“Texting”, the furtive comments and notes sent via our cell phones can be a convenience of the modern age we live in. It can also be viewed as a curse, particularly when it takes valuable time and attention away from what is important.
Some Aldermen have complained of
receiving unsolicited text messages from their seatmates during City Council
The dais the Council sits at has a short
six inch wall at the top which hides Councilman’s hands. When a Councilman’s
eyes appear more focused on his or her lap and their shoulders slightly “tense
up” they are probably sending a text message on their cell phone.
Not only is the practice rude, it may
very well be illegal. If the recipient of the text message has a seat on the
dais of that same meeting then someone could be in trouble plenty.
City Council meetings are supposed to be
“public” meetings. Secret messages, flying back and forth between members of
the governing body can be construed as a violation of Missouri’s Sunshine Law.
Who is guilty? Ward 1 Alderman Joe
Creamer is known to have sent text messages to other members of the Board of
Aldermen during public hearings on a proposed Walmart Grocery Store in Downtown
Raytown last year. Apparently the texting has continued.
According to sources at Raytown City
Hall, the text messages are frequently unsolicited and in some cases, unwanted.
Which causes one to wonder – why send a message to someone who does not wish to
receive it in the first place?
Could it be the messages are not truly
unsolicited? From our point of view, a conversation is a conversation whether
spoken or typed. Those comments should be shared with all the members of the
City Council and with the public.
Here is some good advice . . . put your
electronic gadgets away during public meetings. They have no place at the table
when the public’s business is being discussed.
Down Janet!
Charter Commissioner Janet Emerson has decided to head up a Marketing Subcommittee committee to publicize the Raytown Charter effort. She has not been slow to take the helm and start steaming forward. She has already held one meeting and scheduled another to lay out plans to promote the Charter. In her first meeting she spoke of the need to print the Charter document and create yard signs for the Charter.
Charter Commissioner Janet Emerson has decided to head up a Marketing Subcommittee committee to publicize the Raytown Charter effort. She has not been slow to take the helm and start steaming forward. She has already held one meeting and scheduled another to lay out plans to promote the Charter. In her first meeting she spoke of the need to print the Charter document and create yard signs for the Charter.
Commissioner Mary Jane VanBuskirk
wondered about the yard signs. She checked with the Missouri Municipal League
and found out that yard signs promoting the Charter cannot be funded by public
money. Missouri State Statutes require the municipality in which the Charter is
being voted on to fund “educational material” to explain the Charter to the
Public. Apparently, yard signs are considered to be “promoting” a charter.
Some Charter Commissioners have
complained about Emerson’s early meeting times. Late afternoon meetings are not
a practical alternative for the public or Commission members who are employed
in 9:00 to 5:00 jobs . . . particularly if potential participants are away from
the Raytown area during daytime hours.
The “sandwiching” of committee meetings
before regular meetings of governing bodies is not uncommon in Raytown. The
short half hour “meeting before the meeting” is a counterproductive effort
which often leaves confusion in its wake. The shortened meeting times result in
rushed decisions and often lead to mistakes in judgment.
Mistakes like purchasing yard signs as
an “educational” tool to promote the Charter.
The enthusiasm of Mrs. Emerson and her
crew is noteworthy. But they need to focus on providing information to help the
voters make an informed decision. Parts of the Marketing Subcommittee minutes
read more like a campaign committee than an attempt to inform the public.
Commissioners need to take care not to
cross the line between “educating” and “campaigning”. The Charter Commission should
not be used as a platform to organize a “yes” or “no” vote on the Charter.
of Short Meetings
The Marketing Subcommittee minutes are
an interesting read.
According to the minutes of the agenda
there were 21 items discussed in the meeting. However, the meeting, which was
sandwiched in prior to the regular Charter Commission meeting, lasted only 36
Do the math.
The result is that each item was
discussed for only 1.8 minutes. There were six members on the Committee. If
only half of the members joined in the discussion, it means that each member
had only 36 seconds to participate in discussion per item!
Some call it the rumor mill. We call
them news tips from very reliable sources. Sources, we might add, that have
proven to be very accurate in the past. So far this year, they are batting
So, here is what our local tipsters tell
us is going on in Raytown!
WALMART: There has never been an
official announcement on whether or not Walmart is planning on opening a large
building at 63rd and Raytown Road. Just rumors, sparked mainly by local
business owners saying they had been told their leases would not be renewed.
Now some of those same business owners say they have been told their leases
will be renewed!
Does that mean the unannounced
development is off?
Our ten elected Aldermen and even the
Mayor (who, many will recall, took a trip to Bentonville to try to parlay with
Walmart exec’s during the debacle over a Walmart in Downtown Raytown’s
Greenspace) all claim ignorance of anything going on.
You would think out of 11 elected
officials you would have at least one who would try to find out.
ERTZ FOR ( fill in the blank ) On the campaign front the “on
again . . . off again” campaign of Pat Ertz for Mayor has been scrapped.
Apparently he has decided to run for re-election to fourth term as Alderman
from Ward 4. For those keeping count his fourth term would equal 20 years.
District No. 2 Commissioner Richard Tush has decided to make a run for the
Raytown Fire Board seat currently held by Willard Ross. No official word on
whether or not Ross will run for re-election.
Commissioner Steve Guenther has been said to be considering a run for Mayor.
Ward 3 Alderman Charlotte Melson is also said to be considering a run for the
big chair as well. Add those two names to Alderman Bill VanBuskirk, Mike McDonough and David Bower and you could have
a very crowded contest. The Charter Commission discussed possible primary
elections but the majority of Commissioners turned the idea down. Given the
current situation, they may want to follow the lead of surrounding communities
that have runoffs when more than two candidates file for office.
Ward 1 Alderman Joe Creamer’s status as a candidate for re-election is still up
in the air. A source living close to Creamer’s old residence say the house is
dark all the time. Which leaves one to believe the senior Alderman from Ward 1
is still not living in the district he represents. Potential opponents may want
to check out Missouri State Statutes,
Chapter 79, Fourth Class Cities, Section 79.070.*
*Aldermen, qualifications. 79.070. No person shall be an
alderman unless he or she is at least twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the
United States, and an inhabitant and resident of the city for one year next
preceding his or her election,and a resident, at the time he or she files and
during the time he or she serves, of the ward from which he or she is elected.
Aldermen, qualifications. 79.070. No
person shall be an alderman unless he or she is at leasttwenty-one years
of age, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitantand resident
of the city for one year next preceding his or her election,and a
resident, at the time he or she files and during the time he or
sheserves, of the ward from which he or she is elected.
- See more at: http://statutes.laws.com/missouri/t07/c079/79_070#sthash.uSedZoCz.dpuf
Aldermen, qualifications. 79.070. No
person shall be an alderman unless he or she is at leasttwenty-one years
of age, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitantand resident
of the city for one year next preceding his or her election,and a
resident, at the time he or she files and during the time he or
sheserves, of the ward from which he or she is elected.
- See more at: http://statutes.laws.com/missouri/t07/c079/79_070#sthash.uSedZoCz.dpuf
Aldermen, qualifications. 79.070. No
person shall be an alderman unless he or she is at leasttwenty-one years
of age, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitantand resident
of the city for one year next preceding his or her election,and a
resident, at the time he or she files and during the time he or
sheserves, of the ward from which he or she is elected.
- See more at: http://statutes.laws.com/missouri/t07/c079/79_070#sthash.uSedZoCz.dpuf
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Aldermen, qualifications. 79.070. No
person shall be an alderman unless he or she is at leasttwenty-one years
of age, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitantand resident
of the city for one year next preceding his or her election,and a
resident, at the time he or she files and during the time he or
sheserves, of the ward from which he or she is elected.
- See more at: http://statutes.laws.com/missouri/t07/c079/79_070#sthash.uSedZoCz.dpuf
Cell phones should be banned from the dais due to possible violation(s) for the Sunshine law. Personally I view texts as a nuisance and don't send or receive them. Since each text costs 1/2 minute, I block them.
Andy Whiteman
When looking at the possible Mayoral candidates only one seems to be serious about it so far. Mike McDonough has already raised mpore money in the last 5 weeks than most candidates do in the whole race. He obviously already has a lot of support and backing behind him. GO MIKE!
I guess it go to prove that money will buy an election. We can expect big billboards all around Raytown to remind us that our new leader will take care of us.
I agree with your attitude but when you say things like that it makes you look foolish. People have families and possible emergencies that could take place. Should they not be texting eachother... of course anyone would agree to that, but to say they should not have their cell phone with them or on is foolish. I have kids and I always have my phone with me because you never know.
Golly I guess that I grew up in a bad time, we did not have cell phones, how did we exist gee I guess we had a land line telephone that could be used in an emergency.
The thing is no one from the board needs to have a cell turned on and able to use to send messages back and forth to each other.
For once I agree with Andy.
Please just get a life.
BIG QUESTION is can Mike separate himself from the police department? I don't know that I can support him. Is he a great guy yes he is I just don't think he is the man for the job.
To “Anonymous” 4:42,
Before you judge Mike, you might have a talk with him
to see where he stands on certain concerns you might have.
Mike has been around Raytown for a long time and has
talked to thousands of people. He has seen the good and bad
in both people and government. I really can’t see any better
candidate to head this town. Besides look at the background
of past mayors. There is and was nothing special there and
none had the people experience Mike has.
I hope everybody gives him a chance.
Mike has a heart for the people unlike this current administration. I heard he will retire very soon anyway. Point is to say that he has an agenda based off of his work experience is an arguement you can make for anyone employed running for Mayor. Some would say our current Mayor has an agenda to enhance his own career by being Mayor. I will be voting for Mike and urging my friends to do so as I have met this man and seen his heart and I know I do not believe in what we currently have.
Mike is a good man, but a puppet to Lynch/Bowman who are only interested in what's in it for themselves. Good for them, but not good for the city or tax-payers. The separation between Police and Politics is a check and balance system.
Sorry Mike, I am not anti-police, just pro Raytown and against an unfettered Police Department.
Mike may have a heart for the city so do a lot of other people but that doesn't mean he would be a good mayor. How much does he really know about city government?
Mike has my vote and a great number of other votes from the people of Raytown
A puppet? Not the Mike I know. Only someone doesn't know him would make up such tripe.
I would hope that when Mike is elected the money that the citizens approved for the Public Safety Sales Tax will be spent as promised. Which will mean funding the positions that were promised. Bower has done a great job making sure that hasn't happened. He seems to forgot how he got where he is. He is more worried about him self and his ego than the taxpayers that are paying his salary. It will be a pleasure to see a Mayor who is only interested in the people and the City. Mike For Mayor.
The money from the safety sales tax goes to the police and EMS. If you have a problem with not enough police on the street talk to Lynch about it. The police gets a lot of stuff from the safety sales tax. Example $1000.00 a pair Italian motor cycle riding boots. Maybe we don't have enough officers on the street because they are all sitting behind desks at the department. The department is top heavy. If you don't believe me check it out yourself
Wrong! The city shifted existing funding levels down for the Police Department AFTER the public saftey tax was approved. So the results that the tax payers were promised didnt happen. This was not a Police Department action but City Hall.
To 8:01:
Why don't you talk to the officer before putting misleading facts on here. I talked to the officer. First, they are American made and his first pair lasted 14 years, with quite a bit of use. He pays to have them resoled out of his pocket every year. So to me, $71 and sone change every year for an officers safety is no big deal. They need the equipment they need.
The Police Department is top heavy, that is a given. Wasted out of control spending and excessive out of town travel are the norm. The Police wants to put a person in the Mayor's chair who will see to it that Lynch and the good ol boy system, which that wish to maintain will thrive.
Only after the Police Pension plan was scraped by the City as unsustainable and the Police Pension was moved to a more viable solution, did Mike decide to run for Mayor.
Mike and others who are in the Police department and setting on the Charter Commission and running for office are only concerned about what's in for the Police. We've witness it before when Lynch was running against then Chief Overfield. It was slander after slander of Overfield so Lynch would be elected Police Chief and promote his good buddies within the Police Department to the highest rank.
Before this is over, it will become politics at its very worst.
You gut-less “Anonymous” writers that want to sling
rumors and untruths should know just how stupid you sound!
We get it, you don’t like Mike. Most of the rest of us do.
Deal with it like an adult for a change.
Anonymous 11:28 I want to see written proof not just your words
Hey anonymous 1:10. Get back on your medication.
Written proof is in the budgets, look at the funding streams before and after the tax. It's really simple and Im not the only one in the city that knows about this dirty trick.
So Bower has another feather in his cap suddenly
KC Rising a Regional steering comittee to develop business. In KC area with a regional concept
How come everything is regional with this guy?
Time for someone to take care of Raytown not add to their corporate resume'
Some bloggers may have noticed that not all of the comments sent this week were posted right away. Paul discovered the problem last night. We have reset the links to our comment headers and added ALL of the comments that had not transferred properly.
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What your CA, Mayor and older board of Alderman have done with the Public Safety Sales Tax is called Supplanting. Look it up.
Police positions were paid from the General Fund before. Voters were promised more positions with the passage of the PSST. These folks that controlled the budget simply moved funded positions to the PSST fund and then reduced the number of paid positions in the General Fund. They can now claim that positions promised by the sales tax are filled. In truth voters have not been given what they were promised, they're paying a 1/2 cent more for the same thing and the CA, mayor and board can do what they want with that diverted money. It's not illegal, but definitely dishonest and unethical.
The person who promised us more policemen if the safety sales tax passed was none other than the Chief himself...
It is interesting to note that today Nov. 14 at 10:00 in the morning Mr. Bowers (Mayor) culdesac has already been pre-treated for the upcoming snow storm. Bet your street hasn't been done. Pehaps he thinks he is special.
Looks like a lot of Anonymous Cops on the blog. Pretty easy to read. All for Mike and slam how bad the citizens are being treated by Mayor Bower and a quick angry retort if anyone dare blog about a top heavy and wasteful PD.
The typical PD political smear campaign begins.
I hope that our undermanned police dept is prepared if we get the wrong decision in Ferguson as this thing will spread.
I hope that our undermanned police dept is prepared if we get the wrong decision in Ferguson as this thing will spread.
I thought the salary for aldermen was #200.00 not $400.00?
Wow sounds to me like anonymous 5:27 PM doesnt like others to have an opinion so lets make accusations that its the cops. Couldn't be the citizens expressing their opinions could it?
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