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Jackson County Voters Reject Tax Increase
Jackson County Voters have rejected a half cent sales tax. It is anticipated the final vote count will show a spread of approximately 85% voting "No" on Jackson County Question One, with 15% of voters casting a "Yes" vote. Since Jackson County is divided by two Election Boards it is not anticipated that final votes will be tallied until late this evening.
Failed Fire/EMS Merger Sparks an Exchange
of Official Letters
An exchange of letters
between two Raytown Fire Department officials and Mayor David Bower has been
made public. The letters display a level of frustration rarely shown the public
between the two governing bodies. The topic is a recent decision by a Committee
of the Raytown Board of Aldermen to reject a proposal to merge from the Raytown
Fire Department to merge the city’s ambulance service under fire fighter
The issue became focused at
the last meeting of the Raytown Board Aldermen when the Chairman of the city’s
committee, Alderman Charlotte Melson, announced the Committee had decided to
reject the Fire District’s proposal.
The following exchange of
letters is between Fire Board Liaison to the Raytown Board of Aldermen Barb
Schlapia, Mayor David Bower and Raytown Fire Marshal Matt Mace.
I have forwarded you the
latest correspondence from the Mayor. He
promised to review the process taken by the merger committee and see if due
diligence had been done.
I don't know how anyone
with half of a functioning mind can come to this conclusion but he has.
He said it is time to move
Our proposal could have
saved a minimum of 300,000 dollars a year. But it is apparent that saving the
taxpayers money is not a high priority with the BOA. As a taxpayer I am offended by that. As a member of the Raytown Fire Protection
District I am also offended by the City's actions. It appears that the fish stinks from the top
Barb Schlapia
Member, Raytown Fire Board
I have reviewed the
proposal, which was well presented and offered by the Fire District, to merge
the City's EMS with the Fire District. And, it is my opinion, like that of the
Board of Alderman's Committee members, the potential advantage to the City (the
Citizens) this proposal offers, along with the consequent discussions and
correspondence, is not great enough to put into effect the merger.
On behalf of the BOA, I
appreciate the proposal being made and the hardwork that went into the preparation
of such. Like the Fire District, this Administration, and the City's EMS, is
committed to provide the Citizens of Raytown the best service possible and will
continue to do such.
In the event the Fire
District wishes to offer another proposal, at some point in the future, I
assure you the proposal will be given the attention warranted.
Thank you.
Mayor David Bower
Mr. Mayor,
On behalf of the Raytown
Fire Protection District I thank you for the time and effort the City has put
forth. While we are confident that the
$300,000 of annual projected savings to the citizens of Raytown more than
justified further exploration of this merger, we respect and stand by both you
and Alderman Melson's decision.
We are aware that Raytown
EMS has been able to find savings during the 2014 budget process and I applaud
their efforts for doing so. The fact of
the matter is sir, unless you can operate your department with six fewer
employees, the fire district's proposal will always be $300,000.00
cheaper. It is a simple mathematical
equation; each employee has an average total cost of employment of $50,000 and
$50,000 X 6 employees = $300,000.
If you combine this number
with the recent reductions Director Jonesi has implemented we believe the
actual reduction to the taxpayers of Raytown to be close to half a million
dollars a year. For the Fire District this proposal was a zero sum gain to our
budget, meaning we only planned to bill the city for our actual audited costs.
So this would have been truly a net gain for our community.
Albert Einstein was once
quoted as saying " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results." While
the Raytown Fire Protection District's door will always remain open to further
discussion, we do not see a value in pursuing a new Raytown Fire proposal.
It is apparent the
submitted proposal was lacking items the City of Raytown was obviously expecting,
if the City wishes to explore this at a future date we believe the City of
Raytown should develop the proposal to include the items we were lacking and
submit it to the Fire District for review.
Matt Mace
Fire Marshal
Raytown Fire Protection
It is not my desire to
continue to debate the merits of the proposed merger through the media, as has
been occurring, nor do I wish to make this decision a 'political' event. We had a respectable conversation, you and I
and Mike Hunley, and I explained to you that I would review the financial side
of things myself and respond to you when I had completed such. This review has been completed, and I agree
with the 'Committee' on their decision.
You quoted Albert Einstein
as saying " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results." This
Administration has diligently worked to 'streamline' the city government, to
make decisions based upon good business reasoning, and not what is perhaps
politically desired and many changes have occurred for the betterment of the
citizens. We have reduced the City's
Budget, without a reduction of staff in any of our departments to make the
budget work, and we have improved the services provided our citizens by making
good sound logical decisions. Further,
the 'business practice' the EMS has undertaken, under the watchful eye of the
City Administer, and the Board of Alderman, has in fact changed and for the
betterment of the citizens of Raytown.
We have the same practice in mind as does the Fire District, provide the
citizens of Raytown with the service they deserve, as efficiently as possible,
and do so by making sound business decisions.
Finally, I again express my
appreciation for the proposal. It was
well prepared and presented, but after talking with the Committee Chairman, the
Committee members, the Senior Staff, and through my own analysis, it did not
make good business sense for the City.
Thank you.
Mayor David W. Bower
City of Raytown
Community Events - Rice Tremonti volunteers Jo Tremonti Kammerer (on the left) and Jesse Jan Martin (on the right) were busy Saturday afternoon serving guests at the Annual Fundraiser of the Historic Rice Tremonti Homestead located at 67th and Blue Ridge.

County Question One to be Decided Tuesday BY GREG WALTERS

voters have been in the cross-hairs of both sides of the campaign. Many area
voters have reported receiving numerous mailings for and against the proposed
campaign has been unique in Jackson County politics because it has pitted
forces against each other that have a history of joining together on similar tax
We have chosen two articles published in the Kansas City Star that
we feel are representative of the arguments for and against the tax.
remember to vote on Tuesday, November 5th. Polls open at 6:00 a.m
and close at 7:00 p.m.
Research Tax Question and Answers
Look Elsewhere for Models BY YAEL T. ABOUHLKAH
five days Jackson County voters will decide the fate of one of the largest-ever
local tax increase requests.
will decide Tuesday whether to approve an $800 million sales tax increase in
Jackson County for medical research.
half-cent sales tax on the ballot would last 20 years and raise $800 million,
with most spent on medical research by Children’s Mercy and St. Luke’s
hospitals plus the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
including me, object largely because the tax would be collected in only one
county and would not be spent on public assets, as most sales taxes are.
are last-minute questions and answers on topics not addressed in previous
columns on this crucial issue: READ MORE
What’s Up With You and that Jackson County Research Tax? BY BARBARA SHELLY
it an occupational hazard. I’ll be on the phone or at the grocery store or the
gym and somebody will ask me why I’m supporting the Jackson County research
would be Question 1 on the Jackson County ballot on Nov. 5, a request for a half-cent
sales tax increase that would raise about $40 million a year to support an
emerging field of research that works to turn scientific discoveries into new
medications or tools or medical protocols.
conversations take different forms. Here’s a composite:
seems really weird to ask people to support a tax that benefits a certain
really. In Kansas City, we’ve supported ballot measures that benefit the
convention and tourism industries. Their selling points are economic
development and civic pride. The research tax idea began as a way to get a jump
on a field that has the potential to bring lots of good jobs here. Wouldn’t it
also be a source of pride to have a public investment in a research institute
that would work on groundbreaking medical discoveries? I think it would be
great. READ MORE
Last Week’s Poll Results: Last week we asked readers their opinion on the future of Raytown SuperSplash Waterpark. The question, "Should Raytown SuperSplash be closed down
or given another year to turn a profit?" had the following results
I would do some checking to see what is up with a topic that has fallen off the
radar screen in the fine City of Raytown.
case you are wondering just what on Earth I am talking about . . . well, let me
enlighten you . . . in about five months the voters in the City of Raytown will
decide whether or not to form a Charter Commission.
far, there has not been any new candidates filed for the Charter Commission
except for those who originally filed when the petition effort to put the
matter before the voters was presented. That’s right! Only the original 13 or
so candidates who brought the petition
are on the ballot.
this Charter is being created through a petition led initiative, as opposed to
the last effort, which was actually created by the City Council, I find it
this particular petition led effort is truly a people’s effort. All of the
candidates are just regular folk like you and me. Unlike all the efforts before
it, this is truly a “people’s effort” to create change.
course it is too early to pass judgment on the Charter effort. But I thought it
could use a little boost. So let’s share some information from City Hall,
which, as all of our readers know, is not especially known for sharing much of
those that are interested. Here are some pre-Charter facts that might help you
decide whether or not to join in the effort.
- If you are interested in running for the Charter Commission you must first gather signatures from registered Raytown voters to be placed on the ballot.
- The number of qualified signatures required to be placed on the ballot as a candidate for the Raytown Charter Commission is 36.
- Petition forms for filing are available at the office of the Raytown City Clerk.
- The last day to file to be placed on the ballot for the Raytown Charter Commission is January 21, 2014.
this information is helpful to someone.
yeah, one more thing. This is a year of firsts for a very long time in the
area. I cannot let this opportunity pass . . . GO CHIEF’S!!!
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The Simply Raw Kitchen BY KRISTIN

Cross Country Team Wins Class 2 District 7 Title
53 points, the Archbishop O'Hara boys cross country team won the Class 2
District 7 Title on November 2nd. Stockton was second at 54 points and
Lamar was third with 58 points. Eight schools were represented.
none of the Celtic runners were among the top five, running as a team, they
took the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th places. Danny
Meyers, J.D. Meyers, Matthew Gordon, and C. J. Naudet were among the top ten
across the finish line.
O'Hara girls led by Jennifer Gustin in 9th place and Anna Gutteridge in 13th
place took third place as a team, just one point shy of second place.
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Tired of Looking at this Picture? BY GREG WALTERS AND PAUL LIVIUS
So are we.
So are we.
City Hall is well aware of the dead trees
that line the Walmart Store along its busiest stretch of 350 Highway. They are
also aware the five dead trees pictured are at left is only the tip of the
iceberg, and that many more dead trees line the eastern property line of the
Walmart Property as well.
The Codes Department, the City Planner, City Development Director, City Administrator, Mayor and Board of Aldermen have been steadfast in their refusal to have this eyesore removed. That is over 15 adults charged with running our city who have decided not to do so.
The Codes Department, the City Planner, City Development Director, City Administrator, Mayor and Board of Aldermen have been steadfast in their refusal to have this eyesore removed. That is over 15 adults charged with running our city who have decided not to do so.
No pride, no excuses, the
picture is truly a monument to the "see no evil" crowd in charge at Raytown
City Hall.
It appears that elected and hired officials don't want to offend a Big Box Store.
I wonder if they are plain incompetent or following orders?
Andy Whiteman
Andy: Why choose one when you can have both? Incompetent lackeys! Let's put it this way... I sure wouldn't appoint the Mayor as my legal guardian or financial conservator (while, by the way, the dollar is still worth a whopping 40 cents).
They don't upset me though because in the end, as martial law becomes the new norm THEY will be in dire straights as they haven't a clue about how to survive on a dime or think for themselves. Their egos prevent them from realizing that the people they've wronged won't be willing to help them survive the night let alone another day. All the money they've amassed and their perceived power will be worthless. Those of them who have sold out to "orders" are merely disposable facilitators; later subject themselves to the tyrannies they've imposed upon those they thought they were above.
Mr. Walters,
There is an outright surprise that you are not leading the band to stop this new tax trying to be forced upon the taxpayers of Jackson County.
Are you not the same Greg Walters who has been to voice of the people of Raytown for years against all of these taxes and / or tax breaks for private businesses.
The clock is ticking and the question remains are you still the voice of justice for the people against unfair tax practices.
Paul and I had a lengthy discussion about your comments and the Raytown Report not taking a position either for or against the proposed Jackson County Half Cent Sales Tax on the ballot Tuesday night.
This is not the first time we have had the discussion. Because of Raytown's unique geographic position on the map, we have more than our fair share of elections that take in part of Raytown, or, as in this case, the entire city.
Our position on issues before the voters is to inform them the best we can. If the issue is specifically a Raytown matter we will go even further and make our "stand" as we did with the Downtown Raytown Walmart Grocery Store.
Since this is a Jackson County ballot issue, we consider it to be a regional tax question.
The hospitals that would benefit from the tax increase are not in Raytown. The Raytown City Council did not bring the question.
Though there is no doubt that if the tax does pass Raytowners will be expected to pay the increase.
Still, this is not specifically a Raytown issue.
If it were an action of the City Council, or a vote only by Raytown voters, more than likely we would speak out.
There has been a very spirited campaign on both sides of the Jackson County Half Cent Sales Tax issue.
We have linked to two articles in the Kansas City Star which very clearly state positions both for an against the tax increase.
At this point we will give this advice to both sides. Most who plan to vote have already made up their mind (this late in a campaign).
Tuesday's election will be won by the side that can motivate its base to go vote.
In other words, try to persuade someone who was not planning to vote to do so.
Paul and I will be voting. And, we will be watching for the results. The minute they are in we will be publishing them.
Greg I would expect nothing less from you. I feel you handled that question very well explaining your position.
I had missed this previously and now find myself incensed at Tom Cole's expressed attitude about zoning for the City's current RFP for Raytown's green space.
On October 11, 2013 Cole said, "The RFP states that the “proposed development should inject interesting elements that allow the project to serve as an energetic central space for the community” and “foster Raytown’s redevelopment effort for years to come”. The RFP describes the current Planned District Overlay, (NC-P) but Cole says the current zoning does not matter because the governing body can “make up what needs to accommodate” the bidder’s own ideas and vision if agreeable to all parties."
The governing body can "make up what needs to accomodate" the bidder's ideas/vision??? What about OUR vision? And agreeable to all parties??? Exactly to whom does that refer?
The article states bidding closes this week at 2pm on November 8th.
Here we go again!
Full article here > http://www.raytowneagle.com/news/2013/10/city-issued-request-for-proposal-to-redevelop-the-green-space/
Tom Cole sounds like Government speak that no average person can understand! They always talk above the sheepole's level of understanding because sheepole don't want to appear stupid by stating, "I don't understand what you said."
Andy Whiteman
Cole was saying the City would bow to the bidder's wishes with regard to both zoning and development specifics if THEY like what's proposed. They actually liked the idea Walmart proposed, so dare we guess what comes next? They shoot slop when it comes to our town and we need to be on guard for their next fiasco because long after their pockets are lined, they've patted each others' backs and returned to their homes out of town, it is we who have to live with the aftermath. Here I'm referring to increased crime, traffic congestion, development built hideously out of scale and enduring negative tax ramifications coupled with no demolition clause (as was the case with WalMart).
WalMart's dead trees: The area should be declared blighted. Then we could have the whole thing plowed under and stop paying their taxes for them as well.
Good old boy dirty politics are still alive in well. There are subtle forms of intimidation that still goes on preventing some people from running for the charter. Been there done that not going there again.
I did some checking yesterday to find out how high our sale tax will be if the half cent we are voting on today passes.
Sutherland Lumber will go up to about 9 1/2%. Aldi's and HyVee will go up to 9 1/2% on non food items.
But the really BIG increase is saved for Walmart. It will tip the scale at around 10%.
This is way too much of a tax that will not create any jobs in Raytown.
Remember to vote today and vote early. It is supposed to be stormy this afternoon. Some people will not vote because of that. It makes your vote more important.
If Mr. Cole is right and it does not matter what the zoning is on the green space then why did the city council vote to keep the Walmart Zoning?
All that did was force a lawsuit against the city.
Talk about wasted time and energy!
If the sales tax at Walmart goes to 10%, the sales tax at Westlake Ace Hardware will also be 10% since Westlake is part of that TIF. It might make a difference of shopping Sutherlands or Smith Bros as opposed to Westlake especially on high value items.
I wonder what the tax at Walmart just north of Raytown will be and if the Raytown Walmart will have a decline in sales due to the tax?
Andy Whiteman
We cast 3 NO votes at 10a.m. C'mon Raytown, take a neighbor like we did & help get out the vote. Rain starts at 4p.m.
To Anonymous 7:54,
I have been in the downtown area for over twenty years
now, and I can tell you firsthand City Hall doesn’t care
how much time, energy or money it spends to defend
their point of view. I truly don’t know what happens to
people after they are elected to a position with the city.
It seems they lose the reason they ran in the first place.
I once told, what I thought was a friend, whom was running for
an elected position to treat people the way he/she would
expect to be treated by another adult.
I guess he/she forgot they were once just a taxpayer who
thought they could do something good for the people.
I know department heads are hired but, they have a boss
that is elected, in fact about ten of them.
Went to vote on my lunch break near noon and I was number 973 to vote ; that's close to half of the registered voters in my precinct according to the bottom assembly guide. I feel that's a pretty goog turn out for a rainy day with only one issue on the ballot and 7 hrs left to vote.
It appears that the Jackson County Sales Tax Question 1 is going down in flames.
Peter, At least people are concerned enough to vote which is unusual! I just heard on KMBZ at 9PM CT that the measure was defeated. Sales tax in the metro is already too high!
Andy Whiteman
Jackson County, Missouri Question No. 1
Total Percentage
Total: 45545
NO* 39226 86.13%
YES 6319 13.87%
I will say one thing, Mr Mace is persistent. It would appear the mayor has met his match. The city is wishing he would just go away and no matter what political tricks city hall tries to kill this he just won't. I am not sure why the fire department wants this so bad, but it is fun to watch the mayor squirm. My question is if the mayor does not wish to debate the merits publically how then....Behind closed doors like Wal-Mart.
Raytona Beach Bum
Insanity... That's good it should be the central theme to opposing everything the mayor brings before the voters
Greg, How did you ever get the get the mayor to put not 1 but 2 letters on your blog? I guess he does read it after all. Maybe he just thinks there are people who really do read it even if he doesn't. But it could have been the CA who wrote them because we all know he reads it, I've seen him do it.
City Hall Reads This Blog!
How do I know? Weeks ago, I quoted Einstein's 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result'. About a week later, Greg Walters used it in an editorial. Now you see it in the letter of RFPD's Director and in Bower's reply letter to him.
Due to the proximity of the use of the same quote in a brief period of time, it is more than likely true it was picked up on from this blog.
This is to say that while they may deny it, some city officials likely do keep their ears close to the rail which is this public forum and if that be the case, may they continue and learn exactly how tenuous some of their positions are. They are there to serve us, we're the boss and if they will not or cannot perform they will be replaced.
That, my friends, is the sanity of us not doing the same thing over and over again by re-electing those who need to go.
p.s. To all those who voted NO on Question 1 today, Good Job!
The letters from Mrs. Schlapia, Matt Mace and Mayor Bower are a matter of public record. Permission is not required for publication.
Each of the letter writers copied an average of 20 individuals (some a few less, some a few more) in their correspondence.
A Kansas City politician once opined to me that the Raytown Report is like Pitch Magazine which is published in Kansas City and covers politics in that city.
He said, "Your blog is like Pitch Magazine. Nobody reads it. But they all know what is in it."
Paul and I believe our bragging rights come from our counters and posts from readers on the blog portion of the Raytown Report. To view our monthly count of visitors go to the Google counter on the bottom right hand corner of our page.
Numbers do not lie.
I truly am not sure about the Fire Department and the EMS
deal but, if the Fire Department and the EMS think it
would save the taxpayers $300,000.00, and are for it,
to me it sounds like a no brainer. However we must all
be reminded from time to time that saving taxpayers
money is NOT what our City Hall is about.
Making bad deals with big box stores, loaning taxpayer
money to developers, Tax breaks and handing out
a huge yearly pay increase to the City Administrator is.
I guess we will never learn we can’t go up against the
clubhouse at 10000 E. 59th when it comes to saving
taxpayer dollars. That is a lesson I hope we never learn!
City officials have told me they don't read this blog but somehow they know the contents. It is my understanding that an employee at City Hall does the reading and files a report. To me that is a waste and abuse of taxpayer's money. Let each official do his/her own reading.
BTW: Two aldermen told me they read the blog because they WANT TO KNOW how the people feel about issues.
Andy Whiteman
The mayor says that Ems is running fine and the city is saving money. Heck ya, they are saving money because they have not funded 5 positions that were promised with the public safety sales tax. As a matter of fact they have been eliminated. He has added to his staff gave the CA a raise and cut back on public safety. Way to go mayor. And now you have been given a proposal that would save at least 300,000 and you are shelving it. Shame on you. No pay increases to your employees in this budget and you won't even consider an issue to save us money and provide a superior service to the taxpayers. How do you sleep at night? You are so out of touch with the people who pay your salary. I hope you run for another term so WE give you all the consideration you have given us.
I don't quite get the guessing of who reads or doesn't read a particular paper or blog or why some are so obsessed with it. I know I read it and you read it. I'm just more interested in what's said than who is reading what.
I have decided to circulate my petition to work on Raytown's Charter Commission. For some time I have sat on the fence over the issue due to Tom, Dick and Harry's dire recounts of various others' experiences in taking part. I am no one special, just someone who cares about doing what I can to help in any way that I can to secure our liberties, including the right to own personal property.
Ronald Reagan said, "If you don’t do this and if I don’t do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free.”
If you live in Raytown and are like-minded, please don't hesitate to go to City Hall, pick up a petition, get 36 people to sign it and join me in this effort to make this city a better place in which to live. Together, we can make a difference.
That post about the Mayor loading up city hall with top heavy positions hits the nail right on the head. His last appointment of a PR person is nothing more than a tool he uses to try polish up his image.
Give it up Mr. Mayor. When you have to start putting people on the payroll to shore up your image it means your base is disappearing.
People are waking up to the falseness of your promises. The promise of more police and fully staffed ambulance personnel when we approved the public safety sales tax is a good example.
Nothing but a lie.
Check it out. Talk to anyone in the command staff of the P.D. and they will tell you the truth.
Gee, an Anonymous running for a position on the Charter board.
I think you have to give us a little more than that.
My goodness. It almost matches the secrecy out of City Hall!
don't worry too much. When someone files they will have to do so under their name.
The secrecy at city hall will continue unabated.
I'm glad someone is stepping up to be part of the solution.
To November 7, 2013 at 7:21 AM Pat Casady:
How sarcastic of you Pat. I don't hear you talking of getting on board. It's easy to criticize as you rest on your laurels. As 7:56 intelligently pointed out, my name will be revealed due to my filing.
I posted about this because I sincerely believe that more people should take this great opportunity to make a difference despite all the nay-sayers. Those who have fear-mongered the City Charter must have something to lose or they wouldn't bother.
We need 'new blood' with untainted outlooks who don't react negatively to taunting behavior involved in this effort.
You have taunted me, saying 'I think you have to give us a little more than that'. I disagree and am disappointed at your negativity.
The main question I see with EMS is the quality of service rather than saving $300,000. Human live is more important than money! I have called Raytown EMS in the past and have always received prompt, professional service except one time when MAST responded and damaged my door closer because the didn't release it before forcing the door closed. Being a former EMT I evaluate the quality of care myself. My fear of an RFD takeover is what will the response time be? With the new dispatch system if an RFD ambulance is called to KCMO or elsewhere, how long will it take to receive a response from a distant KC (or elsewhere) location? Time is extremely important in any medical emergency!
I have never seen the name "Anonymous" on any ballot. Possibly a city employee who hasn't really decided. I would think if someone was going to circulate a petition, he would sign his name so people could come sign it.
Andy Whiteman
To 9:07 am the negativity is coming from you. Why hide your name if you are proud to be running for a position with the charter? Pat was only asking that you give your name and you go off on him about his negativity and that you are disappointed in him; Pat who you call by name because he is competent in himself to use his name
What an interesting twist! The negativity guy writes an extremely negative post about another guy calling him negative.
The good news is that someone has decided to step up and become a voice by running for the charter commission.
The one spouting off about negative this and negative that cannot hide what he is.
A hater. It is not that things are so wonderful at city hall that they do not need some change for the better.
He just doesn't want anyone to do anything. If no one was signing up for the charter he would probably complain about that!
OK, I applaud the fact that someone cares about the town
enough to try to get on the Charter Board. Good for them!
I believe we need a Charter but, if someone is announcing
they are going to put their hat in the race then why not
tell us who you are.
As for me adding my name, I can’t. I live in Holden. However, I have
owned property in Raytown for over forty years, but, I cannot vote
or run for any office. Personally I think people that own property
in a town but live elsewhere should be able to choose which
town they want to vote in. But, that’s not the law.
If you want to hear negative then this is as close as I will get:
If you are strong willed enough that you are even considering
to run, then you shouldn’t have a problem telling us your
name. Maybe we could help you win the election.
Nov 7 at 9:07 am. Really ? You start your comment calling Pat sarcastic then demean him with sitting on his laurels. And then the other personality comes in and says ( we need new blood with untainted outlooks who don't react negatively to taunting behavior involved in this effort) and you finish with another personality commenting.
November 8, 2013 at 10:25 AM > What are you, the unofficial scorekeeper? What tripe!
Relax people. A good thing is happening. It would be great if more of you would step up to the plate and try to get on the Charter Commission.
This individual has made a ripple in the water and is being met by pyranna. Chill
The mayor wrote he does not wan to discuss the fire merger in a public forum.
What would he prefer? Behind closed doors?
Apparently so.
To 1:11 pm ... Apparently the person running for the charter that wouldn't give a name and then jumped Pat and was so unbalanced must of been pulling our leg to get a response. Dementia, Multiple personality disorder , and Secrecy is what we have now in City Hall ; that's a Big Reason a Charter has been planned so we didn't have the status Quo. Yes that person was just messing with all of us. People who have put their hat in the ring to work on the Charter have done so with such enthusiasm and pride that they put their name out there. It is a great undertaking with much thought and selfless ambition not to mention a sincere care for the citizens of Raytown to petion for a place on the Charter
It is so odd that the Mayor prompted RFD to write their proposal for the merger then said he doesn't think it a good idea.
This erratic behavior runs parallel to the formation of the Super Splash committee, immediately followed by the purchase of the pumps.
If this city's government were an airplane and Bower was the pilot, I'd be making darned sure I was wearing a parachute!
Hey Andy hate to break it to you but I watched Raytown EMS go to a call at the Crown Lodge tonight, that's in Kansas City.
So why are we spending an extra 300k to have the same thing? Just so the Mayor can get his way, we must stop the insanity this April .
To Peter on November 7, 2013 at 9:26 PM
It is amusing that you post under a pseudonym, but question why someone else posts anonymously.
Pat can and did speak for himself. You have a habit of taking the part of enabler (speaking for others). Quirky since you work in psychology.
The mayor prefers talking behind closed doors, that way he can publicly talk out of both sides of his mouth.
11:52 PM, Crown Lodge is so close to the Raytown border that people think it is part of Raytown. Do you expect EMS to let someone die because they are 300 feet into KCMO? Obviously REMS was the closest unit.
When I was a firefighter, EMT, Dispatcher, and a secretary-treasurer of a fire district, if we received a call for service, we responded as the closest unit and didn't dispute district. We were called numerous times by a neighboring city because our response time was faster due to location. We also responded about 30 miles into a remote, mountain area that had a large number of waterfall diving injuries because we were the closest unit with qualified personnel and that area had no EMS team. I received numerous taxpayer complaints, as did the chief. Taxpayers didn't understand, "person in need," so we usually explained it as, "If it was your son, daughter, brother, sister, or father, would you want us to respond or let them die?"
In my opinion, the closest unit should respond.
Andy Whiteman
Pat, Peter , and Andy ; I agree with you. If someone is proud to run for a Charter position why not use your name and we can help promote getting you your 36 signatures. Please go up to City Hall an sign the petition for "blank" they would be great on the Charter
Andy your describing automatic aid, that's exactly what Raytown Fire and Kansas City Fire do now
so andy that means you are for automatic aid? the closet unit with the qualifications gets the call. that means raytown als pumpers get the call over kcfd bls pumpers in areas close to raytown. because if it was your son,daughter,brother,sister or father right????
john henry
Hey Andy, -don't know you, never met you but do extend my accolades for what sounds like exemplary service in a most trying career choice.
9:11 PM, There are parts of Raytown where the KCMO station is the closer than the Raytown stations. Which unit should respond? The one that can get there more quickly or the Raytown units.
I was with a rural district. There was a district out of a city to the north that really was remote to that part of their district requiring to circle a long ways around a large lake. Truthfully I wondered why that area was in a different district. This was before our area had 911 and we would receive calls from citizens who didn't know what district they were in. We would respond and then notify the other district we were responding into there district rather than delay the response. They would then send their units to take charge of the incident. We also received mutual aid calls as the closest unit.
In the case of the mountain diving accidents from a waterfall, the call came from the Sheriff's Dept. due to that area not having EMS service.
I believe in using common sense rather than disputing boundaries when life is at stake.
Andy Whiteman
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