Another Point of View
Raytown Online, another news blog published a story of its own over the
train wreck of the last Raytown Board of Aldermen meeting. The story also has
an active link to a copy of the video of the meeting. The video clearly
documents the Mayor and Board of Aldermen did not vote on the fireworks ordinance
at its last meeting.
To access the story and video of the discussion and sequence of votes
taken last Tuesday on the proposed Fireworks Ordinance, use this link: RAYTOWN ONLINE
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Train Wreck!
wreck is the best words to describe the last meeting of the Raytown Board of
Aldermen meeting. Here is a breakdown of what took place.
COMMENTS: A good sized audience took the time to attend the
meeting. An unusually large number engaged the Board during public comments in opposition to a proposed changes to the
fireworks ordinance that would have expanded the days allowed to shoot fireworks in Raytown from one to four days.
Chris Rathbone, President of the Raytown Park
Board, told Board members the Park Board was opposed to the changes. He asked
the city to help pay the cost of cleaning up the parks after four days of
fireworks (illegally) shot off in the park. He also said the Park Board has
offered to hire an off-duty Raytown Police officer to patrol the parks on the
Fourth of July. According to Rathbone, he and Lynch have held some discussions since the Board of Aldermen meeting.
Glenda Raider, who complained of
the stress that accompanied the loud explosions to pets, children and adults
sensitive to unexpected loud explosions, said “we don’t need it”, to the Board
in reference to the proposed changes.
Mindy McDaniel (who lives next door
to a city park) told Board members the park looks like a war zone on the Fourth
of July. There is trash and debris everywhere, including (illegal) bottle
rockets on her roof. She asked the Board to vote the proposed ordinance down.
City Collector Cathie Schutte, said she did not
want fireworks shot off in her cul-de-sac.
Raytown Alderman Jody Smith reminded the Board there had been three houses burned
on the Fourth because of the mishandling of fireworks. She urged them to vote “no”
on expanding the time period.
Jeanette Gentry expressed her dismay
that the proposed ordinance removed a section that required adult supervision
of minors in the shooting of fireworks. She clearly voiced her opposition to
the bill.
A Vote that did not Happen
Board appeared to be listening to the comments. Ward 2 Alderman Jason Greene
proposed an amendment to change the four day shooting period to a two day
shooting period of July 4th and July 5th. His reasoning
was if stormy weather kept people from shooting off their fireworks on the 4th,
they would still be allowed to on the 5th.
Bill VanBuskirk offered an amendment to keep the current restriction to one
day. His motion was seconded by Ward 3 Alderman Mark Moore who clearly spoke in
opposition to the use of fireworks except in professional displays.
VanBuskirk, Mark Moore
Black, Jason Greene, Ryan Myers, Steve Meyers, Frank Hunt,
Derek Ward, Bonnaye Mims
YES: Jason Greene, Bill VanBuskirk, Karen Black,
Ryan Myers,
Steve Meyers, Frank Hunt, Derek Ward, Bonnaye Mims
Steve Meyers, Frank Hunt, Derek Ward, Bonnaye Mims
NO: Mark Moore
TRAIN WRECK: For reasons that are
not clear, Mayor McDonough allowed VanBuskirk’s amendment to be voted ahead of
Greene’s amendment. We reviewed the record of the meeting and found the two
amendments were voted, but could not find a record of final vote on the bill.
We contacted the Raytown City Clerk’s office to find out if part of the
recording was missing. City Clerk Teresa Henry told us we were not mistaken. There
was not a final vote taken.
to carry over business to the next meeting are usually preceded by a motion and
approved by the Board. This is, after all, official city business. Making decisions
without a formal vote is a sloppy way of handling the public’s business.
before the elected body should have a motion made and seconded before they are
discussed. Once a motion is made and seconded, the item becomes part of a
package for the entire governing body to discuss and decide.
decision made on how to complete the business should be voted on by the entire
governing body. That includes all amendments and motions to carry over to a
future meeting.
These simple
rules of order are effective in running a well organized meeting. Ignoring the
rules of order usuallys ends up in the train wreck of a meeting.
In this
instance, as a result of ignoring those rules, the current ordinance on the
books allowing the shooting of fireworks only on the Fourth of July
is still the city’s law. The next meeting of the Board of Aldermen is scheduled
for July 3rd.
Even if
the bill is passed approved on July 3rd it is doubtful the public will know of the results in the
very short time frame (less than 12 hours) before the ordinance goes into
between Lynch and Black, McDonough and Tony Jacob create fireworks of their
Karen Black and the Chief of Police Jim Lynch crossed swords on a fireworks
issue at last Tuesday’s meeting. Ward 1 Alderman Black asked Lynch if the
police were called by the public over the illegal shooting of fireworks in a
Public Raytown Park, would police officers respond?
Lynch's initial response was that he did not have as many officers as a year ago.
Black said her question was in reference to years prior to this year based on comments by the public earlier the meeting.
So the Ward
1 Alderman re-phrased her question. Lynch, who was visibly angered by the line of questioning, responded that they had many calls and would answer them as they
received them.
said she believed the city should go the extra mile to increase patrols in
public parks on the Fourth of July because certain parks are known as a trouble spot on the
Fourth of July.
Black was within her rights asking her question. She was simply doing her job
as a spokesperson of the people she represents.
exchange that drew some fireworks was from comments made by Tony Jacob during
Public Comments at the beginning of the meeting. Jacobs has all but announced
he plans to run for Alderman in Ward 2 next April brought up a subject that should
be a public debate. Mayor McDonough does not see it that way.
I will
let the exchange between the two men speak for itself.
“. . . as for the police body camera issue I see it was removed (from
the agenda) . . . it is a waste of funds if they don’t use the cameras they
have because according to the Chief because of staffing issues they don’t have
a person to download the camera, etc.
So if
we don’t use the ones we currently have why do we need to buy new ones?
All of
this was confirmed in informal internal investigations where officers were
intentionally violating policy:
MAYOR McDONOUGH: “Mr. Jacob . . . you
are going into personnel issues. We are not going there. I will cut you off.”
If what
Mr. Jacob said was true, there is a real need for concern. Body cameras have
been found to a useful tool to protect both the public and the police from
fraudulent accusations. What I cannot help but wonder is how Mr. Jacob found
out about what he referred to as an informal investigation.
should be a formal investigation in which a record is kept for the public to
see once the issue is resolved.
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The Paul Livius Report
Board of Aldermen Meeting – June 20, 2018
Mayor Michael McDonough issued
a Proclamation recognizing Dee Ann Stock as Truman Heartland Citizen of the
Year. She has served the community of
Raytown for 34 years. She was on the
Planning and Zoning committee for 19 years.
She has worked with the Chamber of Commerce and has been on various
committees for the improvement of education in Raytown.
Mayor Michael McDonough issued
a Proclamation recognizing Raytown Amateur Radio Club. They are our link to the outside world in
times of catastrophe or disaster for the past 25 years.
Damon Hodges gave the
Board a report on the pavement in Raytown.
For more information, go to
Refer to Greg’s story for detail.
The Board passed an ordinance to amend city codes as they relate to
addressing the board. The changes will
require those speaking to the Board to only give the city of residence instead
of full address. It will also reduce the
amount of time to speak to the Board from five minutes to three minutes.
The Board tabled a resolution amending resolution R-1422-04
regarding establishing rules of procedure for public comment before the Board
of Aldermen. Alderman Steve Meyers
said he wanted the order in which people may speak during public comments
should be Raytown residents, Raytown taxpayers, Raytown business owners,
Raytown charitable groups, and organizations outside Raytown who are organizing
events that will be of interest to Raytown residents.
The Board passed a resolution authorizing and approving an
agreement with Central Salt for the purchase of salt for the purpose of treating
roads and bridges in inclement weather.
The City of Raytown staff advertised salt supply bids for the upcoming
2018-2019 winter season. Salt bids must be put out in the spring due to supply
allocation procedures practiced throughout the industry. The bid was advertised in the newspaper, on
our web page, and via e-mail and phone correspondence with known salt companies
in the mid-west area. Bid information was sent to seven companies, and five
submitted responses including two no-bids. Bids were opened on May 24, 2018,
and the low bid was from Central Salt LLC in the amount of $43,225.00 at a unit
price of $61.75 per ton. Purchases will not occur until the beginning of the
2018-2019 fiscal year. Purchasing authority will be requested prior to placing
the salt order and is pending the approval of the 2018-2019 Budget. Staff
recommends approval of the agreement with Central Salt LLC. The Public Works
Dept. plans to budget $60,000.00 for salt in fiscal year 2018-2019. In fiscal
year 2016-2017 Pubic Works spent $50,134.05 on salt and in fiscal year 2017-
2018, Public Works spent $50,835.40 on salt.
Paul: "If what Mr. Jacob said was true...This should be a formal investigation in which a record is kept for the public to see once the issue is resolved."
Once again, tony doesn't know what he's talking about. The police stopped using body cameras last year due to the cost. It was discussed in an open meeting last summer. He just likes to create controversy. If there isn't one, he'll make it up.
Just go look at the agenda web packet on the city website. it was for police CAR cameras.
it's not the first time tony has tried to complain about the chief in an open meeting.
Yes because the board wouldn’t give them the money for another server for the files. That’s why the use was suspended.
Something does not make sense here. If they were talking about police vehicle cameras why did the Mayor interrupt Tony and admonish him about talking about a personnel issue?
Funny that Tony is now being targeted by the Mayor when he used to carry his water no one picked on Tony.
How quickly things change if you don't think and/or support as the Mayor instructs.
Not vehicle cameras but body cameras.
The mayor interrupted Tony because he was starting to accuse police officers of deleting footage off their body cameras. He was basically accusing the police officers of a crime. Of course our officers don't wear body cameras. Just another one of Jacob's ramblings he does at every meeting on subjects he knows nothing about.
Seek the truth in all things. Everything is not as it seems. Discernment is a wonderful gift, use it and avoid a folly. Are the blinders on? Well intended warnings are often ignored, and when something is discarded there is usually a reason. No need to pick this thing up as you’ll only end up getting stuck. Take heed and profit by this advice to avoid a plague of your own making. The damage will be very great, reverse course now before it’s too late. Regret is a terrible emotion- turn back from all the commotion. And having been the town crier, I now will bid thee Adieu and retire.
How would tony know about an internal investigation? Does he have a inside source? This sounds really fishy.
Why did the mayor react to it? is he just tired of hearing him blather on (like the rest of us)?
Now I remember. The police department bought either body cameras or cameras for cars (can't remember which) but forgot to tell anyone they needed hardware and software to run the cameras (record, store and make available fro viewing). If nothing else this shows the city needs centralized purchasing. The way it is now, each department does their own. With McDonough in charge there is absolutely no oversight on how the money is spent in the police department. Like the cameras, they purchase it without knowing the full cost of their actions.
And to think this asking for money for something they dropped the ball on in a budget year where there was not any money to give shows the problem at city hall.
I still wonder why Tony was told he could not talk about a personnel matter. If there was not a personnel matter, the mayor abused his power. If there was a personnel matter he was probably doing his job. But I do not think ALL information about the matter is a secret to be withheld from the public.
If there is a problem, as the mayor's comments suggest, then the public has a need and a right to know what is going on. It does bother me that one of the two men, was it Tony or the Mayor, who referred to an informal investigation.
If there is an investigation it should not be informal. It should be a formal investigation with record of what is being investigated and eventually published for the public.
That is how it is supposed to work in a democracy. Anything less would be an abuse of power and possibly illegal.
Oh, by the way, I watched the recording of the meeting too. There was no motion made to adopt the fireworks ordinance. The city council and Mayor has some cleaning up to do of a messy mishandling of a public meeting.
Tony has a personal issue with the police dept and use of or non use of body cameras that he was personally involved in. He has launched an investigation that didn't turn out to be in his favor and he will not release the hold that has on him. He is determined to bring down the entire city over his personal vendetta.
It was in the original meeting packet about vehicle cameras. Action Requested: Authorize spending in excess of $15,000.00 with one vendor (Digital Ally) but not to exceed fiscal year 2017-2018 budgeted amounts
Recommendation: Approve the Resolution – Approved by Special Sales Tax Review Committee on May 8, 2018.
Analysis: The Police Department maintains an operational audio/video recording unit in each marked police unit. These recordings are used to record, collect, retain and accurately report details of official police activities. In-car audiovisual recording systems record officer-citizen contacts, arrests and critical incidents. Audio and video recordings enhance this department’s ability to review probable cause for arrest, officer and suspect interaction and evidence for investigative and prosecutorial purposes. In-car audiovisual recording systems may also be useful in documenting crime and accident scenes or other events that include the confiscation and documentation of evidence or contraband. In-car audiovisual recording systems have the potential to reinforce community relations, lower the number of citizen complaints, defend officers against false accusations, increase agency accountability, and improve officer training and evaluation.
Our current camera system is outdated, and all the cameras are over 4 years old. We are requesting to purchase 7 DVM 800HD Camera Systems with 7 additional DVM-928 MICS and one wireless access point. This will allow the Police Department to upgrade 7 marked police units with the new camera system. The wireless access point will allow automatic upload while the vehicle is parked in our police parking lot.
Tony was trying to bring up body cameras which is not what the request for board action was even about.
Tony only thinks he knows. He has a personal vendetta against the Pd and the more he continues to try and bring it up during public comments the more it becomes clear to many of us.
Tony Jacobs is starting to sound an awful lot like Joe Creamer did last year. Are they related, or did Joe give Tony the Kool-Aid?
thanks 1:43...that explains alot.
They’ve had car cameras for quite a while. Started with a grant in the traffic unit and expanded to all marked vehicles. Then they got body cameras and had them for a while but all the files were taking up so much space that a new, dedicated server was needed, mid-budget year. The board wouldn’t approve it so the body cameras were suspended and now just collect dust, like the motorcycles. Hope no one is involved in a serious accident in the city of Raytown.
Maybe if the Mayor wasn't always trying to defend the lies from the police chief he would pick up on missed votes.
I want a 1% pay cut in the police chief's salary for every month since he was first told to get GPS on the police cars unit it is done.
Nothing will ever get done until it hits his pocket book.
What is TJ'S personal vendetta against the police about?
Slow down a minute. The police department gets body cameras but in a very short-sided move, does not purchase enough space on the server to store all the information. They throw this financial monkey wrench at the city council and it becomes the city council's problem?
Looks to me like whoever in the police department ordered the equipment in the first place, without learning the consequence of their action, is at fault here.
Don't be so quick to blame the BOA for everything that happens at city hall.
I want to thank the publishers of the Raytown Report, Raytown Online and those on Facebook for alerting us to the changes on city ordinances regarding fireworks. You guys did a great job of putting the word out. Without your help this poorly thought out legislation probably would have passed without one word changed.
I think it is funny the MAyor and City Council forgot to vote on the ordinance.
Keep up the good work!
7:20 Sounds like the blame goes to the Mayor as he is the one who was running the meeting.
Anyone drive into the Woodson Village parking lot? The owners of the shopping center have decided
to resurface it. Oh wait a minute they are only doing the real bad spots such as holes etc. It does
seem to me that it is the same as our street program in Raytown. I am sure that the owners of the
centers make enough of a profit that they could resurface the whole thing if they would be so inclined but they probably look at the city and say what the heck.
Wow, there’s a lot of police experts here. Next time the police are hiring, you all should apply, lol.
What a huge waste of money, tonight’s open house was a total joke. My wife and I went up to learn about the August tax measures and we were the only car in the parking lot. Once we got inside it was the most unorganized circus we have ever seen. It is no wonder why the City is struggling and why every legitimate organization including the RDA, AFLCIO & Eastern Jack Democrats have voted not to support any of the City’s August ballot issues.
What a huge waste of money, tonight’s open house was a total joke. My wife and I went up to learn about the August tax measures and we were the only car in the parking lot. Once we got inside it was the most unorganized circus we have ever seen. It is no wonder why the City is struggling and why every legitimate organization including the RDA, AFLCIO & Eastern Jack Democrats have voted not to support any of the City’s August ballot issues.
That is because the mayor is more worried about electing a sherrif than he is about helping Raytown. When you vote in two months remember what he said... He will always be a police officer first. All you have to do is look to the City’s slogan for the ballot to see he is a man of his word. Please join us in voting NO and send a message to City Hall that it is time for real change.
They'd had them a couple of years. Only then was it discovered more space was needed. When the board wouldn’t approve the money for the new server, the use was suspended. So yes, it’s on the board, as they have to approve expenditures. Put the blame where it belongs.
@6:59 a.m.
Thanks for showing up at least. The attendance was low, which is not the fault of the City as this program was well advertised. To say it was unorganized,---- well I did not see that. I spoke with department heads and Aldermen more towards the end. It was not disorganized from what I saw. Circus? Nowhere close. 90% of your elected officials attended this event, and I say THANK YOU to them all. The purpose of the open house was not to promote the taxes. The purpose was to promote City services, and for residents to ask questions of the Department managers and Aldermen. All were happy to answer questions about the finances and operations of their departments and City government in general and to answer questions about the taxes. Informational handouts were available, but there was no aggressive salesmanship go going on. Any advocating was respectful. I am sure there are some Union folks in Raytown that can respond to your claims which are not documented at this time. At any rate, I am sick and tired of all the negatively, false assertions, and undocumented claims. You don't like taxes, we get it, but why do you have to wrap your dislike of taxes in a giftwrap paper of negativity, bitterness, and falsehood?
I wasnt aware that your "legit" organizations decided not to support the taxes. I am aware that the Chamber of Commerce and Raytown Main Street did. As for the lack of turnout at City Hall, why was it a circus inside I'm curious, what was unorganized about it? I wasnt able to attendbut it seems such a negative post would have more details then what you stated. By the way if these taxes font pass understand that more will be cut and the 80 million in infrastructure wont ever start to get addressed. Hope you enjoy your property values being deminished much more than this tax will even cost you. This has been an issue decades in the making, but please continue with the spam.
6:50 AM
The city posted on their FB page a pic of the tables set up at the open house and there are several citrizens in attendance.
I also heard from someone who went to the open house that it was well laid out.
What time did you attend? Your comments don't jive with the pics.
So this is Tony Jacob,
I'm always open to talk and answer questions for anyone who contacts me. I appreciate when people don't hide behind a veil though.
I brought a stack of papers with me, I didnt keep my evidence in a garage or basement, i had them with me. I can send results to anyone that wants them.
The results were in a formal internal a investigation, sorry if i said informal instead of in a formal. I have had a lot of contact off book with officers from a previous job at which I was even given an award from RPD. I also married into the dept. The information i received has come from Sunshine request of all logs and then of specifics. It appears it is not uncommon for officers to turn off their cameras when discussing personal items which makes sense. However, it is dubious at times what defines personal which has included conversations when a decision was made which is a direct policy violation and also suspicious.
Internal investigations have revealed this action has happened and the officers did violate policy.
The chief has stated they no longer use body cams now. I actually thought i stated that.
I was also stopped when i tried to talk about the officer who stole drugs from evidence (and jewelry) some sold on duty. Or the sexual assault that was a "bad search" or detectives shopping at Walmart when they state they are investigating a rape interviewing a witness. I believed if items were not addressed by the dept head, then the city admin, the next step (according to the rules) was to take it before the Board. I even tried to avoid directly naming individuals so as to limit the appearance of a personal attack.
I have many friends who are police officers, some of which are still at RPD. I am super pro-police, and actually was with the group that wanted the PD to have a reasonable amount of money, maybe not 8 million but not necessarily 5.
I have since found out how rampant the mismanagement is. The officers are great and a great service to this community. There are members in the upper ranks that are good, but they are also responsible to their Dept Head.
The Mayor and Chief are well aware of how I came to know information and I've talked to them at family functions. The Chief is well aware of the State investigations into the dept as i am (he is more so). All of the State investigations are public record, just like investigations into elected officials taking a public vote in secret.
As a final note to the person who said next time the PD is hiring i have 2 thoughts... They have not been not hiring, that is to say they are still hiring, they were hiring before the cuts, they haven't stopped their hiring attempts. And secondly, you dont have to be an IT guy/gal to know power cables need to be plugged in for it to work. Meaning, sometimes, you dont have to be an expert in a field to know when something is awry.
What was the result of the pavement study? I can't seem to find anything on here about it!
I stopped in. Well organized and plenty of information for those willing to be there and ask.
About 25 people were there while I was. Great and informative event. Sorry you’re experience was not as good.
Where did you find this information? I was aware of the RDA stance but not the others.
Interesting times that at a National level the political parties are divided, but "Only in Raytown" do the Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians come together to stop tax increases on working families.
$36 million, conservative estimate, to get streets to average.
My fellow citizens I just paid 2.39 per gal for gas down at the Walmart on 40 highway. Had I used a Walmart gift card to pay it would have 2.36.
I just want to thank the Mayor and Chief Lynch for wanting the tax increase that has caused me to look around for a better price on gas.
Tony Jacob: "I can send results to anyone that wants them."
Okay Tony, you have the floor. (With page admins permission, of course.)
Our interest is piqued.
Items of public record. What you got?
You are forgetting to mention now divorced from officers daughter or That somethings you were mentioning go all the way back to 2013 and were handled and officers were charged with those crimes do not make this seem like this is some hush-hush situation that has not been taken care of
The AFLCIO hasn’t come out for OR against these taxes.
That’s weird if there was only one car in the parking lot it must’ve been mine mind telling me what I drive ?
Oh really...ex wife? I guess that could explain your hatred for the Raytown Pd. You were in, now your out. Poor Tony.
"You are forgetting to mention now divorced from officers daughter or That somethings you were mentioning go all the way back to 2013 and were handled and officers were charged with those crimes do not make this seem like this is some hush-hush situation that has not been taken care of"
Hi ya Mikey!
I do not know about the Union support but I can confirm the RDA overwhelmingly voted not to support any of the three tax measures the City is trying and there is serious talk amungst some to form an organized opposition. Raytowna Beach Bum
Has anyone seen Joe Creamer and Tony Jacob together in person?
I think they both got caught in the conspiracy theory machine together at the same time and out spat Tony AKA The Fly Jacob.
tony....go away. seriously. Go consult a lawyer if youve been done wrong. You're embarrassing yourself. save the personal crusade for election time.
and no "our" interested isn't piqued. but go crazy.....
Crickets from Tony
Tony can you tell us what your issue with the police dept and non use of body cameras is? Does it have to do with possible detainment by the police in a personal matter with the person you were married into the police family? Maybe if you were more candid with your original issue people would possibly understand your position.
The more you ramble the more you lose credit with anyone left listening
I too recall a piece in the Raytown Times several years ago about an Raytown Officer Pool.
Mr Pool's actions does fit one of the things Tony spoke about.
Now who should we believe a Police Chief that got caught opening lying in a Board of Alderman meeting regarding the lack of tickets issued in 2017 or a citizens like Tony Jacobs who I am sure has the supporting information.
I think the name calling needs to stop as Raytown and especially the police don't need another black eye when we are about a month before an three important tax votes.
Maybe I am wrong, but sounds like the anti Tony movement is really an anti tax movement.
Until next time keep them on a leash!
"and no "our" interested isn't piqued. but go crazy.... "
Ours is! C'mon TJ! Please elaborate and back up your claims.
Otherwise, someone please introduce a new and more exciting topic!
I went to the open house and I totally disagree I got a lot of important info on the upcoming taxes and I will e voting NO on some issues and Yes on only one. I thought it well organized.
Thats all it is. Talk. The time for organizing has come and gone. We are just over a month away from the vote and only one group bothered to organize. The taxes have been endorsed by the Raytown Chamber of Commerce and the Main Street Assiciation. I’m told the unions will be coming out in support as well, but that’s just speculation. While I don’t deny that the RDA May be against it, I haven’t seen any public statements. If there is so much opposition, where is it?
So, i'm not on this site often. I only come here when people refer me.
It's hard to address specific people when everyone is anonymous.
So to anyone that wants to chat, feel free to message me on FB or call me.
Let me clarify one more time for the Mayor and His buds not getting it. I like the police, that includes Raytown PD. I don't have some personal vendetta against people i still consider my friends and still talk to. I was given awards before i was married or even engaged. I do believe (as most officers do) in accountability. I believe that when someone commits an offence regardless if they wear blue or not they need to be held accountable. The mayor has made clear he is blue all the way through. That's understandable and common, though not right. Some Board members that have been personally threatened have obvious issues with the Chief and are predisposed to dislike law enforcement. But even the ProLEO Members dont jive with the Chief. Look no further than the last meeting where Alderwoman Black tried to ask honest questions and not be demeaning and was responded too poorly.
I'm not for making the Chief sit in a Chair all meeting, if he has business he needs to attend to he should be able to do that, it only makes sense, however if he is going to be talking loudly on the phone i think he should excuse himself from the door way, and i think he should be present to testify to events concerning his Dept. It is very clear he has an attitude, you could see it from the budget period and you can see his disdain even now.
Other Leaders like Capt Rodgers or Major Hudspeth (sp?) dont respond in the same fashion. It is possible to disagree and still remain open to converse.
Tony, if you are pro police than I am the Queen of England. Your antics and online comments, by any reasonable standard, are not pro police.
Glad to hear we have groups in Raytown who are willing to take a stand against more taxes and theses taxes remind me of "no call, no show employees" that I sure too many of us work with.
Tony is correct
From the KC Star
Former Raytown police officer pleads guilty to stealing evidence.
We shouldn't forget even an Alderman said Walmart is the problem with our lack of taxes.
So why has the city decided to put the bound on the homeowners?
Raytown police seem to have other issues that have made it up though the courts:
A case from1996?
What does that have to do with now and the current administration or even this Chief
@ 10:04 pm
1996?? Really?
TJ: "So, i'm not on this site often. I only come here when people refer me."
"So," you and the doyenne of Unglued only present yourselves on this blog when summoned by your faithful masses?
That's highly doubtful.
"It's hard to address specific people when everyone is anonymous."
You posted numerous specific allegations to this message board:
"I can send results..."
" ...the officer who stole drugs from evidence (and jewelry) some sold on duty. Or the sexual assault..."
" is not uncommon for officers to turn off their cameras... "
"it is dubious at times what defines personal which has included conversations when a decision was made which is a direct policy violation and also suspicious.
Internal investigations have revealed this action has happened and the officers did violate policy. (Huh?)
You were asked substantiate your remarks. You were already acquainted beforehand with the well-known fact that the bulk of the responses to comments in this message board are anonymous. No revelation there.
Anonymous responses to your specific allegations in no way inhibits you from answering questions.
Posting numerous unqualified remarks to a message board is far more dubious than the ability to post one's opinions anonymously, IOHO.
Don't misinterpret our remarks as support for a few of the current officeholders, however. It's imperative that a number of transitions take place.
2015 and 1996?
What do either one of these cases have to do with the City's current predicament?
From what I understand the group attempting to organize the employees of Wal-Mart contacted the AFLCIO and requested they not support the City’s ballot issues. I don’t know about you but I don’t think the Main Street Association endorsement will offset the 6500 members of liabor who reside in Raytown....Maybe the Aldermen and Mayor should have been a little nicer to the Union.
Just one persons take on the 1996 cases:
Have the police turned on the GPS? - No, Therefore they are still hiding things.
Have the police stopped lying? = No, Just look at Chief James "Jim" Lynch's comments about tickets issued in 2017.
I guess old "BAD" habits are very hard for the police department to break!
So let me understand this 6/29/18. 6:30 AM. An out of town union lobbyist and organizing group rolls in to Raytown and starts throwing out threats, demands IMMEDIATE action steps, and creates high drama while the news cameras are rolling. Keep in mind this wasn’t for the betterment of Raytown. This was “Their Personal Unionizing Organizing Agenda”. Plain and Simple. Their “Groundbreaking” statistics concerning petty crime stats at the Raytown Wal-Mart were FIRST surfaced by Alderman Mark Moore maybe 3/4 months prior. Alderman Moore had researched and utilized many of the same examples of other communities having similar high levels of petty crimes occurring at their local Wal-Mart stores and had several meetings with the upper PD staff levels and Chief Lynch concerning this topic.
I could not have been prouder of not only many of my fellow Board members, but also a large group of of our citizen’s who took great exception and spoke out and publicly challenged these out of town bullies who rode into town as if they were some type of bounty hunters. This well rehearsed stage show using “OUR” community as a pawn in their obvious union membership drive was met with a stern line of defense and sent them packing and taking their road show to another town.
If their next play is to continue to attempt to place a choke hold on our community by attempting to influence Union members to not support much needed revenue enhancement measures, maybe someone might want to explain how if capital improvement projects or other business development infrastructure projects in Raytown are not funded due to revenue shortages, their membership and ultimately workers who may depend on those projects will in the end suffer.
BTW. I Will Always Stand By and With My Hometown of Raytown!
Please be safe during this dangerous heat wave and check on your neighbors especially those Seniors.
Steve Meyers,
Alderman Ward 4
Nicer by letting a fringe out of town organization TIED to a union determine policy for the city? Thank god youre not an alderman you would sell us down the river for what ever interests.
" ...I don’t think the Main Street Association endorsement will offset..."
Ha! No it won't and it shouldn't, although they have every right to "speak", "opine", "endorse" to their heart's content.
This "Association" has close ties in respective member histories and even marriage to those that are responsible for the mess that we're in, in my opinion.
Does anyone actually believe for one secons that they wouldn't "endorse" more spending money?
Dislodge the "spendies" from office, and replace them with competent, fiscally intelligent, qualified candidates.
We won't vote for any new taxes until then.
The fact we're even thinking about allowing this group (with the exception of a few members) to manage millions of additional dollars is beyond concerning. They couldn't even effectively deal with the FIRECRACKER thing at the last meeting.
If city gov'ts from other municipalities happened to look in on that meeting, I'd be curious to hear what they thought of it all.
This teamster is not supporting any tax increases!
Ready to put a sign in my yard along with my NO on prop A.
Who can I contact to get one
@ 6:30 AM
Here's the breakdown, and I am going to do this matter of fact. This town is politically divided between two factions. One Democratic faction on one side, and one Democratic faction on the other. With a few Republican politicians sprinkled on both sides for good measure. One side wants to solve our problems NOW, and quickly. The other side is trying to position itself to benefit as voter anger grows. This is the great game that's really going on. It is Democratic party internal warfare. It's the strangest thing I have ever seen in politics and I am a Republican. Meanwhile, the real work is not getting done, bullets are flying, streets are falling apart, we lost a great deal of our police department and the citizens are being poorly served because nobody can agree on how to fix things. It's a sad, sad situation. These types of games, if played for too long, ruin cities.
Server storage pricing has dropped tremendously. There is no valid reason given why PD do not issue and use body cams. It is to protect the officer, the department and the city from false allegations.
Wise up Chief Lunch and do the job you are(over)paid to do!
Also, get the damn GPS put on all the vehicles in PD!
We received a letter from Mr. Brian Morris dated June 19th, 2018 supporting the tax questions. He invited us to an event at the Irish Pub which we did not attend had no interest in hearing what the citizens for Progress had to say. Handing you free food in one hand and asking for donations in the other. Rejuvenate..Reinvest...Repair. . is their slogan !Mr.Morris that is what my tax dollars is suppose to go for.
They issued them and had them awhile then when they realized they needed more space, they went to the board and were told no. So this is on the board, not the Pd.
The Board and city have been against Unions for as long as I can remember. Don't believe me how come the only contract the Paramedics have ever had was signed by Cushman when he was the director. Maybe this is part of the reason the ambulance is in the tank.
I agree with Anonymous, that IS what my current tax dollars are suppose to do.
IBEW Local 124 here,I am union by choice and a proud to say I am a resounding NO to any new taxes proposed by the City. They sold their soul to Walmart and just like every mom and pop business in America the city is now feeling the pain. Well I work too hard for my dollar for them to double my taxes just so they can pay back the money they borrowed to fund Walmart. I voted to give the cops a 1/2 cent sales tax a little more than five years ago, I don’t know how much that adds up too in a year but I am guessing it’s over a million dollars. Enough is enough people. Most of my friends refuse to shop at Walmart, because of their anti-union actions, well in August we need to show the City of Raytown what happens when you get in bed with slimebags....
Are the all the City employees union? I know of are the EMTs were, but last I heard the City refused to recognize them
9:43 pm
The City is a co-signer on the TIFF bond. The City only is obligated to pay if Walmart pulls out. Then we would have to come up with $400,000 a year. Which would mean more cuts to City services. Walmart’s taxes are paying the TIFF bond now. Here’s the deal, the roads in Raytown are rated poor. They are going to get worse. In a way your view hurts yourself. You want the value of your property to drop? I know you are upset, living in the past is no answer. We gotta turn things around before things get really bad.
Property tax revenue is flat and has not kept up with inflation. Don’t know how we continue this way. Your answer places the City in desperate straights.
"I also married into the dept."
Is something like that even possible? Did you include them at the time in your vows? Did an authorized representative of the PD stand also?
I'm not really meaning to come across as facetious, but c'mon. Dramatic overstatements won't help your case. (Or whatever that was you were attempting to assert.)
Great job ! Now you’re going to get the Unions all pissed off at the city at a time when you need our help on the taxes. I am a pro union person. I know our Mayor and some other elected officials are too.
So you got a beef with one faction? So be it but speak for yourself and not as if for the whole city or your board.
As expected, once Tony Jacobs was vindicated those with a serpent tongue have nothing to say.
How the truth hurts!
9:43 pm
I love shopping at Wal-Mart for the low prices.
Consider yourself lucky if you can afford not to shop at Wal-Mart.
Only person on the board that voted on the Walmart deal was Aziere
This board looks like they had to deal with the consequences
The real problem is past boards that never raised properly taxes over the last 20 plus years so as prices have gone up the city’s budget has not kept up. We are talking general operating fund here that bills get paid out of. If you wish to see this city infrastructure continue to decline then don’t Vote for the taxes will only come out of your own pocket in the long run with car repairs from bad roads and loss of value of your home and resell value
Actually the Police Sales Tax generates 1.5 million in revenue annually. I know it’s called the public safety sales tax, but when only 90k out of 1.5 million goes to someone other than the cops.....It’s the police sales tax. Enough is enough, Vote NO across the ballot in August.
To those saying they aren't going to vote for the taxes because of TIF deal or because of past actions years ago by aldermen, here's the deal, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Were there mistakes made for whatever reason yes, but at this point, you all have to move out of the past. The city needs funds for roads and police and other city services, and they've used up much of the city savings in the past several years. The BOA, police chief and mayor are elected officials, and when they're up for election again, make your opinion known then. If you live in Raytown and don't want to give the city more money because they made a bad choice on how to spend it in the past, all you're doing is making sure that roads won't improve, and other city services won't be maintained. So those of you that don't want the new taxes because of past BOA actions, all you're doing is punishing all of the residents and homeowners in the city, for past election choices. How long do you plan on saying no to any city tax increases as punishment for something done years ago? If streets deteriorate and city services decline what will happen to the home values in the city? Will people want to move here? It's your choice at the voting booth to decide if you want to give the city more money, just as it's your choice to vote for who you want to represent you as aldermen, police chief and mayor, but to say you aren't going to vote for the tax increases because of actions by others, and people that can be voted out of office, and make it harder for the city to provide a minimum level of city services, well that seems childish. Also, to those that don't want to increase the taxes because the city could save more money other ways, yes, maybe the city could, but that will take time and in the mean time the increases are still needed, and hey, why not do both, because honestly just the increases won't be enough to do all the road repairs needed, not to mention the storm water situation where residents are having to pay more for sewer because ground water is getting into the sewer system. So, if you want to punish yourself and everyone else with less city services and bad roads because elected officials made bad choices, than vote no because of things done years ago, or by people that be voted out of office if the majority of voters chose. If you want to provide the city with funds to start making forward progress vote yes, and if you don't like the elected officials, well that's an April discussion.
"As expected, once Tony Jacobs was vindicated those with a serpent tongue have nothing to say."
Hi T! You really didn't say anything of substance in the first place.
You need to up your game, son.
8:43 The Mayor and all but one Alderman are NOT pro union.
Clearly you have missed the abuse the Mayor and both Alderman from Ward 4 showed to the United Retail Workers Union Members who spoke several times earlier this year.
8:43. Clearly you missed the unprofessional behavior and the abuse, threats, and childish jabs these out of town labor organizing hacks spewed upon our residents who spoke out against their tactics and bullying from the Chamber floor for several meetings. I for one was proud of the way our elected officials made it perfectly clear there was a process involved and would need to involve the City Administrator Tom Cole who also served as the Public Information Officer. I understand there was one meeting that involved Alderman Greene and Alderman Meyers as well as Tom Cole. There were no less than 6 of the Labor Organizing group who once again attempted to take charge of the process and it was quickly and once again clearly explained that this Wal-Mart issue had already been surfaced by Alderman Moore and the Board would deal with any issues or action steps at their pace and discression.
I will vote "NO" on ANY of the taxes in August.
The current administration at city hall hasn't proved to me that they no how to handle money with the taxes they take in or any new taxes.
About housing values going down, they can't get much lower than they are now. With all the inner city "trash' that has moved here due to Section 8, Group Homes, rental homes, liquor stores, cash payday loan places, I could go on and on.
Let Kansas City take us over, Raytown is done.............
7/1/18 1:29 pm
What world do you live in? My home's value has increased!!
Yours didn't? Maybe you should get a new roof and mow your yard and paint your house.
I'll be voting "yes" to keep my home's value up.
Good roads, good PD, good infrastructure make for rising property values.
What a stupid statement to make. Not calling you stupid but your statement is. Housing has gone up in Raytown 48% plus in the last three years. Check your local real estate prices and you’ll find out. They’re also selling very rapidly once there on the market
Too bad your grammar is terrible. In the paragraph talking about the city administraton, it is know, not no!
You can be a party member, or you can call yourself a Democrat. Makes little difference. I have observed enough to know the situation well. This is a Democratic controlled City government.
@1:29 pm
It is not nice to call ANY human being trash.
Keep thinking like this and it is definitely done! Bedroom community with not a lot of options for business equals, the citizens need to pay a bit more than other cities. But good luck with your backwards thinking. So glad to be gone!
Big Dawg!
Not true, you must have missed the Mayors love fest with the President of the FOP, which for all practicality is a Union. The Mayor is anti anything that isn’t police, but even the cops have a union
I will vote no on any new taxes until we have a full and complete audit
publicly showing where every current tax dollar is being spent. It is the only logical thing to do.
There’s an audit done every year. You just don’t like taxes. Gravel roads for you.
I have sit and read a lot of these responses and find it very disturbing to read the antics and attacks. I watch the meetings at City Hall and for one the mayor don't know how to run a meeting; I've listen to that lady constantly calling out parliamentarian procedures and is ignored; when she came on board, from day one from this little group of people (being white) have had nothing good to say about her.
Well let me say this, I know her background and have worked with her on many issues, you may not like her, but she hasn't waffled on anything that she's brought forth. The mayor smiles in her face and talks, along with this group about her bad. I am a republican and she knows her stuff. Your comments about her winning her seat by 5 votes, well at least she campaigned, shared her position and many like what she said and so far has delivered. You all are stuck in the same ol and good ol boy ways and steady losing. Wake up and get with the program. The things that she has shared are things that was done way before she got her. I'm not going to go into it, but she didn't create the problem with the TIFF, Wal-Mart, budget over-site, etc.
I like many others will reach out to her and work with her to get things on track.
To the Nay Sayers: You all have beat up, dis-respected and tried be-belittling Tony Jacob.
Well let me tell you this: STOP CALLING HIM A "LIAR." EVERY THING THAT TONY JACOBS have posted and shared is true. The more you call him names and try to humiliate him, the more he digs and the more dirt and corruption he uncovers. Chief/Mayor you know what you did. Now the department dirt is showing up. AUDIT TIME.
Why should Tony have to prove what he's saying to you people, go do your own homework. He has documents to back up what he's saying, why do you think the mayor keeps trying to shut him down. When the truth comes out, let's see where all of you stand then.
Okay, now things are getting out of hand. Two of the Alderman's (Steve Meyers and Jason Green) have now come on attack Rep. Jerome Barnes. Don't ya get tired of attacking people of color. I've been watching what's been said about Alderman Mims, now Rep. Jerome Barnes? Just because they don't see and do what you people want them to do, the bashing continues. Yo all are bold, you want to tell them how to vote, what to say and when to speak. You don't want to hear what we have to say, but you want our money and now want to tell us how to vote. We don't have any Masters, not are we in slavery. We live here in Raytown just like you do. Some of us have been here a long time. For the so called ladies: on Unleashed, we hear you and we too will be at the polls on both of these peoples elections. We will show you our voices with our votes. Do you all understand Civil Rights?
Let us share a little note: we've been watching the video's of the many cars in the last several months, along with the tag numbers of those driving pass someone's home.
We even have the voice recordings of the person claiming to be a real estate broker also. YES check the county records for the deed. I won't call you all out, but if I have too.
This is getting very dangerous. The person that have been targeted won't say it, but as a friend, I will and will take this further. The person believes in the process, we don't. I don't have to prove nothing, but will see it all unfold with my documents in court.
Enough is enough.
Rep. Jerome Barmes
I am embarrassed to what I read from two elected officials (Steve Meyers and Jason Green). I guess they don't understand that you are on the state level, not city. They don't give a damn about you or your election, they just need a "token" to carry their water. If they had handled the measures correctly, oh, they have never worked on such measures, but want to dictate to others.
I'm waiting to hear what KS, SVB, SB, BM, MA all have to say to this post. Guess what I'M WHITE AND A STRONG SUPPORTER OF REP. BARNES.
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