Alderman Ward I
285 ………. Frank Hunt
261 ………. Greg Walters
Alderman Ward II
394 ………. Jason Greene
252 ………. Loretha V. Hayden
Alderman Ward III
229 ………. Janet Emerson
283 ………. Ryan Myers
Alderman Ward IV
441 ………. Bill Van Buskirk
182 ………. Chuck Henss
Alderman Ward V
151 ……….. Phylis Goforth
236 ……….. Bonnaye Mims
231 ……….. Diane Krizek
They Go
Low . . . We Go High
It came
as a surprise that Randy Battagler, owner/publisher of the Raytown Times,
would reach so deep into his bag of dirty tricks in an attempt to defame three
Raytown Alderman candidates with his newspaper last week.
In last week's publication, Battagler wrote he sent all
the candidates a questionnaire for them to answer for publication before the
election. However, three of the candidates for Aldermen say they never received
any questions from the Battagler or anyone representing the Raytown Times.
fact, Alderman candidates Greg Walters and Bonnaye Mims were unaware the Times was doing anything special for the election until the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum last Tuesday night. By then, the Times
had already gone to press. Alderman Jason Greene says he had heard of the questionnaire
from Battagler and had asked to have one sent to him. When he did not
receive it he assumed Battagler had changed his mind.
said, “I knew he (Battagler) had already made his endorsements the week before.
Since he had already done so, I figured it was time to move on and concentrate
more on my door to door campaign.”

A week ago, I was at the post office and randomly ran into Randy Battagler who told me Bob Phillips (his assistant), was trying to get a hold of me for this questionnaire, I proceeded to explain that seemed odd as I was never contacted, in fact my personal cell phone number and email address is easily accessible on the city’s website, in addition to the fact my information is within Mr. Battagler’s own email history.
I find this consistent trend of malice and slander for political purposes disappointing, we as Raytown deserve a paper free of such tactics."

“When I
learned at the candidate forum that Battagler was telling people he had mailed
the questionnaire to every candidate, I asked why he had not sent the
questionnaire to me. His response was lame. He claimed he had Bob Phillips send
it to me in an email. I checked my mail that night. No messages from Battagler
or Phillips. It is pretty clear Battagler has an agenda this election. I am hopeful
his readers will see through his fake news.”
Ward 5 Candidate Bonnaye Mims said: “I saw Mr. Battagler at the Women’s League of Voters Forum for the candidates running for Alderman. After the forum I approached him, but did not get the opportunity to speak with him about why he had not sent me the questionnaire. For me, it’s like I did not exist. Are these tactics something we must tolerate? If Raytown is going to move forward we need to work together.
I hope and pray the voters of Raytown will see through the antics and cast their votes honestly on April 4th.”
The Clean Team . . .
Ward 5 Candidate Bonnaye Mims said: “I saw Mr. Battagler at the Women’s League of Voters Forum for the candidates running for Alderman. After the forum I approached him, but did not get the opportunity to speak with him about why he had not sent me the questionnaire. For me, it’s like I did not exist. Are these tactics something we must tolerate? If Raytown is going to move forward we need to work together.
I hope and pray the voters of Raytown will see through the antics and cast their votes honestly on April 4th.”
The Clean Team . . .
Have you noticed Battagler spends most of editorial time degrading the
candidates he opposes. This “you are not invited” tactic to participate in the
public debate in his weekly paper is a new low.
It is interesting
that he would pick on three of the best candidates running. Alderman Greene is
one of the leaders on the current Board of Aldermen. His quiet manner of
leadership is showing results. Raytown will be bringing trash pickup to
neighborhoods this summer. A legislative goal he accomplished that you will
never read about in the Raytown Times.
Walters will bring 27 years of experience and a strong record of public service
to the Board. His performance at last Tuesday’s League of Women’s Forum showed
he knows how to communicate with a purpose. Battagler has had little to say
about Walters except to disparage him.
Mims is not a newcomer to Raytown politics. She represented the south end of
Raytown for two terms in the State Legislature. She is a champion of veterans,
the handicapped and those in need. More
importantly, she is well connected in our State Capitol and is one of those
rare politicians who can work both sides, Republican and Democrat, with ease
and has a record of accomplishment to prove it.
called Randy Battagler’s newspaper “fake news”. Sometimes Greg can get a little
deep into the hyperbole of the moment, but in this case he hit the problem
right on the head.
Battagler’s desperate gambit to destroy good candidates deserves to be turned
down by Raytown voters. And Randy, when you read this, we are giving you something you did not offer these three candidates . . . a chance to respond. Consider this an open invitation to send your response to the Raytown Report.
Tuesday is Election Day in Raytown. Our list of endorsements follows this
remember to vote.
On April 4th Raytown voters will decide the fate of five races for Alderman. After consideration of the candidates, their campaigns and performance at the Raytown Chamber of Commerce / League of Women Voters Forum last Tuesday night, we are pleased to make the following endorsements.
On April 4th Raytown voters will decide the fate of five races for Alderman. After consideration of the candidates, their campaigns and performance at the Raytown Chamber of Commerce / League of Women Voters Forum last Tuesday night, we are pleased to make the following endorsements.
Greg Walters
Jason Greene
Janet Emerson
Bill VanBuskirk
Bonnaye Mims
Michael Downing of Raytown Online recorded the meeting and has agreed to share the video of League of Women Voters Forum held last Tuesday night. To view the video of the meeting . . .
Use this link . . . League of Women Voters Forum
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Random Notes
attended last Tuesday’s meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen. Yes, it was
true. The Council Chambers was full of Raytowners. Nearly all of them came to
listen to speakers give their comments on recent articles in the Raytown Times.
Judging by the response of the audience, it would be fair to say most were in
agreement that Ward 2 Alderman Jim Aziere and former Ward 1 Alderman Joe
Creamer had gone too far in their
written accusations of wrong doing by members of the Raytown Board of Aldermen.
would also be fair to say much of criticism fell squarely on the shoulders of
Raytown Times owner Randy Battagler. Some speakers suggested Battagler was as
much at fault for giving a platform to Aziere and Creamer to spread what many
called outright lies.
We have
given a brief synopsis of those comments. Readers can also use a link at the beginning of the Paul Livius Report if they prefer to watch a video of the meeting.
What I
found interesting is that the fabrications continued as Aziere spoke.
Board member Chris Rathbone told
about inaccuracies and misinformation on Jim Aziere’s Facebook page. Jim Aziere later denied posting to Facebook. The
picture to the right is a screen shot of a post by Jim Aziere on the very topic
Mr. Rathbone brought to the table.
Speaking of Randy Battagler, we noticed that
he has already endorsed nearly all of the Aziere/Creamer slate of candidates.
We thought it odd the endorsement would come out as early as it did. We also
found it equally odd that he had more bad to say about candidates than good.
One member of the audience told me they did
not believe Alderman Janet Emerson had really broken her foot. I was pretty
sure the Ward 3 Alderman had, in fact, been honest about her injuries. I
mentioned it Janet and she sent me an xray of her foot as proof positive she had
indeed broken her foot.
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Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting – March 21,
Public Fills Council Chambers
to Air Complaints
Last Tuesday's meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen was unique. Raytowners filled the Council Chamber to speak on recent articles and letters in the Raytown Times. Central to the discussion was an article titled "The View From Here" by Ward 2 Alderman Jim Aziere and a letter writing campaign by former Ward 1 Alderman Joe Creamer. To view a video recording of last Tuesday's Board of Aldermen meeting
Alderman Steve Meyers spoke during public
comments and said there are those who abused editorial privileges with
slanderous accusations by basement letter writers. This board of aldermen has made decisions and
updated policies that will benefit residents for years to come.
Alderman Jason Greene said he wanted to address
the intentional misinformation in the local paper. These statements have become so outlandish
that a response has become necessary. He
and others on the Board have been accused of having secret meetings with the
Raytown Fire Protection District.
Alderman Greene said he is the Fire Board liaison. Chief Matt Mace spoke with Alderman Greene
about issues concerning the 350 Live TIF.
The information provided to Mr. Greene was also provided to the
public. The accusations of sunshine law
violations were made. The Missouri
Attorney General investigated the claim and found no violations.
Fire Chief Matt
Mace asked the board if the opinion expressed by Alderman Jim Aziere was
shared by the whole Board. In March,
2017, Alderman Jim Aziere was a contributing writer in the local paper. He specifically identified himself as an
Alderman. Chief Mace said he takes
exception when Jim Aziere referred to the Raytown Fire Protection District as
Raytown’s branch of the Kansas City Fire Department.
Mace said, "For over 70 years, the Raytown Fire District
has proudly served this community and we find this comment reprehensible.I have ignored these short-sided attacks for too long, choosing to follow the advice of Mark Twain… “Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference”. The problem with this approach is the risk that people will begin to believe a lie if they hear it repeated enough without challenge. Tonight, I intend to set the record straight."
Alderman Karen
Black said the goal is to move Raytown forward for families. Jim Aziere presented alternative facts but
she’s not sure why because he has attended the same meetings as the rest of the
Chris Rathbone said he wanted to set the facts
straight and clear up any false information put forward by Jim Aziere. Alderman Aziere claimed on his Facebook page
that Super Splash is used more than the other 18 parks put together. Alderman Aziere also stated on Facebook that
Super Splash was to be sold. Mr.
Rathbone pointed out there are only 10 parks in Raytown. The Park Board has not discussed selling
Super Splash.
Robbie Tubbs told the Board Joe Creamer makes
statements that are unsubstantiated and full of suppositions. She said Jim Aziere has now been pulled into
the problems. She pointed out that
Aziere said Raytown no longer has a professional city staff. Aziere also wrote in the local paper that the
Board cut parks budget funds and reallocated money to storm water. Ms. Tubbs said in 2010, Aziere was the one
who added storm water to the ballot language.
She said Aziere keeps complaining about the closing of Super splash, but
fails to talk about the $1 million loss at Super Splash in recent years.
Sam Dawson said he and his family moved to
Raytown 20 years ago. They rely on the
Board to run the city. He doesn’t have
time. This is the Board’s job. He’s seeing more businesses pop up and that’s
a good thing.
Joe Creamer told the Board people can laugh at
what he writes. He said he has proof
about all the accusations in his garage.
If he had known about the meeting, he would have brought copies to
Alderman Jim
Aziere told the Board he was wrong.
He is willing to admit the meetings between the Board of Alderman and
the Raytown Fire Protection District were not illegal. He’s just upset because he wasn’t
Proclamations / Presentations:
Butler, a special
education teacher at New Trails Early Learning Center, is a nominee for the
2017 Outstanding Beginning Teacher Award from the Missouri Association of
Colleges for Teacher Education.
Kueck, band director
at Raytown South Middle School, received the 2017 Outstanding Jazz Educator
Award from the Missouri Association of Jazz Educators.
Kirk, art teacher at
Spring Valley Elementary, has been selected as the Elementary Art Educator of
the Year by the Missouri Art Education Association.
Peeler, Raytown South
High School senior, finished the wrestling season ranked number one with a
record of 41-0. Peeler won the
first-place title in the 170-pound weight class at the Missouri State High
School Activities Association’s 3A wrestling championship.
The Herndon Career Center’s ProStart Culinary Team earned first place
at the Missouri ProStart Invitational and qualified for the national
competition in April.
The Board passed an
ordinance approving the Ninth Amended Development Plan submitted by the Raytown
Municipal Redevelopment Corporation, establishing a declaration that the
redevelopment area described within the Ninth Amended Development Plan is a
blighted area in need of development and redevelopment, and authorizing certain
tax abatements within the redevelopment area described within the Ninth Amended
Development Plan. Wanda Mullins is
seeking approval of a Chapter 353 Tax Abatement application for renovations to
the property for use as a bakery.
Chapter 353 Tax Abatement is an economic incentive that by state law
allows for full or partial tax relief for those willing to redevelop property
within blighted areas. The intent of the
Raytown Municipal Redevelopment Corporation (RMRC) is to strengthen the
economic viability of the Downtown Raytown area by providing an innovative
financial incentive for improving the exterior appearance, interior and
structural conditions of its buildings. The
RMRC Board of Directors has recommended approval of the application for Chapter
353 tax abatement at Level A “Market Stabilizing” for the property located at
5902 Blue Ridge Blvd. The abatement
level is 10 years of tax abatement at 100% (on the improvement value), or for
the cost of the improvements, whichever occurs first.The submitted
application indicates the type of improvements proposed and the estimated costs
will include:
• Interior Finish: $12,000
• Detention Pond: $16,000
• Parking Lot: $31,000
• HVAC: $9,989
• Hot Water Tank: $700
• Equipment: $4,500
• Total: $74,189
The Board passed a
resolution amending the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget related to Raytown
BMX. A budget amendment is
requested to increase the capital expenditures for Park BMX. Following approval of the fiscal year
2016-2017 budget, Raytown BMX ended fiscal year 2015-2016 with a surplus of
revenue over expenses. Since opening in
1999, Raytown BMX has operated as an enterprise fund with budget surplus
carried over to the next fiscal year for capital improvements.
The Board passed a
resolution approving participation by the city in the Missouri
Department of Transportation Highway Safety Crash Reduction/hazardous moving
enforcement project and an application for grant funding in connection with the
Highway Safety Crash Reduction/hazardous moving enforcement grant for such
purposes. If awarded, the billed hours
worked by officers of the Raytown will be reimbursed at the rate of 100%. The Raytown Police Department intends to
utilize these funds to decrease hazardous driving related offenses and crashes
within the Raytown city limits. The
grant, if awarded, allows for $6,000.00 dollars to be used for overtime
assignments and will be reimbursed at 100% to the city. In addition, the grant will reimburse the
cost of sending one officer to the annual LETSAC conference for additional
training. There is no match required by
the City for this grant.
The Board passed a
resolution authorizing the purchase of parts and supplies for police
vehicles from LE Upfitter off the Western States Contracting alliance contract
in an amount not to exceed $29,016. The
Police Department has purchased three new Ford Police Utility Interceptors and
one new Ford Expedition. The current
equipment that is in the existing vehicles has reached the end of its life
expectancy. The exterior lighting cost
for all vehicles is approximately $15,914.14.
No other bids are required for the lighting as this is a Government
Contract through Western States Contracting Alliance. LE Upfitter was also the best bid for the
interior up fit. The total cost for the
interior up fit is $13,102.
The Board passed a
resolution approving the continuation an agreement with Infinity
Building Services for mowing services in an amount not to exceed $52,000 but
within budgeted amounts for fiscal year 2016-2017. This 2015 Raytown Mowing Services project low
bid of Infinity Building Services was for both the Parks Department and the
Public Works Department mowing. The 2015
bid included options for a second and third year of mowing services. The contractor’s mark-up is zero percent for
both future years, and they agree to work this year for the same costs as last
year. The Parks & Recreation
Department will have the contractor mow up to 14 possible areas. They included 7 park areas on the base bid
which will be mowed on a regular basis, and another 7 areas on an alternate bid
that will only be mowed when needed.
The Public Works Department will have the contractor mow
35 areas throughout the City. Each location
will be paid per the contract unit costs.
The number of times each area is mowed will depend on the location of
the area, as well as the weather. Alderman
Eric Teeman said this company has
had performance issues in the past.
Alderman Steve Meyers said
this bid is two years old. Since they
gave us poor service last year, how do we know they will do better this
year? Alderman Jim Aziere said at one time, Raytown hired summer help and public
works mowed the grass in-house. He said
he’s not sure why the city stopped that practice. Alderman Bill
Van Buskirk pointed out the city sent the mowing out to bid because the
cost of maintaining the equipment was too high.
The Board passed a
resolution authorizing the purchase of asphalt and related supplies from
Vance Brothers in an amount not to exceed $35,000. During the fiscal year, Public Works expended
approximately $35,000.00 purchasing asphalt for asphalt patching by Public
Works crews. There are two vendors that
are an acceptable distance from the City that supply asphalt materials;
however, Vance Brothers, Inc. is available the most days in any given year
since they only close for Holidays, snow days, rain days and days with very low
temperatures. The other company is
closed December 1 through March 1.
The Board passed a
resolution approving the purchase of parts and supplies from O’Reilly
Auto Parts off the National Joint Powers Alliance Cooperative purchasing
contract in an amount not to exceed $65,000.
This will provide vehicle replacement parts is and ongoing and necessary
to properly service the City’s fleet.
The Board passed an ordinance approving the expenditure
of funds to acquire easements related to the 83rd street bridge project in an
amount not to exceed $18,000. The City
has hired Olsson Associates to design the removal and replacement of the 83rd
Street Bridge. Olsson has hired Chris
Huffman, Huffman Corridor Consulting/Martens Appraisal, to acquire the six necessary
easements from five property owners. These
six easements will end up costing the City $18,000. This expense was not included within the
current budget. Public Works Department
is requesting a budget amendment to increase the Transportation Sales Tax
budget to include paying for the easements needed to remove and replace the
83rd Street Bridge.
The Board passed a
resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds to remove trees related
to the 83rd street bridge project in an amount not to exceed $2,500. The City has hired Olsson Associates to
design the removal and replacement of the 83rd Street Bridge. We have chosen Integrity Tree Care to remove
the trees on the south side of the bridge that are necessary for the
construction of the new bridge, at a cost of $2,500.00. This area of tree removal is about 365 feet
long and 50 feet wide, as depicted on the attached aerial photo. This expense was not included within the
current budget. The Public Works
Department is requesting a budget amendment to increase the Transportation
Sales Tax budget to include removal of trees necessary to remove and replace
the 83rd Street Bridge.
To leave a comment use this link POST A COMMENT

In reading the recent Brandy is Raytown rag did anybody notice that and his editorial where he was speaking about who he was endorsing he didn't even have the right people in the right wards he was talking about in the editorial
Great editorial and publishing oversight Randy
I am soooooo tired of these clowns trying influence elections.WAKE UP RAYTOWN! Dont let cremer, aziere and paper boy bring us down. This board besides ariere are good people, the folks running against greene, emerson and vanbuskirk are thick with creamer. Vote, speak up and end this nonesense.
Add to the list Bower's candidate in Ward 5
Phyllis might be a nice person, but we don't need anymore Bower like minded folks that would be like Creamer and Azier people.
Raytown is a great place and the negative Nances need to move on.
My wife and I had quite a experience this afternoon about 6:00 at the local Quick Trip on 350 HW.
I really that the station can not do any thing about the experience I had but we will never trade there again.
A car pulled up close to us with the radio or cd player at nearly full volume. The sounds that came from it were not fit for anyone to hear, a lot of the words were so vulgar and racist and as I say at a very loud volume.
I can not say anything about the occupants of the car as I do not want to be censored.
Welcome to the Raytown hood!
Dear 6:26
Ah personal liberties and the right to self expression. Isn't it great?
Unfortunately your reaction to the noise pollution is exactly what the offensive people are wanting.
And our society continues to drift in a downward spiral. Most that will read your post will have had a similar experience and likely won't have a good suggestion other than to appear unfazed and go on with your business.
Sometimes, I am tempted to holler above the noise "hey, can you turn that up so more of us can enjoy?"
Based on the "Alternate Facts" in Randy's Paper, maybe it is time he goes to work either for "President Alternate Facts" or writes for one of those "Blogs" listed on 60 Minutes late night that spreads "Alternate Facts".
Either way Raytown doesn't need anyone owning a paper that has not "Ethics" and that is why I wouldn't vote for anyone he supports!
Anonymous Anonymous March 27, 2017 at 6:26 AM.
It understandable that you had a less than desirable experience at a local Quik Trip. It is unfortunate that there some in this so called "civilized society" that do not have the slightest common courtesy. While what you heard in the other car, was offensive, sadly there is nothing that really can be done about it. So you stop going to Quik Trip, and you go to HyVee, and the same thing happens, then what? No matter where you go, there will be a risk of running in people like that. So why are you going to punish a company for the actions of someone else's indiscretion and rudeness? Sad as it is, you can often hear this audio trash, while even driving down the road, or at a stoplight, but there is little you can do about it, but to say you will never trade there again is a little and fair, to the company, and you are letting someone else bully you into going somewhere else.
Is it time the State Legislator intact the Azier Amendment that would allow for the recall of an Alderman because they are not of sound mind?
Look at the recording from the last meeting that he doesn't post on Facebook, but yet there is a posting from him on Facebook and the post is full of lies.
Thieves have more honor than liars.
Folks I would highly caution you to not buy into some falsehoods being spread out in the community by those campaigning for the Board of Alderman spots that are being contested.
. Street Lights: KCP&L has totally restructured the program and associated cost. No longer a $250.00 lease a light forever plan. You now purchase all the poles, lights, electricity, etc. Initial costs range in the 4/5000.00 per pole. Any candidate promising your Ward a whole slew of street lights is simply either not educated on the subject or telling you something that they won't be able to accomplish.
. Current Board is eliminating Public Government TV Channel 7. While the viewership is admittedly minimal and only available to Comcast/Infinity cable subscribers the current Board still recognizes that their are viewers who rely on that channel for city information.
. Board of Alderman are the ones responsible for the decision to close RAYTOWN SUPER SPLASH. This is an ongoing untruth being spewed and initiated by Alderman Jim Aziere and has grown legs it seems on doorsteps of potential voters by certain candidates. The TRUTH is this decision was NEVER a decision that the Council could initiate. That closure decision for the 2017 Season was the sole responsobility of the Park Board who control their budget and expenditures. After a long history of revenues that have ran into the RED on an annual basis, the Parks Board have decided to examine their options in regard to this attraction that annually only attracts a reported 17% of Raytown Residents.
As a concerned and committed voter and resident of Raytown your information regarding issues such as these and others should be addressed in a truthful and forthright manner. While it may not be what you want to hear, anything less than the truth will simply be in the long run "overpromising and under delivering". And frankly the citizens of Raytown deserve civic servants that don't abuse their constituents trust!!!
Please Raytown Citizens utilize your Right to Vote on Tuesday April 4th!!
Steve Meyers,
Alderman Ward 4
Steve Meyers,
Thank you for the information you have shared.
I hope others read it and work to stop the lies of a few misguide folks.
Along the line of misguided folks and to complete the Super Splash story: Raytown is a 4th class city and Jim Aziere has time and time again worked to keep Raytown a 4th class city.
For those that have not checked under a 4th class city we are required by state law to have a Park Board and it is the responsibility of the that board to decide what happens with any of the parks in the city.
Now several of you may be confused about this being David Bower and his band of misguided folks like Aziere and Creamer believed they could control what the Park Board does, but again under the eyes of the law we are a 4th class city and there are limits to what the Board of Alderman can and cannot do regardless of what Bower, Aziere and Creamer want you to believe.
Just one more example Raytown doesn't need anyone tied to those like minded folks.
I would like to include on other interesting point about the Park Board and that is Terry Landers.
Terry is the only remaining member from when it was identified the Park Board had money in non-interest bearing accounts at a time banks were paying high interest rates.
So why is he still on the Park Board and is this justification to not re-elect him to the School Board.
What Raytown needs at all levels of government are free thinkers not more "YES" men.
Terry Landers has for far to long just been a "YES" vote on the School and Park Boards.
Don't for get this on April 4th and be sure to vote for anyone, but Terry "YES MAN" Landers
Terry is not on the park board anymore.
Terry Landers is not been on the park board for a long time
Why is Al Brown, KCMO resident, messing in Raytown politics?
if its the al brown from REAP he has helped more Raytown residents than any politician ever has.
David Bower finally in a letter to his good friend Randy shows he too is part of the group to turn the clock back to Bower Days.
Just what we don't need more tax give aways
Ladies and Gentlemen, What others have been saying about David Bower and the 5 candidates NOT to vote for has hit the Raytown Times. If Bower is supporting anyone it is someone who doesn't have Raytown;s best interest. Look at all the complaints by their spokes person, Joe Creamer, who talks about a major mess, but forgets it was all done under Bower's administration and when Joe was on the Board of Alderman. I don't need to give money to folks who want to be part of those that continue to mislead the citizens of Raytown and make us all look like fools to other cities.
If it is the REAP Al Brown he best ask how long REAP will still function.
Heard from to many volunteers that REAP has issues since him and Holly have left.
Maybe people should start the investigation at the Shepherd Center.
The Candidate Forum that was put on by the League of Women Voters and Co-Sponsored by Raytown Chamber of Commerce needs a serious format upgrade. While I appreciate their attempt to put a fair and non confrontational event together, it is not effective in the question areas which are so basic and bland. I heard comments by many in leaving that many people's questions were not even asked. Having all 10 people answer the same question is redundant by about candidate #4. 2 years ago while no questions were asked, each candidate gave a 5 minute speech and truthfully you came away a lot more informed about their areas of legislative interest and accomplishments. But I do appreciate both organizations putting the event together and maybe in the future some format changes will bring a more effective program to inform the voters of Raytown.
Very interesting and informative piece I received in the mail by former Raytown Mayor Sue Frank. Seems like the gloves are off by just about everyone that has been caught in the crossfire of untruths and false facts spewed about by the under belly and front men (Creamer, Aziere, Battagler). But the real shocker this week was a non political citizen that spoke at the tail end of the public comments section of the March 21st Council Meeting. Seems Alderman Aziere felt compelled to visit this resident at his house last week then completely presented false and misleading quotes of their conversation in the Raytown Times this week in his Editorial letter. This resident has since bravely and boldly called out Alderman Aziere on several Social media sites and is not taking this abuse of political power and print media access to Mr. Battagler's publication lightly. I get the feeling this particular gentleman is not someone to mess with and you have not heard the end of this disgraceful abuse by Alderman Aziere.
That paper has become more of a damn joke than it was previously. Strong mental issues with him and his bunch.
I just finished reading former Mayor Sue Frank's letter to Raytown. She is so right about the strategy the Aziere - Creamer - Battagler Gang is using to try to grab power in Raytown. There goals is to unseat any incumbent. With a second goal of blocking anyone with real legislative experience from being elected. Look at their targets. It tells the whole story. In wards 2, 3, and 4 the message is "throw the bums out". In Wards 1 and 5 it is keep anyone with experience from being elected. They do not care who they slander. They don't care what story they make up, they are only interested in seizing power.
If you have not done so, read what Paul Livius wrote. Watch the recording of the forum the Raytown Report and Raytown Online give access to. Get informed.
I am worried that if the Aziere - Creamer - Battagler Gang get control in Raytown our city will be in trouble.
And, Greg, you should get a copy of former Mayor Sue Frank's letter and publish it for your readers. They need to know the truth of what is going on in.
Jim Aziere said he feels bad about all the trouble he's caused. He is resigning his seat on the city council.
April Fool! :)
I bet Joe and Jim will be working polls
I also bet they will NOT have any of the proof they keep talking about
Maybe we all need to protest at the polls where they are at, so that cannot feed anymore lies.
WOW! After reading here and on social media, it appears there is a group of childlike, nonthinking people trying to sway the upcoming local election! My policy is to ignore this type of writer especial if the writing is lengthy. I hope others will do the same.
Andy Whiteman
Be careful who you vote for tomorrow. You might just end up with a WalMart on the green space.
Who would vote for Ryan Myers?
Last week in the Raytown Times he responded that he would never violate the Sunshine Law.
Very interesting and one would hope with merit, but is it!
Last week it was also reported on Facebook that he was in violation of MO Ethic Laws for not disclosing on his signs who paid for them.
Lie #1
He has said he is not part of any special group that is having secret meetings.
However, late last year a piece was done on channel 5 outside the Raytown Police Department where Myers talks about the concerns with the police and his ties to a special group.
Lie # 2
He has said he knows Jim Aziere, but no other association.
Last week in the Raytown Times Jim Aziere talks about how he reports things to this special group at their secret meetings.
Line # 3
As they say in baseball three strikes and "YOUR OUT"!
Something smells fishy
Why is there two folks with deep ties to the Raytown Chamber of Commerce running for Alderman?
Can Raytown afford Chamber of Commerce minded thinking folks that doesn't show "Raytown First":
1.) They no longer promote Raytown with a parade
2.) They no longer promote Raytown with "Round Up Days"
3.) They no longer promote Raytown with a BBQ
What they do a good job of is being a social club and find the funds to employee two individuals.
Does that really put the promotion of "Raytown First"
Look at our neighbors in Lee Summit and the events their chamber does that actually promotes the city!
Lee Summit is not alone in our state.
However the lack of promotion of our own city seems to be a "first" for a chamber in MO.
There are better options for Raytown besides Loretha Heydon and Phylis Goforth build a larger social club for the Raytown Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber in this town is just that....a social club and a disappointment.
The biggest lie told in Public Schools.
"Bullying will not be tolerated."
Very impressed with Greene's strong showing considering all the old guard that worked against him. Sad to see Walters and Emerson not get through.
No talk about KC decriminalizing marijuana and how it effects surrounding cities?
Thanks for your clarification articles and to the conservative candidates themselves and Sue Frank who all stood up to defend themselves against the unjust accusations by explaining in detail exactly what was happening. I suspected as much but am glad they and you helped set the record straight before the election so people could make the right choices in the election.
At least the right people won, which they needed to because these negative people are all about ruining our town by staying fixed on their own agendas. We all feel the need for more truth and openness in our community affairs even if we don't have time to attend the meetings.
They didn't decriminalize it. You still will have a conviction for possession of a controlled substance. Max fine and no jail time but will have a conviction.
I guess it shows every vote counts. Mims won by just 5 votes -- I was not even bother to going to vote, I guess I am glad I did, and goes to show why you need to get out and vote.
So that's going to stop the young criminals that pay 25$ and laugh?
Anonymous Poor Homeowner said...
"At least the right people won"
So - Ryan, Jim, Joe, and Randy think they're going to change things in this town. I got news for them. It's Hunt, Aziere, and Myers against the rest of the Board. What are they going to accomplish? Myers ran a dirty campaign and Aziere helped. Poor Hunt got covered with mud because he was too close to the dirt. Those three will have a very frustrating four years. Aziere is now detested by the whole town. The disgust for him is also felt for the other two. Now they will get a lesson in real city politics. Good luck guys.
I think Poor Homeowner was thankful for the article by Paul. He pretty much laid out the dirty tricks by Randy Battagler. Randy did Raytown a lot of harm. He took his newspaper rogue. his agenda of helping his friends became more important to him than reporting the news. When the newspaper and its tactics become the focus of the people, it is never a good result.
The good news is that despite Battagler's manipulations, the candidates he supported did not fare too well. It would be fair to say they won two. But the lost three. I hope Mayor Mike and the Board can come together and undo the damage Battagler and his croney, Jim Aziere have done to Raytown.
I'm so sick of reading and hearing that fake news and lies have now occurred in the city in which my family (The Cassell's and The Cole's) were Raytown founding families. Homesteaders who used to own the ground that the city hall now resides on. I am proud to call Raytown, my home and Missouri my State. If we cannot keep the city of Raytown honest and run out of town those who would act otherwise, then we need to do some serious city cleaning. Aziere, it's time that you step down. I didn't appreciate you coming to my door to inquire why I had a Greene sign in my yard and to try and sway our household (2 voters) to vote for the other candidate. I was proud of how he "stated he knows all that he needs to know" and you are extremely lucky you met George at the door and not me. Don't stop by the Lindsey household ever again. You'll be lucky if you're not sued by someone because of your unethical approach and underhanded tactics, you have crossed the line and lost your way. The newspaper is printing fake news like the major news stations are broadcasting fake news. Gee whiz, I live among stupid, manipulating, controlling adults and what kind of standard are you trying to set for the generations under us. Grow up adults and step aside if you are not going to do the right thing for the city of Raytown. My family would be ashamed if they were present to witness such stupidity, ruthlessness and selfishness. C. Lindsey
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