To learn more about the Rock Island
Trail use the following link:
Raytown’s Future?
Some interesting conversations
have been taking
place at the Raytown Parks and Recreation Department.The topic is, “What to do with
the Super Splash?”
Last year the Park Board decided
to close the ageing water park for the 2017 season. One of the main reasons is
the majority of the Board of Aldermen had made it very clear they would no
longer bail out the short fall of funds that had reached into six figures on an
annual basis. Without the participation by the City, the Park Board would face
a deficit they could not address.
Under an agreement through the Missouri Department of Natural
Resources, which had partially funded the
purchase and development of the water park in the 1980’s, the Park Board and
City is obligated to maintain a public recreation facility on the land the
government helped purchase.
However, the use need not remain
a water park.
The Park Board has been exploring
alternative uses for the property.
One suggestion would be to
develop a permanent dog park for Raytown pet owners to take their pets in safe
venue. It has also been suggested a walking/bicycle trail be developed as an
off leash dog park.
By doing so the Park Board will
be addressing two of the top ten priorities identified in a $90,000 survey they
commissioned last year.
According to the survey, walking/bicycle trails ranked number one and an
off-leash dog park ranked number nine on the wish list Raytowners identified in
the survey. The survey had identified 25 items for ranking of the list.
A dog park and walking trail at the old Super Splash location is a perfect fit. It may also go a long way in solving a problem the Raytown Police have had at the location since it was opened.
Super Splash is an isolated
location. Commercial development on Raytown Road and a heavily wooded area
along a creek effectively screened it from the road. The entrance to the water
park crossed a bridge that is gated shut at night.
Despite all precautions taken by
the Park Board and police, Super Splash has been the target of
vandals in recent years. Raytown Police statistics show it to be
one of the most frequently vandalized public facilities in Raytown.
Some have suggested the area be
converted to a city park with an emphasis on play ground equipment for the
On the face of it, the suggestion
sounds like a good one. But the simple fact is, the vandalism would probably
continue to any new equipment installed. A handicapped park would make more
sense at Colman, Kenagy or Southwood Park. All of the parks are easily accessed
by the public and can be easily patrolled by police. Colman Park has the added
advantage of Park Headquarters on the property – providing a position from
which to monitor the park.
On the other hand, a dog park and
walking/bicylce trail is a perfect fit for the Super Splash location. The
simple fact is it is difficult to vandalize a dog park, just as it is difficult
to vandalize a walking trail.
A walking trail could
be incorporated into the light rail trail planned for construction
between Downtown Raytown and the Sports Complex in the summer of 2017.
The proposed dog park and walking
trail could be locked up at night.
The need is there . . . the
public has already placed both the walking trail (ranked number 1) and the dog
park (ranked number 9) high on their list of park services needed in Raytown.
The Park Board should take this
opportunity and make it happen. Park Board meetings are the third Monday of
each month. If you agree with us, let them know.
The Raytown Parks and Recreation headquarters is located at 5912 Lane.
Parks and Recreation Board holds its meetings the third Monday of each month.
Members of the Board can be contacted via the Raytown Park Board.
Kevin Boji, Parks and Recreation Director (358-4100 )
Kevin Boji, Parks and Recreation Director (358-4100 )
Park Board members are:
Terry Copeland, President
Michael Hanna
Pat Jackson
Danielle Miles
George Mitchell
Nancy Nail
Chris Rathbone
David Thurman
Robbie Tubbs
![]() |
The Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting – April 11,
Proclamations &
• A Proclamation recognizing Romeo Bagunu for the Missouri
Scholars 100 Program
• A
Proclamation recognizing Raytown High School Student Council-Gold Award
• A
Proclamation recognizing National Telecommunicator Week
• A
Proclamation recognizing Casey Lohman as the Raytown School District Teacher of
the Year
During public
comments, Dorinda
Nicholson and Pat Jackson with Raytown Interfaith Alliance announced the 2017
Egg Extravaganza event. It will start at
11 a.m. with a parade. The Mayor will be
found at the Library at noon reading to the children. At 1:00 p.m. there will be an egg hunt.
They also spoke in remembrance of Alderman
Steve Mock. They said the Mayor’s Prayer
breakfast will be held at Good Shepherd Community of Christ on May 4 at 7:00
The Board passed a resolution approving a
professional services agreement between Columbia Capital and Raytown for
financial advisory services. The
Government Finance Officer Association (GFOA) recommends that cities hire a
municipal financial advisor prior to the undertaking of a debt financing
through a formal RFQ process. On March
7, the City issued a Request for Qualifications for Financial Advisory Services. Four advisory groups were contacted directly
and the request was advertised and placed on the City web site. The City received three responses, all from
advisors directly solicited. The City
reviewed the qualifications of the three responses and chose to interview all
three advisors. The firm that stood out
to staff was Columbia Capital. They are
proposing the following two separate flat fees for the upcoming debt
transactions. Financial advisory
services related to the refunding of the City’s Annual Appropriation-Supported
Tax Increment and Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 $30,600. Financial advisory services related to the
City’s issuance of annual appropriation-backed financing to fund approximately
$3-$4 million Transportation Projects $18,400.
The Financial Advisor agreement is for a three-year term with two
additional one year optional extensions.
Any additional billable work would be at the following rates. Hourly rate for non-transaction related
analysis or project work (e.g. periodic refunding scans, economic modeling,
general consulting work, and other non-transaction related services) will be $200. Hourly rate for non-transaction related
analysis or project work related to economic development projects (e.g.
feasibility study review, but-for analysis, etc.) will be $295.
The Board passed a resolution establishing the
rates for medical and dental insurance for the insurance plan year from July 1,
2017 to June 30, 2018. The City has
received the rate increases from Midwest Public Risk (MPR). Each year, the benefit structure, and pricing
is reviewed to assure the program remains competitive and pricing can support
it. Additionally, MPR periodically
requests bids to be sure member entities are receiving the best options for the
price. The pharmacy benefit was put out
to bid last year and all plans changed to the CIGNA pharmacy. At the same time, the contracts with CIGNA
for the Open Access Plan 750 (OAP 750) and Choice Fund 1500 (high deductible)
were extended for three years. The HMO
was bid this year and, as a result, the Humana HMO was eliminated and replaced
with a CIGNA PPO IN Network Only plan (INO) designed to be “HMO-like”. The City currently offers three types of
coverage: Employee, Tier 2, and Family. Each
plan type has three options: CIGNA INO, Cigna Open Access 750, and CIGNA Choice
Fund 1500. The Choice Fund 1500, a
high-deductible plan with associated Health Savings Account (HSA), was added
four years ago and has increased in enrollment each year. This is the third year we have had a very
favorable renewal. The average increase
for each coverage type is 5.9%, with the HMO increasing 8%, OAP 750 increasing
5.7% and Choice Fund 1500 increasing 4%. While all options are practical, it is the
staff’s recommendation the Board approves Option 1. In the past management has expressed the
desire to slowly lower the City participation rate to the mid 80% range, and
Option 1 incorporates that goal. Uniform
HSA contributions ease administration, reduce City liability if employees
separate service and lower premiums slightly, allowing employees to have the
reduced premium or opt to self-fund their HSA.
It maintains a competitive pricing structure while most equitably
sharing the cost of the premium increase.
The tiered opt-out incentive approach will be more appealing to
employees with dependents who may have access to group coverage through a
spouse, potentially reducing overall expense to the City
The Board passed a resolution
amending the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget related to the police pension fund in
the amount of $45,272.00 for a total amount not to exceed $608,134. Each year the City contributes to the frozen
Police Pension Fund. The Police Pension
contribution for FY16-FY17 was budgeted by Finance at last year’s contribution
of $562,862.00. Finance Director Briana
Burrichter reviewed the actuarial evaluation and found the annual contribution
rate for the City has increased by $45,272.00 for a total of $608,134.00. The City is requesting a budget adjustment of
$45,272.00. The budget for the frozen
Police Pension was funded 83% by the general fund and 17% Public Safety Sales
The Board passed a resolution amending the
fiscal year 2016-2017 budget related to the expenditure of funds with the Kansas
City Police Department crime lab. The
Raytown Police Department currently utilizes the Kansas City Missouri Police
Department Crime Lab for all DNA Testing, trace evidence, and Firearms Testing.
The RPD also utilize the Kansas City
Missouri Police Crime Lab for processing complex crime scenes. The Police Department budgeted $17,500.00 for
KCPD Crime Lab Fees. The department is
anticipating spending more than what was budgeted. The prevalent use of DNA testing and testing
of firearms has created much larger Kansas City Crime Lab Fees. The Department is testing all firearms and
shell casings regardless of the crime or circumstances of recovery. The results of this testing is entered into
NIBIN (National Integrated Ballistics Information Network), which adds to the
database of all firearms used in crimes nationally. The Police Department is requesting to
reallocate approximately $12,000.00 from County Detention and approximately
$4,500.00 from Transcription Service to increase the lab fee budget to
$34,000.00. The department is currently
under budget and on track to be under budget for the entire year on the County
Detention and Transcription Service line items.
The Board passed a
resolution approving the expenditure of funds with Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners
in an amount not to exceed $67,750. The
Raytown Police Department is down five Police Officers. RPD currently utilizes the Kansas City
Missouri Police Department Regional Academy for basic recruit training. They offer high quality physical and academic
training. The cost for training one
officer is $5,327.00. The department
currently has one recruit in the Academy and one starting in May. $30,000.00 has been budgeted for Academy
Training. The Raytown Police Department
also utilizes the Kansas City Missouri Police Department for Basic Crime Scene
School. RPD budgeted for three
Detectives to attend the training for a total cost of $3,000.00 The Raytown
Police Department Firearms Unit currently uses the Kansas City Missouri Police
Academy Simunition training house for force on force training. Their Simunition house is used for close
quarter combat, set up like a residence, with floor plans that are
multi-changeable and catwalks for overhead viewing. RPD budgeted $750.00 for the use of the
Simunition house. The Raytown Police
Department currently utilizes the Kansas City Missouri Police Department for
DNA testing, trace evidence, firearms testing and processing complex crime
scenes. $34,000.00 has been budgeted for
this expense.
The Board passed a
resolution authorizing the purchase of mobile and portable radios and equipment
from Motorola Solutions off the Johnson County Kansas Radio and Accessories
contract in an amount not to exceed $84,185.
The Police Department radio system is part of the Metropolitan Area
Regional Radio System (MARRS). The
radios used by the Police Department on the system are the Motorola XTS2500
Portable Radio and the Motorola XTL2500 Mobile Radio. Motorola stopped production on the XTS and
XTL 2500 series radios in 2014. Motorola
will provide support for the 2500 series of radios until 2019. On January 1st, 2020 support will no longer
be available for the 2500 series Motorola radios. A replacement plan has been developed to
begin replacement of the 2500 series Motorola radios. The MARRS Board has established minimum
standards for radios purchased for use on the MARRS system by Public Safety. All new radios purchased for use on the MARRS
system must have the capability for AES and DSS encryption, 700-800 MHz,
multi-key, OTAR (Over the Air Re-keying for encryption) capable and P-25 Phase
Two capable. The Motorola APX 4000 Model
2 Portable radio and the APX 6500 Mobile radio meet the minimum standards
established by the MARRS Board. The
radios are to be purchased through the Johnson County, Kansas Radio and
Accessories Contract 07-1320/DL with Motorola Solutions, Inc. The cost of 17 portable radios and
accessories will be $59,670.00 from Public Safety Sales Tax. The cost of 4 Motorola mobile radios will be
$16,899.00 from Public Safety Sales Tax.
The cost of 2 Control Stations will be $7,615.00 from Capital Sales Tax.
The Board passed a
resolution approving the final salt barn building payment in the amount of
$47,998.30 to SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leading Corp and amending the
fiscal year 2016-2017. This is the final
payment to retire the debt.
The Board passed a
resolution approving the purchase of materials from Vance Brothers for the 2016
chip seal project in an amount not to exceed $54,862. The Public Works Department opened bids for
the Granite Seal project last year on Friday, May 20, 2016. Vance Brothers was awarded the contract. The City decided to delay this granite chip
seal project until FY2017. Vance
Brothers had already ordered the material for the 2016 project. Staff is recommending that the City pay Vance
Brothers for this stored material that they purchased in 2016. This will be taken from the FY 2017 granite
chip seal project budget line item. When
the project is constructed later this year, this amount will have already been
paid toward the project.
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With all the "bully breeds" in this city, the dog park will probably turn into a killing field. Happened at Penn Valley Park in KC when a guy turned his unaltered pit loose and it seized a golden retriever by the throat and killed it. Guy took off with his "pet" and left a horrified golden retriever owner crying.
Even so, I am in favor of re-purposing the super splash into something useful and less maintenance intensive.
Can it actually be that the bike trail along the abandoned RR will be worked on this year? Just sounds too good to be true.
To learn more about the Rock Island Trail go to the front page of this week's Raytown Report and use the link (I just posted) at the top of the page.
"Construction is to begin in 2017 and end in 2018 on the Rock Island walking and bike trail."
Your account of the pit bull and the golden retriever at Penn Valley Park is the first I have heard about about the incident. I wonder when it happened, or, if it even happened. Did anyone get the license plate of the owner of the pit bull?
Those tiny little details frequently get left out of stories like that. Any dog park should be monitored. I suspect that is why the Park Department is slow to grasp this opportunity.
By the way. I applaud those who want to build bike trails on Blue Ridge Boulevard. The Rock Island Trail walking and bike trail, the trail on Blue Ridge Boulevard and yes, even a functioning dog park would do give Raytown's image a tremendous boost. Not to mention the services it would avail the taxpayers.
It certainly would be better than adding another dollar store to the landscape.
2:48 PM, The Bully Breeds are falsely accused. The real problem is Bully Owners who do not properly train and and socialize their dog! Pit Bulls were once used as nanny dogs in England. Pit Bulls are normally friendly and loving but they have a bad rap due to bad owners. The truth is any dog can bite!
I was walking my dog, an Australian Sheppard, in Raytown when a large Pit Bull left his yard in our direction. I immediately froze. When the Pit Bull reached us, the dogs sniffed butts, then noses, and wagged their tails. After the proper introduction, the Pit Bull approached me and I petted him for a few minutes.
Andy Whiteman
Andy, do you know why you never see these tough dogs as police or military dogs? Because they can not be reliably trained. Andy, do you know why Independence passed a comprehensive set of laws governing the ownership of pit bulls? It's because an Independence resident was attacked and killed by some pit bulls while he was mowing his lawn.
Andy, I think you were quite lucky.
I was walking my large mixed breed a couple years ago and he was attacked by a neighbors pit bull. No butt sniffing just a lunge for my dogs neck. I was able to snatch his collar or my dog would probably not have survived.
Google dog bit deaths/attacks and get informed.
I wonder if the brits still use them as nanny dogs? BTW... what's a nanny dog?
Okay then.
City tabled the Blue Ridge Overlay project. It does not look that the bike lanes will get done. Turn lane will survive when the downsized project comes back for consideration.
59th street sidewalk did get approved and will be built soon.
A couple glaring events and future direction was in full force last night at the Council Mtg. The board is in solid leadership and direction with the Mayor Pro Tem gavel being handed to recently re-elected Ward 2 Alderman Jason Greene. Greene withstood a difficult campaign that saw everyone including former Mayor Bower and Aziere and Creamer assisting in Loretha Hayden's campaign challenge against Greene. Didn't work as Greene won handily and now is strongly leading what may be one of the best group of Alderman Raytown has seen in quite a while. New Ward 5 Alderman Bonnyae Mims will only add to this solid core. She quickly took off the training wheels and jumped right in to the pond. Solid veteran legislator. Very impressed.
Also very apparent this Board is no longer going to put up with Aziere's spin jobs of mistruths and ongoing and apparent lack of facts and memory. He was correctly shredded twice by Teeman and Meyers and it could be a very LONG 2 years for Aziere if he continues down this path. And what was with his 2 ABSTAIN votes?? It was clear he didn't support the items up for vote. At least Van Buskirk has the spine to Vote NO. Aziere abstains twice??? GEEZ....
Glad to see Green become Mayor Pro Tempore. After all the crap thrown that kid's way which was utter nonesense during the election by the paper boy and his friends, wish I could have saw paper boy's face but I doubt he was even at the meeting.
6:39 PM, Pit Bulls are rarely used as Police Dogs. I think they should be. Some departments are starting to use Pit Bulls rescued from pounds.
I was in Raytown when the Independence lawn mowing man was attacked by Pit Bulls. Greg tried to initiate a Pit Bull ban in Raytown shortly after that. During the "Pit Bull Discussions" at city hall I spoke with a person from Independence who stated that the man who was bitten was very disliked and that the Pit Bulls were set free by an irresponsible person to attack the injured man. The Pit Bulls did NOT jump a fence and attack of their own volition!
6:39 PM, the dog attack during your walk a couple of years ago could have been by ANY dog. The owner is responsible for controlling the dog. The breed of the dog does not determine an attack. I hope you complained to Animal Control!
Nanny dogs are dogs who are left with children at play. No the Brits no longer use Pit Bulls fpr nanny dogs because unfortunately they have banned Pit Bulls. Please see:
Andy Whiteman
If he was at he meeting he probably was out for another SMOKE.
He smokes like a chimney!
There is no such thing as a bully breed, period. Even the most docile breed of dog, can bite and turn vicious if mistreated. It is often the misunderstanding and unfounded fear of certain breeds that are the problem to begin with. Granted, there are some breeds that are more aggressive, but more often than not, it is the owner that is the problem, not the dog. Whether you want too believe it or not, even a Pit Bull, Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, or Chow Chow are no different from any other breed, as long as they are raised correctly. I would take my dog(s) over the Happy Tails in Lee's Summit, and never had a problem.
KMCCLA. I know, logically, what you say is true. Ever wonder why we don't hear about attacks by German Shepherds, Dobermans, or Rottweilers as much any more? Because their owners switched to pit bulls. I still don't want to be around pit bulls. Not because the dogs are bad but because the owners are. Add to that the fact the pit bull was bred specifically to fight. Still, not a bad dog, but if it gets into a fight, it'll do what it is bred to do - kill.
"It is often the misunderstanding and unfounded fear of certain breeds that are the problem to begin with."
Thanks for the morning chuckle. PERIOD!!
Peggy Sue, The reason we never hear about attacks by dogs of other breeds is because the media doesn't report it. Pit Bull attacks or Rottweiler attacks sells papers or gets ratings but a small dog attack is never reported.
When Raytown was discussing a BSL ordinance, Alderman Aziere stated how badly his college age daughter was mauled by a dog. When I ask what kind of dog mauled her he named one of the small breeds. My response was, "Any dog can bite."
Andy Whiteman
It would appear Jim Aziere was skinned alive by the Board Tuesday night. It's about time. Anyone else who wants to be an obstructionist should take note. The Board is out of patience with that nonsense.
Andy, Perhaps attacks by a Yorkie isn't as interesting as an attack by a pit bull, but it's rare to hear about a Yorkie killing someone or another animal. Pit Bulls, on the other hand, maim people or kills other dogs every day. As KMCCLA pointed out, it's probably the owners and not the dogs. I still choose not to be around pit bulls.
Peggy Sue
Please go back to your cave!
I say this as you clearly don't know the cover up or maybe I should call them the things that don't make the news, but maybe should.
With that being the case, we know that only Pit Bulls are harming others as reported in the news or is that what we we have been told by those in power to be what they want us to know.
One example that finally made the news was the documents in a closed KCMO school that were loaded with personal identification information. The school district keep saying it wasn't so and finally someone as I recall went into the school just as the vandals had and brought out the samples of the papers in question.
The point unless folks push the issue and continue to seek the true we are all forced to be the sheep of the news that provided to us.
The larger problem these days is unethical reports that have been exposed in recent weeks on 60 minutes that drive up there website ratings or alternate facts to stir up folks. However, anyone living in Raytown knows we too are force to deal with the alternate news of our local free bird cage liner and his contributing misleading writers.
As for me I fear dalmatians, but that is because a few years ago while out for a walk one followed me down a street and attacked me leaving several bite marks. Keep in mind these dogs are thought of as the adorable little guys in 100 in 1 dalmatians or as the mascot of fire departments.
In short, I leave you with the thought "Don't judge a book by its cover nor a dog by it's breed"!
8:45 pm
So, you are a conspiracy theorist. The government hides facts from us about problems in the schools and that makes pit bulls docile pets?
Check out this webpage
In the 12-year period of 2005 through 2016, canines killed 392 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 65% (254) of these deaths. Combined, Pit Bulls and Rottweilers contributed to 76% of the total recorded deaths.
So, I say again, I choose not to be around pit bulls. I have a good reason. They have a tendency to be dangerous.
And you are part of the problem if you think it is the breed! We have a pit and he docile and loving. You might drown when he licks you with his big ole tongue, but that's it. It is not the breed, but owners.
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