Sunday, March 21, 2021

Unexpected Consequences


A little over one year ago the Raytown Board of Aldermen adopted a policy to inspect rental properties on an annual basis. The plan was to help in the enforcement of property maintenance codes in Raytown, and to make sure unscrupulous landlords did not take advantage of people with substandard housing.

Many responsible landlords took exception to what they saw as a slur against their business practices. They complained the waiting period for inspections took their property off the market, thereby negatively hurting their bottom line.

Those who owned multiple properties were very concerned about the fee to be charged. The Board of Aldermen did not set the inspection fee when it was voted on. City staff told the Board the fee had not been set yet. Alderman Greg Walters asked the bill be carried over until all the details were included.

However, the majority of the Board of Aldermen believed the property maintenance code was sound legislation and voted nine to one to adopt the bill.


As it turned out, there was a consequence to the ordinance no one had anticipated. According to sources at City Hall, there are a number of people in Raytown who own property they do not live in. In most of these cases a relative, it may be a young adult, a mother, a friend, is allowed to occupy the home rent free. Since the property owner does not have any monetary gain from the arrangement, it is not viewed (by most) as rental property.

The city’s position is that language in the ordinance addresses this situation by identifying such property as rental property even though there is not any monetary exchange involved.

So far, the city has identified approximately 30 landowners who fall into this category. They expect the number to grow.

The situation has caught the attention of State Representative Jerome Barnes. Mr. Barnes told us he stands firmly in the corner of those who are being charged a fee for “so-called rental property”, even when there is not any rent being collected. He agrees with those homeowners that they should not have to pay an annual inspection fee.

I sympathize with such owners as well.

Many years ago members of my family relocated my grandmother and grandfather from central Kansas to Kansas City so they could be cared for by family members. A suitable house, close to family members, was found. My grandfather lived well into his 80’s. My grandmother lived to be 103 years old. They never paid rent, utilities, lawn care, anything.

Simply put, an act of kindness by anyone should not be penalized.

The intention of proponents of the inspection fees is laudable.

The homeless population in the Kansas City area is increasing. There will undoubtedly be some who will try to pass off  sub-standard housing as rental property. The inspection of rental properties does make sense.  It will allow the city to help Raytowners provide a quality of life for their loved ones.

However, the owner of a house should not pay a fee as a landlord if he is not receiving income from their property.

The sponsor of the original bill, Ward 3 Alderman Ryan Myers, told attendees at a meeting of the Raytown Democrat Association last Thursday that he will be meeting with city staff to try to work out a solution to the situation.

This is one of those cases in which a bill was moved too fast for approval. Hopefully, the majority of the Board of Aldermen will agree and come up with a workable solution.


Anonymous said...

Our esteemed leader just issued a rather interesting statement on a couple of the local "groups" this morning:

"I just want to go on record with the following:..."

"The recent State Audit cost the taxpayers of Raytown...Some were items that were before this administration was in office, and none of which were criminal in nature, they were strictly procedural in nature."

"The bottom line is our city received a "fair" rating. I disagree with that grade wholeheartedly and find it highly suggestive. I actually believe that a report of this type should stand on its own without a “grade” being given."

"...audit that was brought forward, in my opinion, for strictly political reasons."

"Just wanted to give you, the citizens, the truth on this matter, rather than the political babble some would have you believe."

1. "...before this administration was in office..." A rather self-serving statement, IMO.

2. "...I disagree wholeheartedly...highly suggestive..." You have every right to "disagree". Now qualify "suggestive". I see plenty of "suggestive" in YOUR remarks.

3. "...without a "grade" being given." C'mon, now. If the Auditor had issued a "Good" or "Excellent" grade", you'd be plastering it all over town like cheap wallpaper.

4. "...strictly political reasons..." Hardly. The audit wasn't the handiwork of one or even a handful of individuals. RAYTOWN CITIZENS signed off on the audit and had every right to do so. And the results laid bare a number of issues. (Yep, that must sting.)

5. "Just wanted to give you, the citizens, the truth...political babble..." YOUR version of the "truth", sir. Your OPINIONS (plural) only.

And "political babble"? Really? Who is doing the "babbling" here?

How is anything that you've written moving this City forward?

Anonymous said...

Before the administration? It was only covering 2018 I thought...
How can he say it is no big deal and then shove it on some other administration?

Anonymous said...

The last few comments are interesting. I wonder how many people are aware the Raytown Municipal Court was also audited by the Missouri State Auditor. The ranking on that Court's audit was "EXCELLENT".

Good job Judge Fann. I give you congratulations for simply accepting the audit as business and continuinig on as our Municipal Judge.

You are a class act who knows you do not have to pound your drum for people to recognize the good job you do.

Anonymous said...

"...before this administration was in office..."

The "Uh-Uh Not Me! Tango" is a very unattractive dance.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Just like Washington, DC.

Don't blame you
Don't blame me
Blame that guy
Behind the tree

I was at the last RDA meeting. Greg's report is extremely accurate. I do not understand why the team of Mims and Myers are so busy pointing fingers at other people.

Don't blame you, don't blame me oh, you now it goes.

They should just own up and admit they made a mistake. Bring back the ordinance and amend it. They do not have to be so damned greedy.

Anonymous said...

"Don't blame me..."

1:44 PM 03/24: Generally speaking, what we're witnessing is just the tip of the iceberg, with much more to come, I fear. I'm concerned about the unprecedented dearth of quality candidates for office in Raytown, or actually candidates, period. Especially in one ward in particular. I have a terrible feeling that one of the sideshows in particular is actually REPELLING quality candidates from the role. I fervently hope that their counterpart keeps the faith and runs for office again, versus bolting far,far away from their office out of sheer frustration and embarrassment. There has to be a way to politically excise the unproductive jibber jabberers and manipulators. It's time to pay attention to the actions of those that resolutely have their noses to the grindstone and stand firm in their commitment to this community.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment. It has been a long time since I read "jibber-jabber" in a sentence.

Definition of 'jibber-jabber'
in British English

1. foolish or worthless talk; nonsense
2. to talk foolishly; babble

Greg Walters said...

Press Release
Released by: Captain Dyon Harper
Release Date: 03-25-2021
Raytown, MO - On Thursday, 03-25-2021, at approximately 4:51 a.m., Raytown police officers were called to the sound of shots fired at an apartment complex in the 9000 block of East 87 Street. Officers arrived at that location and found an adult female outside of an apartment who had wounds, which were possibly gunshot wounds. Officers located another adult female inside an apartment who had wounds consistent with gunshot wounds. Both females were transported to an area hospital. No one is in custody.

The condition of the two females is unknown and the investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the Tips Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477.)

Report number 21-0726.

Raytown Newbie said...

I read through the linked rental property ordinance verbiage. It always makes me chuckle when I see the words "to protect public health, safety and general welfare of the people".
This same language often precedes some of the most self serving laws and regulations around.

I don't know if that's true in this instance.

I do know some large investor has put 14 of his rental properties up for sale in the Raytown area. I saw it on the Zillow website. I personally have seen a couple of the properties listed were recently abandoned by the tenants who were living there. Both properties were left in a trashed out condition going by the looks of it.

And Dave Ramsey calls it... INCOME PROPERTY !!! Go figure ???

Anyway Raytowners... Get those vaccinations and let's have a nice summer.
The bike/hike trail is almost complete.


Anonymous said...

Interesting discussions on this page. I LIKE IT. This is so much better than the noise that has become what is expected from so-called social media. I especially appreciate you guys not allowing profanity. You are doing a good job and a service to Raytown. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I recall an old saying "People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks".

This is something we all need to remember as I am guessing we all have things we don't want public. However, since the 2016 Presidential election the behavior of spreading things about others seems to have become an National sport. We shouldn't want this behavior in Raytown and we should never celebrate this activity.

I wounder how many of our city elected officials past or present to include candidates that have been divorced, had an affair, raised kids and/or grand kids with the inability to functions within society laws or done something else unethical or unmoral.

We need work together for the best interest of Raytown and accept that we might not always agree on the little things, but that Raytown is a great place to live and raise a family.

I hope you join me in instead of trying to tear each other down lets find things that can make Raytown the most desirable place to live in the metro.

Anonymous said...

"...better than the noise that has become what is expected from so-called social media."

Are you speaking of the local groups? Not sure what you mean because there isn't much cussin' and swearin' going on in those parts. They ARE however one big, fat vicious microcosm of "social media". The most flagrant presence (at the moment, anyway) is an out of town Ma Barker that now only chimes in occasionally (and aggressively, non-stop) when they have an ax to grind with one of their hand-selected targets. They subsequently fade back into oblivion and permit their teensy tiny contingent of hand maidens to moderate (excuse me, CENSOR) the more workaday messages from the local citizenry. Four or five of the usual suspects ring in pretty much daily with THEIR views. Expect a thunderous rain down on any dissenting opinion on any prevailing subject by the reigning four-five, which effectively subliminates other POVs. Fear of social stigmatization keeps everyone in check. In other words, typical "social media".

Anonymous said...

"I wounder how many of our city elected officials past or present to include candidates that have been divorced, had an affair, raised kids and/or grand kids with the inability to functions within society laws or done something else unethical or unmoral.

We need work together for the best interest of Raytown and accept that we might not always agree on the little things, but that Raytown is a great place to live and raise a family."

PERFECT. Someone finally bought this up. Thank you!

Some of the most flagrant "rock throwers" in this town are people that indeed very much have what might be considered by some to have had extended, years-long, very serious personal and professional issues in their respective backgrounds.

They have come to rely on the discretion (and common sense) of others to not remind others of their own flawed lives, past and/or present.

Perhaps we should sink THEIR battleship?

No. because we'll live by setting positive examples, thank you.

Sometimes it feels like this town is heading in the wrong direction more than ever because of a lack of common sense, hard work and basic intellect.

We're ONLY interested in hearing about the people that are getting out there and GETTING THINGS DONE. Get a handle on this.

Raytown Newbie said...

I want to take a minute to offer my sincere thank you to Greg for publishing the link to the Jackson County Covid vaccination sign-up. The link was published the second week of the new year well in advance of the actual vaccinations beginning.
My wife and I signed up immediately. Being in our 70s put us in the second group to receive shots.
Last month the Jackson County Health Department sent us info to sign up for the clinic to be held over at John Knox Village. We received our first Moderna dose on the 25th of February and the second on Thursday of this week. Hooray!!
We are looking forward to resuming church and family dinners before too long.
We didn't have to travel to Clinton or Columbia, or St Joe like many around here have had to.
I'm claiming that's due to Greg putting that important information on this blog in January.
So once again,
Thank You Greg.

Anonymous said...

9:47 - I'm not sure I totally agree with your description of the other social media page. It doesn't really matter, because if you don't like it, you're free to start your own social media page. I wish you luck. There have been several people who have started their own page. The last time I looked, there was one page that had 4,600 followers (as compared to 16,400 followers of the one you don't like). It would appear others have started new pages, but there are very few who are interested in them. I guess most people don't have the same problems you do.

Anonymous said...

"as compared to...followers of the one you don't like.."

Who says that we "don't like" that group? There are some wonderful, generous area residents that occasionally post there. The "rest"? They're in charge of how they represent themselves, and we're entitled to draw our own conclusions.

And how many of those subscribers are legit? The activity on that page and very low convo ENGAGEMENT may belie the ACTUAL number of humanoids that actually exist on there versus the stated "number", IOO. Good try and thanks for checking in, though!

And as for the other "pages", it's doubtful that there are any new angles. Many are Raytown Facebook group expatriates that eventually burn out and fade away. Same info and posts are mirrored daily throughout. Very little to no original content. it's beyond tedious. Facebook has been done, done, done in this 29K community.

We did however recently review one of the more persistent ones. Same tired, at times ludicrous agenda that exerts vigorous effort at times to "get at" those with whom they do not agree, IOO.

Recently, according to this latest "editor", the installation of (desperately needed, common sense) asphalt safety bumps in a local park will have catastrophic environmental and financial consequences for the City of Raytown. Additionally, if something in the park is ablaze or someone chokes on a sandwich, east coast media tells us that we're looking at perhaps 10 more seconds' delay.

SPEED BUMPS, people! This has never been done before! ORGANIZE! The world truly should be in an uproar about this!

(Note to that "editor": "Colman-LIVENGOOD Park".) Hyphen, "Livengood".

All this social media. Different strokes, folks.

We'll stick with this tenured, organized, well-written and informative blog.