Sunday, April 14, 2019

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Happy Easter and Passover to our readers, from Greg and Paul.

Transparency . . .
You hear the term transparency kicked around quite a bit during political campaigns.

In a political sense it defines those who believe that government should be open to the public to see. It has been documented in our laws. The Missouri Sunshine Law and its Federal counter-part, the Freedom of Information Act, define the rights of the individual to explore how their government operates.

With that in mind, I have decided to share an exchange of memos written by Ward 3 Alderman Ryan Myers and myself regarding what Mr. Myers calls “revenue enhancement”.

Hopefully, this exchange of memos will give the public an understanding of how policy decisions are reached at City Hall.

Subject: Discussion Item - Revenue Enhancement

Date:      April 14, 2019
To:          Alderman Ryan Myers
From:     Alderman Elect Greg Walters
Re:         Discussion Item – Revenue Enhancement

Would it be possible to expand your discussion item on revenue enhancement to include “prioritization of budget items”. It would also make sense to take a look at the other side of the coin as regards “revenue enhancement”. The other side of the coin being “revenue expenditures”.

A more thorough review of two items on Tuesday’s agenda, one being the 19% increase in health insurance premiums, and your proposed ordinance regarding rental properties, would benefit from the discussion.

Taxpayers in Raytown already shoulder one of the highest tax burdens in the Jackson County area. The recent approval of the ambulance tax increase to 30 cent per $100 valuation has pushed Raytown into the second highest rate for homes and private vehicles in Jackson County.

The following sample shows how heavy this burden has become.


4.250% . . . . . . KANSAS CITY, MO
4.125% . . . . . . RAYTOWN
3.875% . . . . . . GRANDVIEW
3.625% . . . . . . LEE’S SUMMIT
3.625% . . . . . . INDEPENDENCE
3.375% . . . . . . BLUE SPRINGS


9.4335 per $100 valuation . . . . . . KANSAS CITY, MO
9.3558 per $100 valuation . . . . . . RAYTOWN
9.0668 per $100 valuation . . . . . . LEE’S SUMMIT
8.4043 per $100 valuation . . . . . . INDEPENDENCE
8.3990 per $100 valuation . . . . . . BLUE SPRINGS
8.3949 per $100 valuation . . . . . . GRANDVIEW

cc: Mayor Michael McDonough, Board of Aldermen

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Anonymous said...

But the city still sees the same very small portion that they’ve seen for a long time because the citizens refuse to raise the city’s portion via a vote. So yes, overall, the amount of tax is up, but the city sees no more money.

Anonymous said...

Let's be fair and "Transparent"!

If you are going to look at over all taxes within Jackson County by city you must look at who is really getting the money.

In Raytown the biggest thief from a property tax prospect is the school district. The issue is they believe spending money on sport fields and teams better benifits those the represent than the classrooms. Should we be surprised by their on going actions when they took the city for close to 25 million on a property worth maybe 5 million. In fairness, the school district only collection is on property taxes.

Some will say don't forget that the fire department adds an additional tax, but in fairness it is its on entity and operates on only two taxes, property and sales tax. They have been very transparent on how they spend your tax dollars. Don't forget the "Ambulance Tax"as it was called in this week's writings gets the citizens free ambulance when medically necessary.

We cannot move forward without looking at the city's full collection of taxes. We know the city collects property and sales taxes, but don't forget all of the franchise fees. If you doubt just look at your electric or gas bill.

Also don't be fooled the fire department as I understand will bring in around 4 million next year. While the city will bring in more than 12 million thanks to all their extra ways of taxing us.

While looking at the taxes we have to look at properties that are not being fairly taxed in relationship to the properties we own. Two big examples are the property owned by Blocking and Company across from Walmart, and the second, which might surprise many of you, is Elliott place. The board of aldermen should have been asking a long time ago why it was not turned back on the tax rolls. This all brings into question what other properties are our elected officials allowing a tax break at our expense.

Anonymous said...

We continue to believe that Ryan Myers would make one fantastic mayor. We so admire his initiative and energy.

Anonymous said...

Not really true. The city has also shed some pretty expensive services that was not making any money. David Bauer shut down the recycling years ago. The city is now out of the ambulance business. It was a loser for the city which means money that would have been budgeted for the city ambulance is now available for other services. Same is true for super splash. Now that it is closed the Park Department is running a surplus of $900,000. It was not that long ago that the city had to bail Super Splash out for about four years in a row. Once again back in Bower's time as Mayor. All of that money is gone now but the stream of funds coming into the city continues. More money available for other projects. If this BOA is smart there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

Ryan has vision. I’d like to see more support for him. The old way of thinking is getting us exactly what we’ve got.

Anonymous said...

I feel the parks department should give the city back some of the money they gave them, to bail them out when it came to super splash.

Anonymous said...

The City likes to point out how low their tax rate is, yet they hate it when you look at the actual numbers. The Fire Departments levy brings in 4 million while the City generates 12 million. How is this possible, because the City has many taxes they like to keep quiet and only focus on the property tax levy.... The More You Know....

derek ward said...

Of course, reasonable people can disagree on what the city needs and the best way to achieve those needs. Personally, having served for the last year, I tend to believe that staff has, overall, done a good job of cutting the excess from the budget. At this point, I don't believe there is much, if any, low hanging fruit still to be picked in terms of spending.

So that leaves us with revenue growth. Ultimately, I believe there are two major options to explore to grow revenue.

1. Development
2. Tax increases.

I am committed to working hard the next four years to spur development and have already taken some preliminary steps to explore some options. But with $40 million in road repairs needed, we need to consider some taxes dedicated to streets and public infrastructure. To be clear, these wouldn't pay for salaries or other general overhead. Only major capital improvement projects.

I am committed to working with Greg, the other aldermen and anyone else that wants to help find the best path for Raytown.

-derek ward

Anonymous said...

State law declares it is the city collectors responsibility. Do we know who he is? Maybe he should be fired or not relected...

Anonymous said...

That's what Raytown voted in again. Hopefully this board will keep the mayor in check. It sure says a lot that all the tax issues passed by the same landslide margins the city's measure failed.
I for one would like to see expenditure reductions before raising any taxes. The pd for one is way overstaffed in the command section. I hope pd gets zero dollars more until that is corrected.

Anonymous said...

If I was a newly elected Board of Alderman member, I would be calling the Attorney General's office to verify this method for selection of the President of the Board also know as Mayor Pro Tem is done legally.

For those wondering about my concern go check the city's board packet and you will find they are providing all of the Aldermen a ballot to use to vote with instead of the normal roll call.

What are they trying to hide and how will we know who voted or that we even have someone with at least six votes.

If they are wanting to hide the truth on this simple matter what big ticket items are they trying to keep out of the spot light.

Just more calls we the citizens need to make to the State Auditors office and the local television stations.

Anonymous said...

How trouble-sum it must have been for the our professional city staff to get bids from other insurance companies.

I wounder if they understand the city is being audited and that getting bids from other companies is required by law.

Maybe the new board will step up the game and remind the staff of the law and demand to see bids from at least two other companies with the same type of policies before moving forward.

Maybe we will get lucky and save the tax payers and staff money when all employees start hiring their paychecks.

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to talk about it but the truth is there are many in Raytown who are at the limit of what they can pay. It is wrong to ignore them in this discussion. They are as much a part of Raytown as the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry 559. I think the pd won’t see any further increase in budget for the foreseeable future. They certainly don’t have anyone worried about it other than the mayor and the whole board is against him. We got baseball fields to build.

Anonymous said...

The whole process of Mayor Pro Tem with all the jostling and backside kissing is a joke. Steve Meyers refused to play the game and was the obvious choice last year. Instead board locked out Ward 5 candidate Melissa Beal so they could control the vote. I'm sure this year will be another farce.

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid does!

Once again the Board of Alderman are ready to live up to their normal "Stupid is as stupid does" by voting on results from the April city election when a recount on Ward 2 has not be completed.

I could see moving forward with the other elected positions, but what happens if the three vote separation really goes the other way when a recount is completed.

The odds are slim, but shouldn't our elected officials do the right thing starting with James "Jim" Aziere himself requesting to hold off until the first meeting of May.

This would mean the Board would operate tonight and until them with only 9 members, but how long did our current Mayor hold Ward 1 and Ward 5 citizens hostage with only having one Alderman because he couldn't take the time to appoint someone to complete the term.

The best reason there is no rush for James "Jim" Aziers's seat is look at how many times he has historically missed a meeting so what is one to validate who really one the election.

Don't get me wrong I am sure it will be hard to find the votes to change the out come, but do we really need to rush one more thing that could once again prove that "Stupid is as stupid does" in Raytown.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Melissa Beal did not run for alderman this time around. No doubt with the Mayor's backing she would have been a shoe in!

Anonymous said...

State rep in 2 years...

Anonymous said...

You and the other Raytown voters decided this is what you wanted again. We could've had better.

Anonymous said...

We wonder too, she promised everyone on the news she would...
Unless it was a farce by the mayor.
With the story leaking about rampant sexual assault while he was a cop and then protecting the perpetrator while acting as mayor. It's a small wonder why he might choose someone with delinquent taxes paid right before. And why he would plan a victory party for her before the ballots could be cast. And then the embarrassment she had in public and in front of all her family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Watched the BOA meeting tonight.

The Revenue Enhancement Committee is going to have only people aged 35 or younger? Did I hear that correctly?

Age discrimination right here in Raytown by a sitting alderman.

Anonymous said...

Mary Jane votes the same as her husband next to her just as everyone warned... actually, she votes the same as both people next to her so perhaps it has nothing to do with who she's married too!
I was glad to see bill abstain from accepting her votes Even though he didn't have too.

Anonymous said...

Beware of the old Republican Steam Roller act going on City Hall. The Board votes to hand over the policy making of the city to its youngest member. He wants to form a special committee with very little city council oversight to craft a "revenue enhancement" package for the city. He makes a big deal about everyone he plans to put on the committee as being under 35 years of age.

The Mayor knows he has tried and over-reached in pushing his tax agenda forward. So he doubles down by finding an ambitious young man to do the heavy lifting for him.

Most interesting comment of the evening. The young man does not want many Council members on the special committee. So he limits it to three. He being one, means he limits it to two. Claims when too many council members are involved it gets too messy. But he really means it becomes unmanageable for him.

Make no mistake about it. Their is some political gaming going on at City Hall.

This bit of political theater is going to be fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Oh good god, it’s an exploratory group that has zero power to pass anything, only to bring ideas to the actual board and yes more than a few board members is always an issue because they each have their own agenda. And unless the city gets money to actually fix things, the city will crumble on itself. Try and think outside the box.

derek ward said...

While I am sure that Greg and I will disagree on some issues, I was impressed with the thoughtfulness of his comments last night. He certainly came prepared to tackle the issues.

Derek Ward
Alderman, Ward 5

Anonymous said...

Have you actually even met Mary Jane VanBuskirk or have spoken to her for any amount of time?! Are you kidding me?! No one is going to even remotely tell
her what to do or influence her, including her husband. We're enormously encouraged and very proud that she is now one of our alderman.

Anonymous said...

How is it wrong to exclude the people that got us into this mess and keep the good ol boys club in power?

Anonymous said...

The mayor knows he's on shaky footing, he has to try and reach out to the people he spent the last 2 years blasting because his only friends are Jason and bill. But Jason looks like he's broken away again (like he did in 2017).
Also, can we make a rule Bill can't use the words "quickly or "short time"? I just hate liars and he couldn't be short if he wanted. Not that he doesn't say good stuff, just needless.

Anonymous said...

Our residents overwhelmingly want more police above anything else. We must find ways to get more police

Anonymous said...

April 17, 2019 at 1:43 PM

Why discriminate against anybody older than 35 because of the actions of a few?

Anonymous said...

I watched the meeting last night and was impressed. For the first time in a very long time there was some honest conversation and debate. Not one raised voice. No anger. No angst or chest thumping. Just a good exchange of ideas.

What on earth is Ryan Myers up to? Only people under 35 allowed on his committee! What's next. A boy's only club? No girls allowed?

Good to see the Alderman from Ward 1 in his seat. Welcome back Greg. I see you have not lost a step over the years.

Anonymous said...

As the post says, perhaps it has nothing to do with that. She voted the same as Ryan Myers and I don't think they have much in common.

Anonymous said...

The city increased reserves a million dollars this past year, apparently there was a million dollars in the budget that could've been cut.

Anonymous said...

Disagree, I'm a resident and I'd prefer sheriffs deputies over Raytown PD.
I want roads and codes.

Anonymous said...

Why does the city need a street sweeper?

I would think roads like 59th St would cause damage to the machine and I hate to think about the damage to it from the streets that have decayed even more because we don't take care of the streets in Raytown.

Anonymous said...

"I just come here for the baseless cop bashing."

Oh yeah?

"Bashing". Examples?

Things are actually on a wild uptick since the former chief resigned (sorry, "retired") midway into his commitment to the voters.

Haven't felt this optimistic about the PD in years.