Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The One Trick Pony

“One Trick Pony” is term that originally came from circus/carnival world. It refers to an animal that can only do one trick. The term is applicable to politics in America. Even down to the small town level we see in Raytown every day.

A good example of this is what we see being played out at City Hall as regards the three property tax increases we will all vote on August 2, 2022.


Have you noticed there has not been one word out of City Hall about the tax since the Mayor and the majority of his Board of Aldermen slammed the legislation through in the record time of one week?

There plans is simple. Let the people forget the mega-property tax increases are to be voted on next August. Hold back on their campaign until about two weeks out – and try to run it past the voters without discussion.


We have seen this “One Trick Pony Strategy” before. Last November voters in Raytown slimly approved a 2% internet sales tax increase on all purchases made on the internet.


That was before the War in Ukraine began. More than three months before gas prices sky-rocketed to historic highs and before inflation jumped to over 8.5% (according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).


No doubt many of those who voted yes are experiencing “buyer's remorse”.


The powers that be at City Hall are using the same strategy with the August election. We have noted some examples of this smoke and mirrors gambit at play.



Showdown between Mims and Barnes


Last week the Raytown Democrat Association (RDA) held its monthly meeting. Ward 5 Alderwoman Bonnaye Mims was in attendance. When asked to speak, Ms. Mims, mentioned the three ballot questions – and then said that only “one of the proposals was a property tax increase”.


State Legislature Jerome Barnes was in attendance at the meeting, and took Mims to task for her statement as not being accurate. Mims tried back-peddle on her words by saying “now was not the time discuss it”.


Barnes disagreed saying the people he represents need answers. Telling the audience all three of those are not property tax increases is not only misleading. It is dishonest. 


Editors Note: 

The collection of funds to pay the bonds is through property tax.


Barnes continued attempting to get answers that night restating, "people need an answer".


Mims stuck by her word of “now was not the time".


Mims attempt to mislead is a classic “One Trick Pony” maneuver.


Same as last November – watch for this tactic “Oh, is there a tax election coming up on August 2nd?”

You better believe there is!


Pygmy goats, (also known as miniature goats) are good pets. The reason for this is the fact that they are friendly, easy to handle, social, and love to play. They can also be trained, just like any other pet. Moreover, they are the best companions for the kids and elderly alike. 

At the last meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen, Nathan Bergen addressed the Board of Aldermen requesting the city consider allowing miniature goats to be raised as pets within Raytown City limits. 

Mr. Bergen and his wife, Rachel Bergen, recently moved their family to Raytown. They purchased property on the south side of town with a couple of acres of land. 

Rachel Bergen, has 15 years experience as a licensed Veterinarian Tech, trained in the care and medical treatment of animals. 

He asked the Board to consider using the same guidelines as set out in City Ordinances which allow horses to be kept on private property, provided certain land requirements are met. He told the Raytown Report, “Raising a couple of miniature goats has been on our radar screen for quite a while. Our children are extremely excited about having them as pets”.

Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters, who once had a neighbor who kept miniature goats, told Board members the goats were not a problem. In fact, he said, “they are really quite entertaining”. Walters told Board members miniature goats have the same temperament of a well-trained dog. The goats have a life-span 15 to 20 years. 

Walters asked City Administrator Damon Hodges to include the topic on a future agenda so the Board could consider creating legislation to allow the harboring of miniature goats in Raytown.

Mayor McDonough contacted Alderman Walters and told him the item would be on the May 17th business meeting of the Board of Aldermen for discussion.

The Board of Aldermen meeting is scheduled for May 17th at 7:00 p.m. at Raytown City Hall, located at 10000 East 59th Street.


Truth Watch

The April 12th Board of Alderman took a slippery turn by several Aldermen who appeared to believe they have the authority to set the rates for other businesses within Raytown.


The debate all started with Bill 6602-22 (Service agreement and disconnect/reconnect between Public Water Supply District 2 of Jackson County).


Alderman Bill VanBuskirk started off with a reasonable question to understand how the water district came up with the new cost, but quickly jumped to the concern that people in hard times really cannot take additional hits.


Let us remind you: "people in hard times really cannot take additional hits".


Alderman Emerson, Scott and Walters asked for simple clarification on fees, late/shutoff notification, and actual amounts or time frame a person has to become delinquent before they are shutoff. 


It was refreshing they understood the limitations of their duties as allowed by the State of Missouri. Their questions helped to clarify the difference between the City ordering water to be shut off because of non-payment of sanitary sewer bills vs. the Water Company shutting off water due to non-payment of water bills.


Alderman Aziere gave a monologue taking no position for the city or water district, but further explained the challenges both government entities face.  Part covered that the water district should increase rates annually as the city has done with sewer bills.


Editors note:  Contrary to Mr. Azierie’s comment, the city has NOT increased sanitary sewer rates the last two years.


Three Alderman took a hard stance against the service agreement or disconnect/reconnect agreement? 


Alderman Myers was in disbelief that within 10 years the cost for files from the water district to the city had increased by $100.00 a month. Myers went so far as to question the salaries and benefits for the employees of the water district. 


Questions that should be asked of him:

·    Has Alderman Myers driven the water suppliers boundaries and looked at the return to service of streets? The Raytown Water District has the most efficient and quick repair on city streets of all utilities (including the City's Public Works Department).


·    Has he looked at the retention of employees of the two water suppliers as opposed to the city?


Alderman Mary Jane VanBuskirk was concerned that people are struggling. However, she then stated, "Glad to hear you didn't blame Putin that was refreshing to hear".


Question that should be asked of her:

·    Why at a Board of Alderman meeting as Mayor Pro-tem, you find it appropriate to bring up Putin?


Alderman Mims was upset the water district had not increases shutoff fees in 10 years. She also was concerned that the district decided to raise fees after the city raised “right away fees”. 


Editors note: The water district is increasing is 40% where as the city's increase for work done on the city of right of way was increased 900%. This cost is paid by utilities and homeowners when access is needed to a street. In the case of homeowners, the most common cause would be when a new driveway is poured. For utilities it is when the street curb or street is cut into to repair utility lines.


She also complained that her own water bill had increased in the last month by $10. 


Editors note: The water district is increasing the cost of water usage this year, but the rates have not been raised yet. This means the Alderman's increase would be from water usage, in other words she probably has a leak in toilet.


She went on to state a 90 year old lady had contacted her to have her water turned back on for a $40 water bill that had more in fees, who learned she was shut off after 7 PM. 


Editors note: This lead to confusion as both the city and water district said they do not shut off for bills under $100. 


Mims was upset because she said she had asked if the fee increase notice had been sent to the public.


We checked with the Water District. The notices were mailed in the last billing period. But the increases will not take effect until at least 30 days has transpired.


Editors note: Who was expected to answer the water district or the city? The request for the water being turned off was by the city for non-payment of sanitary sewer bills. The Water District only turns of water for non-payment of water bills.


Question that should be asked of her:

·    The city raises their rates for Sanitary Sewer Bills. The city does not participate in decision regarding the Water District bills. The city does not have the authority to change water bills.

·    Mims question about sanitary sewer rates should be directed to the City Administrator. The Water District does not answer to the City Administrator because it is a separate entity. If the City raises rates, it is the city’s job to notify the public.

·    Does Mims want water suppliers to increase fees and rates ever year? We checked. To the Water District’s credit, they have not raised rates in so many years because they have held the line price increases.

·    Who was the lady or address who had her water turned off over a $100 bill? Neither the City or Water District have water turned off over $100 as a matter of policy.


In fairness to these three Alderman, they may have been confused from the start of the presentation when the city employee stated the districts run East/West when in fact run North/South.


The reality is the State of Missouri requires upon the request of a city for any water supplier within the city to shutoff water services for any property owner that is not current on their bills.   It further allows those same water suppliers to be made whole for this service. 


It may come as a surprise to both the city and water suppliers that the water suppliers can also charge for loss or revenue.  The revenue the water supplier generates from selling water to the property owner.


In the end at the Board of Alderman meeting on 4/19 the service agreement was passed and the board realized they couldn't set the rates for the disconnection/reconnection fees.


Let us remind you: "people in hard times really cannot take additional hit," and " people are struggling".


A good point that is certainly based in fact. Why then has the city placed 3 property tax increases on the August ballot! The tax burden caused by such increases will make the fees charged for shut offs of sanitary sewer bills seem very small by comparison.


Blight (noun)

1.                        destructive force, something that spoils or damages things severely

2.                        ruined state, a severely spoiled or ruined state, especially of an urban area (urban blight)

Like many of you, I try to keep in touch with what is going on in Raytown through the comments found on social media.

Two weeks ago there was quite a bit of traffic by writers complaining of the number of businesses that had abandoned Raytown. In their view, the city’s future is bleak.

Mayor McDonough, who is known to spend a lot of time on Facebook, responded to the critics. He created a long list of “new” businesses in Raytown and convinced an area newspaper to publish his response.

Most of the “new” businesses listed are “start-ups”, which at least speaks to an entrepreneurial spirit that is alive and well in Raytown.

The Mayor does have a point. There are areas in Raytown making a commercial rebound.

Take a drive on west or eastbound 350 Highway. You will see some vacancies, but most buildings are occupied. Many of he owners have upgraded the properties to attract new tenants.

There are, however, glaring examples of what can only be described as “blight”, that destroy any image of progress. Just west of Raytown’s busiest traffic intersection is the poster child of blight. Located near west-bound 350 Highway and Raytown Road you will find the following.


The pictures shown put a spotlight on one of the truths of governing.

It is easy to be a cheer leader. It is even easier to paint with a broad brush and exclaim how wonderful everything is in our home town.

It is much more difficult to require property owners to clean up buildings with broken windows, deteriorating facades and yards strewn with debris and junk. The property becomes an even larger nuisance when the homeless take shelter in unsafe and unsanitary conditions. 

If you were planning on opening a business on 350 Highway, would this give you pause?

Each one of the pictures show code violations that are clearly outlined as violations in Raytown’s Code of Ordinances.

The problem is that such violations are being ignored.

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen should insist on prompt action to have such buildings repaired or removed. If need be, the city should clean up the property because such structures are a public health hazard.

A lien can be placed on the property to recoup the cost of demolition.

As a young Aldermen in my second term I remember working to have a house that had been long abandoned declared a nuisance and torn down.  A new home now sits on that property. I am certain there are similar success stories in Raytown.

The same formula for success can be used on the property shown above.



Anonymous said...

As I was sitting in the drive thru at Freddy's a few days ago, I was thinking how bad the Stewart Body Shop building looked. I have wondered for years why it is allowed to sit and decay. If I let my lawn get a few inches too high or if my gutter was falling off my house, I am sure the city would require me to shape up with threat of fines or worse.

Anonymous said...

The mayor is showing all the new, remodeled small businesses that has opened up on 350 hwy on his Face Book page. Let's just see how many are still open after doubling our real estate taxes on businesses in Raytown come August 2nd for the Go Bonds to fix our streets. I would rather have gravel streets, (we almost have them now anyway), than see these small businesses go out of business and see how many vacant homes there will be in Raytown if this tax passes. You think city hall is hurting for money, just you wait!! VOTE NO!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"The mayor is showing all the new, remodeled small businesses that has opened up on 350 hwy on his Face Book page."

Same song and dance. I do believe that he's been "counseled" about this claim before. These "investments" and "re-investments Raytown" on the corridor don't have ditkus to do with Raytown, but rather with corporations with deep pockets. They don't think a thing about any "investment" other than their gross up against TRAFFIC COUNT on that highway. The flow through that area easily supports their additional investment.

Anonymous said...

We might not have came up short on the money needed for the TIF payment if Walmart would pay their fair share of property taxes.

Everything year they protest so we all pay more in taxes and get less in services.

The city then decides to look more foolish by allowing our officers to work there off duty.

We should never allow a business that doesn't pay their share of taxes to benefit off equipment and commissions owed by the city.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame Mike McDonough for the Walmart TIF. That was David Bower and his BOA. You might ask Jim Aziere why he voted for it.

Anonymous said...

What Social Media? You're always saying you dont go into Facebook, so what other social media do you go to?

Greg Walters said...

If we hear about it, it is usually because there is such a fuss or uproar on the web. A good example is complaints brought to our attention about a fire hydrant that had been leaking quite a bit of water for a couple of months on the south part of town. This came to us from a number of sources. In fact, one of those sources shared the text of the messages.

We thought it deserved attention because it was (1) wasteful as hell, and, (2) it was a legitimate safety issue.

Since we were certain from the material we were given the information had already been shared with City Hall, we ran the story.

For this, the Mayor and I had a lively discussion at a meeting of the Board of Aldermen. He told me my story was all wrong because the water company was responsible for fixing the problem, not the city.

I agreed with his contention the water company was responsible for the leak. But countered we were responsible for the top of the street which was being undermined by the leak. More plainly stated, the leak was not our doing, but we still had to maintain a safe street for traffic and pedestrians. Therefore, even if the city had to fix the problem, it should do so, because the top of the street was being compromised.

I ended with we should then bill the water company for taking care of the problem they had ignored. In so doing, they had forced our hand in the matter.

All the discussion aside, the problem was fixed shortly after all of this was brought into the light of day.

I was just glad it had been resolved.

Another instance happened last summer. A friend of mine contacted me and said he had read on Facebook that members of ICE were at Coleman Park and were arresting people of Hispanic dissent. That children were being separated from their mothers, etc., etc., etc.

My friend came over and showed me the posts. Since I live less than one block from Coleman Park we drove over to check it out.

Nobody from ICE. Not mothers being forced away from their children. All a false claim on Facebook.

We did not do a story on that one. Though we were tempted to because it shows how some people try to manipulate Facebook for whatever twisted reason they do.

Another popular story, that we found out from another of our readers was the young woman who the city forced to remove artwork from her front lawn. You may recall the story about the Duck Lady which we covered late last year.

That story did have some substance. If I remember correctly, it was also covered by some of the local television stations as well.

There are other instances where we learn of stories through Facebook. Some of them reach us through the blog section of the Raytown Report. Some are called into us, or sent to us via email.

Hope that sheds some light on your question.

Anonymous said...

Attention Raytown elected officials: just stop using these Facebooks altogether, other than the official City of Raytown Facebook page.
A couple elected city officials foolishly believe that it's OK to post messages in an official capacity of some of these individually-organized Raytown Facebook groups.
Those elected to office that have used these individually-organized private Facebooks have consistently, altogether disregarded the destructive, hurtful, abusive online behavior that has originated in some of these Raytown groups. It very much gives the impression that these elected officials tacitly agree with the attacks. Business owners and the -children- of elected officials have been openly attacked, repeatedly so by one of the group's organizers, at that. Yet a couple select Raytown elected officials have apparently literally turned a blind eye to most of the antics that have occurred in the Facebook groups over the last few years. They have CONTINUED to post messages in these groups. In their official capacity, at that.
Is there a credibility issue there? Yes, absolutely.
Fortunately, one of the most odious Raytown Facebook groups appears to have been perhaps recently and vigorously "scrubbed".
*No worries, however. Their most spurious verbiage and conduct over the years have been duly archived. (Fair use warning, kiddos.)*
We encourage that "group" to continue to proceed in a much more positive, constructive direction.
At a bare minimum, elected Raytown officials should perhaps be strictly prohibited from posting city-related business or, actually, posting in -any- capacity when a Facebook group is set to "private", whereby any of the contents of that Facebook group are purposefully and completely obscured from review by any portion of the general public.
Let the "Sunshine" in. (Yes, there's probably an issue there.) Perhaps the State of Missouri should weigh in?
Raytown officeholders, confine your online activities specifically to a dedicated website or even a Facebook where you're 100 percent in charge of what is posted. With all the website publishing tools available today, you have your choice of any number of platforms. The majority of these sites require minimal experience to set up and to maintain.
Take some initiative, folks. Create your own content in your own space. It really is the only responsible way to go and you're way past due. Anything else is sheer laziness. What you create either affirms why we elected you, or why you may not have been even remotely qualified to make vital decisions or conduct business on behalf of the City to even begin with. Your efforts would be a reassuring testament to your civic experience and critical thinking.
Just stop it with the "Facebook". We realize how convenient it must be to simply type a message and hit "send" to these existing Facebook groups. Under some of the aforementioned circumstances however, it's beyond incredibly inappropriate to continue to do so. As many of our mothers used to tell us, just because you can, doesn't mean that you should.
And let's not let our superbly well-compensated paid city officials entirely off the hook here. City admins need to step it up with even more content as well as drive more traffic to the City website.
In our opinion, if the City poured even so much as half of the effort into the City social network outreaches as they have with that cringeworthy, unidirectional, retina-searing neon glob of light bulbs in front of City Hall, we'd have a chicken dinner winner.
Elected city officials should be barred immediately from posting City business on any individual, open, private or moderated Facebook "page", "board" or "group", no matter how benign the subject.
This City needs to tighten up their social media policy. The Facebook issue alone aptly demonstrates why the voters just can't even begin to trust your judgment, IOO.

Anonymous said...

Have you asked the Codes Dept where they are in the process of dealing with the Stewart building?

Anonymous said...

City Hall Needs Our Help!!!

Per the 2021 year in Review release March 18 2022.
They patched 758 potholes on 165.5 miles of street.
I think they missed some (LOL)

I am guessing only "REPORTED" potholes are repaired. This can be done using the form on the cities web-site.

From my experience it takes multiple reports to see action. You can select of the web site to be contacted. Please don't hold your breath for this to happen.

Potholes have been reported at the following locations

Raytown Road near Super Splash "RIP" (More tax payers dollars being spent to keep mowed and vagrants out) - Greg what is going on with this city owned property? Sorry I digress

56th Street Raytown Road to Blue Ridge Blvd. Another story of the water department being allowed to not fix their problem and us driving on CRAP.

Hopeful those in charge of the the new Trail and railroad can push a resolution forward. If they have been made aware of the ONGOING problem from our city staff.

To me this is forward thinking as this would probably be the area light rail could enter Raytown - Darn it! I digress again!

Harris Street - from Blue Ridge Blvd to 59th Street

Using "other" also reported storm drain cleaning Sterling from BRB to 59th Street.

Let's help those we pay to do their job. REPORT REPORT REPORT.

Alot of money has been spent on software technology to document how much a repair cost and how often a location is needing repair. We've paid for it. Why isn't it being used???

Thanks - Have A Great Weekend

Anonymous said...

IS the body shop property on the property appraisal for neighborhood blight and eminent domain???

Raytown tax payers pay for a real estate appraiser for these type of issues. However Raytown Tax payers are ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW about what is moving forward (if anything) and what is being set-up to replace it.

Would love more information on what the professional service has provided for us. I think the budget for this service is over $50k guessing since it was a BOA item and not one the City Admin could sign for

Anonymous said...

The city has an ethics policy in place to hold Alderman accountable for their behavior that is unacceptable and/or disruptive.

We can only hope at the next board meeting that Alderman M VanBuskirt is questioned by the Mayor and Alderman for her comments on Putin.

She may find them "refreshing", but there are many of us who question if her loyalty and alliance is to President Biden and the United States or Putin and Russia. Alderman are sworn into office taking an oath to the United States and State of Missouri Constitutions.

She might have not meant to offend anyone, but the reality is she and her husband are past Republican Committee members from Raytown. Currently the US is faced with Republicans like US Representative Greene from GA and US Representative Cawthorn from NC being caught praising Putin.

If she still stands with her oath to the Constitution, President Biden and the United States, she at a minimum needs clarification on her comment and make a public apology that her comments may have lead many to believe her loyalty and alliance is to Putin and Russia.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Ryan Myers likes to run as a Democrat, but is in opposition to employees earning a living wage.

It would be interest if Mr Myers would share is year end check stub with everyone to understand his hourly salary and while at it a statement would be nice from your employer as to the cost they pay for things like your health insurance and other benefits.

Please stop trying to force others into poverty!

Anonymous said...

Why has no one asked the question as why a subset of Alderman on April the 12 showed that they believe those of us that pay our sewer bill should pay more in fees for those businesses and citizens that believe they are entitled to free service.

If the last of free loaders was shared with the public would we learn those on the list are family members and friends of these same Alderman who defended those failing to pay their fair share.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone loyal to Biden?

Judging by the approval polls, hardly anyone is.

The administration likes to blame Putin when actually their own policies are to blame.

Anonymous said...

"....make a public apology that her comments may have lead many to believe her loyalty and alliance is to Putin and Russia."


Come on, now. You're reaching. REEEEACHING.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Van Buskirk's comment was a criticism of the Biden administration's lack of taking responsibility for any of its failures, not praise of Putin.

Anonymous said...

Why is the BOA "work Session" scheduled for Tuesday - Which had to be added LATE last week not on the cities FB page - isn't this the main way the city "engages (WINK WINK) the citizens???


Presentation of potential retention and recruitment employee programs by city administrator Damon Hodges

Not to hard to see where city hall will be spending our tax dollars another reason to VOTE NO -

Anonymous said...

Thanks for addressing this important issue.

This will finally make my wife a legal person again.

Afterall... she has been "harboring" an old goat for almost 50 years now.

Have a great week Raytowners,


Anonymous said...

I see Mrs. VanBuskirk has caught the attention of the far left in Raytown. Her crime was thanking a city official in public session for not "blaming Putin" for something that had gone wrong in Raytown.

I watched the event on television and thought her comment was tongue in cheek and somewhat funny. I could hear laughter from what must have been some of the Aldermen.

From what I have seen on Facebook she has kicked the hornet's nest with certain folks in Raytown.

Well boo hoo hoo! At least she has an opinion and is not afraid to speak it. I have known the VanBuskirk's for a very long time. They are good people. I know they are always willing to go the extra mile for their constituents and have a very good record to be proud of.

You go girl! We got your back in Ward 4!

Anonymous said...

Goats are indeed GREAT pets! They're friendly, intelligent and affectionate and would be a great addition to a kinder, progressive community. Nathan, what a terrific idea, and thank you Greg for mentioning Nathan's request on your blog!

Nathan said...

Thank you, Mr. Walters, for sharing on the Raytown Report my request to allow miniature goats on those properties in Raytown where horses are allowed.

Anonymous said...

I am glad at least you approve. I know there are many of us tired of her rants and comments of "those people".

Who are "those people"!

It is a fair question or is it a fear question because she knows the meaning is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Was picking up a few items at the grocery store tonight. The guy behind me starts complaining about the increase in prices.

I warned him that the increase at the grocery store is nothing compared to the increase on property tax if our tax and spend local officials get their way.

He was clueless

Anonymous said...

Mayor Mike wants people to remain clueless about the three tax increases. It is a simple strategy. He will try to keep interest in the election very low hoping he can bring out enough votes to sneak it through. It worked with the two percent sales tax election last November. I do not think it will work this election. To begin with, all of three of the property tax increases require a super majority to pass.

This is important. Had the internet sales tax election required a super majority it would have failed for a lack of votes.

Reminder all of your friends to VOTE NO on August 2, 2022. That's when the Mayors trifecta of three property tax increases will be on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

I normally detest tax increases, as I believe we are immorally overtaxed currently from all levels of government. However, I am torn on these tax increases. I know that without increases, the streets will be gravel in a few years. The resale value of my property will be negatively impacted because the city will be falling apart. We plan to retire and sell our home in a few years, so that is my concern. I am probably willing to pay more for a few years to get maximum return on my home, so I can retire somewhere far away. We have been in Raytown for over 20 years and raised our children here.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else watch Fox 4 at 10 PM last night.

Nice story on how just the inflation is causing senior to go without or seek out assistance for food.

Our seniors in Raytown need information that the greed of individuals like Ryan Meyers is going to force they to live in their cars or on the streets.

Three increases should have never came forward at the same time.

Just say NO to the youths greed!

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, one of the most odious Raytown Facebook groups appears to have been perhaps recently and vigorously "scrubbed". .. We encourage that "group" to continue to proceed in a much more positive, constructive direction. "

I noticed this too. It's doubtful that any altruistic motives were involved. Facebook closely monitors "group quality" nowadays. Administrators regularly receive warnings. If the group doesn't clean up their act, Facebook dissolves the group. Agreed that anyone associated with the City needs to stick to official webs or to something that they are responsible for.

Anonymous said...

(Regarding the tax increase:)

"State Legislature Jerome Barnes was in attendance at the meeting, and took Mims to task for her statement as not being accurate. Mims tried back-peddle on her words by saying “now was not the time discuss it”.

Barnes disagreed saying the people he represents need answers. Telling the audience all three of those are not property tax increases is not only misleading. It is dishonest."

This tax increase has the potential to put people out of their homes, or, at a minimum, severely impact many households, in my opinion.

There isn't a chance that I'm voting for it. My confidence in this city government is at an all-time low and I don't think that I'm by myself in thinking so.

Love WINS said...

As a business owner who grew up here in Raytown. I would just like to say Thank You to Greg Walter's and the Raytown Report for being a voice for our small businesses and our families. State Representative Jerome Barnes is right. The people of Raytown do need answers now before they go to vote for these three property taxes. Jackson County already has huge problems with our property taxes. It's shocking what has happened here in Jackson County. Just go to the web page of beatfrankwhite.com to see this problem. We sure don't need to add too these problems for our families and businesses. Also I would like to share Greg Walter's brought in some flyers to us about Nathan's miniature goats. Everyone who has dropped in and saw the flyers all supported Nathan to be allowed to have his miniature goats here in Raytown. You don't ever see 100% support on anything but Nathan and his family sure look like they have 100% support of all our donut lovers. Congratulations Nathan if you see this post. Sincerely Elisa Breitenbach

Anonymous said...

If the city doesn't allow goats will the city be coming to my house about my old goat.

I know to many she might not seem like a lot, but we have history.

I don't understand why a former police officer would be so against everything. First trying to tax us out of home and now policing old goats .

Anonymous said...

There is an opinion piece in the KC Star today (5/5/22) regarding allowing goats in Raytown.

Unfortunately you have to pay to read it so I don't know what it says.

I hope the family is allowed to get some goats.

Anonymous said...

Where can I find a map that shows when each street will have new asphalt?

I also would like to know if the city will be putting in curbs and sidewalks on every street as part of this project?

Anonymous said...

There are copies of the Kansas City Star guest editorial at Doughboys Donuts located at the Woodson Shopping Center - 63rd Street and Woodson Road. They are open Tuesday through Saturday every morning until noon.

Anonymous said...

I know the city claims they don't have the money to put cops out on radar to help slow down the seemingly insane drivers blasting through our neighborhoods. So maybe they could see fit to buy a radar speed sign to move around just to make some attempt to get this speeding epidemic under control.
Maybe they could even get one on loan from a vendor to check out.

Have a Happy Mother's Day Raytowners


Anonymous said...

Jacobi, Bob Bob.Jacobi@rockhurst.edu via raytown.mo.us
Fri, May 6, 8:42 AM (2 days ago)
to alderman_greg_walters@raytown.mo.us

Greg I enjoyed your op-ed in the Star regarding goats in Raytown. It did spur memories of your dad and the great variety of housing in Raytown growing up in the area. And you are right--no real reason to ban goats outright. They can also cut down on the need to mow--saving energy and pollution!

Hope you are doing well.


Bob Jacobi
Executive Director
Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City
"A crossroads community, embracing diversity and working together"

Anonymous said...

While enjoying this mother's day weekend with a few friends we got talking about the current condition of Raytown and the accomplishments of our Mayor.

The consensus is Raytown will be facing the consequences of the lack of leadership for years to come.

We are the joke to the Metro as we have no direct.

Our Mayor does a good job of kissing babies and hugging ladies, but not a one of us could list any positive accomplishment other than does a great job of bragging on some businesses, but focus on the police has held our future hostage.

I for one would like to hear some positive things as it is unresponiable to be in office two terms and wanting a third where the no one can offer one example of positive changes.

Anonymous said...

The condition of Raytown is deplorable to say the least! We are a laughing stock!

I understand we no longer have a Traffic Division in Raytown anymore. I know it is very hard to hire new officers. If the chief of police could currently use an officer to run radar in school zones, speeders on our streets, red light runners, and just poor drivers, we would not have to have the 3 tax votes in August to fix our streets. We could get more than enough revenue from all the traffic tickets issued for the driving infractions given. People know they can get away with any kind of traffic rules.

Anonymous said...

May 9, 2022 at 5:35 PM

Senate Bill 5 put a cap on the amount of operating revenue that municipalities are allowed to collect for traffic violations. Do some research.
