of course, unsigned). So I removed the sentence that had no bearing on anything and published the message.
I did have an opportunity to visit with my co-publisher, Paul Livius, before deleting the line. Paul wondered how such a statement could be made given that we have not written anything about firemen, policemen or paramedics. My guess was that our complaint about the secretive handling of the recent appointment to the Raytown Fire Board may have prompted the thought.
We have also received some notes that come close to accusing us of writing comments on the blog. Not so. Any comments written by Paul Livius or Greg Walters are rare and signed.
The blog is for the exchange of thoughts in Raytown by Raytowners of any stripe who wish to give their opinion on any given subject.
Primary Moments . . .
For those who are not paying attention there is one hell of a primary fight going on for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. The contest is down to four major players and it looks like those four plan to finish what they started in the Iowa caucuses.
The Republican Party has been very clever in using the national news media to showcase their candidates. I have not seen the ratings but am willing to bet that this version of “reality television” is probably drawing a pretty big following.
Some of the debates have been boring. Some, like last Thursday’s debate in Charleston were exciting and informative.
Mark Twain once said, “When a thing has been said and said well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it”.
This is the 21st Century, and what Twain said applies today as well as it did in the 19th Century when he wrote it. The only difference is that the media has changed.
The following link is Newt Gingrich’s response to a question from the debate moderator regarding comments his former wife had said earlier in the day.
Use this link Gingrich at Charleston
Paul Livius was out of town this week past week, so the report on last Tuesday’s City Council meeting is somewhat short. A "thank you" to Ward 4 Alderman Bill Van Buskirk for stepping in and filling in the details on the report.
The first three items handled by the Raytown Board of Aldermen at their last meeting dealt with contractual agreements between the Raytown Police Department and the specific vendors totaling $77,224. Two of the items were for the purchase and maintenance of computer equipment which were awarded to Dell Marketing and MS Govern.'
Item five was a Resolution declaring certain property owned by the city as surplus and authorized the sale of said items in public auction. The auction is to be conducted on the internet by Purple Wave Auctioneers. Most of the equipment to be auctioned off is heavy construction equipment from the Public Works Department. For a list of the equipment and information on how to access the auctioneer’s website contact Raytown City Hall at 737-6000.
Item six dealt with service fee contracts between the Raytown Water Company and the City of Raytown for disconnecting and re-connecting homeowner water lines for non-payment of sanitary sewer bills. The item was carried over until the next meeting to clear up some questions from certain members of the Board. Ward 4 Alderman Pat Etrz recused himself from voting because he is the Executive Director of Jackson County Water Supply District (Raytown’s other water company).
Item seven was an agreement between the City of Raytown and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for a grant of $483,750 for streetscape improvements to Downtown Raytown. The City would have to match the grant with 25% of local funding ($120,938) if the entire grant was used.
The Board carried the item over until the next meeting.
The Creativity of Cooking by Jenn Walters
Back in college, when I started cooking for myself, I was a meticulous recipe follower. While I’d help out my mom with dinner sometimes and make chocolate-chip cookies occasionally in the years leading up to college, I wasn’t really comfortable with making anything that didn’t result in eating leftover batter. Seeing... Continue reading
To post a comment on this blog click on the word comments on the line directly below this sentence.
To post a comment on this blog click on the word comments on the line directly below this sentence.
Greg, The comment you deleted is illogical to us logical thinkers. Obviously at least 3 of us wonder how any rational person could reach that conclusion.
I wondered what was deleted. Obviously it was written in 2 posts.
Andy Whiteman
The Republicans are disorganized and attacking each other rather than focusing on the real issue (Dictator O'Bummer). Is that any way to win and election?
I hear reports about the Republican primaries. I sure wonder why the Democrats aren't having primaries? Or is the Dictator the only one on the ballot? As Henry Ford said, (oops, I can't quote Henry Ford because it might sound racist and I am not racist.)
Andy Whiteman
Use this link to see new hampshire democratic primary results:
10:10PM, Thanks, I sure wonder why the national media isn't reporting this? Maybe they assume there is no contest in this race.
Andy Whiteman
Wtih reading the many article regarding Mr. Loughry, I cannot for the life of me figure out why the City would hire a person who;
1. Knew it was wrong to pencil an added clause into a contract after the Board approved it, unless it was to HIS financial advantage, which makes him just as culpable. 2. Seems shocked and surprised that it ended the way it has and 3. Is now suing for half a million dollars based on what he had to have known was wrong to begin with and was a party of.
Nothing against this guy , but why would the City hire this guy?
O' boy, just wait until the City and Mr. Loughry have a parting of ways. Looks like another half mill down the drain.
Would you be able to explain why the fire district doesn't hold their meetings on set days.
Also why does the district hold two meetings a month as it seems the district could save the tax payers $350.00 per month. I know that doesn't seem like a large savings, but after a while it adds up.
Greg previously wrote about KCPL trimming trees. I received a notice on my door today about 2 of my trees that needed attention. I had questions so called the number given. He said the trees in question were painted with an orange marking. So if you see an orange marking on trees you will know that KCPL is planning on trimming. I assume others will receive a notice if their trees will be trimmed.
I am glad to see KCPL doing this. a tree touching an electric wire can form a ground. We don't need electrocutions which could happen especially in severe weather.
Andy Whiteman
In fairness to Doc he does not set the fire board meetings. The question should be posed to the members of the fire board.
I doubt they would answer it.
When I was on a fire board, we met once monthly. We were volunteers hence received no pay. 6:19PM, I think you answered your own question. There is a matter of $350. To the average person, $350 is sizable since it would probably pay the heat bill for one month.
Andy Whiteman
Those are some interesting stories out of Basehor. Can't our Raytown leaders get anything right?
Andy, you and your friends are right. There is no reason for the Fire Board to meet twice a month. From what I hear the fire union runs the fire department in Raytown. Not the Fire Board.
Don't look for them give up the xtra meeting. That pocket change comes in mighty handy to the fire board members.
First off Andy,
A tree will not ground an electrical wire.
Wood is not a conductor.
The reason they want to trim is because of
possible ice or snow bringing down the limbs and
breaking power lines.
As for the other, does Raytown know how to
pick'em or what! Why is it that almost everything
our city leaders do can cost the taxpayers without
a single benefit for the people?
I have a simple solution for them. Look up the
words, public and representative in the dictionary and use
it as a job description.
Does each of the fire chiefs get a district vehical to drive around?
Everyday there is a chief that is in charge of that days crew and they respond to calls in an expedition they share. The only other chief that has a vehicle is the Fire Marshal who performs inspections, and also responds to fires he has an explorer which is smaller. So for those counting at home five chiefs two vehicles.
I sure wonder if wood is not a conductor or electricity why trees attract lightning?
As for the other no comment. I am only aware of the allegations linked to which may or may not be complete and/or correct.
My only comment is that when hired Loughry should have been required to reside in the city limits of Raytown as a condition of employment.
Andy Whiteman
The City Council's refusal to take a serious look at residency requirements in Raytown for highly paid city department heads is an embarrassment to the city. It is as if they are ashamed of Raytown.
Collectively speaking the city department heads take over half a million dollars out of Raytown each year when they return to their homes in places as far away as Basehor, KS, Raymore, MO, Gladstone, MO, even as far away as Harrisonville, MO!
David Bower has reduced the Board of Aldermen to little more than a rubber stamp that meekly follows the will of those out-of-towners who really run our city.
Maybe someday they will wake up to what they have been reduced. I doubt it. Sad to say our city council has become little more than ribbon cutters and bobble heads.
A department head told me, "It averages out," and stated names of other city's department heads who live in Raytown. In my opinion, that is a backwards way to view the situation. Maybe tax revenue averages out, but if department heads were required to live in Raytown, they would view life as Raytown citizens do. They have no clue what it is like to live here. If they walked down a city street and sprained their ankle in one of the poorly paved places, it might wake them up PDQ!
Andy Whiteman
if you want me to answer you have to sign your name..doc
no name no answer
Way to go Doc!!!
It's never a good idea to argue with an
"anonymous" writer. they hardly ever know
what they are talking about and never have
the guts to sign what they write.
I checked on my statement on trees and found
we are both right. Wood is not a conductor
but, the moisture between the bark and the tree
trunk is. That is why we should never seek shelter
from a storm under a tree. However, the reason
for the trimming is to keep icy and heavy snow laden
branches from falling and breaking the power lin
Doc, they won't sign their name because they probably work with you and are afraid you will call them out. I have the feeling that a lot of the snipes at the fire district are coming from a handful of personnel you need to cut loose. I had a long talk with my alderman Steve Mock last week and he is confident with the leadership of the fire district. For everyone that is not aware Steve attends all of the fire meetings as a representative of the city. Steve assured me that you have a small group of chiefs and each of them have plenty to do. I have known Steve for many years and always found him to be a good judge of character.
Signed Raytona Beach Bum
Doc is making a reasonable request. I normally don't respond to personal comments unless signed.
BTW: Google is going to take away privacy rights and end anonymous posts. They will even monitor GMail and use that to target ads to people. That is why I have never trusted Google since they are a monster search engine.
Andy Whiteman
I wounder if Raytown could find Steve Bishop and could get him to provide the citizens with ways to improve our police department.
He was one of the best if not best Chief KCMO has every had.
His policies made officers at all levels accountable to the public and had them back on the streets and away from their desk.
I know there are those that will say our police are doing fine or here we go with another person complaining.
This is not a complaint about our department just a reminder to everyone that there is always room for improvement.
It is those that do not understand change and push for always finding better ways to do business that hold not only our police department back, but our whole city.
To learn a little about Chief Bishop just click on my name.
Pat, Thanks for the info about trees. During rain and snow storms the limbs are usually wet. I still wouldn't touch a tree that was obviously in contact with a power line.
KCPL is going to trim one of my small branches that is way above the power line because it "appears to be within the 10 foot area of safety." I think they have a good point that a strong wind could break the branch and fling it onto the power line.
Andy Whiteman
I just received my copy of a local publication which published the election notice. To the best of my recollection, some of those listed on the ballot for the Republican nomination have withdrawn from the race. They should be deleted from the ballot because anyone voting for them has wasted their vote.
Andy Whiteman
To help answer your question you need to understand the process.
Without using big legal terms it simply comes down to the fact that if the filing date has closed that name must remain on the ballot. It can only be removed if the candidate has gone to court requesting for it to be removed and receives approval from the court to have the name removed. Even in this case it has to be done in a reasonable time frame prior to the ballots being printed.
However as for the election on February 7th anyone who takes the time to vote is wasting their time and energy as the results are not going to be recognized by the Republican National Committee has already determined the date Missouri is supposed to determine its nominee.
For more information on how this election is a waste of time and $800,000 dollars click on my name “Wasted 8 Million”
A few thoughts.
1 - When the power company came out to my house to trim the branches away from the power lines, they left the branches where they fell, not only on the ground, but on the fence, but on the tool shed as well. Be prepared to clean up a mess in your yard.
2 - If that candidate decides to drop out of the race after their name gets on the ballot, the name stays on the ballot. The voters are supposed to be informed enough to know who is still in the race and who isn't. We both know John Q. Public is clueless, but unless you can change the Constitution, we're stuck with those names on the ballot.
5:55PM & 6:57PM, Thanks for your responses. Obviously the ballots are all printed by now. Why are we wasting money on an election if one party will decide on the candidate regardless of the vote? Do they think this is the USSR? Basically the Democrats have only one candidate on the ballot. The others are unheard of.
The last time KCPL trimmed here they cleaned up. I am unable to do it myself. If they fail to clean up, they will have to come back and do it.
Andy Whiteman
I know that the Missouri Primaries are just a beauty contest without any meaning in how delegates will vote at the conventions. I learned that four years ago when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama went at each other.
The real decisions are made at the caucuses and state conventions.
My question is this. Does anyone know when the Missouri Republican Party holds its caucuses?
I'd really like to go but don't know when or where to plan to go.
It is rare for a seated president to be challenged within his own party. The only serious challenges I can remember in recent history were Kennedy vs. Carter and Reagan vs. Ford. In both cases the challenger lost.
A rare exception to the challenger losing the nomination was in the 1960's when LBJ decided not to run for re-election I think mainly because even his Vice President was going to run against him!
Reagan did come back four years later to be elected President.
The parties today are really split on conservative/liberal lines. Conservatives are plainly not welcome in the Democatic party.
Republicans are not quite as bad in that regard as is evidenced by Dr. Ron Paul's candidacy.
Most of Paul's campaign is based on conservative values but he also holds some very strong democratic points of view on national defense and individual liberties.
Interesting that the MO Republicans can waste $8,000,000 on an election that means nothing, but uses tax dollars that could help put people back to work.
I am glad someone put out the truth on why are state is in a mess and just hope others wake up and vote for the best intrest in our state in Nov and not their party who has not done things for the citizens of MO.
I understand why you are confused about having names removed being that our professional staff at city hall removed a name from the official ballot after filing because she believed it was in her right.
If they are doing this at city hall what else are they doing that does not follow the letter of the law?
Time for the state to do some investigating!
Silly dems! You guys are having a primary at the same time. Your party could have opted out but did not.
Guess we are all part of the same hypocrisy.
Truth be known both parties were duped by the those who make false claims about all the money that will come rolling into the state because of the primary.
The leadership in both parties do not really want to turn over the decision making to delegates they do not control.
Wake up America!
Are you sure Alderman Mock said the fire department doesnot have to many chiefs?
I mean from conversation I have had with him I have never heard him say he is an expert in staffing for a fire department.
I am sure he would want us to check with other cities and see how they do their staffing.
Now being you appear so close to him what did he have to say about staffing at the police department or I mean what do you have to say.
You forget who is making the rules in Jefferson City. The Republicans are in charge in both houses. THEY are the ones that set this ridiculous primary, the Democrats COULD NOT OPT OUT, it's state law. So when you go to the polls on Feb. 7th just remember it is those CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS that are WASTING OUR TAX DOLLARS. What hypocrites!!!
A couple of weeks ago you complained about the fact someone wants to move the fireboard meeting to a time that is more responable for people to attend.
Your whole point was based on the impact to those who work for the district, which at the end of the day is us the taxpayers.
So to prove that even the State of Missouri agrees the time needs to be changed for the best interest of the taxpayers and not those who work for the district please click on my name "Sunshine Audit Report"
You might want to share this imformation for those at city hall as it might help them find ways to be more transparent and representative of the taxpayers too.
9:50AM, I wonder if the title "Chief" is being used incorrectly. To me the Chief is the one person in charge. Maybe the title should be Battalion Chief, Shift Chief, or even Captain. When I was on a fire board, we had (1) Chief in charge of the whole department and 3 stations each with a Captain. A Lt. was in charge of EMS. All were volunteer meaning unpaid.
5:00 PM, I thought transparent means to keep the information transparent or otherwise hidden from the people.
Andy Whiteman
I am sure Steve Mock stated the fire district does not have too many fire chiefs, but you are correct never stated the fire department doesnot have to many chiefs. Learn the English language you imbecile. I hope to god you don't vote, and more than that I hope you don't reproduce. I am not an expert in building a house, but I am sure I can tell Steve what crap is when I see it. I see your another hero that won't sign his name. As for the Sunshine link I read it fully, all I could find was an opinion that a place with only a single monthly meeting should consider having it more ofter and/or at a time more convenient. Their meeting was at 4:00 and only once a month. The fire departments is twice a month and at 9:00. All I read was a suggestion to consider, not any sort of a ruling. Sunshine what are you referring to that is so damning?
Raytona Beach Bum
Raytown Bum,
Sorry bad English, but I as still pride Raytown Grad
Andy, I don't know how much simpler they can state it that has not already been said. There are five chief officers with the fire department; the fire chief, the fire marshall, and three chiefs that are each in charge of a shift of 10 fire fighters. It's my guess they already know this, but just want to keep jabbing at it. To the anonymous person that thinks we should compare Ray towns chief staffing to other like communities please do and let us know what you find. I would like to see Gladstone, Belton, Raymore, Grandview, Lee's Summit, Blue Springs, Independence, Parkville, Leawood, and Shawnee. Please do not include volunteer departments no offense Andy, they do a great job it's just the direction that Raytown should move towards.
Maybe people would be less critical if job titles were changed. Why not one Chief, a Fire Marshall, and and the others called Captains. They would do the same job but it would give a better public image to the complainers.
I agree each city has differed needs. That is why I complain when they set the salaries of department heads based on what other cities pay. This is Raytown, not Lees Summit, Grandview, Blue Springs, Overland Park, Shawnee Mission, or Liberty.
The thing about volunteer departments is not only were we not paid by some of us bought our own equipment and supplies (especially the EMS people.)
Andy Whiteman
Greg I want to comment on the lil blue flu aka little blue elementary..this is where the mandatory hand shakin of each student as they enter the busses by 2 staff members has started these school students dropping like flies...today I offered some hand sanitizer to one of them since niether had any.....and they r back at it
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