has been busy writing his Report on last week’s Raytown Board of Aldermen
meeting. So I thought I would pick up the string of his article from last week.
In his story Paul reported Raytown is
not a low tax city. This is especially true when it comes to property tax
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there has been a scattered outcry from some who believe the City of Raytown can
solve the city’s budget crisis by simply raising the municipal property tax.
They claim the city’s property tax low in comparison to other cities.
when you compare the combined property tax burden of all taxing jurisdictions
serving Raytown you find the comment is patently false.
asked me how do you prove the reality of Raytown or Raytown’s property tax
burden to those who will not accept it?
replied, “Simple. Show them the numbers.”
without further ado, here is a list of area property tax levy rates. The information
was obtained from Jackson County, Missouri. All entities with the authority
through property tax are included in the data.
you drill down into the data you will learn the culprit that makes Raytown’s
property tax so high is from two areas.
would be the Raytown School District, which has the second highest property tax
levy in Jackson County. And it is not second by much. The Raytown School
District levy is set at 6.320. All but two other school districts in Jackson
County have school levy rates in the five dollar range.
other factor is the Raytown Fire Protection District. Fire Protection Districts
are rare in Jackson County. According to the chart, there are only three. Most
serve undeveloped or underdeveloped areas of the County. The Raytown Fire
Protection District levy is just under $1.00 at .9756 cents per $100
Those two rates, combined with the city, county, library, blind pension fund and mental health levy(s) push Raytown Taxpayers property tax rate to one of highest in the county.
the Myth: SALES TAX
have said Raytown’s sales tax is low. The following list shows a comparison of
sales tax rate of major cities in the Kansas City, MO metropolitan area. There
is not much to say here. The numbers speak for themselves.
be the judge of where Raytown stacks up when it comes to sales tax rates.
8.475% Kansas City
8.350% Raytown
8.100% Grandview
8.100% Blue Springs
8.100% Liberty
7.850% Lee’s Summit
7.850% Independence
7.725% Gladstone
sales tax rates shown are the base rates of the cities listed. Taxing districts
within the communities may have higher rates. For instance, the sales tax rate
for those shopping at Walmart on 350 Highway comes in at 9.250%.
Park Board asks for a Quarter Cent Sales Tax Increase
The Raytown Park Board
has voted to ask Raytown voters to approve a quarter cent sales tax increase.
In a presentation to the City Council, Park Board Director Kevin Boji, speaking on behalf of the Park Board, declared the Park Board loses $88,000 annually of the
existing quarter cent sales tax.
sales tax he is referring to was established in 2010. Voters approved a quarter
cent sales tax which was to be split between the Park Department and Storm Water
Project needs.
Raytown’s Park Board Director, Kevin Boji, was playing fast and loose with facts in his presentation to the City Council when he asked
for a second sales tax increase for Raytown Parks.
complained of an $88,000 loss experienced by the Parks Department because a
small portion of the last sales tax goes to fix storm sewer problems within the
city. What he did not say is that the ballot language, which was approved by
the Park Board and the City Council, specifically promised voters that there
would be a split of the sales tax revenue from the Park Board sales tax if
approved by the voters in 2010.
It was not until 2015 when Ward 1 Alderman Karen Black pointed out that
the revenue was not being shared as promised in the ballot language.
voters gave their approval of the 2010 sales tax increase based on the promise
made by the Park Board and the City Council. Even though the first five years
was supposed to be split with Storm Sewer needs, ALL of the money ended up with
the Park Department.
lesson here is simple. If you make a promise to the voters . . . KEEP YOUR
is another important topic Boji did not share at the City Council meeting last
the voters approve the sales tax, not all of that sales tax will end up in the Park
Board’s coffers. The 350 Live TIF will receive an estimated 25% of the sales
tax revenue from retail sales at Walmart on 350 Highway. Even if a sales tax is created AFTER a TIF District is established it still captures sales tax revenue for all sales taxes in Raytown.
This fact makes any sales tax increase a lose for the taxpayer.
This fact makes any sales tax increase a lose for the taxpayer.
Raytown is already in second place for top sales
tax in Jackson County. There is no prize for coming in first.
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The Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of
Aldermen Meeting
September 19, 2017
Tony Jacob told the Board he
was at the Town Hall meeting and wanted to express some of his thoughts. He said he appreciated that Aldermen Greene
and Moore were honest enough to say “I don’t know”. He wasn’t impressed with the alderman who
came late, complained a lot, and left early.
He also thanked Tom Cole for answering all the questions on the City’s
Facebook page.
Deanna Rose said there is a lot
of crime in Raytown and the Board should not cut the police budget.
Mayor McDonough presented a
proclamation to Susan Vorbeck Brown
for starting Raytown Rocks. He said a
community is the sum of its inhabitants and the support each provides to
others. Ms. Brown volunteered her time
to create and organize Raytown Rocks.
This grass roots initiative highlights historic landmarks in town,
Honors public service heroes, engages local businesses, and provides a creative
outlet through art.
Kevin Boji presented a work
session to the Board. The Park Board has
voted to ask the residents for a ¼ cent increase in the Park Board Sales Tax,
which would create $252,000 in additional revenue. The tax will have a 20 year sunset
clause. The Parks loses $88,000 a year
to the Storm Water portion of the Sales Tax. Several aldermen expressed concern about a 20
year sunset clause and thought 5 – 10 years was more reasonable.
Jim Aziere said he was the one who suggested the split between the Park
Board and Storm Water. He said he was
wrong. There should be a separate tax
wholly dedicated to Storm Water. Alderman Eric Teeman said this needs to
be put on the ballot so the residents can decide. He asked if there are any fee based
activities. Mr. Boji said most of the
activities, whether for adults or children, break even. The Parks have many activities for residents
of all ages. On October 7, from 2:00 to
4:00 pm, there will be a free concert at Kenagy Park.
Board passed a resolution authorizing and approving the purchase of computer
equipment and supplies from Dell Corporation, in an amount not to exceed
$42,950. The Police Department utilizes
an IT replacement scheduled that is an annual recurring list of equipment for
IT items reaching their useful service life.
The new equipment is to ensure infrastructure reliability and mitigate
large IT expenses in any single year. The
Department frequently purchases workstations, laptops, servers, network
security appliances and other IT equipment from Dell Corporation via special
government pricing, MHEC Contract Number MHEC-07012015. The Police Department anticipates spending
approximately $42,950.00 this budget year with Dell. This is a budgeted expense for IT equipment
and all the items scheduled to be purchased were approved by the Sales Tax
Oversight Committee and found to meet the intent of the designated tax. The computer equipment to be purchased
replaces existing equipment that is approaching end of life. The laptop to be replaced was originally
purchased in 2010 and all the workstations to be replaced have been in service
ranging from four to seven years. The
server that is scheduled to be replaced has been in service for four years. The cost of a server is determined by the
specifications of the particular piece of equipment. In part, the specs include the amount of
memory capacity, manageability, connectivity, and storage. The server must be able to operate multiple
virtual servers on one physical server.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the acceptance of Missouri Department of
Transportation Highway Safety Division Hazardous Moving grant in the amount of
$3,000. On March 21, 2017 pursuant to
Resolution R-2952-17, the Board of Aldermen approved a grant application from
the Missouri Department of Transportation Highway Safety Division for the 2017-
2018 Fiscal Year. The grant allows for
$3,000.00 to be used for overtime assignments and will be reimbursed at 100% to
the City. The department may also use
the funds to reimburse the costs of sending one officer to the annual LETSAC
conference for additional training. There
is no match required by the City to accept this grant.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds with Vertex
Water Features for the purchase of a pond fountain for Kenagy Park in an amount
not to exceed $16,000. The Park Board
adopted a resolution July 17, 2017 to approve the purchase of a Vertex Water
Features pond fountain to replace the Kenagy Park fountain. The fountain serves several functions
including facilitating the natural breakdown of decaying vegetation, inhibiting
mosquito breeding, preventing surface and bottom growth, promoting a healthy
environment for fish, improving aeration, reducing vegetation and to add beauty
to the pond. The Kenagy fountain,
purchased in 1997, has reached the end of its useful lifecycle. The fountain is inefficient, clogs frequently,
and operates below its rated capacity due to age and wear. Proposals were received and opened publicly
Friday, April 21, 2017. The best bid is
from Vertex Water Features for a total cost of $14,521.98 for the 3 horsepower
pond fountain, fountain spray head, LED light kit, power cable, control panel,
flotation system, and waterproof connectors.
Price includes $606.98 for freight.
An additional $1,500.00 is for electrical components for fountain
installation. The fountain was
operational in 2016 thus it was not included in the Fiscal Year 2016-2017
budget. Product selection is based on
design, function, product quality, warranty, and aesthetic appeal.
Board passed a resolution amending the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget related to
Capital Expenditures. On July 17, 2017,
the Park Board approved a resolution to request approval of a budget amendment
to transfer $40,000.00 appropriated for fiscal year 2016-2017 election costs to
Parks Capital Expenditures for Minor Smith Park asphalt chip/seal and park shop
siding replacement. The amount for
haydite chip/seal work from Vance Brothers is not to exceed $15,774.43. The amount for park shop siding replacement
from Wilson Group is not to exceed $49,760.00.
Board passed a resolution approving the expenditure of funds to the Wilson
Group related to the Raytown Park Maintenance Building Siding replacement in an
amount not to exceed $50,000. Approve a
The Wilson Group, Inc. proposal to replace the Park Maintenance Building Siding. The original siding was installed in 1980 and
has reached the end of its useful life. The
project scope of work includes leaving the existing siding in place and
installing new 29-gauge metal vertical siding over the existing, removal and
reinstalling HVAC equipment and line sets, lights, gas piping, gas pumps,
electrical, gutter and downspouts, trim, break metal and scaffolding. All work to be prevailing wage during normal
business hours. Work excludes door,
garage door, and window replacements, framing repairs, soffits, and fascia
replacement. $50,000.00 is budgeted in
fiscal year 2016-2017 for park improvements in Capital Expenditures. The total project cost is $49,760.00. The Wilson Group, Inc. has a Cooperative
Purchasing Agreement contract with the National Joint Powers Alliance for
construction projects. The proposal was
approved by the Park Board on August 21, 2017.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds with Vance
Brothers for the granite seal project at Minor-Smith Park in an amount not to
exceed $17,351.87. In Fiscal Year
2015-2016, the Public Works Annual Chip Seal project was awarded to Vance
Brothers Inc. The City elected in
September of 2016 to postpone the annual project to the following year to the
fall of 2017. The unspent funds went
back into fund balance. In September of
2016, the City and Vance Brothers agreed to delay our contract to the fall of
2017 at the same bid prices of 2016. Vance
Brothers, Inc. does reserve the right to negotiate a price variance should oil
prices increase, this has not happened yet.
Below is a timeline of the FY 2016 annual chip seal project: - Opened
bids on May 20, 2016 - Board of Aldermen approval of the FY2016 Bid from Vance
Brothers, Inc. on July 19, 2016 (R- 2891-16) - BOA approval to purchase stored
materials on April 11, 2017 (R-2966-17).
The City has already spent $54,861.75 to Vance Brothers, Inc. to
purchase materials they ordered in 2016.
- Work session agenda item on April 25, 2017 about the budget amendments
for chip seal and concrete project.
in cooperation with Public Works is requesting contract approval with Vance
Bros to repair the Minor-Smith Park trail in 2017. A 10% contingency is included for potential
overruns for a total cost of $15,774.43 plus 10% equals $17,351.87. The Parks & Rec Dept. has funds budgeted
for the trail chip seal work at Minor-Smith Park.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds to the Wilson
Group related to EMS facility repairs in an amount not to exceed $26,362. The Public Works Department received a
proposal for this project from The Wilson Group, Inc. As the winner of the NJPA bid in Missouri,
The Wilson Group, Inc. has already bid their rates and mark-ups against other
contractors in Missouri. The Wilson
Group, Inc. was the contractor on the remodel of the City Hall upper level,
Police Department remodel, as well as the Public Works Charlie Brown building
remodel. They have done very good work
for us in the past. The 2016-17 Capital
Sales Tax fund has $35,000.00 included for remodel of the EMS Facility;
$30,000.00 for paint/patch exterior of EMS Station, and $5,000.00 for interior
Board passed a resolution approving the professional services of storm water
infrastructure repair from Leath & Sons.
On Sunday, August 6, 2017 the City of Raytown was informed of a sink
hole within the parking lot of Assembly of God Church at 9800 East State Route
350. Monday morning, August 7th Public
Works Department (PWD) crews barricaded the area and begun investigations to
the cause of the sink hole. PWD began
the process of determining the cause and extent of the damage by the use of a
pole camera and exploring the manholes. The
camera findings were a severe offset in the pipe joint transition from reinforced
concrete pipe to corrugated metal pipe (CMP) located at approximately 60 ft.
east of the storm box located within the parking lot. The severity of the offset was so that the
storm flow could not enter the corrugated metal pipe. PWD reached out to Jerry Wiedenmann of
Wiedenmann Inc. and Jimbo Leath of Leath & Sons to make a site visit and
begin the process of writing an estimate for the repairs. We observed signs of settlement along the
area of the pipeline trench that measured approximately 190 linear feet of
36-in CMP. We requested both contractors
to provide estimates replacing the 36-inch CMP with 48-inch High-Density
Polyurethane. PWD received estimates
from both contractors. After reviewing
the estimates, response time frame and internal discussion, it was determined
to move forward with the Leath & Sons estimate. Due to the severity of the storm line failure
and the possibility of continual damage to parking lot, PWD requested the
ability to move forward with an emergency project to address the issue from the
City Administrator. The amount of the
request is $84,000.00, which is the estimated amount plus 10% contingency to
cover unforeseen circumstances that may arise with this underground work.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the City Administrator to enter into an
agreement with Lan-Tel Communications Services for the 2017 concrete repair
project in a total amount not to exceed $185,000. The Public Works Department received three
(3) sealed bids that were opened on September 7, 2017. The bids ranged from $160,864.50 to
$248,891.50. Lan-Tel Communications
Services is the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder at $160,864.50 and is
recommended for approval. This project
will be for 90 calendar days, and is planned to be completed in December. We are requesting a 15% contingency increase
in the approved amount for possible change order overruns in this concrete
removal/replacement project. This will
make an approved amount to spend of $185,000.
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Kevin Boji wants to talk about needing $80,000 for the parks department we could start by eliminating his job.
What does he do.....NOTHING.
Think that the tax paying citizens are wrong just ask those that live near the parks and the problems he refuses to fix.
If you think those citizens are blowing smoke take the time to drive through the parks when was the last time the parking lanes were painted and the shelter houses.
He says things for events just break even, but doesn't charge nonresident more like other cities.
Maybe that is because he too is a nonresident!
The Board of Alderman need to clean up all departments not just the police and this would be an easy one.
Lets make Raytown great again!
Many individuals in the city believe putting more money into things fixes the problem:
Waste Water
Sounds like they way Trump University was ran!
So because other groups seems to get whatever they want as far as taxes, you think the pd should suffer? Mmmkay. Personal safety should always come first over parks, schools, etc. because without that, the rest just doesn’t matter.
I'd like to see the fire district brought under the city to keep our firefighters and equipment in raytown (not KC), effectively reducing costs and putting that money toward the TIF to pay it off.
I can't wait to see what a mess the boa has gotten us into by just slashing away without asking what will happen
I see NFL players protested the national anthem again today by not standing or staying in the tunnel. The NFL is backing them. That is an empty statement that requires nothing to make. How about investing some of that social awareness in your local communities where violence is promoted thru Hollywood and music and we are having a record number of shootings/murders in KC. Do something that matters.
9:43 Why would you put the fire department under the city?
It is the city that is having to cut services because they don't know how to manage money!
Even a 5th grader can figure that one out, sad that those at and tied to city hall cannot figure out that those elected to city hall and/or served in 2007, 2009 and 2011 are the problem with the state of our city.
However like Trump they and their family members point fingers at everyone other then themselves.
No wonder our city is in the mess it is in.
Those NFL players are exercising their right to free speech. There's nothing the NFL can do
Just because some former city leaders were asleep at the wheel and did not raise the city's portion of tax while everybody and their brother did, does not mean we shrug and live with it. We must increase it to some degree if we ever want to step out of the Mayberry label
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can't wait to see what a mess the boa has gotten us into by just slashing away without asking what will happen
The above was entered by someone that apparently does not realize that f the money pot is empty you can not pay all the bills.
Last year the Mayor said there is no problem, the board was somehow keep in the dark about last year but they are proactive this year. It is just to bad that the Mayor does not realize the financial mess that we are in.
If a homeowner does not have the money to pay his house payment he will be on the street in due time. It is a shame that this has happened but it has.
The fire department arrangement with Kansas City is a good one. For one thing, it keeps the department well trained and experienced. Second, it provides for a rapid response time and additional fire stations can be brought in from KC to help Raytown and vice versa. The benefits clearly outweigh any costs associated with it. If your house or neighbors house catches fire you are going to appreciate this arrangement, trust me.
All these great minds and leaders that have passed through city hall in the past few years and yet the city is as broke as a fool with his money. Oh well, raise taxes, and when city hall/PD blows through that, just keep raising taxes until we too are as broke as city hall. But hey, at least we have a 8.5 million dollar police budget and nice parks.
Okay 10:09, whats your answer then? Did you even hear anything that the City Manager said at the Town Hall? Or hear what the council said? The City doesnt have any money, its cut all its budgets the past couple years but teh PD keeps expanding. One of the councilman said in his remarks that Grandview was like 3 million less in expenses then our department, WHY? Over 5.5 million is more than enough to run a city of 29,000.
7:59 You my good person are wrong!
When they put on that uniform they represent the organization and if the organization would adopt a policy that said you will stand then something can be done.
It is when they are not in uniform and are on their own time they can make political statements.
This is how it works for anyone else in America and should be the same for over paid individuals that work for a supper funded nonprofit.
With that said I actually support their cause, but I first support the law.
11:34 PM
Do you stand in your home when the National anthem is played?
If not you don't have anything to say do you as you too have no respect for the flag.
Do you understand why they are not standing?
Do you make sure business hire veterans or do you turn a cold heart on them unless it gets you something to complain about.
Do you understand more and more are joining the cause because President Trump, who says he wants government out of business, place is foot right in the middle of this.
Do you understand that YOUR PRESIDENT has not done anything about the Nazis and others that marched earlier this year?
Stop watching FOX NEW and Start praying for the GODs forgiveness for your lack of understand as some day we will all have to stand before him.
The board of Aldermen are privy to the same info as the mayor so they all would of had the same info I would think
In an effort to save money why does't the park department make the following changes:
1.) Staff reduction of removing Kevin Boji and making Dave manager as he is seen around town and at park events.
2.) Staff relocation of Mary/Dave to city hall. Put them in the finance area and Mary up at one of the windows.
3) Staff cross train Finance/Park (Mary) with reduction by weakest employee within a year.
4.) Close the current park office, which will save on utilities.
5.) Move Park Board meetings to BOA chambers so they can be recorded like any other city meeting.
Just think "Together We Can Be 1st Class"
The answer isn't raising taxes the answer is to learn how to live within the budget you are given.
Can't wrap my head around the tax increase the park department is wanting. In the past they said the pool was taking all of their money. We no longer have the pool so where is all the money and where has it gone. How much money do they actually have? I have heard things like splash pad, dog park and another park. Do you do those things if you don't have the money. I would never support a tax with a ten year sunset clause it would be a hard sell for a five year. Point lets not get into another police mess with the park department.
11:34 You do not like Trump I do feel sorry for you. Please do not try and tell us what to do.
So you do not like Trump suck it up.
Now let us get down to business and settle the problems with Raytown.
Does anyone know of a good place to get my eyes checked?
I just know something must be wrong with me at I sewar my neighbors grass has been taller than 8 inches for 4 weeks.
Someone else is remodeling their house and have a large pile of trash for the past 6 weeks.
Two doors for the the re-modelers for the past 8 weeks they are trying to see how many weeks of trash it takes to get a line from the garage to the curb.
Several others have been at a good 6 months needing to paint.
However, I am sure it must just be an issue with my eyes as the professional staff in neighborhood servers under Ray's watchful eye have already fixed these issues and this warm weather is just playing tricks with my eyes.
8:53 you must be one of those Trump supporters that believes the only way to fix government is to give it more money.
Keep spending money the government doesn't have like Trump does with Trips to FL.
You wasteful Tax and Spend Republicans
On September 23rd, there was a news story about an attempted break-in on East 85th St in Raytown. The homeowner was home and a shoot-out occurred between the burglar and the homeowner.
Raytown has a crime problem and it is getting worse. Despite what Alderman Mims and Teeman believe, the reality on the ground is an entirely different situation. Despite what some of the cheapskates say, there is a crime problem in Raytown, which goes beyond mis-demeanor crimes, and one way or another you and every citizen of Raytown will be paying more, it's either higher taxes or you'll have to invest in security systems, cameras, outdoor lighting and other precautions. Good luck. If you intend on staying, you'll be paying way more than what will be asked of you with a tax increase!
Not fear, just reality..
There is an interesting article in the KC Star regarding zip codes and life expectancy. We need economic development so we will live longer!
"Tracie McClendon-Cole, the health department’s community justice program manager, said she thinks the changes within Kansas City, Mo., may reflect migration patterns as people with more money move farther from the city’s core and take their tax base and economic infrastructure with them."
"Census data showed major changes in racial demographics in the two ZIP codes that showed declines in both 2015 and 2016. For example, 64138 was 68 percent white and 27 percent black in 2000. By 2015, it was about 45 percent white and 45 percent black."
Letter from Chief Lynch. Terrible news!!
September 25, 2017
Dear Residents of Raytown:
Earlier this month, I learned that the upcoming budget of the Police Department will be cut by just over 3 million dollars. 85% of our annual budget is made up of personnel costs, including jail staff, dispatchers, detectives, police officers, and so on. We knew that such a significant budget reduction would equate to drastic reductions to staffing and substantial impacts to public safety service. At that time, I asked for patience as we determined just what that meant to our staffing levels and the service that we strive to provide to our community. I hold a great deal of responsibility to the people of Raytown, even when it involves bad news. It was important to inform everyone that may be impacted then, and it is even more important now.
My staff and I have poured over every possible option to maintain basic law enforcement service within the budget constraints.
In order to meet the budget mandate of the upcoming budget period, effective November 1, 2017, the following 30 positions will have to be eliminated:
17 Full-time sworn police officers of various assignments (brings the number of sworn officers from 56 to 39)
10 Full-time civilian personnel (brings the number of civilian personnel from 21 to 11)
3 Part-time civilian personnel (brings the number of part-time civilian personnel from 3 to 0)
Our total authorized (full-time) staffing will be reduced from 77 to 50. The elimination of those positions will result in the reduction of police service, including:
Elimination of all civilian jail personnel
Elimination of all Community Services activities (Annual Safety Fair, Coffee with a Cop, Copcicles for kids, etc.)
Reduction of the number of Detectives
Last week, those cuts to staff, and the resulting service reduction, were presented to the finance committee, which included the City Administrator and four Aldermen. I requested a smaller cut to the budget, a compromise, to be able to maintain service levels. At the time of posting this letter, the Board’s budget reduction mandate has not changed.
Today, I spoke with my staff, including the individual members whose position will be eliminated. Each one of them is trained and experienced and has served with honor, integrity and professionalism. I am proud of each and every one of them. Their absence will be felt by everyone.
Our mission at the Raytown Police Department has always been to provide a safe community for the people that live and work in Raytown, and I am proud to work, and to have worked, with our dedicated men and women that do so.
Chief Jim Lynch
Hey 2:11
If you want to talk about spending money how did Obama spend 8 trillion dollars during his 8 years.
Now it is 20 trillion all politicians love to spend money drain the swamp.
Why is the Board of Alderman blaming Jim Lynch for the out of control police budget?
It was Jason Greene who pushed for the 7% increase in Lynch's salary.
Giving someone a raise like that is telling them they are doing a good job and only in Raytown would we reward failure.
12:25 you are a rethinking
Raytown needs more people who offer solutions and not complaints.
I just read Chief Lynch's new release. Wish I could shed a tear for him but I just don't have it. Fact is he couldn't run a department with just hi and Barney. Get a new profession
5:32 I offer you and your fellow Jim Lynch supports a solution.
If Jim Lynch really needs all those positions he needs to go public and ask for BOA to bring in an investigation of his department and a company specializing in validation of positions needed.
If Jim is found to be justified the oldest 5 from each ward resigns evective with the date an election can be held this April and the remain 5 April of 2019.
If Jim is not found to be justified him and the mayor resign effective immediately and both agree to publicly support making the city marshal an appointed position.
There is only one reason Lynch would never as for an investigation on himself and his department and can only keep making scare tactics and that is he knows he is wrong.
Make Raytown Great Again!
This page is a joke anymore. Those are people the PD is laying off. And not excess people. But people on this page like to bitch and complain but yet have no idea how a police department actually works. You have people criticizing them for buying $1000 motorcycle boots without finding out why. I asked the motorcycle officer when I saw him one day at quik trip refilling his water bottle. They protect his legs from the hot engine. And in the 19+ years he’s ridden, he’s on his 2nd pair of these boots. He also pays out of his own pocket to have them resolved every year so they continue to last. Geez people, how about you actually talk to these officers. These cuts are very disturbing to a concerned citizen of Raytown.
17 Patrol officers to be cut by Nov 1? Is KCPD going to be expected to backup our remaining officers and do they know this? Also, the special session tomorrow night at City Hall and no public comments are allowed? Can this be changed?
Never have to worry about something to talk about when you have a cop around.
Ferguson, ST Louis and Raytown.
Know your facts, wrong! 5:47
Actually Lynch's and the Mayor's hand picked Salary Review Committee were long time running buddies who recommended large increases for Chief, Judge, and Alderman. Alderman peeled those recommendations way back and only gave Lynch a 2% raise and they turned down a 25% raise for themselves and froze their pay for another 4 years.
Once again a statement from the uninformed. There were only a few people on that who were picked by the mayor. The others have been on there since before this mayor was in office
Look things up before you speak
Someone may want to tell alderman Teeman that his stats from the FBI he spouted off the other day are wrong. They just had their stats on the news this morning and violent crime across the nation has gone up at least 6%
Raytown is nothing like Ferguson. And Kansas City is nothing like St, Louis.
I have read on face book there will be people showing up at five o'clock tonight at city hall to support the police. I just want to inform you snowflakes, the chief and mayor that there will be tables with coloring books, crayons and play dough set up to help you cope with reality. Now go take a Zanex and you will feel much better.
8:49 please get your facts correct,
Jim Lynch wrote "17 Full-time sworn police officers of various assignments (brings the number of sworn officers from 56 to 39)".
Randy Hudspeth wrote several weeks ago "6 patrol officers and 2 supervisors per shift."
Based on Hudspeth's numbers that is 36 assigned to the street, which levels 3 officers.
However, one of Jim's detention officers wrote just last week that there are 4 patrol officers and 1 supervisor per shift, which why would a low hanging fruit lie as they have nothing to loss like Randy who is working his way up the ladder.
5 x 4 = 20 and 39 - 20 = 19 officers for other duties.
Now the real question is Jim's reduction by 17 true positions or are 7 of those the seven individuals he promised to hire in 2009 with the passage of the Public Safety Tax.
Again the truth is in the numbers
SQ miles, population, call for service equals actual number of patrol officers needed.
Jim and Randy don't talk about them, but the Alderman do, which is why I stand with the BOA and if you respect yourself and the truth you would too.
The booking officer should have been let go years ago. We don't arrest criminals anymore because we don't have a jail and we farm them out to Johnson county which we are charged for. I believe that comes out of police budget. Bingo they don't want to give up the money would rather spend it somewhere else like new toys. Chief Lynch Karma is a bit--!!!
Here's what I know and see. Home invasions, gunfights, stolen cars, broken windows. Burglaries...
I am just a couple of blocks away from the burglary that went wrong with the gunfight last Saturday. Now, I am not one to cut and run, but with children to consider, the day may come where I have to leave Raytown.
So, you can play your games and whine and complain all you want. The historical tour and political paybacks are not necessary. None of it is helping the citizens of Raytown deal with the reality of crime, which you have no answers for...
Sad state of affairs, I am very disgusted by all of the goings on at City Hall, as well as some citizens of Raytown. Is everyone so fixated on being afraid of paying higher taxes that they are willing to pay more in higher insurance rates? Decreased response times could yield that outcome. I have a vested interest as a homeowner. Part of the reason that we are is because of good schools, good police and fire protection, good city services, and park system. Mismanagement of funds by previous administrations and rising costs of materials, supplies, wages, utilities, labor, etc. are part of the problem. We are not talking 1, 2, or 3 years. Try going back 40 +- years.
TIFs and giveaways to big companies to attract them to locate here have played a big part in what is going on now with reduced tax income revenue and the like. Increased crime activity is also a result of the type of new businesses attracted to the city, for instance, not banning smoking in establishments, tattoo parlors, booze establishments, title loan shops, and pawn shops. Some school districts losing accreditation forcing some families to make the move here for a better education might also be a + or -.
We are seeing more vacant homes/rental homes because some cannot sell without taking a loss on their property because of how other neighbors with the mentality of "just existing" that wont take care of their property, whether renting or owning.
I am frustrated..... ready to get out of Raytown, and will probably take a loss in doing so.
We sure do arrest people! Some nights the jail is almost full.
8:39 Where do we have proof crime is up
I hope not from Lynch as you cannot trust anything he or his offers have to say at this point.
Open the books and have an investigation to prove the number of officers that are needed.
You need to be more scared about the end of the world thinks to those that elected Trump!
September 26 8:02 you are absolutely correct and I support the BOA not a chief who plays with numbers to make himself look good. Chief Karma is a b and it is coming your way.
Convenience Store Robbed at Gunpoint Overnight
by diddeshawn
Press Release
For Release: 9-26-2017
Prepared By: Corporal Shawn Didde
Convenience Store Robbed at Gunpoint Overnight
Raytown, MO – On 9-25-17, at approximately 1016 P.M., Raytown Officers were dispatched to a reported armed robbery at the Minit Mart, 8100 Westridge Road. A black male entered the store and pointed a handgun at employees. The suspect demanded cash from one of the employees and fled the area on foot with an undisclosed amount of U.S. Currency. No injuries were reported.
Anyone with information regarding the robbery is asked to call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477).
Not my job to do your homework for you. The Raytown crime map shows all events if you know how to use it. Be sure to select all events, because the default setting does not show everything. Apparently you don’t mind gunfights in your neighborhood?
I think some of you need to look for rocks at the park. It is evident a lot of you are short a few in the head.
Let's hope both Black and Teeman learn to use their meeting decorum voice instead of the childish behavior they displayed at the last Town Hall meeting. Pointing, standing and yelling at the very people who elected you is no way to gain your constituency trust that you can make an informed decision on our behalf.
Cut the fat, PD, not the blue on the street! C'mon, you really need take home SUVs and a sports car for the Chief? How about cutting out of town events that offers no real training, but is just a tax payer funded vacation. Do you really need to go to Orland Fl, or San Diego CA for training? Yeah, I thought not. I want law protection like the rest of the citizens of Raytown, but Lynch and his buddies have made a mockery of the efforts of the blue on the street and support staff, and only for his own self interest and entitlement. The BOA is aware of this, even if some Raytown citizens are not. The time is now for a change, Lynch. Do what is right for Raytown and not just for yourself and your buddies. We are watching!!!
What is the % of Walmart rest to overall rest?
Beat that store is impacting more than that TIF Sue Frank pushed on us!
New post on RPD News Room
Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System
by diddeshawn
Press Release
For Release: September 25th, 2017
Prepared By: Corporal Shawn Didde
Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be conducting a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on Wednesday September 27th, 2017 at 1:20 PM CDT. The test will assess the readiness for distribution of the national level test message, as well as making sure it is delivered across the nation.
The test will be across all media including television, radio, cable, and satellite systems. The test’s message will be similar to the regular monthly test message of the EAS with which the public is familiar, only inserting the word “national.” “This is a national test of the Emergency Alert System. This is only a test.”
Receiving preparedness tips and timely information about weather conditions or other emergency events can make all the difference in knowing when to take action to be safe. FEMA is working to ensure alerts and warnings are received quickly through several different technologies, no matter whether an individual is at home, at school, at work, or out in the community. The FEMA App, which can be downloaded on both Android and Apple devices, is one way to ensure receipt of both preparedness tips and weather alerts. The FEMA App can be downloaded at www.fema.gov/mobile-app.
I would suggest before you offer any further prescribed snowflake advice you learn that is "Xanax" not "Zanex"
One important fact people have forgotten is that the cuts that were made was made by the chief. So don't blame the BOA if there are no patrol on the street. The chief made that choice. It is on his conscience. He was asked to meet a certain number dollar wise and in order to do that he refused to get rid of the top brass.
You are dreaming! We WILL be blaming the BOA for this. The chief made the choice he was forced to make. How much top brass do you think there is? Not enough to make up $2.7 million?! Not even close.
Some of you are just foolish with your criticisms. GROW UP! This is not helping Raytown. The BOA is going to regret this decision when election time comes, I promise you that.
1:00 How could have Black and Teaman been yelling at citizens of Raytown when the Town Hall Meeting was packet with police and there families, which do not live in Raytown.
For the record as it appears this is a struggle if you don't live here you are not a citizen of Raytown.
12:32 Do you listen to Fox News too and wait for the mother ships.
Really crime is up at where Walmart
Don't get me wrong there have been a few events in the past week, but that too has quieted down.
Where are the trends... In Jim's head?
If there are increase where are the increased patrols? That is right cuts have not happened yet or as many keep saying there never have been that many on the street to start with.
I have heard several say they don't have an issue getting a cop to show up when called, but taking a report is another story.
Why it harder to get a cop to do their job than to change out empty roll of TP?
Why to get a report taken the citizens have to make it clear they will call the news, alderman, mayor and Lynch before the officer does their job?
Why once a report is taken that getting a detective to follow-up on the report is harder than a homeless person trying to find their next meal?
Things an investigation will prove are fact and watching the news media go wild will be better than the scary tactics from Lynch.
4:27 PM
Is the crime map too hard for you to understand? It contains lots of facts. Have you noticed the rapes? You are not seeing things clearly and I doubt you have even looked at the crime map, or even understand how to look at the data!
Nonsense. Police took a report and dusted for prints when I called for help.
4:27 you are right only criminal acts in Raytown are the way the police are overstaffed and do nothing on are dime.
If this was a corporation Lynch and his band would be out on the street and someone else s problem.
Dear Jim Lynch,
How much of the 2.5 mil that is being cut is a reduction to the pension plan?
How much % of each salary does the city pay to the pension?
How much must the employees match to get the city to pay into the pension for them?
Why has the department moved everything to one pension plan?
Have you and the officers talked about a pay cut so that more officers could keep their jobs?
Why have you not answered why Raytown has more officers that other cities our size?
Why do you believe we need all the senior officers?
What would be the savings to the department if anyone who's rank is higher than a Sargent was released.
Does that city pay the full health insurance on the officers and what is that actual cost per officer for health insurance?
Have the officers talked about ways they can reduce expense and if yes what are they/
Have the officers asked to reduce pension benefits, which would reduce overall cost to the city and keep more officers employees?
What is the insurance on average on the vehicles and the corresponding savings if the department was to reduce the fleet to only those needed for patrol?
What is the average life of a patrol vehicles and could that be expanded by 2 to 3 years to reduce expenses?
What is the cost to outsource dispatch Vs keeping it in house to reduce expenses?
Do you believe the Board of Alderman sent you the wrong message by giving you a 2% raise?
Why are you not taking questions like these and providing other justification for the spending by your department?
Do you believe elected officials should hide from the public that elects them?
It is doubtful you will answer any of these question, but if you have time to contact the news media shouldn't you be answering questions like these?
Apparently people on this page don’t realize how layoffs work. It’s always last in first out. If they tried to layoff senior people, the city would be paying so many lawsuits it would make your head spin. How about before you comment about how you think the PD should be run in your special mind, you do some ride alongs, go to the citizen academy to learn how the PD actually runs.
If the law of the state says we must balance the budget and Lynch says "NO" is he not guilty of breaking the law.
Time to do right or move to St Louis where acting bad in blue is the thing to do.
Good luck with detectives investigating cases when there are fewer of them
Why don’t you run for Chief when the next election comes around? Oh wait... You don’t have to run for office. You’ve already given yourself the job!
Apparently the City and Board of Aldermen paid no attention to Raytown Fire Chief Mace in April 2016 when he used the Cities numbers to show them this was going to happen. I don't know why the BOA is so surprised. Perhaps if they had not been so busy trying to deny the facts they would have come up with a remedy for the problem. The basic job of the BOA is the provide basic services to the citizens. Police should be on the top of that list. Shame on you all, you are not listening to the people who elected you.
Throwing money at PD reminds me of when money was thrown at the Kansas city school district, and we see how well that turned out...
The Walmart deal the City made is either corruption in politics, professional incompetence or perhaps both. We will always remember the deal made by the Sue Frank Administration (Winson, Estes, Frank) and inherited by the Dave Bower Administration (Sharma, Bower) that brought this wonderful city to its knees. Coupled with out-of-control spending by PD, and no oversight by the Finance Department (Loughry) to control spending and inform the Mayor and BOA of a pending financial doomsday, the citizens of Raytown have suffered tremendously and with no end in sight. There is no answer, but to cut programs, cut perks for PD and City hall and take a hard look at what is really needed to support the blue on the street and support personnel. I would start with a certain Major in the Police Department and work my way up.
The BOA is doing thier job, obviously when the Fire department brought up their concerns the Aldermen took it seriously, remember the ones getting trashed in the local paper by the former Alderman for meeting and trying to get information? Give me a break! I respect a majority on this board for trying to clean up a bad situation created by several years of poor decisions and poor managment, and yes that includes the PD.
cases didn't get solved when we have a ton of detectives
Before the FD called out the issues with bonds, a local news man was trying to get everyone one alerted to the fact the police pension was destroying the future of Raytown.
The future is now and the deception of both have created a clear and dangerous path for our city.
we need to stop blaming the current BOA of cleaning up these messes that started under Sue Frank's administration and allowed to grow unmanaged and without oversight under David Bower's administration.
8:57 Good questions, but don't hold your breath on getting an answer.
10:54 they seem unable to solve cases today even when the victims provide all the evidence to solve the cases.
Nothing professional or to brag about in that now is there!
Sight specifics or it sounds like you have a grudge. Have you tried to contact the detectives?
Are there any other news sources for Raytown? Print newspapers? What happened to that Brooking Eagle paper? Or is this the only thing going other than the city's website?
Cases investigated by the detectives are turned over to the prosecutor office and they make the decisions from what I understand
Normal protocol
3:25 Several calls have been made and get the run around.
Do you call the professional?
The prosecutor makes the decision on whether to file charges. Pd can only present case. I get it, it’s frustrating. But there is also a lot of turmoil right now due to boa cutting budget so drastically. Changes will be forthcoming unless the board changes their position. It’s jist a fact. Lower priority crimes will go uninvestigated. The board is to blame,past and present.
Question for Raytown citizens. Some cities fail because they are too large while others fail because they are too small. Sometime geography is not kind. If the voters vote down a tax increase, would you be in favor of outsourcing/privatization of city services? Yes or No... and why....
The needs of Raytown are great and the resources are few. Seems to me that nearly all departments could be outsourced with significant cost savings. Redundancies could be eliminated. Contracting with the Sheriffs department for police services? Contracting with Kansas City for everything else? The city manager would need the resources to monitor the performance of the contractors. Do you all think this is where we could be heading? I have my doubts that Raytown can remain a viable city with its limited budget, limited economy and limited available development potential. And I define viable as a city that takes care of its responsibilities well.
To 10:54 PM- Well said and I agree with you 100%. Raytown past and present is too far damaged to survive.
I arrive at this view reluctantly and it would not be my first choice. Imagine what could happen if the tax base declines and revenue falls? The City has a limited window of time to turn things around.
I am not a big fan of the chief or mayor saying that to say this. the officers that work at Wal Mart are paid by Wal Mart and they work on their days off ect. The chief said at the meeting on Tuesday night that a car is parked at Wal Mart while the officers are working is a deterrent to criminal activity and also so if a crime is committed the off duty officer can transport them to the jail without calling an officer off the street to that. That is just common sense thinking and for that I applaud him. For building up the department until it implodes because of a budget that can not possibly be met not that is just plain stupid.
Alderman Teeman bettr hope Wal Mart doesn't pack up and leave, then the city will be in one smell of a hess. Not a big fan of the store myself. Lets face it, it's not Wal Mart's fault they got the deal they did. They were a business looking for a deal and then mayor Sue Frank and Curt Wenson gave them the city along with the golden key.
9:37 9/28,
You might want to do fact checking.
Yes, I do mean that Jim Lynch lied again!
They always call a car and take someone from the streets out of service when someone is arrested at Wal-Mart. They don't have the person working security do it.
Remember the old saying fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. Sorry to say, but shame on you.
Call your Alderman they will validate that what I have written is the truth as well as several of Jim's staff.
OK here’s what I’ve been able to gather about all this cop at Walmart thing. Let it rest is made the officer does report and a complaint of some type. I have seen them stuff a bad guy n their car and take off to the jail with them.
I have also been there when the officer working off duty has jumped in his police car turn on his red lights and siren and barreled out of there. When I have asked the Walmart security person where the cop went they advised that the officers in the field need assistance and the officer from Walmart will respond on calls when necessary . Sounds like a win-win to me. Quit pissing in moaning and making accusations about people lying when you don’t have all the facts
1:41 lets see the radio dispatch and hear the tapes
I do think you again for proving why the BOA is turning on GPS to help stop the lies!
I hope the city buys a big Insurance policy of they think the police cars need gps that any Joe Schmo can access or hack. Because in today’s climate, the first officer who is hurt or killed because some thug hacked it and ambushes them, I will represent their family pro bono. Just because you think it’s a good idea, doesn’t mean it is.
Clearly majority of these posts are written by adults that were bullied or not loved as a child. You can scream foul play etc etc. As anything else at places of employment you mention cuts employees effected or not bail. We will all be lucky after this is said and done we have much of a force left. My guess is there won't be lay offs because everyone will leave. We may have money problems now, just wait until we are paying a contract through the County for there protection.
I think it’s pretty funny that these folks are so uninformed!
I did a ride along last year. When the cars are in service they already have GPS and show up on a screen in the 911 room. More BS about much of nothing
Hey Aldermen
You have hired the best staff from what I have read and seen. Us voters elected our Chief.
Now get the hell out of the way and let them do their job!!!
You all continue to micro manage
You all are a policy making board not daily directors.
Your main problem was listening to your former finance man about stability of the financials and that Mahesh hired him back after he left the first time
You understand 10:25 that the Aldermen were elected to manage. They can't legally pass the budget the Chief wants.
The chiefs admitted not all cars had gps, even though its suppose to be policy now.
Are we looking at the end result of City Hall creating urban blight? Mismanagement of funds leading to failing roads, dwindling city services, reduced Police and Fire protection? I think someone is setting this up for a takeover by Kansas City, Missouri..... Better get out while we can
As I recall Walmart only revived a sliver of the Tif money, I believe it was something like 4.5 million. I the remaining 35.5 million was missed managed by the city which is why the project has failed. Blame Walmart all you want but the fact is the reason why the City is bankrupt is through no fault of their own. Rather than pursue legal maneuvers against Walmart, This city would be far better served to pursue action against the former professional staff who were responsible for the misuse of $35.5 million dollars. The city should pursue both civil and criminal action against the former city administrator and the former finance director(s) as far back as Dan Estes who is the architect in brains behind the whole project. The city has had four or five finance directors in the last 10 years and you cannot tell me not a single one of them could not have caught this before now. I know hindsight is 2020, but someone should have caught this before now, in a make. you wonder how far back how far up this goes. I do not believe for one minute that David Bower, a architect Who routinely builds public and private projects all around the country utilizing text increment financing tools to fund them, did not or could not have known this project was an insidious cancer eating away at our community. I do not believe that not a single one of the five finance directors did not say hey wait a minute we got a problem, or we shouldn't do this. Looking back I have to assume this is why we've had five finance directors, why the city has changed auditing companies three times in the last 10 years and why last year 100% of the leadership of City Hall ran like rats jumping from a sinking ship. Now I realize what's done is done, but until learn what mistakes were made and hold those accountable who are responsible for making them we cannot accurately say it'll never happen again. Now I realize this board is trying to do the best they can with what they have. And I'd be willing to bet my hat that the city is already concocting some pie in the sky tax increase for the April ballot. To them I say if you want my vote do this, Hire an independent auditing firm to perform a forensic investigation on this Tif project Beginning in 2005 to present. Direct the firm conducting this investigation to examine all facets this project including the projected revenue numbers, the issuance costs, dispersement authorizations, fiscal oversight, statutory compliance, and compliance with internal controls and procedures. This investigation must be transparent and once it is complete it needs to be made public for all to see. Lastly, if you want my vote the city must hold those determined to be responsible accountable.
Only accessible to the PD, which is the way it should be. The city staff can’t be trusted to keep officers safe.
There are so many people on both sides of the fence here in Raytown, which reminds me of the divide Trump is having on our Nation.
We in Raytown have options that are not always available to the Nation and that is it wouldn't take much to investigate the police department and find out the truth on many items.
The odd thing is neither elected side BOA or Lynch have even brought this up as an easy solution to the get the truth.
St Louis on the other had is in the middle of civil unrest and regardless of the side you might be on their chief of police is asking for an investigation into his department.
He has taken the position the police did nothing wrong when they arrested non-protesters, but believes the best way to put this to rest is to allow an outside investigation.
The is professional leadership and all though I question the actions of his department I respect anyone who puts is own department in the cross hairs of an investigation that may end badly for them.
I hope my fellow citizens will join me in calling our elected officials and asking for an investigation to obtain the truth and put this mess to rest.
If that doesn't get action maybe a calling tree to local news stations about questions floating around Raytown and this blog that remain unanswered and how a simple independent investigations would give everyone the truth and may prevent them from eating crow.
If you had an independent audit of the TIF the City would be in so much shit, they can't even produce all of the documents that they should have to the TIF and the management of it has been less than piss poor. BTW, It doesn't really matter if the Police at Wal-Mart can transport prisoners or not, we are no longer going to have a jail.
12:28 you do know we have a higher crime rate at our walmart because we are a 4th class city.
Yes, the good folks that didn't want a charter also limited the power of the court and the most a 4th class city can fine is $500.00
Other cities are now at $1,000 or more so the next time you are looking at criminal impacts in Raytown think those who want to keep all of us as back woods as their thinking.
Shame on closed minded thinkers
Raytown Beach Bum,
Grab hold of this wild ride, but Walmart didn't get any of the money!
Read the docs and it is the school district that is bleeding Raytown dry to the tone of 25 million or more.
The rest of the 40 million for the bond has been spent paying the interest instead of making a balloon payment on the principal.
What finance wizard came up with this plan, Bernard (Bernie) Madoff!
A lot of questions, but still no leadership providing answers.
Breaking News!!!
The Jackson County Legislators are have Populous review and present cost for repairs to the Jackson County jail.
This is a dangerous and expenses path to engage in as Populous is the same company where former Mayor David Bower works.
This is also the company that loves TIF projects for sports stadiums and we all know the price we are now paying for public safety because of David Bower and his love for TIfs.
Please contact your country legislator and ask for 2nd opinion and other options so the county doesn't end up in the same mess as our city.
Scott Burnett - (816) 881-3076
Alfred Jordan - (816) 881-3806
Theresa Galvin - (816) 881-3132
Garry J. Baker - (816) 881-4477
Crystal Williams - (816) 881-3464
Tony Miller - (816) 881-4423
Raytown Report once again leading the way!
Actually not true. Senate bill 5 created after the bs in furgeson, cut courts and police departments at the knees. That’s what controls what any municipality can charge criminals in their Court.
3:29 It did make cuts, but once again we don't have true Raytown numbers to know if there is any impact to Raytown.
Interesting it also says cities must balance their budgets!
No the Board is not elected to manage. They are a policy making entity which is why they micro manage. They don’t understand their role.
The City Administrator should be managing and bring forth the product for them to see and vote on. They hired professionals now let them do their job. Oh, and if a portion of the reserves can’t be used to help balance, then the last 10 or 12 years the boards have been passing illegal budgets. So which is it!!
What numbers are you talking about?
Funny Lynch is crying like a baby, which he must be learning from a national leader, but that same national leader keeps dropping in % points.
Sounds like the feelings towards Lynch.
Man up, answer questions, tell the truth!
Several on this blog have pointed the finger at the real crooks and who took the money.
Are you now not a cop and have detectives that can validate that those comments are fact or is it just more proof that under your leadership our police department is the worst in the nation.
This would explain the complaints on this blog about people having to solve crimes, which are reported with all the answers and proof to your detectives, but still they do nothing.
Thank you to the current Board of Alderman for trying to reign in spending and save Raytown from financial ruin. People want every city service funded to suit them whether there is money available or not. Real life does not work that way. Not for responsible people. The result of the budget cuts will be undesirable, but past decisions have consequences.
What's wrong with raising the city mill levy...if it helps the city
The Furgeson effect has apparently hit our traffic court. Perfect timing F
The Raytown Walmart made national news:
The board does understand their role, which is to keep the city from going under. As for Teeman and Moore I understand you personally don't like Wal Mart well keep that to yourself and don't bring personal grudges and dislikes to the diocese. Your mouths could great harm to the city.
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