Sunday, August 27, 2017


A good sized crowd was on hand to attend the Annual Raytown Music Festival held at Kenagy Park last Saturday. The headline band was Brewer and Shipley. The Concert marked the 50th year since they released their signature song, "One Toke Over the Line".

Crisis, What Crisis?
The Raytown Board of Aldermen continued its work on the City Budget last Tuesday night. Board members were surprised to see 16 members of the Raytown Police Department show up for the proceedings.

This prompted one Board member to ask if the sixteen were as representatives of the Department for the Budget proceedings. With a follow up question as to how much the entourage was costing the taxpayers.

The answer was less than clear . . . so we did some checking. According to source as City Hall the police personnel at the meeting will be paid for the time they spent at the meeting. Those not on their regular shift will be paid time and one-half of their regular hourly wage. The only exception to this pay schedule would be the Chief of Police, whose salary is set by ordinance.

For those not familiar with the process, city budget meetings are conducted as business meetings. Typically, the department head, be it Finance, Police, Public Works, Administration, etc., will have its budget presented by the Department Head of the particular Department. Most of those department heads show up alone to make the presentation.

Which begs the question, in a town that cannot afford to pave its street properly, why are 16 members of the police department showing up to present their budget to the Board of Aldermen?

It is important to note that only four the 16 police officials addressed the Board during their presentation.

There have been a lot of comments on the blog this past a week about the cost of maintaining the Raytown Police Department this past week. One comment caught our eye. The author of the blog wrote . . .

“If people would get to know the men and women of the Raytown Police Dept. they would find out they are a great group of people dedicated to high standards in a demanding job. They are well trained to handle all of the difficult situations they can face daily, many of which most people could not begin to imagine. Yes, the State did and has tied the hands of law enforcement with stupid legislation, because the media has this fascination with glamorizing and sympathizing with thugs and bums (who most law abiding citizens would never associate with). The politicians jumped on this to score votes. Chief Lynch and the Raytown Police Dept. are doing a fantastic job. Many of us truly appreciate you. So, I say keep up the good work the majority appreciate all of you.”

The writer makes a good point. It is fair to say that people who enter into the police service are true public servants. We rely upon them to keep our city safe. Theirs is not the easiest of professions, and as is demonstrated by what can only be described as assassinations of police across America, it takes a special sort of dedication to do the job.

The blog post above (in italics) paints a very glowing picture of the men and women that make up the Raytown Police Department. At the same time, he uses the brush to paint those who may disagree with policies within the department into a corner.

That is not fair.

The Board of Aldermen is working hard to maintain a fair and balanced budget in a city that is strapped for money. The monetary crunch is brought on by the need for debt retirement of revenue bonds and other tax abatements to pay for the 350 Live Tax District, commonly known as Walmart on 350 Highway.

Those bonds are not due for retirement for 16 years.

This City Council is unique. Past administrations at City Hall ignored problems of over-spending and limited oversight. The members of this Board of Aldermen is taking the city’s budget crisis seriously. They are stepping up to the challenge of making some very difficult decisions.

They deserve the support and cooperation of all at City Hall and of the public who have trusted them with managing the City of Raytown

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Anonymous said...

Who on earth is runnning the show at City Hall. We all knew when we elected a retired Cop as mayor the police would get some preference, but come on 64 man hours spent to have people sitting in the room for a budget meeting. Time has come for the board to start leading and stop being afraid of the police chief. It will be a long long time before this voter approves a one cent more for the city. Come on people it isn't that hard to figure out, I for one have grown tired of all the tough talk from Meyers, Moore, Greene and Teaman. Gentlemen talk is cheap, at some point you need to act.

Anonymous said...


You can like the PD but disagree with how they spend their money, you realize that right?

Anonymous said...

Greg great article. After reading it several times I totally agree with you. It was totally ridiculous for the chief to bring up those police to the meeting and then for them to get paid overtime. It is quite evident that the police chief can't do anything by himself he always needs back up, maybe it is because he doesn't know how the department is run or what is really going on up there. I for one think the BOA is doing a great job. The city didn't get in this mess in a day and it can't be fixed in a day either. This mess started when Sue Frank was mayor and just continued on. If any department has been overlooked it is public works. They need some new equipment and money to get the streets in shape. the police can sit in the same chairs and use the same desk for a while longer. I also don't think the police need all those big SUV's. Get something more fuel efficient. One last thing I wonder if the cat has Frank Hunts tongue. That man has contributed not one word or thought. Oh I will never vote for a another tax increase here. The safety sales tax is a joke and we were lied to about how the tax was going to get more officers on the street. What you need to print Greg is the salaries for the officers for the last year it is enough to choke a horse. The people need to know this information.

Anonymous said...

The crime analyst certainly could have use those 64 man hours on the street patrolling high crime areas. What a waste of money to sit at city hall for a budget meeting trying to intimidate the BOA. Just one example of how the PD waste tax payers money

Anonymous said...

The PD is the largest department in the city. And other than EMS, the only ones who work 24/7/365. That is going to cost the most money. And in today's climate, it's hard enough to get good people to work there. Then you have people wanting to cut their budget. You will be sorry if you lose the police department. If you think you can do it she well, apply and do the job. Only then can you you criticize the police. There are a lot of people on here that hate the police for one reason or another.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what it matters that the mayor is a retired cop. The alderman are the ones with the purse strings and the votes the mayor doesn't have a vote unless there is a tie
The chief is elected by the people of Raytown as a whole and he is responsible for their safety and is responsible to the Citizens of this city

Anonymous said...


You realize the people you complain about HAVE backed up what they have said, you really are missing the point arent you.

Anonymous said...

Just go up to city hall and ask under the Freedom Act ask for a copy of the salaries for last year and see for your self. Not a pretty think to read. the chief was complaining that some officers made more money than he did. Boo Hoo

Anonymous said...

People complained about the Raytown Times, well let me tell you people I got my copy of the Raytown Newsletter today and that is what you call ridiculous and waste of tax payers money. I would read Randy's paper any day of this trash. Going to miss reading the Times.

Anonymous said...

The city is giving out code violations to homeowners.

Has anyone driven by city hall lately? I drove by tonight and it looks like the city hasn't mowed in 3 weeks. Look HORRIBLE!

"Do as I say--not as I do" says the city of Raytown.

Raytown--mow your own property then you can complain about everyone else's.

Anonymous said...

Serious question: Have any of the current aldermen gone to the citizens police academy to learn more about the biggest department in manpower and liability, that they govern? I did one before I move back to Missouri and realized just how much I didn't know. I want to do one in raytown next year. Does anyone know if the other city departments do anything like that? Just thinking that they would want to take every opportunity to educate themselves when making decisions for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I will kinda be sad to see the Raytown Times go, but I will NOT miss bob Phillips, and his racist comments from someone who hasn't stepped foot in raytown in years. Good riddance. If anyone is going to try to start up a paper again, please,please, leave Bob Phillips and his racism behind.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone find it strange that two of the vocal Aldermen Aziere and VanBuskirk, about the Police part of the budget have been there many years and voted for all these past budgets and we're good with them when their man Mahesh was ok with them? Now due to the Walmart TIF that Aziere voted for, the city budget is getting tighter and the newer part of the board and mayor and staff have to deal with it! But Aziere especially is blaming the police and chief for the problem.
Amazing Aziere and Raytown bull stuff politics

Anonymous said...

Did it occur to anyone that Chief Lynch brought those officers to the budget meeting to answer detailed questions specific to their special units? If you were there, you would have seen that they were supervisory personnel. You should have asked before making inflammatory and ignorant accusations. I asked, and it was easily explained as I just stated above. Don't be so petty and afraid of asking questions.

Anonymous said...

I have not been to any of the police academy stuff. Is it connected to the crime watch group of local private citizens who patrol raytown at night? The recent spate of crime and vandalism shows we need more eyes and ears on what is happening (especially at night) in Raytown. I hope the p.d. is taking advantage of this opportunity and recruiting people for the crime watch program.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there will be a final Raytown Times this week? If so, will it be on the news stands on Wednesday?

Anonymous said...

Crime watch is different from the p.d., and I'm sure the officers would take any extra sets of eyes to prevent or catch criminals

Anonymous said...

Not buying the PR campaign being pushed out about the show of force and overtime expenses that Chief Lynch thought he needed to bring to the budget meeting. Heck I heard that there were 2 civilian employees who were on their phone all night and had no intentions of ever addressing the Council. On the taxpayers dime!!!

Anonymous said...

8:32 - You heard there were 2 civilian employees? How about a little proof instead of rumor and innuendo? Or, is the proof on the floor of your garage?

Anonymous said...

Oh come on they were brought for intimidation and no other reason. They would have passed out if they had been asked a question. As for the citizens police academy I could probably get more information from the cops popsicles cart. Speaking about the popsicles another prime example of wasted tax dollars. They could go to the park and let the kids sit in the police car and hand out football cards and get better results.

Anonymous said...

I have the highest respect for the patrol men and women on the street. I have zero respect for those chair warmers at the pd who are just milking the city with high salaries . As for new chairs you say you need I say keep what you have if you didn't sit in them all the time they would last longer.

Anonymous said...

Hi 11:41

How much time will you allow for several hundred kids a chance to sit in a patrol car? I went w/ an officer to several schools this summer and I bet we gave out at least a 100-150 popsicles to the kiddos.

When I was a kid in the late 60's-early 70's, we had a program called Officer Friendly here. A police officer came to my school to talk to us. I still remember that all these years later.

It's not a waste of dollars to be nice to kiddos.

Also, why criticize the Citizen's Academy unless you have taken the classes? The new class starts on Wed, 8/30. We have the largest class EVER this year! There is still room to sign up. I encourage anyone who is still thinking about it to go for it.

Anonymous said...

The Board will rant and rave, throw a hissy over a chair or desk and then in the end, past the budget. Happens ever year. move along, nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

I love the police on the street doing the really hard job. If anyone at the department deserves more money it is the patrolmen and women. The chief should feel guilty about the money he gets and for very little work he does. I will give each of you a challenge to call surrounding cities and ask how many patrol men they have and how many detectives. Then think about the size of their cities compare to our 10 square miles. :You might be surprised and maybe not. Find out.

Anonymous said...

You can always tell when the chief is not telling the truth or doesn't know the answer he starts stuttering. Just watch him sometime

Anonymous said...

Anyone know a class-action attorney willing to represent the residents around the 59 street roller coaster against the Raytown Water company? This is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

The number of people here that act like they have any knowledge about policing in today's political climate astounds me. Looks like there should be 100 candidates for the next city Marshall election. Oh wait, there will be none like always, those "experts" can only spew fake news and not put their "knowledge" to work, ha ha. Simple, small, people

Anonymous said...

If someone is getting an attorney against the water company, I'm in! Our tax money should not pay for their damage.

Anonymous said...

8:23, you're assuming that the water company has any money to make repairs

Anonymous said...

Hey 8"28, You spout a lot of garbage. Anyone that wants to run for the position of Marshall in Raytown has to jump thru a lot of hoops. Has to live in Raytown for one year. Then there about 8 pages of items that he or she has to have before even being considered for the position.

The writer of the above blog probably knows about all the restrictions.

The only person that can run for marshall will be any of the ranks such as captain or major and we do have one major that is qualified and will wait until Lynch decides not to run again. Raytown is in a never ending cycle with the chief. Any officer would be fired or it would be so rough on him or her that he would have to leave the force.

Too bad the charter did not pass but the people were told that we should not rock the boat.

Anonymous said...

10:54 - you are totally full of baloney. My sister, who is 30 years old, doesn't own a weapon, has lived in Raytown for two years, is 5'4" and weighs 110 pounds can run for city Marshall. And, if she wins, she has 6 months to go to the police academy and complete the training necessary to be city Marshall. One does NOT have to have police experience to do the job. Whether she can get elected with no experience is a different matter, but she qualifies to run. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE TELLING ALL YOUR LIES!

Anonymous said...


I am so happy for you I have to slap myself silly.

If you want to brag about the class you need to provide general answers to the citizens (taxpayers).

1.) Why has the city never had the famous police academy at city hall?

2.) You say any questions will be answered, is this an open mic night for Ryan Myers and Joe Creamer to ask the questions we all want answered?

3.) Being the hard questions would be asked from Myers and Creamer, Is the event open to the news media to validate that answers will be given and that the news media and do their own investigation to the truth?

Citizens for "Public Safety Sales Tax" Oversight!

Anonymous said...

We have 16 units within the PD and a major for those units cannot answers the questions related to the budget to me demonstrates unneeded and/or over staffing.

Yes, I am what is know as a headhunter. Companies spend good money to bring me in and clean house and clearly the city of Raytown has at least one deportment needing a good cleaning of staff.

Anonymous said...


Hard questions by Creamer lmao! What the hell did he do during his tenure? He asked ZERO questions! He voted along with all the increases! Tough negotators I bet!

Anonymous said...

Citizens for Public Safety Sales Tax Oversight -

You obviously don't know what the police academy is. It is run by KCMO and offers classes for police officers, those wanting to train to be police officers and the public in general (i.e. self defense classes for women). It wouldn't be held at Raytown - or any other - city hall. How did anyone as foolish as you get to be on any committee? Who cares what lies Myers and Creamer can come up with? We already know they have told lie after lie. Jim Aziere said so at the BOA meeting. Did you throw in with him?

Anonymous said...

I think he was talking about the citizens academy. The reason it can't be at city hall is there is not an evening every week for how many ever weeks it is, that city hall is available due to council meetings, committee meetings and court.

Anonymous said...

You're probably right. So, I guess the next question is - how can they over-see the public safety sales tax if they don't know the difference between the citizens academy and the police academy?

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:41! One of those officers behind the staff answered a question posed by an alderman. He didn't pass out. What else do you have there hero?

Anonymous said...

2:54 sounds about as good understanding of how Lynch has managed funding of the police department for years.

He spends money faster than a drunk sailor on leave.

Could you see him starting a investment company.

Anonymous said...

That's a good question for whoever appoints those people, I believe it's the BOA isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I would like to see it implemented that police officers get a physical every year starting at age 55 and the results made available to the BOA. Numerous companies have started this I feel it would benefit both the officer and the city.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:23 am

Just don't sue the Raytown Water company,sue the city too. The city is also guilty of not pushing RW to fix the 59th street mess. But remember both are broke and are crying poor mouth.

I guess the tax payers will have to charge admission, one person standing on 59th for people heading West and one person standing on 59th for the people going East to ride Raytown's Roller Coaster. If we collect enough money, the tax payers can hire a REAL company to fix the street right!

Andy Whiteman said...

I received notice of a large cut in the RPD budget. Here is my comment:

This poor budgeting is one of the many reasons I am glad I am no longer in Raytown. Police, EMS, and streets in good condition are ESSENTIAL SERVICES and should be given priority! The budget went into decline from the time that the 350 Live project was approved with only one alderman, Greg Walters, voting, "NO!"
Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Looks like the aldermen are saving money at the expense of the safety of our community. With the way things are going in the metro, terrible move

Anonymous said...

If there are no officers to answer your 911 call, I guess you could call your Alderman to come save you. Yeah right!

Thanks, city council, for screwing over Raytown.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait this is a 4th class city, no charter, so they are limited to not giving the water company permits to dig and fix things.
Well heck, that won't work either!!

Anonymous said...

some of you guys get it. some do not. Raytown is out of money. The unfettered growth in bureaucracy and bloated pension funds have gobbled it all up. The board of aldermen cannot give the police department money they do not have. It is really that simple. The best thing to happen now would be for the chief of police to wake up and smell the roses. they city is broke. learn to do with less because you really have no choice.

Anonymous said...

LOL...bloated pensions//. My brother works for the Independence police and tells me Raytown and Grandview have much lower pensions than other departments in Jackson county.

This board of aldermen is CLUELESS on how to improve the city. They'd rather attack our own services than attempt to draw revenue increasing businesses. "Hey kids, you can't have hot water but look how much money we're saving". It's ridiculous and at least the folks on facebook can see it. This BOA has got to go!

Anonymous said...

What concerns me most about the cut in the PD budget is the chiefs attitude. Instead of being a leader of the PD he has become a man again trying to intimidate the citizens. Instead he is trying to scare the citizens, he should be telling them hey we can do this. It means making some major cuts maybe moving some people around to make sure we have the street covered. It may mean a new way of doing things. The chief is the one who brought this on himself. Giving promotions in order to get raises for some of the guys. He brought this on himself and now he is blaming other people .Sorry it doesn't work that way. You need to man up and do the best for the citizens who elected you to do this job and if you can't then maybe it is time for you to step down. Times are hard for everyone you need to learn to operate with less as we all have had to do.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot...PD has wayyyy too much brass....cut it!

Anonymous said...

How is cutting inflated desk sitters hurting the city?

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to forget the problems Raytown is now experiencing is a direct result of the albatross (also known as the Walmart TIF) forced on us by David Bower and company. We are paying out $3.5 million dollars annually for the bond payments. That can buy a lot of asphalt, police personnel, and street lights. The city needs to find a way to live with the next 15 or so years of these payments. The current BOA has taken a step in that direction. Instead of whining and complaining, each department should be looking at ways to live with the “new” normal. Now is the time for us to pull together. Shame on Jim Lynch for his scare tactics. He and his department heads should be finding ways to make this work. We had a chance to form a charter government, but some people believed the lies told by members of the charter committee whose sole purpose on the committee was to sabotage the charter and keep us a 4th class city. What we should be doing now is examining the lies they told and make sure they never fool us again. One is a current alderman, one is a former alderman who wrote countless lie-filled letters to the paper, and one is the wife of a current alderman. They did this to protect a former city administer. These people, along with a few others, should shoulder responsibility of our problems.

Anonymous said...

Remember about this time last year when City Hall said there is no truth to the concerns raised about the Walmart TIF.

Anonymous said...

I've heard them mention several times they will be seeking revenue increases. Sorry bud there is a lot of upper management fat that will be cut with this. I would have never supported any tax increase with all that fat in the police. I will now.

Anonymous said...


Which post do you think is idiocy? That is not clear.


Anonymous said...

Shame on each of the alderman. They voted 10-0 to gouge officers out of the police. When you cut THAT much, there's no way around it. Why so MUCH at ONE TIME?!

Anonymous said...

An open letter to Jim Lynch.

Mr. Lynch, please try to work with the city council. You know they do not have a choice in this matter. They cannot give you what they do not have. Before yo cut any police parolmen from your staff look to other ways to save money. Park all of the cars in your good sized fleet of vehicles. Do not continue the wasteful practice of having officers take them home with them when off duty. Quit the practice of giving officers who are working independent of the city free access to vehicles. Do you think that peoploe do not know the police car is given to officers when working off duty at places like Walmart. At least have Walmart pay for the usage of the cars. Quit the practice of using suv's as police vehicles. They are gas hogs. Do you really need the use of a motorcycle in police work in a town only ten square miles in size? Sell the bike, save the $500 paid for a pair of boots for the rider. Take some of the officers behind desks and put them on the street. Civilian personnel cost a lot less for paper shuffling. Get rid of the four wheel drive toys like the one I saw at music festival last Saturday. YOu know what I mean. It was parked at the entrance on the grass as you approached the festival from the big Kenagy parking lot. The city needs your cooperation.They do not need you trying to create scenarios to make needed austerity cuts fail. Be a team player.

Anonymous said...

My brother works in Grandview. He wishes he had the benefit and pension the RPD has. One of us has to be wrong.

Anonymous said...

You can't cut your way to prosperity. You must develop revenue streams. Our city's safety is paramount, without that, all else declines. Thank you, Chief for letting us know what happened behind closed doors, again.

Anonymous said...

Open letter to the aldermen

Please skip my street, I'd rather have police show up at my house when something is wrong. A 100' of pavement does not replace an officer

Anonymous said...

FYI. Walmart was the brain(less) child of Estes, Wenson and Frank era. They all left soon after. Wonder why? Frank is also responsible for PD out of control spending. Look no further than her friend Lynch becoming Chief and her husband a Major.

Anonymous said...

Great letter 7:19 and I totally agree with you. There are so many cuts to make and not cut patrol man on the street. You had half a million in overtime last year where was it spent not giving it to patrolman on the streets nope it went to your guys who wear the big brass. You still have a budget of five and a half million to run the department on and that's not peanuts. Sorry I am not of your followers drinking your kool aid.

Anonymous said...

Trust me on this one folks the Board of Aldermen have looked under every stone possible to prevent this. Even if the City wanted to raise taxes, it still takes a vote of the people (yes I know the previous administration did it without a vote in 2011, but it was illegal then as much as it is illegal today). Each penny levied would generate $34,000 so it would take an increase of .75 or roughly 140% to make up the deficit. The finance committee asked all of the department heads to submit the leanest budget possible for 2017-18 and while some honestly did what was asked, both the Police Department and EMS still tried to get by with the budget old tactics of submitting a wish list full of waste. This action on their part leaves the Board with litterally no alternative, but to mandate an across the board cut. Yes the 350 Live Tif is sucking the life out of the City's coffers, but I don't see the only two benifciaries of that project, the School District and Wal-Mart offering to help pay the debt. So this is the relality of the community we live in, we have to accept it and move on with doing the best with what we have.

Anonymous said...

Oh, "the big brass" got all the overtime? Please tell us how that's possible, when they are salary, money expert, lol

Anonymous said...

The alderman need to back off of their unrealistic cuts, or they won't be retained next time around.

Anonymous said...

Either each alderman voted to get rid of police because they don't care, or because they didn't know how it would affect the police. And if they didn't, there is no excuse. I've seen people on this blog practically begging for people to go to the citizen police academy. No excuse

Anonymous said...

7:34 you are spot on that Walmart mess started in 2005 and Bower was elected in 2007, so although he did nothing for the city the mess goes to Sue Frank and her band of rats feeding on our tax dollars.

The prior Boards of Alderman had to address a top heavy department and what did she do raise her husbands buddy to city marshal and the spending started going mad.

They all need ran out of Raytown.

Anonymous said...

Inflated Police Department with the top guys making all the overtime and salaries and Lynch sends out a letter using scare tactics. Problem is there is no leadership over there, cannot run their show because he made too many promises. Ive watched this board cut cut and cut they are very frugle. The PD is not at all and now Lynch acts like the patrolman will be cut. Need to cut the top administration. What choice does our council have? The PD wants money that doesnt exist plain and simple. Cant get it so they whine to the news. If Lynch was a man he would resign because he ran his dept to the ground. If Aziere was a man he would resign because he supported that TIF which ran the city to the ground. Yes its that simple. Neither wont because they dont want to be accountable.

Anonymous said...

8:18 - you raise a good point, but something I've never got an answer to is "Who was the lame-brain that included the school district in the Wal-Mart TIF? How come the school district didn't pay for all that computer equipment with their own money? AND - after they got all that free computer equipment, why did they still ask for a tax increase?

Anonymous said...

Wow all those that said that our board did not have the guts to handle the budget, well they have and maybe we can as a result see some work on our streets. To the person that said he would sooner have a cop on his street instead of 100 feet of
overlay, I think that we will have both.

If the chief was a real man concerned about this city he would have refused the last increase Instead of wanting more.

We are all in this, suck it up and work within the system.

Anonymous said...

If Lynch doesn't want to make the cuts then I say fire all the police and contract it out to the county. Lynch doesn't want to help the residents like he said in his tear jerking letter he is all about making sure he and his buddy Bowen has a nice big fat retirement egg

Anonymous said...

If the cuts aren't made we won't need alderman, mayor, police, fire or ems because there won't be a Raytown. Just except it the cuts will be made.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:18, you are 100% correct. The Aldermen have their backs up against a wall and the police are using their usual scare tactics to move the needle in their direction. The conspired with the previous Board to get the scam known as the Public Safety Sales Tax passed, which was nothing but a bold face lie to rob the taxpayer of their money. At no point in time has the City or the Police Department lived up the the promises made when that was passed. Both the former City Administrator and a former Alderman have stated publically that the City never had any intention to provide the increases that were promised. Until you make this right, it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for anything the City requests. The time has come for the Police and EMS to understand that while we do appreciate their service, our City has to live with in its means. And I have to ask where is there a mayor and during all this? If the Aldermen did actually pass this late in the evening on Tuesday, why didn't the mayor come out publicly on Wednesday in and either support or criticize their actions. That's what a leader does and that's what Raytown needs now more than ever.

Anonymous said...

I have read the letter several times and I cannot see where the Police Chief is willing to to take or offers up any level of compromise. When my employer was facing the very real possibility of shutting down, all the employees agreed to take pay reductions, we froze positions that left, and we restructured our organization to remove upper management positions. I don't see any of that in the letter, all I see is a baby who wants to take his ball and go home.

Anonymous said...

From Lynch's onset with dirty politics to become Chief and outright favoritism in promoting his buddy Bowman to Major is just pure sickening and downright disgusting. Too bad nobody has the sack to run against him, but ever since Lynch became Chief the cost for police service has gone through the roof and PD and the city are none the better for it. I love the men and woman in Blue, but those two need to go.

Each have a narcissistic personality disorder with a lack of empathy for other people (tax payers), and a need for admiration (title).

Anonymous said...

After reading the message Lynch composed to the residents of Raytown I have to say I am so disappointed in him. It is so clear this man has zero integrity and thinks only of himself. He has the "oh poor me syndrome"!!!

Anonymous said...

The chief must provide adequate protection for the residents or I would think that he could fired. Maybe not a bad idea.

Unknown said...

They went into closed session in a budget process and cut over 1/3 of the police department. Kiss business development and property values goodbye. Calling all criminals, open season in Raytown! Hope you have your conceal carry -you'll probably need it.

Anonymous said...

If you all think patrol officers won't be cut, I've got some swamp land in Florida I'll sell you. This kind of cut is about 20 officers. Hope you enjoy a several hour wait for a reapinse to most calls. This board is nuts. Looks like I'm moving out of this city. This is ridiculous and shouldn't be accepted. It will be a total ghetto thanks to this board.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any details as to when the town halls to discuss the police cut-backs will be held?

Anonymous said...

The police chief is an elected official. He can't be fired. Thanks to all the lies told about the last charter, we can't do a recall on a elected official. Thanks Jim! We are stuck with Lynch until 2021.

Anonymous said...

Sue, thanks to you and the sweeet Wal Mart deal is one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in, that plus your husbands exorbitant salary.

Anonymous said...

I am willing to bet a dozen doughnuts that this is all a scam to entice a frenzy around Raytown and for all we know Chief Lynch is in on it. Think about it, Raytown wants more of our money and they know they botched the safety sales tax. So what is the city to do, make crazy cuts to areas that frighten people and then in about 3 months you offer them a salvation of an idea. "Let's raise taxes". Then you couple that with sum attractive looking reductions that probably only exist on paper, but they sure do look like they are trying. The next thing you know there is a campaign funded by the FOP pulling at your heart strings, heck they will even throw in an oversight committee made up of the mayors drinking buddies.... Whio wants to take my bet? Better question is how many sheep will actually fall in line and believe that this time will be different. It's time to hold City hall accountable for their reckless spending and tax giveaways.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Sue, there has been crime in Raytown forever. People just didn't hear about it because we didn't have the net to put it on, people weren't tied to their televisions and no cell phones to spread the word. We have had robberies, murders and shootings with the inflated police department we now have. What's your excuse for that? And a lot of those crimes are still unsolved. With all the detectives we have I would think they could get those solved in a short period of time.

Anonymous said...

Let the chief stop the overtime, call a halt to his expensive trips.

The city has no choice we have to make the payment for the Wal-mart project. We haVe to take care of our infrastructure.

Suck it up people. the aldermen had B---s. This is why we elected them I imagine that they were all behind it other than Aziere.

Anonymous said...

Crime is up because we are so close to KC.

I bet the majority of crime is committed by people who are not Raytowners.

Andy Whiteman said...

Crime is rampant nationwide not just in Raytown! A well staffed and well trained police department is needed everywhere!

I don't understand how a budget can be passed in closed session. The budget should be discussed in public since there should be no private information discussed. I would think this is an open meetings act violation if someone would file a complaint.

Andy Whiteman

God Bless The Alderman said...

Sue Frank,

You need to explain how when Lynch took office we had 24 officers on the street.

Today we still have only 24 officers assigned to the street but those in positions like your husband have grown making the department top heavy and cost the taxpayer dearly.

While you are at it please explain what happened to the money in the police budget since the public safety sales tax passed until because Lynch never actually filled the positions was finally pulled from the budget.

It seems that Lynch has opened the flood gate of explanation not only from him, but your administration on the spending and hiring practices with the police department and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

It is no surprise that the mayor that is truly responsible for bankrupting Raytown would now try scare tactics, but wait that is what you did with pushing Walmart and 350 live on us!

Anonymous said...

What? Really now? Cut the blue on the street, but keep the over paid Chief, his buddy Bowman, another Major and four Captains who set on their butts and figure out how to blow through 8-10 million dollars. Great. Thanks Mayor ex PD.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all you fearless peeps of the good city of Raytown. I will say to you this morning do not loose hope, go to the meeting on Tuesday night get the real reason for the cuts, get the truth. Stop listening to the street talk and those trying to instill fear in you. Have a good day

Anonymous said...

Sue Frank,
They had to go into closed session bevause it was a personnel decision, don't make it sound as if it was a secret and there will be more public dialog.

Anonymous said...

No thanks to the chiefs mismanagement! Get a clue, you want something the board can't give.

Anonymous said...

Andy no budget was passed. They still have to vote on it. If it was personnel conversation then it has to be closed session.

Anonymous said...

No dice Anon 7:23. I have lived here for 20 years and have become wise to the ways of City Hall. I have seen this played out at least 3 times in the past and your timeline is dead on. Watched the city administrator on the news last night and he is already shaping the argument, " we wish we could do more, but we only have so much money to spend". What you dont hear is anyone prioritizing how that money is allocated. The police chief says he's going to cut from the officers on the street, even though that is jusf 24 of his 97 employees. The time has come, no more tax increases till you start to account for what you're getting now.

Anonymous said...

City shows it on Tues September 5th either before or after the Board meeting at city hall
Be there, be informed
Keep the cops on the street even if it takes another year of, I think they called it deficit budgeting. The boards including this one have done it for well over 10 years. That is how they balanced the budget under Bower and Frank, maybe before that even

Anonymous said...

Baaaa Baaaa, Raytown is in desperate need of a sheepdog. Shame on the chief he is playing political games with our safety. He may be elected but his entire stamp serve as at will employees of the city. If you wants to start playing games I say the city Council turns up the heat a cut his command staff for him. Maybe if he actually has to do police work and run his department you'll find that he doesn't have the time for the political showmanship antics of late. I realize because we are a 4th class City we have an elective Marshall, but is there anything stop in the city from hiring a full-time police chief? The city also has to have an elected clerk, but they serve as a figure head only and those duties are actually performed by the city staff. Who says the same thing can't be done with the police department? I never thought I would say this but last night crazy Jo posted a spreadsheet from the Missouri Highway Patrol comparing cities by size, population, arrests, police employees, police budget, and lastly patrol officers. What was interesting to me was the fact Raytown was in the bottom third in every category when it came to production we were in the middle to upper half for size and population and we were the highest per dollar spent per officer and second highest pollice budget overall. For next year the police chief is wanting almost twice as much money as Grandview, Liberty, and Gladstone. I these numbers don't lie and instead of pouting like a child and throwing out threats maybe the chief and his over paid possee of desk at Marshall's should visit the cities and see how they can manage to get by on the same amount on money the aldermen are telling them to. That's what a leader does, that's what an adult does, and that's what we should insist our elected officials do.

Anonymous said...

Dear want a be lawyers,

There are about 24 items that CAN be covered in closed session, but it is never required.

However, it is normally best, which is why it is allowed.

Reading the law is not the hard unless you are a sheep.

Anonymous said...

I hope the board starts inviting the news media and AG to the BOA meetings.

This will quickly end the Bully Treatment on our elected officials and citizens by members of the police and their families.

It should also help the news media and AG be a starting point for investigations into the police department.

Top Heavy
Out of Control Overtime
City Vehicles Used For Private Security
Public Safety Sales Tax Promises
Out of Control Pension
Pension Oversight Board Members
Take Home Vehicles Not Reported on W2s
Power Show at board meetings along with overtime pay for the show

I am sure the members of the Board of Alderman have many more items to add to the list.

Don't for get Board of Alderman the AG investigated you it is time MO's top cop investigates this distributive, abusive and unprofessional behavior of the police department.

Anonymous said...

Please post the link here to the town hall meeting when you see it.


Anonymous said...

Naturally the chief will cut the patrol because that is what will make the citizens fearful. If we talk back and let the BOA we stand with their decision things will change in the town, and for the better. You need to understand the police has never been accountable to anyone of I've heard both the mayor and Bowman say they answer to the citizens. Bull!!! Now they are pushed to answer and they are crying like a bunch of babies. Lynch don't say you care about the residents if you did you would be handling this whole situation in a more professionally manner

Anonymous said...


Nope game over! Not enough funds for the deficit spending....thanks for playing. PD WILL HAVE TO CUT THEIR WASTEFUL MANAGEMENT!

Anonymous said...

So one fourth of the police department is the officers on the street and the chief says they will be cut first. That's just shameful if true. The board needs to get control of this guy and give him some proper direction.
I think the other seventy some employees of the department should be made to justify their jobs. How do they add to our city's welfare and safety?
The time has come to redefine what is actually needed and what is fluff.
I am a big supporter of the actions of the board in reigning in the runaway spending by the biggest department in the city.

Anonymous said...


I beg to differ with you. Joe posted a spread sheet that he CLAIMS came from the Highway Patrol, or where ever. Has anyone seen the source documents? Of course not. My brother is a CPA and he makes spread sheets all day. He can make a spread sheet just like Joe's and put anything he wants in it. Just because Joe says it comes from the Highway Patrol doesn't make it so. Remember how many months he claimed there were secret meetings being held in Raytown? Then one day, a current alderman stands ups and says "I made a mistake. There were no secret meetings. I thought of them as secret because I wasn't invited and my feelings were hurt." Morale of the story - don't believe anything from Joe Creamer unless you personally see the original source documents. Joe has a vivid imagination.

Anonymous said...

Sue Frank campaign for Lynch and used dirty politics to get him elected when she was Mayor. Then with that, Lynch promotes Sue Frank's husband to the highest rank in the department. And how is this not corruption at the highest level in the Police Department???? At the very least, it is unethical.

There should be zero tolerance for this, yet it continues and now the city is bankrupted because PD i.e. Lynch/Bowman seems to think they can take all the money in the city's coffer and use scare tactics to get their way..

The past finance director, Loughry never reeled in PD spending because he knew he was a short timer anyway, so screw it, let PD have all the money they want to play with and mismanage. He gone!

Anonymous said...

11:50 -

Where do you get the city is bankrupt? Just because they want to have a balanced budget doesn't mean they are bankrupt. Joe Creamer and his goons have been screaming about deficit spending and when the city has a balanced budget you all of sudden cry bankrupt! Knock off the hyperbole nonsense. You make some of the most ridiculous statements. Have you taken your medicine today?

Anonymous said...

There have been some nasty comments about police brass on here.

Have you actually met these folks and had personal interaction with them?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness."

Just sayin'!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the NAACP and Freedom Inc need to start coming to Lynch's three ring show.

I wonder how he will respond to their questions.

The time for answers are now Mr. Lynch!

You opened the door with your letter to the news media.

Anonymous said...

Town Hall meeting Tuesday night. Not sure of time.

Anonymous said...

I have and not impressed by their professionalism.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people commenting on this board have actually worked in law enforcement? Very few I bet, but all seem to think they are experts on how a Police Dept. runs or should be run. A lot of arm chair quarterbacking going on here. Fact is Raytown needs a top notch Police Dept. We are to close in to think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

9:55 A.M. you are telling Gods truth. Bless you for speaking out

Anonymous said...

No what we need is a top notch chief to run our department

Anonymous said...

To: 11:50

If the city cannot afford simple infrastructure repair and replacement. i.e. road repavement, sidewalk improvements, storm water runoff, sain sewer upgrades, etc. then yes the city is bankrupt and PD factors into the reason for that. So maybe you should med up too, mouth.

Anonymous said...

Well Said 2:50 !!

Hearkens back to if it walks like a duck.....

Bankrupt, broke, no money for basics, it's all the same.

Anonymous said...

We are not bankrupt just badly bent.

Anonymous said...


"Thou shalt not steal", even from the taxpayers

Just saying

Anonymous said...

Here is the problem with public hearings, every police officer the City has will be there to intimidate anyone thinking about speaking against them. God help anyone who actually does and gets pulled over after. You will be out of your car and up on the hood so fast your head will spin. When you get up to speak you have to give your address, how much you want to bet your address will have a special designation on it in the 911 computer after someone dares to critique the police spending. I am serious, this is scary stuff that needs to be factored into anyone's decision to speak publically about this. If you don't think it could happen ask anyone who lived in Raytown in the 1980s under Chief Bealer

Anonymous said...

3 million was just found!

Yes, the darn wasteful Walmart annual payments.

Problem solved

Andy Whiteman said...

To answer the question: I have worked in law enforcement.
Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

6:59 - You are intimidated easily. Maybe you should bring your mommy to the meeting so you don't get scared.

Anonymous said...

Oh Joe really
More lies more stupid stuff
If anything like this were true you would've been put away long ago

Anonymous said...

"Thou shalt not purloin other people's shtick."

Just sayin! :)

Andy Whiteman said...

6:59, I spoke to the BOA without giving my address, but the Alderpeople as well as the PD all knew my address.
Andy Whiteman

Andy Whiteman said...

Police Correct Misleading Staffing Information
by harperdyon
Press Release

For Release: 09-01-17

Prepared By: Capt. Dyon Harper

Police Correct Misleading Staffing Information

Raytown, MO – Tonight, the Raytown Police is releasing organizational data, to address incorrect and misleading information in regard to the staffing of our Patrol Division. The inaccurate staffing information was broadcast by a local television station today, so clarification appears necessary.

The total authorized number of sworn police officers in Raytown is 56. Those officers include all ranks, from Patrol Officer to the Chief of Police. Of those 56 sworn police officers, 36 positions are assigned to the Patrol Division. Those 36 officers comprise four Patrol Squads (each with a Sergeant, Corporal, and six Patrol Officers) and the Traffic Unit (comprised of a Sergeant and 4 Traffic Officers.) These officers’ daily duties consist of responding to calls for service, patrolling, traffic enforcement, etc.

This means that the duties of these 36 positions are to put on a uniform and drive a marked patrol car for the shift. They patrol our parks, neighborhoods and entire city, between responding to calls for help from our residents and businesses. The number of officers that patrol “the streets” is also increased by reserve police officers, who supplement the Patrol Division by patrolling during large events or just being added as an additional officer for a patrol squad.

The Patrol Division organization chart has been released with this press release as a reference.

Those sworn personnel not assigned to Patrol are assigned to the Investigations Unit and three are assigned to the hiring/training unit.

As a matter of full transparency, Raytown Police has an authorized number of 21 Civilian employees, which are made up of Dispatchers, Detention Technicians, Records Clerks and a Crime Analyst. The total authorized number of staff of the Raytown Police Department is 77.

The picture that a very small number of sworn officers patrol our city is simply not true.

Although the 2017 Citizen’s Police Academy is already underway, we implore all of our residents to ask questions and learn about their police department, by attending a future Citizen’s Police Academy, ride with an officer on a ride-a-long, or volunteer at many of our community events.

Rls 170901 Patrol Org Chart, redacted names

Anonymous said...

It's odd the anount of the shortfall it the same as the Wal-Mart payment

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your service Andy.

Anonymous said...

Captain Harper, I respect you and your service but if we have all these police why is we can drive the streets for miles both side and main streets and NEVER see a policeman? I don't mean in the day I mean day or night and different times. Never any traffic cops out unless there is an accident. I truly believe the chief has a top heavy department and it is not your fault it the chief who has made this happen, promoting all of his friends part of the good 'ole boy system. I am sure to other communities we look like Mayberry RFD.

Anonymous said...

6:59 I agree with you that we do need to fear the police just look at how they marched on the BOA

The solution is to go around the meetings and start a mass calling tree to the attorney generals office for an investigation.

Here is the local office information:
Kansas City
615 E. 13th Street, Suite 401
Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 816-889-5000

Anonymous said...

Since the tragic and untimely death of Randy and the Raytown Times, Joe Creamer doesn't have anywhere to disseminate his brand of hogwash except here and on Facebook. As I understand it, more and more individuals are blocking Joe Creamer from their feeds so they don't have to put up with his nonsense. And Joe, before you blow a gasket, the administrators of the Facebook page didn't block you. We did.

Andy Whiteman said...

8:22 AM, When in Raytown, I have seen the PD on the streets many, many times. My office was in the front of the house so I could see the street. While at my PC or typewriter, I was looking out my large bay window and noticed squad cars patrolling the streets. One night an officer rang my doorbell to tell me that my garage door was open, so I knew they were there. I also observed squad cars while driving. RPD also had a quick response time to routine calls that were not emergencies! I appreciated that. In my opinion RPD was the best managed law enforcement team that I had experienced. Most people aren't watching the street so obviously don't see their streets being patrolled! So 8:22 AM whether or not you see a squad car is dependent on where you are and the time your are there. The PD is out there but you won't see them unless you are where they are!

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

I see RPD officers all the time when I am out. Not sure why the other person doesn't.

I'm sure you realize that a lot of folks won't read this blog because it is so NEGATIVE. I had no idea the amount of hatred folks here had in their hearts and I've lived here my whole life (54 yrs).

I am not moving--no siree! I love Raytown and we have to work together to make it better.

Cut the drama and maybe Greg's pageviews will go up.

Anonymous said...

what was the crime rate under Bealer? Bet you would like those times again?

You people have no clue

Anonymous said...

PD really has no power why do you think they are crying like a bunch of babies? We need to stand up against them. The BOA
was not intimidated by them and we shouldn't be either. If we do back down then they will think they have won and God forbid that doesn't need to happen. For once instead of bad mouthing your city officials stand with them. Had a very informative conservation with my alderman and I sure understand now what is going on and why things are happening as they are. Wish I made some of their salaries, I would be on easy street!!

Anonymous said...

An investigation on what?
A group of police staff and personnel at a meeting to answer questions?

Anonymous said...

Well elaborate if you supposedly have the information.

Anonymous said...


Great post! The BOA jas a heart for Raytown doesn't just run their mouth like Lynch or the mayor.

Anonymous said...


I was always taught as a kid if I had to ask if I was in trouble that I must already know that I was.

The true question is how much and who all is in trouble!

I do support the Alderman and bloggers that believe it is past time for several independent investigations.

Stand proud Alderman, stand proud!

Anonymous said...

You created this Sue! Get over yourself tge Board is addressing you, bower and lynch's inability to act.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered making the budget correction in steps, over time? It's my understanding that it took 10 years to get here. You cannot correct 10 years in 1 step. The money's not there for that. The board and staff should develop a long range plan and implement steps over a period of so many years to get where we need to be, without disrupting services. In the meantime, if we have some good revenue years, we'll reach that goal even faster. I'm not a "numbers man" but common sense should prevail here.

Anonymous said...

That sir or ma'am makes the most sense
Then they can put steps in place to redo TIF bonds to save money, raise property levies to proper modern levels and get more business here!
After looking at what the city released as the proposed budget I bet there is more than one option presented to help this situation

Anonymous said...

No you have to read what he actually wrote, it was very deliberate. Those are the slots that the chief has approved, those are not the actual number of officers on the street. Ask him for a roster with names of the officers who fill those slots. It will lock Dieon up because he knows they are playing loose snd fast with the facts

Anonymous said...

City council read my lips, NO NEW TAXES till you start using the ones I have already approved in an appropriate manner. It's time to just be honest with us, things are as bad as the fire dept has been saying for the past year and it's not going to bet any better. Once you do that then we can have an honest discussion about if the right this to do is to default out from under the previous administrations TIF mistake

Anonymous said...

What I find alarming and actually severally disappointing is that over a 8 month time frame when an escalation of break ins and vandalisms are occuring especially out South Raytown, there is NO attempt to reach out to an increasing amount of concerned Citizens to calm their fears. Maybe a Press Release from our elected Chief ?? Numerous TV stations are reporting and talking to residents who have been caught up in this increasing crime wave. Attempts to report these crimes are turned away at the PD station if there was no actual property taken?? Why is that?? But have a TV station report that our on street patrol count may be lowest in similar sized communities and BAM... Press release less than 24 Hours later... You all smell what the rock is cooking here folks???