Saturday, February 8, 2020

To:              Neighbors and Patrons of Raytown City Parks

From:         Greg Walters, Chairman, Parks Improvement Committee
                   Randy Hudspeth, Raytown Chief of Police (Interim)
                   Dave Turner, Raytown Parks and Recreation Director

I have partnered with Chief of Police Randy Hudspeth and Park Board Director Dave Turner to create plans to make our City Parks a safe and secure place to visit this Spring and Summer.

We believe the key to safe Parks require us to improve the lines of communication between the Park Department, Police Department and Raytown Citizens.

If you feel, as I do, that City Parks should be an extension of our homes and neighborhoods, please take a moment to read what Chief of Police Randy Hudspeth and Park Board Director Dave Turner are suggesting. It will be time well spent.

NON-EMERGENCY / 816-737-6020
Greg, Dave and I have had some good conversations about ways we can improve communication between the Parks, Police and the Public. I will go straight to the point.

CALL US: If you see any suspicious activity within any City Park, I ask that you call us. We take calls of this nature very seriously, and see them as an opportunity to prevent a crime . . . so please call. We will send officers immediately to check into your concerns.

UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR: This could the use of vulgar language or lewd behavior. If a group of people seem to have taken over a part of a City Park with activity that does not seem right . . . let us know. We will investigate it. If there is something wrong going on . . . we will stop it.

WE WILL KEEP YOUR COMPLAINT IN COMPLETE CONFIDENCE: Unless you ask, we will not send officers to your home. All communication will be held in complete confidence. Simply tell the dispatcher you do not want to be contacted and the officers will not come to your door. Most times, the dispatcher will ask you whether or not you would like to be contacted. Caller contact with police is not required for us to investigate suspicious activity.

CURFEW VIOLATIONS: If someone drives into a park and leaves their car after curfew, please call us immediately. Most of our problems at city parks happen after curfew. We need the word to get out that Raytown Parks close at 11:00 p.m. and that our parks are not an acceptable place to visit after curfew. We will enforce the ordinance. 

The three of us believe the most important factor to keeping our City Parks safe is a partnership with Park Patrons as the eyes and ears of the Police and Park Departments. Our city services cannot address problems of which we are unaware. Most importantly, we need to know as quickly as possible when a law is broken.

To address the general safety concerns of neighbors and Park patrons, the Park Board has funded $15,000 for increased private security patrols to enforce curfew violations. This last year the Park Board spent $12,000 to install Solar/LED lights for areas of City Parks that are too dark at night.

We hope these actions show that we take park security seriously.

Which brings me to one final request . . . If you witness any unseemly activity in the park at anytime please be sure to let us know by calling 816-358-4100.

I welcome inquiries and suggestions on how to better run our Parks. Feel free to call me at Park Headquarters at 816-358-4100, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If I am not there please leave a message.

Together we can make a difference for all of Raytown

Raytown Audit Report . . .
In recent weeks there have been a number of speculative comments sent to the Raytown Report about the City Audit being conducted by the State Auditor’s Office. Most questioned when he Audit will be completed and how it will be presented to the public. The following is in answer to a request I made to Mr. Rick Stuck of the Missouri State Auditor’s office, in an attempt to receive answers.

Mr. Stuck responded with the following message.

Alderman Walters,

Regarding the State Audit  . . .  “Once the report is completed and the final draft is done, Todd Schuler, Audit Manager, and myself will request a closed session meeting with the Board of Alderman.  At this time we will go over the entire report to the board and ask for responses. 

Again this will be a draft of the report and is still subject to change so it, as with any item discussed in closed session, is not to be discussed outside of the meeting.

Once we have your responses to the report and corrections if needed are made our office has a few review steps before it will be released to the public which usually depending on how quickly we get the responses is within a couple of weeks.

Right before the report is issued all members of the Board and administrative staff will receive an email a couple of hours before the report is actually released to the public and press.

Now this being said we still are sometime away from having a competed draft of the report. 

Hope this helps.  Let me know if you have any more questions.

Rick Stuck
Missouri State Auditor’s Office

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