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The Paul Livius Report
Board of Aldermen Meeting – August 14, 2012
The invocation was given by
Rex Block of the Raytown Baha’i Community
- Mayor Bower recognized Loretha Hayden as the 2012 Missouri Municipal League Citizen of the year.
- Mayor Bower said this is the 4th year in a row that Raytown’s Finance Department received the Government Finance Officer Association Award.
- The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Police Officer Robert Fisher.
- Brian Morris went before the Board and asked if any attempts had been made to Google Fiber into Raytown. Mayor Bower reminded him that the Board does not interact with people during Public Comments.
- When the public comment segment of the meeting had been closed, Mayor Bower said several residents had asked about the Google Fiber and the staff is looking into it. The City Administrator told the Board that Google chooses the cities they want to offer their products. The cities can’t go to Google and make that request. So far, Google has chosen Kansas City, Mo, Kansas City, Ks, and several smaller communities.
- The Board passed a resolution approving the purchase of digital p25 capable/compliant mobile and portable radios and equipment from Motorola Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $158,500.00.
- The Board passed a resolution approving the purchase of dump truck equipment from American Equipment Company from Kansas City, not to exceed $20,657.00. Andy Noll told the Board this will make salt distribution faster and more economical.
- The Board passed a resolution authorizing agreement with Superior Bowen Asphalt Company, for the 2012 asphalt overlay program, not to exceed $378,000.00.
- The Board passed a resolution directing the city clerk to place on file for a period of 90 days the uniform codes regulating the construction of buildings, mechanical, plumbing and electrical construction; and fire prevention. The Board was told these were the construction and property maintenance codes. When the codes are updated, they have to be on file for 90 days in order for all residents to have an opportunity to review them. These comply with the International Insurance Standards Office Codes of 2012. When a city’s codes are up to date, insurance companies do not raise the insurance premiums.
- The Board heard the first reading of an ordinance that would grant a conditional use permit to a Motorcycle Sales and Repair business on property located at 9615 E. 63rd Street. Karen Bosarge told the Board she had a business license to sell motorcycle accessories, but she didn’t realize she needed a license to sell motorcycles. The second reading will be on August 21, 2012.
narrowed the field of candidates for the newly formed 28th State Legislative
District last Tuesday. Following are the results:
EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the candidate's listed below, Tom McDonald, contacted us regarding the vote totals we had posted last Sunday. We had taken our totals from the Missouri Secretary of State's website. Apparently, the Secretary of State's office had left out the Kansas City precincts in the District 28 Primary Election. The corrected numbers are now posted.
EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the candidate's listed below, Tom McDonald, contacted us regarding the vote totals we had posted last Sunday. We had taken our totals from the Missouri Secretary of State's website. Apparently, the Secretary of State's office had left out the Kansas City precincts in the District 28 Primary Election. The corrected numbers are now posted.
DISTRICT 28 – 100% of
the vote counted
McDonald 1,349
J. Riehle 509
Aziere 1,740
Seen and Heard About Town BY GREG WALTERS
Mayor David Bower and City Administrator Mahesh Sharma have been spotted
having breakfast at the International House of Pancakes on more than one
occasion. We’re not certain, but it is a fair guess that city business is being
discussed. Someone ought to tell those two that city business is best discussed
at City Hall.
We do not know if there is any truth to the rumor that City Administrator
Sharma has insisted that future breakfast meetings be held at a Pancake House
in Raymore. Sharma recently broke his promise to move to Raytown when he and
Bower convinced to the Board of Aldermen to waive residency requirements for
the City Administrator.
Speaking of residency requirements . .
. we were discussing some of Mayor Bower’s shenanigans in Raytown with a
County official the other day. When he heard the part about the residency
requirement being tossed out by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen his reaction
was one of disgust. He was especially angry because it was clear that Sharma
not only lives outside of Raytown’s borders – (as was pointed out to us by the
County official) he doesn’t even live in Jackson County!
List of Candidates Shrinking and
It seems as if there are two lists shaping up that may make a difference
in next April’s city elections.
One list is of incumbents who may not run for re-election next April. It
has been known for quite some time that Ward 2 incumbent Jim Hamilton will not
be running for re-election. Three other incumbents have been rumored as
undecided on what they will do next April. They are Ward 3 Alderman Christine
White, Ward 1 Alderman Shane Pardue, and Ward 4 Alderman Bill VanBuskirk. If
elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in November, it is logical that
long-time Alderman Jim Aziere’s seat would be up for grabs as well.
The only incumbent candidate to announce his intention to seek
re-election is the City Marshal, Jim Lynch.
The name of possible opponents to incumbents is much shorter. Former Brooking
Township Democratic Committeeman Richard Tush has expressed interest in running
for the Board of Aldermen, as has former Congressional candidate Jason Greene.
The Board has angered many sectors of the voting public this past year.
The lack of property code enforcement is a perennial complaint that has yet to
be addressed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Problems at Super Splash and
the recent $30,000 pay increase to City Administrator Mahesh Sharma coupled
with the Sharma’s broken promise to make Raytown his home has added fuel to the
All items combined could make for a perfect storm that would bring much
needed change to Raytown City Hall.
13th Annual St. Bernadette Fall
Celebrating a Baker’s Dozen!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
5-9 pm.
BBQ Rib/brisket dinner, Raffle (top prize of $1,000), Games for all ages,
Silent Auction, Country Store, Car Smash, Live Music, Fun.
Come join us at the 4 p.m. Mass and stay for the festival.
St. Bernadette Church, 9020 E 51 Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri
For more information call (816) 356-3700.
6th Annual RAA Art Show, August 24-25
The Raytown Artists Association will present the 6th Annual Art Show. The
art will be judged with the top prize of $150 for Best of Show. Attendees can
shop for prints and gift cards of artist’s original works and participate in
the silent auction of donated works. The auction’s proceeds will benefit the
2013 Raytown High School Art Scholarship. Click for details.
Trees for Sale, August 15
Trees for Raytown is a program developed in 1987 by the Raytown Parks
& Recreation Department to help reforest and beautify the Raytown Community
will launch on August 15 and run through September 15. Cost is $33 per tree
($50 for dogwoods). Ornamental Trees – Flowering Crabapple (pink, red or
white), Fruitless Crabapple, Flowering Dogwood-white or pink(spring only),
Washington Hawthorne, and Red Bud. Shade Trees – Bald Cypress, Black Gum, Red
Maple, Pin Oak and Swamp White Oak. Click for details.
Upcoming Events
Bark in the Park at Kenagy Park, September 8
5K Historic Trail Run for Excellence, October 20
3rd Annual Pumpkins on Parade, October 20
5K Historic Trail Run for Excellence, October 20
3rd Annual Pumpkins on Parade, October 20
For more information about the above events go to: Friends of Raytown Parks
Fit Bottomed Girls
Last week, I wrote about how a new self-serve frozen
yogurt place in my neighborhood has me being very careful. I treat myself every
now and then, but at this place in particular, I have to be mindful of my
portions lest I add every bit of candy or topping that looks tasty. Because
everything looks tasty. One commenter made the point... Continue reading
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I hope all of the current board of aldermen seek re-election, because they will ALL BE DEFEATED. No one receives a $30,000 pay increase in a city of our size. It cannot be defended and Mahesh should be ashamed of himself for demanding a raise. He seems to be a greedy man and I'm hoping that a new board will see this and just maybe decide to make a change in this position after next April.
From the last threat:
1:08PM, Maybe you should state the truth so we will know. Vague statements are hardly construed as the truth and mean nothing to me and probably most people.
How many detectives are there compared to officers? It may be due to the murders and other crimes in Raytown. Harry Stone is a cold case. Are they actually detectives or on an assignment rotation? I lived in Carlsbad, CA and several years later when I was in town I asked to speak to the detective who handled my case. I was told that on a force that small they rotate assignments. I don't know what Raytown does so maybe you should explain it to everyone.
10:57 PM, It shouldn't be necessary to call an Alderman to enforce codes. One call to the codes department should take care of it. If it doesn't, someone isn't doing their job. I have a neighbor who calls her alderman and then me so I will call the alderman. I told her this is backwards. The call should be to codes.
Andy Whiteman
At least Bower and Sharma are patronizing a Raytown business! Someone should sit near them and overhear the conversation. This could be an illegal meeting or just coworkers having breakfast. Who knows. I would think if it was an illegal meeting, they wouldn't do it in Raytown in plain sight.
It is common for coworkers to have breakfast or lunch together but that is not the relationship here. I thought it was a Boss/employee relationship not coworkers.
Andy Whiteman
It's too bad that the city doesn't have a charter form of government. These 9 aldermen and the Mayor could be subject to a recall petition for abusing their power by handing out this $30,000 raise. But, wait a minute, wasn't it Sue Frank and her cronies that claimed we didn't need a charter? Also in a 4th city, the city administrators position is not required. Just something to think about!!!
I have previously suggested here that the City Administrator's job be abolished and that we elect a full time Mayor. We don't need to pay a CA to tell our BOA what to do. I think a full time mayor could be paid much less than a CA.
Andy Whiteman
Do Not Judge
7 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
A few of our Alderman have worked their butts off for the people of this city, with very little compensation, but with a lot of sarcastic negativism thrown at them. I’m really not sure why any of them would want to keep the job, unless of course they actually desire to serve and want to accomplish some good things for this city. One decision is made that you don't like, so you are willing to just toss them out? I don't believe any of them are perfect, but some of them deserve better than that. When you get rid of bad apples, do you toss out the good ones also? Be careful what you wish for, you may get something a lot worse than what you already have! Just a little food for thought.
7:28 PM you are so right, which is why I still don't understand why one Alderman keeps speaking out about section 8 housing and those that live in it.
Who are we to know or understand why they are having to live in section 8 housing.
7:47PM, Good point! With the low pay and long hours, I feel that Alderman are really performing a community service. They also have their own regular jobs to do and at least one that I know of has a long commute! 9 of them allowed themselves to be led or ordered on how to vote. I spoke with one who gave me logical reasons for his vote, none of which I agreed with.
When election comes around we need to vote wisely so as not to vote out those who are doing a good job other than that one vote we are addressing here. If any are voted out we need to make sure we vote in someone who is a better and not a worse choice. In the last mayoral election after VanBuskirk dropped out, we were left with the choice of the incumbent or a worse person. Thankfully the worse person wasn't elected.
Andy Whiteman
Andy Whiteman
Hey everybody. It is okay to disagree. You have not gone against the Bible's teaching if you question someone's (poor) judgment.
To expose someone as being less than truthful when they break often repeated promises is not a bad thing.
To make things better you have to recognize and expose what is wrong.
If you really want change you have to say why you want change. If you really want change in Raytown you should consider stepping up and running for office so you can make the right decisions.
If they were playing baseball the "team" we have a city hall would be in last place, the manager an coach fired and everyone would be saying what a good idea it is to make the change.
The trouble is that the once good apples have been spoiled by the bad aldermen at city hall. They've abandoned their conservative principals and started spending my tax dollars like there is no tomorrow. This is the worst board that I have seen in many years. No pride in their community, look at the neighborhoods, no respect for the city employees that really do the work, and so much top heaviness that it's disgraceful. So yes, it is time that they ALL go so a new team can straighten this MESS out.
I guess we as human beings are a pretty
stupid lot. We buy Japanese cars after
our not so distant relatives were killed
at Pearl Harbor. We welcome illegal workers.
Now, we have forgotten what bad decisions our own
aldermen have done and how much it has cost
the taxpayers. Let me remind you of just
a few things.
First and most damaging is the Wal-Mart deal
that has cost you the taxpayers millions in
bond payments. Remember the special sales tax
increases you voted on for safety and street
overlays that for the most haven't come true.
Tens of thousands paid for developers that did
nothing for this town. Thousands for survey after
survey with actually no result. All this if handled
right would paved every street in Raytown.
The Super Splash problems.
Then the workers and Police were told, times are
hard and the city has to freeze wages. Except they
gave the City Administrator a $30,000.00 raise.
I will say, there might be a couple of aldermen that
deserve respect and a thank you every now and
then but, come on people every problem this city has
is a direct result of the people that run this town.
If you are willing to praise them for the few good
things they have done then it's only fair to point out
the stupid, asinine and costly things they have done too.
A few lines taken out of context from the good book
won't change this.
Fact, if it were just one or two bad decisions
nobody would care or remember but there are way more
than just a couple.
I just looked at the Aldermens Web packet for 8/14/2011. I wish they had a better defination of the 2011 Crime Statistics presentation on on the agenda.
Hard to argue that Raytown taxpayers continue to pay over and over again for the Walmart mistake.
So Walmart has decided to press charges on all theft. Good for them I agree... However how much is this costing Raytown?
If you average the cost to respond to a Walmart call at $50. per and they are called to this location 4 times a week (a low number by my guess)for 52 weeks thats costing the Raytown tax payers over $10,000 per year.
Going to watch the BOA replay I want to know what they had think about this.
Also watch your water bills Raytown Water has a 13% increase pending with Mo. Publis Service Commission. Why do you think the water department was changing meters on Sunday.
Without a charter we cannot get rid of all the alderman at once because their terms are staggered. That means you can only get rid of 5 at a time and their terms a 4 years now. So in April set your minds on the 5 who you can go after, then in 2 years go after the other 5 and the mayor.
The next time the charter comes up don't believe what city hall tells you because they only want you to know what they want you to know. Believe me you were all lied and you all bought it.
The next time get the information about the charter they are presenting and then get on the computer to find out what other cities have in their charters and compare them to what they are presenting here. Vote the for our charter if you think it good. If you have questions be sure you have the right answers. We are to large of a city to still be fourth class and to have to ask the state if we can do something.
2:56PM, You are very conservative. I suspect that each Walmart response cost the city more than $50! At least two officers usually respond to each call. That means mileage and wear and tear on 2 cars as well as the officers time! Each officer has to write a report (more time taken) and I assume more time to transport the perp to jail. Add in the cost of the jail personnel and meals. I don't have figures on the value of an officer's time after salary and benefits but I would estimate way over $50 per hour per officer so we may be talking over $100 per call! Watching the crime reports, I frequently see several calls to that location in one day so I would guess 10+ calls per week.
I suggested years ago as Walmart was in the planning stages that RPD establish a substation at Walmart. This would serve 2 purposes:
1) A contact place where the public may walk in and talk to an officer.
2) Process shop lifters without having to dispatch squad cars. I think that would be a big savings.
I am surprised that Raytown Water would pay overtime to change meters on a Sunday. My meter was changed 13 years ago when I started service. I questioned why it was replaced a few years later since it was pretty new. I was told that was to guarantee the accuracy of the meter.
On the water subject, the sewer rates increased this summer for those using more than 1000 gallons of water a month during the winter.
Andy Whiteman
I feel sorry for all you bloggers all you do is complain. If you are married your spouses deserve a medal for putting up with you.
Once again we have been visited by some Pollyanna who can only see blue skies, claims it only rains at night while we are asleep and that everything is just wonderful in Raytown.
Making comments about wives is typical of their tactics. They are like Obama. They do not have anything good to say about their record at City Hall. Instead they try to smear anyone who does not agree with them!
For those who think City Hall has done
nothing for us to complain about, I suggest
you enlighten the rest of us on what City Hall
has done to make you proud enough to take shots
at us "Anonymously."
We will look forward to your list of good things.
5:14 AM, Maybe their spouses won't listen to them or they don't discuss city business.
My wife was murdered at work and I have no desire to remarry. Red Dogg and I don't discuss city issues because I now she doesn't care, but if something really upsets me, she is at my side.
If you don't like reading complaints, shy don't who don't YOU skip over them? You are not required to read every post. If something (published anywhere print or web) doesn't have my interest in about 3 lines, I move on to the next.
Andy Whiteman
I didn't say everything is wonderful in Raytown. My point is there are alot of people suffering in our community and all you guys can do is complain!!! Get a hobby!!!!
Paul, I see even with all of your complaining about Michael Downing not paying his taxes he still got elected. Maybe people really don't care what you have to say.
Pat, I issued the same challenge in different words and of course that writer was unable to respond. I suspect he sees nothing positive in Raytown and is still the one complaining about us who are blogging in an effort to resolve the problems.
To the complainer about our complaints, if there is something positive that happens such as outstanding service from a city employee or group of employees, I post it here as well as copies to the Mayor and CA. I also comment if I am extremely satisfied about a business.
As for businesses, after the last rain storm when there was 0.08" of rain, I had a big limb down from a tree (not my tree). Durbin AAA Tree Service (a local company in Raytown) happened to drive by on his way to the Post Office and wondered if it was struck by lightening? I didn't know and told him that I had already called Gary Scott. Paul Durbin informed me that Gary had died of cancer in June. I asked for a price and received a reasonable quote. The the bad part of the tree was cut back and the limb removed and cleaned up within 2 hours! Very good, highly professional, fairly priced service.
Andy Whiteman
Of course Michael Downing won. He was unopposed! His one vote was enough to assure his election.
As for our reporting that the Jackson County Circuit Court had placed a Certificate of Tax Lien for non-payment of taxes in 2007 on Downing's property -- it was a news item.
We pay our taxes, and are willing to bet that you pay your taxes. Don't you think that people holding leadership positions should pay their taxes as well?
We hope you join with us in persuading the Missouri State Legislature to amend Missouri State Statutes to make it so scofflaws like Mr. Downing are prohibited from holding public office at least until they pay their fair share in taxes!
Dear Bloggers:
Shouldn't people also pay any city fees in a timely manor.
So is there a way to review the sewer bills as I bet there is shocking information that will have several decide to keep quite on taxes.
Maybe we can get google fiber on one side of town and yahoo fiber on the other side. Sound silly? Tell that to the water companies.
Do not understand the reference to sewer bills. If you don't pay your sewer bill in Raytown they have the water company turn off the water.
Don't see anything unusual there. What is your point?
Thank you Mr. Livius. I agree. Elected officials should pay their taxes. Good luck getting that changed in Jefferson City.
As for Mr. Downing. If the shoe fits. Wear it!
This is Raytown... Do you really think that city hall gets busy and stays on top of sewer bills!
This is Raytown... Just look at the lack of attention that city hall gives to code violaters.
Anymore questions?
There is something disturbing about how the council members have fallen over themselves, squirming and groveling in attempts to justify the pay raise and favored treatment Administration Sharma received.
A case in point. The local paper quoted Mayor Bower as stating, "The Board rated Sharma on a five point scale. He rated 4.62." (sic)
Makes me wonder. Did this absurdly high rating include keeping your word; telling the truth when you commit to moving to the town which is feeding you?
The council made an idiotic mistake giving in to Sharma's demands. Rationalizing their action like a bunch of sniveling kids caught with their hand in the cookie jar degrades our city.
Small wonder Raytown is the knee-slapping, shriek-inducing, whooping butt of more jokes than all towns in the metro area combined.
Gas prices went up Saturday evening. I stopped at a Raytown station that hadn't gone up yet. I have a 23 gallon tank and my gauge registered just under 7/8. I expected to take less than 5 gallons but I was charged over $43 for over 12 gallons. That is over 1/2 tank of gas and there is no way I could have used that much! Using their measurement I got 5.09 MPG! I suggest everyone check how much gas they are charged for when they fill. There is something wrong with the pump(s) at one Raytown station.
I have reported it both to their customer survey and to the Missouri Department o Weights and Measures.
I am not mentioning the name of the station for obvious reasons.
Andy Whiteman
To "Anonymous 6:58,
This is my point! The people of Raytown
deserve to be served better. Meaning their
so called representatives should do what
they were elected to do, serve the people!
This includes enforcing codes, giving the
the people what they were promised in those
percent sales tax elections. Most or all
they need to quit wasting taxpayer money
by rewarding people that lie to them and give
the raises to the people that work for the
people. The police and the workers of Raytown.
I'm sorry but I'm a little more than pi*&%$
at what City Hall and their friends call
good government. In this economy good government
does not hand out thirty thousand dollar raises!
Remember taxpayers, that is a YEARLY INCREASE.
How many of you have received that kind of a raise?
EVER? I'll bet the suffering in our community
don't even make 30K a year let alone a hundred thirty
thousand a year.
This is your money City Hall is spending.
When you talk about a lot of people suffering
in our community. Do you think this makes them feel
any better? Maybe the fact our neighborhoods are
getting worse or that taxes are too high in Raytown,
Maybe it's because the crime rate is higher now
and the fact that our police officers respond to
over thirty calls to Wal-Mart a week, should make
us all feel better about the way things are going.
I know it may not sound like it but, I love this
town. I have for more years than many of our elected
officials have been here. I'm not saying they are
bad people either. I'm just saying they don't
represent the people. Their friends and big business
come first and foremost.
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