City Elections Set for Next April BY PAUL LIVIUS
We received the following message from one of our readers last week in which he wrote:
Anonymous said...
11-12 8:05 pm "This is supposed to be "The
Raytown Report" If I want to read opinions about different parts of the
country, I'll go to a facebook page. Keep this for Raytown only".
Our anonymous blogger is correct. These last couple of weeks we have allowed the commentary in the Raytown Report to focus on the Presidential Election. With the edition we will correct the course and bring the news issues back to Raytown issues.
Next April 6th the voters in Raytown will decide which of five members (fully one half of the Board) will represent them. The Municipal Judge will also be on the ballot.
The rumor mill at Raytown City Hall suggests three members of the Board will not be seeking re-election. Since it is just a rumor, we will wait for those individuals to publicly make their intentions known.
Whatever the case, we recognize the public should
know what is involved if any do have an interest in running for election. The
following information should answer some of those questions.
ALDERMAN FILING FEE: $25.00 or, file
by petition*
MUNICIPAL JUDGE FILING FEE: $35.00 or, file by petition*
Current salary/benefit package of the Board of Aldermen:
Base Salary $ 4800.00
Car Allowance $
Work Comp $ 11.00
FICA $ 413.00
Current salary/benefit package of the Municipal Judge:
Work Comp $
Phone Allowance $
Comment test 11/13/20.
Why does an elected official need workers comp? Seems like another waste.
Good luck finding people to run. Last cycle there were unopposed races because no one had taxes paid, while only one area had many people running.
Every employee receiving a paycheck is required to be covered under workers' compensation insurance. It is the law. If, for example, an alderman falls on the icy sidewalk going into the building for a BOA meeting and (God forbid) breaks a leg, that injury is covered by workers' compensation insurance. Paying $400 per year in insurance is much cheaper than a hospital and doctor bill.
@November 16, 2020 at 7:48 AM
Weird, I was under the impression the City had liability insurance for slip and falls. Since as you seem to know they don't, perhaps the city should look into that. Thanks for the information that the City is uninsured as is required for the businesses they regulate in the city. I guess it's another example of do what we say not do what we do.
So I called my insurance agent and asked about workers comp. my agent told me of common exclusions. Slip and Fall is on that list. Nov 16, 748am , your example is invalid. for reference i included some other items.
Carpal tunnel
Back injuries from repetitive movement
Injury to the lungs for breathing toxic substances
*Slip and falls at work*
Injuries sustained in a car accident while driving for business
If your injury or illness is not work-related
If you sustain injuries in a car accident during your commute to and from work
You intentionally hurt yourself
So what task directly related to their job would they be doing where they sustain a massive injury? and why does the city need help to defray the 400 monthly aldermen make? because many aldermen don't show up sometimes and still get paid the full salary.
My question is why the judge only works one day a week and is paid 33,000 dollars?! That's 320,000 a year if she was fulltime and she has her own practice still. Seems like we are overpaying, I see what other aldermen are being paid, have you looked into what other part time judges make?
How can we lower the mayors salary that's what we need to do.
When are you going to report on the audit?
"How can we lower the mayors salary that's what we need to do."
Oh c'mon. You know as well as I do that that isn't possible.
Instead, recruit what you feel to be a more -*qualified*- candidate next time around.
And make it stick.
The city has liability insurance. It covers people and things not belonging to the city. Same as your homeowner's insurance. The city also has insurance to protect city property. My company's worker compensation paid a claim last year because an employee slipped and fell.
11:25 - what the other writer should have said is the worker comp insurance covers a employee who slips and falls due to employer negligence. If there is no negligence, there is no liability. That is a big difference between blanket coverage and coverage due to negligence.
IMHO the fact that the employer failed to remove the ice by salting it or other means constitutes negligence. Does it have to be employer negligence? I was an employer in Colorado and my employee was injured due to his misconduct. I had ordered him to stop but workers' comp told me that ALL on the job injuries are covered and my rate went up due to that claim. Also workers' comp applies to ALL employees not just those doing physical work.
Andy Whiteman
November 16, 2020 at 11:42 AM
How do you get to $320,000 a year?
you said the judge makes $33,000 a year working one day a week.
Last time I checked there are 52 weeks in a year.
33,000 divided by 52 weeks is 634.62 a day.
634.62 times the number of work days (5) is 3,173.10 a week
3,173.10 a week times 52 weeks in a year is 165,001.20.
Now based on what layers bill per hour is 634.62 a day actually an underpayment.
Andy - Don't compare the laws in Colorado to the laws in Missouri. They are different.
November 19, 2020 at 6:31 PM
The judge doesn't judge a full day. It's a couple hours a best. Lets give her 4 hours of credit (usually less than 2). well guess what number we get too.....
Let's be fair about it. When an anarchist, BLM or any other group that has a manifesto that reads like something Karl Marx would be proud of, you have a bad situation. The simple truth is those two groups (BLM and anarchists) do have an agenda. It is to reverse the order of how the USA is run. They cannot do this effectively without an infusion of a lot of money to further their cause.
For example, the City of Portland, Oregon had the worst riots this past year. They lasted well over 100 days. When law enforcement began to use facial recognitioning to make arrests, most of the protestors started carrying umbrellas to protect their identity. There was a marked uptick in the number of journalists assaulted. For that matter, anyone taking a picture or filming with their cell phone.
Where did all those umbrellas come from? Many of them began carrying what looked like medieval weapons. Those shields, lances, clubs, etc. are not that easy to find at your local department store.
Portland is a relatively small city (smaller the Kansas City area). However, they are very near other large cities with millions of people. Many of them disenfranchised and ready to riot, loot and burn.
This scene was repeated all across America. It was not spontaneous. It was well financed and coordinated. If you want to see who is really behind the unrest and destruction, follow the money. Good luck and be prepared to be disappointed.
It was not always successful.
Kansas City had its days of unrest. The police in Kansas City, who were supplemented with suburban forces as well, did a good job of hold back those who had planned to turn the Country Club Plaza into a mass of rubble. For all the good work the police did in keeping the situation turn into mayhem, they have been vilified, resignations have been called for, and a fair amount of our historical landmarks were destroyed.
In other cities across America private citizens were assaulted, businesses and lives ruined. People were beaten, kicked, stabbed with knives, murdered, for the crime of not thinking the same as their attacker.
Read your history. This is not new. Read about the Spanish Civil War to see what anarchy and the response to it really looks like. For a real eye opener, read about the French Revolution. In both cases, history shows us there is not an enlightenment that follows. Often times the opposite happens. The new rulers decide they need to create order. They start to attack any institution that does not fit their plans.
Are we seeing the same play out today? The Supreme Court does not fit the left's view of how things should be. Reform it by packing it with additional judges so the majority becomes the minority. Our institutes of learning, our colleges, do not allow any speakers who are right of center to have a forum to express their views. This has already happened.
Turn a blind eye to crime and those who would prey on the weak in society. Defund the Police.
These changes do not happen spontaneously. It does not matter if comes from the left or the right. In popular American political culture, a well known character from our political past, Deep Throat, credited for bringing down Richard Nixon, said it best.
Follow the money.
You will find who is underwriting the attempt at revolution in the last election.
7:34 - this post isn't about Raytown. What happened to keeping it about Raytown? Do your buddies get to post what they want and the rest of us have to follow the rules?
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