Your Vote is Important.
One party wishes to re-write our history, defund our police departments, embrace socialism, and redefine America
They say, "Let's change everything in the United States of America."
The other party says, "Let's not."
Election day is Tuesday. We have an important job to do. We have decisions to make.
Voting is a duty every American, 18 years and older, share. If you have not already done so, please remember to vote.
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It sounded
like a chainsaw in my neighbor’s back yard. I stepped outside to see what he
was up to. He was there, but did not have a chainsaw. We followed the sound and
found it was being made by someone cutting donuts on the street over at Colman
Park. The air smelled of burning rubber. The smoke was thick. The noise was
deafening. The first picture is of the parking lot leading up to the park
equipment garage. The driver was warming up – you can see the rubber left on
the parking lot.
The second picture shows the route taken to exit the lot onto Main Street. You can see from the tracks the driver nearly lost control of his vehicle as he sped up Lane Street.
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Fortunately the park was pretty much empty Saturday. Families probably getting ready for Halloween. Usually the park would be full of parents and their children enjoying the fresh air, exploring a safe park to play and relax.
A speeding car in a city park is a tragedy waiting to happen.
The following press release from the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office tells of a new program named Raytown United. It speaks of targeting young offenders, showing them the error in their ways and persuading them to take a better path.
Whoever was driving that car on Saturday needs to hear what the Police and Prosecutor have to say. Our law enforcement officials have a way to track the individual down and explain the error of his ways to them.
Let’s hope they do.
Law enforcement joins the Community
Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker, Raytown Police Chief Robert Kuehl launched a new violence-reduction program in Raytown called Raytown United.
“We need not forget that cities do reduce violence,” Baker said. “Yes, it can be done. We can do it here, in Raytown.”
Raytown Police Chief Robert Kuehl said that efforts to initiate Raytown United began months ago with an analysis of violent crime in Raytown conducted by crime analysts at the Raytown Police Department, Jackson County COMBAT and the Crime Strategies Unit in the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office. The analysis identified clusters of violence, primarily involving young offenders, and a low clearance of robberies in Raytown’s business corridors.
“We all have agreed on a fundamental decision in the focus of Raytown United,” Kuehl said. ”We will concentrate foremost on the offer of help.”
Kuehl and Darren Faulkner, who will work with individuals identified for help, said persons, especially youth, who are close to being involved in violent crime, will be offered help before law enforcement's options are limited. The goal will be to move them to a different future. EDITOR'S NOTE: Story information source, Jackson County Prosecutor's Office.
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Congrats to President-Elect Joe Biden!
1:09 PM Joe Biden's victory was declared by the media. Steve Pierce, director of the NM Republican Party stated that the media does not declare the winner of the election; the states must certify the votes. I will not accept any results of this election until it is officially announced.
Andy Whiteman
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