Missouri Governor Eric Greitens has appointed former Ward 5 Alderman Eric Teeman of Raytown of Raytown to the Missouri Board of Education.
Missouri Governor Eric Greitens has appointed former Ward 5 Alderman Eric Teeman of Raytown of Raytown to the Missouri Board of Education.
Teeman, who resigned his seat on the Raytown Board of Aldermen last
month, is the latest of a number of appointments by Governor Greitens to the
Missouri Board of Education. It is expected that Teeman will be a voice for
alternative schooling opportunities for Missourians.
He and his wife home school their children. Teeman is active in Raytown
youth activities. He is the owner of Visiting Angels, a senior-care business.
December 1, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. Downtown
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Board of Aldermen Vote to
Approve Chain of
The Board of Aldermen has voted to re-affirm
the Chain of Command at Raytown City Hall.
By a vote of eight yes, one abstention, and
one seat vacant, the Board answered any question regarding the role of the City
Administrator at City Hall. Just as important was the message from the majority
of the Board re-affirming the organizational chart at Raytown City Hall.
Previous to this action by the Board, the
role of City Administrator was not included in the city’s organizational chart.
City Attorney Joe Willerth told Board members the Board of Aldermen has final
authority over the City Administrator and the Police department.
The amendment was made to an ordinance
adopted in 1995. The vote was on the amendment, which set in writing the
following structure.
- Mayor and Board of Aldermen
- City Administrator
- Department Heads (elected and appointed)
The vote clearly sets the Board of Aldermen
and to a lesser extent, the Mayor in charge at City Hall.
The Mayor does not
have a vote on matters before the Board, except when there is a tie vote. However, the
Mayor does have veto power in a Fourth Class City, but it is rarely used. On
this issue in particular, the fact that eight of the nine members of the Board
approved the amendment makes it literally veto proof.
Many members of the Board saw the vote as a
test of the viability of the City’s new Personnel Code. The Personnel Code has
been the tool used by the City Administrator and Board of Aldermen as a means
of bringing some semblance of order to the day to day operation at City Hall.
Board members were quick to affirm the day to
day operations of the city’s various departments remains the responsibility of
the appointed and elected Department Heads. It also clarifies the
responsibility of department heads to follow direction given by the City
Administrator (and backed by the Board of Aldermen) on matters of policy.
A good example of this is the non-compliance
of the Police Department as regards GPS tracking of ALL city owned vehicles.
The personnel code, which was approved early last summer, specifically directs
all city vehicles to have GPS tracking installed.
Inquiries from Board members as to why the
devices have not been installed have not been adequately answered by police
department spokesmen.
It is one thing to take the step the Board
did at its last meeting. Now it is time to see if there will be any effect from
the position they have taken. The rules have been clarified. City ordinances
are very clear. It is high time all of city hall be run by those ordinances.
The Paul Livius Report BY PAUL LIVIUS
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
21, 2017
Representative Jerome Barnes said Alderman
Jim Aziere was inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame for his 47 years
as a swim coach in the Raytown School District.
Phyllis Goforth and Pam Clark said December 1
is the Holiday Lighting Ceremony. It
starts at 6:00 pm and will include the school children singing and a
non-perishable food collection for REAP. Also, December 8-9-10 at the Raytown
Christian Church will be a display of Nativity Scenes. On December 10 at 7:00 will be the Festival
of Bells at the Raytown Christian Church presented by Sue Ann Comfort.
The Board passed an ordinance amending
chapter 26, Law Enforcement 1, relating to the administrative officer of police
department. The Current Code of Ordinances state that “Recognizing the need for
adequate supervision of the Police Department, the Chief of Police shall act as
administrative officer of said Police Department”. The added language to the
attached amended ordinance is not intended to interfere with the ability of the
Chief of Police to manage the day-to-day operation of the department; however,
it is intended to improve efficiency and be consistent with oversight of other
City departments.
This will clarify the City Administrator shall be the
administrative officer charged with the supervision of the operation of all
departments as stated in Chapter 2, Article III, Division 2, Section 2-130 (a),
Administrative Office. The city administrator shall be the chief administrative
assistant to the mayor and such shall be the administrative officer of the city
government which shall coordinate and generally supervise the operation of all
departments of the City. Additionally, in the recently adopted City of Raytown
Personnel Manual, the City Administrator is charged with the Administration of
the Manual; however, Section 26-21 is in conflict with that Board of Aldermen
The Board asked Tom Cole
about his thoughts on the proposed ordinance.
Mr. Cole stated if it only pertained to the budget and not the policy
manual, it was pretty much worthless.
Alderman Jason Greene asked who ran the city in 1995 when the original
personnel manual was written.
City Attorney Joe Willerth told the Board the
law for a 4th class city has not changed.
The Board has final authority over the police department. Neither the policy manual nor an ordinance
can take the Board out of the chain of command. The ordinance passed by a vote
of 8 ayes and one abstention.
How they voted:
Black, Aziere, Moore, Myers,
VanBuskirk, Meyers, Mims
ABSTAIN........Jason Greene
VanBuskirk, Meyers, Mims
ABSTAIN........Jason Greene
VACANT..........Ward 5 seat is vacant
The Board heard the first reading of an
ordinance amending code of ordinances for sewer rate user fees. Over the past several years, sewer treatment
costs have risen for treatment services provided by Kansas City Missouri (KCMO)
and for Little Blue Valley Sewer District (LBVSD) provided services. For
several years, the City staff was able to maintain the City rate through the
implementation of numerous cost-saving programs.
This year in order to be
compliant with funding requirements associated with debt issued for the sewer
fund the sewer rate will need to be increased approximately 5% across the
board. This will ensure sustainability of the fund. Based on historical
increases from KCMO and LBVSD there will be additional increases needed in
future years.
Due to rising costs in treatment, maintenance, and operations,
staff is recommending the following adjustments to Chapter 44: 1) Amend c (4)
to read Base Rate - the Base Rate shall be $[14.70] 15.44 per month. 2) Amend c
(9) to read Variable rate. The revenue charged expressed in per 1,000 gallons
that is derived when the annual variable rate revenue requirement is divided by
the customer volumes, estimated to be $8.28 and $8.69 per 1,000 gallons, in
excess of 1,000 gallons.
The Board passed a resolution approving an
amendment to the Raytown Personnel Manual adopted December 20, 2016 relating to
a social media policy. Social media tools are a powerful form of communication
that can have a significant impact on organizational, professional, and
individual reputations. Forms of social media include but are not limited to, Google+,,, and, as well as
personal websites and weblogs (blogs).
Employees must exercise care when
participating in social media, as the lines between personal and professional
content, lawful and unlawful, and between public and private content, are often
blurred. Whether participating on behalf of the City or personally, employees
should follow the same standards of behavior “online” as they would if “in
person” and should be mindful of how their online activities reflect upon
themselves, their particular position with the City and the City as a whole.
The purpose of this policy is to respect each
employee’s right to participate in social media while balancing the City’s
legal, fiscal and safety obligations to its employees and citizens under state
and federal laws. This policy should be read and applied in conjunction with
the City’s Electronic Communication and Internet Usage policy.
Employees who become aware of a violation of
this policy have a duty to notify their supervisor, department head, City
Administrator or the Human Resources Manager immediately. In accordance with
the Electronic Communication and Internet Usage policy, employees are reminded
that they should have no expectation of privacy when using and/or accessing the
Internet, which includes social networking sites: (1) during work hours; (2) on
City equipment; or (3) to the extent that the content is publicly available.
There are times when social media postings by
employees may create potential criminal or civil liability for the City. If the
City determines that to be the case, it reserves the right to require the
posting be removed and to impose discipline up to and including termination.
The Board tabled until December 5, 2017, a resolution
providing for an amendment to the Raytown Personnel Manual adopted December 20,
2016 relating to Employment and Benefits, Separation from Municipal Service;
“. . . a political
campaign of misinformation, spread through the inaccuracies of Facebook
comments, and a none too subtle attempt to manipulate the video news media in
Kansas City has created a toxic atmosphere in which tempers are short”, said
Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims.
The following outline
of events, as seen through the eyes of Mims, shows how frayed nerves and the
tension at Raytown City Hall has intensified throughout the community. She
offers the following timeline of events during the city’s Budget Process.
- “When city departments were instructed to decrease their budget requests, they all complied with deep cuts to help meet budget shortfalls. All, except for the Police Department. They came forward with requests for budget-busting increases in excess of six figures in additional dollars on top of the 8.4 million they had started with”.
- Chief of Police Jim Lynch released public statements via Facebook condemning the Board of Aldermen for attempting to cut police officer positions to balance the budget.
- Mayor Mike McDonough then released comments via Facebook in which he called the City Administrator and Board’s request as “reckless”.
- When Alderman Mims asked for historical data on police policies through the City Clerk’s office and the Office of the City Administrator. She received a call from Police Chief Jim Lynch. According to Mims, Lynch told her, “If she (Mims) wanted information about his department she had to ask him”. Mims replied she was following proper protocol by using the lines of communication to ask for public information. She said she found the interaction with Lynch as “defensive to her requests”. In response, Lynch raised his voice over the phone at Mims. Mims said he was so out of control that a Police Major took over the conversation.
- Mims wrote, “Throughout this this year’s budget process, myself and other Board members asked Police staff some very tough questions”. The resulting answers made us ask this question, “Is this how business is really conducted? We quickly realized that once the Chief and other command staff are told no, then pressure and intimidation is applied to the Board of Aldermen”.
- At an early budget meeting police officials walked out of budget meetings when Board members began asking pointed questions on spending policies within the Police Department.
- October 6, 2017 City Clerk Teresa Henry, Aldermen Mark Moore and Bonnaye Mims were meeting in the Clerk’s office when the city Finance Director walked in. Mims wrote, "She was visibly shaking and broke down crying. She had just left her office after meeting with the Chief of Police. He had questioned why she had drawn up an organizational chart of the Police Department.She responded to Lynch that the direction to create the chart had come from the Aldermen and City Administrator. Lynch told her, he and the FOP have had it up to here with you,and I (Lynch) want you to be aware that you can be personally liable and that the FOP had discussed suing you."
- After giving a passionate speech in support of budget cuts during a work session of the Board, Alderman Mark Moore was confronted by Jim Lynch. After his speech, Moore excused himself from the meeting. As he was leaving Moore said something to Mims. She did not clearly hear what he had to say so she followed him out into the hallway behind the Council dias. Chief Lynch was standing there waiting for Moore. When he saw Mims he pointed at her and raised his voice saying, “you go back in there, I got this handled” and proceeded to walk up Moore saying “what’s your damn problem”. At this point I left the hallway and returned to the dias. You could hear the ensuing argument between Lynch and Moore through the closed door.
- While driving to a Raytown Chamber of Commerce meeting Mims received a phone call from an unknown person. According to Mims the caller said, “N-----, watch your back . . . messing with our Police Chief and Mayor, we’re going to get rid of your ass”. Mims has reported the phone call to the appropriate authorities regarding race relations.
- Mims said "The conduct of Police Chief Lynch, and to a lesser extent, that of Mayor Mike McDonough has been unacceptable. The tactics they have used are those of a bully. Intimidation and threats have no place in any type of business, public or private. Just how petty and small minded some of the attacks of intimidation have become can best be shown in what happened to one of my seatmates on the Board of Aldermen."
- Ward 4 Alderman Bill VanBuskirk is a former licensed Raytown police officer. He worked as reserve for the Department in the 1970’s. Each year the Department has a fundraising event to benefit REAP and the Policeman’s Benefit Association. Each year, Mr. VanBuskirk makes a donation to the event. This year, Police Chief Jim Lynch had VanBuskirk’s donation returned to him. Bill’s wife, Mary Jane VanBuskirk, upon receiving the check told him she would make the donation directly to REAP herself. What did anyone hope to gain by this rude, senseless and hurtful act?
Their actions are an
embarrassment to the city. They should stop their acts of non-compliance,
insults and bad behavior. They should channel their energy and effort to work
with the Board of Aldermen for Raytown’s future.
To leave a comment use this link POST A COMMENT

Wow. If you love Raytown, you will STOP with personal attacks against leadership. It is time for us to roll up our sleeves and work together to create a better city and deal with the monetary crisis in which we find ourselves.
Who is making personal attacks? And who or at what department?
I noticed on the local social media site that someone lost their cat. The Rock Lady told them they can’t keep posting about the cat. I guess if it doesn’t involve rocks or aldermen bashing she doesn’t want it on her page.
First time seeing this website, and only know of it now because if the ridiculous statements made by Mimms. I’m amazed at the comments on here...first I can’t wrap my head around how any of you could have these opinions, and where were all of you when public comments were made at the board meetings??!! Because I can tell you I heard ZERO comments from citizens that did not back up Lynch. I assume also that you haven’t attended or you would have been watching a certain alderwoman spend entirely too much time on her phone, when she wasn’t talking to the citizens like they were so beneath her. Kind of leads me to think 90% of these comments are probably bogus....
The last post is precious. Someone who loves to comment on facebook wrote someone else spends too much time on her phone!
Did it ever occur to you that some people are intimidated when the Chief law enforcement officers threatens to sue you? Do you really wonder if other people are not concerned that if they speak up they may be the next target?
Don't confuse the shrinking number of the public attending a city council meeting as a fair sampling of the 30,000 people who live in Raytown. They are not.
Again incorrect reporting of the events of the meeting.
Greg. Thank you allowing anonymous postings. Seeing what PD will do to a person who questions or threatens their power and authority is downright frightening. Lynch has got to go for their to be peace between the Board and Police Department
The attendance numbers will ebb and flow. I would hate for anybody here to eat crow when the numbers start picking up again, and they will I can assure you.
If you believe in Democracy, and if you believe your point of view is correct, then come to the meeting and speak. Don't be "afraid"
Otherwise, we are left to hold the only logical view, which is, this board is filled with Aldermen posting anonymously with their surrogates doing the same.
We do not see people at the other place posting these remarks, only here.. We do not see people representing the views on this blog at the BOA meetings, only citizens that support the police department.
What other conclusion is there? If your cause is just and true, come to the BOA meeting and express your appreciation to the BOA, and express your anti-lynch views, instead of posting here anonymously. We are perplexed, and actually expected citizens with differing views to show up. But so far, zelch...... Very strange indeed...
Esteemed neophytes:
Do we question the ethics and abilities of some of our elected officials in Raytown?
Yes we do. Just like you.
Do we question their ability to comprehend the facts as presented before them and make competent decisions?
Yes we do. Just like you.
Suppose that this "mayor", "police chief" and aldermen were evaluated in a public forum by a jury of anonymous, unbiased peers (mayors, city administrators, dog catchers)?
Could they adapt and survive on cross?
The answers would likely range from highly doubt it to oh h*ll no, while a couple-few aldermen would make us blush with pride.
We'd clear our schedules, bag up some Funky Chunky and sit in the front row to witness the fun.
Why fork over 100K for an audit when we could have some gratis enlightenment?
Someone set up a call tree. Let's get some real answers.
Raytown cannot survive any more boobie prize officials, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you concur?
We so tire of this dystopian fracas.
Who is embarrassing the City? It's this BOA not the Police Dept.
If they are not a good sampling of the population then where oh where are the ones of which you speak??
"The rock lady"???
Who are you speaking of? I don't know a "rock lady?"
I know there is a community page that is dedicated to rock painting, hiding and finding that has brought POSITIVE light on our little city.
The "lost cat" should go an appropriate page.
I have attended or viewed every meeting and heard NO ONE speak out against the Chief besides some of the alderman.
I am interested to see if my comment even makes it on the blog (blog, definitely not a news page).
We shall see what happens I suppose.
I don't need to comment at a meeting, because the Aldermen are already doing exactly what I believe they should. They are restoring supervision of all city departments to where it belongs, with the Board of Aldermen. Lack of supervision is what got us where we are today, nearly bankrupt and out of control.
After reading Raytown Unleashed this morning I truly wonder if they realize all the harm they are dong to the city all profess to love so much. Think about people you are harming this city beyond repair.
"I don't need to comment at a meeting, because the Aldermen are already doing exactly what I believe they should. They are restoring supervision of all city departments to where it belongs, with the Board of Aldermen. Lack of supervision is what got us where we are today, nearly bankrupt and out of control."
PRECISELY. Thank you, November 27, 2017 at 1:09 PM.
This appears to be a battle between the old guard and the new guard, a generational disagreement and power struggle. When you ask both sides what they want, you get very similar answers.
What I will say is this, if you love Raytown, then come to the BOA meetings and express your views. Don't cop out (pun intended) and claim you are scared of the police. Don't cop out (pun intended) and say you don't need to express your views. Joe Cramer is the only person that has expressed his contrary views elsewhere. Why is he alone? Democracy works best when everybody stands up for what they believe in. Stand up, give your name and address, speak your mind at the next BOA meeting. Or better yet, come over and visit the other online place and fight for what you believe in there. As long as you are respectful you can state your case, but you will be challenged, so bring good arguments.
Let's exercise a bit consideration and henceforth provide a safe space for the some of the "Unglued" people. Shall we?
Perhaps they just arrived here fresh off the steamboat from Idaho Falls, or until recently were still in their onesies and are just now getting involved in the "Raytown Scene".
Both groups have a somewhat idealized vision of how their city leaders should "be".
And both groups are apparently just now realizing that there are opinions out there other than their own.
We've been in Raytown for decades and own a business here. Many of us, including yours truly, have had dozens of interactions with some of the current people in City Hall. There are some really great individuals up there.
They others? It's not so pretty.
We speak from tired experience.
I'm certain that your dissention is welcome here any time, "Un-people".
Sometimes the process isn't very pretty, but that's how things get fixed.
There will never be peace between the Pd and boa after the slash job they did and the results it has caused from what I have seen.
For the few who repeatedly call for us to come to the podium and become a target. Let me enlighten you you. I have contacted my aldermen directly and have had my say-so. If you ask around you will see that this is the most common way of communicating our wishes to the BOR.
Not in a public forum which is not so easy to do.
Trust me. The will of the majority is being well represented by the current BOR and I thank them.
BTW... If I felt I was in a threatened minority, I would dam sure get up there on my hind legs and try to sway opinion.
The "Rock Lady" her head is as hard as a rock, so opinionated and one sided. If you don't agree with her than watch out, she will come after you. I personally wonder who is exactly running this City ? The Mayor or Chief of Police or the Rock Lady ???
Soooooo your opinion is more important than all the others and you think there’s more out there that support this boards position than against?
Hmmmm sounds real scientific!
Not the citizens.
Oh, give us a break! The city was teetering on verge of bankruptcy. That means they were running out of money. Nobody was let go at City Hall because of spite, hate, or whatever negative image some of the writers on this blog try to create. It is difficult medicine to swallow, but if the city does not change its way of doing business, particularly on meeting payroll expenses, then we all lose.
How do people expect to pay for more police? With warm fuzzy feelings.
It is heartening to learn on this page the police will still write police reports. People need them to file claims with their insurance companies. Particularly automobile reports.
I am not sure what an incident report is. It has been used so much lately by those who post on this blog. Maybe one of those writers can explain if there is a difference between and incident report and police report.
I sure hope they are not talking about the two or threee word description the police department publishes to show what crime was committed.
Insurance companies will not use them as a police report.
By the way. I was by Walmart on 350 Highway yesterday. The off duty officer was using a police vehicle. At least there was one parked their quite a while.
The reason given for the use of police vehicles at Walmart in the past was so if the officer arrested someone, they could use the vehicle to take the felon to the jail. If what I have read in Facebook is true that there are no jail personnel, does that mean the reason for the police SUV no longer holds water?
I wonder if Walmart is paying for the use of the vehicle. particularly the gasoline that it burns.
There seem to be plenty of informed people posting here. Please enlighten the rest of us.
Brilliant expository analysis, 7:14 AM! Pay closer attention to comments next time, however. Have a nice day.
I lay awake the better part of the night worrying and wondering how I was going to pay my bills this month and the months to come. You see I am a senior citizens and on a fixed income. My real estate taxes went up $102.00, sewer to go up 5%, gas bill going up, meds up and insurance paying less, health insurance up and on and on the story goes. Meanwhile we have a mayor who has gotten together an ad hoc committee to figure out how to raise taxes. Mr. Mayor if your buddy Lynch hadn't tried to bankrupt the city with his absorbent spending and handing out raises to his buddies like candy we may not be in the shape we are in. Our population of this city is I would say probably 75 to 85% seniors on a fixed income and the rest are low income families struggling to just make it month to month. Now we must all pay for you and your buddies arrogance. You and Lynch can walk around like a bandy rooster but just know your popularity is fading fast.
Rumors, they're out there, and I have no doubt that this is one of them, but I was wondering if there was any truth to the police chief asking for a $24,000 desk. A mahogany desk. Certainly it can't be for one singular item? Does anyone know what the $24,000 (if true) was actually for?
@12:46 p.m.
My condolences. The Aldermen got us into the TIFF situation that the City is obligated for. And, they never said NO to the police department requests. Most of the responsibility for this lies with the Aldermen who were around to approve these requests.
You're absolutely correct. The aldermen did get us in this mess, both from the TIF bonds and the overspending by the police department. BUT - with the exception of Jim Aziere, none of the current board are responsible for any of that. The current board has been slowly but surely reducing the budget each of the last 2 years they have been there. They just weren't able to reduce it low enough or fast enough to avoid the current problems. We can't go back and throw stones at the former aldermen. That would be a waste of time. All we can do is try to find ways this never happens again.
I was going back and reading some of the older post, and I finally figured it out. Who carries the water for Lynch it is McDonough, who carries the water for him it is Jason Green and Janet Vobeck Brown. There is your chain folks.
There is very little public evidence for your theory. The Mayor remains quiet on many issues and does not tip his hand so easily. At least with the public. Are you an Alderman? If you are, then your comment might make sense, especially if you are witness to information the public is not? Jason Greene got hung up on some language with the new amendment and abstained. hardly carrying the water for anybody. These type of comments are not helpful, unless you have direct knowledge that the public is not privy too. Care to expand your comments further?
Dear citizens,
Are you sure the former BOA never said "NO" to the police out of fear of attack?
The would has changed greatly in the last couple of years and people across our great nation are tired of the abuse and wrongful kills done by those who are to protect us.
Don't forget how James (Jim) Lynch has contacted the news media and invited the criminal element into our city. Where is the professionalism in that action!
The police overspending is the lack of responsible, ethical and professional leadership within the police department.
If any other group needs blamed is the "Tax Oversight Committee" who only provided a rubber stamp, but never once called out any of the items purchased to ensure they were actually needed and that the lowest and best bid was the one presented to them let alone that more than one bid was ever received, which just happens to be the law if they would have taken the time to read the state statues, but this is Raytown and as long as they could be "YES" men for the police department they continue to be patted on the back for the job they have done.
12:56 Not sure if that is true, but Lynch likes to spend $1,000 a pair for boots.
I spoke with several folks who cannot believe that stunt was allowed.
6:27 pm
The tax oversight committee is there to be sure the items money is spent for fits with intended purpose of a certain tax fund. Most all items that come before them are already approved each year in the budget. They just approve the purpose not the price, number of things etc.
8:46 If you really think that is oversight you need to invest in things like Trump University!
5:03 PM - "The Mayor remains quiet on many issues and does not tip his hand so easily. At least with the public."
Are we the only ones that have noticed of late that the mayor seems to be a great deal more reserved with comments and facial expressions? We think he's aware (finally) that his actions and behavior are being very carefully scrutinized, probably given his relationship to the police department and "with" Jim Lynch. (We for one welcome the change.)
People...please proofread your posts before you hit "publish".
Several posts are hard to read because of misspelled words, choppy grammar, and overall disjointed sentences.
I know when I misspell a word it is underlined in red.
The Grammar Police
8:46 Thank you for your answer.
It validates that because the members of the tax oversight committee members are not free thinkers and having even the slightest bit of common sense to ask resonable questions that anyone else would see as expected oversight the police were able to go and spend like a sailor on leave.
I know that I want to know who is on this committee so I can call my alderman and ask them to continue their clean up efforts at city hall.
I also hope the citizens that are blaming the board focus their effort on the members of this committee at they appear to be the true ones to blame for getting the city into this mess.
Again for those not knowledgeable about what they speak. This committee oversees the reason for that money spent and if it fits with the tax not how much or why. That is already taken care of by the board of alderman that the time they pass the budget
Asking for something and getting are two entirely different things. Is it irresponsible to ask for the moon? Yeah. It is also the height of negligence to provide it.
Wrongful kills in other jurisdictions have NOTHING to do with Raytown. Please focus on Raytown or find a St. Louis blog to post in.. oh, and thanks to the BOA, there is no technician to handle the body cams that would address your concerns.
Grammar Police:
"I know when I misspell a word it is underlined in red."
Please revise your sentence by using one of the two following corrections:
1. "When I misspell a word, it becomes underlined in red.".
2. "I know when I misspell a word because it becomes underlined in red."
Anonymous 7:44 am -
Get your facts straight. The body cams don't work because when the RPD put together their budget, they forgot to add in the extra $30,000 for new hardware. The old hardware isn't big enough to handle the storage for the recordings. By the time the RPD finally figured out they needed the new equipment, it was too late. Put the blame where it belongs!
Thank you BOA for what you have done for the city. Here is one household that stands with you. Have a Merry Christmas.
I don't know about trusting Wikipedia. Any yahoo can go into Wikipedia and post.
To the senior citizen who posted. We must lay blame at the feet of former mayor Sue Frank for the deal of the century she gave Wal Mart.
10:15PM, The Walmart deal actually took place under former Mayor David Bower! True it started under Sue Frank's time but it could have been stopped by Mr. Bower when after he took office. There was only one "NO" vote on the BOA by Greg Walters.
Andy Whiteman
11/28 10:22PM, I agree but sometimes spell check won't pick up a misspelling if the wrong spelling is a different word spell correctly. Also I suggest that others do as I do and press preview to proofread before pressing post. That does not always work for me because I read what I wanted to say, not what I actually wrote. When I was younger, I would get my mother to proofread for me. That was BC "before computers" and it meant retyping a whole page for any error.
Andy Whiteman
It seems there is a very limited number of folks on this blog that have been listening too long to the great minds at city hall and believe that "Oversight" is only the justification that an expense falls within the guidelines provide by the same great minds at city hall.
News for you! That is not the definition of oversight nor is it the expectation of what the oversight committee should be doing.
Definition of oversight:
1.) Watchful and responsible care (Example: You to whom oversight of the University is entrusted.)
2 .) Regulatory supervision: (Example: The new manager was given oversight of the project.)
Definition of rubber-stamp:
1.) to approve, endorse, or dispose of as a matter of routine or at the command of another.
Clearly, by following the command of another all the "Oversight" committee is doing is "Ruber-stamping" the expenditures.
How do you now justify that the expectation of the voters in regards to the "Oversight" of the "Public Safety Sales Tax" is really being meet?
I hope the mayor and his special committee to raise taxes understand there are many issues to be address regarding our tax dollars are being spent and where is the true "Oversight" we expected all off which needs answered before any of us vote to give more money to a group of ungrateful, unjustified, and overspending individuals.
From what I have read it sounds like the people overseeing the spending of those on food stamps are now overseeing the public safety sales tax.
No surprise that neither is being watched correctly for fraud.
Have to be careful with anything posted on the intranet
Come on Sue got Bower elected just like she did Lynch.
The vote in question you speak of was taken how many minutes after the new Alderman were put on the board.
One person was responsible for Walmart and for Lynch and that is Sue.
Sometime life is that simple.
I just want to thank the Alderman that stood strong and for the the citizens of Raytown last Tuesday night.
I hope the individual who refused to vote in the best interest of Raytown teaches his students to be stronger and more focused on the good of everyone than he voted last Tuesday night.
He gave his reasoning and logic. That wording even according to the city attorney was a poor choice. I watched the meeting live and he abstained because he agreed with a lot of it. You want to make back handed swipes at a person who has done nothing but explain a logical argument for both sides of an issue and explained his vote? Hide behind your anonymous posts. That guy had been a hell of an alderman taking on issues since he was elected and doing more for kids in our town than you can imagine.
Rich N.
How about you thank him for abstaining because he didn’t feel the need to have boa approval on there. But I guess you don’t think anyone can disagree with your way of thinking. I applaud that alderman.
Considering that Green started the personnel codes that PD has to follow and Green is carrying water. Again sign your name, I'm proud to have a guy who is honest and has the heart he has being my alderman.
Rich N.
5:29 PM, As I recall, there was very little if any change of Alderpeople between Frank and Bower. Those voting for or against the Walmart TIF were the same people and had plenty of time to study the issue and receive input from their constituents. At the time Greg Walters explained to me in a short conversation why this was a BAD deal!
Andy Whiteman
Mr. Rich N. I have not met you. But do admire that fact that you signed your name. Even though I know a lot of guys named Rich, even a few who go by Rick, I do not remember ever meeting who only had an initial for his last name.
I will not be signing my name. Here is why.
At a recent incident city hall the Chief of Police threatened the Finance Department head with a personal lawsuit. Not only was he going to sue her, so was the Fraternal Order of Police. His verbal attack was so withering that the city's Finance Director left her office visibly shaken and crying.
I am not going to allow that to happen to me. The best way to protect myself is remain anonymous. So you will not see me sign my first name with an initial as my last name.
Though I certainly do admire your intent in showing how tough you are by signing Rich N. to your comment.
The cynic in means wonders if it is your real name? I do not think the public will ever know? Do you?
As for the ordinance passed by the Board of Aldermen about the chain of command. I am glad to see the majority of the Board for having the guts to set the record straight. To those men and women, good job! To Bonnaye Mims, you seem to stay focused on the issues. Good for you. Please understand the racial slurs and personal attacks is not the way most Raytowners are. Keep up the good work.
I also admire City Attorney JOe Willerth said "the law for a fourth class city have not changed. The Board has final authority over the police department. Neither the policy manual nor an ordinance can take the Board out of the chain of command.The Board has final authority over the police department. Neither the policy manual nor an ordinance can take the Board out of the chain of command".
That short statement did a lot to clarify the argument for me.
Finally, thank you to the guys who create this blog for us to read. It shares more information than all the others combined. It may not be a newspaper. But it is close enough to it for me.
Did you see the social media page today? Ms. Brown says kids are going around town shooting off fire crackers and then watching the social media page to see how many chicken littles are talking about gunshots. So......... crime in Raytown isn't any worse now than it was six months ago. We just have more pranksters fueled by social media creating havoc in town.
Rich N,
You are the "POT" calling the kettle black as without a full name that can be verified are you too not being anonymous?
I think "Rich" is really "Rick" and the "P" is silent
Therefore the fake name is "RICKing you"
Folks don't let Greene distract you with his little games rather it be at a Board of Alderman meeting or calling himself Rich N for people that are "Bitch-en" about him.
Raytown has many issue to address including wasteful spending approved by Greene.
Alderman Green didn't give a reason he just talked to hear himself talk.
I sure would like to know what Greene has done to make Raytown better.
Maybe him or Rich N could enlighten us.
To all posters, please proof read your posts before sending. Each week many of the post do not make a lot of sense because of spelling errors, missing words and incomplete sentences.
Citizens and business owners have spoke up against the cuts to the police budget, but how many of them have called Block & Co out for their part in this disaster.
New information has come to light that one of Block & Co associates is a member of the Raytown Chamber of Commerce and often attends the luncheons.
Why has the President of the Chamber, Vicki Turnbow, not allowed those same citizens and business owners who are upset and part of the chamber have a question and answer session for this same Block & Co associate?
It needs to be an extra special luncheon with a surprise visit from the news media to help get to the truth on things like why the property next to the Wellness center was paying around $22,000 per year in property taxes and is now paying around $85.
Now they are bring in a non-sales tax generating business on the SE corner of Raytown Trafficway and 350 highway.
Why is Jim Lynch not speaking up on how things like this are impacting police protection?
Alderman Greene seems to think things out and sees the whole piece not just shat he wants to see or some personal agenda like many of the others. I think he is a good Alderperson and wished more of them would follow his lead. Speaking of bullies it’s not the Chief I worry about it it’s the loud one who thinks he speaks for the rest.
The tax inequality is due to the Jackson County tax board not Block. Not a fan of Block but that is where it lays
Your partially wrong. Block petitioned to have the land appraised as agricultural instead of commercial. That's why the taxes are so low. The school board and the city had talked about a joint law suit to get it raised back up. Don't really know what happened to that though.
11:33 Thank you for the information.
It shows that the mayor needs to slow down his committee to hurry up and increase our taxes and instead look at other options to include making sure everyone is paying there fair share in taxes.
I wonder how many more properties are like this and if 12:45 is correct why has the mayor not meet with and held a news conference on the issue.
11:33 AM... "Why has the President of the Chamber, Vicki Turnbow, not allowed those same citizens and business owners who are upset and part of the chamber have a question and answer session for this same Block & Co associate?"
Could Vicki Turnbow's stint with the Raytown Chamber of Commerce be, for lack of a better phrase at the moment, a peculiar form of nepotism? Does she actually have any business experience? Or does your Chamber president merely act as an organizer, arbeiter, or? She was a former dispatcher for the Raytown Police, who married Kris Turnbow, who we recall as being a decent guy. Even though he was police chief in Raymore, and now mayor, he still has a strong connection to this area and naturally has maintained close relationships with the Raytown Mayor and Police Chief.
Don't misunderstand what we're asking here. We are IN NO WAY intending be critical of Mrs. Turnbow, but this close interconnection of mayor-chief-Chamber of Commerce president?
We're simply feeling uncomfortable with these common denominators, given the events of the last several months.
We desperately need more people to become involved in Raytown government.
1:23 pm
The mayor hasn't had a news conference on this subject because Jim Lynch hasn't told him to. Plain and simple. When the mayor talks, the chief's hands are pulling the strings.
November 30, 2017 at 10:20 AM "To all posters, please proof read your posts before sending. Each week many of the post do not make a lot of sense because of spelling errors, missing words and incomplete sentences."
Error list:
1. "To all posters,..." Correct to "To all posters:" Use a colon instead of a comma. (The colon key has two dots above each other (reciprocal pronoun, 2 versions), and is located to the right of the "L", on the third row of the characters on an American keyboard.
Also, please consider revising to "To all those who post messages..."
2. "proof read". ONE WORD: "proofread".
3. "...many of the post...: PLURAL. "posts".
While the nonsense continues here. Other citizens are actually planning for the future of Raytown. The time for change and reform is coming...... Old guard, step aside.
3:07 pm
You seem to be very smart and seem to have a lot of time on your hands.
Raytown could use you. Do you volunteer at all around town? Volunteering may be a better use of your skills and intellect instead of mocking folks.
I hope you think about it. You're not winning friends or influencing people with your current antics.
This blog is full of the same five or six people posting with false narratives being published. If you all have issues with Green maybe go to a meeting and run your mouth. That kid has done more to push good than any poster on this blog. Last time I visit here, bunch of old time has beens who helped caused this mess. Ill take my alderman over this BS any day.
Rich N.
You won't see me jumping on the Greene is a great guy team. I've been watching his bizarre form of public service. He is one of those guys he leads others to make change. Then, the next thing you know, he is making alliances to take on his former friends. Remember when he was accused of holding secret meetings with the Fire Department. Next thing you know, he is one of their biggest critics.
Jason seems to have trouble making up his mind. The cynical opportunism that he has made his trademark is not good for Raytown. He appears to have a number of the people who post here fooled.
Watch out folks. His is not a way to follow.
10:12am He done more than anyone else on that board! You have 3 that are arrogant and can't stop speaking about themselves or in general, 2 that never speak, 2 that don't know how to talk to folks without insulting them or being abrasive, and 1 that needs to pay more attention.
I hope all you negative Nancys and Neds have a Merry Christmas and keep pushing your positive messages forward about Raytown
"While the nonsense continues here. Other citizens are actually planning for the future of Raytown. The time for change and reform is coming...... Old guard, step aside." November 30, 2017 at 3:48 PM
Aww! More nonsense posturing from those smelly neophytes!
(How many more layers of precious can we withstand?)
"Old guard"? "G" is for "generalization", kiddies.
Nope. No OGs here.
The BONAFIDE old guard's plus-sized keisters are warming a couple big seats upstairs and downstairs at City Hall.
They're slated for evacuation at election time.
That's part of a "plan", and the only way that this city will be assured a "future".
Several of y'all mentioned that you will be in attendance at the Christmas lighting.
Your cases of Red Bull will be waiting for you darlins' on the corner of 63rd and Raytown Road.
See you there.
"The time for change and reform is coming"?
Make sure y'all suit up and don't forget your capes.
Shots Fired Sends One to Hospital
Raytown MO. At about 8:45 PM Raytown officers responded to the 9600 block of 68th street for a report of gunshots. When officers arrived they found a female with a gunshot wound. Officers located a male suspect that was involved inside a nearby residence but he refused to come outside. The Raytown SWAT and negotiation teams were called in to assist with resolving the event. Negotiators talked with the subject for about 30 minutes and were able to persuade him to surrender without incident. He was placed under arrest and the scene was turned over to Raytown detectives for further investigation. The female was transported to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries. No one else was injured.
If you have any information on this or any other crimes please contact the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477).
Report 17-4025PD
Heck, I am still mad about the Chamber of Commerce ruining things like ending the Raytown Roundup Days parade and festival in order to promote a more 'pleasant' image. What are they going to screw up next?
"Heck, I am still mad about the Chamber of Commerce ruining things like ending the Raytown Roundup Days parade and festival in order to promote a more 'pleasant' image. What are they going to screw up next?"
Why would the COC discontinue Roundup Days Parade with the to promote a more "'pleasant' image"? Just curious.
I'm no fan of Raytown COC, but can't figure out what you mean.
So poster wondered why Chief Lynch has not made a public statement regarding an impactful property tax revenue reduction in some shady doings by Block & Company in the former TIF development area? Heck he would have to be in attendance in council meeting in case it was discussed. I heard he once again was not even in attendance last council meeting mtg when the board was discussing the legislation that he was so diligently against that he even made public comments against it in the previous meeting. This is your so called elected leader people!
I would like to make a comment regarding the second paragraph from 1:48 PM. A HUGE problem facing Raytown is all of these people who claim to LOVE Raytown and are very concerned about what is going on, but moved away to greener pastures to communities such as Raymore, Lee's Summit etc. Plenty of people have stayed to make this their homes and invest in this community. I have nothing against Ms. Turnbow, because their are plenty others like her. Come to work or show off at a "community" event and then hurry back to their luxury homes 15, 20, 25 etc miles away. Makes me wonder if Raytown is not good enough for them?
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gov. Eric Greitens has appointed a former Raytown alderman to the Missouri Board of Education in another move to oust the state’s top education official.
Greitens, in a letter dated Thursday, appointed Eric Teeman to the board. The letter was released Friday morning, minutes before the board met.
Let me see if I got this straight. Vicki Turnbow lives in Lees Summit. Vicki Turnbow is president of the Raytown Chamber of Commerce. How does that happen? Couldn't the chamber find someone who lives in town to be president?
10:02 am
Her hubby is mayor of Raymore.
They are supposed to live apart from each other?
Eric Teeman's kids are homeschooled.
Wonder how much that the former alderman had to pay as a donation to Greitens party to ensure his seat on the board of education???
"Let me see if I got this straight. Vicki Turnbow lives in Lees Summit. Vicki Turnbow is president of the Raytown Chamber of Commerce. How does that happen? Couldn't the chamber find someone who lives in town to be president?"
December 1, 2017 at 12:46 PM
We would think that this would be a requirement for their Chamber. It should be, IOHO. Especially now, given the financial condition of the the city and the concern or perception of increasing crime. All hands need to be on deck and in the boat in Raytown vs 2-3 towns away. Plenty of great Raytown people to choose from.
No. This is not a huge problem. Crime is! Your priorities are out of wack.
And you all want to call dirty politics in the Chief, Mayor and some others????
Wow he was part of the “team” that was there pushing for more oversite of the Police too
Looks pretty shady to me just like this move with the Governor
Congratulations Eric Teeman! A very talented and intelligent individual. He can and should write his own ticket. :-)
Doesn't Vicki live in Raymore as her husband is mayor?
Wasn't the finest every city administrator from Raymore too.
I am sure there is no pattern of an effort to destroy Raytown from Raymore and that Vicki's husband still doesn't hold ill feelings towards Raytown after being pushed out of the police chief position.
Congrats, Eric. We know you will be a good representative on the Missouri Board of Education.
I want to thank Vicki for the fine events sponsored by the Raytown Chamber:
Raytown Roundup Days and Parade
Raytown Summer BBQ
WAIT! WAIT! Hold that news release it was under her watch we no longer celebrate our city.
I guess so much for the chanmber's own saying "Raytown First"!
How was Kris Turnbow "pushed out"? He was one of the best, and it's terribly unfortunate that he's not still our chief.
Kris Turnbow resigned his seat. He went to work for Hallmark. He had told people in a public forum that he had intended to take the job with Hallmark and remain as the Chief of Police of Raytown at the same time. It did not go well with his base of supporters. So he resigned. End of story.
"Kris Turnbow resigned his seat. He went to work for Hallmark."
I recall Hallmark something or other, but didn't realize that he wanted to work at both places simultaneously. Hey, that might have actually worked those 20, 20 plus years ago when Raytown was a bedroom community. But alas, that definitely isn't the case any longer. Nevertheless, Raytown needs the guy more than Raymore does. He's good people.
Hmmm. Teeman screws up the city and bolts and then gets appointed to a state board and is trying to screw up the education system.
Congratulations to Eric Teeman for being appointed to the Missouri Board of Education. Governor Greitens made an excellent choice. We know Eric you have a passion for education and will do a great job.
Went to the Christmas lighting last night. Would have liked more singing by the kids and less talk by Phyllis Goforth
Don't worry about the haters, Eric. We are proud to have Raytowner on the Miissouri Board of Education.
Actually Raytown was the same size it is today -- even 20 years ago. About ten square miles in area. A population a little over 30,000. The p.d. was about the same size then as it is now. But it did not gobble up 60% of the city's budget.
Why would you appoint someone to the Mo. State Board of Education that doesn't even have children in the public school system? Sounds like a setup to start dismantling the public school system. I'm sure Teeman made the Governor some promises to get this appointment. Sad day for education in the state of Missouri.
What would be interesting and support your argument more would be to know what past revenue was for the City.
Another person speaking out of the wrong orifice . Vicki Turnbow lives in Raymore
I laugh at all the folks in Raytown that got hurt feelings because the football players wouldn't stand for the National anthem.
Where are those same complainers now when the Raytown Chamber of Commerce doesn't properly display the flag at night
I guess it never was about respecting the flag or the vets otherwise we would cleanup at home first.
"Raytown First"
Public education is in big trouble all over. Just think about Betsy Devos being the secretary of education.
What is wrong with someone home schooling their children. Given the state of some of the public school systems in the KC area it is definitely a viable option. Eric Teeman is an intelligent, honest man whose presence on the State Missouri Board of Education will be a plus for Raytown. I bet the person who wrote complaining about a home schooler being on the Board probably hates private schools as well.
Remember this about home school and private education advocates. They love their children as much as anyone else. They are willing to sacrifice and go the extra mile for their kids. There is nothing wrong with that.
Quit bashing everything and everyone who does not agree with you.
There is nothing wrong with home schooling your children. There is nothing wrong with sending your children to private school. That is a personal choice. Our point is that public tax dollars should not be spent for private education. The whole purpose of appointing Eric Teeman to the Board of Education was for the governor to be able to appoint an advocate to take public money from public schools and give it to private education. And that is wrong.
It's interesting to see someone implicitly "bash" another poster and then finish their comment with:
"Quit bashing everything and everyone who does not agree with you"
And why are so many parents electing to either home school or send to private schools? They get a better education. Public schools have gone to; h--- in a hand basket.
I will tell you what is wrong with home schooling is the kids lack social interaction skills.
Secondly there is no measurement base that they are actually being educated to a functional level.
My grandmother home schooled my mother and my aunt when my grandfather was a Naval officer stationed in Haiti. When I lived in Aurora, CO my neighbor and another family sent their children to a private school because the public schools provided a deplorable education. These options may be used for a number of reasons.
Andy Whiteman
The ones going to school, public, private or home, all deserve to be the beneficiary of tax dollars. private schooled children and home school children should not be treated as less than those in public schools.
Your logic makes no sense. Why are you so opposed to private and home school children?
We’re not but if the parents make that choice, they should foot the bill, plain and simple.
So you are suggesting that parents who homeschool should receive funding from the government and get some of the tax dollars?
I guess then they could buy school busses and maintain them, build and maintain classrooms, pay themselves enough that they could get some pension and health care benefits. And I am sure I have left out school lunches and on and on.
That sounds reasonable. Well, maybe not.
Talk about supposed logic making no sense. You madam deserve an award for silliness.
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