Some of the best messaging in the world comes out of Madison Avenue. But as the following link will show, commercial advertising has become an art form that is not exclusively an American enterprise.
We did some shopping on the web this past week and found the following link as our gift to you this Christmas.
They are ten of the best commercials we found packaged up for you on the wonderful world wide web. One last note . . . be sure to have a box of tissues nearby --- some of these are real tearjerkers.
Our favorite is
the last one. (no spoilers here, you will have to watch) Which is your
USE THIS LINK Christmas Commercials
![]() |
The Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
December 19,
Brian Morris told the
Board the current law states residents making public comments are required to give
their name and address. He said this
tells people the speaker isn’t home. It
could create a dangerous situation. He
asked the Board to change the law so speakers are required to give their name
and ward number. The address could still
be recorded on the sign-up sheet. Kathie
Schutte said in October, the Raytown Volunteers in Police (RViP) received their
Articles of Incorporation. The RViP will
serve as a bridge between the police department and the community. Their first fund-raiser will be on January
10. It will be called “Stone Soup under
the Bridge”. More information will be
posted on social media. Alderman Steve
Meyers thanked Mayor Mike McDonough for all the time he spent representing
Santa during the month of December.
The Board passed an
ordinance authorizing an intergovernmental agreement with the Jackson County Board
of Election Commissioners to utilize city hall as a polling place for the 2018
calendar year This is a request for a cooperative agreement with Jackson County
to provide a polling location for two precincts that serve the City. Under
state law, public entities are required to provide polling locations to
election authorities free of charge and City Hall has been used as a polling
location for many years. The attached contract specifies the rights and
responsibilities of the parties with respect to such use.
The Board passed a
resolution until December 19 for the continuation of an agreement for inmate
security housing services with Johnson County, Missouri, Sheriff’s Office. Alderman Steve Meyers said the Board had been
told Chief Lynch would be available to answer questions, and he wanted to table
this until the Chief was present. Alderman
Meyers said three civilians have been rehired to staff the jail. On July 1, 2017 the City entered into a
contract with Johnson County Missouri Sheriff’s Department to provide housing
for our inmates. The contract will terminate on June 30, 2019. The Police
Department is requesting approval to provide payment of invoices to the Johnson
County Missouri Sheriff’s Department for fiscal year 2017-2018.
The Board passed an ordinance
authorizing an agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
for intersection improvements at MO-350 and Raytown road. Before the Public
Works department can put this 350 Highway and Raytown Road Project out to bid,
an ordinance must be executed by the City to agree to enter into this grant
agreement with Mo DOT. Also, part of accepting the grant is to pay MARC a small
project fee of about $3,187.50. This
will allow the city to receive approximately $630,000 in grant money from the
The Board passed a
resolution amending the fiscal year 2017-2018 budget relating to transportation
and capital sales tax. This amendment is due to the delay in last fiscal year’s
financing plan. Current staff began to review and analyze the need of debt
issuance to fund needed transportation projects throughout the City. After much
discussion, we believe it would be a more advisable solution to self-fund the
projects through utilization of current Transportation Sales Tax and Capital
Sales Tax monies. The change in budget would allow Public Works to complete the
83rd Street Bridge and 350 HWY Interchange projects this fiscal year. The Blue
Ridge Overlay would come off the list of projects being completed this year.
Maintenance will also be at a minimum this year but future years will have full
utilization for Transportation Sales Tax dollars instead of making up to a
$620,000.00 annual debt service payment.
The Board passed a
resolution approving an agreement for legal services with Kapke & Willerth
for city attorney and special counsel services and approving the expenditure of
funds with Kapke and Willerth in excess of $15,000.00 but within budgeted
amounts for fiscal year 2017-2018.
The Board passed a
resolution approving a prosecutorial service agreement with Ross C. Nigro, Jr. The
City has had a contract with Ross C. Nigro Jr. since February 2001 to provide
prosecuting attorney services. A history of compensation: 2001 - $19,000.00,
2002 - $20,387.00, 2011 – $28,000.08, 2013 - $28,840.00 and the proposed
increase for 2017 is $31,724.00. Mr. Nigro’s duties have significantly
increased; especially in the administrative area, due to Senate Bill changes.
This agreement was also approved in the fiscal year 2017-2018 budget.
The Board passed a
resolution amending the budget by transferring $757,514.00 from un-appropriated
surplus to various funds to accommodate prior year encumbrances which were
approved in fiscal year 2016-2017 but not expended during such fiscal year. The
City has several roll-over encumbrances from 2016-2017 that should be added to
the 2017-2018 budget. The attached exhibit lists in detail the encumbrances
that will be added to the FY 2017-2018 budget, if approved. The funds are
coming from unappropriated surplus since these were authorized in fiscal year
2016-2017, but not spent. Requesting the following appropriation:
Transportation Sales Tax
Fund $590,193.31
Capital Sales Tax Fund $62,719.70
Public Works Department $42,150.00
Parks Fund $32,344.00
Storm Water
The Board passed a
resolution authorizing the continuation of an agreement with Tyler Technologies,
Inc. for maintenance of windows-based software provided by Interactive Computer
Designs in an amount not to exceed $123,150. The City currently utilizes INCODE
and is implementing EnerGov software, a division of Tyler Technologies, Inc.
INCODE houses all financial, purchasing, utility, payroll, human resources,
cash collections, courts and customer service functions. EnerGov hosts
permitting, licensing, inspections, and code enforcement. INCODE and EnerGov
are essential in the day to day operations of our city by keeping the updates
and functionality of these resources provides efficiency for our City.
The Board passed a
resolution authorizing an agreement with Independent Salt Company for the
purchase of salt for the purpose of treating roads and bridges in inclement
weather in a total amount not to exceed $60,000. In May of 2017, Independent
Salt Company submitted the low bid for 700 tons of salt at $60.88/ton resulting
in a total bid amount of $42,616.00. The contract, approved by the Board of
Aldermen on June 20, 2017, includes the option to purchase additional salt at
the same unit price of $60.88 through March 31, 2018. Staff recommends the
purchase of 700 tons from Independent Salt Company to be delivered prior to
March 31, 2018 to replenish salt levels that are anticipated to be used through
this winter season. Additionally, up to 1000 tons of additional salt may be
purchased from the City of Kansas City through material transport as a back-up
source of salt in the event of unseasonable levels of snowfall from Independent
Salt prior to March 31, 2018.
The Board passed a
resolution approving the professional services of storm water infrastructure
repair in Raytown from D&D Custom Construction and approving project
expenses for Woodson Road and Little Blue for a total amount not to exceed
$30,000. On Sunday, August 6th, 2017 the City of Raytown was informed the stone
retaining wall on the west side of Woodson Road near The River Church had
partially collapsed. Monday morning, August 7th. Public Works Department crews barricaded the
area and began to remove the clogged debris from the 2 culverts crossing under
Woodson Road. PWD reached out to Jerry Wiedenmann of Wiedenmann Inc., Jimbo
Leath of Leath & Sons, and D&D Custom Construction to make a site visit
and begin the process of writing an estimate for the repairs. PWD received a
response from all 3 contractors. Two contractors submitted proposals as
attached, and Wiedenmann Inc. declined. After reviewing the estimates, response
time frame and internal discussion, it was determined to move forward with the
D & D Custom Construction proposal. The proposal will include the
repair/relaying of the stone wall along with raising the wall eighteen inches
for additional safety and installing scuppers for drainage along the wall.
The Board passed a resolution
authorizing the city administrator to enter into an agreement with Pyramid
Contractors Inc for the 83rd street bridge project in a total amount not to
exceed $1,578,110. The Public Works Department received 4 sealed bids that were
opened on Tuesday, October 24. Pyramid
Contractors Inc. is the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder with a base bid
of $1,434,644.69 and is being recommended for approval. MO DOT has completed
their review of the bid as well and has given the City concurrence on the award
to Pyramid Contractors Inc. The base bid was in the amount of $1,434,644.69.
Staff is requesting purchasing authority up to $1,578,110 to accommodate for
potential change orders. This is approximately 10% of the base bid total cost.
This amount is within projected amounts and leaves adequate room for
construction services within the project cost projections.
The Board passed a
resolution declaring certain property owned by the city of Raytown as surplus
and authorizing disposition of such property by auction. Multiple vehicles have
been taken out of service due to the purchase and operation of new vehicles.
Public Works has evaluated the vehicles that were taken out of service and it
was determined that these vehicles are not well-suited for continued use by the
City and should therefore be deemed surplus and disposed of in accordance with
the purchasing policy.

My Raytown friends,
Please cut and paste this link to you browser to view your Christmas ecard from me:
Andy Whiteman
Thank you for the e-card Andy. Merry Christmas to you as well! I appreciate your comments and observations on the blog. Please keep in touch as we move into 2018.
Congratulations to the Raytown Police Department's Detective Greer and Sgt. Rogers for receiving SUPER BOWL tickets from KC Chief's player Kareem Hunt!
We are proud of you!
Okay. I'll bite. How do you get free Super Bowl Tickets?
You get free Super Bowl tickets when you save another person's life at Chiefs stadium. We are very proud of our police officers in Raytown.
Go to the the Raytown Police dept's Facebook page or to the Raytown Unleashed FB page. The whole story is there plus a video of Kareem Hunt presenting the tickets. It is very cool!
These two officers were also honored previously at a Chiefs game for being Hometown Heroes.
Also, several of the local TV stations showed the video of Kareem Hunt presenting the tickets as well last night.
Hey 5:36 AM! How did it taste?
12:12 PM
Probably like crow! :)
Not to sound like the Grinch here but the gift of the trip to the Super Bowl is not only against the City of Raytown's Personelle Code of Ordinances, but it is also in violation of Chapter 105 of the RSMO. The IRS also requires that a "fair market value" be assigned to the gift and a 1099 form be issued by the employer of those receiving the gift. Based on a cursory google search the value of a ticket for the 2017 Super Bowl was estimated to be between $2,500 and $5,700 depending on the location of the seat. This amount does not include any of the travel expenses if those were included in the gift.
It is important to mention that these officers who were certainly heroic in their actions, were utilizing publically paid for and issued equipment while working not only off-duty, but outside of the confines of the City of Raytown. This would be the equivalent of two public works employees taking a backhoe home over a weekend to install swimming pools on the side. If these Officers heroic actions result in injury litigation is the City on the hook for their liability just as the County was earlier in the year when a Sheriffs Deputy shot and killed someone while working off-duty at the Raytown Walmart? I realize Chief Lynch has proven he is above the law, but when is enough going to be enough?
You know what? No body cares any more. Someone got something for nothing. Get used to it.
You sound like a grinch. You turned a heartwarming story into a tale of corruption and woe that no doubt requires wearing a tin foil hat to believe. Way to go spinning a positive into a negative.
Be sure to include cookies, donuts, pizza, other food etc to the Police that they receive all year long.
So should we tell business, community groups to quit giving gifts?
Give me a break
Who cares 4:08
4:08 pm
I bet if you were that person that they saved (or that man's wife or his child) you would think differently.
Finally some GOOD news regarding our police dept and of course it has to get dismissed and downplayed.
I'm sure they will do what they have to do to make this legal.
That is all well and good, but it’s pretty dicey to start choosing what rules and laws you enforce. If it is illegal for a police officer to receive a $3,000 giift then it’s juts that illegal. I can certainly see why we do not want employees taking gifts worth several thousands of dollars escoecially those who are charged with policing powers. There is a very fine line between receiving a ver expensive gift for working off duty and police corruption. The Board of Aldermen need to take a hard look at this and decide if this was an appropate use of City owned equiptment. And if the officers have violated any ordinances or State Statues. I agree this sets the precedent that other City Empliyees are free to use taxpayer owned equiptment for personal profit while off duty.
4:08- they were off duty like all law enforcement working the stadium
They did not ask for the award and they cannot give the Chiefs anything nor are they beholden to Chiefs for anything in anyway. The stadium is owned by the Jackson County taxpayers including Raytown residents. So all your rhetoric about codes and state law are null
They did a good thing, Chiefs /NFL honored them
4:08 get over it.
REALLY 4:08 REALLY. How low a person would post something like you did?
And the anti-cop people have made their ugly presence known. Absolutely disgusting that people think like thiS!!!!
8:36, did they state anything that was untrue? I just googled RSMO 105 and it appears the author has done their homework. How is it the City Attourney or the leaders of the Police Department didn’t do their homework
I am sure they worked this event with the full knowledge that they were going to save a life and get free tickets. Yes. It’s a vast conspiracy.
So we have been without 1/3 of our Police department for the past 60 days. Where is all the doom where is all the gloom? Haven’t seen a decrease in service. Still seen the police cars camped out at Hy-Vee and Wal-Mart so them seem to be able to staff those positions just fine. I drive for MoDot and it would be nice to get to use the tractor and dump truck on my days off the make extra cash.
Why do I get the feeling the whole story is not being told here. Some police officers save somebody's life. Good for them. But there are absolutely no details given. Just accolades expressing pride and joy. Someone writes a post suggesting that Raytown city owned equipment was being used but again, no details. Was a police car taken out of the city limits of raytown to be used in private service for a third party.Were upper levels of the police command staff involved? As usual the response is the same from the other side. Don't address the issue. Heavens no. Let's call the writer names like Grinch. Meanwhile, the city makes no official comment. I don't know about the rest of you, but it looks like very little has changed in Raytown. You know, if the city has installed GPS tracking on all city owned vehicles, it would be pretty easy to see when and where those vehicles are at any given time and place. It would clear up a lot of the veiled accusations and undoubtedly clear the good names of the officers involved.
Nobody cares. A life was saved, but you want to count beans.
Wow! Just wow, simply speechless and pathetic. Unbelievable. Someone gets a token of appreciation for saving someones life and the friggin conservative Republicans are going to complain about it.
I swear to god why would anybody want to serve the public in Raytown. Most of you don't deserve it.
The next time you stopped by Raytown Police just make sure you have a good reason for speeding and you should be let off without incident. Is that the message we are sending here? Laws are important unless they don’t fit the narrative we are spinning? What if two EMS employees took the reserve ambulance to an event in Jackson county to work off duty at the event? Call it what you want but that is theft of public equiptment plain and simple. But because these two guys are cops if anyone voices an objection it makes you anti-police.
4:11 A.M.
Yes, there is an "uncle scrooge" faction of the Republican party....
I don't believe in socialism, so I have nowhere else to go... These folks drive me crazy and I strongly dislike being aligned with them politically.
Getting a proclamation, medal of bravery, all the appropriate and deserved accolades is certainly appropriate for these deserving officers. Crossing over to possible monetary and city policy forbidden rewards would not be acceptable. It’s really that simple and I would be shocked if these officers once realizing if it is indeed a possible forbidden city policy wouldn’t say donate these to a charity of their choice. They could then be resold and in the end actually some more positive PR be bestowed on the Raytown PD and City. Sounds like a win/win. Lord knows we don’t need to have this drag out and more negative news!
Now that the Raytown Police Department is bought and paid for by the KC Chiefs what do you think will happen the next time one of the players is pulled over leaving the stadium after a little too much celebration? Before anyone says that will never happen, let me stop you right there...It already has. There is a reason why ever police deptartment has very strict rules against officers receiving gifts. Let’s be real here we are not talking about a free drink at the Quivk Trip this was a gift worth several thousands of dollars
Who’s going to manage the corruption? The Mayor who has stated he is always going to be a cop first? The Police Chief who has proven he’s willing to trade employees like political currency. Face it it’s going to take the State coming in to clean this city up.
We don't even know if the officers accepted the tickets but we are going to declare corruption? The game has not been held yet, the officers have not attended the game, and we are going to declare corruption? I am sure the City administrator will set things straight if it needs to be done. Now we can all put away are tin foil hats, as the convention is still months away!
What we have here, folks, is a whole bunch of small people who are insanely jealous of a couple of guys that were rewarded for doing something good. All the talk about who owes what in taxes, which car they drove to the stadium, or what laws were broke are all indicative of the small-mindedness of some people in Raytown. I wish they would move to Lee's Summit!
That’s pretty silly to say about the GPS. Not anything to do with the GPS everyone knows where they were at. Geeesh
Hell the State and the Feds can’t even keep their own mess cleaned up.
This whole scenario about corruption over an off duty employment and a life saved and officers getting a token of appreciation is rediculous. The officers cannot do anything for the Chiefs outside of their off duty employment and their duties there. KCPD and Jackson County Sheriffs Dept are employed there too. So should they be taken to task for drawing a paycheck there?
Again! Ridiculous
One player presented the tickets
And that was done at the request of the Chiefs organization
That would not equate to a freebie for a violation by most cops I know of.
No one is saying what they did was less than heroic, but I too believe that there is a state statute that prohibits people in these type of jobs from accepting compensation other than what they have been contracted to be paid for their services. Believe this has become a legal question and should be ruled on promptly.
Man, I really miss "Bob's Burnt Ends" in the Raytown Times ... said no one ever. ;)
If you do not want to follow the law I guess that is your business. But belittling those who believe laws should be followed is shameful. Those who take an oath to uphold the law should be held to higher standard. I am so embarrassed by the rants and name calling by the hey everything is okay because someone wears a badge crowd. It is depressing to read your thoughts.
So once and for all I would like to hear all the poor poor police officer nay sayers answer up. Is it ok for a City employee to use City owned equiptment, City a owned vehicle, City or owned uniforms to earn money working for someone else or even for themselves? This could include public works taking a skid loader, parks and rec using a mower or a police officer working for a security company at the Wal-Mart or the Chiefs game. Unless your willing to say yes to the public works employee or the parks and rec employee the answer has to be no to all... The cops are great but they cannot be treated as if the same rules do not apply to them.
Drink a beer.
There is much being ASSUMED here and most likely not true!
Andy Whiteman
Actually no, the Stadium happens to reside in both KCPD’s and Jackson County Sheriff’s jurisdiction. Both KCPD and the County receive the payment for the work and pass it onto the officers in thier paycheck. Both then are the actual employer for the officers when they are working. Raytown just turns a blind eye and let’s the officers just pick up whereever they want as private employees. Don’t expect the Mayor to say much about it, for his last 5 years he was the officer in charge of giving out the off duty work to the other officers. I tried to get a officer to work a wedding reception we were having because of some potential family issues we wanted to avoid. Called and was put in touch with the Mayor back when he was an officer. Felt like I was making a deal with The Godfather and they wanted almost 50.00 per hour with a 6 hour minimum. It was almost as much as Tj the Deejay.
It will be interesting to see how the Mayor plays this one out. It seems pretty cut and dry that there will need to be policy interpretation by HR and City Administrator with maybe some legal opinion weighed in. Once that is determined I expect everyone to abide by the findings.
Key Word EXPECT.
I don’t blame the officers for accepting the illegal gift, I blame the vacuum of leadership which exists in the police department. Between the elected chief who always seems to have another drinking buddy in need of appointment to a position or the #2 guy who tried to parle the darkest budget processes ever into a $250,000 golden parachute for himself even the Mayor seems to be stooge willing to carry the Chiefs water at the drop of a hat. So with examples like these who can really blame any officer for accepting graft.
Let's say everyone is correct. The officers will have to pay taxes on the gift. How do you think you will ever know? Are you so naïve as to think they will make a post on this blog claiming they paid the taxes?
Let's say everyone is correct. The officers should not have accepted the gift. What are you going to do about it? Are you so naïve as to think they will make a post on this blog claiming they gave it back?
It doesn't affect the finances of the city, so why is it even any of your business? Perhaps you need to get a life so you have something else to think about other than other people's lives.
If you had taken the Citizen's Police Academy this fall you could have gotten to know these two fine officers who got the tickets.
I get the daily incident reports from the RPD and crime is really down in this cold weather. That's a good thing--plus no spiders and no mowing!
For a brief time Christmas came and there was peace in Raytown. It didn’t last long. A life was saved, a gift was given, and the haters are frothing at the mouth. On another note, I am thinking of opening a tin foil hat restaurant. The staff will be wearing them and customers will be given a free one. Conspiracy theories will be on the walls as art. There will be a stage and a soapbox for all the nuts to whine, piss, and moan on any topic. They’ll be an annual award for the grinch of the year. I think it will be a hoot!
Actually I know one of them very well, I worked the streets with him for years before my retirement. He is a great officer, I am sure they both are for that matter. That does not change the fact the leadership ( or lack of) within the Department didn’t tell the Chiefs organization a gift of that nature is against the policies of the Department as well as a violation of State Law. I highly doubt the Hunt and the Camera crews made their way into the squad room without any advanced notice. If they did then Raytown had
Do you need seed money? We could create a go-fund me account if you do. Maybe if we had that place, they could all gather there and leave the rest of us alone!
So can a Raytown public works employee borrow a city-owned backhoe and mower to do yard work as a side hustle? I'm asking for a friend.
And maybe you won’t act shocked the next time Raytown is in the news for being broke or for making bad decisions. I’m sure it’s much easier to bury you head in the sand and pretend everything is fine
I can not believe how much garbage is being thrown around by some one trying to cause problems when there may not be any. It is very possible that since the officers were not in a position to know about the one in a million chance of being awarded any thing of value they may not be in a position to even be taxed.
Let the whole thing be worked out by the powers to be. Why are you all so intent to cause problems for anyone.
Some people are not content unless they have caused trouble for someone else.
Here we go again. The last refuge of the simple. Those we do not agree with we insult and denigrate. Who is really the hater? The own who speaks the honest truth, or, the one who labels him or her a hater. Some of you folks act like in your in an exclusive club where you apparently spend all your time telling each other who is right who and who is wrong. Look around. You may find your private club is shrinking in membership.
I am glad the officers were recognized for saving that mans life and they were given tickets. It is not pay, there is no tax implication. This was a Positive news story for Raytown among all the bad press we’ve been getting. We could use it. The small and bitter people here should not be so hostile. Go back to your keyboard while the rest of us move forward without you.
Why is Bennetti’s closing? Probably the Scooters chain I guess. Mom and pop shops are an endangered breed.
I for one don’t care either way about Police using a police car at an off duty job. I will say that when something goes down in front of the police officer, the public expects and demands that they spring into action. They have a duty to do so. The difference with public works is that I don’t expect an off duty public works worker to spring into action if I see a pot hole. Our (the public’s) expectation is different, it’s not special treatment, we expect them to have their police gear to be ready to handle things in an instant
"For a brief time Christmas came and there was peace in Raytown. It didn’t last long. A life was saved, a gift was given, and the haters are frothing at the mouth. On another note, I am thinking of opening a tin foil hat restaurant. The staff will be wearing them and customers will be given a free one. Conspiracy theories will be on the walls as art. There will be a stage and a soapbox for all the nuts to whine, piss, and moan on any topic. They’ll be an annual award for the grinch of the year. I think it will be a hoot!"
Blahaha! LOVE it. Of course you can't see me right now, but if you could, you would see that my thumb and forefinger are clasping a tiny gold statuette. For you, my love.
A couple suggestions, however. Ixnay on the soapbox. Instead, install a "dais". And make certain that someone randomly blurts out "DAIS!" at least 12 times per hour. Everyone could do a smoothie shot at each utterance.
And it's doubtful that ANY of these people need microphones. (Cost savings there.)
You'll need a FT event coordinator/mediator and WiFi for "Confrontation Hour", "Neophyte Corner" (with a diaper dispenser), "Keyboard Warrior Ward"...
And how about reserved parking? I would say one space for "The Chief" and another space for "The Mayor", but it's doubtful that they'd both be there at once because they probably don't want anyone knowing that they hang. One spot will do. The parking placard could say "For Crockett -OR- Tubbs".
And there should be some namesake dishes on the menu.
(I wouldn't however trust what might end up in the food.)
Happy 2018.
Bennetti’s closed because the rent went up. It had nothing to do with Scooter's. If you want to blame someone, blame the landlord.
Please that is a very unrealistic expectation. By your same logic every fireman should get a take home fire truck or every paramedic she be issued their own personal cardiac monitor incase they are needed. By your logic a police officer is always on duty, which is not the first time I have heard that argument. The problem with that argument is it means an officer can not work for someone else part time because they are already working for Raytown and would be double dipping, the can never have a drink because they would be drinking on duty and finally anytime they get hurt it would be considered a Work comp claim since they were on duty. The truth is an off duty police officer has a moral and ethical obligation to aid someone to the best of thier ability just as a fireman, EMT or a nurse.
Speaking of simple minded! I think it weird that 5:09 has to consistently use foul low blow terminology to insult the Mayor, Chief and others in public office instead of stating what their “bitch” really is. Sad that you are so uneducated that you have to use bully tactics when addressing someone you disagree with. I bet you get great joy out of pulling wings off insects and burning ants and such too. You are whats wrong with Raytown.
Take your angry comments about the Mayor somewhere else. He is a man of honor. You don’t recognize honor, because you are unfamiliar with it.
We tend to agree with 5:09 PM's remarks, 4:34 PM/9:01 PM. Calm down,they appear to be tongue in cheek. This mayor's long term relationship with the chief may indeed color his decisions or his influence on others, as limited as his influence around here may be. Denigrating the opinions of others ("foul", "wierd" "uneducated","bully',"simple","hater", ect.) doesn't compliment your argument either.
I guess we’re just going to have to live with the water main break in front of the high school
A "man of honor" doesn't deprive a charity of money by returning an entrance fee to someone whose opinion he doesn't agree with.
I hope everybody realizes only 50% of the money raised the the Chiefs tournament is accounted for. It’s true they donate half the money to Reap and the other half he keeps. Does that sound like a man of honor?
You’re still bitter about a golf tournament entrance fee?? I feel sorry for you if that is what your life’s focus is on...
"A "man of honor" doesn't deprive a charity of money by returning an entrance fee to someone whose opinion he doesn't agree with."
9:49 AM -> BOOM!
Alderman, hereby requesting the formulation of a more stringent ethics policy to address any future maladaptive behaviors such as the one above (if indeed substantiated that this incident or any variation thereof did occur) in order to more cogently focus on some rather dire issues at hand.
Any elected official that stoops to a similar level in the future either needs to resign or be jettisoned from office immediately.
So much negativity and bitterness here. I can’t stomach coming here very often. Unless someone does something to make this blog constructive, it will just be a toxic environment that people just dismisss. It’s too bad. This blog used to be a forum of change. I’d like to see it go back to that.
12:16 pm
Thank you and so true!
Anonymous postings contribute greatly to the nastiness. Some posts don't even get published if the blog owners don't agree with them.
IMHO, if we had to sign our names the vitriol would disappear.
Newsflash, just because you don’t hear it doesn’t mean it’s untrue. I agree there are a lot of negative views on here, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are correct in thier observations and arguments. It’s not that hard to do the right thing, yet the Leaders if our dear city seem to struggle so. I am tired of hearing the Mayors empty words of prosperity or the police chiefs childish temper tantrums or Aldermen complaining because they didn’t get to play golf. Grow up boys and go to work. I am one of the moderate readers on here and I can tell you all me and my friends are getting really sick and tired of all your antics. If you want to be where you are sitting after the next election you need to hear this.
12:16 PM: "I can’t stomach coming here very often."
Then DON'T! Problem solved.
11:31 -
Chief Lynch did NOT keep 50% of the money from the REAP tournament. Half of the money was prize funds to the golfers and half of the money went to REAP.
The Chief doesn’t keep the other half it gets used in dispersals to other charities over the year! Making insane accusations is rediculous.
Besides the one entry fee thing was between one person and another. NOT city business and nothing to do with either charity
12:32 pm
Why so nasty? Are you having marriage, money, job, or health troubles?
I wish you peace and prosperity in the new year. It takes a lot of energy being mean. Put out positive, uplifting vibes and it will come back to you.
We are all energy beings in a human body at the moment. Don't stifle your soul.
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