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As I See
it . . .
readers are aware that I was elected to the Raytown Charter Commission in
April. Since I will be at the meetings it puts me in a unique position to
report on what exactly is going on with the Charter Commission.
As you can
imagine, there is a lot of discussion behind the scenes of a 13 member
Commission. Most of that discussion is via email. Thanks to the Sunshine Law,
it is also a matter of public record. To conform to state law City Hall has set
up an email account as a “catch basin” for all of the email traffic between
All of
that traffic is available to the public for review through the Office of the
City Clerk at Raytown City Hall. So, if you want to review any of the emails
you can call City Hall at 737-6000.
At the
last meeting of the Raytown Charter Commission there was an interesting
development. I was under a doctor’s care that evening and unable to attend the
meeting. The information came to my attention when I was reviewing the minutes
of the meeting.
I read the
following (in bold type) in the
proposed minutes and am concerned by what it may suggest:
Lisa Emerson will check on the Missouri Sunshine
Law’s number of people that make a meeting open and will come back to the
committee with that information.
checking with some members who were at the meeting I found out the question had
to do with the formation of Sub-Committees of the Charter Commission to study
specific issues which would then be brought back to the entire Commission for
One of the
issues assigned to a Committee made up of Jason Greene, Sandy Hartwell and
Charlotte Melson dealt with election of public officials. I was interested in
attending that meeting to throw in my two cents worth. After all, the function of
a committee meeting is gather information from individuals within a given
jurisdiction. But I found out I would not be able to attend because the “meeting”
was going to be held via the internet/emails.
That does
not sound very inclusive to me. Not only does it exclude the rest of the
Commission from participating, it locks the public out of the process.
How can a
committee gather information and suggestions from others if the process is
limited to a three way conversation via the internet? There are a lot people
out there who may want to add their voice and ideas to the debate.
serve an important purpose. It allows members to hone in on particular subjects.
It is appropriate to do so at the committee level than before the entire
City Hall already has a reputation for secrets for secrets sake. It is not a
stigma that should be carried over to the Charter Commission.
meetings should be held in a public venue with access open to all who wish to
28% . . . . Raytown Board of Aldermen
72% . . . . Raytown City Council
Three Charter Commission
members, Jason Greene, Sandy Hartwell and Charlotte Melson have been charged with
reviewing possible changes to laws covering elected officials and conduct of
elections in Raytown.
That’s a pretty tall
order. It covers a lot of territory. I am not a member of the Commission but
have some ideas I would like to share with them. So, I thought, why not do so here.
Here is my short list of
suggestions for their consideration.
- Take a page from the recent change in Kansas City to move municipal elections to a warm weather time of the year. Currently the campaign spans February, March and April. The three most volatile months (weather-wise) of the year. Move it to April, May and June. As an added benefit, you would probably have more public participation in your elections.
- Require that elected officials live a minimum of one year in the political subdivision they represent to qualify for office. This would stop the moving of candidates from Ward to Ward. Yes, it has happened in Raytown before. Most cities have this simple rule. Why not Raytown?
- Term Limits deserve discussion.
- Should we keep a ten member City Council? Or should we look at “at-large” representation? A smaller governing body? A larger governing body? There are all sorts of variables on this one.
- Qualification of candidate residency currently rests with Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners. Should the City set up residency qualifications to make certain a candidate actually lives in the ward they want to represent?
- Board of Aldermen is dated terminology. Is it time to become a little more “21st Century” by calling the governing body a City Council?
- Who is elected and who is not is always a thorny issue. Should Chief of Police be elected or appointed?
- Should the Municipal Judge be elected or appointed?
- Primary elections? Should there be a run-off if none of the candidates receive a majority of the votes?
- Should the city elections be partisan or non-partisan?
I see Greg’s point now.
It may take a little longer than two weeks to figure out the answer to these
My advice to the Charter
Commission – take your time and make informed decisions – start by making the
committee process an “inclusive” event.
Raytown Charter News Link
Lisa Emerson, Secretary to
the Raytown Charter Commission, has created a webpage for the Commission. The
page has links to the Minutes and Video of past meetings. Use the following link to visit the page.
Friends of
the Rice-Tremonti Home are looking for individuals or groups who would be
interested in helping repaint this Historic old home In Raytown. We will
provide the paint if you help us with the labor.
For more
information call Leigh Elmore 333-3586
Rice-Tremonti Home and Aunt Sophie’s Cabin will now be open to the Public,
Saturdays and Sundays from 1-4 pm, beginning May 31, 2014.
How to
an Avocado
an Avocado
In yesterday's post that
featured the Belgian Endive Salad With Avocado, I promised I'd show you
guys a simple and easy trick to dice an avocado. So let's get to it! I've made
a visual and written version, so learners of all types can learn how to dice an
avocado quickly! How to Dice an Avocado 1. Slice. First, slice the avocado in
half, …Read More
Paul: You have quite a list, but it seems that we should go slow not maybe on the number but the size of any change. To go from elected to appointed would I am sure kill the chance of the charter being approved. We need to stay away from the hot button issues that are sure to cause the demise of the charter. Remember there are also 2 commissioners that were put on the board to make sure that the police chief stays elected.
There are way too many people in government who view their positions and jobs as a personal sandbox. I have hopes that this charter commission will be different. Making meetings difficult if not impossible to attend by the public is a step down a very slippery slope. It leads to a "we know what is best for you mentality" that is not good for anyone.
Apparently we forgot to turn on our Comments link when we posted yesterday. Our apologies. The link is now on the page and running properly.
Board of Aldermen or City Council, who cares! If it walks
like a duck…………
There are a lot more important things this town needs.
How about if a department head does not do their jobs
or what they promised they would do, they could be
released from their contract without the golden parachute.
This is a no brainer but, I’m sure there would be a month of
fighting over this.
How about making a developer do what they say or they have
to return the taxpayers money. These are things that work
for the taxpayers and could save the taxpayers money.
Forget about personal vendettas. Forget about trying to
get rid of a person in government without just cause.
This charter commission is a chance for the people have their
say and help the commissioners. Having email meetings is about
the most asinine thing I have heard an elected body try to pull
off. The charter came about in part, because of the secret meetings
at City Hall.
I have to say, this isn’t off to a very good start. It seems like
Raytown business as usual.
You're right about department heads. The contracts for the department heads all have the golden parachute and will be paid unless the BOA proves misconduct. The problem, as I see it, is that the BOA keeps their heads in the sand and refuses to see any wrong doing. A charter can't fix stupid.
Pat, I would like to know what secret meetings you are talking about. Let's produce some proof instead of just flapping your jaws!!!
Just once in my business life in Raytown I would like to
see a body of elected officials do something for the people.
I would like to hear that the city is working with, instead of
against a small business trying to open in Raytown.
Even more I would like to see the taxpayers get what they
are paying for, i.e. street overlays, the safety tax,
development, etc.
Most of all, the people of Raytown should have a government
that will look out for them and their tax dollars. NOT, like the
WalMart deal that has or will cost the taxpayers millions.
Where were our high paid department heads, lawyers and
smarter than you and me elected officials when that went down?
Why hasn’t City Hall tried to get out of that bad deal. WalMart
certainly hasn’t lived up to their promise of tax income and
other businesses standing in line to build next to them.
Why not go after Block for misrepresentation as they said
they had at least seven new businesses in line to build across
the street, south of WalMart? All the above is enough for a breach
of contract or agreement for that bad deal!
In the last two years Mr. Chris Payne has done more for Raytown
than any government, developer and economic director has
done in the last fifteen years. He has brought in small businesses
that actually collect taxes. He got the Raytown Plaza going.
That’s more than the last two owners of that center ever did.
He is a better developer than the developers this city has
paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, with no results.
Why should only the department heads have contracts? Why not all city employees? More of the Elitist attitude by department heads, i.e. not living in Raytown. More money for themselves and forget everyone else.
Blame the Mayor and BOA to allow this to go on. No wonder Raytown is going down the drain, but wants more money as a result of their own selfish agendas, which does not involve Raytown at all.
Chris Payne for Mayor. Oh wait, Mr. Payne actually gets things accomplished in Raytown...Never mind.
Hey Pat, let me help out on the secret meetings.
I remember last winter when the Board of Aldermen was insisting they did not know Walmart was planning on coming the Green Space in Downtown Raytown.
Then some private citizens used the Freedom of Information Act to uncover a letter from lawyers representing Walmart meeting with the Mayor two months earlier!
The letter was reproduced on this blog. Go back and search through January and February to see the PROOF of secret meetings!
Does Chris Payne live in Raytown? I don't think he does. Not surprised to read someone touting an out of towner for Mayor. Fits right in with all of our department heads perfectly.
Our youngest son graduated from Raytown South last night. Once again, I was embarrassed for my out of town family to witness the uncivilized behavior of many of those in attendance. The yelling, dancing, and blatant disrespect for the graduates and their families is sickening.
This year the savages finished things off with a brawl on the front lawn of First Baptist Church with at least one arrested and someone's hair on the ground. And we wonder why the kids are disrespectful.
We have lived in Raytown since 2000. We are so glad to be done with the Raytown schools and hope someday our home will regain enough value that we can leave this all behind.
My greatest regret will always be getting financially trapped here and putting my kids through Raytown South High School.
A school board member told me just this week that they had it all under control at the graduations. Is this what you were talking about. I don't think RFB will be letting them have their graduation there much longer.
I moved to Raytown in 1990. Starting about 1997 or so, there has been one problem or another at Raytown South's graduation. Either people show up dressed inappropriately, or they get into fights, or they are so disruptive they are thrown out. These people don't have any idea how to act in a church. If I were a member of that church, I would refuse to give any more money until the pastor told the school district they had to find someplace else. If anyone has any doubts that Raytown hasn't become a ghetto town, I invite them to graduation. There they will find ghetto behavior.
To 7:11
One was commenting Chris gets things done another made a pun about Chris for Mayor and the City of Raytown
The new charter should indicate NO contracts for Department Heads.
Department head contracts are something (stupid) that Curt Wenson started when he brought all of his buddies from Lee's Summit to Raytown and none of them met the education or work experience required for the job.
Wenson ensured that they were hired and also ensured that they could not be fired without a lot of expense and trouble to the city. Wenson really screwed this town over, but he wasn't the only one.
Why give Department heads contracts and not all of the city employees? Are department head's careers, job security, families and retirement more special or important than other employees who work for the city?
I don't think they are, and neither should the Mayor or Board.
I read in the Star this date that some residents of Lees Summit had some what the same kind of problem at one of their own graduations. I think that other cities like Raytown also have the same influx of unruly people that should not be allowed to mix with people of decorum. If you look around you do see a general disregard of some people for his fellow citizens. Sorry if I offend anyone.
This is Rick Moore, school board member. Some of the anonymous racist comments here are pretty amazing. Yes, I would like for there to be no disruptions but the ceremony last night went very well for the most part. It’s too bad that some people can’t control themselves but the first guy that couldn’t control himself last night when names were being read was a white guy. I believe some people posting here don’t realize what goes on at other large school district’s graduations. The difference is that we 'ask' people to hold their applause and so the few that won't comply make it look bad for the rest. And I know one thing for sure, Raytown South and its teachers provided my son the opportunity to gain appointments to both the US Naval Academy and Air Force academy. He got an excellent education in Raytown Schools! You also missed the acknowledgement of the girl who already had 60 college credit hours and the boy who had 84 college credit hours in engineering courses. That is astounding!
My children now in their 30s recieved a good education in Raytown Schools earning scholarships to finish their college degrees. A relatives child went to schools in OPKS finishing high school in a Private School and then spending 10 yrs in the prison system. It isn't the schools; it isn't the race; it's the Parental influence and Involvement. By the way this is an example of "white" kids. Ghetto means all races, creed, etc
Yes Mr. Moore, I also have two sons that graduated from Raytown and they are both engineers they graduated in the 80's a little bit more of a civilized time although there was also the same problem at the RLDS building in Indep. and yes some of them also were children of good old boys. I think that it is a shame when a school board member has to say the first one was white. I have to say that if I had two young boys now I would be East of Raytown a good bit.
Look to your test scores in Raytown. We are saved from being dead last because Hickman Mills holds that spot.
Why not have two graduations. One for those who want to have a decent ceremony and another for those who want absolutely rules of conduct. I bet you will still have those who do not believe in following rules wanting to crash the the decent ceremony.
Mr.Moore, you and and your partners on the School Board have a responsibility to maintain a sense of decorum at graduation ceremonies. At least you admit there is a problem.
Now please do something to fix it.
Parents start parenting!! Looking for scapegoats on all accounts isn't it!! Children learn what they live!!!
What is wrong with these schools?? You have these kids from the time they are 5 yrs old . 175 days out of a 365 day year they are in your care. A good 7 hrs out of a 24 hr day they are in your care. Atleast YOU admit there is a problem. Now fix it!!
Mr. Moore, I have but one thing to say to you, the remainder of the School Board and Mr. Markley. Raytown schools are terrible and the first thing that needs to be done before the problem can be fixed is to ADMIT we have a problem a BIG PROBLEM. We need to start from the top down first Mr. Markey needs to go, then the school board needs to be replaced with people who don't think sports is the most important thing in school ,next thing administration is top heavy (just like the police department) they all just sit and wring their hands. Get up and fix the problem or get out!!
The first mention of racism was made by Mr. Moore. He assumed
the word ghetto was being used as a racist comment. Then he goes
on to make it worse by saying the first bad act was “By a white guy!”
Who’s racist? The world would be a better place if all people
would take responsibility for their actions. The problem is people
just don’t know how to act respectable anymore.
Before the commencements took place the rules should have been
explained to all in attendance. They should have been told the proceeds
would be stopped and they will be asked to leave immediately for
disrespecting the proceeds.
After a few are taken out I’d bet the rest of the evening would go off
without a problem. I know somebody said you can’t fix stupid, but,
you can remove it from the proceeds.
Amen to that last post. I don't know if this is a problem peculiar to Raytown but it seems like there is an awful lot of time spent ignoring "problems" in this town.
The Raytown South Graudation ceremony was trashed by the conduct of more than just a few. Think of it. They even had a fight outside after the event!
And then a school board member gets on here and rather than say we are going to address the problem starts to call people names like racist!
That's quite a solution, isn't it?
For once, will someone in the Raytown School district show some leadership?
To Anonymous 8:17
Raytown’s board meetings almost always have been
followed by an “Executive Meeting.” These “Executive
Meetings” are the meetings the elected officials don’t
want you to see or be seen on channel 7. These meetings
are where our elected people are told, swayed or threatened
on how to vote or what to bring up at the regular meetings.
Years ago I was told these “Executive Meetings” were only
to discuss personnel problems. However after Curt Wenson
came to Raytown as our City Administrator, they changed
into a how to vote, do as I say and who to back meetings.
So, the secret meetings I was talking about is ANY elected
body of officials that meet away from the people, for other
than personnel matters.
It is disheartening that a handful of students can destroy everything and leave utter and total disaster in their wake. My heart goes out to the students who worked hard and the parents who stood by them ; and now their accomplishments are pushed under the table for the recognition of the trouble makers. Bad apples spoil the bunch
Mr. Moore,
The Raytown School District's real problem is quality teachers leaving and too much fat at the top. When you don't give teachers a raise (really a cost of living increase) for 4 years while you maintian and add new administrative positions, test scores will lower because qaulity teachers leave. I have wrote on this blog before that my neighbor was a teacher in Raytown and had enough and left for Lee Summit.
As for your comments implying race, I find them to be inappropriate of an elected offical to implay such by blanket accusations.
Those students who caused the riff infront of their tax paying parents should have been stopped right then and there by the school board and escorted out and off the property. Those parents pay taxes to the school and most likely the police department ; why didn't the school district and police department do their job! I'm sure the parents were totally disgusted at the way their taxes were not put to good use. Kids will be kids if not taught how to behave. The school board and police should surely be ashamed.
When you fulfill Dr. King's dream of judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, someone will call you a racist. The problem at the graduation was a character problem, not a skin problem.
Mr. Moore,
The problems with Raytown as well as other places, i.e. downtown Plaza weekends, KC school district, are allowed to occur is because people would rather be politically correct than address the real problem for what it is.
Blame it on the parents, blame it on society, I don't care, but please don't accuse people of being racist because they see things differently than you do.
I see things for what they are regardless of race, creed or color.
As to an earlier post, which seemed to have started this blog point. I too feel the regret of being financially trapped in Raytown and having my children go to the Raytown Schools.
The stories my children have told me about school causes me to cringe with sorrow that I cannot get my children into a school system where they feel more at ease with what is going on around them.
Home schooling and private schools are options where the school districts hands are not always tied and where students and parents can do as they please. People are Sue happy . And kids can be "asked" to do something but the laws protect the students and parents from basically having to be accountable. The schools can not inforce as they did before but are at fault if a problem occurs. It's hard to educate these students when they know the school can really do nothing to make them conform. The good kids get lost because so much time is spent on the others
Those comments about how the rowdies behaved at the graduation
By Mr. Rick Moore does much to illustrate the problem with the Raytown School District.
Mr Moore well knows there is no excuse for the boorish behavior of many in The audience.
Even worse, he, like every screwed up liberal in the country, defends the misbehavior of these ill-mannered miscreants as being acceptable.
Then, like all liberals he trys to switch the blame to some white person he alleges was doing all the hollering, etc.
Mr Moore’s comments are most disturbing but are most certainly in keeping with the “head in the sand” so common for Raytown's leaders.
Moore should face facts.
The Latter Day Saints – Now community of Christ – kicked the Raytown graduations out years ago because of their disgusting behavior.
The Baptists should do the same.
If the students and their parents want to conduct themselves in the manner they did at the graduation perhaps the World Wrestling Federation WWF would book them.
Even more disturbing than Mr. Moore’s defense of the behavior at the grad exercises is his braggart claim that his son was so well educated at Raytown schools that he received
Appointments to both the U. S. Naval Academy and the Air Forces Academy!
If that is so Mr. Moore must, indeed,have a lot of influence in high places.
It all boils down to parenting
Yes. Parenting is important. But so is enforcement of rules by people in authority. When a school board member tries to side-step an issue, when the police stand by and do little to help the situation, you have a breakdown in responsibility. Those in authority share as much of the blame. The bad behavior at Raytown graduation ceremonies is not common at ALL graduation ceremonies. The difference is that in Raytown it is tolerated. Sometimes there is a price for standing by an doing nothing.
I would like to know what the charter commission is trying to put over on the people. Why is everything being done on computers including sub committees meetings? These should be public meetings. I have already decided I will vote against this charter. People like Mr. Happy, Pat Cassidy complain about city hall be secretive about meetings, how about this mess? As for the chairman I don't think he has a clue about what is going on. It is Lisa Emerson, Jason Greene and Janet Emerson telling him what to do and when to do it.
Don't blame the actions of a few on the entire group. Steve Guenther is a weak Chair for the Charter Commission but remember, not all the Commissioners voted for him. It sure does seem that Greene and the Emersons are running the show on Guenter (their puppet) and I don't like that either. As I understand it though, the sub committees will bring their findings to the Commission and the public for their discussion in open meeting before a vote is taken. If you feel those email committee meetings are in violation of the Sunshine law, I suggest you go to the Missouri State Prosecutor's website, download the complaint form, fill it out and mail it in to Chris Koster, Missouri State Attorney General.
How foolish it is for anyone to state they won't be voting for the Charter at this early stage of the game.
The individual who wrote that should be the first to file a Sunshine Law complaint instead of spewing negativity. If what is being done is illegal, find out instead of sitting on your haunches and braying like a stupid mule.
It was Raytown South Graduation not Raytown; these are 2 different schools with 2 different graduations and 2 different boundaries of residents. Raytown South High School Graduation Ceremonies are the ones being talked about.
Who knows exactly what the the chairman of the charter knows and doesn't know unless we speak to them personally. I cannot figure why they are doing the email route either . Did I hear or read somewhere that all email communication is available to the public???!!! People text email etc instead of communicating in person nowadays ; leaves a lot of misunderstandings I feel.
It is not really a question of legality. It is a question of what is right. In my view, it is wrong to delegate the paths chosen to just a handful of people. There will be much more gained by opening up the conversation to, yes, even the public. They have a voice too!
The path chosen by the Commission is one that is exclusive. It is designed to keep people out of the process, not bring them into it.
It is the same path taken by the City Hall on their development packages where the decision has basically been made to give away tax breaks to large corporations and then and only AFTER the decision has been made, do they ask for public input.
The falseness of such manipulation is distressing. Most on the Charter Commission ran with a promise to move away from that type of representation.
I wonder what has happened because a good number of them (from the meetings I've watched) seemed to be drifting in the wrong direction.
Missouri Constitution
Article II (Bill of Rights), Section 34
Section 34. English to be the official language in this state.—That English shall be
the language of all official proceedings in this state. Official proceedings shall be limited
to any meeting of a public governmental body at which any public business is discussed,
decided, or public policy formulated, whether such meeting is conducted in person or by
means of communication equipment, in cluding, but not limited to, conference call, video
conference, Internet chat, or Internet message board. The term “official proceeding”
shall not include an informal gathering of members of a public governmental body for
ministerial or social purposes, but the term shall include a public vote of all or a majority
of the members of a public governmental body, by electronic communication or any
other means, conducted in lieu of holding an official proceeding with the members of the
public governmental body gathered at one location in order to conduct public business.
(Adopted November 4, 2008)
Just who is that small-minded misanthropic who is shouting negativity when someone questions the secretivness of the charter commission?
People have a right to question those nuts who thinkthe world revolves around e-mails, twitter, and a telephone stuck in their ear.
All the charter meetings should be open to the public; should also
be advertised on the local TV channel and newspapers.
If the charter commission continues by ignoring the wishes of the public (and ultimately voter)
it will godown in flames.
You can bet your last dollar it will be swamped by an electorate which is smarter than they are being given credit for.
Yes, all of the emails of official city business, and that includes correspondence between City Council members, Charter Commission members, etc. are supposed to be recorded by the City of Raytown. They have a file it is sent to called "RECORDS". It is public record and is open to the public to view. Call City Hall at 737-6000 and ask for the City Clerk's office for more information.
I find it amusing how many assumptions without facts are made about members of the charter commission. Here's an idea, how about we actually hear what this committee reports before we critize it? Or we actually ask charter commissioners of the type of communication they are having? I usually agree with many of the comments on this blog, but many on here are the most judgemental people in the city and you base many of your comments on assumptions. I personally am going to email a couple of the commissioners and speak to them as opposed to just making assumptions.
I hope you are right and that some good will come out of Charter Commission. But some of the choices made by the commission really bother me. The secret ballot on the first night. It is not the end of the world but it does point a direction that does not speak to highly of how the majority seem to prefer to conduct business. Even when they voted on televising the meetings four of them found a way not to say "yes".
The internet meetings are pure nonsense. If you want input from people you don't find secretive ways to discuss the issue. You find ways to reach out to people.
I said I hope you are right and I meant it. Raytown needs some reforming. I hope this bunch is up to the task.
Put this in your pipe and smoke it. There was meetings or meeting with about seven or eight of the people on the charter commission before they were elected to talk about how they would write the charter. Not sure exactly how many more were there. Is it legal yes it was but sure makes a person wonder.
A lot of people not wanting a charter for Raytown are certainly on this blog
I counted two comments that were anti-Charter on this blog. If you want to call two "a lot of people" I guess that's your right. But it all it tells me is that you count real funny!
The people need to expect the Charter commission to hold their committee meetings in the correct manner. All elected and governmental bodies have committees. Those committee meetings are held at a specific time and it advertised in some manner so anyone wanting to attend can. There can be no true give and take or exchange of ideas if the thoughts are expressed electronically. Any Charter member who thought he/she could only spend a few hours a week on this was delusional from the beginning.
Thank you to all the men and woman serving in the armed forces. Thank you to all the families who have given up their loves ones for our freedom
The audience was told multiple times to be respectful and no yelling etc. Even students making speeches included it in their speeches. The audience KNEW they were going to be asked to leave if they didn't follow the requests. Many stood up to leave BEFORE they yelled, because they already knew they were going to be kicked out. Some did it as they were walking out. I would like to see them given tickets for disrupting the peace with a $100 fine.
Students didn't cause the problems at graduation. Their family members did.
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