For the last three meetings members of the Raytown Charter Commission
have been engaged in a debate concerning Article 1 of the work in progress of
the Raytown Charter. Section 1.2 enumerates in detail the rights guaranteed
Raytown residents. The Commission was divided on acceptance of the Article 1 as
presented. Opponents to the draft complained it was not necessary to include
detailed information regarding rights Americans are guaranteed in the Bill of
Rights, Constitution and Missouri State Constitution. A compromise was struck
in which most of the language was condensed to guaranteeing individual rights
as guaranteed all Americans. (final version is highlighted below)
1.2 Restrictions.
Affirming that the protection of the People is the principal office of
government, the City shall not:
a) abridge or infringe upon
the freedoms, whether popular or unpopular, of any Person, inhabitant or
visitor, expressed in the Constitution of the United States of America or its
Bill of Rights or expressed in the Constitution of the State of Missouri, or
b) relinquish its powers or
its affirmed protection of life, liberty, property, or privacy of the People to
any other authority without express permission of the People by a vote of the
Section 1.2b is considered to be the most powerful statement in the Charter Document to date. It specifically states the Charter may not be amended “without express permission” of voters in a general election.
Commissioner Greg Walters argued that to maintain the integrity of the document it should be any changes to the Charter must be approved by the voters in a general election.
Charter Commissioners were reminded current laws had been circumvented by the Board of Aldermen. Specifically, a Raytown ordinance that requires the City Administrator to live within city limits has been ignored by the Board. Another example was given of an Alderman serving on the current Raytown Board who does not live in the district he represents. An amendment was offered which guaranteed any change in the Charter document would require approval of Raytown voters.
The majority of the Commission voted to approve the compromise
YES: Greg Walters, Steve Guenther,
Ted Bowman, Lisa Emerson, Janet Emerson, Mark Moore, Michael McDonough, Jason
Greene, Susan Dolan
NO: Jim Aziere, Sandy
Hartwell, Mary Jane VanBuskirk, Charlotte Melson
Another notable rule adopted by the Charter Commission was Section 3.10a.
This section of the Charter originally called for the Board of Alderman be
required to meet once a month. It was argued that meeting only 12 times of year
was counterproductive to keeping the lines of communication open between public
and its representatives. Language was crafted with the help of Jason Greene and
Lisa Emerson requiring the Board of Aldermen meet a minimum of twice each
The motion passed unanimously.
Raytown Charter News Link
The Raytown Charter Commission, has created a webpage for the Commission. The page has names, phone numbers and email addresses of Charter Commissioners, links to the Minutes and Video of past meetings. Use the following link to visit the page.
The Raytown Charter Commission, has created a webpage for the Commission. The page has names, phone numbers and email addresses of Charter Commissioners, links to the Minutes and Video of past meetings. Use the following link to visit the page.
Election Board Investigating
Ward 1 Alderman
Raytown City Hall sources tell us that Ward 1 Alderman Joe Creamer is
being investigated by Jackson County Election Board officials on questions of
his residency.
On April 25, 2014, Creamer filed documents with the Jackson County
Circuit Court in which he identified his legal residence as 10608 East 71st
Terrace, Raytown, Missouri.
10608 East 71st Terrace is located in Ward 2. Creamer represents Ward 1
on the Raytown Board of Aldermen.
City ordinances and Missouri State Statutes require that for a
candidate to file for the office of Alderman he must be registered to vote at
his legal residence within the boundaries of the area he wishes to represent.
Attorneys for the Jackson County Election Board are expected to make a ruling on the question of Creamer’s residency in the near future.
Attorneys for the Jackson County Election Board are expected to make a ruling on the question of Creamer’s residency in the near future.
Remember those digestive issues I talked about late last month?
And how I was pumped to take the Beano Back on the Menu Challenge and
reintroduce a few foods that have in the past left me feeling gassy, bloated
and generally miserable? Well, I did it! And It. Was. Awesome.READ MORE
All the “NO” votes were to be expected with one
exception, in my opinion, Sandy Hartwell.
As for Alderman Joe Creamer being investigated for
not Living in his ward, people on this site have been
saying this for a couple of years now. I’m sure the
Mayor and most other board members didn’t care
after all they don’t care if our City Administrator obeys
the rules so why should an alderman.
I will say this, I believe that elected officials should follow
all the rules if they want to be taken serious. We have seen
from the mayor on down this hasn’t happened.
I also feel that when a department head is supposed to
live in the town he/she has promised he/she will
live and doesn’t is a breach of contract and should be
let go.
If an elected official or a hired department head doesn’t
have a vested interest in their ward or the town they
are hired or elected to then why should they care?
I hope this issue can be dealt with in the Charter Commission.
But, until it is , I guess rules are made to be broken in
You know Mr. Creamer had pressure from Greg and heck maybe even some from the city to explain his situation. Maybe thats why he wrote that letter attempting to explain in the paper today. Here is a question for him, why did he not bring this to the community a while back? According to him, it has been some time since he has lived in his ward. Thankfully he is not my alderman, but he should do the community a service and resign!
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