The November 4th General Election is just around the corner. Normally the interest in next April's Raytown City Election takes a back seat to the campaigns of the moment. Not so this year.
There are already two candidates who have announced their campaign for Mayor.
City Council Votes to Finance
Re-Opening of SuperSplash
The Raytown City Council voted
last Tuesday to finance the re-opening of SuperSplash for the Raytown Park
Board. The vote passed by a margin of 7 (yes), 1 (no) and 2 (absent). Six “yes”
votes were required for passage. Included in the package is
$50,000 to help build a website for the Park Board.
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The Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
– October 23, 2014
The Board passed a resolution
authorizing additional funds for Change order no. 2 with Linaweaver
Construction for the White Oak West sanitary sewer improvement project not to
exceed $53,130.50 for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,157,992.50. This
change order will modify four existing line items to bring them up to field
measured amounts, and add three line items for extra work needed to repair
existing facilities within the project limits of the White Oak West Sanitary
Sewer Project. The original contract amount was $3,091,952.00, Change Order #1
added an additional $12,910.00, and this Change will add an additional
$53,130.50, and this will make the new contract amount $3,157,992.50.
Existing line item 7 is increased
by 1,045 square yards. This brings the quantity to the final measured amount.
This overrun is due to extending the overlay further on 83rd Street to the east
and west to meet up with good pavement.
Existing line item 22 is
increased by 3.5 vertical feet. This was needed to raise manhole lids along the
creek to get the manhole lid well above the adjacent ground.
Existing line item 23 is
increased by 3.0 vertical feet. This was needed to raise manhole lids along the
reek to get the manhole lid well above the adjacent ground.
Existing line item 26 is
increased by 4 each to reconnect 4 private sanitary sewer service lines that
were inadvertently left off the plans to the newly installed City main.
New line item 38 is increased by
1 lump sum to relocate a water main that was in conflict with the new storm
sewer system. This allowed the storm sewer system to still be installed per
New line item 39 is increased by
1 lump sum to extend 2 private sanitary sewer service lines all the way across
83rd Street to the newly installed City main, these were also inadvertently
left off the plans.
New line item 40 is increased by
62 linear feet to remove and replace the existing 15” diameter metal storm
sewer pipe that had the bottom rusted out.
Contract working days are
extended by 30 working days for weather delays on this Change Order.
Next month, there will be one
final Change Order #3 that will bring all quantities to their final measured
amounts. There will be some line items that increase and some that decrease,
but this exact amount is not yet known.
The Board passed a resolution
approving the emergency purchase of a traffic control box and components. The City of Raytown purchased this traffic
control box and components, with installation on September 18, 2014. The
existing control box was severely damaged in a traffic accident on that date.
City staff was able to temporarily repair the controller to continue operations
through the night; however, the damage to the controller was severe, and it
compromised both the operation and the security of the traffic signals at
Gregory Boulevard and Blue Ridge Boulevard.
The Board passed a resolution
approving the execution of the First Amendment to the Contract for Housing
Specialist Services with Builders Development Corporation (BDC) to perform
housing specialist services for Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 and
authorize expenditure in excess of $15,000.00.
On April 19, 2011 Board of Aldermen approved an ordinance authorizing
the execution of an agreement with Missouri Department of Economic Development
for the City of Raytown to be the lead city in the Neighborhood Stabilization
Program 3 (NSP3) grant in the amount of $1.25 million for the purpose of
implementing programs focused on rehabbing or demolishing/rebuilding vacant and
foreclosed homes or land in the target areas of Raytown, Grandview and Sugar
Creek. Since that time all but a few thousand dollars of the $1.25 million
grant funds have been expended. Additionally, to date, the $1.25 million NSP3
grant and the resulting project income has provided $1.7 million in housing
rehab and new home construction. The
grant funds, however, continue to provide project income from the sale of homes
in the three cities. The project income is used to purchase additional homes
for rehab or for demolition and construction of a new home and then resale,
which then provides additional project income. The project income currently is
considered to be part of the grant and, as such, is subject to the payment of
administrative fees to Mid America Regional Council (MARC) and the State of
Missouri Department of Economic Development. The proposed amendment would
change future project income from being collected and paid to the City as part
of the NSP3 grant program and instead paid to Builders Development Corporation
(BDC) for use as part of the City’s Neighborhood Revitalization efforts in
accordance with the contract the City of Raytown has with BDC, as approved by
the Board of Aldermen on May 3, 2011.
This contract amendment closes
out the existing NSP3 Program and removes the City out of the contractual
process. This Contract Amendment is also consistent with recommendations from
the Mid America Regional Council and as part of the recommended NSP Grant
Program close-out procedures for audit requirements.
The Board passed a resolution
approving the budget of the Parks and Recreation Department for fiscal year
2014-2015. This will allow Super Splash
to remain open one more year. For the
Park Board Budget, please click on PARK
BOARD BUDGET and go to page 47.
The Board heard the first reading
of an ordinance establishing the compensation for the office of mayor for the
term beginning April 2015. The Elected
Officials Compensation Committee was established by the Board of Aldermen to
review the compensation for elected officials and make recommendations for
adjustment. An elected official’s compensation must be set prior to a person
taking office and compensation cannot change during the term of office, unless
additional duties are added. Accordingly, any adjustment the Board of Aldermen
deems appropriate must be made prior to the April 7, 2015 election. The recommendation
of the Commission relative to the Mayor was to keep the monthly compensation at
the current rate of $1,000.00 per month and increase the monthly car allowance
from $200 per month to $250.00 per month.
The Board heard the first reading
of an ordinance establishing the compensation for the office of city collector
for the term beginning April, 2015. The Elected Officials Compensation
Committee was established by the Board of Aldermen to review the Compensation
for elected officials and make recommendations for adjustment. An elected
official’s compensation must be set prior to a person taking office and
compensation cannot change during the term of office, unless additional duties
are added. Accordingly, any adjustment
the Board of Aldermen deems appropriate must be made prior to the April 7, 2015
election. The recommendation of the Commission relative to the City Collector
was to keep the monthly compensation at the current rate of $100.00 per month.
The Board heard the first reading
of an ordinance establishing the compensation for the office of board of
aldermen for the term beginning April 2015.
The Elected Officials Compensation Committee was established by the
Board of Aldermen to review the compensation for elected officials and make
recommendations for adjustment. An elected official’s compensation must be set
prior to a person taking office and compensation cannot change during the term
of office, unless additional duties are added. Accordingly, any adjustment the
Board of Aldermen deems appropriate must be made prior to the April 7, 2015
election. The recommendation of the Commission relative to the Board of
Aldermen was to keep the monthly compensation at the current rate of $400.00
per month and to keep the monthly car allowance at the current rate of $50.00
per month.
The Board heard the first and
second readings of an ordinance approving a contract for transit service with
Kansas City Area Transportation Authority.
This is a demand-response public transportation service that the City
has provided under contract with the KCATA since April 2001. This is part of the contract with Walmart on
350 Highway. This system is integrated
with the rest of the KCATA system. The service area extends beyond Raytown to
make connections with the rest of the KCATA network to the north and to the
south. The current hours of operation for the KCATA are from 6:00 AM to 10:00
AM; and 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM, Monday through Friday with one bus. The proposed agreement would maintain that level
of service at a cost of $56,840.00 which is within the budgeted amount. This
contract will be for a 12-month period that mirrors the City’s budget
year. The Board suspended the rules and
heard both readings in the same night.
The Board heard the first and
second readings of an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into an
agreement with the Jackson County Land Trust for the demolition of buildings
and other site improvements on property located at 9110 E. 69th Street and for
the sharing in the cost of the demolition.
The house has been vacant and is
violation of the City’s property maintenance and building safety codes. As
such, upon execution of the proposed agreement between the City and the Jackson
County Land Trust will have the building and other improvements on the
property, including but not limited to driveway, driveway approach, walkways,
sanitary sewer connection, etc.
demolished or removed. As provided in the agreement, the Jackson County
Land Trust will provide $2,000.00 to the City to help pay for the cost of
demolition. The City has obtained bids for the demolition and removal of the
improvements on the property and low bid for the work was $5,700.00. Upon
execution of the agreement with the Jackson County Land Trust and the
contractor, the City will issue a notice to proceed to the demolition
contractor. The property was acquired by the Jackson County Land Trust
following the previous property owner’s default on payment of property taxes.
Staff has spoken with the Jackson County Land Trust regarding the need to
rebuild / repair the home or to demolish the house. However, the Jackson County
Land Trust has stated that they do not have the funding available to undertake
the improvements or demolition, but is able to contribute partial funding for
the building’s demolition. City staff
has also had Builders Development Corporation (BDC) look at the building for
possible rehab; however, the existing condition of the building does not make
it feasible for BDC to rehab the building and sell it to a new owner. Because the City has received complaints from
neighbors about the condition of this property, staff is requesting a
suspension of the rules so that demolition can be expedited and restoration of
the property can be completed prior to winter.
At the end of the meeting,
Alderman Ertz told the Board he would like to see the ordinance changed for
Drug and Tobacco Paraphernalia. He said
no one under the age of 18 should be allowed to enter tobacco shops and these
establishments should not be allowed to sell drug and tobacco paraphernalia in
the city limits.
Rice-Tremonti Home
Fall Soup and Crafts
Friends of Rice Tremonti will hold its Annual Fall Soup and Crafts Sale
on November 1st and 2nd from 11:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. The Rice Tremonti
Home is located at 8801 East 66th Street.Plan to join us for a wonderful
meal of Soup, cornbread, homemade pie
and a beverage for only $7.00. After
eating you can also browse the great selection of craft booths, for a little
early holiday shopping.All proceeds will be used by the Friends of Rice-Tremonti for the
ongoing preservation of the 1844 home. 
1) When a signal controller is damaged by a traffic accident, the motorist at fault is responsible. This expense should an insurance claim against the motorist's insurance. Obviously this is an emergency expense that can't wait, but the City should recover these funds which wasn't mentioned.
2) All TV cable providers should be treated equally in their franchise agreement; hence, ALL should carry the Raytown city channel! To do otherwise is discrimination and leaves the city open to a law suit.
3) Is the Mayor REQUIRED to drive his car enough to justify $250 month?
4) It is my understanding the City Collector must go to City Hall once or twice a week to sign documents. Shouldn't he/she be entitled to a minimal car allowance of say $5/month? I know there are those who disagree with the $100/month but since other elected officials collect a car allowance, it would be fair for all to collect a reasonable amount.
Andy Whiteman
Andy Noll brought this to the attention of the Board last month. At that time he said they would pursue the driver of the vehicle. In the meantime, however, the city needs to fix the signal. To wait leaves the city open to a negligence lawsuit if another accident occurs without the new signal.
No more Hitler, the other three mentioned I am sorry, they sound scarier than Bower. With Bower we have a know quantity not like the other three.
"I Like Mike"
Bower running again is a joke, VanBuskirk running is a joke.
Bill Van Bus Kirk already quit once. Who would vote for a quitter a second time?
Mr. Van Bus Kirk started out pretty good. Sounded like he
might be good for the people of Raytown and even listen
to them. But, he soon crossed over to the dark side. He
became a yes man for bower.
I still remeber the walmart meeting were he complained about people telling him they would not support him in the future if he voted for it.... duh! Then he had his wife speak at public comments echoing the same thing. Im sorry our right to vote gets in their way.
I have a problem with Mike. I don't feel he strong enough and I don't think he will be able to separate himself from the police department. The reason Van Buskirk pulled out of the race the first time was due to health reasons I was told bleeding ulcer.
The Raytown Amateur Radio Club, K0GQ will be holding it's third annual Hamfest November 1, 2014 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church School Gym. Times are from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, raffle tickets are available for door prizes and other prizes. VE testing will also at 8:00 AM, and there will be presentations about Amateur Radio as well.
A PDF of the flier can be found here -- http://k0gq.com/Hamfest2014.pdf
I feel the same way about Mike. He hasn't been a strong presence on the charter commission. He only ran to make sure the chief of police stayed an elected position.
Mike is a good old boy who likes to slap people on the back and tell them what they want to hear, sounds like a politician.
Not a good representative for the city as a mayor. He knows nothing about running a business meeting let alone run a city. Reap is a long way from a structured organization. He was nominated for chairman of the charter commission by I think Mrs. Van BusKirk he said yes I can do it but I think that the commission would not be where it is now if he had been elected. A nice guy but.
Hey guys! Quit picking on McDonough. He would make a much better Mayor than the one we have now. He knows how to work with people. Something that many of them at city hallseem to know nothing about.
To those who doubt if Mike can do the job, I will tell you, yes. At least his is straight forward and honest, unlike Bower. Bower lets big business and a huge ego get in his way, he forgot who put him into office. And we can take him out.
Can't wait
Mike can work with people, the Mayor and most of that Board (except some of the new guys) cannot.
9.00 am, Well that explains Mike M. he can work with the good old boys and gals that are on the board (not the new ones) so he really is the same as Bower.
Sounds like someone has an axe to grind with Mike. It won't work here buddy. I still like him.
FYI: Clarks Howard's report on Aldi's prices vs. Wallmart prices:
I preferred Aldi due to the fact it is more like regular grocery store without monster mega store impulse items of Walmart. Aldi also had shorter lines! Renting a cart and bagging my own groceries is no issue for me. In fact when I shop at a regular grocery store, I return the cart as a courtesy and to get my exercise. Normally I don't want brands. In fact I have found things at Aldi that no other store has!
Andy Whiteman
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