UPDATE: On Monday evening at 9:05 pm five gunshots from what sounded like a high caliber handgun were fired at the southern entrance of Colman Park. Police responded shortly afterward and collected evidence (spent shell casings) from the crime scene.
Gunfire at Colman Park
At approximately 8:00 pm on Saturday evening an unknown individual fired six shots at Colman Park. It is not believed that anyone was injured in the shooting. There was, however a woman screaming, “have you been shot?”
By time the police arrived the shooters were long gone.
This type of activity has, unfortunately, become common place at the park
on weekends and even during the week. Neighbors of the park
tell of live gunfire at least twice during the week – and almost without fail on the
The shootings have many things in common. They all take place at night.
Immediately after the shots are fired you can hear car(s) speeding away from the park.
The police show up, but not until all the shooters are gone.
Saturday night’s incident has neighbors of the park very concerned.
Witnesses say the park was not cleared after the gunplay. One neighbor of the
park found shell casings and a bag where the event took place.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Raytown Police Department at
A week does not go by in which I am asked when the State Audit of the City of Raytown will be completed. At last Tuesday’s meeting of the Board of Aldermen I publicly asked for an update on the progress of the audit.
Our City Administrator,
Damon Hodges, reported the “the audit is still on-going.”
This came as somewhat of
a surprise. The audit was reported to have been in its winding down phase
earlier this year. Originally, the Board was told to expect the results in
April or May of 2020. A meeting was tentatively scheduled to meet with the auditors on September 22nd. The Board was informed the meeting
had been cancelled. No explanation was given as to “why” it had been
The Raytown Report will
continue to monitor the situation and post updates as the story develops.
Board Scales Back
Administration officials at Raytown City Hall presented a 1.2 million dollar
remodeling package for Raytown City Hall at last Tuesday’s meeting. Public
Works Director Jose Leon presented the proposal to the Board. The City is
in receipt of $1.7 million of Covid-19 Funds from the federal government for
use on Covid-19 related needs. The money does come with strict guidelines as to
how it can be spent. There is also a deadline for the money to be spent by the
end of the year.
The 1.2 million dollars would utilize approximately $600,000 of the Covid Funds to pay for changes at city hall. Additional funds for the balance of the 1.2 million dollars would come from the city’s general fund balance. Items such as touch free plumbing in restrooms and water fountains, re-design of building entryways to include a vestibule entrance and upgrades to the Audio Visual equipment were included in the package.
Board members were in agreement with accessing all the federal funds available. But they balked at proposed changes that would have downsized the Council Chambers to make room for a larger “break room” and “privacy room” at City Hall.
Alderman Jim Aziere reminded the Board the Council Chambers was also used as a court room. It is not uncommon for the Council Chambers to be filled to capacity when it is in session.
Ward 5 Alderman Derek Ward made a motion, seconded by Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters to limit the exposure to the city in the cost of the project to the $600,000 financed by the Federal Covid-19 funds. He explained items could be divided into areas of needs and wants. Improvements to city hall entryways, touchless plumbing systems and improvements to the city’s heating and cooling systems were noted as needed changes.
The motion included directions to City Staff to not downsize the size of the Council Chambers (which doubles as a Court Room).
City Administrator Damon Hodges asked if a 10% contingency fund could be added to the $600,000 in Mr. Ward’s amendment. Ward agreed to the amendment with Walters concurring with the change in his second.
The Board voted unanimously to accept the amendment to limit expenses to the $600,000 plus a 10% contingency of federal grant money for projects. City staff is expected to bring new recommendations based on that dollar amount at the next Board meeting.
I'm confused, the City says there's never any money but also somehow we managed to put 1.7 million in the general fund reserves in the last 2 years. Now we see they are saying they found 600,000 dollars sitting around. This is in addition to the 1.5 million dollars in no bid projects city staff has handed out in the past 12 months. including several times they've attempted to negotiate contracts with vendors and on projects that went against the board desires.
For 3 years I've pointed out the massive issues the city has with spending. I have to say the PD budget is still lacking. The new Chief was able to add a lot of new items without raising the budget at all. His second proposed budget included an entire new unit formed that would get equipment and training needed for "Impact Officers" this would increase his budget only 3 % but seems they would have an impact far more than the 3% of their cost. Last year I stated 6 new officers for a similar cause. I know the Chief wants to prove he can be trusted with a little before asking for more, and i think that is a good general policy. However he continues to prove himself. If he can backfill the 5 or 6 spots instead of 3, i think we should use the money the city was going to match COVID funding to shrink city hall public spaces that the board rejected to instead fund some of these spots. Note that just because there is funding for the position does not mean people will apply or make it through the hiring process.
All in all, the city has shown it has a very large amount of money to draw from when they want to give out no bid projects to friends and political donors, but not when it concerns safety of it's citizens.
I went online to try and get help paying some of my bills with the city covid19 money they were posting all about on fb. but like why they gotta know race. i haven't had no job for a minute but i know how racist raytown has been so like i cant get no money. the cops are always stopping me making stuff up anyway.
I know that Raytown has a limited number of officers on duty but I wonder why the RPD does not set up at least one patrol beat so that an officer is in the area of Colman Park? The officer could be instructed to patrol around the park during the times gun shots are normally fired.
When I moved to Raytown in 1999, I was walking Hank Dogg and heard shots fired near 67th St. I called dispatch and was told that there would be no response because shots fired were a "normal occurrence." I hope that the shots fired at Coleman Park will not be regarded as a "normal occurrence." In my opinion, shots fired are not acceptable and action should be taken to eliminate this situation before someone is killed!
Andy Whiteman
I don't believe there are gunshots at the park all the time, the city has cameras and the police watch them all the time. it's probably fireworks or balloons or something and people just don't like parties in the park.
I live a block from the park. Every weekend there are large parties with sound equipment I can hear clearly even when my windows and doors are closed. Every weekend someone fires a gun off. Every weekend.
"I don't believe there are gunshots at the park all the time ... probably fireworks or balloons or something and people just don't like parties in the park."
Fireworks, balloons, fairies, unicorns...
2 weeks ago we were at the top of the street at the park and heard 4 GUN SHOTS directly to the south of us. Afternoon on a weekday. An old Grand Prix accelerated out of the park immediately afterwards. We were close enough to see that the temporary tag had expired in March of this year.
There's just no way to be on top of each and every incident, and it saddens me that our childhood park may eventually become a casualty.
I feel for the people that live in the neighborhoods that surround that park as well as those that are doing everything in their power to come up with a solution.
Yeah, people always scatter when a balloon pops. There is plenty of gunfire around Raytown, not just in the parks. We hear it regularly at night to the point that it is no big deal anymore. And yes, being gun owners and shooters, we know the difference between gunfire and balloons.
Andy, a young girl was already killed in that park. And several others have been shot at. Houses near there have been shot into.
Why do you all try to bring Raytown down. Publicizing this is happening isn't helping. Plus I asked the mayor and he said it's overblown, the police don't see anybody when they get there so we don't actually know this is happening. We think a blog owner is just trying to make Mike look bad, Raytown doesn't have a crime problem. There may be a few things here and there but that's everywhere and from people outside Raytown.
Mike has made this community safer and richer, we have more new businesses and putting out this scary stuff will scare them away.
Large groups need to counter what's going on at the park. There has to be a take back of the park. Whether that's pastors and such being there having a night revival, or other citizens en masse during the late hours, I bet that would make a difference.
I agree with the person that wrote about reviving the parks safety committee. They did a lot last time in only a little time. Crime dropped rapidly.
In response to the post at 10:40 a.m. , crawl out from under your rock !!! Are you kidding me ? We bought our house to raise our children 16 years ago, my husband grew up in Raytown, I however grew up in Independence. When we moved here from Independence I was so happy and for about 10 years things were great, since about 2014 things have changed drastically for Raytown, Missouri. No more Raytown Round up Days, no more carnivals, no more football games where anybody that wants to go can go, times have changed so much right in front of us. Not to mention all the crime that is happening in this town, believe it or not it is not being overblown, I hear the gun shots, I see and hear the police fly up and down Raytown Road DAILY so don't tell lies, and stick up for our Mayor, not making him look bad he is letting this town go down hill, FAST !!! Get a grip on reality, please !!!!
Educate yourselves...google crime rate in raytown.
The problem is much bigger than any one park, or business or apartment building.
Oct 14, 813.
That's when the mayor took over. He always smiles and says there's nothing bad in Raytown.
Hey 10:40 am, what planet are your from? I have been here 62 years and Raytown is now the official "hood". We are the new Kansas City! I wouldn't step foot in any park in Raytown day or night. We average 3 cops patrolling at night. I was told that by the mayor! Crime is though the roof! Just look at the Raytown police blog/report. Cars stolen, businesses robbed, assaults. There has been a rash of catalytic converters stolen recently from cars and vehicles overnite at businesses. I won't leave the house with out my gun on me, and yes, I have a Right to Carry License.
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