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Summer Theatre
Camp for Youth
Cave Spring Park and the Raytown Arts
Council are jointly sponsoring a Summer Theater Camp for Youth. The program is
the brainchild of April Heim of Raytown, Missouri.
Ms. Heim is a graduate of Kansas State
University where she earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Technical
Theatre. She conducted a similar program for the City of Manhattan, Kansas for
two seasons after graduating Kansas State University. The term “Technical
Theatre” covers all of the nuts and bolts of creating a theatrical production, including
Directing, Acting and all aspects of production (lighting, props, costumes,
The Summer Theater Camp for Youth will
run from June 1 through June 26th. Rehearsals will be conducted at
the Pavilion at Caves Spring Park, with productions of the performance to be
held June 26th and June 27th.
The program is an exceptional
opportunity for aspiring actors and actresses to learn how theater is created. The
added bonus is learning how the hardware of theater is created and used in the
telling of a story.
The program is open to students ages 12
to 18. The cost is $400 per student. The Raytown School District has pledged to
offer those that cannot afford scholarships to help pay the cost of the
Sign-up will close once all of the slots
are full or April 30, 2020.
Or contact April Heim at: april@cavespring.org 913-515-2641
I have got to hand it Cave Spring. They keep coming up with new ideas and innovative plans for the Raytown Community. Some of our other community organizations should take note. Raytown has a lot to offer. We just need to showcase it better for the recognition we deserve.
I checked the city's website and social medias, there is nothing updated from March 14th. 2 days ago!
Is the city asleep at the wheel or do they just believe this is all a conspiracy theory?
What would you like for the city to do? Tell you to wash your hands and use sanitizer? Tell you to limit your contact with others (social distancing)? Tell you to go get tested if you have flu like symptoms? There's a lot of information out there already without the city replicating it in my humble opinion.
I am watching the BOA meeting on ch 7 tonight (3/17/20).
It was 15-20 minutes before the audio was turned on.
Is there someone we can notify if this happens again?
I hope the taped version will have the audio portion on it that we missed.
PSA to the BOA:
Be careful of "hot mic" moments.
Just because you are not in session doesn't mean that the microphones are not picking up what you are saying.
It is important the city tell the public precautions to be taken in handling the Corona Virus. What is happening in the United States took place in Europe just two to three weeks ago. We need to isolate the virus to contain its spread. The only effective way to do this is to keep a safe distance from each other (at least 6 feet). Keep you socializing down to no more than ten people.
Our city leaders should lead by example. It is disheartening to see one city leader posted how he spent last Sunday at O'Malley's Pub in Weston, Missouri. In regular times it is no big deal. The Corona Virus changes all of that. The basement of O'Malley's was no doubt crowded with people starting their celebration of St. Patrick's day. It would be crowded on cold and blustery day.
A former alderman posted how he was angry because all of the bas in Jackson County had been closed down. So he wrote he was driving up to Clay County to socialize.
The Corona Virus is a pandemic. The first one in over a century on this planet. We need to take this threat seriously.
The two examples above are examples of how NOT to behave.
I am surprised at the different ways COVID-19 is addressed nationally! City Hall is closed here. If you want to pay your utility bill, you may use the drop box, mail, online, or by phone. There is no person to person contact at City Hall! City Court has been cancelled except for video arraignments. City Counsel meetings have been canceled. Instead there is a non-public meeting today to conduct business. It seems like a violation of the open meetings act to me but I don't know if NM has one. San Diego is having City Council meetings but the chairs were marked with sticky notes where people may sit to observe social distancing. (I posted a picture of that and the article on my Facebook page.) Last week it was announced on Thursday, "All schools will be closed statewide on Monday." I wonder why Monday rather than Friday????? There is no logic in how this emergency is addressed!!!!!
Andy Whiteman
Ok I'm going to assume the "former alderman" that is "busting chops" to head to another county Clay or Cass to get a drink is me...Well I hate to dispell the rumor mill in Raytown since things have come to a screeching halt and boredom is no doubt rising to EPIC levels.. Yes I did post to inquire whether other counties were following suit with Jackson Counties mandate of closing bars and restaurants. My interest level was merely to inquire maybe why they don't follow suit? Anyone that has taken such a large amount of interest in my travels or adherence to the CDC recommendations let me do you a favor and calm your fears. Send me a FB friend request. Then scroll to the post I made regarding my "interest" and the accompanying posts made by others. And while you're poking around take note of the numerous references I have made about "hunkering down" social distancing, and the recommended responsobilty and personal lifestyle adjustments each of us should be adhering to at this crucial time. And as you read these personal and lifestyle adjustments I have committed to, maybe come back on this forum to amend and edit your comment and reference which was total nonsense.
You'll man up to that right...
Stay safe folks and don't believe every anonymous comments you read!
Steve Meyers
I don't model my behavior after city officials. I think for myself and act accordingly. There are so many sources for advice as to what precautions to take right now, I don't need any advisories from the city.
Sounds like someone has a guilty conscience.
How come you don't publish the minutes of the BOA meetings? You're there every week. It should be easy for you to do. You used to be the only source for whats happening up there. Now we don't even have that. How come?
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