most amazing photos - Part 1. . . This is Part One of a series of Six different
sets of photographs. You can link to the additional photos at the end series.
Turn up your speakers and enjoy. Use this link Unique Photographs
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Greg Walters |
April may seem to be a long way off but now is the time that next Spring’s
campaigns begin.
doubt Mayor David Bower is already searching for candidates to fill open spots
on the Board of Aldermen. One incumbent is almost certain not to file for
re-election. Rumors are that as many as two others feel they have done enough
as an elected official.
is also the real possibility that Bower will file a candidate against at least one
of the incumbents on the Board of Aldermen.
doubt, the Mayor will deny involvement in any campaigns next spring.
not believe him.
has a vested interest in keeping the tight grip he has on the Board of
Aldermen. He will not let go without a fight.
seats on the Board of Aldermen are up for election next April. The Municipal
Judge and the City Marshall will also be on the ballot.
far, the only individual to “officially” announce his campaign for re-election
for public office is the city’s Chief of Police Jim Lynch.
is a list of offices open for election next April in the City of Raytown. Next
week we will list races for School Board and the Raytown Fire Protection
ALDERMAN: (Five seats
open) $400 Monthly + $50 Monthly Car Allowance / Eligible to join City’s Health
Insurance Plan. Four year term.
Annually. Automatically included in all employee benefit plans –
Pension/Insurance. Four year term.
CITY MARSHALL (Chief of Police): $96,742.00
Annually. Automatically included in all employee benefit plans –
Pension/Insurance. Automobile, maintenance and fuel provided. Four Year Term.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in running for
public office – now is the time to start.
campaigning will not begin until late in the winter. But building a base of support
is very important. Begin by spreading the word of your interest – listen to
what that base of supporters have to say. You need their help in shaping your
message and just as important, you will need their help in campaigning next
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following people are the current office holders in the seats up for election next April:
Municipal Judge: Traci Fann - City Marshall (Chief of Police): Jim Lynch - Alderman, Ward 1: Shane Pardue - Alderman, Ward 2 - Jim Hamilton - Alderman, Ward 3: Christine White - Alderman, Ward 4: Bill VanBuskirk - Alderman, Ward 5: Steve Mock.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following people are the current office holders in the seats up for election next April:
Municipal Judge: Traci Fann - City Marshall (Chief of Police): Jim Lynch - Alderman, Ward 1: Shane Pardue - Alderman, Ward 2 - Jim Hamilton - Alderman, Ward 3: Christine White - Alderman, Ward 4: Bill VanBuskirk - Alderman, Ward 5: Steve Mock.
Clean Up This Mess! (Week Two)
week we published the picture on the left of some household trash that has been
sitting on the side of the street at the northwest corner of 63rd
and Hunter Street.
sent a copy of our story to Raytown City Hall so that they would know where the
trash was located.
of this writing it has not been picked up.
since our city department heads do not live in town, that they might have
problems finding where the trash is located.
here are some directions, courtesy of Mapquest, from City Hall to where the
trash is located.
- Begin your journey at Raytown City Hall.
- Go west on 59th Street to Raytown Trafficway.
- Turn left.
- Take Raytown Trafficway south to 63rd Street.
- Turn right.
- Take 63rd Street to southbound Hunter Street.
- Turn left.
- On the southwest corner of Hunter and 63rd Street is a yellow house. It is just west of Blue Ridge Elementary Grade School property.
- Look for a pile of trash that looks like the picture at the beginning of this story.
- Take the pile of trash to the City's Public Works Garage and dispose of it.
Reflux (The Hell that lives in my body!) BY TISH
over a year now, I’ve been plagued by a curious predicament. I lacked energy,
was constantly thinking my allergies were atrocious because I had the
worst post-nasal drip, kept gaining weight…and then I went to an ear, nose and
throat doctor and was finally given an explanation. Diagnosis: acid reflux,
otherwise known... Continue
Raytown Calendar of Events
Data compiled by Friends of Raytown Parks. For more information go to Friends of Raytown Parks
Data compiled by Friends of Raytown Parks. For more information go to Friends of Raytown Parks
Holiday Lights Recycling in KC Region,
November 17
Southeast Enterprises and St. Louis Green
are joining forces in the goal to collect and recycle 104,000 pounds of holiday
lights. In addition to keeping holiday lights out of the landfill, we have the
benefit of providing challenging work for over 160 employees with developmental
disabilities. 100% of holiday lights we collect will be recycled. Click for details.
Mid Continent Public Library - Raytown,
The Mid-Continent Library of Raytown's
events will soon be included in our community events calendar. Until we get
their calendar fully integrated, look for their RSS events feed in the right
margin of our calendar. Besides the library, they are a wonderful resource for
learning, from storytime, book clubs, internet, business, cooking and craft
classes, and more! Click for RSS feed.
To post a comment on this blog click on
the word comments on the line
directly below this sentence.
Can you please add the list of alderman up for re-election? Also, what are the additional eligibility requirements for Marshall and Judge?
Let the candidate search begin!
The mayor also has a tight grip on the park board. He was made this once proud and dedicated group into an advisory board that has a hard time getting enough members to their meetings. This is exactly why state law says the park board should not have to answer to the mayor or board of alderman.
The following people are the current office holders in the seats up for election next April:
Municipal Judge: Traci Fann
City Marshall: Jim Lynch
Alderman, Ward 1: Shane Pardue
Alderman, Ward 2: Jim Hamilton
Alderman, Ward 3: Christine White
Alderman, Ward 4: Bill VanBuskirk
Alderman, Ward 5: Steve Mock
Next week we will publish the requirements for candidates for the various offices.
These 5 aldermen all need to quit or be defeated, because they are the LIBERAL REPUBLICANS that handed out the $30,000 raise to the city administrator. Let's get some good candidates filed and get out and defeat them in April!!! TOO EXPENSIVE FOR RAYTOWN
I just recently moved to Raytown and happened to stumble on to this blog. I am very surprised at the tone and attacks by some of the bloggers. I'm wondering where all the Christians in Raytown are? The certainly are not on this blog. So much hatred, vindictiveness and just plain nastiness. I hope the rest of Raytown is not this bad.
I regularly visit this blog but seldom post on it. The comment from the Christian above is kind of scary.
Think about. By far the most negative comment is the one he posted! He finishes his message with name calling.
I have rarely read such an intolerant and narrow-minded comment on this blog.
I hope he stumbles off the page!
To the "Christian" that stumbled onto
this blog I say, we the people are tired
of turning the other cheek. If you had read
most of the posts from the past you would
see exactly why some of us are so negative.
By the way it has nothing to do with religion,
although in this country you may insert what you
believe anytime you want. Just like the people
that like to use "Democrats" or "Republicans"
anytime they don't like what has happened.
In most cases you have to read bewtween the
We need some new blood and fresh faces, people who are committed to ideals, not a check or making friends.
Bill VanBuskirk, from my understanding, will be running for his Ward 4 seat again and has done nothing to lose that seat.
The other 4 wards are home to Alderman rumored to be stepping down or who have cast controversial votes on the Board meaning candidates from Wards 1, 2, 3, and 5 must be recruited. I believe it starts with Ward 1 with Walters vs. Par Due part deux. Walters lost by a narrow margin previously and a quality campaign could be enough to overcome Par Due who has been a Bower-Proxy vote throughout his term. Walters brings a balance to the Board that is necessary.
As for the other wards, the time is now to proffer names so we end up with high-caliber individuals ready to file on Dec. 11
- "A clever individual"
You've got to be kidding, thinking that VanBuskirk deserves re-election!!! He voted for that $30,000 raise for the city administrator and has done nothing to clean up our city. He's been a big disappointment to all of us at First Baptist.
Does anyone know what is going on at the Burger King on 350? Everytime I go by I see no one working on it. Are they going to do the remodel like some of the newer updated stores?
The results from the ARRL Field Day, June 1012 have come in for the Raytown Amateur Radio Club, K0GQ.
Here are the results.
Ranked 44th, out of 2,617 total entries
Ranked 9th out of 408, of class 2A (our operating class)
First place in State of Missouri, and Division (MO, KS, IA, NE)
We made a total of 2,653 contacts, with 35 operators.
Not our best year, but we did have some problems so we still have done very well all thing considered.
Our first annual hamfest was also a success, and we will look forward to having another one next year.
Would someone at city hall please tell us what is going on! Burger King restoration has ground to a stop. The Chevy dealer is gone. Buffalo Wild Wings is closing. Sav A Lot is gone.
Nothing but bad news!
Another Raytown business that appears to be in trouble is the new Sutherlands. Never see much business in the place, hope it's not "going under" too.
I spoke to a Burger King official yesterday. He stated they were waiting for the city to approve their building plans and they would be open 75 days after the plans are approved.
I work for Sutherlands. While the business at the Raytown store is not what was hoped for, it is average for the area stores and not "going under".
Hey, the Raytown Plaza is filling in.
That's gotta be worth something.
A friend of mine who happens to be close to previous CD5 candidate Jason Greene tells me he is considering to run in his ward.
At this point I would vote for
any new face for alderman. That is
as long as they keep their hands
out of our pockets and quit giving
away our tax dollars and can actually
walk and chew gum at the same time.
There is a certain blond on our board
that is sharp as a box of rocks.
Unfortunately she is not the only one.
Remember you heard this here first,
This town will be called Bowertown
within the next two years. We will
have to ask Mayor Bower permission to
use the bathroom soon. After he takes
away all of our rights to vote and
does away with our Police Department.
Along with our Judge and he appoints
a friend that will do as he tells them.
Buffalo Wild Wings is NOT closing. Sav A Lot is gone because of the Obama economy, they closed many stores nation wide! Some of you people are nothing but negative, you WANT Raytown to fail! It isn't, in spite of the terrible economy it is healthy and well.
I just made a post stating that Buffalo Wild Wings was not closing, that was incorrect. I spoke to the manager and they stated that they were closing for two reasons; one is related to the bad economy and the other because they want to have their own building. They suggested that they might build here in Raytown sometime in the future if the economy recovers!
You can thank the federal government intervention into the automobile industry for the loss of our (4) car dealerships. When the federal government gets involved in things they should stay out of bad things happen! To suggest that any of this is the fault of our local government is pure nonsense
If Burger King is waiting on the city to approve the plans, then the old Rock Island line might open before that....just joking...I hope.
I miss the Sav A Lot. It was like a convenience store on steroids. The peopel there were always helpful and prices very reasonable. It seemed to me that their business was improving. Too bad they are gone.
Add the Hostess store to the list of businesses closing.
"Sav A Lot is gone because of the Obama economy"
You mean the economy the president inherited, of course. You must mean that, because that's what happened.
But let's face facts. Thriftway before it didn't exactly do a land-office business there either, because the location is hemmed in on all sides by a Price Chopper and a couple of decent Apple Markets. It was a bad spot for them and it was a bad spot for Sav-a-Lot.
Thriftway was a dump, too, which put it at a further disadvantage, but I kinda liked the Sav-a-Lot too. Their owners hardly gave it a chance.
Quit trying to inject national politics into every single damn thing that happens in Raytown. It's a stretch, and four years of sour grapes is going to be more than the American people can tolerate from a bunch of GOP whiners who can't field a candidate that can't relate to ordinary people.
I'm surprised someone hasn't already linked Burger King to Benghazi.
The LOCAL GOVERNMENT is responsible for all the car dealerships moving from Raytown. These dealerships go where the MONEY is and by our board of aldermen allowing our city to become 'RUN DOWN' people are passing us by for greener pastures to the east. So don't try to blame it on someone else the real blame lies at RAYTOWN CITY HALL with all of those incompetent elected officials.
You only have Obama to blame for the state of the economy
Those who have been around awhile know that when Blanton's was in business at 63rd and Raytown Trafficway it was a thriving store. Then Raytown went down the slippery slope of tax abatements when it gave a huge one to Schnucks. Blanton told me at the time that when Shnucks opened up is business fell by one quarter.
The unlevel field of competition created by the City giving out tax incentives, TIF's, etc. created a false economy. The worst hit came with Walmart. It cleaned out small businesses throughout all of Raytown.
Obama inherited a mess but his four years of so-called recovery have been a failure. Anyone who thinks the next four will be any better is in for a shock.
Stumbling down the path of socialism will not make America stronger. It did not work in Europe. It will not work here.
Those who have been around awhile know that when Blanton's was in business at 63rd and Raytown Trafficway it was a thriving store. Then Raytown went down the slippery slope of tax abatements when it gave a huge one to Schnucks. Blanton told me at the time that when Shnucks opened up is business fell by one quarter.
The unlevel field of competition created by the City giving out tax incentives, TIF's, etc. created a false economy. The worst hit came with Walmart. It cleaned out small businesses throughout all of Raytown.
Obama inherited a mess but his four years of so-called recovery have been a failure. Anyone who thinks the next four will be any better is in for a shock.
Stumbling down the path of socialism will not make America stronger. It did not work in Europe. It will not work here.
"Save-A-Lot" is gone because the manager at the Raytown location was very mean and hateful.
I didn't shop there a lot, but stopped after I saw and the whole store heard him go off on a lady who was asking why he had not returned her calls.
I followed her out side the store to find out what was up and learned that she was part of a group raising money for REAP and was just trying to find out if "Save-A-Lot" would like to donate to the cause. The lady said after repeatedly being told that the manager would follow up with her and he had not she decided to stop by the store again.
She said it had nothing to do with if they donated or not it was the principle that they should be respectful to their customers and community and at least say no not continue to say we will will get back with.
She said she would never be back into a store that hires a man who is so rude and I agreed.
I am sure we where not the only two to witness this or that this was is only rude actions towards the customers.
At what point do you think Obama should start taking responsibility for his dismal failures? I'm sure you liberals would all say the same thing; NEVER! You always have the same mantra; “The buck stops THERE” (Bush, or the Raytown city government!
What is this I am hearing around time that several city employees are looking to find five people who will run for Alderman.
Word has it that they are tired of the current members on the Board of Alderman that continue to find a need to serve the city administrator and not the citizens of Raytown.
All I can say is good for these city employees!
How can we blame Obama for a mess that was created by Bush?
Bush didn't have the regulators doing their job, but that should be no shock as we have a party in this land that is all about the all mighty dollar and not about doing what is right.
GOP is not the Grand Old Party, but the Greedy Obsessed People
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