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An unusually high number of candidates
for municipal public office and an open seat for Mayor has manifested itself in early activity by a
number of candidates vying for five seats on the Raytown Board of Aldermen and
the office of Mayor.
Both candidates for Mayor, Mike
McDonough and Pat Ertz have recently held fundraiser’s in preparation of their
campaigns. In the races for the five seats on the Board of Aldermen there has
been activity as well. In political terms, Raytown Wards are very small,
averaging only two square miles in size. This lends itself to a more personal
type of campaigning of the door to door variety.
There has already been activity observed
in the three man race for Alderman in Ward 1 and candidate activity in Ward 4. Enough talk has surfaced to show
what issues will become hot topics this election year as well.
Property values and the public safety in
our neighborhoods will be high on the list. Some candidates have already called
for an increased presence of Police in neighborhoods. The need for better street lighting
to combat crime has been noted as has comments about the quality of
street repair in Raytown neighborhoods.
Whiskey Barrel Bounces Back
The New Year was only two days old when
its business was interrupted by a robbery attempt that went extremely bad. By
the end of the evening, Connie Maxwell had been assaulted and her son, Mike was
in the hospital being treated for a gunshot wound to his head.
The immediate result of the foiled
robbery attempt (the thieves ran out of the store empty-handed after shooting
Mike), was the closing of the store for a three week period.
Mike’s convalescence may take a while
longer, but he has taken his injury in stride saying “he feels lucky to be
alive”. When he was shot the bullet shattered the right side of his skull. The
blunt force trauma was so extensive it took 100 staples to close the wound. His
doctors hope he will make a good recovery but caution the wound was a serious
one that will take time to heal completely.
Detectives from the Raytown Police
Department local police departments are pretty tight-lipped about the
investigation. They have shared with Connie and Mike that there are
similarities between the robbery at the Whisky Barrel and other areas of crime
in the Kansas City area.
On the advice of the police department
they have increased the lighting around the property and taken other security
measures to ensure there will not be a repeat of what happened on January 2nd.
Connie told the Raytown Report , “It has
been tough having to make up three weeks of lost business”, but feels their business
is on its way to recovery. She wanted
their customers to know that they are back and open for business, Monday thru
Saturday from 2:00 in the afternoon until 8:00 in the evening.
She appreciates the impromptu “welcome
back” party customers surprised her with when she re-opened the store and said we
are definitely here to stay.
Even though the Charter question will
not be held until April 7th, there has already been plenty printed
about it in the local media. The newspapers and web/news internet sites have
had their say. Why not find out what the people have to say! This week’s poll
asks if you support, oppose are undecided on the Raytown Charter question. The poll
will be open for voting until Sunday, February 22nd.
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A Call for Papers!
You can tell it is election time in
Raytown. The City Council agendas are becoming shorter and attention is slowly
migrating to the candidates running for City Council and Mayor in 2015.
Raytowners have plenty of choices this
year for its representatives on the City Council. Fifteen candidates have filed
for 6 positions in city government -- that is 13 for City Council and two for
Mayor. Even more amazing is that all of the candidates appear to be serious in
their goal of serving the public.
For the first time in many years, there
are contested races in every ward. Not to mention to viable candidates for
With such a large field of candidates it
is only proper that the press in Raytown take up the challenge of
informing the public about the candidates. The best way to do that is to have
the candidates tell their story.
With that in mind, we are inviting all
candidates for the Raytown City Council to drop us a story about their
campaign. So far this year, three candidates have already done so. They are
Mayoral candidates Pat Ertz and Michael McDonough, as well as Aldermanic
candidate, Greg Walters
There is no cost to the candidate to
take part in this opportunity.
you are a candidate, take a seat and start pecking away at that keyboard. You
have a story to tell – tell it – we will print it for you!
your story to gregtwalters@sbcglobal.net
We will take it from there.
The Church of Pizza
Like most Americans,
I’m a fan of pizza. At least once a week, some combination of crust, sauce and
toppings are in my belly. Most of the time, my dinner comes from a store-bought
dough, homemade sauce and heaps of fresh veggies; but in a pinch, I’ll chow
down on the frozen stuff, too.
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I believe there are good people working at City Hall too. But I also think the city manager does a poor job of coordinating the work out of city hall. The unfinised roadwork on old Raytown Road is a good example. The road was planed off like they do for covering with asphalt and then not finished. What happened? Did the project sneak up on the public works department when they weren't looking? The police seem to do a pretty good job but I really question some of the numbers of how many officers there are in Raytown. I've read from 3 short to 7 short. Time to get your stories straight! It does seem like there are fewer police out on the weekend than not. I also wonder why the do 12 hour shifts when it is well documented that working those long type of hours is counterproductive in loss of how well someone does a job. The only reason I can see would be because it is easier to schedule 12 hour instead of 8 hour shifts.
My husband is a police officer in Independence. They are scheduled for 12 hour shifts, on a floating schedule. They will work 2 days one week and 4 days the next. One of those days is an 8 hour day. That gives them 80 hours in a two week pay period. It takes fewer people to work that schedule than a straight 8/40 week. He says most officers like the schedule. They will get a three day weekend every other week.
Remember the City Manager is also the one who got a 30,000 pay raise from people that are running for office like Ertz. Go figure.
To Angie,
I meant no disrespect to any Police officer.
Raytown’s Police are on just about the same hours except
Raytown Police work twelve hour days.
My problem on this site is that most writers seem to hate
the Police Department and seem to want them to go back
to the days of riding horses and bicycles with minimal
pay and equipment. People don’t seem to realize just
how dangerous their job can be.
Raytown has changed. I’m sorry to say not
for the better. Crime is up and Raytown has had more
than a small towns share of murder. Seems like there is
an armed robbery every week. It didn’t used to be this
way. Our city leaders don’t seem to care either. If City
hall needs money, the first place they try to cut costs
is our Police Department. I’m not sure but, I’d bet our
pay scale is lower than most. That is partly why we are
ten officers short.
Angie, watch after this is posted. Some “Anonymous”
writer will say our Police Department is too top heavy,
too many chief’s and not enough Indians.
Raytown PD is on 12 1/2 hour shifts.There is only one reason to work those hours. It's because they're short staffed. Remaining vigilant for that period of time is exhausting in and of itself. Then factor in the the call load and types of calls that are emotionally draining at times and well you will find burnout can happen quick. The "12's" as they are called are not uncommon in policing these days. It's due to the fact that not a heck of a lot of people want to be cops anymore. It's pretty evident why by just reading some of the more ignorant posts on this blog. Also, there are a lot of cops who work off duty jobs to have a little better standard of living. That too is not uncommon everywhere in policing. So then there's really not much time away from job for those who elect to do so. Some are actually grateful to have that opportunity but it can still pile up and add to burnout. There's a good bunch of cops in this city. Thanks for your support Pat!!
My house was broke into last year. The police officers that came to my house was professional and kind. It was a very scary situation for me and they made it easier because they were so nice. They caught the teenage boys that did it. They sent a community out-reach officer to my house to help me make it safer. I think we have a great bunch of police officers in Raytown. I think the only people that don't like our police officers are the criminals.
I think that 11:50 should read this post by Angie she seems to have it nailed.
Angie said...
My husband is a police officer in Independence. They are scheduled for 12 hour shifts, on a floating schedule. They will work 2 days one week and 4 days the next. One of those days is an 8 hour day. That gives them 80 hours in a two week pay period. It takes fewer people to work that schedule than a straight 8/40 week. He says most officers like the schedule. They will get a three day weekend every other week.
February 16, 2015 at 11:28 AM
Uh yea. Read it. I've live it also. Your point is what?
Yes Angie and 11:50 have great post ; And if you scroll up you can read them yourself!! Both have a great knowledge of two different police forces. Thank you to the police officers. Not many would even begin to do your job. You put your life's on the line daily , leave your families to protect people you don't even know
calm down guys. there are lots of people who work second jobs to make extra money. it is not just a "police thing". I really do not understnad the argument about 12.5 hour shifts. Are you saying the p.d. would rather have 8 hour shifts? I don't think so! As for the number of people who want to be policemen or women for that matter, there are plenty. Not all of them are qualified. That's why they are not hired.
Mayoral Candidate Mike McDonough is having a chili fundraiser. March 7 from 2-5 pm. at Teetering Rock Club House. 12040 East 86th Street. The public is invited to attend. Come enjoy some good chili and show your support for Mike. "I LIKE MIKE".
I just read Pat Ertz Facebook on running for mayor.
I guess if it weren’t for him Raytown would be backing
into the dark ages. He has singlehandedly saved this town.
just ask him!
He states “during the past eight years he has served on
the board, the city has secured more than $8 million in
grants for infrastructure improvements, including sidewalks
and streets.” He says “ As mayor he will continue to build
upon such past successes by continuing to recruit more
businesses to establish their home in Raytown.”
Let’s see, as I look out on the street in front of my business
on Raytown Road next to Fox’s Drug Store, I gaze upon
a street that was torn up over three months ago and still
hasn’t been resurfaced. This street runs right into City Hall!
Sidewalks are in dad shape too.
Makes a person wonder where the heck did that “$8 million”
go? Oh, he voted to give that thirty thousand plus a year raise
to our City Administrator, he voted to give huge tax breaks
to WalMart that has cost you the taxpayer millions, he voted
to “Loan” Aldi and IHOP over eight hundred thousand of your
tax dollars to build their stores. Let’s not forget he went against
the peoples wishes for the green space to add another WalMart
owned store.
So if you want more of the same spend and giveaway government
by all means vote for the incumbent alderman and the rest of his
friends running.
Well said Pat, If you like what Bower had done, you will love what Ertz would do. They are cut from the same cloth and both have HUGE egos. My vote will be for Mike McDonough. He is used to hard work and understands the people of Raytown. He is very humble and cares about this town more than Bower and Ertz added together.
Pat Casady what Pat Ertz don't understand is Raytown supports local. Sure some will shop walmart, I HOP & Aldi but they truly want to support local. Your post made be check out Pat Ertz Facebook page he had 115 likes. He appears to be very proud of I HOP & Aldi with pictures of both of them on his Facebook page. On the other hand Mike has 635 likes along with over 880 Facebook friends. This election will be very interesting. Will Raytown support the corporation guy or the guy who has served Raytown well for years and years with a heart for the people?
Elisa Breitenbach
Can any one tell me the amount of money that the city has paid to cover what Wal-Mart is doing to us.
Happy Thursday just wanted to up date my post of 2:53. Pat took down his proud pictures of I HOP and Aldi. Smart move Pat and he has five more likes. SWEET!!!
Elisa Breitenbach
I see the Raytown farmers market is going organic as per a newspaper article. How cool!! I know it will be an expense to the farmers to be certified but greatly appreciate their effort.
Organic produce goes thru a lot of hoops according to the Ams.usda.gov to be certified. I buy organic only and do not mind paying more as I know the farmers have to pass on their annual expense but one thing they are not passing on is all the pesticides. Kuddos to the farmers market for taking the iniative
I wish you all could know Mike McDonough like
I do. Mike is a Raytown resident
that puts family first, then honesty and compassion.
These are not what politicians go by.
We all know the drill. Politicians say and promise
you anything you want to here just to get your vote,
then never do them!
I believe Mike won’t tell you what you want
or expect a politician to say.
I believe he will listen to what the people have to say.
If he tells you he will do something, he will do it.
This would be a huge change over what we have been
through in the past many years.
You want a safe town then don’t hold being a
retired policeman against him. This can only make our
town better.
I know I sound like campaign person for Mike and I guess
in a way I am because I know he will work hard for
for everybody and not just for big business. Plus
I doubt you will hear him tooting his own horn like the
other guy. Beside the fact the other guy promised
twice he would NOT run for mayor, now see what I mean
about politicians saying one thing and doing another.
Ertz and Bower have the same beliefs.They think they are the only ones smart enough to make decisions and that the taxpayers are not. They will shove cod liver oil down your throat and tell you it's sugar. A person is only as good as their word, and both of these men have proven multiple times that they cannot be trusted. And they both think the City Manager walks on water and gave him a $30k raise. AND they think it's okay that he doesn't live in Raytown.
12:12PM, Since the taxpayers voted them in more than once, that proves to them that obviously the taxpayers are not smart enough to make their own decision.
Has anyone tried to use this 'new and improved' city web site they're touting? "welcome to Raytown's open government" what a joke. Why don't they just hire a firm to build something that people can use.
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