There will be a Raytown School Board candidate forum on Feb. 25th at 2PM.
The location is the Raytown Christian Church, located at 6108 Blue Ridge
Boulevard. The event is sponsored by the NAACP and is open to the public. The
NAACP held a similar forum for the candidates in the school board election held
last year.
The following is from the invitation to the candidates.
“The forum format is a panel discussion, co-facilitated by two
individuals with experience in education and community affairs. Candidates will
have a brief opportunity to introduce themselves at the beginning of the forum,
and to give a short summary at the conclusion. Questions will be solicited from
district parents and other stakeholders in advance, as well as from audience
members during the forum. Questions will be screened by the facilitators, and
edited or condensed as needed to avoid redundancy and fit into the time
Raytown’s super volunteers spend their retirement brightening days for young students By TRACI ANGEL
It was a question often directed to
kids at holiday time.
“What do you want for Christmas?” Bob Kreitler asked the child who had bounced
around the foster care system.
“I want you for Christmas,” the little boy said.
The child’s response touched Kreitler and helped inspire him as he continues to
share his retirement days at Spring Valley Elementary School in the Raytown
district. Nearly every day, students and teachers see “Mr Bob” walking through
their hallways or eating in their lunch room. READ MORE

It's been awhile since we had a poll on the race for the Republican nomination for President. The field has been winnowed down to four candidates. After Super Tuesday (March 6th) there may be even fewer left to pick from. So, why not!
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The Paul Livius Report BY PAUL LIVIUS
Andy Noll reported that the Public Works department had accepted bids
for the 2012 mowing services. He
reported there are seven areas in the Park district needing mowing
services. The bid calls for cutting the
grass every 1-2 weeks. These areas are:
13 acres . . . Kenagy Park – except the ball field
2 acres . . . .Kenagy Park ball field
8.5 acres . . .Minor Smith Park
6 acres. . . . . Southwood Park
12 acres. . . . Kritser Park
22 acres. . . . Little Blue Trace Park except athletic fields
4.5 acres . . . Little Blue Trace Park athletic fields
The Public Works department is recommending accepting the bid from
Infinity Building Services at a cost of $14,300.
To view a complete breakdown of
ALL mowing contract data use this link (once on the document, scroll down to
the third page) Mowing
Teresa Henry,
City Clerk, discussed the need for updating the permits for Solicitors and
Peddlers. She reported that, as part of the application process and to
receive a permit, a criminal history check must be performed on all applicants,
which were being completed by the Raytown Police Department.
The City Clerk’s office was informed by Raytown Police
Department that during their recent
Missouri Uniformed Law Enforcement System audit, it was
discovered that the Police
Department had been performing criminal history inquiries
for City Hall regarding solicitor
permits. This type of inquiry for the purpose of solicitor
permits is not in compliance with the Criminal Justice Information Systems
security rules. As a result the Police Department has discontinued the practice
of performing criminal history inquiries for solicitor permits.
The City Clerk’s office issues approximately 5-10 permits
per year. In order for this office to
continue to issue Solicitor/Peddler permits, the City would
need to pass an amended ordinance. This amended ordinance will need approval
from the Missouri Highway Patrol and must require fingerprinting of applicants
or licensees in specific occupations for the purpose of receiving criminal
history record information. Once approved by the Missouri Uniformed Law
Enforcement System, an Originating Agency Identifier for this purpose would be
issued to the City.
Fingerprint based searches require a completed applicant
fingerprint card and request for Criminal Record Check, may be done at
$20.00 per request for Missouri State records and an additional $19.25 for FBI
searches. The fingerprint search fees would need to be passed on to the
applicant as part of the permit administration fee. The current schedule of
fees allows a $25.00 application fee for 30 days with an additional $10.00 per
person to issue the permit. The turn-around time is 3 business days when the
criminal check was performed by the Raytown Police Department.
In comparison, an amended ordinance application fee would
remain unchanged; however, the individual fee would increase to $49.25 per person for 30
days. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, fingerprint based search results should take
approximately 3 weeks.
Some options available at this time are:
1. Keep current ordinance in place and
require only a Missouri Criminal Background check;
however the majority of the solicitor
permits that this office issues are for out-of-state
individuals for which Missouri Highway
Patrol will have no records of.
2. Amend the current ordinance to include a
requirement of fingerprint based searches;
which will include criminal information from
all of the United States.
3. Remove the requirement for background
checks from the current ordinance.
In order to continue to meet the intent of
the Solicitation Task Force to ensure protecting First Amendment Rights and balancing
Constitutional Rights with the right of citizens to feel safe in their homes and vehicles, option number 2 is
The Deacon of First
Baptist Church of Raytown, Rick Moore gave the invocation.
Mayor Bower stated there
were still some seats left at the annual State of the City Address scheduled
for February 22, 2012. Reservations can be made through the Chamber office.
Mahesh Sharma, City
Administrator, reported on the staffs’ participation in the Jackson County
Commuter Corridors Alternative Analysis workshop, the availability of
additional grant funding for energy efficient street lights, and thanked Tom
Cole and all of the city staff for their efforts during his recent absence.
Mr. Sharma stated that
County Executive Mike Sanders would be addressing the Board during the February
21st Work Session.
Alderman Van Buskirk requested
that the January 17, 2012 minutes be removed from the consent agenda. Mayor
Bower assigned the Item as 1a.
Alderman Van Buskirk
stated he had made contact with Mr. Whiteman for clarification of his public
comments during the January 17, 2012 Board of Aldermen meeting and felt that
the minutes did not reflect Mr. Whiteman’s true intent. He stated that Mr.
Whiteman’s issue was the signage posted at City Hall did not specify which
holiday they would be closed for and that the January 17 minutes should reflect
this issue.
- The Board approved the reappointment of Jo Riggs to the University of Missouri Extension Council.
- The Board approved the appointment of Terry Copeland to the Raytown Park Board.
- The Board approved the purchase of ammunition from Gulf States Distributors for the Police Department. This amount will not exceed $15,000.
- The Board approved the purchase of various parts and equipment from Burnup Equipment that was in excess of $15,000.
- The Board approved the purchase of various parts and equipment from Key Equipment and Supply Company that was in excess of $18,000.
- The Board approved the purchase of parts and services from Mid American Signal in excess of $15,000.
- The Board approved the purchase of asphalt and related supplies from Vance Brothers Asphalt in excess of $15,000.
- The Board approved the purchase of asphalt and supplies from Hot Mix Materials in excess of $15,000.
The Board approved the
amended agreement for Medical Director Services between Dr. Dow Richards, DO and the City of Raytown. Teresa Henry explained the City requires Dr.
Richards to obtain professional liability insurance. The cost to Dr. Richards is more than he is
paid by the City. Ms. Henry proposed the
City amend the agreement and allow Dr. Richards to be included in the City’s
liability insurance coverage.
The Board heard and
passed the second reading for an agreement with the Missouri Highway and
Transportation Commission for a Transportation Enhancement Program. This is commonly known as “Street Scape”. The total cost of the project is $480,000,
with the City paying 25%.
The Board heard the
first reading of an agreement with the Missouri Highway and Transportation
Commission for the Blue Ridge Bike Lane project. The total cost of the project will be
$175,000, with the City paying $25%.
The Board heard the
first reading to grant a conditional use permit to operate a day care facility
at 9140 East 350 Highway. The day care
owner, Dawn Clark, explained she has a license from the State of Missouri to care
for a total of 48 children. She
currently is licensed to care for 44 children from the City of Raytown, and is
asking for permission to care for 48 children.
The Board heard the
first reading to consider rezoning property located at 9109 East 63rd
Street. All 10 Aldermen and the Mayor
reported they had ex-parte conversations, and agreed it would not affect their
vote. Joel Riggs, with SKW, Inc. told
the board this is a land use issue. They
have a pending contract with a national chain that wants to build a new
building in Raytown. The Dollar General
will put in landscaping improvement, improve the sidewalks on Blue Ridge Blvd
and will generate $1.3 million in sales volume.
Alderman Melson asked
how many jobs will be created and was told there will be three full time
positions, along with part time and seasonal jobs.
Alderman Ertz asked if
there had been a change in corporate philosophy and was told Dollar General no
longer wants to be in strip malls, but to open stand alone facilities in
residential areas.
The property owner, Greg Stervinou,
explained possible economic impact and a petition signed by several of the
surrounding residents. He said there were many projects in Raytown that looked
good on paper, but were bad deals economically.
He said Raytown has a sales leakage and is only keeping 74% of the
retail sales that could be expected because resident were shopping in other
Alderman Van Buskirk said he received a
letter from a resident stating “Greg Stervinou appeared on my doorstep asking me
to sign a petition to rezone the property once again. This time it is from multifamily zoning to
commercial zoning. During the course of
the conversation, Mr. Stervinou stated that unless the property was rezoned to
commercial, Section 8 housing would be built there”. Alderman Van Buskirk asked if that was
correct. Mr. Stervinou said it was not.
If I misspelled the names of those who
spoke to the Council, I apologize in advance -- Paul Livius
Mayor Bower opened the floor for public
- Jack Wallace said there are five Dollar General stores in a two square mile area. He doesn’t see the need for another Dollar General store.
- Jeanette Elliott said she agreed with Mr. Wallace. The city doesn’t need another Dollar General store in this area.
- David Martin said at the Planning Commission meeting, the chairman talked about what kind of story we want to tell about 63rd Street. Another Dollar General store tells a sad story. Dollar General is not a sign of prosperity.
- Mellissa Doud said 63rd Street has changed from 2 lanes to 4 lanes, making it nearly impossible for residents to walk to the store.
- Barbara Steele pointed out there are plenty of places available in Raytown already zoned for commercial.
- Ms. Van Dyne said the residential areas should be for residents, not businesses.
- Jeff Burmeister said he would like to see more businesses come to Raytown. He was opposed to people who had false fears. He urged the Board to not let false fears influence their decision.
- Ann Philanay said Raytown is a great place to live. We have neighborhood homes and schools. She believes it will be the neighborhood that will be impacted by having a Dollar General store at 63rd Street. There is a vacant lot for sale just east of Blue Ridge Blvd past the Bank of America. Dollar General could purchase that lot and build there.
- BJ Taylor asked the Board to not give in to pressure from the developers.
- James Lockert said he is looking at buying a home in Raytown and doesn’t have a problem with the Dollar General store.
Douglas Carter, attorney for Greg Sterviou,
said when looking at case law, the issue is one of zoning. The applicant in this circumstance, when
there is a denial of zoning change, must show the private cost of failure to
rezone outweighs the benefits the public enjoys by retaining the existing
zoning designation. The continuation of
the current zoning is a continuation of an economically non-viable property. Residents’ opposing this issue isn’t the
legal standard because there are property rights with respect to the owner of
the property. Mayor Bower then asked Mr.
Carter to make it clear for the record if his client would be filing action against
the city if the rezoning was not approved.
Mr. Carter assured the Mayor that was not the intentions of his
presentation to the Board.
Alderman Aziere said this appears to be a
residential area. Less than 1% of
schools sit next to a commercial building.
He said the owner and developer told him that downtown Raytown is not
viable. He disagrees with them. There are viable stores in downtown Raytown.
Alderman Pardue said he was insulted by the
threat of legal action. He said he felt
sorry for the person represented by an unprofessional attorney.
Alderman Creamer said the applicant was
giving a high pitch sales job by telling the community they are wrong and they
don’t understand what they are thinking.
He was elected to protect the residents’ property values. He is angry because the applicant totally
disregarded the community.
Alderman White said we have commercial businesses
in residential areas, such as homes converted to art studios or a home
converted into a bakery. This is not a
wonderful example because everything does not blend. This is not the highest and best land use.
Alderman Van Buskirk pointed out this store
will be build next to a school and a special needs facility. He is concerned about the traffic through the
school zone. He is also concerned about
maintaining the character of the neighborhood and the affect it has on property
values. He is also concerned about
increased crime in the area. He reminded
the Board the Planning and Zoning Committee recommended the denial of this
Alderman wanted to know what the hours of
this store will be, and the hours of the stores close to this facility, He also
asked if the School Board had an opinion of this issue.
The Board voted to carry this over to the
second reading at the next meeting.
Mayor Bower presented
the history and subject matter of the Park Board that was appointed in October
2011 to address development of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City
of Raytown and the Raytown Park Board. He further stated that the proposed Memorandum
of Understanding had received unanimous support from the Park Board members and
asked if the Governance Committee
would like to add any information.
Discussion of the Memorandum
of Understanding included personnel appointments and performance evaluations, a
uniform compensation package for Park personnel, time frame of implementation
and the annual report presentation.
Joe Willerth, City
Attorney, stated the resolution accepting the Memorandum of Understanding
should be before the Board at the March 6, 2012 meeting.
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Board on Track to Turn Down Dollar General BY GREG WALTERS
If we can take at face value the comments of the Raytown Board of Aldermen at last Tuesday's meeting it would appear that the Board is going to deny the application. Good for them. The people spoke, they listened.
It shows us that despite all the flaws of any governmental system that a true representative government in which people choose from amongst their own to make decisions on there behalf still works.
Still, as Yogi Berra once said, "it ain't over 'til its over."
The second reading of the bill to rezone the property to intensive commercial use is scheduled for the Board of Aldermen meeting this Tuesday evening (February 21) at 7:00 p.m. at Raytown City Hall. This meeting is an open forum and the public is invited to speak to the Board regarding the application.
The second reading of the bill to rezone the property to intensive commercial use is scheduled for the Board of Aldermen meeting this Tuesday evening (February 21) at 7:00 p.m. at Raytown City Hall. This meeting is an open forum and the public is invited to speak to the Board regarding the application.
Those individuals who spoke publicly did a very good job of explaining their position in opposition to the proposed zoning change. It is important to remember that should this action result in a law suit by the applicant against the city that the evidence presented at the Planning and Zoning Commission will be paramount in consideration by a judge.
A number of Board members expressed umbrage at the attorney representing the applicant over perceived threats. Those Board members would be well advised to focus their arguments on facts presented during the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing.
It appears that the Mayor and Park Board have
finally reached agreement on the Memo of Understanding that has been batted
around since last August. The Mayor reported at the last meeting that the Park
Board unanimously approved the agreement.Took awhile to get this point --
undoubtedly it is a well grounded agreement that both parties can live with.
There is a lesson learned by the Mayor Bower in
his half year effort to reach the final document. Over-reach on his part was
what took a fairly simple matter and turned it into a bitter debate. It is good
that cooler heads prevailed and an agreement that will ultimately save the tax
dollars was reached. Next time, Mr. Mayor, visit with the people you are trying
to reach agreement before you decide what is best for Raytown.
A group of local businessmen are working hard to
revitalize the Downtown. We have heard that at a recent meeting of the group
that some members suggested that a new City Hall be built in the Downtown area.
This one belongs in the "Bad Idea
File". First of all, in the past five years the City has spent tens of
thousands of dollars renovating and updating City Hall. Most recently, new
street lights were added to the parking log (it's so bright at night you could
play baseball under the lights!) -- plus, 59th Street in front of City Hall was
re-surfaced -- not with the ugly tar and gravel slurry they put on residential
streets, but with a two inch overlay of new asphalt.
Even if new space was needed at City Hall (which
is arguable at best) -- the city owns over
six acres of property directly behind the current city hall available for
Why even consider using tax dollars for more
Remember this about public buildings -- they
cost a lot to build and maintain. They do not produce revenue -- that's
something only the private sector can do.
From what we have heard, most of those good businessmen trying to
revitalize Downtown Raytown are well aware of that fact. Good for them and good
luck on their plans for the future of Downtown Raytown.
Jenn vs. Early Morning Workouts! BY JENN FOR FIT BOTTOMED GIRLS
All of this week, each FBG is focusing in on one aspect of working out and sharing what she loves and doesn’t love so much about it in this special “She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not” series as part of Love Yo’Self Week. Enjoy! Dear Early Morning Workouts, We’ve been going out for quite awhile now. But lately,... Continue reading
Come to Soup and Craft Days
Rice-Tremonti Home historic site
Saturday, March 3 -- 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 4 -- 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
66th and Blue Ridge, Raytown, MO
(Look for the log cabin in the yard)
You are invited to bring a friend and join us at our
Spring Open House
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No poll for the Democrats? Is it be assumed that all Democrats favor the Dictator? There are Democrats who have a mind and don't blindly follow the leader.
As for the Republicans they need a solid opponent to face the Dictator. There is too much bickering among the candidates who should be addressing national issues, not each other.
Andy Whiteman
The recent Missouri Presidential Primary pretty much showed that well over 80% of that party's members who voted support the President in his re-election bid. Remember, the Democratic Primary in Missouri was binding as to delegates awarded for candidates.
Randall Terry is the only other Democrat running with any kind of following and he only garnered 2.3% of the vote. Mr. Terry is a one issue candidate (anti-abortion). One issue candidates do not fare very well in national elections.
So, it is pretty much a done deal that the President will be renominated by the Democrat Party this summer.
One statistic that I found interesting from the Democratic Primary was that 6.3% chose uncommitted. That statistic suggests that there is a block of Democratic voters who are unhappy with the President's record.
Personally, I do not think the campaigning in the Republican race has been over the top. I can remember four years ago when Obama and Hillary Clinton went toe to toe. The bitterness and ugliness of that campaign did not hurt Obama's candidacy. In fact, it probably made him a more effective candidate.
I think the same will be true for whoever the Republicans eventually choose as their candidate.
Another factor that I think most people have come to accept is that the national news media loves to focus on is the trivial parts of a campaign. The mis-steps, the poorly spoken phrases, etc.
Nothing brought this more into focus than the South Carolina primary. Newt Gingrich was able to parlay some extremely poor press into a catalyst that gave him a huge boost in the polls.
He would not have been able to do so without the national press (Gingrich calls them the "elite") focusing on comments made by his ex-wife.
After all the smoke from the primaries and caucuses has cleared the Republicans will rally around the candidate they choose.
The Democrats will rally around Obama.
It is going to be a very interesting campaign for the White House this election cycle.
Andy, in order for someone to be a "Dictator," they have to dictate something. This president has dictated nothing, he is a follower not a leader.
Heath-care reform is exactly what the insurance companies wanted it to be. It is more appropriate to call Obama the "Dictatee" since he only follows what the big money wants him to do. No matter what Rush might be saying, Obama does not dictate anything. He reacts to what the polls and his "advisers" tell him.
The Bush/Cheney regime pushed us into a war under false pretenses. THAT is the kind of action that Dictators take, not some lame attempt to modify a broken health care insurance system.
Obama was going to close Guantanamo prison, but no, too controversial.
What has he dictated? He temporarily vetoed a pipeline from Canada? That bastion of liberalism and free health care? They might as well be French. Oh, I forgot that some of them are.
yep and obama has bombed Lybia,Somalia and Pakistan cant blame that on Gerorge W.
This was also at last weeks BOA meeting. February 14th was a special day in Raytown Missouri. Not only was it St. Valentine’s Day, it was also RAYTOWN AMATEUR RADIO CLUB DAY by Proclamation of Mayor, David W. Bower of the City of Raytown.
The Proclamation reads:
WHEREAS, the Raytown Amateur Radio Club was begun on February 13, 1991; and
WHEREAS, the Raytown Amateur Radio Club, through its expertise in HAM Radio is able to provide emergency communications in the event of a natural or manmade disaster, when other methods fail; and
WHEREAS, the Raytown Amateur Radio Club has brought recognition and acclaim to the City of Raytown through its skill in Field Day activities over a number of years; and
WHEREAS, the Raytown Amateur Radio Club is an essential and integral part of Emergency Preparedness in the City of Raytown.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, David W. Bower, Mayor of the City of Raytown, Missouri do hereby proclaim February 14, 2012 as
in the City of Raytown, Missouri and invite our residents to join with me and the Board of Aldermen in thanking and recognizing the skill and efforts of the men and women of the Raytown Amateur Radio Club.
It turns out that the Raytown Amateur Radio Club was in existence well before 1991; however it was observed that the Missouri Secretary of State signed the Articles of Incorporation for the Raytown Amateur Radio Club, Inc. on February 13, 1991. When Raytown Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Captain, Frank Stranimier of the Raytown Police Department learned of this date, he and Chief of Police, Jim Lynch proposed the idea to Mayor, Bower who was strongly in favor of the proclamation.
The proclamation was read and presented by Mayor, David W. Bower at a meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen in Raytown City Hall. Accepting the proclamation for the Raytown Amateur Radio Club was Club President, Bob Kimbrell, W0AO, and Vice President, Randy Schulze, KD0HKD. Mayor Bower commended the Raytown Amateur Radio Club for its service to the community and expressed his pride at the consistent level of success earned by the Raytown Amateur Radio Club at the annual ARRL Field Day Event for the past years. Bob Kimbrell spoke to the Board and the audience on where the Raytown Amateur Radio Club placed in last June’s Field Day Event, as First in the State of Missouri, First in the Midwest Division, and Second Place in the Nation, placing behind another amateur radio club in the same class from the State of Vermont.
Congratulations to the Raytown Amateur Radio Club. I am sure your assistance will be vital if unfortunately Raytown is ever impacted by emergency conditions caused either by God or by man.
Andy Whiteman
As I have said before, from the president
on down. Including the rich people that are
trying to become the president. NONE of them
give a damn about you or me. They are in this
to get richer. Why else would anyone spend
tens of millions of dollars to become president
when it only pays a few hundred thousand dollars
a year.
I will vote when one of them stands up to the
green idiots that won't let us drill for oil
on our own lands. I will vote for the guy
who will cut aid to countries who are selling
arms to our enemies and will use it to make
this country a better place to live.
Politics from the very top to the small towns
has gone bad. Our taxes are supposed to work
for the taxpayers and to keep this country
and small towns for that matter safe.
NOT to grease the palms of the rich and the
big corporations.
I don't know what the answer is but, if any
of you think Barack Hussein Obama or any of
the people trying to become president have your
best interest at heart then I don't know what to
tell you.
Thank God the rezoning request for Dollar General has been withdrawn. I am sure Greg and Paul will cover that.
New Raytown area phone books are available at City Hall by the court clerk's window.
Andy Whiteman
Gas prices are up! As of about 7:30 PM 1/21 gas was still $3.37 at Conoco on Raytown Rd at the one way bridge.
Andy Whiteman
Please watch the entire video about the horrors of Socialized Health Care!
Then forward it to everyone you know.
Nice poll this week and sure glad to see others agree that Rick Santorum is the one we need in the white house.
I have to agree I cannot think of anyone better than maybe Rush to lead our nation.
Maybe Rush will step up and be his vice president. I mean what does a vice president really have to do and that is just what Rush is good at. Yes, that would be "nothing"!
As for Rick Santorum, he is really on top of things like "Welfare Reform". I guess the good people of Missouri who voted for him in Feb did not know this or they might have voted for someone else. I mean have you seen the information about how our state is one of the nation’s leaders. Yes, leader of welfare receivers. I don't understand with so many in our state receiving welfare that Rick Santorum would every try to get their vote. Maybe he was educated by some fine school district like our very own that has outstanding test scores. That is what we have…right and we owe it all to the money we spent on those fields and not in the classrooms.
The thing that concerns me about Rick Santorum is what is he really trying to say being he has not taken a stance against any corporate welfare when he speaks so highly and passionately about welfare reform. Why when his campaign staff are questioned about his stance on corporate welfare and businesses like our very own tax dollar drain also known as Wal-Mart did they promptly say that is a state issue. Like a two headed serpent or our own Jim Aziere it sounds like as long as it is good for me and my followers I am for it otherwise let me ride the fence and stay out of the issue.
I don’t care what political party if any you belong corporate welfare is wrong and elected officials like Jim Aziere and Rick Santorum who support free enterprise needs to understand free enterprise doesn’t come with the support of tax dollars. Simply that means no tax dollars to build Wal-Marts across our nation or for utilities companies to go to elected officials and demand the end users pay so the utilities can build new power plants and service other customers in other states all thanks to the pocket books of their current in state users.
So because I always like to see the uneducated and uninformed get ahead in life I too will be supporting Rick Santorum as I have Jim Aziere all these years.
I see our Commander in Chief is apologizing to the President of Afghanistan again.
Anyone of the Republicans running for President will do a better job than Obama.
Looks like somebody has it out for Jim Aziere. Bet its cause he's thinking of running for the state house again.
I think Dr. Paul would make a good President. At least he would keep us out of wars. That's better than I can say about Obama or Bush!
Obama apologized for the burning of some books, but he hasn't demanded an apology for the killing of two Americans. I wish he would move to Afghanistan.
The US Chamber of Commerce is showing their true colors and feelings about healthcare through there attack ads.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to do business with a company who doesn’t believe in healthcare for their employees as my family and I do not need to get sick from illness passed from employees who are unable to meet medical needs thanks to thankless employers.
I wonder if the employees of the US Chamber of Commerce are provided healthcare insurance or they just believe that hard working Americans doesn’t need affordable healthcare insurance.
It sure sounds like to me that the US Chamber of Commerce wants to bring back the good old days that lead up to the creation of the FDA. For those that might not be aware, at one time meat packing companies and other business would actually work an employee to death and often the deceased employee would end up in the final product. Thanks to the book “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair the then President was so outraged he created the FDA.
We need to ensure America keeps moving forward and we are the Nation of “In God We Trust” and not “The Almighty Dollar Rules”. Throughout our Nations history government has had to take a stand on behalf of it citizens and protect them from those who would profit from the abuse and mistreat.
The Republicans speak with pride of the efforts of Abraham Lincoln, but forget he was against the oppression and human trafficking of slavery. Yet, today members of this same party seek to oppress the America worker by not insuring a healthily work force. The quickly and public complain about illegal aliens within our Nation, but do nothing to punish those who hire and profit from this act of human trafficking.
It is time that hard working Americans step up to the plate and demand healthcare for America’s workforce and refuse to support any business or organization that believes working Americans do not need healthcare.
It is time that all Americans step up to the plate and demand from our elected official’s laws that punish those business owners who profit from hiring illegal aliens and that harsher fines and punishments be enforced on those who take advantage of the illegal aliens by paying them less wages or through other actions that would be done to documented works by calling this criminal action what is, which is “Human Trafficing”.
Anon: 9:43 2/23
For fun can you tell the rest of the readers anything positive that Jim has done for Raytown?
Sure Jim Aziere likes to bring up things, but at the end of the day doesn't to show up for committees meetings that he is head of.
Not the kind of guy we need at city hall or any other elected position.
The Commander in Chief should be apologizing to the people of the United States for running down our fine country. He is a liar and dismal failure, much worse than people think Bush was.
Andy Whiteman
It seems it was only a few weeks ago REAP was asking for more food donations as the had hit a sesonal low on donations.
It has come to at least this citiznens attention that will REAP does great things for our community they need to do a little more back ground work to make sure that those coming in and asking for food actually live within the area served by REAP. They also need to make sure that those who do actually live within the area served list only those who truely live at that location and not other family members or friends in other areas. These small changes will help to make sure there is help for those who truely live in the REAP service area.
I am thinking if REAP cannot change their policy that good folks like me can find other groups in Raytown that need help and make sure people do not take advantage of the programs REAP offers.
I also question if we should not publicly list the names of those who take advantage of these programs so others will turn them away and make sure they do not take away from help true people in need within our area.
The national health care is not free. Thanks to Obama you will pay for it out of your own pocket.
The insurance companies love the way it has worked out.
They will make the money on it.
12:00PM, Do you have any alleged address or are you making an assumption?
I may be wrong, but it was my understanding that REAP helped anyone in the Raytown School District regardless if the residence was actually in another city.
Andy Whiteman
I called Public Works today to report that that Thursday's wind had blown the name off a street sign. Our dedicated city workers had the name back in place before the end of the day.
I really appreciate our city workers.
Andy Whiteman
I went to a meeting yesterday afternoon at the Raytown school building on Raytown Road to learn more about KC school closing and what it would mean for Raytown. I noticed there was 4 of Raytown Alderman there. It seems it is always the same 4 that attend anything outside of the BOA meetings. I wonder if it is only these guys who truly care about Raytown. I am talking about Alderman Ertz,Lightfoot.Mock and Van Buskirk. Keep up the good work.
I have noticed the same thing abuot some of our Aldermen. Ertz, Van Buskirk, Lightfoot and Mock are highly visible. ON the other end of the spectrum you have Pardue, Hamilton, Creamer and White. You rarely see them anywhere but at Board meetings.
Maybe our Raytown Board should be paid by how many meetings they attend instead of $450 for showing up twice a month at Board meetings.
It is you who needs to stop making "ASSUME" a goal out of life.
Unlike others I actual get of my sofa and away from my computer and validate things before posting on this or any blog.
You are correct REAP does serve those outside the city of Raytown as long as they still live within the Raytown School district.
If you would take the time to actually read what I posted you will note it read: "they need to do a little more back ground work to make sure that those coming in and asking for food actually live within the area served by REAP."
The key words I used are "area served", which was used in place of "within the Raytown School District".
The last time I checked with REAP the intent was never for REAP to service people who live in Raytown and claim friends or family that live "outside of the Raytown School District" or in other words their service area.
So would you not agree that if someone is living within the "service area" should not be claiming their family that lives outside of this area?
All I have been trying to say is we need to make sure REAP has the resource to serve those within the service area and when we have those taking advantage of the program we end up not being able to meet the needs of those within the service area who truly need the help.
I really would like to see REAP take the lead on this and work with the other food pantries in the service area to stop this abuse at all service providers as I also have firsthand knowledge that these same individuals are playing the game of stopping at all places and as often as these places allow.
Yet again REAP is not alone on not always being able to meet the needs of those who really need the help.
If someone would take advantage of those who really need the help and / or the programs for those who really need the help, what other things are they doing that are against the laws we hold in our hearts as the key to a civilized society?
Again let me remind you that you or others do not need to put me in the “ASSUME” category as ”ME” not an “@$$” nor do I really think are “U”
In response to: The national health care is not free. Thanks to Obama you will pay for it out of your own pocket.
I know it is hard for many well educated individuals to grasp the concept of hidden charges like those insurance companies and hospitals pass along to those of us with insurance to cover the uninsured and this is both with medical and auto insurance.
Part of the national health care plan is the piece that requires everyone to have insurance, which has upset many, but as a direct result from those who over the years have decided not to get health insurance and flood the emergency rooms across America. Not only does this creating unneeded wait times for those with true emergencies, but cost hard working and insured Americans higher premiums.
Think what you want, but you should be paying less for your premiums then you did several years ago and if not you need to check with your employee and ask why they are not shopping around to find the best product at the best price for their employees.
Being you didn’t indicate your age, you could be one of those on Medicare who is already getting a great service at the cost of hard working Americans like me and yes some cost to you have gone up, but again being good hard working Americans like me are picking up part of the cost be happy with what you are getting.
Unless you would like to ask members of the US House and US Senate who are part of the Republican party why they can justify so many tax dollars for a war that was not ours so that then Republican President could address the fact is father could not finishing anything and had they not justified the waste of these billions of taxpayers’ dollars that could have provided service in America to seniors through programs like Medicare. However, just like in our very own state Republicans love to claim that Democrats are tax and spend happy, but the Republicans are always finding new ways to waste money like they did with the 8 million for the Presidential Primary that did nothing other than waste the 8 million dollars of taxpayer’s money.
As always enjoy the 60's and remember make love not war!
Great point about the message the US Chamber of Commerce is trying to send. I too have seen their ads and thought what type of people are these small business owners who do not want to provide a health insurance plan for their employees.
For me these ads have caused me to question the managers and owners of local businesses I shop about just how well they treat their employees. I might be only 1 of the 99% but this 1 sure can spend my money on employee friendly business.
If the rest of the 99% would join we what a message we would not only send the US Chamber of Commerce, but also to local business about treating their employees with respect.
Remember only buy America at local shops, but only those local shops that still believe in the America dream for their employees!
6:58AM, Which meetings should aldermen be paid for and how much? They could go to every type meeting concerning Raytown such as school, fire, C of C, water, sewer, environmental, and infinite other subjects. In that case an alderman could easily make $10,000 or $20,000 for attending meetings.
The 4 you mentioned are there to gain knowledge and maybe have input but for others, attending meetings would be a cash cow ($$$$$$).
Andy Whiteman
Might 1,
You ask "What kind of people are these
small business owners who do not want to
provide a health insurance plan for their
I will tell you. However, it is not an
easy explanation. First you have to define
"Small businesses." If you are talking about
a business with a total of less than five
employees, including the owner then it is
simple. I can tell you it would be hard to
come up with an extra five to six hundred
dollars per person per month. In this age of
business, most small businesses are competing
with the big Chinese product selling box stores.
Who, I might add, is who you should really be
going after. You see they cut hours down so
they don't have to supply insurance to their
employees. All the while reporting hundreds of
billions in yearly profits. The same goes for
the big box grocery stores.
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