Sunday, February 18, 2018


Priced Out . . .
A very timely article is the lead story in this morning’s Kansas City Star. Anyone who owns a home in Raytown should consider it required reading. Better brew a pot of coffee or tea for this one. The story runs nearly two pages.

The story covers the escalating cost of housing in Johnson County, Kansas.

But that is not the part Raytown homeowners should pay much attention too. What should be given attention can be found on page 14A under the sub-heading . . . PROPERTY TAX IMPACT.

The Raytown Board of Aldermen has given direction to the City Administrator to prepare legislation that would double the property tax in Raytown on Real Estate and on Personal Property. His report and legislation enabling a public vote on the question is due in March.

Six Board members endorsed the plan to move forward with the tax increase. So it is almost a sure bet that come early August, Raytown voters will have the opportunity to vote on the tax increase.

The story in the Kansas City Star outlines the impact of the higher cost of homes in Johnson County. The majority of the area has seen an increase in home value(s) from 8% to 15%.

The PROPERTY TAX INCREASE explains the cost increase for homeowners, even if they do not sell their home.

For instance, a 1950’s two bedroom ranch in Prairie Village saw an increase in value from $176,000 to $212,000. As a result of the increased value of the home, the property tax rose $262 to $2,882 annually.

Granted, home values in the Raytown area are not has high as Johnson County. But the fact remains that many people in Raytown are living in the homes they can afford.

The doubling of the Property Tax and Personal Property Tax will have the effect in Raytown as the increased prices in Johnson County. People will be squeezed by the increased cost of living. Some will not be able to afford it. They will be forced to move on.

The question was posed to Ward 3 Alderman Ryan Myers. Myers makes his living appraising property values for people in the real estate industry. Most of his work is in commercial property. However, he explained that the rise in commercial property value is often mirrored by a similar increase in residential property values.

He told the Raytown Report property values have seen an increase in the Raytown area. Evidence of this has already been noted by many homeowners who saw the value of their home in Raytown increase in the last waive of Jackson County appraised property values.

The fact remains that even if you do not participate in the housing market price boom . . . you will still be paying the cost in increased property tax valuations.

Raytown homeowners should take note of what is happening to property tax rates across the state line. It is only a matter of time before those rates spread across the entire metropolitan area.

Paul’s Rant!
Some interesting topics are making the rounds at Raytown City Hall. Here are a few examples:

WRONG! The Board of Aldermen has the final say on whether or not to accept the Mayor’s appointment. The Board of Aldermen also has the final say on all appointments to the Park Board as well.


WRONG AGAIN! The Mayor may call for a special election to fill a vacant seat in the August state election, but he will not get it. In Missouri, city elections are specifically reserved for the April ballot. If he wanted a vote to fill the vacant Ward 5 seat, he had his opportunity in early February. That window of opportunity has closed. The April election is already set. It is too late to add any more issues to the ballot.


CORRECT: There is a vacancy on the Park Board and on the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA). The Park Board appointment would require Board approval. The BZA appointment does not require Board approval.

Good news for the men and women in blue. Their numbers are growing. By the end of Tuesday’s night meeting there will have been four new uniformed officers sworn in since the budget was approved last October. You can add  two civilian Detention Technicians to man the jail at Raytown Police headquarters. It appears the Department is rebuilding  . . .  and staying within the guidelines set by the City Council.

The down-side is that during that same period the Department was over-budget by about 10% in payroll expenses. This was due to shortage of manpower which resulted in overtime costs. The new hires are expected to cut down overtime costs.

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Anonymous said...

Once again another unhelpful article about taxation. I have to wonder if the blogowner cares more about his pocketbook or helping the City? Yes it is true that if my $100,000 home became worth a million dollars I would pay more in taxes. This is obvious and a rudimentary argument. I was rather surprised at the doubling of the rate. However, once the levy rate is approved the board gets to set it each year. It’s a range of tax levying authority. I am still waiting to here your solution on fixing the City.

Anonymous said...

ok. I get that some people are against tax increases. So, how do you propose to solve the problems. The BOA cut expenses. You went off the deep end talking about impeaching board members (not possible in Raytown, at least without a charter). So, if you don't want expenses cut or taxes raised, then what's the answer? Please enlighten us!

Anonymous said...

Same as any household budget learn to live within your means. Thanks to the PD they have done this to the city now they need to help dig us out.

Raytown Newbie said...

I posted a couple weeks back that the proposed taxes would be easy to argue against.
The hysterical refrain of
"Just say NO to DOUBLING our taxes" is already being sounded.
Fake news at its fakest. The taxes are NOT in fact being doubled. Just the Raytown component.
But I am sure the blog's author knows that. So I wonder why he misrepresents it.

Sour grapes perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Why would you want to impeach the BOA. They are the only ones who have made any sensible changes in the last year. It would make more sense to impeach the chief of police and mayor. There refusal to accept reality is what is hurting Raytown.

Anonymous said...

Earth to 12:23 pm

The City will NEVER have the resources to fix the 100 MILLION dollar backlog of infrastructure projects without additional funds. Are you blind?

Anonymous said...

Talk about fake news! When you take a 50 cent tax and make a $1.00 tax it is doubling the tax. Now, add to that the increase of property value as Mr. Walters pointed out. It becomes more than a dollar. How many reading this post had the property tax valuation lowered last year? I will be voting NO on doubling the city's portion of the property tax.

Anonymous said...

The city cannot and does not manage the money they have today so why would we want to give them more money to waste?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you lose a lot of credibility when you can’t use proper grammar. It’s their not there. There is for places, their is for people.

Anonymous said...

I will be voting NO also. They can't manage the money they take in now. I have to live within my budget and use my money wisely to make it through the month. The city can do the same.

Anonymous said...

8:44 Maybe the issue you commented on is a result of the school district spending to much money on sports and other activities instead of in the classrooms.

Anonymous said...

I will support no tax increase until there is a full audit showing how the city is spending the millions of dollars they collect today. These decisions should be made based on facts, not emotion and name calling.

Anonymous said...

Because I don’t like driving on bad roads. Do you?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, does anybody have a plan for the roads? It’s easy to be immovable and a Dr. No... if you have looked at the budget and spoken with Tom Cole, you would have an idea and a basic understanding , that there is not enough money to properly fix our streets and there will most likely never be. That’s not going to change through “thriftiness. The blogowner has no solutions for this. The naysayers have no solution for this problem.

Andy Whiteman said...

I think the solution is a state audit to determine if the money was spent as intended. If not, insurance should make restitution and prosecute those who are responsible. Those who misspent the funds should have CYA with liability insurance.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

4:36pm gets it, who in their right mind wants to buy a home in a city with crumbling infrastructure, and basic services lacking because of insufficient tax structure funding. The conservative model or plan has got to go. We need to increase the tax rate, period, otherwise Raytown is and will become worse than some areas of Kansas City, Mo.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy -
Are you going to pay the $30,000 to the state for the audit? No? Will the auditor be able to get back the squandered money? No, I didn't think so. Will putting the people who squandered the money in jail get it back? No, I didn't think so. What's your next suggestion?

Anonymous said...

There they go again! Spouting the ever popular lie that Raytown is revenue poor. Not so. Raytown has one of the highest sales tax rates in the area. People living in Raytonw have one of the second highest property tax rates. The problem is unfettered spending. The inability of the city counicl to say no. I see the police are already 10% over budget on payroll. Maybe the chief of police should not have told all of his officers they were all going to lose their jobs. He caused quite an exit with that one. Next time try workign with people instead of against them.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who doesn't want a state audit must be part of those that don't want the truth as it might find them in an orange jumpsuit.

Anonymous said...

I’d sure like to know where the “$100 million” backlog figure came from. Another inflated number for public works’ pet projects? A fleet of street sweepers perhaps?

Anonymous said...

To the dozen old bitter cronies on here who will vote no on the tax: you get what you pay for. Want crumbling streets and bare bones service from the city, vote no. Join the rest of us that want something better, and know that we will each have to pay a little bit to get it.

Anonymous said...

We have bare bone services now.
Look at 59th st. The city needs to sue Neal Cleavenger of Raytown Water company for not fixing the street when the water line broke. The street is getting worse. The city doesn't have the codds to do it.

Raytown has no industry, rental & section 8 houses, payday loans, and a convenience/liquor store every half mile or so. What kind of people do you think that will draw into Raytown? Low income, retired fixed income people stuck here, renters, and you name it. We don't have a codes department. I look at houses going down Gregory to Raytown road, paint falling off houses, homes kept in dis repair, junk in yards just to name a few.

Raytown would be better off if Lee's Summit or Kansas City took them over.

Anonymous said...

Bitter old cronies! Indeed! Your tax increase proposal is ridiculously high. I deserves to be voted down. I am far from being one of your old cronies, but I can assure you there are more than a dozen of out there who will send this doubling of the property tax rate down the tubes in August.

Anonymous said...

@5:37 pm. Tom Cole said it during a board meeting.

That’s the backlog of street resurfacing, sewers, sidewalks, storm drains, bridges and other needs.

Anonymous said...

Lee’s Summit wouldn’t actually touch Raytown since no part of their city actually touches Raytown. You have three options, kcmo, Independence or Jackson County.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the City’s plan to refinance the TIFF bonds? That was supposed to save millions of dollars and was the reason they gave to slash the police budget

Anonymous said...

7:50 pm

Gone round the barn on this “kc” or lees summit needs to take us over. Which assumes they want us....... Lees Summit does not want us. KCMO might, but that would mean all working residents would have to pay a 1% income tax. Nobody would want this but a retired person. It’s not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

I raised taxes on myself and purchased a new car.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think KCMO wants us? They have a police department playing the same political nonsense with the budget as Jim Lynch did (does). They can’t even make up their minds about the airport. They waffle more than our mayor and BOA. KCMO has more problems than we do and they certainly don’t want any more.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell wants a broke city? an incompetent Police Chief and all his buddies?? a crumpling infrastructure of roads, sidewalks, storm and sewer water??? HA!!!! Good one.

Anonymous said...

Wow you can’t be serious 4:27

Anonymous said...

Don't think we have issues in Raytown?

You need to ask why in the month of Feb we have not had any of the required board of alderman meetings.

Anonymous said...

3:36 pm

One meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum—members unable to make the meeting. The other meeting was cancelled due to weather. And the month of February is not over. Put the tinfoil hat away.

Anonymous said...

7:46 You really want us to believe the city is following the law.

Sorry 3:36 is right and the only ones calling names are the ones that know they are breaking the law.

Anonymous said...


Instead of calling names read the law

Sec. 2-491. - Regularly scheduled board of aldermen meetings.

The board of aldermen shall meet regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the time and place established from time to time by the board. Regular meetings may be rescheduled by the majority of the board for good cause. Regular meetings will be rescheduled to the following Tuesday if the scheduled meeting falls on a national holiday or any election day.

Anonymous said...

If you really think that local elected officials are putting your safety ahead of anything else think again:

Makes you wonder about Raytown

Anonymous said...

For good cause-thank you. Conspiracy theorists can crawl back under their rocks

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the same attempt at an annex discussion that pops up every 10 Year’s or so. Has never happened, will never happen. The city is not broke. They can maintain basic service. If you want nice roads though, you will have to vote yes to pay for it. Simple.

Anonymous said...

The key word is “good cause”

Weather= good cause
Lack of quorum = good cause

Again. No laws were broken.

Anonymous said...

How sickening it was to hear that the armed school resource officer stood by for four minutes while the shooter in Florida was on his rampage. Then today to hear that he was not alone. That other arriving officers just hid behind their patrol cars and took up positions.

Then I contrast that with the 13 bullets that were pumped into the local boy who was backing a van out of his driveway and was not a threat to the officer who could have just stood aside.

Makes me wonder. Do I hate cops? heck no but sometimes I think the first responder hero worship is over the top.

Anonymous said...

10:34 AM

Only good cause if true

I do believe as reported there was a quorum.

One could also believe the mayor by not filling positions is intentionally creating this issue.

Time for an audit; time for an investigation

Anonymous said...

12:52 pm

If a cop orders you to stop, and you don't, then it's your fault if you get shot.

I think that kid wanted to die by suicide by cop.

Parents--TALK TO YOUR KIDS! GET YOUR EYES OUT OF THE PHONE and onto your family. Even at the gym people are engrossed in their phones. What is so darn important you can't turn your phone off for an hour?

Anonymous said...

Does the Mayor and Board still get paid for the month? If I get cancelled for weather or lack of supplies I don’t get paid and neither should they

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