A Discussion About Taxes
blogger recently made some interesting observations about Walmart in
challenged other writers to show proof of their claims that Walmart does not
pay taxes on the 350 Live TIF.
like a fair challenge.
decided why not bring the subject to the front page of the Raytown Report?
So we
contacted that Jackson County Assessor to find out how much Walmart is paying
in taxes to retire the debt. The Jackson County Assessment Office is the
Department that sets property values for the purpose of taxation in Jackson
Here is what we found:
Anonymous said...
pays taxes, all goes to pay back the TIF. Can you site a news
article that says Walmart has not paid?
May 25,
2018 at 10:17 PM
“WALMART PAYS TAXES”: Walmart pays taxes on the value of the
property it holds. The tax they pay in Jackson County has been paid under
protest. The end result of that “protest” is that the taxes they pay are held
in escrow until it is determined by the Assessment Department how much is
actually owed. So the answer is yes. Walmart pays
property taxes on the value of its property in Raytown. How much they actually
pay will be determined when that protest is decided.
“ALL GOES TO PAY THE TIF”:That is a very misleading statement.
Actually, the TIF is paid from revenue derived from the sales tax collected at
Walmart. The reality is this . . . Walmart
collects the sales tax from sales at its store in Raytown. The people who shop at the store pay the sales tax.
![]() |
Raytown is NOT a Low Tax City
One of the main arguments completely ignored by the pro-tax
crowd is that Raytown is already a high tax city. the following municipal tax
rates of surrounding tax rates from the State of Missouri website clearly shows
Raytown’s ranking with surrounding communities.
4.250% . . . . . . KANSAS CITY, MO
4.125% . . . . . .
3.875% . . . . . . GRANDVIEW
3.625% . . . . . . LEE’S SUMMIT
3.625% . . . . . . INDEPENDENCE
3.375% . . . . . . BLUE SPRINGS
Property tax rates taken from the Jackson County, Missouri
website tells a similar tale.
9.4335 per $100 valuation . . . . . . KANSAS CITY, MO
9.0558 per $100 valuation
. . . . . . RAYTOWN
8.3949 per $100 valuation . . . . . . GRANDVIEW
9.0668 per $100 valuation . . . . . . LEE’S SUMMIT
8.4043 per $100 valuation . . . . . . INDEPENDENCE
8.3990 per $100 valuation . . . . . . BLUE SPRINGS
Do you ever wonder why the Franchise Tax fees paid on
Electricity and Natural Gas never change? We did. So we checked with the State
of Missouri and found out the reason the 8% tax you pay on those two major
utilities remains at 8% is because it is the highest rate allowed by law in
Raytown is also at the highest rate allowed for telephone
service, cell phone service, internet service and cable television.
So there you have it. It is very clear Raytowners are paying
more than their fair share in taxes.
The problem is that too much of our tax dollars are going to pay
the debt for failed TIF schemes and tax abatements that never panned out
We estimate that about 30% of the money from sales and property
tax goes to pay the debt created by tax abatements and TIF schemes in Raytown.
The answer is not in raising taxes of people who do not receive
tax relief. The solution is in throttling back on the amount of debt the city
Taking into account the city’s history of unfettered tax relief
for developers in Raytown, there is little doubt that city hall will change its
ways if they received all three tax increases they are asking voters for on
August 7th.
The only viable solution is to literally force our elected officials the harsh reality we all
face each day. We must live within our means. So must the city.
It is a simple message. It is a message they will understand at
City Hall.
Terri George, a representative of the
Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR), served as hostess to about 75 people
who attended the event.
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Raytown VIPS Holds
Successful Fundraiser
Raytown VIPS (Volunteers in Police Service) held a successful
fundraiser this past weekend. They partnered with local car dealership Dick
Smith Ford to raise funds for future VIPS programs, with the Raytown
Safety Fair on May 21st , Citizen’s Police Academy this fall, and Coffee With A Cop as
just a few examples.
Though the numbers have yet to be totaled, it appears the VIPS
Fundraiser raised in excess of $1000 in support of the VIPS program.
Here is how the program worked. Any person over 18, with a valid
driver’s license and insurance card could participate. They would take a test
drive in any of eight Ford vehicles. Each “demo“ drive earned the VIPS program
a $20 donation (compliments of Dick Smith Ford and the Ford Motor Company) to
the VIPS program.
New Role for VIPS in Raytown?
Raytown VIPS volunteer
Mindy McDaniel spoke with a Blue Spring VIPS member at the VIPS fundraiser. It
seems that the Blue Springs VIPS have been issued two older police vehicles,
which have been painted to identify the VIPS organization as drivers. In
the Blue Springs program, VIPS participants act as support to the police
department and community by promoting awareness of any issues that may arising
in the community.
VIPS volunteers are also
authorized to write parking tickets and enforce handicapped parking zone
VIPS volunteers are also
authorized to write parking tickets and enforce handicapped parking zone
Raytown Arts Council / Raytown Council
on Aging
Marguerite McNair Chapter of DAR Team up to hold
Memorial Day
Monday morning was warm for late May,
but it did on hold back participation of a Memorial Day Program at Colman Park.
Recognition was given to veterans and
their spouses of World War Two through the Afghanistan War. Participants joined
in to sing along with tunes performed by the RAC’s Polished Brass in
recognition of veterans.
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Do you have a car in your garage or driveway? Did it appear there by magic? Or, did you have to purchase the car, buy insurance, fill it with fuel and drive it to your garage or driveway? Your comment that it does not cost to park a police car at Walmart or HyVee is nonsense. Be honest about it. There is NOTHING the police would do in this town that you would ever find fault with. You would probably fit well on our city council. They have the same exact attitude. You all remind me of the three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Of the total 9.055 per 100 of assed value, only a small percent of that goes to the city. Most of the property tax money in Raytown goes to the school district, so just because in the past increases were approved for the school district doesn't mean, the city shouldn't get an increase. Yes the property taxes will be higher than some areas because of this, but we quit giving money to the schools and require them to work within their means, it will eventually even out. If the tax increases aren't approved, what will the city streets and infrastructure look like in a couple years without needed repairs and maintenance? How will the crime rate in the area change? We are right next door to KC and that stuff does spill over, it's not all Raytown citizens being arrested here.
To the poster at 6:22 am- the police vehicles would still cost the same if parked in the PD parking lot or in front of Wal Mart. The only legit cost is the fuel to get from the PD to Wal Mart, and considering that we have a PD that isn't well staffed, I'm very much ok with the less than a gallon of gas used for this, because those officers are readily available if a major incident occurs and more officers are needed somewhere in the city. Oh, and it's a Board of Aldermen not a city council so let's use the correct terms here, because if you don't know what they're called how can any reader know that you are even informed with facts.
"The solution is in throttling back on the amount of debt the city creates...The only viable solution is to literally force our elected officials the harsh reality we all face each day. We must live within our means. So must the city."
No truer words. Thank you.
8:50 am - Where have you been? The BOA did cut back on expenses. They want the city to live within its means. What was the result? The police department brought in an outsider to threaten and scare the residents, trying to get people to get the BOA to let the RPD keep all the money they want. Now Tony Jacobs and his cronies have created Raytown Explained. They want to defeat tax increases and work to get Tony and his friends elected so the RPD can go back to unlimited spending. The Boa is doing a good job, considering they inherited a terrible mess from the prior administrations.
9:00 am
So then why don't you run for alderman?
It's much easier to talk and write about an issue then actually doing something and taking action, which most of the folks on here do.
Other stories are to be found in Raytown. How about the story of how one of our Alderman does not like public comments and wants to reduce the time from 5 to 3 minutes? How about a story on the Tornadoes in Raytown?
How about a story on the current conditions of our roads?? That’s ok I got this one...
There are streets in this town that look like they are a patchwork quilt. Streets that are cracked so badly that the road looks like puzzle pieces, just reach down and pull a piece out..... I am seeing portions of the street where holes are forming near the curb edge, not potholes, more like small sinkholes. I got potholes on both ends of my street and gravel is forming as the street breaks down. Don’t tell me that things are dandy and that I have to live with it. Don’t tell me that the City has the money to fix this. It clearly does not. I want this fixed for everybody, and I don’t think we should have rationed services... oops we already have that. The police Department does not have a traffic division.
If there is one taxing entity that should live within its means and stop taxing us to death, it is the school district! And next would be parks and rec. The school district accounts for most of your property tax bill. Clearly the school district is the one that needs to live within its means.
I’d be more concerned with the entire police command staff driving their city owned Expeditions out of the city everyday to their homes 20 minutes away. That cost more in gas than driving the police car to Walmart or Hyvee.
For next weeks story someone should make a Sunshine request for all the GPS trackings on city owned vehicles. See how many leave the city everyday in city gas.
If I had school-age kids I would send them to private school or home school them.
I think the school district should focus on the basics. Fancy baseball fields won't help you write well or think critically. I wonder how much time is spent dealing with the trouble makers instead of teaching.
The Raytown district should be called "Raytown Schools" and take out the "Quality" until test scores improve.
Tony Jacob is in no way involved in Raytown Explained.
Good luck getting city hall to respond to your request. Some of us have waited weeks just to get a response on how long it will take and how much it will cost us. We’ve gotten no response at all.
Yo Pete Raytown Explained is an informational FB page about the taxes
I love reading through an article that will make men and women think.
Also, thank you for allowing me to comment!
"Tony Jacob is in no way involved in Raytown Explained."
How would we know?
Why would we care?
A word to the wise, "Raytown Explained". Fake Facebook profiles are a direct violation of Facebook's terms of service. We seriously doubt that the admin of your "page" is actually named "Ray Town".
Ridiculous. Stop jacking around with all these Facebook pages.
Yet you can’t say anything about the posts on the page. This is a common deflection when people have no foundation for attacking the actual data. FB employees actually suggested this approach to handle weaknesses in their settings for groups until members are allowed to contact the entire admin group from the page itself. It’s a feature they are working on, but don’t have yet. What are you so scared of? That the people in this community might get actual factual information without the unsubstantiated accusations that are so common with the “anonymous “ crowd?
You could try asking Mr. Jacob himself. He was actually the first to criticize the page for not including sourcing. A flaw we’ve now corrected. You see, unlike many of you, we want to release quality information and are open to constructive criticism. I find it ironic that almost everyone on this page posts anonymously yet you want to throw shade on a group because it has a generic admin account. By all means, I welcome every one of you to contact us with anything you believe to be false on the page. If you have sourced data relating to issues in the city, please provide it to us and we will include it on the page. You can do so by posting to the page, which will be sent to us for approval. Currently, the focus is on the tax increases but later down the road we will discuss topics like a charter and the upcoming election for aldermen.
I am all for cutting down the time on public comment. It is just the same thing over and over. Get a grip they don't have to allow public comment at all be thankful for what they give you.
Sign me Ole Timer of Raytown
Raytown Explained as discussed here sounds like FAKE NEWS to me. I thought that Facebook said they were working on that but maybe it is such a small violation that it is unnoticed. At the top of the FB page is a blue banner. Click the "?" on the right side of the banner then click "Report a problem. There is also "..." on the top right of each post. You can also start at "..."
Andy Whiteman
Go check the Police lot right now. All of the “take home” cars are parked at the police department. Fake news, next lie please...
12:02 For far to many years the Raytown School District has been taking advantage of the tax payers within the district.
If it has not been all the "Wet Dreams" of Markley from football fields at both schools to now not one but two baseball fields.
It is the illegal none voter approval give away from the city, which the sad excuse of our Board of Alderman have been afraid like little kids on the play grown and therefore have not brought the courts in to return money and property back to the city.
If that doesn't shock you enough, the conversation with a family today that had to remind school administration that when the school district takes property away from the students and will not return same property to parents is telling the students if you are in power it is okay to steel, which explains the increase in property crimes and abuse in our city.
Clearly just more and more examples of why the school district doesn't need more money just a jail cell for administrators and the board.
12:47 pm -
You don't make any sense at all. If a person is an "illegal none voter", how can it be their fault? Tax rate is set by those voting. An "illegal none voter" has nothing to do with it. I think you have been drinking the Dump's cool aid again.
@8:15 am No, it is not the same thing over and over. One of our Alderman, with a poor attendance record, apparently does not like hearing anything from the people. I have been watching board meetings for about a year now and nobody says the same thing. It might be the same topic, but I have always heard different points made. It’s a false argument put out by someone that has been on the board too long. Beware of any politician that wants to take your rights away, there is no excuse for it. America is a democracy where rights are given, not taken away.
Andy, with all due respect you live in another state. Raytown issues are not your concern anymore.
Dave Williams,
Before you start name calling you best do your home work.
12:47 Is correct there was never a vote of the people, but the city gave away more than a reasonable amount to the school district for the 350 live project.
The value of the property was maybe worth 2 million, but the city paid 24 million. However, it does get worse as they also gave other property and paid other expense to the school district.
According to members of the State Auditors Office that amounts are not reasonable, which anyone with common sense would agree.
Therefore the Board of Alderman by the direction and force of Sue Frank and her city administrator paid too much for the deal and it should have gone before the voters.
I might also point out as clearly you have no understand of our city and its history this is the very same reason the city is needing those three tax questions passed in Aug.
I will be voting NO as I believe if current Board of Alderman would sue the School Board the money would be resulted with no tax increase.
One of my frustrations is that past decisions have created a lack of trust. You are voting NO because of past experience, but we are living in the present and future. Not the past. I have lived here 6 years and I would like well maintained roads.. The anti tax crowd wants everybody to suffer and wait for better days that may never come. They have no plan B except to borrow more money with bonds and to get the County to raise assessments which would be a higher tax than what is being proposed on the next election. I wish and hope we can get everybody together. But when we have Aldermen that think it’s ok to reduce public comments from 5 to 3 minutes, basically they don’t care about the people’s rights.
By all means, please tell us SPECIFICALLY what is fake news on the page? I won’t hold my breath.
Susan, you just don't get it, do you?
We enjoy reading the editorials on Raytown Report.
The continual drama that you create with all your Facebook groups has nothing to do with this website.
Confine your constant attacks on this page to your own groups, please.
We can’t wait for a lawsuit to settle in 3 years. We need money for our roads now!!
Saying people against the three tax increases want everyone to suffer is below the belt and way out of line. From what I have read people opposed to the tax increases want accountability first. Lets face it. There is a huge gap of accountability at city hall. Many who read this page know of the irregularities in the ambulance billing. Yet not a peep out of city hall. Kind of reminds you of their (secret) settlement with the Fire Department last winter. We readers just found out about it because someone finally stepped up and did a Freedom of Information request to get to the bottom of the story.
Stop and think about it. The city's own agreement called for press release to the public explaining what had happened in the lawsuit! Yet the press release, when it was literally forced to be written, said absolutely nothing about the terms of the settlement.
You may want to trust those run our city with doing the right thing when it comes taxes. From what I have see, they deserve just the opposite. From the mayor on down, they are not to be trusted.
Their past actions and broken promises underscore the fact that they should not be trusted in the future.
For instance, the first question that comes to my mind about the gasoline tax is how do we know the city council will not go in an gut what is routinely budgeted for street maintenance? Let's look at their record. They lied about the Public Safety Tax. They lied about the so called split on the Storm Sewer / Park Tax.
An odds maker would bet they will go three for three on this promise as well.
Art @ 6:30 pm
You still didn't explain how non voting ILLEGAL residents had anything to do with this whole thing. Are you throwing out buzz words in an attempt to inflame the readers and mask the facts? If so, it won't work. The readers of this blog are too smart to fall for that nonsense.
Dave Williams,
I have reread your post, Art's and 12:47's and recommend you do the same.
From doing this I found this line in 12:47's post "It is the illegal none voter approval give away". I think for you it is important to read that full piece.
As Art has recommended you need to get educated on Raytown and also our state laws. We have a law that says tax/fees have to be approved by the voters and I didn't get to vote for the any deal with the School District.
Again it doesn't say illegal none voter it is illegal none voter approval meaning two boards agreed on a crazy deal without the approval of the voters.
I too would say most voters with commonsense would no not to approve an extra 24 million for a piece of property.
However, after reading your post I might be wrong about the average Raytown's voter ability to have any commonsense.
By the way I understand that community colleges offer reading 101.
@4:06 PM and anyone else wishing to address me,
Please sign your name. Anonymous posts carry no weight with me.
Andy Whiteman
I don't believe those against the tax increases want people to suffer. Those kinds of accusations don't help anyone on either side of the argument. However, I do believe the taxes are necessary. I think it will damage the city to wait another year or 2. We should pass the increases and, beginning with the 2019 elections, we should start voting out those members of the administration that don't spend the money appropriately, that don't have the best interests of the city at heart, that don't show up to meetings prepared and those that have become too comfortable on that dais and just believe they can get a free paycheck and reign over Raytown with no accountability. It's time for the people in this community to become more active. More informed. And it's time for people to get off their butts and VOTE.
Nice to hide behind anonymity and attack me instead of actually addressing what I’ve said. That’s a very closed minded approach. There is constant bickering on this blog even when I don’t participate so just save it. Put up or shut up. Attack what I’ve said specifically instead of these pathetic personal attacks.
Andy, stay strong and don't listen to these bitter people. They're just mad because they are not in power. Instead of trying to help, they choose to complain and tear down people to their level.
What issue has there been with the ambulance billing? Only thing I know of is that people don’t pay their bill, hardly breaking news there.
what is with the "illegal residents?" are you talking about illegal immigrants?
"The readers of this blog are too smart to fall for that nonsense." that's funny
did it ever occurr to you that they cannot disclose the results of the lawsuit based on the agreement? it's standard and happens all the time. put your tin foil hats down
Ole Timer of Raytown
If these three don’t pass, I predict that the city will fold in 5 years or so. Cost of living is higher now than it was 5, 10 + years ago.
Yes the cost of living is higher than it was 5, + 10 years ago. So are our taxes. Sales taxes have gone up over 40% from ten years ago. Property values have risen, and, guess what, so have the the property taxes with it. The cost of natural gas, electricity, telephone service and cell phone service has risen as well. So have the taxes that are based on the dollar amount you pay for those utilities.
It is all relative. The taxes are tied to the rate of inflation.
The answer to Raytown's problems is in stopping the poor management at of our city.
Count me as another NO vote until city hall starts running our city professionally.
Part of the agreement between the city and the fire district was to publish a press release explaining the agreement they have reached. Somebody thinks anyone believing what the city an fire district agreed to should wear a tin foil hat.
Don't really see the connection there.
But I do think the city and fire district should have published what the agreement they both signed off on to the taxpayers. What was they spent on lawyers to reach that agreement? Oh yes, about $140,000! And people say the city does not have have any money.
Don't know about that. I do know they are $140,000 poorer because of the wisdom they have brought to city hall.
Could someone with knowledge answer some sincere questions? How high were the reserves prior to the Walmart deal? This City had money in the bank at one time right? I keep hearing about money given to the school district. Can someone give me the 411 on this?
Is the city attorney on a retainer fee?
Maybe we should just go ahead and hire an attorney full time.
May pay less than $140k/annually if we did that.
I hope we didn't have to pay the legal fees for the fire district as well.
"There is constant bickering on this blog even when I don’t participate so just save it..."
Blahaha! Same thing happens on the Facebook pages, except they call it "animated discussion". Then the "admins" and the "owner" subsequently block group members with whom they disagree. Then the "owner", after she thins her skin a little further, shows up here for whatever reason and starts drama.
THIS, after she claims that she never visits this website.
Apparently, what goes on here is far more important to her that she lets on.
I agree. Step off and troll your own Facebook pages.
at least Susan and her facebook group have the courage to post their names for something they believe in
what to illegal immigrants have to do with taxes?
I've heard enough from and about this Facebook gal. If we had any interest in what she had to say, we'd subscribe to her page.
The reason I joined Facebook in the first place was so that I could see what they were saying on Raytown Unleashed.
It's a great place to find out what's going on especially since we don't have a newspaper anymore.
People rally around problems which is very uplifting to see. There are lots of good folks in Raytown.
A large portion of your personal property taxes goes to the school district. And in Raytown, since fire is a protection district, another portion goes to them, thus leaving the city with even less tax dollars.
can't wait for the next Raytown Live event! Mayor McDonough and the rest of the organizers did a great job!
borrow money to pay for infrastructure?? no thanks, not again
Citizens Reaching for Tomorrow
"There are lots of good folks in Raytown."
Agreed. Absolutely. Many of them are members of the Facebook groups. They ignore the negative aspects of those pages, which in most cases are the "owner" and "admins". One in particular is one big ball of negative energy.
Raytowners are wise enough to take what they need and they leave the rest.
Unfortunately, due to inflated egos and obssession, a handful of people that maintain some of these pages have become a sideshow, which detracts from the purpose of those pages. Their antics have been well-documented. Best to let them keep talking because they continue to reveal themselves.
It's easy to concentrate on the positive aspects of those pages however because there are a number of great citizens as members.
What do we need VIPS for when we have Crime Watch? These men are more than capable to handle situations that may come. the way I see it VIPS is just a feel good thing.
I will be voting "No" on all 3 taxes!! The new management at city hall hasn't shown me they can handle money any better than the past administrations.
"at least...and her facebook group have the courage to post their names for something they believe in"
Oh hi M! Couldn't help but notice that you continue to post en nomen nescio also.
If someone uses Facebook, there are or shouldn't be any anonymous comments. Profiles like "Ray Town", regardless of their intent, violate Facebook's TOS.
"How do I report a fake account?
A fake account is an account where someone is pretending to be something or someone that doesn't exist. Fake accounts can include accounts for fake or made up people, pets, celebrities or organizations. To report a fake account:
Go to the profile of the fake account
If you can't find it, try searching for the name used on the profile or asking your friends if they can send you a link to it.
Click More below the cover photo and select Report
Follow the on-screen instructions for fake accounts to file a report."
And we're certain, although some of these posters proclaim far and wide that they use their names when they make comments on this blog, that they also post their more snarky comments anonymously.
Thank God the Fire Department is separate. If they were a city department we would not have one.
I also joined Facebook to see what was happening on Raytown Unleashed.
Guess what? I never got an invite to join. I guess I frequent the wrong Raytown restaurant.
I see we are going to continue with childish personal attacks instead of actually addressing what I’ve said. Nothing productive takes place on this page. I’ll go back to Facebook where those of us who aren’t afraid to put our names on our comments have constructive conversations. I’m sure this comment will be faced with more personal attacks. Some of you are just too thick headed to realize I don’t care. I’m more actively involved in this community than most of you and I’m not going anywhere. I will continue to work on improving Raytown through Raytown Rocks, Raytown Unleashed and volunteering in the community. You’re only going to see more of me in the coming years, so for your own health, I suggest you make peace with your hate.
Considering the fire district is for Raytown and funded by a portion of Raytown property owners property tax,yes we paid for the fire districts fees and the fire district.
That post wasn't about illegal immigrants the poster meant the deal with the school district for the loans should've been a ballot issue.
So Lee's Summit has higher property taxes than Raytown. Hard to tell by that list that Raytown is actually 3rd on it, because of how it's sorted.
"Out of Town Susan":
" I’ll go back to Facebook...Some of you are just too thick headed to realize I don’t care....I suggest you make peace with your hate."
Waving buh-bye! Power on, Suz!
I noticed that too, that the list was not in descending order. Purposely deceiving
Yes, nice job mayor and raytown live group! way to bring a fun time to Raytown!!
Citizens for the Truth in Raytown
1:00 pm
Did you ask to join the Raytown Unleashed page? They will ask a few questions about why you want to join.
Only took about a day or so for me and I got approved. And no I don't go to restaurants very often.
Does anyone know where alderman Hunt stands on any issues? He never opens his mouth at the meetings. those of us in gregory heights are very frustrated with his "representation." he will not answer an email either.
"What do we need VIPS for when we have Crime Watch? These men are more than capable to handle situations that may come. the way I see it VIPS is just a feel good thing."
Oh my....where do I begin?? Some of the things we do are: volunteering IN the police department. We also spend months planning the Safety Fair and Citizen's Police Academy. We hold Coffee with a Cop every so often. And now since there no funds for community programs, we are raising the money ourselves to keep these programs going because we believe in their importance.
You are right--it is a "feel good thing"!! We feel good when we bring the Raytown community and the police together as that, my friend, is our mission.
Have a blessed day!
A note to Greg and Paul.
Thank you for giving us this forum where we can speak our mind. Your website is our source of real news in Raytown. Keep up the good work.
He rarely speaks. Think “silent cal” (Calvin Coolidge)
Trying calling him. Not everybody is comfortable with computers. Some of the Aldermen do need to improve their communication skills. My view is, these folks should respect the residents enough to communicate or face the prospect of being voted out.
"A note to Greg and Paul.
Thank you for giving us this forum where we can speak our mind. Your website is our source of real news in Raytown. Keep up the good work."
Agreed! Both Greg and Paul are gifted writers, analytical and experienced. RR is the only Raytown blog we read. You are very appreciated.
Greg was our alderman for many years. He always returned phone calls pretty much immediately and helped us when no one else would/could. We really felt then, as now, that he was in our corner. :-)
@ Susan,
I have been on this blog many years as well as the one before it run by Greg and Garth. I discovered very early that because people are online (anonymous or not) they very often lose all decency, common courtesy, and manners and may be obnoxious. I stated my policy long ago of ignoring personal attacks unless I felt the poster was asking a logical question.
My father said NEVER to discuss politics or religion because people are angered and will not listen to reason. Since this and Raytown Unleashed are political blogs, what can be expected?
Andy Whiteman
Here's an idea...the board of aldermen, mayor, and all department heads put egos aside and work together for the common good.
Raytona Beach Bum
I appreciate that some people put their words into action and volunteer for the police or somewhere else. Beats everyone else that just complains and does nothing else. Well done vips people!!
And thank you, Greg, by supporting the vips efforts to get the word out by allowing them to post on your blog!
Yeah, I saw the tax comparisons too. Raytown has the second highest sales tax in the area. In property tax levies, Raytown is .0110 of a cent behind Lee's Summit for the number two spot in highest level. I checked on the amounts and found them to be accurate. As is the story
Raytown is definitely a high tax town.
The question that should be asked is why, with all this money rolling in, does Raytown have financial problems? Could it be things like the $140,000 wasted on frivolous law suits between the fire department and the city.
Could it be on past (thank god!) practices of the p.d. of a "take a car home if you want" policy for many, many years?
Some wonder how Grandview can put more officers on the street that Raytown with less money. The answer is simple.Look at the size of the command staffs of the two departments. Raytown's is top heavy. Grandview's is not.
We need change at city hall from the Mayor on down. And that includes ALL elected department heads.
"I have been on this blog many years...I discovered very early that because people are online (anonymous or not) they very often lose all decency, common courtesy, and manners and may be obnoxious."
We agree completely, Andy.
The Facebook entity appears to be completely incapable of separating editorial remarks from third party comments. This entity bitterly, profusely complains about blog censorship, yet it appears that they or their "admins" regularly censor or block individuals on Facebook themselves.
For instance, if you're a member of "Raytown Uncensored", you can review a number of posts there, plus screenshots of this group "owner's" responses when former page members ask why they've been expelled. Formulate your own opinion. Using a keyword search, one can gain insight to how they were treated (allegedly), as well as review a number of screenshots of conversations between this "owner" and/or their "admins.
This page "owner" is entitled to express their opinions as often and vociferously as they wish. They're entitled to run their "groups" any way they wish. They can liberally ban or censor anyone that affects their delicate balance. They're free to criticize, defame, libel and slander to their heart's content if they choose to do so, and elect to accept any potential legai consequences.
It should NOT however be tolerated however when these "owners" and "admins" migrate to another website and instantaneously proceed to trash the owners of the site and those who post there, or to discuss internal matters with their own "groups". Then, when they receive a response, they shriek to the heavens that they're being "attacked", and accuse others of deflection and that they're incapable of discussing the "issues"! WHAT ISSUES? This entity merely presented to discuss their Facebook group and to unnecessarily trash the page owner and those who comment. They arrived with nothing on topic or constructive to contribute in the first place.
It also should be considered that this owner perhaps occasionally presents here and subsequently creates a disturbance to build "buzz", readership for their -own- groups and pages.
I must agree with a couple recent comments regarding the owner of this site. Many people with "opinions" have never met him and he was never their alderman. Perhaps some of these people either didn't even live in Raytown or weren't even -born- during his tenure. Via social media, they gather an opinion from their associates about someone they've never met nor interacted with. It becomes their reality, then it's off to the races. That's an irresponsible and sleazy way to conduct oneself. It's all on you and no one else if you choose to behave in that manner.
But for those of us that this page owner has has had direct contact with, credit where credit is due, along with a great deal of enduring respect. You returned every phone call, you assisted us on numerous occasions, and were without fail completely on point, effective. I recall how impressed I was when I looked out my window one day. Mr. Walters had stopped by and was on the driveway talking to my husband. I can't recall what the issue was, but do remember that it was staggeringly minor.
Andy, we could care less where you currently reside. You obviously care about this community. You should have a voice, your posts are always pleasant and professional. We definitely enjoy reading your comments.
8 month old baby killed by family pit bull in Florida today.
Here's an excerpt from the story:
According to dogsbite.org, on average nearly two thirds of all fatal dog attacks in the U.S. are committed by pit bulls.
The advocacy group also claim that between 2005 and 2017, 27% (116) of all fatal dog attack victims were either visiting or living temporarily with the dog's owner at the time, with pit bulls inflicting 73% (85) of these deaths.
Children aged below 9 years old comprised two-thirds (76) of the total number of these attacks.
Yeah, I know it's all about the owner but still these are dangerous dogs.
I will be happy when our neighbor, who has three, moves on.
Why do we need an elected police chief?
The Vulnerable Individuals to Propaganda (VIPs) are once again alive and buy everything Lynch is spreading.
5:06 pm
The police volunteers are men, women, old, young, black, white, and smart. We all work together as a team. We've been around for years. We don't have time for propaganda--we've got too much going on.
Please tell us all what YOU are doing to make Raytown a better place.
Don't worry about us. The good guys always win. Have a blessed day!
Because they won’t let pass a charter. Do you really want the boa picking the chief? I know I don’t. I want a true say in who the chief is.
Just like more taxes we don't need an elected police chief as he had a major part of the financial issues our city is facing.
If appointed our board of alderman could have kicked him to the curb.
Did anyone else read that the Mayor is out telling people that if they pass the Taxes that Raytown will once again be resurfacing the streets with Asphalt. Must be re-election season again when I start seeing Jerome Barnes everywhere and the Mayor is back on the Asphalt bus.
I had not heard that about the Mayor. Would not be surprised if it were true. It is interesting to hear someone from city hall finally admit the crack/seal method of repairing streets is like putting a bandaide on a broken arm and saying it is healed! Apparently the message is not being heard. There are streets in Raytown that are receiving their second layer of tar and gravel in just five years! Asphalt has a life of up to 20+ years if done correctly. Unfortunately you are probably right. Election time is drawing near.
You’re funny if you think the board could pick a qualified candidate. Gonna let them have “time” to move to city? If elected the people get to a say and they have to live in city before election. But you go ahead and push for the clowns on the boa pick a chief, when they have no experience in the job.
The chip seal has been going on for 13 years. Only thing City can afford right now
Want better streets? Pass the taxes
I had not heard that about the Mayor....Election time is drawing near.
Arrrgh. No. Not again.
Fervently wishing for a fresh slate of mayoral candidates and new possibilities.
8:10 AM,
If you don't think the Board of Alderman could find a better person to be chief of police it is no wonder the elected police of chief was able to take the citizens of Raytown for millions.
Guess we can put the mayor's promise of paving streets with asphalt on the list with some of his other promises. My favorite whopper from him is the so-called plan to re-finance bonds that pay for the 350 Highway TIF. Remember his promise to take charge and lead the city in fixing its budget problems last year. He followed it with a scathing attack on the city council. Guess that's how you build alliances and exhibit leadership. How about the recent lawsuit with the fire department? The city lost everything in that fight. Not to mention a waste of taxpayers money of $140,000!
Mary Jane for Mayor
A lady who will enforce codes or actually make department heads go!
Mary Jane for Mayor?
In all seriousness, she would be an extraordinary upgrade as far as we're concerned.
Betcha that she doesn't troll the message boards all day like a vengeful adolescent, either. (Hint, hint.)
11:08 You as many at city hall now fear Mary Jane because under her administration there will be accountability
Something not seen at city hall since Willard Ross was mayor.
Hell yes I would vote for her.
Sure am glad the Police Chief got all us citizens for all that money. Had to call the Highway Patrol for a swat team today on a barricaded shooter who had already shot one person because like our jail staff or traffic division and our detective unit we don't have one. Way to go Chief thanks for funding all those not needed positions. Once he surrendered we probably had to call somebody from home to turn on the lights at the old jail. Good job BOA you really established who was in charge.
Do not hesitate vote Mary Jane for greener days!
I had 2 swat operations in my neighborhood long before budget cuts and there were other police agencies all working side by side with Raytown Officers.
The chief had nothing to do with the manpower decisions. That was totally on the board. Cuts were totally on them.
What rock are you crawling out from 9:49. The Chief screamed Fire Sale and freaked out not only the community but also some of his rank and file officers. They have ended up hiring 5 or 6 officers and found 250,000 lying around in their account. And Cole screwed up by listening to Lynch and laying back 120k for unemployment expenses they didn’t use. Most companies would have shown Lynch the door after that whole debacle. Pull your big boy pants up Chief and be a leader. He failed miserably in that whole transition. But for the officers that did stay despite your bosses screw ups we say thank you!
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