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- Jackson County Health Department (SIGN UP FOR VACCINE DISTRIBUTION)
- Election Update – List of Candidates filed for April 6, 2021 City Election
- Link to Missouri State Audit of Raytown City Hall
- Missouri State Audit of Raytown BY STATE AUDITOR NICOLE GALLOWAY
- Highlights of Missouri State Audit BY TONY JACOB
- Police Activity Report
From the Jackson
As we plan for COVID vaccine distribution, Jackson County Health Department has developed a survey to collect contact information for those who are interested in receiving the COVID vaccine.
Anyone interested in receiving the vaccine should complete the survey.
This survey will allow
us to determine which distribution tier individuals belong in once the vaccine
becomes available for that individuals tier, we will use the contact
information in the survey to share information on how they can register for a
vaccine appointment.
Use the following link to take the survey:
Please share this information widely.
Tony Jacob
Loretha Hayden
Ryan Myers
Bonnaye Mims
Traci Fann
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. . . . Breaking News . . . .
Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway has released the findings of the Missouri State Audit of the City of Raytown. Use the following link to view the Audit in its entirety. The Raytown Report will be releasing a story explaining what is called for by the Audit in the near future.
There are four possible ratings assigned to Audits . . . Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor.
The State Auditor’s office rated the Raytown audit as “FAIR”. Fair means the audit results indicates the city needs to improve operations in several areas. The report contains several findings.
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Auditor Galloway
citizen-requested audit of Raytown
Audit recommends
better monitoring of funds used for incentives, increased transparency measures for city operations
Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway
today released an audit of the City of Raytown, located in Jackson County. The
audit was completed after citizens petitioned for a review of the city's
finances and operations. In response to the audit, the city has committed to
making changes to address the findings.
"Citizens requested this audit for a
thorough and independent review of their city government. We found several
areas in which improvements can be made to increase transparency and ensure the
city is managed effectively," said Auditor Galloway. "I appreciate
city officials' commitment to make positive change in response to our
recommendations." . . . .
. . . . The audit also found
the city did not always comply with the Sunshine Law. The Board of Aldermen and
Park Board did not maintain meeting minutes for all closed meetings in fiscal
years 2018 and 2019. Additionally, both boards did not always properly report
or limit the topics discussed in closed meetings.
In November, after audit fieldwork had concluded, the State Auditor's Office received a whistleblower complaint related to potential bonus payments for Raytown city employees during the current year. While the audit is now complete, the allegation is being reviewed by the office's Public Corruption and Fraud Division.
The State Audit Identified (1) deficiencies in internal controls, (2) noncompliance with legal provisions, and (3) the need for improvement in management practices and procedures.
"The lack of records makes it more difficult" to audit mentioned 3 times.
The city did not ensure compliance with the Sunshine Law.
TIF debt
approximately $200,000 from stormwater was used to pay down the debt.
approximately $2.5 million in the transportation portion of the TIF debt went unpaid.
Raytown Live was not reported transparently.
Nearly half the city vendors did not have conflict of interest as required including donors.
The city did not solicit bids or proposals for $155,539.
Severance of $70,161 was not necessary and {un}reasonable.
A Captain got $54,770 in 26 weeks of severance and healthcare costs.
City budgets do not include all statutorily required elements.
$21,589 was funneled from VIPS to PD employees without tracking.
Nearly ¾ of VIPS were not properly screened & vetted. Includes more than ¼ who never filed applications but had access to sensitive areas and data anyway.
Found that multiple City staff used taxpayer funds, city equipment, and on the clock time to benefit a private unnamed entity.
Clearly notes the Chief resigned not retired.
"Fair" means "the audit results indicate this entity needs to improve operations in several areas. The report contains several findings, or one or more findings that require management's immediate attention, and/or the entity has indicated several recommendations will not be implemented."
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Police Activity Report
On December 4th, at
approx. 2:00 am, officers responded to a residence in the 7500 block of Woodson
regarding a suicidal subject. While officers tried to talk to the subject, he
pointed a gun at an officer. He was
peacefully taken into custody and the gun was recovered.
- On December 4th, at approx. 3:05 pm, officers were called to the 8600 block of Greenwood on shots fired. The investigation revealed that subjects in a car had fired a gun multiple times at several people in another car. A stray bullet also struck an occupied home, causing minor damage. No one was injured in either the car or the house. The investigation is ongoing.
- On December 5th, at approx. 4:50 pm, officers were called to a business in the 9000 block of 350 Hwy on a robbery. The clerk reported that two subjects entered the store, and one had a gun in his waistband. The subjects stole merchandise from the store and fled the scene. The investigation is ongoing.
- There was one sex crime report made this week. The incident occurred at a location in Raytown and involved subjects who know each other. The investigation is ongoing.
My question to the city, who will be held accountable for all of these issues? Will anyone be disciplined?
"My question to the city, who will be held accountable for all of these issues? Will anyone be disciplined?"
No one. And no one.
What an embarrassment.
I didn't see anything about this part In the city's press release...
"In November, after audit fieldwork had concluded, the State Auditor's Office received a whistleblower complaint related to potential bonus payments for Raytown city employees during the current year. While the audit is now complete, the allegation is being reviewed by the office's Public Corruption and Fraud Division."
Whistle blower sounds like someone inside didn't get the bonus promised to others that was found in the audit...
The audit cost a lot of buck for very little bang. Where is all the fraud and corruption? Seems like record-keeping issues mainly.
What a waste of time and money.
No they will be promoted! That is usually how government works!
Anyone who does not see there was problems in the way Raytown was spending money in the period covered by the audit needs to ask why so many of the police (18!) abruptly quit their jobs and left. When a Chief of Police resigns a $100,000+ job shortly after the police leave, with two years left in his term, there is definitely trouble.
The VIPS program was shut down because of gross mismanagement of funds. The audit found that $7,000 was unaccounted for.
I can tell you have not read the audit.
Most interesting is the following quote from the last page of the auditor's report.
"In November, after audit fieldwork had concluded, the State Auditor's Office received a whistleblower complaint related to potential bonus payments for Raytown city employees during the current year. While the audit is now complete, the allegation is being reviewed by the office's Public Corruption and Fraud Division."
The officers quit because they were going to lose their jobs. They were snapped up pretty quickly by other departments. The VIPS program is still alive. Not sure where you got your info on these points but you are wrong.
I read that the auditor has to review all complaints (even the fraudulent ones.) It would be good to wait on the results of the investigation before assuming something malicious.
YOU REALLY SHOULD READ THE AUDIT BEFORE MAKING SUCH STATEMENTS! The following is directly from the Auditor's recommendations. Go to page 14 and 15 for the whole story.
The city does not have a contract or formal agreement with a local not-forprofit (NFP) organization which documents the duties and responsibilities of
each party. In addition, the police department did not have a method to ensure
all expenses eligible for reimbursement from the NFP were requested as
We reviewed personnel files maintained for each of the 19 former and current
members serving in the Volunteer Corp since it was established in 2011. Our
review of the files identified the following concerns:
• 5 volunteers had no application on file.
• 14 volunteers did not complete a face to face interview with department
• 3 volunteers did not have complete background checks documented.
• 12 volunteers did not have evidence of an employment check.
• 2 volunteers did not have signed confidentiality agreements on file.
The most interesting part of this section of the audit is the City's response. The agree with every change suggested by the Auditor.
Let's hope the keep their word.
"The audit cost a lot of buck for very little bang. Where is all the fraud and corruption? Seems like record-keeping issues mainly."
There you go. Let's focus on the "record-keeping" (sic) issue.
"Mainly", although there are various other concerns. And perhaps a few more were overlooked.
Clearly, the City has some issues with basic management and accountability.
Two of our admins pocket 100K and WELL over 100K per annum, do they not?
For a city of 30,000 or so individuals. Inside of 9.97 SQUARE MILES.
The police chief issue packed up and escorted itself out the door. Two years into their four year commitment to the citizens, they abruptly "retired", full pension.
We need significantly more supervision at City Hall. Performance benchmarking, which, if indicated, includes comprehensive, progressive discipline measures which rapidly progresses to employment termination for continuous subpar performance.
We're not running a training program or providing compassionate employment opportunities to those who clearly may function far more capably in other support or subordinate positions.
how does this taken directly from the auditors report "may have access to confidential department files." becone this "Nearly ¾ of VIPS were not properly screened & vetted. Includes more than ¼ who never filed applications but had access to sensitive areas and data anyway." I think may have access to is a whole different situation than "but had access to sensitive areas and data anyway" To all the other residents of Raytown or anyone reading this, please take the time to read the actual audit report and don't count on anyone else's interpretation of it. "May have" means there's no evidence of it but it's possible while "had access" is a claim that something happened. The audit results use may have, I'm sure that's just typo on Tony's rendition of the results but please read the audit for yourselves.
I'm not going to read the audit, but from the above it looks like people had access to police areas and information without background checks or confidentiality agreements? That seems pretty serious.
Using city employees time and taxpayer resources to help build a private business is wrong. The confusion of the city website saying VIPS is one thing versus the city's explanation is confusing.
The audit looks like it went over things in 2018, but weren't all the issues in 2017? Thats when all the cuts were, Lynch had already resigned by then so did the city administrator, finance director and others. Even now the auditor says the city has serious "managment problems".
The former mayor pro tem gets an ethics violation for taking tens of thousands of dollars, the city gives away seventy thousand dollars in unnecessary payments to employees and another one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to friends of elected officials why is the mayor blowing this off?
The city had management and record-keeping problems in 2018. When they hired Russ Petry, he identified most of those problems. He has been working steadily to implement policy changes to correct those problems. Should the previous Finance director allowed those problems to exist, and/or continue? No. But those people are gone now. The city is on the right track and, hopefully, will continue to do so.
"The former mayor pro tem gets an ethics violation for taking tens of thousands of dollars..."
I don't think it was "tens of thousands of dollars", however in my opinion if you review the actual flagrant details, I don't believe that that individual should be running for office again until they have paid their fines and/or restitution in full. Just MHO. We really need qualified candidates in that Ward to step up.
Someone commented about two city employees who earn over $100.000 per year. They are absolutely correct. That is a lot of money for a town this size. But we started paying Mahesh Sharma over $100,000 when David Bower was mayor. This doesn't rise to the level of corruption. It's still much ado about nothing.
9:35pm The registration is still open. Take yourself up to city hall and put yourself on the ballot.
It's the same people that keep running. No one wants to be a part of a dumpster fire unless they are the inner circle that's benefiting.
@Dec 20. 1002am
"May have" vs "did"?
Everyone is given a key and a badge that opens doors. They may have used it or may have not, the records were destroyed so we don't know for sure, but what we do know is they had keys and badges without being background checked or even filing applications this they did have opportunity.
Sorry if fractions confused you. The number of people at issue over the number of people total is how you come to those numbers.
The audit reveals there are employee payouts that were a waste. Now there's a separate whistle blower about fraud and corruption related to bonuses?
I thought the city agreed to clean up. Smh.
"The former mayor pro tem gets an ethics violation.."
Those who intend to run for office and those who wish to operate a business in Raytown are required to demonstrate fiscal competency by proving that they have paid their taxes, yet has there has been pretty much CRICKETS from the City about this alleged or acknowledged ethics violation by a sitting/prospective Alderman?
Is this alleged ethics violation still OPEN? (Subject to supervision, review, or further action?)
Somewhat of a double standard here, IMO.
These two "things" aren't the same, yet they really are. It all comes down to responsibility, accountability.
If there's any validity to this ethics violation, yet another (for lack of a better term at the moment) "loophole" that the City needs to address, perhaps?
No doubt that the State Auditor would agree?
If you add up all the money no one knows what happened to that's a lot. No wonder they didn't want the audit.
Why is everyone so up in arms? A few people got paid extra. This is as dumb as when people complain about the crime, it's everywhere not just here. If you don't like it move.
Anonymous 10:12 said "It's the same people that keep running. No one wants to be a part of a dumpster fire unless they are the inner circle that's benefiting." It sounds like you are not part of the inner circle. When will you go to city hall and register to be on the ballot? Or, are you one of those people who just sit around and gripe?
Please cut and paste this link to your browser to view your Christmas ecard:
Andy Whiteman
"It's the same people that keep running. No one wants to be a part of a dumpster fire unless they are the inner circle that's benefiting."
"Dumpster fire" I agree with ten thousand percent.
Only a tiny handful are stoking those fires, IMO.
The enormous amount of noise that they make reflects so agonizingly poorly on the few that are attempting with all their might make good policy and to actually serve the citizens.
However, please explain how these people "benefit" by continuing to partake in said
"dumpster fire"?
I can't imagine how...
I enjoyed the card. Please stay in touch and Merry Christmas!
Someone commented about two city employees who earn over $100.000 per year....That is a lot of money for a town this size. But we started paying Mahesh Sharma over $100,000 when David Bower was mayor. This doesn't rise to the level of corruption."
Where did anyone allege "corruption"?
These current circumstances have little to do with Sharma's salary.
Sharma is history. This is NOW.
There are TWO City employees netting over 100K.
The theme of the comment was PERFORMANCE BENCHMARKING.
Measures need to be enacted to ensure that we have employees that have the experience to adequately function in their positions AND! that their work product consistently performs at levels commensurate with those somewhat extraordinary payouts, given the demands placed upon them up against a relatively small population and area.
So Raytown in 2017 spent a lot of money unwarranted on severance and now they try to bury it. The other commenter is right, it does happen elsewhere. That doesn't make it okay, and when it does happen elsewhere they investigate and file charges on the former city officials.
Of course the employees do as they please, we're already short staffed so we can't afford to lose anymore.
Not everyone left early today but most did. It's better to be safe than sorry since most of us have a long drive to get back home in this weather.
Please cut and paste link to your browser to view ecard:
Andy Whiteman
Thank you for the e-card Andy. Happy New Year to you and Blondie!
I thought the audit was signed by over 1600 Raytown voters. Wasn't this also the third attempt at an audit, but the first successful one?
Bottom line, Raytown had multiple areas they are having to fix that covers millions of taxpayer dollars. Raytown wasn't excellent and it wasn't even good.
"Bottom line, Raytown had multiple areas they are having to fix that covers millions of taxpayer dollars."
Starting to get a little nervous about the dearth of candidate signups, especially in one Ward in particular.
Nothing is going to change in this City unless we can get some more qualified people lined up.
Some of these people, cumulatively, have accumulated quite the slate of related negative issues and have conducted themselves in such a manner in the last couple years where they really need to consider withdrawing from consideration, in our opinion.
If their intent is pure and they truly wish to make a difference in this community, plenty of other (non-elected) opportunities in local public service await them.
Nothing in Raytown is going to change until we insist upon and recruit performance-oriented, quality candidates.
(Attention! Business owners, attorneys...)
"Bottom line".
Thanks for publishing the Missouri State Auditor's Report. It is quite the eye opener. The part I find most interest is in the first paragraph.
It has to do with the Walmart TIF The city can improve its monitoring of the use of restricted city sales taxes used to subsidize the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) debt associated with the Raytown Live Redevelopment Area (Raytown Live aka Walmart).
It reads:
"The city has not determined and DOES NOT MONITOR restricted portions of the TIF debt to
ensure the non-captured (city) portion of the RESTRICTED SALES TAXES."
I remember those taxes. The Transportation Sales Tax and the Storm Sewer Tax. I wondered why the city had quit maintaining our neighborhood streets. It has been over 30 years since the street I live on has been properly repaired with a new overlay.
Those tax dollars have been diverted to pay the Walmart debt. According to the audit City Hall does not even keep track of how much of our tax dollars has been used to pay off the Walmart debt!
We need better Aldermen at City Hall. The bunch up there now is not doing their job of watching out for us.
Your Election Update section shows a filing deadline of April 19 for an April 6 election. Should that be January 19?
January 4, 2021 at 8:09 AM, Also needed is a large number of voters who will get off their duffs and get out to vote!!!!!!!!
Andy Whiteman
To whoever it was that pointed out the typo on the filing deadline . . . THANK YOU!
We have corrected the mistake - apologies.
To clarify: Filing for the April 4th City Election is January 19th. Filing closes that day at 5:00 p.m. Because of Covid restrictions it is advised to not wait until the very last minute to file. As of this date there are races in Ward 1 and Ward 2. Wards 3, 4 and 5 have only one candidate filed. Only the incumbents have filed in Wards 3, 4 and 5.
Raytown gets exactly the leadership they vote in...tired and uninspired. Or infighting regulars. Kinda sad. I’ve watched it change.
Anonymous 11:07 - did you file to run for the BOA? If not, you're just as tired and uninspired as all the others.
Agreed. The Mayor is guilty of playing favorites. Bonnaye Mims seems to have the right to interrupt and make loud non-sensical outbursts when others are speaking. This looks more like junior high school than a business meeting. The conduct is embarrassing. It also seems there is a portion of the Board that is hell-bent on passing legislation with as little debate as possible. This situation is toxic. The only way to fix it is to replace those on the Board who make it that way.
This election is the perfect time to do so. If there is an incumbent running in my ward you can bet I will be voting for their challenger. This bunch has got to go.
"Nonsensical" is an understatement, IOO.
"This situation is toxic. The only way to fix it is to replace those on the Board who make it that way."
Yes, yes, yes! BOA meetings are archived online.
Review a few of those meetings very closely.
There are those that consistently contribute good policy.
The rest? Out!
Vote accordingly.
I follow your Raytown Report and blog pretty regularly. I think I know what the problem is in Raytown. It is apathy. Look at the list of candidates. So far there are eight candidates filed for seven different positions. If only two file for each seat there should be 14 candidates filed. Some may be holding out to the last minute, so the number filed at this time is not that bad. Of the eight that have filed only two are "new" candidates. And both of them are from Ward 1. All the other candidates have run numerous times.
We really need some new blood on the City Council. On candidate running has run in the last three elections. Nearly all of the incumbents have been on way past their time of being effective.
I watch the Board meetings and find the conduct of the majority of our elected officials to be terrible. They gang up and bully anyone they view as a threat. They interrupt each other when speaking. What is most concerning is what appears to be a lack of interest in studying the issues before them. A bad habit of trying to rush legislation through the process and way, way too much reliance on what appears to be un-named bureaucrats pulling the strings in the background.
Just my thoughts. I hope others will step forward and file. It may sound tiresome, but we really do need new blood on the Board of Aldermen. One half of them are up for election. If you have ever thought of running for public office before, now is the time to do so.
In ST:TOS, the red shirts always died. They were the security crew.
Seriousl Greg,
Before the election you posted:
One party wishes to re-write our history, defund our police departments, embrace socialism, and redefine America
They say, "Let's change everything in the United States of America."
The other party says, "Let's not."
Election day is Tuesday. We have an important job to do. We have decisions to make.
Voting is a duty every American, 18 years and older, share. If you have not already done so, please remember to vote.
And then you spend your entire commentary this week after one of the most consequential days in our history
Singing the praises of "Binge Watching" ??
Most of America was Binge Watching the disgraceful behavior in Washington DC.
I suppose we could have written an editorial defending or condemning what happened. From our point of view there was plenty of coverage by the so-called professional commentators in the last week.
We though a little harmless escapism from the Covid19 Virus, the politics and a very damp and cold week of typical midwestern winter weather was in order.
So tell us, other than binge watching the national news networks what shows do you suggest our readers check out?
Well, poor folks here. Nothing on antenna TV that can be binge watched. But we spend several hours each week watching GRIT. Somehow we never tire of old westerns even though the commercial breaks often lead to unplanned napping.
Raytown Newbie - It's Greg's blog. He can write about anything he wants. If you don't like it, go somewhere else.
No, Mr or Ms 8:17.
I don't have to go somewhere else. Mr. Walters has chosen to allow me to say my 2 centavos.
He is a gracious host that way.
He let's me rant sometimes even when we may not agree.
You sound like the love it or leave it guy (or gal). Pretty sure he is used to me after posting here several years now.
You have a great day.
Thought i would throw in my two cents worth. I love the old westerns too. Give me Bonanza, the Rifleman, Gunsmoke. Also like to binge watch the old Twilight Zone stuff. It may be old fashioned, but some of it is simply priceless.
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