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A Question of Timing
number of individuals who have filed petition for election to a Raytown Charter
Election scheduled for next April have learned that the City Clerk has yet to
begin the approval process of the petitions gathered.
for the formation of a City Charter have apparently been approved because the
City Council has since set an election date of the first Tuesday in April of
2014 as the date Raytowners will vote whether or not to form a Charter
that same election, 13 candidates for the Charter Commission will be chosen by
voters to serve on the Commission.
Commission candidate Chris Rathbone posted in the Raytown Report blog that city officials have decided to hold all Candidate Nomination Petitions until sometime in January
before verifying signatures.
candidate for the Commission, Robbie Tubbs, said the policy could put individuals
with a short list of signature at a disadvantage. “If any signatures are
removed from a candidate’s petition, there may not be time to correct the
problem before the city shuts down the nomination process,” said Tubbs.
Susan Dolan has researched Missouri State Statutes on the question and found
that while the Election Board can hand over the responsibility of verification
of signatures to the city, the final authority rests with the Election Board.
Clerk Teresa Henry, the Raytown official charged with verifying petition
signatures, has not been available for comment for this story.
Following is the pertinent section from Missouri state statutes:
election authority to assist county election authority, verify signatures,
115.337. 1. When an election authority for a county and an election authority for a city have jurisdiction within the same county, the county election authority may, for the purpose of verifying signatures on any new party or independent candidate petition filed with its office, deliver copies of petition pages to the city election authority for registration verification. The city election authority receiving a copy of petition pages shall check each signature indicated by the county election authority against its registration records and return all such copies to the county election authority no later than the day designated by the county election authority. At the same time the copies are returned, the city election authority shall certify to the county election authority the page number of each page it received and the total number of valid signatures from the city on the pages. The county election authority shall not designate any deadline for returning copies and certifications which is less than six or more than twelve working days after the copies have been received by the city election authority.
2. If copies of petition pages are sent to a city election authority for registration verification under the provisions of this section, the county election authority's final determination on the number of valid signatures submitted on the petition from the city shall be based on the certification made by the city election authority.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 10.075)
Effective 1-1-78
Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 115
Election Authorities and Conduct of Elections
Section 115.331
August 28, 2013
Receipt to be given for filed petition.
115.331. When any petition is offered for filing with the secretary of state or an election authority under the provisions of this chapter, the officer receiving the petition shall prepare and issue to the person submitting the petition a receipt indicating the number of petition pages presented from each county. The receipt shall be evidence of the filing of the petition pages subject to the determination that the petition complies with the provisions of this chapter.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 10.065, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
115.337. 1. When an election authority for a county and an election authority for a city have jurisdiction within the same county, the county election authority may, for the purpose of verifying signatures on any new party or independent candidate petition filed with its office, deliver copies of petition pages to the city election authority for registration verification. The city election authority receiving a copy of petition pages shall check each signature indicated by the county election authority against its registration records and return all such copies to the county election authority no later than the day designated by the county election authority. At the same time the copies are returned, the city election authority shall certify to the county election authority the page number of each page it received and the total number of valid signatures from the city on the pages. The county election authority shall not designate any deadline for returning copies and certifications which is less than six or more than twelve working days after the copies have been received by the city election authority.
2. If copies of petition pages are sent to a city election authority for registration verification under the provisions of this section, the county election authority's final determination on the number of valid signatures submitted on the petition from the city shall be based on the certification made by the city election authority.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 10.075)
Effective 1-1-78
Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 115
Election Authorities and Conduct of Elections
Section 115.331
August 28, 2013
Receipt to be given for filed petition.
115.331. When any petition is offered for filing with the secretary of state or an election authority under the provisions of this chapter, the officer receiving the petition shall prepare and issue to the person submitting the petition a receipt indicating the number of petition pages presented from each county. The receipt shall be evidence of the filing of the petition pages subject to the determination that the petition complies with the provisions of this chapter.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 10.065, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
A Question of Timing: AN ANALYSIS
Raytown candidates for the Raytown Charter Commission have a valid concern over
the timing of approval of candidate petitions?
do know that the City Council did act on petitions filed for a Special Election
to be held in early April of 2014 for voters to decide whether or not to form a
Charter Commission.
would only make sense that many of those same signatures to form the Commission
would also appear on candidate petitions as well.
is also known that some members of the Raytown Board of Aldermen are less than
happy about the Charter question even coming before the voters. In fact Ward 1
Alderman Joe Creamer voted against approval of the Special Election next April.
Ward 3 Alderman Charlotte Melson joined him in disparaging the effort of
petitioners to write a new Charter.
is also known that number of seated Aldermen have made known they may run for a
seat on the Commission.
there is some tension between some Aldermen and any movement from the public that
may challenge the status quo.
Clerk Teresa Henry has been unavailable for comment on this story – but she may
be the one person who can easily set everyone’s mind at ease.
signatures can be done at any time. The process need not wait until the eleventh hour of the final day before the filing deadline. City Clerk Henry can put a
lot minds at ease by simply verifying signatures in advance of the deadline.
Send the documentationElection Board and put the matter behind her. It
would also remove a possible point of contention in the Charter Election.
proverbial political ball is bouncing in her court. It is her decision, and her
decision alone, as how to handle the situation.
Commission candidate Robbie Tubbs made a very salient point when she described
how a candidate could be at a disadvantage because of a late approval process
for Charter petitioners.
described a hypothetical candidate learning of a shortage of valid signatures
while out of town -- with a planned return to the city after any deadline to
correct the situation.
does not take much imagination to see how this scenario could become a reality.
interesting part of this date is that is truly a tempest in a teapot.
City Clerk has the authority to set everyone’s mind at ease.
why not!
is absolutely nothing to be gained by prolonging the approval of candidate
petitions for the Charter Commission.
would serve one purpose, and that is not a good one. It would remind every
voter in Raytown of City Hall’s penchant for secrecy and its reputation of being
user unfriendly, not caring about the opinions of the residents.
is an opportunity for one of our city officials to show that is not the case.
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Roselle and Sweet Potato Greens
the food in my refrigerator is a product of the fact that I’m somewhat a
creature of habit. There are certain things you’ll pretty much always find in
there, like Greek yogurt, almond milk, basics for big-ass salads, etc.
as much as I like knowing I have certain things on hand all the time, I also
think it’s fun to try new things, and the farmers’ market is one of the best places to do
that. Sure, I could find all manner of unusual fruits and veggies at my
supermarket, but, unless I happen upon a pretty knowledgeable employee, it’s
not likely they’ll be able to tell me much about those little-known treats. READ
Pocket Park Christmas Lighting Ceremony
To leave a comment use
this link POST A COMMENT
Pocket Park Christmas Lighting Ceremony
your calendars for Friday, December 6, 2013 for the Annual Christmas Lighting
Ceremony in Downtown Raytown. The lighting ceremony will take place at 5:45 at
the Pocket Park located at 63rd Street and Raytown Road.
lighting of the park will include the following events from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.
in Downtown Raytown.
- Visit Santa at UMB Bank
- Hop a hay ride around Downtown Raytown
- Stop by the Winter Wonderland at 63rd and Blue Ridge Boulevard for some free cider and a cookie.The first 100 children will receive a craft kit. Santa’s elves will be on there to help put them together. Parents must accompany children.
- Visit Open Houses in the Downtown Business area.
- Music provided by the Little Blue Singers and the Raytown Community Band Flutes.
Holiday Tours
East 66th Street
MO 64133
7,8 14,15 21,22
$4.00 ea or $3.00 for group tours with advance booking
visit us at this historical landmark and see all of the wonderful , Christmas
decorations. Each room has been
decorated by area volunteers. And as
always we have the General Store open so you may purchase goodies to take home.

Actually, since SS 115.337 says, "
2. If copies of petition pages are sent to a city election authority for registration verification under the provisions of this section...", IF being the operative word,
According to the language of the statute, the only time our City Clerk really needs to handle the ballots is IF Jackson Cty needs verification and sends them to her.
I intend to call, Monday, for clarification.
I can assure you from experience any initiative petition, whether it be a ballot issue, or candidacy, requires verification of signatures before going on the ballot.
In the last Charter Election (and past city elections) there have been candidates who were short of the required number of signatures.
They were given an opportunity to make up the shortage. Some did, some did not.
Typically, the shortfall was caused by people signing the petitions who were not registered to vote (it happens!).
However, the window of opportunity to make up a shortfall of signatures is limited. The scenario Robbie Tubbs mentioned in this week's story is a valid concern.
No, that wasn't my point Greg. I'll re-post soon.
I wrote: "Actually, since SS 115.337 says, "
2. If copies of petition pages are sent to a city election authority for registration verification under the provisions of this section...", IF being the operative word,
According to the language of the statute, the only time our City Clerk really needs to handle the ballots is IF Jackson Cty needs verification and sends them to her."
The 2nd sentence should have said ..the only time our City Clerk really needs to handle the PETITIONS.... (not ballots).
I remember watching that vote and was embarassed for the city the way Alderman Creamer handled himself. He was just upset because these folks didn't go through city hall when they proposed this. I hope folks remember that clown next time he is up for reelection.
Does this mean that all the City Clerk has to do is send the candidate petitions to the Election Board?
I can see know valid reason for anyone at City Hall "sitting" on the petitions until the filing deadline.
8:37 PM, I tend to agree but there are 2 possibilities:
1) Batching will keep all of the candidate petitions together and not separated all over the Election Board's Office, and also
2) If there is a delay anywhere in processing either in the mail, city mail room, county mail room, or with the Election Board; they will not be there in time to appear on the ballot.
I registered to vote at Bannister Mall in time for the national election back in the '90s. I called the Election Board and was told they were too busy to process the voter applications because they had just moved. After I moved to Colorado, I started receiving notices of where to vote.
I live in a small city about the size of Raytown not near a metro area. Consequently some items are available at Walmart and some things are so expensive that Walmart is the only option. I asked the checker how her Thanksgiving was? She said that she worked that day. Also she said that she was glad she could work that day because she has a job. I suspect that since Walmart is non-union anyone who had Thanksgiving off would not be paid for a holiday. I would be very hapy to work the holiday too!
Andy Whiteman
I know why she's sitting on the petitions. It's so there's no time to correct any problems. She's not lazy like so many people claim. She's devious and is always thinking of ways to get around what the people want.
1:59AM, Have you ever thought that she is an employee and works at the direction of staff?
Andy Whiteman
I just got off the phone with the Jackson County Election Board. In fact, the first man I spoke with wasn't sure about his answer to me so 'promoted' my call with someone who could give a 100% accurate reply. This man was said he was well-aware with this blog and what was being said about Raytown's City Clerk 'sitting' on the petitions.
He calmly stated that all petitions our City Clerk had received have been sent to them (the JCEB) and that though she may not have sent them in the same day she'd received them, they were being properly processed.
He added the actual date for filing those petitions didn't actually begin until December 17th but that the City of Raytown had agreed to allow acceptance of petitions much earlier. He also verified that the ending date for filing petitions is Jan. 21, 2014.
It's unfortunate that someone took it upon themselves to post the original rumor about the City Clerk not turning the petitions in. What this individual posted was inaccurate, irresponsible and inflammatory. It took all of five minutes for me to get the truth straight from the horse's mouth. Now we can move on.
Andy > 11:06p
Ever since moving to Raytown in 2006, I have received notices of where to vote prior to each election. You're mixing apples with oranges.... registering to vote and election notices not one and the same.
About the young woman who was glad to work the holiday: It's great she realizes her good fortune to have any job at all in this economy while her employer probably drove many of your local businesses out of business, sadly she had no choice on the matter since that employer works their employees 'til they drop. Had that employer never come to your community, she may have found herself employed by a business that had some heart and closed their doors so that their employees could spent the National holiday with family. Wally-World is nothing more than a huge money monger that is using its' earnings to ensure its' place in the coming New World Order at the expense of both those who work for it and produce the products they sell. The fact that they never close their doors contributes to our weaker economy and the demise of the nuclear family.
Wow 1:59a, that's quite the statement! And you base that on..... ?
Andy; there was a lot of confusion when people registered to vote at the Bannister Mall. That was Jackson county proper( Kansas City ) and the Election Board that services all the other towns and cities in eastern Jackson county is 2 separate entities .
Here is a idea---why not get more names on the petition than needed so if some are not registered voters you hae one to replace it. but OMG this is to easy you guys would rather complain. I'm sure I would not vote for any of you if you, your all a bunch of babies.
I am happy that the city clerk is sending the petitions on through to the election board.
I bet everyone else is happy about it too.
Well, almost everyone. The guy that wrote the 8:42 post is so pathetic.
I love his quote "I would not vote for any of you, your all a bunch of babies."
It is always so inspiring to read the comments of an open-minded, thoughtful person.
I'd bet dollars to donuts he is unhappy because the city clerk is doing the right thing by pushing the petitions through.
That's an interesting comment about the actual begining date for accepting petitions being December 17th.
Wow!!! They really broke their back letting the public know about that one, didn't they? Let's see, there are two weekly newspapers, a daily newspaper and two active blogs in Raytown an none of them were let in on the little secret of when filing started.
So typical. So Raytown!
Dear 8:49 There was no secret about when filing started. It was not the City's job to announce the exact date and anyone who cared to know the finite details was free to call the local phone number of the Election Board themselves.
The facts are out there if people want them, however, the onus is upon them to consider the source and search for the truth. Television and newspapers, are both profit and, therefore, often politically driven to present news subject to bias. Everyone has an agenda whether they admit it or not - even you.
If when you read, hear or observe something that doesn't square with what your gut tells you is right, check the facts. Who is behind it? Who are they aligned with? What is the agenda of the people or groups they're close to, in league with or represent? What's the history of same?
Too accustomed to the lazy reception of news at the hand of propagandized sources, we fail ourselves.
Fact checking and historic research are not only enlightening, they're fascinating. Once one begins to take personal responsibility for understanding, they learn that their old sources are often merely good starting points for what they really need to know in order to make good decisions.
When Hitler was elected, it was by the people's vote 98% in his favor. This was due to his enormous propaganda machine coupled with a populace who (like sheep) didn't know the facts, embraced his lies, grabbed onto the buzzwords of his campaign and blindly followed.
Raytown is no different. Many are too lazy to do the rewarding work of becoming informed and those are the ones who lie in the backwaters and expose themselves with ill-informed jabs at others. Fortunately, there is a politically awake faction here who are willing to put themselves on the line in order to inform and protect the interests and futures of everyone who lives here from the ills and danger of the current administration.
I urge you to turn off the t.v., turn on your personal light bulb and become involved in your own future.
In Chris Rathbone's defense the city did not share in the information of when filing opened at City Hall.
He did go out of his way to meet with people at city hall, attend city council meetings and keep the Board of Aldermen informed as to what was going on.
In return, the same people whose salary he pays with his taxes kept very quiet on any information about the charter effort and upcoming election. Two aldermen publicly expressed their contempt for his effort.
Alderman Joe Creamer even voted against putting it on the ballot! A vote that made no sense at all because state law requires it to be placed on the ballot.
The Charter Election has been set for next April by the City Council. So it is now official city business. It is they type of information that should be on a city website.
You would think that information about when and how to file. Requirements for candidates, etc. would be on the city's website, wouldn't you?
Instead we have information about Walmart's christmas light recycling, a google fiber update and an endorsement of nonsense from the First Suburbs Coalition and KC Communities for All Ages.
Apparently the charter election and the ongoing effort by people wanting to make positive change in Raytown does not tip the importance of being on the city website.
Want some information about the Charter effort from City Hall? Go to a council meeting and ask them in public session so the public can learn the answers. Do you think you will get a response?
Good luck!
The elected officials you put in office will sit in their chairs like and stare at you -- their mouths effectively muzzled by a Mayor who is suspicious of everything and everyone.
Want proof? Go ask Alderman Emerson when he refused to allow her to speak about a Farmer's Market! Ask Alderman Jason Greene how many committees the Mayor has appointed him to.
Both of them have made the Mayor angry.
The chance for Raytown to better itself through a Charter is hindered by the secretive, myopic attitude at city hall.
We should expect honest and full disclosure from our own government on information that affects us.
I just heard that our city leader has
come up with a questionable new rule. He is making our
policemen and women punch a time clock. In Raytown’s
history our police were trusted to do and did their jobs on time.
Before anybody asks, what’s wrong with punching a time
clock, just read this. Most if not all of our policemen start
about a half hour before their shift starts. They get their
cars, computers and what is needed for the days shift.
All without charging this time to the taxpayers. Now if I
were them I wouldn’t start getting ready before my shift
started and I was punched in. Likewise, I would come in
early enough to do my paper work while I was still on the
clock. I guess what I am saying is the people of Raytown
will lose about an hour of protection per policeman each
shift. Not only this but any donated overtime as in the past
will now cost the taxpayers. City Hall got it wrong. We trust
the policemen it’s City Hall we don’t trust.
Ya, got a love this town!
5:55PM, I lived in KCMO at the time of registering at Banister Mall.
3:28 PM, Yes, I know there is a difference between registering to vote and petitions, but my point was the Election Board was not functioning properly at that time and this could be the case with delayed petitions but Susan has since pointed out it is a non-issue now since the petitions are being sent in a timely manner.
I agree with you about Wally's World and their wholesale sister store. I don't know how Walmart impacted local merchants here, but I know Albertsons grocery closed which may or may not have been caused by Walmart. Albertsons has talking about a come back for close to 2 years. It is unknown if the lady of whom I spoke would have had job elsewhere if Walmart didn't exist here. If she had a different job, most likely she wouldn't have been paid for working the holiday. I prefer to work a holiday and be paid rather than have an unpaid day. When I worked jobs that paid for a holiday, I still preferred to work and receive holiday pay plus overtime.
Andy Whiteman
Agree with Susan! If you want something bad enough research the info yourself; don't wait for others to do it for you. Become responsible! You can't change others but you can change you! Blaming others gets you no where and does not answer any of the questions
7:45a Agreed, we SHOULD expect honest and full disclosure from our own government on information that affects us.
Unfortunately and conversely, we cannot.
Any rights granted to us under the Constitution and Bill of Rights are not automatically enforced. I believe it is painfully easy to see that is true. It is up to us to understand what those documents, as well as Federal, State and local laws/ordinances say and to demand (yes, demand) performance when big government loses sight of the fact that they work for us. In our city, where the tail is actively wagging the dog, what we can realistically expect is nothing more than what MARC is promoting. Remember, Bower sits on the MARC Board of Directors. MARC is an MPO - a non-governmental Municipal Planning Organization of the United Nations ICLEI and their agenda is to redistribute our wealth, ALL of it and all forms of it under the guise of sustainable development, transit oriented development, Smart Growth and a Regional Government. Knowing that, it isn't difficult to see that your expectations will fall short. We need to get the fox and his programs out of the hen house.
I contacted Lisa Cayer, who is in charge of the petitions at the election board today.
She told me that Teresa Henry had brought in at least a couple more petitions to the election board since we had talked last week.
I know for a fact that one of those petitions had been sitting at city hall for about a couple weeks.
These petitions were turned in after I had recieved an email reply from Teresa Henry, explaining why some of the petitions were turned in right away, and why they were holding on to the rest.
I am pleasantly suprised that the city decided to go ahead and turn in the petitions they were holding on to. I hope they continue to do the same with any other petitions that are turned in, but we will have to wait and see.
I would urge anyone who is planning on turning in a petition to not wait till the last minute,and keep in contact with city hall and the election board as to the status of your petition.
Hitler never received 98% of the popular vote to come to power.
His rise to power was through the Nazi political party. The Nazis gathered enough electoral support to become the largest political party in the Reichstag. But they were a plurality, not a majority.
Through manipulation and tools often used by tyrants to gain power they were able to have Hitler appointed Chancellor as a compromise candidate. From that start he eventually became dictator of Germany.
What on earth is wrong with punching a time clock? It protects the employee to make certain they get paid for every minute they work.
It creates a reliable and honest paper trail for any disagreements with management.
It seems I owe Chris Rathbone an apology. While there had been someone-said that someone-said he'd written of regarding petition processing, he had also written he was looking into the matter. This was easy enough to understand.
My post was acutally directed toward Anonymous who had posted the following on the same day 11/27 at 9:17p:
Chris, With any election the city doesn't turn over the paper work until after closing date for filing. Anyone who wants to be on the ballot for the charter would therefore need to get their paper work in prior to the set date for filing closing.
This, because Anonymous was posturing as an authority on the matter, was underwriting the rumor Mr. Rathbone had mentioned, and was wrong.
Trusting I'd remembered exactly who wrote exactly what without reopening the previous weeks' posts I remarked very negatively about 'the person' who'd originally posted the rumor. What I had intended to say was that the rumor itself was innacurate, inflammatory, and irresponsible.
Mr. Rathbone, please accept my public apology for my error. Rest assured that in the future, I'll be sure to look back upon old posts before referring to them, even if I have to go way back into the stacks.
Chris Rathbone's last post pretty much summed it up. The city was taking the posture of not turning over "new" petitions directly to the election board. They were holding them up for reasons that have not been explained.
Apparently this last string of comments brought enough pressure to change the city's position.
I view that as a good change. Now candidates should be able to expect more timely review of their ballot petitions.
It makes me appreciate even more the service all of those who shared in the conversation in making the change in policy.
Especially those who stepped up and joint in. A good number of unsigned bloggers plus those who deserve to be named for signing their names.
Thanks to all, especially Susan, Robbie, Chris, Pat, Andy and Greg.
What a great country!
I knew when I wrote my time clock note there
would be someone out there that would say what’s
the problem with it.
There is nothing wrong with it!
I agree the police or anyone else should be paid for
each and every minute they work, and overtime.
Since most police start getting ready for their shift
early they should be paid for it then, after their
shift is over and they are forced to stay out late
for whatever reason they should be paid overtime
to do their paperwork to finish up the shift.
This could be great for them! This could be the raise
In pay they should have got years ago.
Let’s take it one step further. Why not have every
city employee from the City Administrator down,
in fact let’s have our elected officials punch in too.
To 7:09-how about when there is a call out for either a bad crash or a SWAT callout, do you want people worrying about timing in or handling business? Personally, I want them handling business.
Re your comment December 3, 2013 at 8:27 AM:
Are the police paid hourly or receiving an annual salary? If they are paid hourly, it sounds like there is a possible Federal violation here of not being being paid for time worked.
Back in the '70s the American Postal Workers Union won a class action against the USPS in reference to employees working before or after hours as unpaid time. As an example, I was reporting to work early to get my stamp drawer our of the safe and set up before opening the Post Office as well as getting most of the First Class Mail into the PO Boxes by the 8AM opening. Also I was staying 30 minutes after closing to complete the "cash book" (bookkeeping) for the day. The APWU filed a class action regarding other people who were doing this as well as unpaid training. The result was a notice was published in the APWU magazine and anyone who filed a request to become a part of the class received $500.
It seems to me this action could backfire on the city!
Andy Whiteman
No worries Susan. Misunderstandings happen, especially in forums like this. I know our goal is the same.
Looks like a new concern over punching a time clock and then you have the usual " what I meant to say was" that we read in several threads. Looks like everyone's good
It looks like we are on the same page, Pat. Everyone should be paid for the time they worked. Why do you find punching a time clock demeaning?
It looks like Chris and Susan were both right.
Chris writes a post claiming the city is holding petitions rather than turning them over in a timely manner.
Susan writes that an un-named election board official says he is well aware of this blog and that the city clerk has turned over the petitions to the election board.
Chris writes he called the election and finds out that the city clerk did not turn over the petitions until very recently.
Sneaky, sneaky. Omissions by bureaucrats from the election board covering a bureaucrat in the city.
You are very young Chris. You will learn that bureaucrats will circle the wagons and cover for each other in most instances.
So, you see, both you and Susan were correct. No apologies were necessary.
I'm just glad they are doing the right thing and reviewing the petitions in a more timely fashion.
To December 4, 2013 9:05p
You may well be right about the bureaucratic courtesies...always exercised at the expense of those not party to the clique.
At the beginning of this week I wrote about the strict language of the Missouri Elections statutes and the big 'IF'. The statute I referred to (in part) was: "115.337. 1. When an election authority for a county and an election authority for a city have jurisdiction within the same county, the county election authority may, for the purpose of verifying signatures on any new party or independent candidate petition filed with its office, deliver copies of petition pages to the city election authority for registration verification. The city election authority receiving a copy of petition pages shall check each signature indicated by the county election authority against its registration records and return all such copies to the county election authority......"
I repeat, with emphasis:
"the COUNTY election authority MAY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF VERIFYING SIGNATURES, on any new party or independent candidate petition filed with its office, DELIVER COPIES OF PETITION PAGES TO THE CITY election authority for registration verification."
Maybe I've overlooked another statue within this section but it sure sounds like petitions are turned in to the County Election Commission who does the primary verification and then "MAY" deliver COPIES (not originals) to the city election authority for any remaining verification (to be returned to the County in between 6 and 12 days).
Why not cut out the middle man, take a little drive to Independence and personally file your petition there?
It is the "sneaky, sneaky" part that is most disturbing about city hall actions. A city official is caught holding onto petitions and then quickly changes gears when caught.
No apology, no explanation.
You see this way too often at Raytown City Hall.
Tomorrow night the city will hold a tree lighting ceremony to officially kick off the Christmas Season in Raytown.
That's a good tradition and I am glad they are doing it.
But why on earth at 5:30 in the afternoon?
Raytown is still a bedroom community. Most of its working population has to drive outside the city during the workweek to go to jobs.
That means many will not be able to show up for the tree lighting ceremony.
I bet if they moved the start time back to at least 6:30 or 7:00 they would draw a better crowd. Maybe help create a sense of community at the event.
The way it is handled now you get the feeling it is a chore that city officials are going through that they just want to get over with and out of the way.
Too late for change this year. Maybe next year some thought and consideration could go into the planning.
Why not do it on a Saturday night? Bound to draw more people.
Susan, I had asked the election board early on if we could bypass city hall and turn in our petitions in directly to them, and was told no. They did give me a reason, although I don't remember what it was off the top if my head right now.
I honestly don't believe the city was holding on to the petitions to be sneaky, or to try to pull a fast one. I do believe they had planned on turning them in at the same time out of convienence. The reason they went ahead and turned in some of them in early on, was also out of convienence, since they had to turn in the main petition with the charter question anyway, they went ahead and turned in everything they had so far at that time.
The timing that this came out didn't help any either. Since I found out about it right before thanksgiving, I knew there was a good chance it could be a few days before I might get any good information to put out.
I'm sure the city didn't think it would be a big deal to wait to turn them all in at the same time, and when they realized it was a big deal to some of us, they changed course.
I am very pleased with the city's response, in particular, Teresa Henry, and am optomistic in working with them in the future.
To, 8:45
I don’t find it demeaning! In my earlier working
days I punched a time clock for years.
It just seems a little funny that after decades of
no time clock, and this cities leaders trying everything
they can to go against our Police Department that it
would be implemented now.
When you get down to it, it’s between the policemen
and the City Administrator who, doesn’t have to follow
the rules, handing out rules he expects others to follow.
I’m not sure if this is ironic or just a stupid power play.
Either way it can cost the taxpayers more but, give the
men and women of our Police Department the money
they deserved all along for working before and after
their shift.
Can we please move on now?
December 7th is the anniversary
of the bombing of Pearl Harbor
during WWII.
So let's all go out and buy an import car or truck!
- just for fun, imagine a city hall meeting about to commence. Mayor Bower jumps up and excuses himself because he forgot to clock in -
Merry Christmas!
7:15AM, You are obviously not aware that the City does not "kick off the Christmas Season in Raytown." The City does not observe Christmas. It is known as, "The Holiday," not Christmas. Apparently City officials are required to attend and the highly paid officials who are too good to live in the city that writes their pay check don't want to hang around until about 8PM when it would be over. Quite frankly I am surprised that the Holiday lighting isn't held at 4:30PM so they may go home at 5PM! It can't be held on Saturday night because these officials would have to travel too far on their day off. Why can't Raytown have a CHRISTMAS lighting with overpaid officials absent? They aren't needed there unless they want to be there.
Andy Whiteman
Convenient to who Chris?
Holding the petitions until the very end would have been inconvenient to anyone who would have had their petition kicked back because signatures had been invalidated.
Late January could be cold and snowpacked. Better to have more time when you are around friends and family to fill in those blank areas.
I guess it would be more "convenient" if we simply did not have a charter election for some. After all, if everything is so grand and wonderful, why should anything be changed?
Do we feel another "hold the phone" moment around the corner.
You sure are singing a different tune from a week ago!
A week ago I was unhappy with the way the city was handling the petitions. Should I still be unhappy after getting my way?
I'm generally a pretty positive person, and try not to be negative when there is no need. In this instance, I am happy with the way the city ended up handling it.
Even if the road was bumpy, the trip was worth it, and we got there in one piece.
Department heads should be required to punch a time clock. They are paid an annual salary, but the taxpayers need an accounting that they are there every day for the required 8 hours.
When we still had time cards at the Post Office, Postmasters had to write on their cards, "Required service rendered except as noted." and sign their name. I signed my Postmaster's time card when she was on vacation.
8:26 AM Thanks for the reminder about pearl Harbor day. My mother reminded me every year every year when I lived at home. I will hang my US flag on Saturday.
Andy Whiteman
Not so fast Chris. Your name calling will not work here.
Tell ya' what. I'll join in your victory dance. But let's be fair about this. Many others saw how unfair it was when the city did not send petitions to the Election Board for verification in a timely fashion.
Their action brought the change in policy. It was not just the C.R. show. Next time, check your ego at the door.
Still waiting for that next "hold the phone" moment.
For now, it is time to move on.
Petition filling date is not till dec 17th; that is when they will be filled. Anyone who is interested in placing their name on a petition should of taken it upon themselves to educate themselves about the election process. If you wish to work on a charter you will need to be knowledgable of various judicial asscepts
To December 6, 2013 at 11:42 AM
Your post is obviously a demonstration of what happens when people fail to do their research. Amazingly, you had to look no further than the tip of your nose as this topic had already been addressed right here on Dec. 2nd and did not require your regurgitation. Perhaps you should take your own advice and educate yourself prior to posting.
Post from Dec. 2nd, "...the actual date for filing those petitions didn't actually begin until December 17th but that the City of Raytown had agreed to allow acceptance of petitions much earlier. He also verified that the ending date for filing petitions is Jan. 21, 2014. "
To 6:50p
Many are too lazy to do the rewarding work of becoming informed and those are the ones who lie in the backwaters and expose themselves with ill-informed jabs at others.
To 6:57am what are you talking about! ?! Or what comment are you responding to? You base this on what
The people who have filed so far to be on the charter commission are a very poor group of people to choose from. I have heard Jim Aziere thinks he should be chairman, if that happens God help us all.
Just read this on the online raytowneagle under the heading, "
City Board Meetings
October 4, 2013"
On the last line of the CA's report, "....said Sharma. We are confident that the result of this budget is to meet the expectations of a vibrant city that is still evolving 63 years after it was founded.”
Does Sharma really think Raytown was founded in 1950? That's spooky.
That meeting of the city budget was dated over two months ago ; is this just coming online now?
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