Sunday, April 15, 2018

Bits and Pieces . . .
RYAN MYERS ELECTED MAYOR PROTEM Each year the Board of Aldermen elect one of their own to be designated as Mayor Protem. The Mayor Protem is a ceremonial position often compared to the role of the Vice President of the United States. His or her job is to step into the position of Mayor when the elected Mayor is unable perform his duties as Mayor.

In the case of a Mayor leaving office for any reason, the Mayor Protem would complete the term of office until a new mayor is elected.

Ryan Myers was elected last Tuesday by a vote of five to four. Myers election also created some historical footnotes. At the age of 29 he is the youngest Alderman to be elected to the position of Mayor Protem. He is also the first Millennial to serve on the BOA.

On a personal note . . . Thanks, Ryan, I was the first Baby Boomer to serve on the BOA at the tender age of 25 (way back in 1980) . . . you being the first Millennial makes me feel, well, kind of old.

EGGSTRAVAGANZA!!! Easter may be about two weeks behind us, but there is an event that took place in Raytown which deserves attention.

Raytown Main Street’s 8th Annual Eggstravaganza was a success by any measuring stick. The parade reminded some of the Raytown Round Up Days Parade. Though not as large as the Round-Up Days, the larger than usual number of participants in this year’s event demonstrated the event is growing each year..

Besides the parade, there were face-painters, large bunny rabbits and, of course, an Easter Egg Hunt for those intrepid egg hunters in Raytown, most of them under four feet tall.

Mark your calendar for next year’s Eggstravaganza. If you run into any of the Raytown Main Street folks, take a moment to thank them!

CONFUSING BALLOT LANGUAGE Raytowners will be voting on three tax increases next August. One is a two cent per gallon gasoline tax. Another is a 190% Property Tax increase.

The last item is the creation of a 2.5% Internet Sales Tax. Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it?

It really is not that simple. Keep reading  . . . and you will see proposed language for the ballot. More than likely, you will see a variation of the following language on the August 3rd  ballot.


By comparison, here is the language that appeared on the Independence ballot last April.


The confusing ballot language does not even mention the words “internet sales tax”!

Which is odd, because the INTERNET SALES TAX IS THE ISSUE. It is the point of holding the election . . . period.

In the days ahead you will hear a lot of double-talk about fairness of the issue. What they will not speak about is who will pay the tax bill. You will hear how unfair it is for big box stores who have to pay the tax while the giant internet merchants do not.

The truth is neither of them pay the tax. It is a pass through tax. The consumer pays it.

Internet merchants will not pay it . . . 
Local retailers will not pay it.

Raytown taxpayers WILL. PAY. IT.

Don’t be confused by the double-speak of the ballot language. The proposed Internet Sales Tax  is a very large tax increase you will pay on every internet purchase make if you live in Raytown.

SPEAKING OF TAXES If you have the time, you may want to take about half an hour and watch Public Comments from the last meeting of the Board of Aldermen. A number local citizens questioned why the local taxpayers should pay additional taxes when one of the largest beneficiaries of those taxes does not pay? Their comments were aimed at Walmart. Most of them pointed to the additional burden placed on the community by policing the Walmart Store on 350 Highway.

According to a story published in the Kansas City Star, 30% of the reported crime in Raytown comes from the 350 Walmart Store.

No doubt, most of that crime is shoplifting. But it does put a burden on the local police department, taking away from their ability to police the rest of the community.

Speakers during Public Comments expressed their desire that Walmart be charged for the extra services they require from the local police.

Last week’s Board of Aldermen meeting was a long one,  nearly three and one half hours long. You can use this link to watch the meeting. Or, you can simply read Paul’s award winning report of the meeting.
Use this link . . . BOA Meeting 4/10/18

The Paul Livius Report
Mayor Mike McDonough thanked Alderman Jason Greene for his assistance as Mayor Pro Tem. City Clerk, Teresa Henry, swore in Police Officer Tristan Richards.

Kathie Schutte told the Board about the Raytown Police Department “Coffee with a Cop”.  Quo Oates Community Business Journal Media said off-duty police officers should be allowed to work part-time at Walmart.  Scott Walz, President of the Raytown Main Street Association. He said in August, the Main Street Association will partner with the Masonic Lodge to sponsor the BBQ competition. Jessica Neely said she has two children in the Raytown schools.  She read on social media that the majority of crime is happening at Walmart.  Since the city had to let go of 90 police officers.  Someone in the audience corrected her and told her the city let go only 17 officers.  She said it didn’t matter.  If Walmart is going to use the city resources, Walmart should pay for it.  Aldermen Greene said someone from Walmart tried to give him and Alderman Meyers a proposal.  Both told the Walmart representative to give it to the City Administrator.  That is the proper procedure.   Terry Dunn with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) said Walmart takes resources away from Raytown. Alderman Bonnaye Mims said she had spoken with the UFCW regarding their interest in being put on a future meeting’s agenda. She said there is a procedure to follow to place an item on the agenda.  Alderman Bill Van Buskirk said there is a lot of misinformation in the community about Walmart. He said Walmart pays all their taxes, it just goes into the TIF fund.  Tony Jacob apologized to Alderman Van Buskirk for comments Mr. Jacob made on social media.  He misunderstood what Alderman Van Buskirk has said.  John Ivey said the old East Longview Parkway connection to Raytown is now being used as the Rock Island Corridor.

The city clerk handed out printed ballots for the election of the Board President.  The Board elected Ryan Myers Mayor Pro Tem. 

The Board passed an ordinance calling an election in the city of Raytown to be held on the 7th day of August, 2018 for the purpose of submitting a question to the qualified voters of the city of Raytown to increase the general property tax rate for all subclasses of property to $1.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation in compliance with state law.  Tom Cole told the Board the City has been relying on General Fund Reserves for several years to supplement Operational Costs. The City Reserves were never intended to be used to support operational costs, as those funds should only be used for emergency stabilization or one-time opportunities. An adoption of this ordinance is necessary to increase the City’s tax base through a voter approved increase in the City’s property tax levy.

The Board passed an ordinance directing the submission at the primary election to be held on August 7, 2018 to the qualified voters of Raytown the question of whether the city shall impose a motor fuel fee to be used to fund the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and signing of roads and streets at the rate of two cents per gallon to be imposed on all merchants for the sale of fuel. Tom Cole said the city can expect to collect around $200,000 annually.  All the money collected must go to maintain streets, per state law.
The Board passed an ordinance imposing a use tax at the rate of two and one-half percent for the privilege of storing, using, or consuming within the city any article of tangible personal property according to the authority granted by and subject to the provision of sections 144.600 through 144.761 rsmo; providing for the use tax to be repealed, reduced or raised in the same amount as any city sales tax is repealed, reduced, or raised; and providing for submission of the proposal to the qualified voters of the city for their approval at the primary election called and to be held in the city on August 7, 2018. The staff proposed the form of the ballots to be employed at the election and directed the city clerk to do all things called for by law in connection with the holding of the election.

The Board passed a resolution approving the purchase of a 2019 Freightliner M2 chassis and an Elgin crosswind regenerative air street sweeper from Key Equipment off the Missouri Department of Transportation cooperative purchasing contract in an amount not to exceed $250,000.  Street sweeping is an integral part of storm water management and provides a cleaner environment that is readily visible to the public. Public Works staff has reviewed many options for providing street sweeping services including but not limited to outsourcing the program. Staff determined during the process that in-house street sweeping is the most cost-effective way to provide the service for the residents of Raytown. Staff began the process of selecting a new street sweeper through a number of on-site tests involving several manufacturers. The on-site testing revolved around the real-world conditions observed in the neighborhoods of Raytown and the ability of the sweeper to perform in those conditions. Staff evaluated the sweepers based on cost, performance, warranty and service.

The Board heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing a contract for transit service with Kansas City Area Transportation Authority in an amount not to exceed $58,418.  This is a demand-response public transportation service (Metro Service) that the City has provided under contract with the KCATA since April 2001. The City of Kansas City, Missouri also pays the same amount as the City of Raytown to the KCATA for the Metro Bus Service as the service area extends beyond Raytown to make connections with the rest of the KCATA network to the north and to the south within Kansas City. The hours of operation for the Metro Service are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.; and from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The proposed agreement would maintain that level of service at a cost of $58,418.00. The operational cost is within the amount budgeted by the City for this service. This contract will be for a 12-month period that mirrors the City’s budget year.

The Board passed a resolution approving an organization resolution with UMB Bank.  With Finance Director Briana Burrichter’s departure from the City, it is necessary to name replacements. The authority granted by this resolution empowers the agents to manage the City’s investment activity and authorize other banking business items as required. The attached accomplishes that requirement.

The Board passed a resolution approving an amended formal and comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges for food trucks and liquor. For a complete list, go to    Go to page 136.

The Board passed a resolution approving an amended formal and comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges for animal control. The attached Schedule of Fees establishes the fees associated with various Animal Control fees and applications that are to be collected by the city. The fees collected help to cover all or a portion of the cost incurred by the city with the applicable animal control activities and applications. Staff is proposing that the Schedule of Fees be amended by adding the following:
Animal Control Fees:
 • City Animal License: Unaltered Animal - $20 per year
 • City Animal License: Altered Animal - $10 per year
 • City Animal License: Late Fee (30 days) additional $25.00
 • 1st impound - $50.00 • 2nd impound - $75.00
 • 3rd and subsequent impound(s) - $150.00
The Board passed a resolution approving an amended formal and comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges relating to building and construction. For a complete list, go to    Go to page 143.

The Board passed a resolution approving an amended formal and comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges relating to planning and zoning. In comparing the City of Raytown’s Planning and Zoning fees with neighboring jurisdictions, it is apparent that our current fees are almost always lower than others. The Cities of Raymore and Grandview are also fourth-class cities with comparable populations whereas Lee’s Summit is a Home Rule city with a significantly larger and growing population. The City’s Planning and Zoning fees as they are today do not account for the amount of staff time and supplies that are required to process these applications from the date received to the 2nd reading at the Board of Aldermen meetings. The proposed increase in fees better absorbs the staff time required to successfully process applications in an accurate and timely manner to ensure sound and sustainable development and redevelopment in Raytown, and this accounts for the public notice fee, mailing fees, and public notice signs as well. Additionally, the proposed fee increases would make the City’s fee schedule more comparable with our neighboring cities. The attached Schedule of Fees establishes the fees associated with various planning and zoning activities, plan review and applications that are to be collected by the City. The fees collected help to cover all or a portion of the cost incurred by the City with the applicable planning and zoning activities. Staff is proposing that the Schedule of Fees be amended by adding the following:
Planning and Development fees:

 • Preliminary Plat : $450 + $4 per lot
 • Final Plat : $300 + $ 4 per lot
 • Lot Split Lot Combination : $150
 • Right-of- Way vacation : $250
 • Conditional Use Permit : $450
 • Rezoning : $450
 • Site Development Plan / Staff Review : $300
 • Appeal of Design Overlay Standards : $350
 • Variance Application : $350
 • Additional Variance Requests : $50 per request
 • Zoning Verification Letter : $100
 • New Monument Sign : $150 
 • Change Copy/ New Sign Face : $50

To my readers  . . . I gotta' tell ya' . . . when I read some of the fee's the city intends to impose on businesses in Raytown it made made me angry.

My favorite is the $50's imposed for Change of Copy / New Sign Face. Let me get this straight, a businessman wants to improve his signage to attract more business. Never mind the fact that the new business well add money to the city's coffers in the form of sales tax dollars, the city still wants to "dip its beak" (with apologies to the godfather) for a taste.

How do you spell extortion? I don't know how they spell it at City Hall, but this is how they make it a reality.

Can anyone explain to me why anyone should have to pay $100 or a Zoning Verification letter? Such documents are a matter of public record -- they are already paid for by our tax dollars. A new monument sign . . . is someone from city hall going to help build it?

Years ago I ran into an old friend who had, at one time, a business in Raytown. He had relocated to Lee's Summit. I asked him if he would consider moving back to Raytown. His answer was short and to the point. He said, "No!". "Raytown treats business owners lilke (expletive).

I see they are planning on DOUBLING the license fee for pets (dogs, cats, and other warm blooded animals). Clever move. Let's punish those who have loyally paid their fees over the years. Because the good Lord knows the Animal Control is loathe to pick up stray animals on weekends or in the evening.

Greg chaired the committee that suggested the city impose a small tiered license fee for pet owners in Raytown. Those who had their pets spayed or neutered, were charged a nominal fee. This was supposed to pay after hours and weekend enforcement of the city's codes. This lasted about one year. Then the Board cut the hours of operation.

Those good people who pay the fee should not be punished for those who break the law by not licensing their animals. Some serious re-thinking needs to be in play here.

Board members should take a hard look at some of these so-called staff suggestions. Quite frankly, they are a step, even a worse, a leap in the wrong direction.
To leave a comment use this link POST A COMMENT


Anonymous said...

For the record, the request for $234,865 for overtime pay for the police department came directly from the police department. Check the record. The recorded meeting when it was added to the agenda is linked to the city's website. Some Alderman are very concerned as to what happened. Maybe the should ask during a public session of the BOA. That way the Chief of Police can explain why he requested $234,865 that he did not need.

Guess that asking out loud is kind of tough for some of the BOA.

Anonymous said...

Are service animals exempt from the license requirment? I have an idea for the City, before you pass new requirements and raise the fees of the ones you have, why don’t you start enforcing them. Come on City if Raytown, we get it. You made a really bad deal with a developer and gave away the farm, but that doesn’t mean you have free reign to extort money from us. Does anyone realize in the last meeting the City raised fees on average 135% with out a vote of ge people and they approved asking the voters for another 115% in property taxes. Those are loan shark and title loan size percentages and City Hall should be ashamed. I for one believe these fee increases are a violation of the Hancock Law and intend to file a complaint with the State.

Anonymous said...

Years ago when the fee for dogs and cats was passed, I guess that was when Greg was on the board.
At that time we had two dogs and I did get and pay for two dogs for I think two years. At that time
the city did not send out a renewal to the dog owner. Since the city dropped the ball I did not renew
as the city did not seem to care.

I for one will only vote yes on the gasoline tax of 2 cents a gallon.


Andy Whiteman said...

All ballots should be published in plain English, not legalese! The average person will not understand the internet sales tax question as stated! How long will voting lines be with people standing at the voting box attempting to read and understand the question?

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Alderman Steve Meyers tried to slow the fee train down and pull it off the Council meeting agenda to discuss it at a work session, but The Gang of 5 slammed it right on thru. They own that one!

Anonymous said...

Where are the vote totals for the fees? Who supported what?

Anonymous said...

I see the gas tax being the only one that passes because it’s the only one we can be sure where the money will be spent

Anonymous said...

As if the "use tax" language wasn't confusing enough, the City had to make reference to the revised statutes of the State of Missouri.
I wonder how much this internet tax is supposed to raise for the city?

I will be voting NO!!

Anonymous said...

Is that why Steve Meyers voted for the increase last Tuesday? Check the video of the meeting. It is all there.

Anonymous said...

The entire Board including Meyers voted in favor of placing the property tax levy increase in front of the voters for their decision. But I did review the 2 cents gas tax vote and both Van Buskirk and Mims voted no. That was the head scratcher.

Andy Whiteman said...

9:35 PM, I, also, was surprised when I didn't receive a notice from animal control that my pet license had expired. I called animal control and was told, "We do not want to spend money sending notices. Since it expires the same date EVERY year, you are responsible for knowing when it expires." Easy for me with one dog, but what about people with more than one pet? I have found that in EVERY place I have lived no renewal notices are sent except San Diego County which mailed notices after we moved away pointing out penalties for expired licenses and non-vaccinated animals. It was a real aggravation arguing that we had moved out of state and besides that one dog had died.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

And to top things off. The union group will be outside city hall tomorrow protesting about Walmart. So expect news stations and everything else. No doubt they will disrupt the board meeting too. I don't always agree with our elected officials, but we do need to rally around our City, and ALL of our elected officials. Whatever disagreements we have, it is important that we all support Raytown against this outsider, Washington D.C. led, carpet bagging attempt to hurt Raytown. You know, a TRUCE would be nice between all Raytown factions and politicians while we navigate through this difficult time. That includes all bloggers too. Is this a dream? Or can we all agree to chill and focus on working together for our town? Even if it's just for a few weeks, it could help.

Anonymous said...

There were several fees, I know not all had great support, shouldnt that be reported? I agree 6:45 AM.

Anonymous said...

Just say "NO"!

NO to any new tax

NO to anything city hall wants

We all have to live with our mistakes and Raytown must too.

Why not stop paying the Bonds that would save us how many millions of dollars every year.

Anonymous said...

I just went online and made a complaint to the Missouri Attorney General regarding the increase in fee's last week and I encourage each of you to do the same at This increase is a clear violation of the Missouri Hancock Amendment and if you check on google there is plenty of case law to back this claim up. Kansas City lost a multi-million dollar lawsuit in 2009 when they raised the fee's charged for performing inspections, which was determined by the court to be a Hancock violation. The City just keeps on tripping over themselves at every turn. Time for someone there to get the big picture and stop these rookie mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Story in the Star this AM about a local high school sports star and all around good student. Seems he had made a date with a drug dealer to buy 2 ounces of marijuana for $1000. When he met up with the dealer he tried to rob him and was shot dead.

Someone quoted for the write-up mentioned something like "this is all I need to know about marijuana to know it's dangerous."

Well, I had the thought that this is all I need to know about robbing a drug dealer to know it's dangerous.

In the past three years I have traveled through and stayed in for extended periods, states where marijuana is legal for all adults to buy and use. It did not feel smell or look any different than all the rest of the states, including Missouri and Kansas, where my travels had taken me.

Today, out of curiosity, I checked the going price for marijuana in Colorado where it is legal. It runs somewhere between $200 to $300 and ounce for professionally grown, legal grass.

I couldn't help but think: what if marijuana was legal here? Would this young man still be alive?

I am not a pot head. Tried it a few times long ago and decided it was not for me. But I think I can support making it legal for those who do appreciate it.

Is it a gateway drug? Probably no more than booze for those who must escape reality and can not control it. They will find a way to self destruct.

Anonymous said...

someone said that the police requested the $250k. From my observations, the different departments have to ask for big expenses for their particular department, but often it is under the direction of the finance office. That's just what I've noticed.

Anonymous said...

Mims Myers Hunt Aziere voted to increases every fee even though there were great arguments against pr to moved forward at a later date with more info. Why not report that? Taxes may pass or fail voters will decide, these folks didn't find a fee increase they didnt like no matter who it hurts.

Anonymous said...

12:55 Where were you educated and why do you believe the MO attorney general has the authority to do anything about the increase in fees?

I sure would like to read those case laws you claim you have.

Are they in a box in Joe Creamer's garage?

If you really read them share the link like others as there is so much fake news these days....Just ask the President!

Anonymous said...

10:47 I against corporate welfare and the leader of the pack is well know to be "Walmart".

I support ordnance that is on the books today for false alarms.

If you listen to what the people want is the same as a false alarm.

I don't hear a lot of people upset about the out of town don-nut lady or out of town Susan.

Could it be something else that the Lynch Clan doesn't like about them or as one Alderman is found of say "Those People"!

If it saves our city resources it must be good and if not the city would be asking for three tax increases on top of the fees they increased.

That my minute!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:23 am

Just say No to civilization! We don’t need roads, in my day roads were made out of rocks and dirt, and we liked it!

We don’t need sewer and storm water protection. In my day, the creekbeds turned basements into swimming pools, and we liked it!

We don’t need nuthing!

Anonymous said...

Service animals should not be exempt from license requirements. there are so many "service" or "support" animals out there, who knows which are legit.

Anonymous said...

12:55 pm

The answer is, it depends. Depends on what the established fee range is. Have you ever wondered why copies cost .10 at the Library? And Library fines are still .5 cents per day? It’s the Hancock Amendment. However, if you edtablish a new service with a new fee, you can set a range by ordinance and then legally you can adjust the fees however you want up to the top of the range.

Anonymous said...

We cannot afford to allow our city to be used as a tool between two multimillion dollar organizations, Walmart and the out of state union. If they don’t get traction here, they will move on. If nobody stops to play their game, they will move on. Just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

I saw that Elisa Breitenbach, owner of Doughboys, publicly encouraged people to attend the Walmart union’s “press conference” tomorrow. This whole circus is bad for Raytown. Why would she choose to promote it on her Facebook page "Raytown Supports Local?” Someone that knows her should reach out to her and tell her that she is not doing our city, our community, any favors.

Anonymous said...

Wow that was strange. I just wrote an incredibly long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn't appear.
Grrrr... well I'm not writing all that over again. Anyhow,
just wanted to say excellent blog!

Anonymous said...

This town is so SCREWED! No real business income to speak of etc. It’s truly sad.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe the Raytown Unhinged group. As long as they can beat up and beat down peoples integrity, it's okay. Now when you don't agree with them, they kick you off their website, but complain about this one.

Well here you can speak your piece.

Since the appointment of young Myers to the BOA, these few people are upset because Ol Meyers didn't get the seat.

which one would you want representing you: "Ol Meyers, who screams and hollars at the City Staff or the young Myers who not only reads Ordiances, works with his colleagues, cohesiveness is a priority and he takes his work very serious. STOP THE BS People.

Anonymous said...

WOW, why are these people so ignorant. The Mayor ProTem position is in name only. Wake up people, the Mayor will die before he let anyone run a meeting and have a heart attack before he let anyone represent the city in his absence.

Susan Vorbeck get all of the facts and stop making out landish accusations. You're just a hand full of miserable people with too much time on your hands.

Be careful you're treading thin lines of slander, false allegations that can land us all in court and you truly don't want that.

Standing Tall

Anonymous said...

Anonymous April 15, 2018 at 10:17pm

Correction, Steve Meyers was not the one trying to table the taxes,, it was Mims who want to wait until next year to show the people the need for taxes, since the people have express no confidence in our City Government.

Mayor Steve Meyers was the one who called her out and stated Mims was doing this for advancing her political career.

Anonymous said...

Nope just google City Fees increase violate Hancock

Anonymous said...

Anonymous April 16, 2018 - 12:55pm

THANK YOU! Repeatedly as you watch the video's of the meetings you can see who continuously talk about the people not wanting any tax increases and they need to first give the people something to be proud of. BUT, the Raytown Unleash few little QUAD continue to beat up, dog out, slander and even try to make several Alderman out to be the bad guys for standing together and trying to turn Raytown economy around.

PEOPLE we are seriously in trouble. They talk about only the police department being in need - well the PD needs to learn to function within their budget. They are not the only entity that keeps Raytown afloat. Grandview has less funding and have more officers on the street and are successful in meeting their cities needs.

Anonymous said...

6:02PM, Yes, the city departments have to be the one to actually ask for money for things, but it is often based on recommendations from the ones that control the money. Turns out, that one wasn't necessary at all, and I will not blame the police for the bad information that was given to them, or the board.

Anonymous said...


There is no regulation for service animals.

Anonymous said...

I will vote yes on all of the taxes. If I wanted to live in "Dogpatch" with little to no services, I'd move there.

Anonymous said...

8:00 PM

The moderators have to "approve" the comments before they are put on here.

It's not an instantaneous thing to have your comment appear like happens w/ FB.

Anonymous said...

If you love Grandview so much, move there.

Anonymous said...

Because she hates Walmart so much she is blinded to the fact that the union hacks are trying to force our city to do their bidding so they can unionize Walmart employees they don’t care a bit about the tiff or taxes or anything else
I am pro union but not the way these people are going about it and lying to boot

Anonymous said...

For those wishing to contact the the Attorney General

Kansas City
615 E. 13th Street, Suite 401
Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 816-889-5000
Fax: 816-889-5006

Don't forget when complaining about the fees to also request an investigation into the police department.

Anonymous said...

If anyone complains about fees to the AG you need to include the fact the head of EMS change the fees for EMS without even a vote of the board of alderman.

We must stop this abuse on taxpayers

Anonymous said...

Mayor Steve Meyers was the one who called her out and stated Mims was doing this for advancing her political career.

Since when did Steve Meyers take over from Mike McDonough

Anonymous said...

Just read the link provided to the Kansas City Fire Department lawsuit and this looks like another fine mess you have gotten us into City Hall. Maybe the Board should have listened and pushed this a couple weeks to do a little research. Oh well if one doesn't learn from their history they a doomed to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

11:03 pm
Agreed. The police and board acted in good faith in the financial information that she provided. That info turned out to be grossly erroneous.

Anonymous said...

11:03-I wonder how many other times it will be discovered that there was money after all, but she said there wasn't. On one hand, it's good that there was more money available than predicted, but bad that financial forecasts were so wrong. Kinda shakes my confidence in her bookkeeping.

Anonymous said...


So true. You get what you pay for, in all areas of life. I am willing to pay a bit more to live in a great city, with the levels of service that I demand.

Anonymous said...

Guess you did not understand the question. All things being equal, why does Raytown have fewer officers on the road that Grandview? The departments are the same size, the pay levels are the same. The populations of each city are very close as well. Grandview does have more area to patrol.

I was watching my daughter playing with one of her playmates the other day. They were playing with some kittens. They got into a little girl fight. I heard one of them say to the other, well, if you like that cat so much, why don't you marry it!

Your comment reminded me of the squabbling little girls.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, they have 5,000 less people but 5 square miles more, so therefore, more land for businesses to be their. Raytown does not have a sufficient business base to support keeping the citizens taxes as low as grandview. It makes a difference. Raytown has been and will always be a bedroom community. But keep comparing the cities without knowing what you’re talking about.

Anonymous said...

How many of the 812 calls to WalMart were handled by the officer working off-duty at WalMart, being paid by WalMart?

Anonymous said...

Grandview is in much worse shape than Raytown. Check it out. The International House of Prayer has bought up a lot of the commercial property in that town. They are hurting financially.

I watched the meeting too. I think the 812 calls referenced were for 911 calls. So unless the off duty officer was calling 911, I think it is a fair bet that the RPD responded.

Make no mistake about it. Walmart is a burden on the police department. In so being, they are also a burden on our town. Be fair about it. How can the police answer a call in your neighborhood if they are tied up taking down shoplifters in Walmart?

I can understand the anger some have the protestors. But they do have some very valid points. Don't make the mistake of closing off your mind to solutions they may be able to bring to the table.

Anonymous said...

The 190% property tax increase is only on the about 4% that the city gets not on everyone's total property tax bill, so maybe 100.

Anonymous said...

I received a nice surprise today, a $50.00 ticket for not licensing my dog. My wife and I just moved to Raytown 4 weeks ago and had no idea of the requirement. Welcome to Raytown I guess.

Anonymous said...

No, it’s not 911 calls. It’s calls for service, ie shoplifting, ambulance, wreck in the lot etc etc. And I would bet the vast majority are handled by the officer working at and being paid by WalMart. So more fake news.

Anonymous said...

We moved to Raytown two weeks ago. How do I get a license for my dog?

Anonymous said...

Your comment is an admission the police are receiving the calls. If they are being handled by private service security, why would they call the police? Wake up and smell the bacon! Your police department is being used by Walmart as an extension of the their own security service. I was at Walmart last night. A Raytown police car is parked right in front of the store, very near the entrance. I did my shopping. I did not see the policeman who is usually with or near his car.The reason the stay close to their vehicle is because all of their equipment is in the car.

It was clear to me the p.d. car was parked their as a deterrent. Does the city give this service to other businesses in Raytown? Do they charge Walmart for it? Sadly, they do not. As taxpayers we get to pay for this service to Walmart.

And now that same city wants me to pay more in taxes for my home, the gasoline I uby and internet shopping?

No thanks guys. Clean up your own house first. Then we can talk about raising taxes. But all I see is business as usual coming from City Hall.

I will be voting NO on every tax increase they want until city hall starts acting responsibly.

By the way, I understand the Fire District and Park Department are coming with tax increase proposals next November. Can anyone speak to that? If they know it is true they should tell the public now.

Anonymous said...

Well if there was a car there, then there was an officer there, working for WalMart. Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they aren’t there and are being paid by WalMart. It’s the same computer system to keep track of the officers. Go to a citizen academy and actually learn what they do. It’s very eye opening.

Anonymous said...

Those of you who are voting for all tax increases because you want more government services, what gives you confidence the money will be spent the way you believe it will? We have been down this road before. We have seen tax increases spent in ways the voters never expected.

I will vote only for the gas tax as it is limited to street improvements.

Anonymous said...

When you pay the fine I would attach a note explaining that this is the reason your voting no in August.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Walmart could call the Jackson County Sheriff Department instead of the Raytown PD. I just read where the head Sheriff for Jackson County was doing shady dealings involving a female employee. Mike (ain't so) Sharp is gone from Jackson County. I guess it's back to working the firewall stands in Lee's Summit for Mikey.

Anonymous said...

Well I hear that a good friend of the Mayor has resigned his position as sheriff of Jackson county.

Anonymous said...

The mayors long time buddy Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp resigned today and I cannot say I am surprised. What I was surprised at was the level to which he was allowed to operate autonomously. The parallels between Sharp and our own Jim Lynch are scary and we the taxpayers should do a better job of selecting our elected police leaders.

Anonymous said...

So because someone knows a person that makes them guilty by association?
Even though that person that knows them has done nothing wrong?
Now that’s a real Christian attitude
Kind of like someone raises a kid and he goes to prison for something the parents or grandparents are guilty I guess
Geesh how stupid

Anonymous said...


A thoughtful question. This is not about more services. This is about improving the services we have. The Internet or use tax is harmless to the majority of residents. You should look into that one. We need two key things in Raytown, better streets and code enforcement.

Anonymous said...

You don't seem to get it. I understand the deterrent a police care is. I understand the deterrent a policeman in uniform with all of his equipment strapped on him is. What I do not understand is why do you give this to one of the largest corporations in America while the street you live on is slowly turning to dust?

I do not pay taxes to underwrite mega-corporations. Apparently you think that is a great idea.

Walmart should pay for the use of the equipment we pay for.

Anonymous said...

To 10:01,
I will try to explain it to you. First, the officer is off-duty, therefore not working for the city. WalMart is paying the officer, not the city, unless he/she gets called to assist the streets. The car is sitting there, not running, so not costing any money. So how do you figure WalMart isn’t paying for the service?

Anonymous said...

5:38 am

Annual City Pet License
The City of Raytown requires all cats, dogs, ferrets and pot-bellied pigs over 90 days old to have an annual city license. This license is separate than the rabies tag issued by your veterinarian. The license period matches the date of your pet's rabies vaccination. To obtain a license, fill out the form on the back of this brochure and return to City Hall with the appropriate fee. An animal license is $5 for a spayed/neutered animal, or $15 for an intact animal. The city license tag must be displayed on the collar of the pet when the animal is outside. Rabies Vaccination All cats, dogs and ferrets are required to have an annual rabies vaccination from a veterinarian. The rabies tag is required to be displayed on the collar of the pet when the animal is outside.

Anonymous said...

The city makes getting a pet license as inconvenient as possible. A lot of folks have to take off work to go up to city hall when they are open.

It's too bad the license can't be obtained at the vet's office when you are there getting your pet's rabies vaccinations.

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment Mike Sharp has been for other law enforcement. As if their jobs aren’t hard enough, he pulls some crazy stunts. I’m sure even his friends are scratching their heads like ‘what the heck?!” We can’t try to tie someone else to Sharp, for our misguided political hack job, it was all Sharp, and he admitted so.

Anonymous said...

So if Walmart wanted to hire a public works employee to remove snow would you be ok with them using a plow as long as they were available to plow city streets in the event of an emergency?

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable!!! The issues is not the officer working while not on duty. The issue is the city GIVING services, like parking police cars at the entrance and just leaving them there as a deterrent, the supplies used by the officer (they are in the car or the Suburban Assault Vehicle being driven by the officer cost taxpayers money. It does not get their by magic! The equipment costs money.

The other issue is the very large amount of calls by the police to this one location. The cops cannot be at Walmart and your neighborhood at the same time. If nearly a third of the calls for police service in Raytown end up at Walmart that means the other 9.9 square miles will not be receiving any service at that time.

It is a problem that should not be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Lets try this a different way

Lets say I have an issue with speeding in my neighborhood.

I cannot call the police department and request a spare car to be parked at the corresponding intersection so that speeders are deterred by seeing the car.

Therefore Walmart should get that car outside the building either unless they pay for it at a fair market value of $50 to $100 per hours.

Citizens for Police Integrity

Anonymous said...

"Unbelievable!!! The issues is not the officer working while not on duty. The issue is the city GIVING services, like parking police cars at the entrance and just leaving them there as a deterrent...."

If so, just curious. How many years has this abuse of police resources been going on? Both at the current WalMart location and the prior one over on the west side of Raytown? Has your elected Marshall, Jim Lynch, ever acknowledged this in the past and taken steps to abate it? OR, did he not recognize that this was an issue, or did he wait for someone else to figure this out for him and object, or?

Andy Whiteman said...

10:57 PM & 11:00 PM, The license date and rabies vaccination will fall on the same date only for a new pet unless there is an unlicensed/vaccinated period a vaccinated pet, the dates are almost always out of sync. Pet licensing started in June or July but my service dog was vaccinated in a different month because I got her previously and immediately vaccinated her. Yes, it would be ideal to sync the dates but that isn't always possible.

Why does a person have to go to City Hall to get a pet license? I got mine by mail. I always enclosed a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the a/c to mail the license and receipt in.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

If the officer is not working for the City while at Wal-Mart whos insurance are they operating under? If they shoot someone while not working for the City of Raytown, but are wearing a uniform paid for by the City using a weapon and bullets purchased by the City are we the Taxpayers liable? If the answer is yes then we have a problem, if the answer is no then I agree this is simply a question of policy and public relations.

Raytown Newbie said...

Got our dog's annual rabies vaccine then dropped by the city to pick up the 2018 license.
It went from $5 to $10. I guess we are paying twice to make up for all who do not bother with the license. Especially cat and ferret (really?) owners. LOL

Didn't get to vote on this but no big deal.

Voting no on most tax increases but I would support a bond issue strictly for road, bridge and sidewalk repair and construction.

Anonymous said...

Raytown Newbie - when my dog was alive, I downloaded the license application off the city's website and mailed a copy of the application, a check, and the rabies certificate to city hall. A few days later, I received the license in the mail.

Also, the license is not a tax. It is a fee. The city sets the rate.

Anonymous said...

5:10 You are paying more for the privilege to have Walmart in Raytown.

For a police department that was top heavy too many years.

For a school district that went around the Hancock Amendment.

It is confronting to know that corruption, greed and fraud are all alive in well in Raytown.

Anonymous said...

Are you a registered group with the ethics commission or just a self proclaimed group that has decided to think they represent any of us without our permission?

Anonymous said...

That’s about the dumbest analogy I’ve ever heard. The police car is parked, not running, being used to get to and from WalMart and possibly take an arrest in if necessary. Not sure how you justify charging any money for that. Plus the officer working at WalMart needs to be able to write any reports.

Anonymous said...

There's no pet license available to download on the city's website. I guess they took it down so you would have to go and get it in person???

Anonymous said...

The pet license was on the website 3 years ago. Did you call city hall and ask?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like more out of state union dribble

Anonymous said...

20 cents per gallon? More like 30 cents per gallon unless you are driving a prius!

Anonymous said...

Tell ya what. Next time you need a police car to sit in front of your house why not call the RPD and ask them to send one over. Of course there will be no charge. After all, you are as important as Walmart.

Peter Weber said...

8:52 - You sound like those failed union organizers. Walmart pays for the off-duty police. You go before the city council and whine that no one will listen to you. You go before the city council and complain that people call you an outsider. This is why You spread lies and misinformation and then wonder why no one likes you.

Anonymous said...

Bottom Line fellow Raytonians:
These upcoming three taxes are to pay off a debt you did not get to vote on. You already pay high taxes. If you raise even one tax you send a horrible message to the City Council. That they can waste and mismanage your tax dollars and you will blithely vote them more tax dollars to waste and mismanage. Please vote no on all three ill conceived taxes to send a message to the City Council to live within their budget as all of us has too.

What a sad day for Raytown if even one of these proposed taxes pass.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 4/19/2018 4:44pm

Yes the city pays for the RPD insurance, even when they are working at Walmart.

Anonymous said...

4-19-2018 9:25pm

Greed is all over Raytown. Don't forget the clicks like Raytown Unleash, the Mayor and Lynch controlled by these two. Connect the dots, lynch and the mayor are controlled by Sue Franks, whose husband was second in command. A detective and another officer got married and still worked RPD. Nepotism? I heard that the Raytown Chamber chair sister in law might apply for the City Administrators job. Not for sure, but what I heard.

City Hall is full of mess. Needs to be cleaned out.

Anonymous said...

Grossly erroneous?
Really, as always when an employee leaves city hall, they become the problem. I don't hear no one talking about the misinformation that PD has been giving for sometime, like having 9 funded vacant positions and reporting only 4. where's the rest of the money?

I'm against the taxes and will vote NO on all of them.

Anonymous said...

To 4-15-2018 10:27pm
When it came to the taxes, it was Steve Meyers who went after Mims for not wanting to put the taxes on the ballot this year. Check your facts. Mims said let's show the people what they had been promised and keep our word and gain the people's trust. S. Meyers accused Mims of trying to further her political career.

I can say this about Mims, I may not agree with everything, but at east she is trying to make a change, work within the frame of city government, by stabilizing the budget and hold our officials accountable. In watching the Mayor and Chief, the old forceful tactics are over and she has shown us all that she's not afraid to stand up. The Mayor and Chief need to go.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at this new board, they are not afraid of making changes. City Hall can't continue to operate business as usual.

The RPD continued wanting to increase their budget 8.4 mil to 9.7mil and for what? Still Top heavy. We only had 20 officers on the street before the budget cuts, so what has changed. They still editing their time sheets, haven't put the GPS on the City (PD) cars and still taking the SUV's home. So what has changed? The police department is under the city. If that budget is taken away, let's see who runs who?

Run out of money and see what happens. Lynch resign like your buddy the sheriff.

What happened to the State Audit? It's really needed and then everyone will see where the wasteful spending has taken place.

Anonymous said...

When I read about the connections between the PD, the current mayor and a former mayor a word comes to mind:


Raytown Newbie said...

So let's say I answer a posting on Craigslist and drive over to Independence and spend $1000 on a used zero turn mower. Would that be subject to the proposed "use tax"?
Looks like it to me.
Maybe that is why the proposed tax is written the way it is.
Seems all encompassing to me.
Pretty Crafty

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Republican Senate in Jefferson City won't confirm Greitens Board of Education nominees. Wonder if the Ward 5 alderman is sorry he quit Raytown BOA?

Anonymous said...

20% of the crime comes from one address and you don't think that is high? Get real! It is high and it is not good.