Candidate Falls, Breaks Foot
Ward 3 Alderman Janet Emerson fell and broke
her foot Wednesday evening.
“I had just put up a yard sign,” said
Emerson, “was returning to my car, and my foot got caught in a hole in the
She heard and audible “crack” and
immediately knew something was wrong.
“My daughter, Lisa, took me to the
hospital today,” she continued, “the x-rays show the arch of my right foot has
been broken.”
Alderman Emerson is running for
re-election in the April 4th General Election. Her opponent is Ryan
She is scheduled to see an orthopedic
surgeon Monday, and is hopeful she can
get by without surgery.
Either way, she intends to continue her
campaign for re-election.
“I may have to campaign by phone, but I
will definitely be continuing my campaign,” said Emerson.
I have been given “fair warning”.
Perhaps it would help if I did not jump
to the end of the story. Allow me to start at the beginning.
I spent most of this weekend’s daylight
hours campaigning to be elected Ward 1 Alderman. I met a lot of people . . .
renewed acquaintances, and sadly found out that some are no longer with us.
On Sunday I decided to spend the
afternoon hours finding a home for my yard signs. Do not be surprised if you
find them popping up around Ward 1 in the next week.
While I was putting up my last yard sign
for the day a man pulled up behind my car in an older model pickup truck. He
got out of the vehicle. I immediately recognized him as my opponent in the race
for Ward 1.
He told me that he had noticed I was
putting out my yard signs. He then went on to say he was not putting his out until
March 4th. I told him that was entirely up to him.
Then he told me something to the effect
that city ordinances did not allow yard signs to be displayed until 30 days
before the election.
I told him he was mistaken. There was no such ordinance.
It was clear we did not agree on the
His parting words to me were that he had
given me “fair warning”.
A part of me says that someone is trying
to bully me. Those who know me will tell you, I do not take bullying very well.
My first reaction is generally to push back as hard as I can.
After some reflection on the topic, I
thought it would make more sense to let the facts speak for themselves.
The following was distributed to all the
candidates running for the office of Alderman in Raytown. It came for the Office
of the City Clerk, Teresa Henry.
( 1) Duration. The sign may be placed upon initiation of
the temporary event, and must be removed within ten working days of the
termination of the event. Initiation and termination of particular events shall
be interpreted as follows:
(a) Election. Initiation upon the last day of
qualification of candidates or certification of a ballot question and
termination upon the completion of the election.
WHAT IT MEANS . . . is once
candidates are qualified for the ballot they can begin putting up their yard signs.
Filing closed on January 17, 2017 at
5:00 pm. After checking to make sure all the candidates were not behind in
their payment of taxes, the list of candidates was taken to the Jackson County
Election Board. This usually happens within five days of the filing deadline.
So, what it means is from the
certification date, which was probably no later than January 25th,
candidates were authorized to begin campaigning. That included putting up yard
final point . . . I did some checking. The following candidates started putting
up yard signs this weekend. Despite what you may hear or read in the future,
none of them violated any city ordinances in doing so.
Ward 1: Greg
Ward 2: Jason
Ward 3: Ryan
Ward 4: Bill
The reality is that Frank Hunt, Chris Myers, Loretha Hayden and the guy against Vanbuskirk the name escapes me are connected lead bt Creamer and Aziere. Their threats and name calling will not work. Keep at it Greg!
i have a feeling this Election will be similar to a Quentin Tarantino movie. Eventually there will be blood..... Fasten your seat belts!!
Possibly someone didn't know what he was talking about and/or couldn't read as well as others.
Andy Whiteman
It sounds like your opponent got his information from Joe Creamer and/or Jim Aziere. Poor guy. Joe Creamer is the master of made-up statements. We know his statements are made up because he doesn't have any proof for what he says. It's just as bad if he's getting help from Jim Aziere. This is a guy who has lived in Raytown all his life and doesn't know how many trails to California go through the city. Just keep campaigning and know we'll vote for you.
Sounds like a threat to me. If signs start disappearing we will know who did it. Keep campaigning guys we are with you.
I was wondering what the issue was right in front of my house Greg, I guess the new guy needs to learn the rules and some manners. Your sign can stay in my yard as long as you like it to, within the guidelines of course. God forbid you do something right when all the others do it wrong. Shame on them, shame,shame. Keep it up Greg and make it into office, change it up around here for once the right way.
Frank and the city need to learn about the 1st amendment and freedom of speech as I don't think that either have the money to stand behind their foolish thinking.
I guess it is all those "Alternate Facts"!
So Jim Aziere has skin in this election. He talked Chuck into running. It would be great if Jim would stop texting during meetings and pay full attention as to what is going at the meeting and earn his money. But then again we are better off if he does not know then we don't listen to his constant rambling. Frankly I think the man is loosing it. He didn't even know what was going on at the corner of 67th and Raytown Road. It was discussed at the board meeting at great lengths. Maybe it is time to retire from the board.
The people of Raytown are learning that Jim Aziere is toxic. Someone to stay away from.
The political yard signs are beginning to appear again. I will tell you that if anyone puts their signs on my properties without asking, I will take them down and throw them away. You are suppose to ask permission.
When I look at the candidates running for Alderman, I quickly recall the old saying:
"Fool me once shame on you for me twice shame on me"
With that anyone who owes me money because they stopped their service a month after I renewed without refunding me the difference when they shut there doors will never get my vote for anything.
I read that last comment and wonder what on Earth is he talking about.
That whole slate lead by Creamer and Aziere is toxic. Anyone who they support is the same.
Oh he is supporting Myers kid and Catfish Lady.
The other paper in town ceased operation with out refunding him and me and maybe others a month after we renewed for another year of the paper
How could Jim Aziere not know what is going on at the corner of 67th & Raytown Rd?? They talked about it for a good hour at the BOA Mtg that night. Oh never mind it's Jim Aziere. And this guy is mentoring other candidates running for Alderman??
I worry about Jim Aziere. He doesn't know how many westward trails run through Raytown. He doesn't know about the demolition and rebuilding of businesses in his own ward. I wonder if he has some age related problems.
We are a 4th class city without a charter. Is there still a provision to remove an alderman if he can no longer properly perform his duties?
I see Creamer has stated in his recent letter in the Randy rag that it was his last letter sighting such things as not taking away from the election because he doesn't want it focusing on him among other things which were about him!
Does he really think he is that important?
How narcissistic can one get!!
All I can say is good riddance to your trash Joe
Ralph Stweart,
Yes, at least 6 yes votes with cause from the other Alderman can remove him.
Maybe it is just me but I bet we have cause.
I agree with everyone that Aziere and any of his followers need to go, but don't forget the dead wood on the school board.
Terry Landers has been on that board way to long and has to this day still not done a thing.
My dog, Spike, can seat up, lick himself and smile at people, but I don't think that is what is needed. I beat you agree so why does everyone vote for someone that is taking up a seat.
Don't forget this is the last of the fools from the old park board and look at what has happened because that old board didn't invest their reserve funds and plan for the future.
To those that are unhappy with the owner of the paper that is no longer in business and want a refund.
I would say this is the best time to ask for it being the owner is running for Alderman.
I would also have each call the MO Attorney Generals Consumer Protection Office at 800-392-8222 and report this and while at it ask about the funds raised to stop the downtown Wal-Mart.
Maybe a group of you could get together and call a press conference on where is your refund.
Once the election is over you will never see a chance like this again to get back what is owed to you.
10:42 AM, The defunct newspaper stated they would refund subscription fees but never did. I renewed shortly before they shut down and lost one year of a subscription. Since it was such a small amount I decided to forget about it. I suspect that since it was so long ago the statue of limitations now applies and am wondering why the subject is coming up now in the Raytown Report.
Andy Whiteman
So, what is the city hiding? Why won't they put up last Tuesday's meeting?
Andy. You lost money on Lee Gray's paper. This is Diane Krysek's paper. Two different things. If you lived here you would know.
Please go to city website and review the agenda for the work session on 02.28 at 6p
1. Communities for All Ages Point of Contact: Scott Peterson
2. Municipal Land Bank Point of Contact: Scott Peterson,
3. Raytown Comprehensive Plan Point of Contact: Scott Peterson,
4. City Traffic Study Requirements Point of Contact: Kati Horner Gonzalez,
5. Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Project Funding and Schedule Point of Contact: Kati Horner Gonzalez,
6. Future Work Session Items Point of Contact: Tom Cole,
I have not read it all - the numbers on page 14 need to be reviewed -
I think all candidates for public office - should attend this meeting - of course the public is not allowed to speak at "work sessions"
I can't find a good candidate running for the school board.
Something tells me you never been to a work session. Maybe you wpuldnt be using quotes. Get off your bum and go, show some effort.
1:05 PM, Sorry, since I didn't subscribe to Dianne's paper, I was unaware that subscribers lost money. No poster mentioned which paper they were referring to.
Andy Whiteman
I have attended at least one working session and asked the mayor if they would take comments and questions from those attending.
All I got was a stern look and a quick "NO"
I proceeded to ask if it was being taped and even quicker "NO" came.
This reminded me that he was a police officer for 40 years and they don't like questions or cameras.
I don't believe actions like this and a complete lack of transparency and interaction with the citizen is going to make Raytown better.
I guess this is why we hear all the pipe dreams that spending money on the downtown area will make Raytown something again.
Keep in mind the police have there little bar, club or whatever it is called at the corner of 63rd and Blue Ridge Blvd.
I guess they need something to make them feel special.
10:14 - You are out of touch with what's going on the Raytown. FOP Lodge #50 moved to Lee's Summit almost a year ago. If the mayor didn't want cameras, do you really think the BOA meetings would be posted on-line less than 24 hours after the meeting ended? If you want the work sessions broadcast, why don't you call city hall and talk to the IT department. They're the ones responsible for airing the meetings. Or are you like a former alderman who prefers to sit on the couch and gripe instead of actually doing anything?
I the mayor made the comment about the meetings in front of several.
It is you that doesn't understand government and how it works, so I must assume a former teacher who is now an Alderman must have taught you.
You must either be a cop or are an alderman that was one and believe we owe them everything even a pension better than the President of the United States get.
You sure know what's happening with the police FOP. Obviously not something every citizen is aware of. Makes me think you have a close contact with or are a LEO. And that's why you blindly defend the mayor's every move.
That's okay but you are showing your bias.
BTW... just another entity leaving Downtown. Sigh!
1:52 I know the FOP moved to Lee's Summit because the building sits empty. When I was curious, I didn't moan or groan or complain. I looked it up! It's something anyone can do. You ought to try it sometime.
It's a work session as the name implies
No votes are taken just questions answered from board members
That's always the way they work everywhere
Why pay someone to video when you can get off your rear and listen to the questions and answers then come to a board meeting where the voting takes place and citizens can have a comment during public comment time
That's proper meeting rules and etiquette
Well there's the answer
He's been schooled in alternative truths by Aziere and Creamer
More have come in than moved out
Why is it if people on here support the police and refute the baseless accusations some are making, automatically the must be cops ??
Really, you think those that support police or question others who make unsupported accusations can't think for ourselves?
What a crock
You're right. I support the police in most things they do. I'm not a cop. I'm not related to a cop. I am just a citizen who has had several occasions to call the Raytown police for help. Like when my house was broken into, or my car was stolen, or when my neighbor who suffers from dementia went missing. Our police department responded quickly and tried their best to solve the problems. Oh, and yes, they caught the kids who broke into my house and they found my neighbor wandering the streets a couple of blocks away (he now lives with his son. Some of us support the police for what they do to help us, not what a bunch of malcontents want to say.
The city's website has all the BOA meetings available online, both live and playback of recorded BOA meetings
The police also has a website, http://www.raytownpolice.org/
which is full of helpful information.
I see VanBuskirk has his signs out again. They pretty tacky looking, looks like something he has used for another race. Little red stickers appear to be attached to bottom of sign. As many times as he has run you would think he would have the money for new signs.
You fault a candidate for recycling yard signs from a previous rate. Shame on you! He is setting an example of how to more with less. Would you rather have him dump them all in a landfill? Keep up the good work Mr. VanBuskirk. You have my vote.
Of course Van Buskirk's signs are showing wear and tear. He uses them for his campaigns and his wife uses them for her campaigns. That's a lot of use.
Who cares if they look tacky? They get the message out.
By using tacky signs, he is sending a message that maybe he isn't the classiest candidate in the race. There is a thing called recycling, (for the old signs) But I forgot the aldermen voted to do away with recycling in our town. Wonder how VanBuskirk voted on that one?
I couldn't vote for anyone associated with Creamer or Azier. So what does that mean you vote for the other in office alderman.
I look forward to having you on the Board of Alderman once again.
It has been a shame the financial abuse the citizens of Raytown have had to deal with since Bower took office.
I am sure we could both name multiple special interest and corporations that we as citizens will be cleaning up after financial for generations.
I would like to call one out as it still shocks me.
To your surprise it is NOT Walmart and Block & Co as well know of their abuse.
I am talking about a lending company that was allowed to move from Center 63 (Raytown Trafficway and 63rd St) to the shopping center were Hy-Vee is. This to special approval as the Board of Alderman had just months before passed and ordinance that no lender could be within a set distance of any other and no more than 5 total in the city.
Although they were already in the city the move placed them too close to others, but the city leaders didn't have a problem.
Here is what they missed.
1.) Enforce what is on the books or why have anything on the books as it often looks like friends and associates are getting special treatment.
2.) The properties on 350 highway have the highest potential of drawing in customers therefore we should do everything we legally can to only have those that generate sales tax revenue.
Again this could have been stopped, but was not and now the ability to have a sales tax generating business in that spot is lost.
This to me is also important the next time the city says it needs to increase taxes as clearly they don't need anymore money they need to learn to manage better.
Raytown and it's citizens will continue to suffer until we can find educated folks like yourself to run for the Board of Alderman and without ties to the Chamber or other folks who appear to be buying votes and special treatment from city hall.
That was very well said and you are correct our elected officials have been taking us down a very bad path.
I too hope future generations are not still paying for there lack of common sense.
What you mean you hope 8:09?
WE ARE! That Walmart TIF is still robbing us
I have to disagree!
This group of leaders have, in the last year, slashed the budget, kept the park board from running amuck with Super Splash and many other cost savings measures!
Oh and continue to clean up the mess left by Bower and gang including Aziere.
We will be cleaning up from Bower/Sharma for a long time folks.
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