at Charter Forum
The Raytown Charter Commission held the first of two public forums last
Tuesday at Raytown City Hall. The event was attended by about 30 people. Commissioners decided early on to allow a give and take between Commissioners
and the public. The free-wheeling format made for an interesting exchange of
ideas and comments from both the public and Charter Commissioners.
Various topics were discussed during the meeting which lasted close to
three hours. Mayoral candidate Pat Ertz and Ward 2 candidate Chris Rathbone
questioned the number of signatures required for the public to force a public
vote through the petition process. Greg Walters responded 1,350 signatures were
required. He added that gathering that number of petitions is no small task. It
was also explained that the “recall” (of elected officials) outlined in the
Charter required 2951signatures city wide or 590 in the case of an Alderman’s
ward. Steve Guenther pointed out that under the city’s Fourth Class status,
neither “petition” or “recall“ is allowed.
By far the most contentious portion of the debate came over a residency
requirement for the position of City Administrator. Allen Thompson and Witty
Whitman spoke in opposition to a residency requirement for the position of City
Administrator. Commissioners were quick to point out all Charter cities in Missouri
have this requirement. Eric Teeman, Ward 5 candidate for Alderman, reminded
opposed to the residency requirement it could be changed or eliminated through initiative process . . . which, he reminded the audience, is not available to the public under the current Fourth Class form of government.
opposed to the residency requirement it could be changed or eliminated through initiative process . . . which, he reminded the audience, is not available to the public under the current Fourth Class form of government.
Dick Cole spoke in favor of the proposed Charter. He compared it to a
Constitution for our city. Barbara Klemme asked if there was any portion of the
Charter that would affect how the police and fire departments would be
operated. The answer given was no. Kathy West asked for a clarification how the
Charter changed city government from its current form. She was referred to a
series of frequently asked questions found on the last four pages of the
Charter book.
Other individuals who spoke up at the meeting included Mary O’Leary and
Rhoda Ertyl. Mrs. Ertyl asked if it would be possible for the next charter forum
to be broadcast live on the city’s government channel. Charter Commissioner
Steve Guenther said he would approach the city about the possibility. The City
of Raytown has not broadcast any of the Charter meetings since the Commission
was formed last April.
Members of the Charter Commission in attendance also included Sandy
Hartwell, Ted Bowman, Janet and Lisa Emerson, Mark Moore and Mary Jane VanBuskirk. It was
also noted that the newly elected Jackson County Legislator for the Raytown
area, Theresa Galvin, was in attendance at the meeting.
Charter Books to be Mailed
If you are a regular voter in Raytown City Elections watch for a copy
of the proposed Raytown Charter in your mailbox this week. If you do not
receive a copy of the Charter and would like to have one, please email Greg
Walters at
or call him at 816-358-1930 and he will make arrangements for one to be
delivered to you.
Upcoming Public Forums
Two public forums will be held between now and the April 7th
Election. One of them is a second Raytown Charter Forum. The other is a
Candidate Meet and Greet Event sponsored by the League of Women Voters. At this
time, the City does not plan to televise either event. Meeting place and times
Raytown City Hall 10000
East 59th Street
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
6:30p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Candidate Meet and Greet*
Raytown City Hall 10000 East 59th Street
Raytown City Hall 10000 East 59th Street
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
*Mayoral candidates will be held 6:30 to 7:15. Aldermen will speak for up to five minutes each on the following topic: What would you like to achieve in four year term as an Alderman of the
City of Raytown?
Paul’s Rant
From all accounts I have heard the Public Forum held last Tuesday was
interesting, even exciting at some points during the discussion. This was
especially true during those times when differing ideas clashed.
My concern is the upcoming do called Candidate Meet and Greet scheduled
to be held on March 31st. The program calls for some sort of face
off by the two Mayoral candidates. Not much in detail is given on that portion
of the planned meeting. If they follow old formats, each candidate will
probably be asked the same question and given a chance to respond.
Which seems like a fair and sound plan for the Mayoral portion of the
However the Meet and Greet portion scheduled for the Board of
Aldermen candidates is deeply flawed. Each candidate will be given five minutes to answer the
following question: “What would you like to achieve in a four year term as an
Alderman of the City of Raytown?”
Which means the audience will be subjected to a five minutes of very
forgettable speeches from 13 candidates lasting over one hour. If they
follow the outlined schedule there will be less than half an hour for the 15
candidates (remember the Mayor candidates!) to meet and greet the public.
It does not seem like a whole lot of time is left for the “greeting”
portion of the meeting.
Five minutes is a long time to speak continuously on any topic. Not all
of the candidates at the Meet and Greet will be practiced at public speaking. Which
gives an unfair advantage those who are naturally glib and comfortable in the
Mix it all together and you have what will undoubtedly be a very boring event.
How about this idea. Follow the formula used the Charter Commission. That
event was a model of how a public forum should be run. There was lots of give
and take . . . an honest exchange of ideas. It was successful because concerned
citizens were allowed to step up and ask the questions important to them. Give
the candidates a chance to reply – answers given off the cuff are always better
than a speech that has been memorized or read.
Here is a little secret most people do not
know. The League of Women Voters is showcasing the event, but they are doing so
at the invitation of the Raytown Chamber of Commerce. If you know someone in
the Raytown Chamber, give them a call and let them know how you feel.
How to reach the Chamber? Here’s the number 353-8500.
![]() |
17 St. Patrick’s
Day Recipes
Well, hey there lads and lassies! St. Patrick’s Day may still be a
couple weeks away, but we like to make sure we have plenty of time to
celebrate. After all, there are SO many fun and healthy St. Patrick’s Day
recipes to try. Here are 17 (yep, we picked that number on purpose!) we’re
pretty psyched about. So put on those green aprons and get to cooking! READ MORE
The following guest article is by Ryan Myers, candidate for Alderman in
Ward 3. All Raytown candidates are invited to send an article to the Raytown
Report for publication. Candidate reports will be posted in the order of which
they are received. Five candidates have posted on the Raytown Report. They are
Greg Walters, Mike McDonough, Pat Ertz, Mary Jane VanBuskirk and Ryan Myers.
Ryan Myers, Ward 3 Candidate BY RYAN MYERS
My name is Ryan Myers, and I am running for Ward 3
Alderman. I have been a part of the Raytown community for 26 years and I am a
third-generation graduate of Raytown High School.
Raytown is a great community with great schools
that make it a wonderful place to live. I graduated in 2007 from Raytown High
School, and hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Kansas State University.
I currently work at Shaner Appraisals, a local commercial real estate
appraising firm, in which I consult and value commercial real estate. I would
like to use my professional background to help revitalize parts of Ward 3,
along with the entirety of Raytown. I look forward to implementing a plan for
new infrastructure coupled with rejuvenation of existing infrastructure systems
within the community.
The average age of Ward 3 voters is 64. Family and
community are big parts of my life, and I would like to focus on helping older
adults in Raytown by providing transportation and activities for those who may
not have any family in the area. I have been blessed to have a very close
family that supports me. My grandparents, Paul and Naomi Houk and Robert and
Dorotha Myers, have lived six houses apart since the early 1960s in Raytown.
Given the aging Raytown population, I believe that the support of our older
adults should be coupled with positioning the city to appeal to young
professionals and young families to facilitate redevelopment within the
I would appreciate your support
on April 7th to serve the community of Raytown.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the Raytown community, or if you would like to know more about myself, feel free to contact me at or at (816) 215-8847. Thank you in advance for your support, as together we can look forward to a brighter future for Raytown.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the Raytown community, or if you would like to know more about myself, feel free to contact me at or at (816) 215-8847. Thank you in advance for your support, as together we can look forward to a brighter future for Raytown.
After reading Ryan's bio he has my vote.
OK, I warned you all about Jim Aziere! He has already
started lying about the Charter. He wanted to on the
commission for one reason and one reason only,
TO SABATOGE IT!!!!!!!!! As was a couple of others.
Friends and or relatives of people at City Hall as well
as some of the other aldermen on the commission
will speak out against it as well.
Pat I believe there are bad and good parts of the charter.
The bad parts of the charter are in your eyes not everyone, keep that in mind. Also what you call bad are not really that bad, there is much more that is good for the future of the city as a charter city no longer 4th class.
Enough of this nonsense. I have read three posts that talk about the "bad" parts of the charter. Time to man up and start saying what they are. Then we can converse like adults!
There is no such thing as a bad charter. The nice part about a charter is that it can be CHANGED at ANYTIME by a vote of the PEOPLE. It puts much more CONTROL in the VOTERS hands and much less in the ELECTED OFFICIALS at city hall. Why do you think so many of your CURRENT ELECTED OFFICE HOLDERS are opposing it? THEY ARE AFRAID OF LOSING THEIR POWER. Show them all, vote yes for a charter on April 7th.
I said nothing about the Charter. I said Jim
Aziere was telling lies about the Charter.
I have heard he was telling people the Charter
Commissioners can fire anybody at City Hall.
That is 100% fabrication! Jim knows better but,
his friends at City Hall want the Charter to fail.
People like Aziere are realizing their game is up and this charter will show that.
When my wife and I moved in to Raytown in 2002, we had a lot of hope. It seemed to have a lot to offer...a few parks close by, large spacious backyards, somewhat quiet streets, huge potential IMO.
Last September, we decided to more listening to the bickering politics, the self-serving members of a City in a steady decline. We now live in a metro city in Kansas..sure we still have some of the local bickering & self serving people, but the place we moved to seems to know what they are about.
We all have an ideal/idea on how to make things better, but before we can decide on the HOW, the main thing lacking is consensus on the WHAT.
IMO, WHAT Raytown needs are several things...
1st Active Residents who care about the City they call home, not talking about the same 15 that show up to a monthly meeting or get on this board to vent.
2nd Agreement on a Direction, what should Raytown look like in 1 year, 3 years, 5 years...I am not talking some grandiose plan that costs a lot of money...just simple things e.g. Revitalize the Downtown, very unique buildings & businesses, along with a green space. With the age of the residents still don't understand why we don't have several antique shops to draw in those type of customers.
3rd Once the WHAT is determined, get behind it and forge through with the specific HOW's.
Raytown will ALWAYS be a small town in size...just because your small doesn't mean you have to let it affect the way you behave.
If the charter passes and we the people want to change something we first must get signatures and then the election will cost the city about $30,000.00. Doesn't seem cheap or easy to me. I will vote against it.
Does anyone else hear gunfire during the night on a regular basis? One night it was so close, my wife jumped out of bed and cowered on the floor. We don't live in a "bad" part of town, but it is getting worse.
$30,000, funny that 3:53 PM would mention that figure. I believe that is the exact amount that the board of aldermen WASTED on the city administrators recent pay raise.
Mr. 3:53. Look at it this way with our present form of government (4th class) we have no alternative at all. Also any election would be tied to a normal election so there would not really be any cost.
Do not spread false rumors, please check it out. Come to the next meeting at city hall on the 24th of March and ask your questions.
It could be you are Aziere we know where he stands on the charter.
Letter to the Editor,
I would like to commend the Charter Commission for a fine job drafting this proposed Charter. There are some things I would have written differently, but I doubt anyone who reads it would agree with everything in it 100%. That is why we had a charter commission, so we get the views of a group of citizens rather than just one person. No two people will agree on exactly the same thing, so we end up with a compromise that everyone hopefully can live with. If that is not the case, then there are provisions written into it to be able to change it in the future.
I have heard supporters and opponents all say that Raytown needs a Charter and it is long overdue. I believe this is the 5th attempt at a Charter in Raytown. Every opponent I have heard speak out against this Charter says they agree with over 99% of what is in this Charter but they seem to have two points of contention with this Charter:
1: Removing the ability of the Board of Alderman to override the current ordinance requiring the City Administrator to live in Raytown. (There is some question whether the BOA really had the authority to override that in the first place).
2: They perceive the threshold for petition signatures is too low for initiative, referendum, and recall.
They are once again using scare tactics to make sure this Charter fails, just like they tried to stop the formation of the Charter Commission in the first place. They say the expense of citizens being able to place questions on the ballot could cripple the city. It sounds a lot like when they said the cost to write a charter could cost the city over $150,000, when the actual cost appears that it will come in well under $14,000. They have resorted to name calling people who would gather signatures, referring to them as a “goofball bunch of people”, and calling citizens who would sign these petitions “uninformed”. If it weren’t for those goofballs, and uninformed voters we wouldn’t even be talking about a Charter right now.
Their other argument is that we will be scrapping the bottom of the barrel for people who apply for the City Administrator position in the future. They don’t seem to think that anyone would want to move here. Their view of Raytown seems to be much different than mine. I moved here and I was not raised in Raytown, although my Mom was, and my Grandpa lived here until he passed away a few years ago. I love Raytown’s proximity to just about everything in the metro area and I see a lot of potential, but it all starts with a Charter.
If the opponents of this Charter really, truly believe Raytown needs a Charter, then they would vote yes. They wouldn’t let these two issues keep Raytown from moving forward. If you really think about it, their problems really aren’t that problematic. If they really think the thresholds for petitions are really too low, then it should be no problem for them to try and get the CA requirement removed from the Charter in the next city election. Would it take some work? Of course, but is it worth it? I guess it depends on if they really do want a Charter, or if they are just blowing smoke to appease their constituents.
Like I said before, I would have changed some things if I had written the Charter, but this Charter will never be set in stone. It is designed to be changed as needed. I will be voting yes for the Charter and urge everyone else to do the same.
Chris Rathbone
What you heard is pretty accurate. Mr. Aziere came through our neighborhood over the weekend campaigning(we live in his ward) and was telling people that the charter is bad and we shouldn't vote for it. He said he is on the commission, but he didn't really have anything to do with what is on it. It was mainly written by the "libertarians," etc.
Truth is the Charter was written, by Republicans, Democrats and Independents. If Aziere actually showed up to most metings, maybe he would know.
Last week, an "anonymous" poster, made some remarks about Mr Ertz, that where false. First of all, the board of directors are not "hand picked" but rather are elected, by the people. They also do not always do what he wants. There was something that had come up, with the billing of sewer bills, and it was rejected. The public is invited to attend the Water Board meetings, as they are public. If you want to make a complaint, feel free to contact the local board members, as they will listen. I wish to remain anonymous as well, for certain "political" reasons.
Did you read the last comment on last weeks blog?? It was directed to that same person complaining about Ertz campaigning. I was wishing they would answer the questions the blogger of last week asked
Mr. Ertz seems to be showing his arrogance, not only is he campaigning while we are paying him to work at the Water District, he is telling people that he has more "political experience" than Mike McDonough. Although that is a true statement the word "experience" should be substituted with baggage. Yep, he gave Mahesh a $30,000 raise and still defends it. Loaner money to Aldi, bailed out Super Splash and the list goes on and on. He has a record that shows a havit of wasteful spending and being a yes man for Bower. It's time for some fresh blood at City Hall.
If water board directors are not hand picked by the manager, Mr. Ertz, how long has it been since one really had to stand for election? I know that there was a lot of truth in that post about Ertz.
Check the votes.....
.... Mr. Aziere voted for almost everything in the Charter, but the residence requirements for city administrator.
Therefore the question is why would he tell us to vote NO on something he actually voted YES on.
Is this the early sign of medical issues? The same time of issues that should keep him off the Board of Alderman!
The more "political experience" a person has, the less likely I am to vote for them.
Got my Charter in the mail, it looks great, very professional!
If anyone running for office knocks on my door, I will ask them if they support it or not, that will help determine my vote.
I think that a perfect example of fresh blood that Raytown needs is illustrated at the bottom of this week's post.Ryan has my vote in Ward 3. He is young, educated, and seems genuine.
To 9:13 am yes the medical issues are from the blogger
To 8:01 am there are 5 board of directors one for each subdistrict of which they reside in for the public water supply district of Jackson county. They are elected by the public they serve.
The next open meeting is next Wednesday at the office. They also have a web site but you will probably benefit more from going to an open meeting
With the cities website in a mess, which is nothing to be proud of, can someone tell us voters how often Mr. Aziere has not been at a Board of Alderman meeting.
I have heard he is gone more than he is there. I also understand that he had been appointed head of some committees but never showed at any of the meetings.
Do the Alderman get paid even if they miss meetings?
I know if I miss work I don't get paid.
But Mr. Aziere would not sign the final papers for the charter. He is along with 2 or 3 others.
A friendly warning to the candidates that are placing signs in places without permission from the property owner. Mark my word, they will be taken out. Don't just assume.......ask. P.S. Mr. Ertz is about to lose a few of his.
To 12:43, Again I would ask when was the last time a water board member was elected instead of appointed by Mr. Ertz?
As I have said many times Jim Aziere is a Liar!!!
I don’t take calling names lightly but in this I stand
behind what I say. He is what makes the word
“politics” a bad word.
Shame on him for lying to the people that really
want this town to move forward and out of the hands
of the likes of him and his low life political buddies at
City Hall.
Actually the city has wasted more than $30,000 on the raise for the city administrator.
Don't forget there are taxes that must be paid on that $30,000.
While talking about that city administrator we have to look at the number of positions created since he took office that were for duties that were expected to be done by him.
I hate to think what he has truly cost us, but clearly he is one major expense impacting the ability to improve our city and any elected official that thinks otherwise needs to not be re-elected.
Mr. Aziere is that you complaining about Mr. Ertz.
I mean it has to be someone out of touch with reality and your statements at doors while seeking re-election clearly show you are out of touch with how you have been voting.
To whoever it is why not come forward with the proof and that you keep writing about or is this only things that appear to be truth when you have had one too many drinks with some individuals tied to city hall at one of our local bars.
That is right some of use know as we have seen with our own eyes too many folks tied to city hall have too many drink events at the local watering wholes.
I cant stand him either, he literally will say anything to make him look good. Remember the Walmart debates, he said NOTHING but positive things about it, then passed on the vote to vote last. When the vote was already decided in favor, he voted no. Shameless promoter who stands for nothing but himself.
Here's a question for Jim Aziere, David Bower, Mahesh Sharma, and Pat Ertz. You say you are against the charter because it requires the CA to live in Raytown. You say we can't get good candidates to work here if they have to live here. Who's fault is that? It isn't mine. I don't make or pass the laws in this town. You do. You're the ones taking money from the schools and giving it to the TIF bonds. You're the ones setting the high property tax rates. You're the ones not forcing the code enforcement department to do their jobs. You're the ones lying about the contents of the charter. I'm glad Bower isn't running again. I'm working hard to help Aziere and Ertz get defeated. These guys need to go away!
To march 6, at 8:35 am
Again they are elected by the people in the subdistrict. You must not be in one of the sub districts for that water company or you would not of asked. Knowing that you had a question that you wanted knowledge about ; the blogger answered and also gave you two other official means by which you could varifiy the answer.
To Vicky aka etc..
It is sad that you are unable to vote in this election in Raytown ; even tho you live elsewhere yes you have done a great deal of campaigning. Take care
Thx u 12:43 for you answer. It was informative and helpful to those of us who really want the knowledge. And you answered in an adult formation.
The one polititian that doesn't spend much time at the local water holes has a reserved seat at the bar at V's on 40 hwy.
Well it is quite apparent that. 8:35 does not want an answer but a debate instead
I have been a Raytown resident 22 years and I have never missed voting in ANY election. This year, I will not only vote, I will work hard to defeat anyone currently sitting on the Board, including Mr. Ertz. Mrs. Vanbuskirk seems like a nice woman, but she is married to someone sitting on the Board, so I will work to keep her from getting elected. I'm tired of the men and women on the City Council talking about how bad it is here and then doing absolutely nothing to make it better.
TO 8:35 AM
The last election at the Water District was quite a few years ago when Jerry Briggs and Mike Carpino, challenged two of the Board members. Briggs won and was on the Board for a while. When he had to resign due to moving to Lee's summit Pat got his friend, Jimmy McClanahan, the man defeated by Briggs, back on the Board. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.
5:00pm I believe you are behind the times there. Check out who the board members list. And didn't Jerry Briggs due some time back?? Anyway there has been several board members elected since your recall of the events
First of all, JW Jimmie (not Jimmy) McClanahan, asked to come back to the board after Jerry Briggs left. He did not come back just because Pat asked him, he came back because he wanted too, and was the one who asked to come back as soon as he heard that Jerry was leaving. He also enjoys serving on the water board. He had been recommend to the board by an employee, to complete a vacated term. He was interviewed and accepted by the board at that time. Before that, he had never met Pat Ertz. When he finished Jerry Briggs term, he filled for the seat, as there was no challengers, he won the seat, on his own term. Also it was Jim who stood against the having the sewer billing being done by the water district as it would cost too much.
Sorry folks, don't care who is on the water board or not. The whole point to me is that Mr. Ertz has a CONFLICT OF INTEREST being director of a public utility that does business-most of the water business-in the town in which he wants to be mayor.
Pat Ertz is employed by the water district. Just like Jason Greene is employed by the school district. They were not "elected" to their jobes by a vote of the people. You can babble on all day long about conflict of interest but any thinking person knows it is just so much noise.
Pat is a good man and you do him a disservice by using such underhanded attacks.
While it very well might be a conflict of interest, there is nothing against the law. The water board cannot prevent him from running as mayor, it is against state law.
To apply 10:18's logic, I don't think the superintendent of the school district would be running for mayor either. Its not like he's digging ditches he is the director.
Agree with 10:18!!!!!
Both men running for mayor work in Raytown ( Mike recently retired) live in Raytown and shop in Raytown. Both very good men
10:18 Mr. Green is not running for mayor. There is a BIG difference between being a part time alderman and being mayor. A mayor is expected to keep some type of office hours at city hall. How will Mr. Ertz do this and still fulfill his 24/7 commitment to the patrons of the water district?
Is Jason Greene in charge of Raytown Schools? Ertz was appointed to be in charge of the water dept.......sorry not the same, keep grabbing at straws.
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