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Charges filed in 2012
slaying of Raytown jogger
Harry Stone shot while jogging near 67th, Blue Ridge Boulevard
KANSAS CITY, Mo. —Charges have been filed in the 2012 slaying of jogger
in Raytown.
Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker announced Tuesday that
Craig L. Brown, 24, has been charged with second-degree murder.
Harry Stone, 67, was shot May 13, 2012, while jogging at about 7:20
a.m. at 67th and Blue Ridge Boulevard in Raytown. He died during surgery.
Surveillance video showed a dark-colored car driving north on Blue
Ridge Boulevard that passed Stone as he was jogging and someone opened fire on
him. Police believe there were two men in the car, a driver and the shooter. READ MORE
Process Flawed
readers will recall the call to arms the people of Raytown experienced when it
became public knowledge the City was considering building a Walmart Grocery
Store in Downtown Raytown. All of the public hearings were well attended. Each
meeting brought a larger crowd in opposition to the zoning change that would
allow the Walmart Store in Downtown Raytown.
protests against Walmart worked because the public was well informed at what was going on. Last Tuesday's meeting showed how the notification process can fail.
At its February 3rd meeting the Board voted to rezone residential property next to Blue Ridge Elementary for commercial use. The applicant testified the use was for that of a Dollar Store.
At its February 3rd meeting the Board voted to rezone residential property next to Blue Ridge Elementary for commercial use. The applicant testified the use was for that of a Dollar Store.
people affected by the zoning change, the neighborhoods surrounding it, had
only learned one week before of what was about to happen to them.
was scant public notice. Three of the public hearings had already been held.
Some people showed up, but not enough to impress the Board with their message.
is how the process is failing.
applicant and City begin conversations long before the first public meeting is
scheduled. As in this case, those most affected by the rezoning find out IF
someone from City Hall or the applicant informs them.
in the case of the Blue Ridge School Dollar Store application, adequate
notification was not forthcoming.
sure, they followed the letter of the law. But it is very clear the people
living around the zoned area were caught by surprise.
of the area neighbors saw this coming. They asked for a two week period (until
the next Council meeting) so they could properly prepare and bring their
arguments to the table.
Mayor could have ruled the meeting to be continued in two weeks.
did not.
of the ten members of the Board of Aldermen could have made a motion asking the
decision be postponed for two weeks.
did not.
11 elected officials ignored the wishes of the people they represent. Did they
all go deaf at the same time?
they did not go deaf. They had already made up their minds. As one of the
neighborhood representatives wrote in a letter to the Raytown Report, “we
didn’t have a chance”.
Board of Aldermen has been drinking the “development koolaide”. They have
bought into the argument that any new building is progress. Sacrifice a
neighborhood at the altar of the development gods.
good politics and not good for the community.
they think the parents of students attending Blue Ridge Elementary will be
pleased when they learn a Dollar Store will be built next to the school their
children attend?
School District apparently knew what is in store. Tall fences were recently erected around the playground/recess area giving the grounds the look of a prison. The lighting is so bright in
the parking lot at night you could play baseball under them.
Board of Aldermen has forgotten they are supposed to be the watchdogs for the
Community. They are supposed to keep the public informed on changes that will
affect their lives.
this case, they failed miserably.
People’s Mail . . .
week the Raytown Board of Aldermen approved a controversial zoning change giving
their approval to the construction of a Dollar Store in the middle of a
residentially zoned area on 63rd Street. The store will be built
just east of Blue Ridge Elementary Grade School.
who had learned about the proposed store just one week before the final vote on
the zoning change have expressed their disappointment and anger. One participant
at the meeting said they were “steam rolled” by City Hall on the issue.
request for a two week delay so that they could have time to prepare their
response to the application was ignored by the Board of Aldermen.
From Melissa Laval
What a disappointing night Tuesday was.. another Raytown resident
there,, said to me, she was appalled at the arrogance of the Alderman, and the
condescending tone in which they tried to explain to our group,, looking right
at us,, about toilets need flushed, and streets cleaned.. etc.. she went on to
say she felt they acted as if we were just not getting their
"genius" . I met Jamie,, she lives on the corner of Ditzler and
63rd,, she was so upset.. as was Karen Clevenger, she was there,,, we are all
heart broken, frustrated, and frankly, mad as hell. I personally dont
understand, how Dollar General is only interested in Greg Strevino's
property,, How can that be? So many vacant buildings,, that could be
replaced, as Family Dollar did.. in this area alone, not to mention the
numerous opportunities throughout Raytown,, I can only speculate,, especially
after witnessing during the break,, all the hand shaking, back patting, bull
crapping going on with Greg Strevino and board members. It was a done
deal before we walked in the door.
From Alderman Karen
Black to Malinda VanDyne
Hope all is well for you. I didn't see you at
the meeting last night unless you were amongst the Boy Scouts and I just
couldn't see you...Lol. I was really hoping you would've been there last night
to give your public comment. I got the impression from your passionate emails
this was very important to you and many other constituents in our ward. I did
receive a few emails regarding the issue, but as it turns out, there were only
four constituents that came up for public comment.
I want to thank you for
your concern on this issue and for your concerns for our community. I said when
I was campaigning I wanted the people to be more involved and informed and I
appreciated your input on this. Let's move Raytown forward!
From Malinda VanDyne to
Alderman Karen Black
I was unable to attend
due to my husband’s health; however I was able to watch it on the government
access station. With no notice and a
short time to get the word out the turnout was not a success on our behalf;
unfortunately I fell it would not have made much difference. As I watched I was
very disappointed in the feel in the room and the Board. The decision was made before we even spoke. I
may be wrong in that statement but, I do feel it is warranted.
I hope the moving
forward does not come back to bite the community in the long term, but good
luck with your decision.
I hope the moving
forward does not come back to bite the community in the long term, but good
luck with your decision.
From Ken Clevenger
How cozy for
Raytown, to have a surplus dollar general, nestled in among our ,, OUR homes,,
(not the alderman's) .. an easier target
for crime,, to be separate and independent of other stores.. like the gas station down on blue ridge cut
off, below price chopper, closed permanently due to robberies, does our City
counsel seriously think this is not going to happen on 63rd street, they are
drawing in people to shop there,, and not all are going to be good citizens. I
drove by today,, how many empty buildings and space,, between where they
propose this new one,, for Strevino to make money, if Dollar General really
liked that area, look at all potential within 1/4 mile,, this is about Greg
Strevino making money on his land,, and the city is trying to sell it as tax
revenue .. bull, that vacant land is
much nicer looking to enter Raytown than dollar general, and then drive by
building after building, EMPTY,, the thing to do,, was never make that
commercial. just residential. shame on our counsel, I am fearful this story,
will be ours much too soon.
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Paul Livius Report
Board of Aldermen Meeting
February 2, 2016
The Boy Scouts gave the Invocation, presented the Colors, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Harvey
Bruce went before the Board and said there is a proposed restaurant going in
close to the IHOP. The plans call for
the closing of 75th Street between Raytown Road and 350 Highway. If they close this part of the road, there is
no way emergency vehicles can get through.
He heard someone say they could use 74th Street or 76th Street, but
these are residential streets. They
can’t go down to Walmart and use that street to get from Eastbound to Westbound
350 Highway. It would simply take too
Board passed an ordinance approving an Amendment to the 353 Tax Abatement
Agreement providing real property tax abatement for the interior and exterior
Renovations/redevelopment of property located at 9503-9507 East 63rd Street. David McGee, representing Spartan Properties,
LLC is seeking approval of a Chapter 353 Tax Abatement application for
renovations to two vacant office buildings, parking lot area, and sidewalk
areas on the subject property. Alderman
Black asked when construction will be done.
Mr. McGee said the first half will be occupied by summer and the rest
soon after. Alderman Van Buskirk asked
what other business will be going in.
Mr. McGee said “Power On” will occupy 5,000 square feet of the west building. The intent of the Raytown Municipal Redevelopment Corporation (RMRC) is to strengthen the economic viability of the Downtown Raytown area by providing an innovative financial incentive for improving the exterior appearance, interior and structural conditions of its buildings. The RMRC Board of Directors has recommended approval of the amended application for Chapter 353 tax abatement at Level A “Market Stabilizing” for the property located at 9503-9507 East 63rd Street. The two vacant office buildings are proposed to be renovated and leased to several businesses. The submitted application indicates the type of improvements proposed and the estimated costs will include:
Mr. McGee said “Power On” will occupy 5,000 square feet of the west building. The intent of the Raytown Municipal Redevelopment Corporation (RMRC) is to strengthen the economic viability of the Downtown Raytown area by providing an innovative financial incentive for improving the exterior appearance, interior and structural conditions of its buildings. The RMRC Board of Directors has recommended approval of the amended application for Chapter 353 tax abatement at Level A “Market Stabilizing” for the property located at 9503-9507 East 63rd Street. The two vacant office buildings are proposed to be renovated and leased to several businesses. The submitted application indicates the type of improvements proposed and the estimated costs will include:
• Roofing: $30,000
• A/C & furnace: $70,000
• Electrical: $15,000
• Plumbing: $10,000
• General Remodeling Work: $50,000
• Brick Work: $1,700
• Repair to stairs and parking lot: $1,200
no jobs are required to be created or retained as a condition for a “Market
Stabilizing” tax abatement project in the City’s Chapter 353 Tax Abatement
Policy, the applicant states in submitted application that a minimum of 15 jobs
are estimated to be brought to the property. Some of these jobs will be for
businesses that the applicant indicates will move to the property from other
locations in Raytown while some of the other jobs will be created by new
businesses coming to Raytown and locating on the property.
The project meets the requirements of the City’s Chapter 353 Tax Abatement Policy. Chapter 353 is not an economic development incentive designed to spur new jobs or capital investment, but rather emphasizes the removal of blight. As this project will dramatically improve/enhance the appearance of the building, staff and the RMRC believes the project achieves the desired impact from the program.
The project meets the requirements of the City’s Chapter 353 Tax Abatement Policy. Chapter 353 is not an economic development incentive designed to spur new jobs or capital investment, but rather emphasizes the removal of blight. As this project will dramatically improve/enhance the appearance of the building, staff and the RMRC believes the project achieves the desired impact from the program.
Board passed an ordinance (along with Alderman Meyers’ two amendments) seeking
approval of a rezoning application.
During public comments, Dave Carmer said he moved to Raytown 48 years
ago. People lived in residential area
and raised their families. They lived
together and went to school together.
Now the city wants to rezone this area from residential to
commercial. There are plenty of
commercial sites available without rezoning residential land. Economic enrichment should be focused in the
heart of Raytown where the citizens can gather, interact, and purchase quality
Jeanette Elliott said this is not a good idea. Traffic in the area will increase. Raytown already has four Dollar stores. She asked why Raytown needs more. David Martin said when this plan originally came before the Board in 2012, it was voted down because it is in a residential area. His house is close enough to see the store from his living room. The proposed houses are only to distract from the real issue. What assurance does the city have that the plan will really work? Who would spend $100,000 on a house that backs up to a Dollar store’s trash dumpster?
The added traffic on 63rd Street as well as the semi-truck deliveries are a major concern. Carolyn Graves who on the Board would want to live across from a Dollar store? Why would the city change the zoning to help one person? Alderman Moore asked who owns the land and proposed building. He was told it is owned by Stervinou Construction and is leasing the building to Dollar General.
Alderman Moore asked if Dollar General were to close this store, someone else would then lease the building? He was told this is correct. Alderman Meyers moved to amend the ordinance to require the final site plan to comply with the Central Business District’s design standard and the final site plan will have to go back to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen for final consideration. He also moved to amend the ordinance to prohibit alcohol sales at the store.
Alderman Van Buskirk said we need new businesses. The downtown area lacks development. We need to expand the tax base. The three new residential properties will make a huge improvement to the area. The Board approved both of Alderman Meyers’ amendments. Greg Stervinou Construction Inc. is seeking to rezone a 1.0 acre area of a 2.17 acre vacant land from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Neighborhood Commercial and Planned Zoning Overlay District (NC-P) and the remaining 1.17 acre area to Low Density Residential (R-1). The property is bounded by 63rd Street on the north and Blue Ridge Boulevard on the south, Blue Ridge Elementary School to the west and an office building on the east.
The rezoning is being sought as Dollar General wishes to construct a new store on the northeast side of the property and the applicant wants to construct three single-family homes on the south and west side of the property. A site development plan, a copy of which is enclosed, has been submitted for the portion of the property that is proposed to be rezoned to NC-P. Aspects of the site development plan are described in the accompanying staff report provided to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Greg Stervinou Construction Inc. is seeking to rezone a portion of a 1.37 acre area of vacant land from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Neighborhood Commercial and Planned Zoning Overlay District (NC-P) and the remaining portion from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Low Density Residential (R-1).
The property proposed to be rezoned is located at 9109 East 63rd Street and, as indicated on the aerial photo below, is bounded by 63rd Street on the north and Blue Ridge Boulevard on the south, Blue Ridge Elementary School to the west and an office building on the east. The rezoning is being sought as a Dollar General store is proposed to be constructed on the northeast side of the property and three single-family residential lots are proposed to be created on the south and west side of the property.
In 2012 the applicant submitted a similar rezoning application for this property which included a site development plan for construction of a Dollar General on this property. The previous rezoning application and development plan proposed to use the entire property for a Dollar General store. Prior to final action on that rezoning application, however, the applicant withdrew the application. Based upon comments and concerns raised at the public hearings on the previous rezoning application, the applicant has revised the development plan for the property and submitted this new application.
The following describes how this rezoning application and development plan differs from the rezoning and development plan that was submitted in 2012:
Jeanette Elliott said this is not a good idea. Traffic in the area will increase. Raytown already has four Dollar stores. She asked why Raytown needs more. David Martin said when this plan originally came before the Board in 2012, it was voted down because it is in a residential area. His house is close enough to see the store from his living room. The proposed houses are only to distract from the real issue. What assurance does the city have that the plan will really work? Who would spend $100,000 on a house that backs up to a Dollar store’s trash dumpster?
The added traffic on 63rd Street as well as the semi-truck deliveries are a major concern. Carolyn Graves who on the Board would want to live across from a Dollar store? Why would the city change the zoning to help one person? Alderman Moore asked who owns the land and proposed building. He was told it is owned by Stervinou Construction and is leasing the building to Dollar General.
Alderman Moore asked if Dollar General were to close this store, someone else would then lease the building? He was told this is correct. Alderman Meyers moved to amend the ordinance to require the final site plan to comply with the Central Business District’s design standard and the final site plan will have to go back to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen for final consideration. He also moved to amend the ordinance to prohibit alcohol sales at the store.
Alderman Van Buskirk said we need new businesses. The downtown area lacks development. We need to expand the tax base. The three new residential properties will make a huge improvement to the area. The Board approved both of Alderman Meyers’ amendments. Greg Stervinou Construction Inc. is seeking to rezone a 1.0 acre area of a 2.17 acre vacant land from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Neighborhood Commercial and Planned Zoning Overlay District (NC-P) and the remaining 1.17 acre area to Low Density Residential (R-1). The property is bounded by 63rd Street on the north and Blue Ridge Boulevard on the south, Blue Ridge Elementary School to the west and an office building on the east.
The rezoning is being sought as Dollar General wishes to construct a new store on the northeast side of the property and the applicant wants to construct three single-family homes on the south and west side of the property. A site development plan, a copy of which is enclosed, has been submitted for the portion of the property that is proposed to be rezoned to NC-P. Aspects of the site development plan are described in the accompanying staff report provided to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Greg Stervinou Construction Inc. is seeking to rezone a portion of a 1.37 acre area of vacant land from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Neighborhood Commercial and Planned Zoning Overlay District (NC-P) and the remaining portion from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Low Density Residential (R-1).
The property proposed to be rezoned is located at 9109 East 63rd Street and, as indicated on the aerial photo below, is bounded by 63rd Street on the north and Blue Ridge Boulevard on the south, Blue Ridge Elementary School to the west and an office building on the east. The rezoning is being sought as a Dollar General store is proposed to be constructed on the northeast side of the property and three single-family residential lots are proposed to be created on the south and west side of the property.
In 2012 the applicant submitted a similar rezoning application for this property which included a site development plan for construction of a Dollar General on this property. The previous rezoning application and development plan proposed to use the entire property for a Dollar General store. Prior to final action on that rezoning application, however, the applicant withdrew the application. Based upon comments and concerns raised at the public hearings on the previous rezoning application, the applicant has revised the development plan for the property and submitted this new application.
The following describes how this rezoning application and development plan differs from the rezoning and development plan that was submitted in 2012:
1. The area on which the Dollar General would
be located is smaller. The applicant has submitted a site development plan, a
copy of which is attached, for that area of the subject property proposed to be
rezoned to NC-P and on which the Dollar General store is proposed to be
2. Three single-family residential lots along
the south and west side of the property are proposed to be created. Two of the
residential lots would extend along the west side of the property on which
Dollar General is proposed to be constructed and the other residential lot
would be to the south. The Board passed an
ordinance approving the final plat of Jacob estates 2nd plat. Greg Stervinou Construction, Inc. is seeking
approval of the Final Plat of Jacob Estates 2nd Plat. The final plat proposes
to replat a 2.17 acre undeveloped tract of land into four lots. Lot 1 will
front onto 63rd Street while Lots 2, 3 and 4 will front on Blue Ridge
Boulevard. Lots 2 and 3 will extend through to 63rd Street but will not be
allowed to access 63rd Street due to limited sight distance on 63rd Street due
to the crest of a hill. The final plat is proposed as the applicant is seeking
to develop Lot 1 for commercial purposes while Lots 2, 3 and 4 are intended to
be developed for single-family homes.
YES: Jason Greene, Steve Mock, Bill VanBuskirk, Eric Teeman
Janet Emerson, Steve Meyers, Mark Moore
Janet Emerson, Steve Meyers, Mark Moore
NO: Karen Black
ABSENT: Jim Aziere, Josh Greene
It’s a shame we have all this free enterprise going on. It’s simply a small everyday grocery and stuff store. Frankly, it might force some of our local establishments to run a broom up and down their aisles once in a while. Competition is good...continuing to patronize old school shops that refuse to keep up is ignorant. In regard to what it will do to the neighborhood....probably less than the giant horse barn, water tower, nasty you looking car wash, vacant office buildings, etc.
I am saddened to read this week's Raytown Report. I expected better from the new mayor and BOA members! I have spoken out before when a developer wanted to put miniature homes in that area. No business, of any kind, should be allowed next to residential property. The nuisance could force property owners to abandon their homes due to intolerable conditions leaving home values severely reduced!
I have been complaining about NO NOTICE being given about public meetings since shortly after I moved to Raytown. In my opinion notice should be published in a local newspaper but the city gets away with putting it on CH 7 (which is available to only the rich who have cable), and the city website. This is really no notice at all since who, among the rich, will watch CH 7 24/7? And some people have no internet access. Finally since City Hall is locked at 5PM Mayor Bower met with me and offered to build a locked board for posting notices outside. I said that I felt that the expense would be excessive and the notices could be posted on the window of City Hall. I still feel that publication in a local newspaper should be required as was standard practice in the past before modern electronics existed. I wonder if this rezoning and tax abatement could be overturned because of lack of public notice?
Andy Whiteman
There was plenty of notice. The fence was put in to make sure a child doesn't run away and get injured. The lighting is to protect the school district property and so the cameras they installed are useful. God forbid Raytown bring in new businesses.
I think everyone is for free enterprise. Building a commercial building in the middle of a residential area is backwards thinking. A Dollar Store in a residential area of $100,000+ housing neighborhood is not an upgrade of any sort. Think about it. Driving down 63rd Street, an interesting gateway, with well kept businesses and homes and then, a Dollar General sitting all by itself in the middle of residential neighborhood! That really raised the value of everybody's home.
I wonder what those two ward four alderman would think if that vacant house by them became section 8 housing. Maybe they would decide others don't need an unneeded business in their back yard.
From reading some of the comments on this page it appears some of the folks agree with the City council that a Dollar General is an improvement to a neighborhood. Take a trip up to 350 Highway along the strip mall on the south side of the highway. Go inside. You will get your eyes opened. What those elected officials did last Tuesday night to the neighborhoods on 63rd Street is terrible.
OMG! I have been to the Dollar Store along 350 Highway. It is a nightmare. Whoever the guy who was concerned about sweeping floors at grocery stores ought to go up their and get his eyes opened. The the only word I can think of to describe the dollar store on 350 is filthy.
Too bad it's not a residential area. There are businesses all around.
I won't go to the Dollar Store on 350 Highway. I've seen dead bugs on the same aisle as the food. That place is a health hazard. It ought to be closed.
I hope everyone takes the time to complain about the 350 Dollar General. The BOA should not approve a new DG until they clean up that nasty store. Holes in the walls, lighting out, horrible customer service and yes it is simply filthy!
Saw a sold sign on the building that used to be the post office then a Liquier store then a pet sale building on 63rd just east of blue ridge blvd
What do you think of the Dollar General in Woodson Village?
As a Dollar General shopper at the 63rd st and Woodson store when that location went thru a "remodel" couple years back the amount of clutter and stock on the floor almost made it nearly impossible to shop and I turned to the newer, cleaner, larger store on Blue Ridge Blvd and Sni-Bar. I wasn't a frequent shopper but I did enjoy the cleaner & better shopping experience. Then the news that a new ground up Family Dollar store would be coming to the Central Business District and after seeing and approving the site plan was quite excited as well as others to that new business arrival. Funny thing happened on the way to a trip to the old Dollar General in Woodson Village one day as construction began on the New Family Dollar store. I walked in and did not even recognize the DG store in Woodson Village. Clean, organized, fresh lighting, friendly staff... What the heck happened here??? Ohhhhh... Seems there is some competition (Family Dollar) coming to town... Shame it took that competition to mark the store improvements but it continues to this day. My point to this lengthy note is there is an upside to competition, and if a store is not delivering goods and services to shoppers expectations and a new offering is available, adjust or get out of the way market adjustments will inevitably take place.
Thank you to the Raytown Police and all involved in the apprehension of the suspect involved in the murder of Harry Stone. Raytown is fortunate to have one of the best Police Departments.
Andy Whiteman
It's telling that the only two new buildings in downtown since 1960 are Dollar General and Family Dollar. We talk a lot about local business and solid tried and true Raytown businesses, but where the heck are they and what are they doing to grow this community?
Please don't even pretend the dollar store the city council approved for 63rd Street is in Downtown Raytown. You embarrass yourself. It is no more part of Downtown Raytown than Blue Ridge Elementary. The City Council erred when they opened that neighborhood up to commercial zoning. It is not an upgrade to the neighborhood. The city council has sold out the people they represent. It is a sad day.
Where is downtown Raytown? Anything signifying activity or commerce is on 350.
I find it very odd that putting a store of any kind that is that small of size and next to a bunch of other commercial properties plus adding three new residentials should be some kind of upset for a neighborhood when it is progress
I agree 100% Andy on your comments about the Raytown Police Dept. But I would like to include the Fire & EMS departments as a group of committed, talented, and professional staff of men and women who are outstanding in their service to our community!!!
Downtown Raytown to some is just the intersection of 63rd and raytown rd. Yrs ago it ran further south as the fire dept, city hall, police station were all right there. Now they are going to waste money on changing a road plan for only a hand full if business.. Look what business is in there and what vacant buildings are available. How is that going to change business
Raytown could use so many new commercial businesses. A movie theater would be fantastic. Some noce sit down dining would be another great addition to the city. What is not needed are more auto repair shops and dollar general stores. The board of aldermen need to do more than rubber stamp every third rate business proposal that comes along.
I agree with Steve Meyers. Sorry, I left out the Fire Department and EMS all of whom do top notch jobs. My focus was on the latest arrest for the senseless murder of Harry Stone.
Andy Whiteman
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