Saturday, September 21, 2019

. . . BREAKING NEWS . . .

School Board member Rick Thode has released his “Notes on Collins Matter”.

Mr. Thode’s notes address how the Raytown School District Administration has handled certain policy matters in the wake of the resignation of former School Board President Dr. Christie Collins.

Dr. Collins resigned her position after she was charged by Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters for felony stealing.

According to Mr. Thode, “The School District is seeking restitution of $37,000 from Collins which includes fraud losses, professional fees and internal costs”.

Thode continued . . . “in my opinion, District policy was repeatedly violated by the Administration. The policy contains a standard stating that the “letter and intent” of these policies must be obeyed. There must be reasons why the Administration repeatedly and willfully failed to enforce policy and pull the card.”nion, istrpolicywas repeatedly violated

Mr. Thode’s reference is to PCards (credit cards). , which are provided school board members for use in their duties as members of the Raytown School Board. Use of the cards is voluntary. Thode said not all members of the school board use the cards.

On October 14th the School Board is scheduled to discussion Thode's motion in open session.

Mr. Thode’s notes on the "Collins Matter" follow:

Notes on Collins Matter
August 30, 2019

Mr. President, before explaining my support for the motion, I
would like to spend a few minutes to briefly read a memo which
contains six points from my personal notes that were taken
during two open meetings with Dr. Markley on August 19 and
August 26. On those dates, Dr. Markley and I reviewed and
discussed District public financial information pertaining to the
alleged criminal activities of Dr. Kristie Collins.

1. Dr. Markley stated that his Administration was aware that
Dr. Collins used her Pcard as early as 2014 for personal
expenditures. He showed me a binder containing her credit
card activity from 2014-19 and drew my attention to a
personal expenditure by Dr. Collins of $97.00. Dr. Markley
stated that the expenditure was not related to educational
purposes for the District. He stated that in 2014 the District
knew the transaction violated policy, demanded and
received full payment for the personal expenditure, and the
matter was closed. He stated that other similar transactions
were contained in the binder. Dr. Markley then confirmed
again that the Administration was aware that Dr. Collins
had used her Pcard for personal expenditures as early as
2014 and made no attempt to cancel her Pcard.

2. I then provided Dr. Markley a schedule that I prepared from
the Districts’ books and records showing that Dr. Collins
was repeatedly past due on her District Pcard account
during the period from January 2018 through April 2019 in
monthly amounts sometimes greater than $2000. Dr.
Markley stated that the administration was aware of these
past due balances. During that period of past due balances,
the Administration did not cancel her Pcard.

3. Dr. Markley listened to my concern that the
Administrations’ decision to not cancel Dr. Collins Pcard as
early as 2014 could have contributed to Dr. Collins
continuation of her alleged activities. Moreover, her
repeated past due balances were a series of red flags that
could have led to her cancellation. Those past due balances
were essentially an interest free loan provided by the
Administration with no penalties for delinquencies. Dr.
Markley did not object to my assertions.

4. I reminded Dr. Markley that the Auditors issued a
management letter in 2018 and told the Administration and
Board that Board members should review individual Board
member transactions on a monthly basis. I stated to Dr.
Markley that such an unusual request from the Auditors
could have been a wakeup call to the Board. Dr. Markley
did not object.

5. I reminded Dr. Markley that the Administration paid
$10,000 in investigation fees to the Auditors in May 2019
for an investigation of Dr. Collins’ transactions in 2018-
2019. Those fees were spent after Dr. Collins made a minor
charge in May 2019 of roughly $300. Additionally, her past
due amounts had been cleared up. I asked Dr. Markley why
the Administration was willing to spend $10,000 after such
a minor charge had been incurred and she was not past due.
I explained that an expenditure of such a minor amount
could lead one to a conclusion that the Administration was
willing to spend $10,000 because they had a good idea
what they would find. He agreed that the amount was large
in relationship to the bill of $300 but did not elaborate.
However, the Pcard was finally cancelled. I suggested to
Dr. Markley that the expenditure of $10,000 may not have
been necessary to cancel her card because she had violated
policy as early as 2014. He offered no explanation.

6. After asking Dr. Markley these questions, I asked for his
thoughts. He expressed and displayed significant and
genuine regret and remorse. I asked him if he would be
willing to publicly apologize for the Administration’s
failure to cancel Collins’ Pcard. He agreed that the apology
might warrant calls for his resignation, but he agreed to do

That concludes my personal notes. After two weeks of
deep reflection, I have offered the motion that the Board of
Education must continue its assessment of the Collins
matter by immediately engaging a forensic attorney and
auditor. The goals will be to determine why District
policies were violated, to assess responsibility, to make
improvements in policies and internal controls governing
Pcard transactions, and to provide appropriate safeguards
over taxpayers’ money.

I urge that the motion be approved without delay.

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Board to Decide
Fate of Sewer Tax Increase 
Raytown taxpayers face the reality of a 7% sanitary sewer tax increase in the next year. This is the third year in a row in which City Hall has increased the sanitary sewer tax. 
  • In 2017 the Sewer Tax was increased by 15%.
  • In 2018 the Sewer Tax was increased by 10%.
  • In 2019 the Sewer Tax increase under consideration is 7%.
The proposed increase has raised an alarm not easily ignored by some Raytowners.

As someone who recently visited with people in my Ward (during my campaign for election) I can tell you there are many good people in Raytown who are struggling to keep up with the tax increases they are expected to pay this coming year.

Jackson County has re-assessed property taxes to historic levels. This third increase of the sanitary sewer tax creates a total of over 40% in increases in just three years. In November, voters will be asked to approve a renewal of the Park/Storm Sewer Tax.

Here are some ideas that would help soften the blow on those who can least afford another sewer tax increase.
  • Raytown is served by two water companies. Both have a minimum payment on the first two thousand gallons of water purchased by residential customers.
  • The City of Raytown bases its sewer use charges on the first one thousand gallons of water treated. The city could follow the water company’s  lead by discounting the cost of treating the first two thousand gallons of water. This would lessen the impact of the rate increase on those who try to save by using less water.
  • Mayor Michael McDonough has as seat on the Little Blue Valley Sewer District Board. The city should begin serious talks with the two sewage treatment entities (Kansas City and Little Blue Valley Sewer District) to find ways to ratchet back on the ever increasing cost of treating sewage. Insist upon an audit of the sewer system to determine if Raytown is being treated fairly.
  • Make certain every resident and commercial property is paying their fair share of sanitary sewer use charges. This year the city is expected to write off $70,000.00 as “uncollectable”. City Hall must do a better job on collections to make certain everyone is paying their fair share.
  • Hold off any increase until after the winter months. Sewer bills are based on water purchased by users from the utilities. Those figures are gathered during winter months so people are not charged sewer treatment for water used to water lawns, flower beds, wash cars, etc. Wait for those usage amounts to be set in the winter, and then use the new water usage numbers to create more accurate bills.
  • City staff provided the Board of Aldermen a report that showed a reserve of $547,416 dollars in the Sewer Fund. This proprietary fund can only be used for sanitary sewer costs. The city could tap part of that reserve to fund a portion of the tax increase.
Some politicians at City Hall complain the city has not kept up maintenance on the sewer upkeep in the past. That is not accurate. The taxpayers in Raytown approved Municipal Bonds to fund re-building of entire sewer systems in 2006, 2007 and 2013.

In the last 13 years those bonds funded over $11,000,000 (million dollars) in municipal projects for needed repairs to the city’s sanitary sewer infrastructure.

Two huge watersheds, White Oak Creek on the south end of town, and the Wildwood Lake watershed have had extensive work done on sanitary sewer lines. When you consider that those repairs have a lifetime of 50 plus years, it is significant.

Raytown voters approved and are paying for those improvements already. It is now time for the city to step and help the voters facing these  increases.

The Mayor and Raytown Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing on the rate increases Tuesday, September 24, 2019. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Any Raytown citizen will be allowed to speak at this public hearing. There will also be a public hearing on the new tax levy amount for personal and property tax levels for next year.

Sanitary Sewer Tax Increase
Tuesday, September 24, 2019        6:00 PM
Raytown City Hall       10000 East 59th Street


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Anonymous said...

This is at 6 not 7? Who's idea to switch the time was it? Seems like they are trying to make it inconvient for us to go to and speak.
Raising the sewer rates and the property tax the same night? Guess that's payback for losing the 3 taxes last year. First doubling or tripling the city fees, increasing sewer rates 40 percent on the last 3 years, all while raising franchise fees.

Betty Rowland said...

Will the meeting be televised? Will we be able to view it on the web the next day?

Peter Weber said...

If a resident owes money for the sewer bill, why doesn't the city call the appropriate water company and tell them to shut off the water?

Chuck White said...

12:58 Go back and read the article. The Board will not raise -or lower- the property tax. The Board will simply set the mill rate the city will collect on property taxes. The object is to keep the actual dollars collected as close as the prior year as possible. If the average assessed value of the property in Raytown goes up, the mill rate will go down.

Anonymous said...

No, it's a special meeting. We don't televise our work sessions, finance committee, or special meetings. If you cared enough you'd make it a priority.

Greg Walters said...

I will call the City Administrator and ask him to televise Tuesday night's meeting. Public hearings of this magnitude are important enough for as many as possible of the public to be aware of them.

Anonymous said...

5:23 pm - I would attend the meetings, but I'm a nurse and I work nights. There's no reason to be snarky with people.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for once again speaking to protect our citizens.

Greg Walters said...

I received an email today from City Clerk Teresa Henry. She has informed me that Tuesday night's meeting will be televised.

I also received a complaint about an anonymous post in which VIPS and other topics were brought up. The author of the post found the message offensive. The post has been removed.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm sure you have vacation or sick time. The rest of us have lives too but we manage.

Anonymous said...

10:29 pm - really! You really expect those of us who work nights to burn our vacation to come to your meeting? We live in the 21st century. We have the technology to communicate without having to be face to face. Why are you afraid of the technology? Again, quit being snarky.

Anonymous said...

I take it someone with VIPs couldn't take the truth

Anonymous said...

Did you hear the good news? The Walmart TIF has been refinanced. We now have a lower interest rate. This will save the city millions!

Anonymous said...

September 24, 2019 at 9:40 PM

Actually, Greg can verify anything to do w/ that very easily. We are still around.

I would ask for an apology from you but know it won't come.

Why do you hate anything to do w/ the police? Did they give you a ticket?

Lighten up a little. Life is too short.

Anonymous said...

The city of Raytown has prevailed in a small claims lawsuit regarding Parks Dept closed sessions.

How much did we have to pay in attorney fees for this nonsense? Maybe I can do a sunshine request and find out!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the VIP program? I don't see any updates beyond a certain period in time. They used to communicate online frequently. Then nothing. Seemed like a great program that fulfilled an important need.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happened Monday night at the School Board meeting?

I understand that people are starting to have enough of them and their high taxes.

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2019 at 8:53 AM

Thank you for asking!

Coffee with a Cop is coming up.
It will be held at the Raytown Hy-Vee on Oct 2 from 9-11 am.
Please stop by if you can.

The Safety Fair was a few weeks ago. (This was advertised on all the local FB pages and in the Lee's Summit Tribune.)

"Raytown Police Volunteer Corps and CERT" is the FB page:

Anonymous said...

DoD you see the meeting? Had nothing to do with the year long city attempts, everything to do with a tweet.

Anonymous said...

Do one for the suit the city lost too, and how much their appeal cost taxpayers before they settled.

Anonymous said...

I asked for it and it wasn't online. They said they may have lost it due to a technical issue. Millions in new taxes and a technical issue springs up when those taxes are discussed.

Anonymous said...

You've had enough of the school board's high taxes? Too bad. Either people drank the kool-ade that now we're stuck with it. Hope you have learned your lesson and will vote no for any more school increases.

Anonymous said...

I saw Ryan missed the meeting. Wonder why someone running for higher office would miss such an important meeting. Raising taxes and sewer fees. Yeah I'd have somewhere else to be too.

Anonymous said...

School increase? They said no tax increase, the parks are saying the same thing. But the budgets show they'd get more money... more money with the same taxes, yeah it's the same trick. That's why I'm voting no to the parks taxes, they can't even give us safe parks. If we can't use them why pay for them.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe it is time for Dr. Markley to resign. I truly believe he doesn't give a darn about Raytown or the school. So thankful Mr. Thoade is on the board the only voice of reason and someone who will keep the public informed. I think we all need to start attending the school board meetings. on

Anonymous said...

Now you know why Markley wanted no part of Rick Thode being on the school board. Now you also know why there were many people in school district that wanted him on the board. Sharp ethical guy and not one of the good ol boys.

Anonymous said...

11:23 You got that right, not one of the good ol boys... I'm all for calling people out at the district that don't do the right thing. Fought my own battle and lost, it was completely unfair and they know it !!!